Cushion Gem
Cushion Gem
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Reflections from Southern Pines with Reginald Miller
Reginald Miller (10/8/20-3/9/14) was arguably the most trusted, talented cutter of important colored gemstones of our time. Here are some reflections recorded from an April 2012 trip taken by Richard Orbach and Dr. Ronnie Xu, GG to Southern Pines North Carolina to visit Mr. Miller to record interviews for the upcoming documentary "The Perfectionists" produced by Cushion Gem ©2014 Cushion Gem. All Rights Reserved.
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CHINESE Important Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Ruby & Colombian Emerald Gemstones by Cushion Gem Lapidary
Просмотров 2,3 тыс.11 лет назад 部分出自我们宝石切割工作室的著名蓝宝石,红宝石,及祖母绿 希望在2016年拥有按您的意愿切割的珍贵宝石吗?请点击此处预约洽谈。 使命:我们的目的是以独家特有的方式,在历史悠久的严格规范的基础上,为您提供按您喜爱的形状切割的能让人爱不释手的宝石。自1946年以来,从我们与雷金纳德•C•米勒公司共享的工作室里切磨出来的宝石频频打破拍卖行的记录,并成为全球的精英收藏家,经销商和珠宝商追逐的目标。可心宝石承诺为您提供单独而安全的身临其境的在线体验,使您能够追寻您的宝石从最初的设计到切割的第一刀再到最后的抛光的整个诞生过程。 我们正在构建:我们正在建立一个安全的在线门户网站,使您可以从那些专家们认为有改造前景的宝石原品中挑选出某款,让我们的切割大师进一步改良其美观度并使其转换成您喜爱的形状。从洛克菲勒蓝宝石到阿兰·卡普兰红宝石,我们一直在改写宝石的历史,并会不断进...
KOREAN Important Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Ruby & Colombian Emerald Gemstones by Cushion Gem Lapidary
Просмотров 1,2 тыс.11 лет назад Cushion Gem이 세공 한 귀중한 사파이어, 루비 & 에메랄드 젬스톤 세대를 위한 젬스톤 의뢰 2016도 젬스톤 제작 의뢰를 상담하시려면 여기를 클릭하십시오. To discuss owning a fine gemstone cut to historic specification for 2016 delivery, please go to after viewing this video. 목표: 저희 목표는 까다로운 전통 방식으로 원하시는 모양의 젬스톤을 세공 해 드리는 것입니다. 1946년부터 명망 있는 Reginald C. Miller사와 함께 종종 경매 기록을 깨고 전 세계의 수집가와 딜러 그리고 소중한 고객들로...
JAPANESE Important Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Ruby & Colombian Emerald Gemstones Cushion Gem Lapidary
Просмотров 6 тыс.11 лет назад Cushion Gem社の宝石細工技士が大切なサファイヤ・ルビーやエメラルドの宝石用原石をカット 宝石の原石を仕立てる、それは世代を超える。 2015年納品のご希望で、純度の高い天然石(ジェムストーン)の特注カットの保有をご検討していただくためのアポイントメントを取るには、こちらをクリックしてください。 To discuss owning a fine gemstone cut to historic specification for 2016 delivery, please go to after viewing this video. 使命:弊社の目的は、由緒ある厳格な仕様に基づき、ご希望の形に成形された特注カットのエキゾチックな天然石を保有する独占的利用権をお客様に提供...
ITALIAN Important Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Ruby & Colombian Emerald Gemstones by Cushion Gem Lapidary
Просмотров 3,5 тыс.11 лет назад Zaffiri, Rubini e Smeraldi di pregio, tagliati da Cushion Gem Per prendere un appuntamento, per parlare della vostra gemma e di come desiderate tagliarla assecondando i vostri desideri per il 2016, clickate qui. To discuss owning a fine gemstone cut to historic specification for 2016 delivery, please go to after viewing this video. MISSIONE: ...
GERMAN Important Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Ruby & Colombian Emerald Gemstones by Cushion Gem Lapidary
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.11 лет назад Wichtige Saphir-, Rubin- und Smaragdedelsteine geschnitten von einem Cushion Gem Edelsteinschneider Klicken Sie hier, um einen Termin auszumachen, um darüber zu diskutieren, selbst einen feingeschnittenen Edelstein im Jahre 2016 zu besitzen. To discuss owning a fine gemstone cut to historic specification for 2016 delivery, please go to after ...
PORTUGUESE Important Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Ruby & Colombian Emerald Gemstones Cushion Gem Lapidary
Просмотров 12 тыс.11 лет назад "Importantes Pedras Preciosas, Safira, Rubi e Esmeralda Lapidadas pelo Lapidário de Cushion Gem" Para solicitar uma consulta referente à aquisição de uma fina joia lapidada de acordo com sua vontade e entregue em 2016, por favor, clique aqui. To discuss owning a fine gemstone cut to historic specification for 2016 delivery, please go to after...
RUSSIAN Important Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Ruby & Colombian Emerald Gemstones by Cushion Gem Lapidary
Просмотров 4,4 тыс.11 лет назад Важные драгоценные камни сапфиры, рубины и изумруды, ограненные в гранильной мастерской Cushion Gem Чтобы договориться о встрече для обсуждения индивидуального заказа по огранке драгоценного камня по Вашему вкусу в 2016 году, пожалуйста, нажмите здесь. To discuss owning a fine gemstone cut to historic specification for 2016 delivery, please go to www.cushiongem...
FRENCH Important Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Ruby & Colombian Emerald Gemstones by Cushion Gem Lapidary
Просмотров 4,1 тыс.11 лет назад Saphirs, Rubis et Emeraudes d'Exception Taillés par les Lapidaires de Cushion Gem Notre service de taille sur mesure vous intéresse? N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour discuter de votre projet. Vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous en cliquant ici. after To discuss owning a fine gemstone cut to historic specification for 2016 delivery, please go to
SPANISH Important Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Ruby & Colombian Emerald Gemstones by Cushion Gem Lapidary
Просмотров 4,2 тыс.11 лет назад Importantes Zafiros, Rubíes y Esmeraldas cortados por el lapidario de Cushion Gem Piedras preciosas cortadas a pedido, valiosas por generaciones Haga clic aquí si desea solicitar cita para considerar la posibilidad de poseer una piedra preciosa cortada a su gusto en 2016. To discuss owning a fine gemstone cut to historic specification for 2016 delivery, please ...
Important Kashmir Sapphire, Burma Ruby & Colombian Emerald Gemstones Cut by Cushion Gem Lapidary
Просмотров 450 тыс.11 лет назад To discuss owning a fine gemstone cut to historic specification for 2016 delivery, please go to after viewing this video. MISSION: Our purpose is to offer you exclusive access to owning custom cut exotic gemstones formed in the shape you desire based on historic exacting specifications. Since 1946 gems cut in the office we share with the venerable lapidary ...


  • @gigisdiamonds
    @gigisdiamonds 3 года назад

    The thing I took away from this is. He knew and now resides with the creator of all these beautiful gems he got to help fashion. Read the post on his door. I’m sure he will be enjoying the beauty of heaven. I hope to meet him someday. I’m sure God places the creativeness in us and doesn’t waste a lifetime of honing it. I appreciated this video. Thank you for sharing. ✨😊✨

  • @petepenn1
    @petepenn1 10 лет назад

    Thanks for this post Richard, we did not know he had passed on to Crystal Heaven. His memory will live on through the many gems that he has unveiled. May Cushion Gem continue his legacy of perfection for many generations to come . Best Wishes.....PasHamilton