Bring back WhiteSprings Nuke Zone with infinite Glowing ones Spawns. That way it forces people to go out and drop a nuke to get a xp farm. Making it only last 2 hours on the server.
I miss those days, however they would never, seeing as even the enemies in that building in the middle has no enemies now, they are sadly making the game softer for the new players, before Whitesprings was an end game area to farm and now its a refuge new players have to go to, so sad. I miss the old parts of the game.
@@BlackSouledCrowz I didn't play the game until it had been out for years, but I had seen videos of other people playing. When I was told to go to Whitesprings, I put it off until I felt confident enough to fight my way through, although I still expected it to be a slog. Imagine my surprise when all of the robots were friendly and I could just stroll up to the front doors.
I knew something was up, I hadn’t played since npc’s made an appearance ( a long time I know ). I nuked whitesprings and it was dead. Sad they nerfed it
it absolutely blows my mind how they thought bloodied commando needed a buff, i love my q2525 railway and qe25 handmade but ffs, make other weapons and builds stronger.
@@HamuraiJack29 Haven't we heavies been eating good lately though? Unique Flamer, a TS grenade launcher, ts fatboy, explosive minigun, and now the cremator, frankly we have a lot and I think I'd rather have them give the other new uniques to other builds.
Edit: Tried this a few times last night and seems like when you're on a private world (Fo1st) the super mutants won't respawn no matter what, however if you're on a public server they will just on occasion all of the super mutant hounds will be dead when reloading the instance. I was just farming WestTek yesterday. When I first came in the mutants weren't level 100 but when I went down the elevator and came back up every single one was level 100 however all the hounds were dead.
"hey we noticed there is a huge bloodied meta and everyone is using Railway rifles! Lets reinforce the players to use this meta instead of encouraging a wider assortment of playstyles!"
@@jt3008 they hold their own fine, they just don't hold against any of the other weapons, cold shoulder is good and doesn't really need support but it's P2W and only a handful of legendary rolls are as efficient as other guns. Not to mention most shotty uniques are underwhelming compared to other weapon classes' uniques.
@MrDelgado559 level 873 here. PA builds at for people who don't know how to make a proper build or manage their weight/inventory. Dude probably rocking max rank of traveling pharmacy and through hiker and thinks he's an end game build😂
@@elel9640not really, some people just like the play style of wearing heavy armor and using heavy weapons, everyone like something different. It doesn’t matter if it’s worse just play what you have fun with
@@MrDelgado559in bulkiness not but yeah I agree dmg is much less compared to those builds BUT I wouldn't go that far to say it's poop, it's fun, versatile using different heavy weapons with fun having flamethrowers like Holy Fire, Miniguns, Auto Axe or double Chainsaw, and also the PA you choose to wear it's yours and can modify it a lot
Well, this is good news. I was just thinking the other day, not enough people use rr's or do enough damage with them. Definitely in need of a buff. I'm sure this won't break events in the same way legacies did at all as well.
Grenade and nuke launchers annoy me far more than legacies ever did, sometimes I can’t even see, plus the bodies getting slung out of reach of the loot all range. But even more bothersome is how laggy the game is, I will unload an entire clip into a mutant at eviction notice and its health bar will just not move, and recently the animation on my weapon firing is messing up for a few minutes after loading in. Game was already unstable and all the new players seem to have made it worse.
My conspiracy, or rather unfounded hope, is that they’re shoving this chungus Railway Rifle in. It’ll saturate the high level player base. And then they’ll nerf both variants into the ground. It’ll bring it down to the Elder’s Mark / Tommy gun thing. Of course nothing the regular never been touched by nerfs Tommy Gun was never good to begin with
I think junkies should get a buff , i dont run bloodied and with the draw backs of junkies it should get a buff not as much as bloodied but it should get a slight buff from where it is .
Regarding the comparision to your Quad Railway, you should test the Quad version also again on the PTS. They implemented a change for damage drop off at range on the PTS, which can be a factor when fighting flying scorch beasts. I'm using a QE25 version for so long now, that I already forgot how big impact the -25% VATS cost has ... it reduces the 7 AP per shot down to 2 AP per shot, so it's more like -70% VATS cost.
I have a Q1525 The 2 AP cost is sooo broken. 😂 Still can't figure out how one of the hardest hitting guns in the game manages to have the lowest AP cost, but please don't "fix" it😂
The 2 ap cost is useless , with action boy , company tea and ap regen on armor The time you reload you are already full ap with 7 ap cost , i got 447 ap with no buff and i use only half of my ap per stock , break slower is better for railway even faster reload than 25% ap cost. Or course if you have low ap Or low ap regen it's strong but only in this case.
@@GodsGoofiest they already do, it's the same thing, just a reskin. They use the same model. That's why they removed the evidence quest from the expedition a while back.
There allready is, do not fret.The overgrown in the expidition give the same XP. In terms of total the other exliditions arent bad either (though personally I prefer them for ammo farming)
Commandos go bloodied because making non heavy weapons viable requires a lot of min/maxing and forgoing most QoL perks. You can't just pick up a handmade and be viable, unlike all the power creeping dlc leaf blowers that the favorites get blessed with every update.
hoping and praying that the west tek lvl 75 super mutants are just a bug in the PTR. for the love of god they should be making stuff have a higher level not lower.
@@seanlai7739especially if all of those new players are like one I saw last week, hounding a level 1500 player. "You're high level...give me something!"
Haha, to be fair, I think the AC expeditions are busted, I can level up 2-3 times within that 8 minutes window it’s insane. But we all know it’s gonna get patch eventually. I think with 4 player you can easily get 25k xp by completing
The Vats Unknown still seems to do decent damage when I'm playing my sneak pistol build. Just to try and point you toward something you may not be aware of.
I don't get why they nerf stuff like westtek, why they even spend time even thinking about it when theres so many busted things they should be focusing on
Was surprised when they buffed it a few years back .... knowing Bethesda that was an accident and now they are correcting it. It usually takes them awhile to fix things the unintentionally break
The point he's making is melee will probably have a tougher time clearing the gap to hit an enemy before it's instantly mowed down by someone holding one of these.
If the double effect persists through reroll like the ogua gauntlet's 20% damage bonus, then this is a buff to the railway meta overall. People will trade for these and roll them to try for new, more powerful godrolls. Getting 50 crit in there would be really nice. The trade value of this weapon depends entirely on whether that double effect persists through reroll. It will be near worthless if not (maybe 20k caps or such, and caps are near worthless). If double persists, the trade value could be quite high as you'll need multiples to do serious rolling (ie, you always want to keep near-godrolls and off-meta godrolls). I kinda hope the effect doesn't persist, as railway commando is already the DPS king by a large margin. On the other hand, I want to roll one of these over to a high health roll. It's always a little frustrating that some devs at Bethesda clearly understand the low-health commando meta...and yet always seem to reinforce it while stomping down anything else that might have been fun. It would be rational to fear wasting a lot of rerolls on railway under the assumption that it will get nerfed, but you'd have to assume rational devs. Personally, I'd like to see railway's recoil reduce significantly and AP cost raised, to make to make it more useful outside of VATs, while less of a beast in VATs. VATs eliminating recoil is a fundamental issue with the game. If AP cost were reliably scaled with recoil, it would help balance it a bit. VATs gets so many advantages, that it's really hard to justify a play style that isn't VATs focused. I'm really grateful for the cremator right now for giving me a break from VATs. Cremator is the best thing to happen to the game in a long time. Combined with the influx of new players from the show, and we've got a little golden era going right now.
Considering all the youtube video made about these new weapons and not one of them showed a rerolled one, I think it’s safe to assume most, if not all, of these new weapons cant be rerolled.
Agreed with everything except the VATs eliminating recoil part. It creates a fun dynamic where you spend AP to bypass a horrid aspect of a gun, with other guns not having that problem. They could balance this with ammo somehow. Make these weapons ammo harder to carry even with perks and harder to scavenge. IDK, just spitballing. But I agree overall the meta is so stagnant. They really need to uplift other weapon types or tone these down slightly or a combo of both. It shouldn’t be so obvious what you should be rolling with by a country mile. That’s not a healthy meta and metas have a lot of influence on the longevity of games for people. Guys like Tyr left because of shit like this.
@@Momofukudoodoowindu Oh I think VATs should still bypass recoil. It has to be for VATs to function really, but that creates a balance problem. A healthy solution would be to increase the AP cost relative to the recoil you're 'saving' with VATs. Railway rifle is such an extreme case. It's essentially unusable outside of VATs. It was given a much higher base damage with the high recoil as the balance, with apparently no thought to VATs. The AP use in VATs is very low. Lowering the recoil to make it useful out of VATs and raising the AP cost a bit would help that balance. If they doubled the AP cost, it would still be the meta commando weapon. I think pretty much everyone agrees other weapons should be brought up. The 'explosive energy' fix in the last patch knocked pistols back down. Cryo AD pistol could actually nip at the heels of commando, although giving up agility perks for pistol damage is a tough pill to swallow. That was probably a bug that needed to be fixed, but it should have been paired with something to make pistols more competitive. The game is in need dire need of an Anti-Material Rifle for rifleman. Something that can make rifleman the king of burst damage, while not trailing too far behind on DPS. Thinking about that just makes me so glad that cremator has entered the meta. There's a niche where commando isn't the best thing, and it's AOE. Heavy gets to be king of AOE. What would be a ton of fun is if pistols 9pt damage perks got reduced to one 3pt card that give the same total effect. Add another 3pt card giving pistols a high crit rate when firing out of VATs. That would give pistols a good non-VATs niche. With a few other VATs related cards freed up (especially in Luck!) there could be some interesting pistol builds. Low investment for the full damage for pistols would also let them work as sidearms for other builds. That kind of thing has been a dream of mine for a while now...
I always just farm boardwalk for xp anyway, since i get legendary modules, free legendaries and ammo and of course stamps. I usually get 1 lvl per run if i have lunchboxes active, and can complete it in sub 10 minutes. All around more worth it to me, especially for legendary modules 1 garunteed with a chance for 2. Also i have over 2k stamps for when union pa finally returns.
I usually get all of the xp buffs i can, inspirational perk card in charisma, theres a derby race game inside of boardwalk's arcade that give u +2 intellect for 30 minutes, cranberry relish, well rested, mothman tome buff and 4 luncboxes alltogether about 150% xp buff. Then i just go in and wreck house with the cremator, 1 shots mostly everything in a huge radius with its damage over time, fire and forget and keep running, do all side objectives, theyre real easy to do. There are no modifiers in boardwalk so its very easy to do, and enemies do drop ammo and stimpacks similar to how they would in daily ops, so you can loot everything of you want for a heafty bit of ammo, although uplink would still be better if you just want ammo. All around a better time investment imo, though if you just want xp west tek is still better. I just do expeditions for the legendary modules usually, the xp and legendaries/ammo you get is just icing on the cake. I also have herbavore since it makes cranberry relish give 25% xp buff, possibly more if you have strange in numbers and are in a grp with a mutated party member. Mothman buff and well rested are 5% each, inspirational rank 3 is 15%, cranberry relish 25%, 4 lunchboxes are 100%. For a total of 150% in xp buffs.
Do you farm on xbox? I usually do tax evasion and union dues but I can do both in under 10 as well, difficult to find people to farm with consistently though
As far as west tek nerf i figured it was coming , the way the seasons now go and the fact they are trying to lengthen game play and leveling in general. But I fear that lengthening leveling too much will have a negative affect on the more casual players as they will not be able to finish seasons I fear especially those without fallout 1st will suffer even more during seasons and with bethesda's push and drive to get subscribers for fallout 1st , I doubt this is on accident. When longer leveling time catches up with already lengthened season grind I foresee another player base drop and unfortunately most of those numbers will come from non fallout 1st subscribers. Just one man's opinion but I don't like where this is heading. I purposely play without fallout 1st these days just because of these types of tactics by game companies but thats a whole different discussion and I digress. Awesome video though Mr turtle .
@@syzuna_ + the fact that all of the PS and xbox players have to pay their subscriptions to play, ends up being near £20 a month to play fallout 76 with fallout 1st which is madness
The main difference between the Quad and the Bloody that you're not mentioning is the fact that you can get a Quad 50 Crit railway and that is by far stronger than anything else railway wise. Get Blight Soup and crit build and you'll beat boss's in 4-5 clips. A Bvhc isn't necessary as your perception is already in the mid 40's with UNY gear and perk stats. So the vhc isn't even needed on any Bloody weapon. This gun is viable for new players who don't have better options. But long term, get yourself a Q50BS and you'll not regret it.
The Bloodied outdamages the Q50c on both regular and critical shots, and now comes with 20 ammo capacity. The Quad will probably be better for DPS with reload, but the difference will not be big
@@TheSgk1981 Obviously the bloody does more damage per shot seeing how a quad gives you no damage boost. I'd have to be a super noob not to understand that. Clearly I'm talking sheer dps for boss's I'll still take my Q50 over this gun any day.
I think west tek still gonna be alright during double experience I’ve planned to do next season speed run during x2xp anyway, after unlocking all new plans, so it’ll take ~6 (if not less) hours instead of 15 It’s not healthy to grind supermutant genocide all day long
The cremator makes sense, since one guy with a cremator would make it impossible to tag anything in an event. West tek on the other hand is just a huge fuck you to anyone who can’t spend hours grinding dailies everyday.
@@Im-Your-Huckleberry. haha I don’t really bother trying to level since I got full lego cards on every character but seasons are going to be a nightmare now. Making you go past season level 100 and nerfing west tek. Common Bethesda L.
I already hated commandos in Eviction Notice deleting the Mutants before they even spawn properly and turn legendary. Now with this, I'm going to hate them more.
I've been annoyed by selfish players annihilating rather than tagging in the best public events for years. Rad Rumble, SBQ, even Uranium Fever. I use a weak build with a Gauss SG or Quad Tesla (Turtle seems to favor Pepper Shaker), then switch to Holy Fire or V autoaxe/chainsaw if I'm in trouble. Would appreciate players thinking of others. It would improve the gameplay. If you have FO 1st and want a challenge, try these events solo on a private server. Eviction Notice is tough!
That's on you, people are not going to play at your level. You wanna do eviction notice with a golf club, have at it. I'm all for tagging and getting ex, but, eviction notice isn't considered an xp event, it's a scrip event.
They need to leave Westek alone. It would be asinine to make Westek the only location in the game where you can't spawn max level enemies. They need to stop being so greedy and trying to make seasons take longer and longer. I've got multiple accounts and I'm about sick of the nerfs that make finishing the season on both of them virtually impossible. They just quadrupled the average player count because of the TV show, there is enough money coming in without all this arm twisting.
There will never be enough money that's the issue with everything. Greed controls so many people and even more so for the small % who have a ton of money. Why is there still tipping? Greed. Why do prices go up but pay is very often way behind? Greed. It just sucks because ppl can feel ok with paying more for valued entertainment and gaming is valued by gamers.
@@HamuraiJack29 When I first heard that companies do this I was like no way, but I get it now. It's just bad for a game and it's community. It might get ppl to play longer now but leave sooner. I'm just over this FOMO promotion crap. Let ppl play a good game and they will spend time and money on it. Companies just want to cut corners and shoot for higher margins now.
The q50c rr is still king for bosses, but this will give it a run for its money vs every other enemy. This is particularly great for newer players and power armor users. The 2&3* affixes go a long way toward making up for the Per and Lck you don't get without a full uny set. No more nuka darks to crit/2 in PA, just herd, fortune teller and chally to get L=23, or a natural crit/3 with only one rank of savvy.
For a while there it seemed like Bethesda was lessening the grind. But with this new battle pass system and West Tek nerf they've made it clear that they're doubling down. Anything to frustrate the playerbase and get you to spend money, yay!
I appreciate that they want to add drag to completing seasons, I also want more reasons to play, and to play for longer. I was hoping that would be through incentives and rewards and not via friction with existing grinds.
How exactly does XP farming make for a healthier game? I've been playing for years. I'm level 873. I've never wasted my time XP farming, because... why? To make the number next to my name bigger?? What quality of life improvement does the level 8759 who spends 6 hours a day farming Westtek have over me? Why should a company encourage exploiting the leveling system to begin with? Just to be clear, I'm not trying to be a dick, these are honest questions from someone who has been playing for years.
@@elel9640 I farm to complete the scoreboard/season and get the goodies I want. I'm currently sitting at level 995 and am not farming just to break 1K.
(Platform: PC) On Public Version seems they find an way to stop people farm Westek. Since last week they started to give one bonus challenge for daily but with this they also removed the 10k xp repeatable weekly challenge.
@@psycleshift No, because the Overgrown continuely spawn and you can just continuously kill them and don’t have to do the expedition fully and if they do so happen to stop spawning, you can literally just leave and reload it
My guess with Wes Tek ... is when they buffed it a few years back, it was likely unintentional (because when have they ever done something like that before) and they have only now gotten around to correcting whatever broken coding caused it in the first place ...... this would be something very Bethesda like
The elevator that leads to the FEV facility in West Tek is the key to the endless grind of xp in that location. If they make it inaccessible in a future update, I’m gonna be pissed.
@@kutkuknight Doesn’t do that to me. I always take the elevator, kill the mutants that are down there, and take the elevator back up to reset West Tek (interior), and every Super Mutant respawns immediately. Literally the XP farm technique.
@@BrianSimon-by6go I’ve just recently completed the BOS quest that takes you down into the facility. But I was still able to access the elevator to the lower level section long before the quest that takes you into West Tek. You just can’t go into the last room, or the arena where you fight Dr. Blackburn.
@3:22 With sneak multipliers. You should demonstrate a weapon's damage without using buffs or multipliers. The damage you demonstrate is always exaggerated.
That's what I've always done. Really tho, they want people farming expeditions for this. They're better optimized than the location that's been in the game since launch.
@@panzer00 nothing in itself, but wanting to use them to kill everything at once in a event is just annoying. Especially for all the newer players that are trying to participate
Nice one! But I wish they would fix the inconsistency between servers. Today on xbox I had a hard time using my quad railway. Only 1/3 of the hits was accounted for. Swapped server a couple of times and everything was fine until it locked up and everyone was thrown out.
I didn't know how good bloodied railway rifles were so I gave away a bloodied, 50 critical damage, and -25 AP I had it in my vendor for 15k but no one bought it after weeks of being there so I just gave it away lol
@@cultureminister id man my quad explosive -25 AP is pretty disgusting I've tried various other combos but the AP does actually seem to make it last longer uninterrupted
Generally every 1st star except Quad is terrible on a railway. With a 10 round mag you spend a full 2/3 of your time reloading (assuming you have rank 3 ground pounder and speed demon). Spending that much time reloading not only kills it's dps but makes it feel terrible to use. Quad on the other hand only spends 1/3 of it's time reloading, which means way better dps and also way more fun to use. This bloodied version is a bit better because it has 20 rounds instead of the normal 10.
@@Urrarg I'm inclined to agree again I never used that weapon so I just had it sitting there the guy I gave it too seemed pretty geeked up about it then again he was only level 500
My quad faster fire/reduced AP cost railway is great, but most of the time the game can’t keep up with the damage calculations. The railway spikes hit so fast that the game just doesn’t register most of them as hits. It’s so fucking frustrating.
They may have bigger bug problem in VAST. I was alone in the event and only manual aiming damage works, two of my railway just stop do any damage with VAST.
Watch this be like Oathbreaker where they change the effects on it after it gets released, before it had Anti-Armor what it is now Suppressor's? I stuffed it in the Stash after the changes and crafted a Bloodied Faster Swing Speed Strength war glaive
At least the cremator gives others a chance at hitting, and doesn't cover the entire screen fire and brimstone. Railways kill so quick and thoroughly, we are almost back to the old way where you had to choose to share so people could loot.
I so want the ticket to revenge rail rifle, love the red paint scheme, bloodied with 20 chip mag lol I have a similar rail rifle but have agility +1 rather than 50+ VATS hit and of course 10 chip mag and that's a monster so more accuracy and double the ammo you can't complain.
Im sorry... West tek nerf?? So the only viable way to level up is gone. Great. Awesome. Just what everyone wanted bethesda. Not fixing the STILL gamebreaking bugs and glitches and crashes but nerfing a spot to get Experiance. Great job as always 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Dumb how unbalanced the game is with guns. They should make a lot of the guns near the same performance. One gun should not be the only gun people use or least of that type.
As a man who loves trains and just accidentally found out that the railway rifle is the best in the game, I agree completely. It's really sad that I can't run around with a 44 revolver and at least perform competently. I don't want to ever go in the game to melt in two hits but I also don't want half the guns in the game to do nothing.
I'm level 150 and use bloody with unyealding, but I don't like the fact that you have to be low health. So I just stay around full health. And when I meet a tougher enemy it automatically drains my health where it needs to be, spam stimpaks, radaways, and that does the trick
I think you make my Quad explosive 25%less AP look bad! 😂 The new toys are great 👍🏻 I guess Bethesda doesn’t want us to finish the score board ”seasons” so quickly. Which in my option also took a change to the worst Lv 140 until I can unlock the last page (which doesn’t have any atoms anymore) is quite of a downer, what should I do in the levels between, buying stuff I don’t want? 🤷♀️ I am looking forward to the new story content and the map expansion 👍🏻 Thanks for your videos turtle 🐢, your the best 🎉 🐢 1-1 🦀
I have a carniviore mutation and i noticed i still get some benefits from eating plants. In the past i didnt get any benefits. I ate a cobbler and still got the benefits.
God I miss the days before the community decided that bloodied was the meta and only thing for use! 😅 We use to have heavy weapons but the community complained so much they got nerfed ! It god for if we could get bloodied removed 😢 RIP my gattling laser
this weapon is so cool to play but so rare to get especially for new players from the TV show. im glad everyone will be able to get a really good one soon and that its tradeable incase ppl can miss it (like the slug buster)
That’s the stock good players use because it gives higher base durability so breaks less often also the recoil is irrelevant on railway since it’s a vats weapon
I went into westek as a solo player two days ago and everything had already been killed. I thought it was meant to be a unique instance attached to my character? Has that changed? If so, it would be much harder for non-1st players to xp grind there (maybe that’s the point)
Just one thing: Ticket to Revenge does NOT come with guaranteed Bloody. Mine, for example, came with Furious/Rapid/Lightweight. And you cannot re-roll the legendary mods.
So Bethesda's ideas to keep players interested and playing is by nerfing the hell out of everything FORCING you to spend more time to get things done or gain xp and by turning us all into a giant herd of brahmin all having the same build and weapons??!!!! Why have all these weapons in game if the majority of them feel extremely underwhelming and useless? The game used to be about exploration, events, variety and loads of quests making it feel like an actual Fallout game. It had a very unique feel and original aspects like the Scoreboard. Now it's turning into the typical overly grindy, meta based bs that is more focused on financial greed than players actually being happy in game. It's very frustrating being a gamer these days.
It's very simple, bethesda is catering to new players not caring about the ogs. So everyone gets god weapons, civil armor etc. Years of work for what, for the things i have to become worth less? Just keep in mind bethesda, WE originals are the ones paying the annual fees lining your pockets with dollars. You are about to lose mine.
I would use the Railway Rifle, but the ammo weights a ton... I have the cards for balistic ammo weight, energy ammo weight, but which weight reduction perk card reduce the weight of railway rifle nails?
I did not know they nerfed west tek til today. I had 62 intelligence and had 8 lunchbox/banner boosts with food/chem buffs and was only getting 1300 xp from a lvl 100 Super Mutant.
Been using railways since level 20. Tried all other builds but always go back to the chop chop. Level 941 now. Still no better weapon since legacies removed.
New railgun will be a good daily driver. But I think quad is still going to be king vs bosses. Nerfing west tek is pretty dumb. I hope that doesn't go live.
Everyone complaining about commando.. you can do ALMOST as much damage on a pistol and heavy build if you KNOW what you are doing! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FFS!! This is the problem when people only watch RUclips for all their information instead of actually playing the game themselves and finding out what actually can be achieved
I've returned to the game on a different platform, and want to use a high Int PA build to grind levels for legendary perks, what weapons powerful as of right now? Is there any builds on your channel you can recommend?
Does anyone know how TwoShot works on the MIRV? Does it just add one more explosion projectile like on shotguns or does it double it. Thank you for your time!
i think that a quad crit railway is still better against the bosses ,if you are fully buffed for crits of course....west tek could ba a pts bug, remember in the last pts, west tek was broken there aswell
Bring back WhiteSprings Nuke Zone with infinite Glowing ones Spawns. That way it forces people to go out and drop a nuke to get a xp farm. Making it only last 2 hours on the server.
I miss those days, however they would never, seeing as even the enemies in that building in the middle has no enemies now, they are sadly making the game softer for the new players, before Whitesprings was an end game area to farm and now its a refuge new players have to go to, so sad. I miss the old parts of the game.
@@BlackSouledCrowz I didn't play the game until it had been out for years, but I had seen videos of other people playing. When I was told to go to Whitesprings, I put it off until I felt confident enough to fight my way through, although I still expected it to be a slog. Imagine my surprise when all of the robots were friendly and I could just stroll up to the front doors.
I knew something was up, I hadn’t played since npc’s made an appearance ( a long time I know ). I nuked whitesprings and it was dead. Sad they nerfed it
have to agree on this. i am constantly needing high radiation fluids for serums and this was the best way.
When did they change this? I've nuked it quite a few times in the last year or so
it absolutely blows my mind how they thought bloodied commando needed a buff, i love my q2525 railway and qe25 handmade but ffs, make other weapons and builds stronger.
Yeah heavy weapon users need more dlc weapons
@@HamuraiJack29 Haven't we heavies been eating good lately though? Unique Flamer, a TS grenade launcher, ts fatboy, explosive minigun, and now the cremator, frankly we have a lot and I think I'd rather have them give the other new uniques to other builds.
@@unloyal4847he was being sarcastic
Yessir MrWestTech is gonna be debostated. 🤟😁🫣
Edit: Tried this a few times last night and seems like when you're on a private world (Fo1st) the super mutants won't respawn no matter what, however if you're on a public server they will just on occasion all of the super mutant hounds will be dead when reloading the instance.
I was just farming WestTek yesterday. When I first came in the mutants weren't level 100 but when I went down the elevator and came back up every single one was level 100 however all the hounds were dead.
Season pass nerf and now this?!! The WestTek has fallen billion must buy atoms
wes tek since launch, place should be the safest spot on the map at this point
@jaysworld9388 makes me wonder what the next xp farm is gonna be 25% less xp sounds too brutal to now
"hey we noticed there is a huge bloodied meta and everyone is using Railway rifles! Lets reinforce the players to use this meta instead of encouraging a wider assortment of playstyles!"
And we'll nerf a niche specific roll on the Alien Blaster for no reason! Even though it was the only pistol even worth using!
fr, other kinds of weapons are in dire need of a buff, mainly pistols and shotguns
@@Azzy2100shotty needs a slug or armor pen, as it stands it's like a weaker melee build
@@mintoe536I swear people that complain about shotguns just don't know how to play.
@@jt3008 they hold their own fine, they just don't hold against any of the other weapons, cold shoulder is good and doesn't really need support but it's P2W and only a handful of legendary rolls are as efficient as other guns. Not to mention most shotty uniques are underwhelming compared to other weapon classes' uniques.
"Every build but commando crying in the corner"
So Heavy Power? Cause theres only 2 builds in FO76
@@geoffyoung8249 heavy gunner builds are poop compared to commando
@MrDelgado559 level 873 here.
PA builds at for people who don't know how to make a proper build or manage their weight/inventory.
Dude probably rocking max rank of traveling pharmacy and through hiker and thinks he's an end game build😂
@@elel9640not really, some people just like the play style of wearing heavy armor and using heavy weapons, everyone like something different. It doesn’t matter if it’s worse just play what you have fun with
@@MrDelgado559in bulkiness not but yeah I agree dmg is much less compared to those builds BUT I wouldn't go that far to say it's poop, it's fun, versatile using different heavy weapons with fun having flamethrowers like Holy Fire, Miniguns, Auto Axe or double Chainsaw, and also the PA you choose to wear it's yours and can modify it a lot
Just a small info regarding West-Tek, 25% less experience means you have to spend 33% more time for the same results.
Looks like I'm just gonna grind westek during double xp events.
You and me and everyone else too 🤔🙄
I wonder if a new meta will drop for xp. And it’s still better than the old days I guess.
Well, this is good news.
I was just thinking the other day, not enough people use rr's or do enough damage with them. Definitely in need of a buff.
I'm sure this won't break events in the same way legacies did at all as well.
Grenade and nuke launchers annoy me far more than legacies ever did, sometimes I can’t even see, plus the bodies getting slung out of reach of the loot all range. But even more bothersome is how laggy the game is, I will unload an entire clip into a mutant at eviction notice and its health bar will just not move, and recently the animation on my weapon firing is messing up for a few minutes after loading in. Game was already unstable and all the new players seem to have made it worse.
My conspiracy, or rather unfounded hope, is that they’re shoving this chungus Railway Rifle in. It’ll saturate the high level player base. And then they’ll nerf both variants into the ground. It’ll bring it down to the Elder’s Mark / Tommy gun thing. Of course nothing the regular never been touched by nerfs Tommy Gun was never good to begin with
@@11202 ngl i´m suprised the Railway is as strong as it is, i would not be suprised or upset if they would make it´s fire rate the same as in Fo4
Comparing this to legacies is idiotic. Not sure how this will ruin events when the goal of events to to complete them.
I think junkies should get a buff , i dont run bloodied and with the draw backs of junkies it should get a buff not as much as bloodied but it should get a slight buff from where it is .
Yep. Aristocrats is pretty much a better version of Junkies due to having no down side.
Kind of easy earning caps in the game.
@@geoffreyprior8931 yeah I just spend them too much lol
@@berns3337 just sell any diluted chems. Also any junk that you have tons of.
What needs a buff is the no armor legendary effect
I think junkies is amazing, you can create a sellection of the lest negative impactful addictions and easy 50% buff all the time.
Regarding the comparision to your Quad Railway, you should test the Quad version also again on the PTS. They implemented a change for damage drop off at range on the PTS, which can be a factor when fighting flying scorch beasts. I'm using a QE25 version for so long now, that I already forgot how big impact the -25% VATS cost has ... it reduces the 7 AP per shot down to 2 AP per shot, so it's more like -70% VATS cost.
I have a Q1525
The 2 AP cost is sooo broken. 😂
Still can't figure out how one of the hardest hitting guns in the game manages to have the lowest AP cost, but please don't "fix" it😂
The 2 ap cost is useless , with action boy , company tea and ap regen on armor The time you reload you are already full ap with 7 ap cost , i got 447 ap with no buff and i use only half of my ap per stock , break slower is better for railway even faster reload than 25% ap cost.
Or course if you have low ap
Or low ap regen it's strong but only in this case.
West Tek nerfed to encourage buying scoreboard ranks for money maybe?
Most likely.
Greed ruins all good things
no dude its to incentivize expeditions the overgrown are gonna start giving the same xp as mutants
They'll probably also run more double XP weekends to get players to return. Turn West Tek into a once or twice a month XP event.
@@GodsGoofiest they already do, it's the same thing, just a reskin. They use the same model. That's why they removed the evidence quest from the expedition a while back.
they shouldnt nerf west tek if theyre not adding a comparable way to get xp
They just want people to buy the season pass
What haven't they nerfed?
There allready is, do not fret.The overgrown in the expidition give the same XP. In terms of total the other exliditions arent bad either (though personally I prefer them for ammo farming)
@lastwymsi west tek is a 3 min run, expeditions are 15 mins. Not comparable.
This is great, low health commandos really needed a buff LOL
commando does not need any more buffs lmao
@@stalebread2598 I think he was being sarcastic haha
@@AestheticShrine yeah of course I was kidding 😂
Ill take a commando build
How original
And make it bloodied!
Daring today arent we?
Commandos go bloodied because making non heavy weapons viable requires a lot of min/maxing and forgoing most QoL perks. You can't just pick up a handmade and be viable, unlike all the power creeping dlc leaf blowers that the favorites get blessed with every update.
hoping and praying that the west tek lvl 75 super mutants are just a bug in the PTR. for the love of god they should be making stuff have a higher level not lower.
Someone give a wellness check to Mr. WestTek lol
He must be darn excited with the influx of newer players joining in. haha
@@seanlai7739especially if all of those new players are like one I saw last week, hounding a level 1500 player. "You're high level...give me something!"
Haha, to be fair, I think the AC expeditions are busted, I can level up 2-3 times within that 8 minutes window it’s insane. But we all know it’s gonna get patch eventually. I think with 4 player you can easily get 25k xp by completing
"And.... fire!" Dead. That was a great laugh for this morning. 😂
she really surprised me with this move 😅
Make the alien blaster great again
Pets essential characters
There are so much things to do
I recently lost my Mirelurk King. I don't even know what happened to him.
@@Zyroes same here, todd decided would be fun to spawn scorched that can attack him ande he cant attack back
The Vats Unknown still seems to do decent damage when I'm playing my sneak pistol build. Just to try and point you toward something you may not be aware of.
Smoked his ass@@Zyroes
I don't get why they nerf stuff like westtek, why they even spend time even thinking about it when theres so many busted things they should be focusing on
Because we like it. Therefore it must be nerfed.
Was surprised when they buffed it a few years back .... knowing Bethesda that was an accident and now they are correcting it. It usually takes them awhile to fix things the unintentionally break
*fun detected* we don't do that here
@@lishca84, that's how they are.
They keep bringing heavy guns, they need to add to our carry and stash weight
Yes exactly!!! Can’t even keep much good stuff 1200 weight is such a joke
even worse without fallout first. I literally was forced to get it since I have so many mats. pre fallout 1st I had 1100 in scrap/mats
Guess I'll be spamming expeditions for XP. Can get stamps, modules, and scrip items as well as ammo. It's honestly not so bad.
Until you compare time...
i rather have modules and scrip over XP anyway
I met a genius the other day. He said "let's both do them solo, but then finish each one as a team." 🤯
@@HamuraiJack29That’s…really smart
@@HamuraiJack29what system are you playing on ?
The 10mm sub will definitely take a top tier weapon spot also. Looking forward to these new weapons.
Why’s that? Are they finally reworking it?
It will be receiving its suppressor in next update.
@@Chromedskulls exactly!
10mm SMG enjoyers unite!
@@Chromedskulls 🫡
Great, I'm sure melee builds are screaming with joy and they'll have for sure EVEN MORE fun now at events.
The point he's making is melee will probably have a tougher time clearing the gap to hit an enemy before it's instantly mowed down by someone holding one of these.
He's being cynjcal. Melle users trying to get a kill at a queen event for example js already frustrating so imagine now.. @49ersSince89
If the double effect persists through reroll like the ogua gauntlet's 20% damage bonus, then this is a buff to the railway meta overall. People will trade for these and roll them to try for new, more powerful godrolls. Getting 50 crit in there would be really nice. The trade value of this weapon depends entirely on whether that double effect persists through reroll. It will be near worthless if not (maybe 20k caps or such, and caps are near worthless). If double persists, the trade value could be quite high as you'll need multiples to do serious rolling (ie, you always want to keep near-godrolls and off-meta godrolls). I kinda hope the effect doesn't persist, as railway commando is already the DPS king by a large margin. On the other hand, I want to roll one of these over to a high health roll.
It's always a little frustrating that some devs at Bethesda clearly understand the low-health commando meta...and yet always seem to reinforce it while stomping down anything else that might have been fun. It would be rational to fear wasting a lot of rerolls on railway under the assumption that it will get nerfed, but you'd have to assume rational devs. Personally, I'd like to see railway's recoil reduce significantly and AP cost raised, to make to make it more useful outside of VATs, while less of a beast in VATs. VATs eliminating recoil is a fundamental issue with the game. If AP cost were reliably scaled with recoil, it would help balance it a bit. VATs gets so many advantages, that it's really hard to justify a play style that isn't VATs focused. I'm really grateful for the cremator right now for giving me a break from VATs. Cremator is the best thing to happen to the game in a long time. Combined with the influx of new players from the show, and we've got a little golden era going right now.
Considering all the youtube video made about these new weapons and not one of them showed a rerolled one, I think it’s safe to assume most, if not all, of these new weapons cant be rerolled.
Very good post. I agree, especially with the 2nd paragraph. Bethesda: take note!
Agreed with everything except the VATs eliminating recoil part. It creates a fun dynamic where you spend AP to bypass a horrid aspect of a gun, with other guns not having that problem.
They could balance this with ammo somehow. Make these weapons ammo harder to carry even with perks and harder to scavenge. IDK, just spitballing. But I agree overall the meta is so stagnant. They really need to uplift other weapon types or tone these down slightly or a combo of both. It shouldn’t be so obvious what you should be rolling with by a country mile. That’s not a healthy meta and metas have a lot of influence on the longevity of games for people. Guys like Tyr left because of shit like this.
Im thinking this will be unroll-able
@@Momofukudoodoowindu Oh I think VATs should still bypass recoil. It has to be for VATs to function really, but that creates a balance problem. A healthy solution would be to increase the AP cost relative to the recoil you're 'saving' with VATs. Railway rifle is such an extreme case. It's essentially unusable outside of VATs. It was given a much higher base damage with the high recoil as the balance, with apparently no thought to VATs. The AP use in VATs is very low. Lowering the recoil to make it useful out of VATs and raising the AP cost a bit would help that balance. If they doubled the AP cost, it would still be the meta commando weapon.
I think pretty much everyone agrees other weapons should be brought up. The 'explosive energy' fix in the last patch knocked pistols back down. Cryo AD pistol could actually nip at the heels of commando, although giving up agility perks for pistol damage is a tough pill to swallow. That was probably a bug that needed to be fixed, but it should have been paired with something to make pistols more competitive. The game is in need dire need of an Anti-Material Rifle for rifleman. Something that can make rifleman the king of burst damage, while not trailing too far behind on DPS.
Thinking about that just makes me so glad that cremator has entered the meta. There's a niche where commando isn't the best thing, and it's AOE. Heavy gets to be king of AOE.
What would be a ton of fun is if pistols 9pt damage perks got reduced to one 3pt card that give the same total effect. Add another 3pt card giving pistols a high crit rate when firing out of VATs. That would give pistols a good non-VATs niche. With a few other VATs related cards freed up (especially in Luck!) there could be some interesting pistol builds. Low investment for the full damage for pistols would also let them work as sidearms for other builds. That kind of thing has been a dream of mine for a while now...
I always just farm boardwalk for xp anyway, since i get legendary modules, free legendaries and ammo and of course stamps. I usually get 1 lvl per run if i have lunchboxes active, and can complete it in sub 10 minutes. All around more worth it to me, especially for legendary modules 1 garunteed with a chance for 2. Also i have over 2k stamps for when union pa finally returns.
Are there any guides for boardwalk xp? Or what do you do?
I usually get all of the xp buffs i can, inspirational perk card in charisma, theres a derby race game inside of boardwalk's arcade that give u +2 intellect for 30 minutes, cranberry relish, well rested, mothman tome buff and 4 luncboxes alltogether about 150% xp buff. Then i just go in and wreck house with the cremator, 1 shots mostly everything in a huge radius with its damage over time, fire and forget and keep running, do all side objectives, theyre real easy to do. There are no modifiers in boardwalk so its very easy to do, and enemies do drop ammo and stimpacks similar to how they would in daily ops, so you can loot everything of you want for a heafty bit of ammo, although uplink would still be better if you just want ammo. All around a better time investment imo, though if you just want xp west tek is still better. I just do expeditions for the legendary modules usually, the xp and legendaries/ammo you get is just icing on the cake. I also have herbavore since it makes cranberry relish give 25% xp buff, possibly more if you have strange in numbers and are in a grp with a mutated party member. Mothman buff and well rested are 5% each, inspirational rank 3 is 15%, cranberry relish 25%, 4 lunchboxes are 100%. For a total of 150% in xp buffs.
I always watch the turtle so alot of credit goes to him for helping me figure most of this out.
Do you farm on xbox? I usually do tax evasion and union dues but I can do both in under 10 as well, difficult to find people to farm with consistently though
@@cortez1030 no, PC.
As far as west tek nerf i figured it was coming , the way the seasons now go and the fact they are trying to lengthen game play and leveling in general. But I fear that lengthening leveling too much will have a negative affect on the more casual players as they will not be able to finish seasons I fear especially those without fallout 1st will suffer even more during seasons and with bethesda's push and drive to get subscribers for fallout 1st , I doubt this is on accident. When longer leveling time catches up with already lengthened season grind I foresee another player base drop and unfortunately most of those numbers will come from non fallout 1st subscribers. Just one man's opinion but I don't like where this is heading. I purposely play without fallout 1st these days just because of these types of tactics by game companies but thats a whole different discussion and I digress. Awesome video though Mr turtle .
Fallout 1st is also just outright to expensive...
It's more expensive than a WoW or FF14 subscription go figure xD
@@syzuna_ + the fact that all of the PS and xbox players have to pay their subscriptions to play, ends up being near £20 a month to play fallout 76 with fallout 1st which is madness
The main difference between the Quad and the Bloody that you're not mentioning is the fact that you can get a Quad 50 Crit railway and that is by far stronger than anything else railway wise. Get Blight Soup and crit build and you'll beat boss's in 4-5 clips. A Bvhc isn't necessary as your perception is already in the mid 40's with UNY gear and perk stats. So the vhc isn't even needed on any Bloody weapon. This gun is viable for new players who don't have better options. But long term, get yourself a Q50BS and you'll not regret it.
The Bloodied outdamages the Q50c on both regular and critical shots, and now comes with 20 ammo capacity. The Quad will probably be better for DPS with reload, but the difference will not be big
@@TheSgk1981 Obviously the bloody does more damage per shot seeing how a quad gives you no damage boost. I'd have to be a super noob not to understand that. Clearly I'm talking sheer dps for boss's I'll still take my Q50 over this gun any day.
I think west tek still gonna be alright during double experience
I’ve planned to do next season speed run during x2xp anyway, after unlocking all new plans, so it’ll take ~6 (if not less) hours instead of 15
It’s not healthy to grind supermutant genocide all day long
Started doing this a few seasons ago.
In Double XP events, we will be losing up to 20,000 XP.
I’m convinced Bethesda hates every player over lvl100. They finally get the game where people say it’s decent then just start throwing out nerfs.
The cremator makes sense, since one guy with a cremator would make it impossible to tag anything in an event. West tek on the other hand is just a huge fuck you to anyone who can’t spend hours grinding dailies everyday.
@@Stoppie_October, 1,000% AGREE!!!
You think Beth hates you now, wait till you reach lvl 1000. 😅
*we should have known the games downhill when the nerfed the cryolator
It is literally the anti bully gun.*
@@Im-Your-Huckleberry. haha I don’t really bother trying to level since I got full lego cards on every character but seasons are going to be a nightmare now. Making you go past season level 100 and nerfing west tek. Common Bethesda L.
Amazing railway, even usable in Power Armor. And poor Mr WestTek is on deathwatch.
I already hated commandos in Eviction Notice deleting the Mutants before they even spawn properly and turn legendary. Now with this, I'm going to hate them more.
I've been annoyed by selfish players annihilating rather than tagging in the best public events for years. Rad Rumble, SBQ, even Uranium Fever. I use a weak build with a Gauss SG or Quad Tesla (Turtle seems to favor Pepper Shaker), then switch to Holy Fire or V autoaxe/chainsaw if I'm in trouble. Would appreciate players thinking of others. It would improve the gameplay. If you have FO 1st and want a challenge, try these events solo on a private server. Eviction Notice is tough!
That's on you, people are not going to play at your level. You wanna do eviction notice with a golf club, have at it. I'm all for tagging and getting ex, but, eviction notice isn't considered an xp event, it's a scrip event.
@@psycleshift You can still tag mobs without obliterating them and get scrip.
@@speedyneon that's how you fail the event. Letting them fails all the time. More than it should.
@@psycleshift It is an XP/legendary farm
So they make it more grindy and then take away the way we level... awesome :\
They need to leave Westek alone. It would be asinine to make Westek the only location in the game where you can't spawn max level enemies. They need to stop being so greedy and trying to make seasons take longer and longer. I've got multiple accounts and I'm about sick of the nerfs that make finishing the season on both of them virtually impossible. They just quadrupled the average player count because of the TV show, there is enough money coming in without all this arm twisting.
There will never be enough money that's the issue with everything. Greed controls so many people and even more so for the small % who have a ton of money. Why is there still tipping? Greed. Why do prices go up but pay is very often way behind? Greed. It just sucks because ppl can feel ok with paying more for valued entertainment and gaming is valued by gamers.
I think the real issue is they think that making the grind longer will make people play longer.
@@HamuraiJack29 When I first heard that companies do this I was like no way, but I get it now. It's just bad for a game and it's community. It might get ppl to play longer now but leave sooner. I'm just over this FOMO promotion crap. Let ppl play a good game and they will spend time and money on it. Companies just want to cut corners and shoot for higher margins now.
That’s crazy they really made this a weapon 😂
I mainly just use West-Tek when I'm close to hitting a scoreboard milestone. It's not a huge issue for me, but I feel for you min-max madlads.
The q50c rr is still king for bosses, but this will give it a run for its money vs every other enemy.
This is particularly great for newer players and power armor users. The 2&3* affixes go a long way toward making up for the Per and Lck you don't get without a full uny set. No more nuka darks to crit/2 in PA, just herd, fortune teller and chally to get L=23, or a natural crit/3 with only one rank of savvy.
For a while there it seemed like Bethesda was lessening the grind. But with this new battle pass system and West Tek nerf they've made it clear that they're doubling down. Anything to frustrate the playerbase and get you to spend money, yay!
I appreciate that they want to add drag to completing seasons, I also want more reasons to play, and to play for longer. I was hoping that would be through incentives and rewards and not via friction with existing grinds.
Hopefully they will have more/better farming locations. I think it would be healthier for the game overall if there were more options than WestTek.
100%. I've just about gone insane farming westek. I can't take it anymore. And now a nerf. ARGGGGGH!
Bethesda's most suggested and preferred farming method: Obtain Credit Card > Load Up Credit Card > Complete Season.
How exactly does XP farming make for a healthier game?
I've been playing for years. I'm level 873. I've never wasted my time XP farming, because... why?
To make the number next to my name bigger??
What quality of life improvement does the level 8759 who spends 6 hours a day farming Westtek have over me?
Why should a company encourage exploiting the leveling system to begin with?
Just to be clear, I'm not trying to be a dick, these are honest questions from someone who has been playing for years.
@@elel9640for season exp
@@elel9640 I farm to complete the scoreboard/season and get the goodies I want. I'm currently sitting at level 995 and am not farming just to break 1K.
kudos for keeping the Mirelurk Queen oops in the reel lol
Is bloodied..the only build? 🙃
Yes, but actually yes.
I mean, low health builds are the best builds but it has absolutely nothing to do with the guns.
always has been
Anti-armour, vampire also can build
It's more a way to make weaker weapons viable. Without it everybody has to use a leaf blower, I mean heavy weapon.
(Platform: PC) On Public Version seems they find an way to stop people farm Westek. Since last week they started to give one bonus challenge for daily but with this they also removed the 10k xp repeatable weekly challenge.
The Overgrown in the expeditions will probably still spawn at 100 and they give the same XP per kill as pre-nerf West Tek super mutants
Also takes 4 times longer to complete than a west tek run.
@@psycleshift No, because the Overgrown continuely spawn and you can just continuously kill them and don’t have to do the expedition fully and if they do so happen to stop spawning, you can literally just leave and reload it
@@GodsGoofiestoh dat ass is dead, believe me (I actually don't know if it's true)
@@juliusjenkings4809 I thought they patched that?
My guess with Wes Tek ... is when they buffed it a few years back, it was likely unintentional (because when have they ever done something like that before) and they have only now gotten around to correcting whatever broken coding caused it in the first place ...... this would be something very Bethesda like
People should learn to farm the queen keep her grounded in a good spot, don’t kill her just let the adds keep coming 💯💯
The Institute better pray none of these survived. XD Can you imagine the cussing in the SRB if the Railroad got one of these?
So, instead of making new weapons, they're making trade and vendor pricing obsolete. It isn't bad enough that you nerfed every other weapon.
First it was holy fire, now it is Ticket to Revenge, the mothman cultists are honestly packing. Even more reason they are my favorite faction
The elevator that leads to the FEV facility in West Tek is the key to the endless grind of xp in that location.
If they make it inaccessible in a future update, I’m gonna be pissed.
What do you mean? The elevator breaks the game if you use it to go back
@@kutkuknight Doesn’t do that to me.
I always take the elevator, kill the mutants that are down there, and take the elevator back up to reset West Tek (interior), and every Super Mutant respawns immediately.
Literally the XP farm technique.
@@kutkuknight I don't know what you are talking about....
The elevator won’t work if you haven’t done “secrets of west tek
@@BrianSimon-by6go I’ve just recently completed the BOS quest that takes you down into the facility.
But I was still able to access the elevator to the lower level section long before the quest that takes you into West Tek. You just can’t go into the last room, or the arena where you fight Dr. Blackburn.
@3:22 With sneak multipliers. You should demonstrate a weapon's damage without using buffs or multipliers. The damage you demonstrate is always exaggerated.
If they nerfed WestTek I guess I'm starting to use my Nuka grenades on events, don't care anymore.
That's the spirit
That's what I've always done. Really tho, they want people farming expeditions for this. They're better optimized than the location that's been in the game since launch.
sure, screw the player instead of bethesda.. Great elitist mindset
@barbe00brune whats wrong with nuka nades?
@@panzer00 nothing in itself, but wanting to use them to kill everything at once in a event is just annoying. Especially for all the newer players that are trying to participate
Nice one! But I wish they would fix the inconsistency between servers. Today on xbox I had a hard time using my quad railway. Only 1/3 of the hits was accounted for. Swapped server a couple of times and everything was fine until it locked up and everyone was thrown out.
Sucks about West-Tek, better grind before its nerfed!
5:24 Thanks for keeping this hilarious moment in the video 😂
I didn't know how good bloodied railway rifles were so I gave away a bloodied, 50 critical damage, and -25 AP
I had it in my vendor for 15k but no one bought it after weeks of being there so I just gave it away lol
I think ap is useless for railway 3rd star
Them still gonna refresh during the reload
@@cultureminister id man my quad explosive -25 AP is pretty disgusting I've tried various other combos but the AP does actually seem to make it last longer uninterrupted
Generally every 1st star except Quad is terrible on a railway. With a 10 round mag you spend a full 2/3 of your time reloading (assuming you have rank 3 ground pounder and speed demon). Spending that much time reloading not only kills it's dps but makes it feel terrible to use. Quad on the other hand only spends 1/3 of it's time reloading, which means way better dps and also way more fun to use.
This bloodied version is a bit better because it has 20 rounds instead of the normal 10.
@@Urrarg I'm inclined to agree again I never used that weapon so I just had it sitting there the guy I gave it too seemed pretty geeked up about it then again he was only level 500
I hope we also unlock that paint with that quest
My quad faster fire/reduced AP cost railway is great, but most of the time the game can’t keep up with the damage calculations. The railway spikes hit so fast that the game just doesn’t register most of them as hits. It’s so fucking frustrating.
My q2525 RR is same on Xbox. I agree, it makes me want to trade it for a q50/qe
That’s been happening since day 1. Faster fire rate is a bad perk because of it.
They may have bigger bug problem in VAST. I was alone in the event and only manual aiming damage works, two of my railway just stop do any damage with VAST.
That mirelurk queen death was brilliant! Thank you for keeping it in 🤣
Meta build are boring
Watch this be like Oathbreaker where they change the effects on it after it gets released, before it had Anti-Armor what it is now Suppressor's? I stuffed it in the Stash after the changes and crafted a Bloodied Faster Swing Speed Strength war glaive
so the meta is now cremator, double bloodied railway and fatman event spam... the power creep is getting out of hand
At least the cremator gives others a chance at hitting, and doesn't cover the entire screen fire and brimstone. Railways kill so quick and thoroughly, we are almost back to the old way where you had to choose to share so people could loot.
I so want the ticket to revenge rail rifle, love the red paint scheme, bloodied with 20 chip mag lol I have a similar rail rifle but have agility +1 rather than 50+ VATS hit and of course 10 chip mag and that's a monster so more accuracy and double the ammo you can't complain.
Im sorry... West tek nerf?? So the only viable way to level up is gone. Great. Awesome. Just what everyone wanted bethesda. Not fixing the STILL gamebreaking bugs and glitches and crashes but nerfing a spot to get Experiance. Great job as always 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
I cant wait to try one!! I feel the rail should have at least 20rds 10 feels like you spend more time reloading..
Dumb how unbalanced the game is with guns. They should make a lot of the guns near the same performance. One gun should not be the only gun people use or least of that type.
As a man who loves trains and just accidentally found out that the railway rifle is the best in the game, I agree completely. It's really sad that I can't run around with a 44 revolver and at least perform competently. I don't want to ever go in the game to melt in two hits but I also don't want half the guns in the game to do nothing.
I'm level 150 and use bloody with unyealding, but I don't like the fact that you have to be low health. So I just stay around full health. And when I meet a tougher enemy it automatically drains my health where it needs to be, spam stimpaks, radaways, and that does the trick
You're wasting so much potential DMG you may as well play as a full health pa build.
What is the base special for the railway build?
The other thing about Wes tek I noticed was when my buddy and I would leave, change leaders and go back in Al the doors were open
I think you make my Quad explosive 25%less AP look bad! 😂 The new toys are great 👍🏻
I guess Bethesda doesn’t want us to finish the score board ”seasons” so quickly.
Which in my option also took a change to the worst Lv 140 until I can unlock the last page (which doesn’t have any atoms anymore) is quite of a downer, what should I do in the levels between, buying stuff I don’t want? 🤷♀️
I am looking forward to the new story content and the map expansion 👍🏻
Thanks for your videos turtle 🐢, your the best 🎉
🐢 1-1 🦀
Would you be able to reroll this to get octa railway?
I have a carniviore mutation and i noticed i still get some benefits from eating plants. In the past i didnt get any benefits. I ate a cobbler and still got the benefits.
the only weapon that has me hyped is Anchorage Ace 10mm smg.
God I miss the days before the community decided that bloodied was the meta and only thing for use! 😅 We use to have heavy weapons but the community complained so much they got nerfed ! It god for if we could get bloodied removed 😢 RIP my gattling laser
Bethesda sealed that meta with the One Wasteland nerf, this is on them
I miss my Vampires Explosive Gatling Plasma Weapon and 2shot Explosive Laser Rifle😢
@@Salvation4U As do I fellow vault dwellers
I picked a good time to start using the railway rifle and commando build. I can’t wait to get this thing
Bloodied explosive gatling would be good but some shots don't seem to register at all not sure if there's a bug of some sort
this weapon is so cool to play but so rare to get especially for new players from the TV show.
im glad everyone will be able to get a really good one soon and that its tradeable incase ppl can miss it (like the slug buster)
For my doot commando
I use a Bloodied/expl/agi
bloodied/fire rate/per
Would love to see the whole build. Armor, Perks, plus Legendary's.
I am going to love that 50% VATS chance. I miss like 4/10 shots with my RR
The humans and mobs in Atlantic City, at least for expeditions, all seem to be Lvl 100 and there's plenty of them
That’s the stock good players use because it gives higher base durability so breaks less often also the recoil is irrelevant on railway since it’s a vats weapon
I went into westek as a solo player two days ago and everything had already been killed.
I thought it was meant to be a unique instance attached to my character?
Has that changed?
If so, it would be much harder for non-1st players to xp grind there (maybe that’s the point)
Just one thing: Ticket to Revenge does NOT come with guaranteed Bloody. Mine, for example, came with Furious/Rapid/Lightweight. And you cannot re-roll the legendary mods.
it was on pts but then it was changed in live version
are the rolls random on this? seems the big deal with the current one is the -25% which allows to remain in vats very long.
So Bethesda's ideas to keep players interested and playing is by nerfing the hell out of everything FORCING you to spend more time to get things done or gain xp and by turning us all into a giant herd of brahmin all having the same build and weapons??!!!! Why have all these weapons in game if the majority of them feel extremely underwhelming and useless? The game used to be about exploration, events, variety and loads of quests making it feel like an actual Fallout game. It had a very unique feel and original aspects like the Scoreboard. Now it's turning into the typical overly grindy, meta based bs that is more focused on financial greed than players actually being happy in game. It's very frustrating being a gamer these days.
It's very simple, bethesda is catering to new players not caring about the ogs. So everyone gets god weapons, civil armor etc. Years of work for what, for the things i have to become worth less? Just keep in mind bethesda, WE originals are the ones paying the annual fees lining your pockets with dollars. You are about to lose mine.
u can get 300+dmg with q/e/25 with perks and 40 ammo so u hit with new railway 1216 on head, my 1159 also hit 59 from explosive
Wonderful. This means I can intentionally destroy events, forcing people to complain, forcing them to rework railways. It's all coming into place. . .
I would use the Railway Rifle, but the ammo weights a ton...
I have the cards for balistic ammo weight, energy ammo weight, but which weight reduction perk card reduce the weight of railway rifle nails?
since no one answered its bandoiler
People actually used west tek to lvl up never even thought it about it that place was my testing ground for my new rolls
Yes, been that way since the beginning. Where have you been? Lol
@@psycleshift not in the wasteland I came right after I finished the show lol
@@psycleshift but I’ve played as much as I can just hit lvl 200 yesterday
I get around 1600xp per kill as a carnivore but I assume herbivore can probably get around 2k. All xp gains applied.
I did not know they nerfed west tek til today. I had 62 intelligence and had 8 lunchbox/banner boosts with food/chem buffs and was only getting 1300 xp from a lvl 100 Super Mutant.
Been using railways since level 20. Tried all other builds but always go back to the chop chop. Level 941 now. Still no better weapon since legacies removed.
New railgun will be a good daily driver. But I think quad is still going to be king vs bosses.
Nerfing west tek is pretty dumb. I hope that doesn't go live.
Everyone complaining about commando.. you can do ALMOST as much damage on a pistol and heavy build if you KNOW what you are doing! LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME FFS!! This is the problem when people only watch RUclips for all their information instead of actually playing the game themselves and finding out what actually can be achieved
I'll give it a try when I pick up this weapon, but I doubt it will replace my Quad/Explosive.
"This is bad but I like the new toys mixed feelings in here" yeah that about sums it up for me too.
needed ffr. Bloodied is good when you arent hidden. Quad is good when you are.
Im pretty mutch asking me it the double is internal and if we could reroll the rr to quad again ...😅
I've returned to the game on a different platform, and want to use a high Int PA build to grind levels for legendary perks, what weapons powerful as of right now? Is there any builds on your channel you can recommend?
This just changed railways completely. I feel the only roll that could possibly match its dps is quad ffr faster reload, or maybe quad crit build
Does anyone know how TwoShot works on the MIRV? Does it just add one more explosion projectile like on shotguns or does it double it. Thank you for your time!
Ok you know the mirv fires a batch of 6 minis for 1 mini? A two shot I think launches 2 batches of 6 for 12 minis for 1 mini
@@vexile1239 thank you!
i think that a quad crit railway is still better against the bosses ,if you are fully buffed for crits of course....west tek could ba a pts bug, remember in the last pts, west tek was broken there aswell