Pennywise = Society


Комментарии • 414

  • @jensenmccue494
    @jensenmccue494 11 лет назад +1

    Somebody uncool f ed up this track

  • @punk28186
    @punk28186 15 лет назад

    You will find most old school punk bands were aggressive in there early years because the members were were in the same adolescence mentality. These guys are well into adulthood along other typical punk 'sellouts' like Green Day and the Offspring and there music has matured with them. They would be preaching a lie if these guys still have the same music 10-15 years ago. You will never get an alternative group singing the same style for this long, never.

  • @neoshaolin1
    @neoshaolin1 17 лет назад

    HAHA, I personally loved the clip of the gangsters throughing up gang signs that stuff is so stupid and there so much of that crap!

  • @finbomartini
    @finbomartini 14 лет назад

    @severintsunami "Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them." (Surah 9:121-) If you believe I'm twisting the meaning of these quotes out of context, I've included the chapter and such so you can look it up and check the context which makes it all very clear. Also Moslems believe the Koran is the word of God, it is an absolute. This is the way it is. It's not defendable.

  • @finbomartini
    @finbomartini 14 лет назад

    @severintsunami "...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: God will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them..." (Surah 9:12-) "Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-) "If you do not fight, He will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men." (Surah 9:37-)

  • @finbomartini
    @finbomartini 14 лет назад

    But the number of quotes condoning pacifism or peace are can be counted on one hand. Here are some more: "Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-) "The God will say: 'Jesus, son of Mary, did you ever say to mankind 'Worship me and my mother as gods besides God?' 'Glory to You, 'he will answer, 'how could I ever say that to which I have no right?" (Surah 5:114-) "Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

  • @forgedeath
    @forgedeath 15 лет назад

    Listen dude, I grew up on punk,
    black flag, minor threat, circle jerks, discharge, dead kennedys, broken bones, barbed wire and so on and so on....
    and even I admit, punk is dead dude,
    it's just alive in your heart,
    there will always be people who know good music,
    but as far as the punk movement goes, it's gone with the wind
    just accept it and keep the punk spirit alive

  • @enjoiCam
    @enjoiCam 16 лет назад

    lemme guess.. u are driverfan?
    anyway, sry i went a little harsh but it just pisses me off when ppl go to a pennywise video and decide to badmouth the band.. it's like why even do it? Plus i love pennywise so much they've done a lot for me so someone who bad mouth's them like that i take it a bit personal. But we all got opinions so sry if i went a little harsh

  • @wolverine2244
    @wolverine2244 16 лет назад

    And who do we get to elect? Those with all the money. Besides, do you think we actually count? Diebold controls the vote count, so all that voting doesn't mean shit.
    If societies are created for safety, then we better start over, because I sure don't feel safe.

  • @ska1982
    @ska1982  17 лет назад

    how can you possibly consider fallout boy and yellowcard hardcore? and GW the best president ever? thats the funniest shit ive ever heard. why would we want pennywise on mtv? so they can sell out and become a bunch of pussies like all the other garbage played on the channel. no thanks.

  • @MirageMusicUk
    @MirageMusicUk 12 лет назад

    People are so come on a punk video just to comment that it's nazi and we're nazis..True punks hate nazis..we're anti nazi..get educated.

  • @YodaPala
    @YodaPala 15 лет назад

    Goin to see pennywise april 19th cant wait!!!!!
    Psychostick is opening for them along with pepper!!!!
    Its gonna be badass+Jagermeister OMFG!!!!!!

  • @punklover99
    @punklover99 17 лет назад

    your not alone but there are some good band out there today and some that are just being discovered that dont suck so dont lose faith

  • @itowedin
    @itowedin 17 лет назад

    Gang script tatoo, hat wearing, choke throat singing, "Dude metal". i hate this useless crap and everything that goes along with it.

  • @wwjoeyd
    @wwjoeyd 15 лет назад

    I just seen pennywise live at the fox theater in pomona, Pennywise said how badass NOFX is and their new album rocks

  • @forgedeath
    @forgedeath 15 лет назад

    Dude you don't understand, punk is a lifestyle not a fad or trend
    It lives in YOU
    Punk (the movement) IS dead.

  • @ska1982
    @ska1982  17 лет назад

    everyone just ignore stampmaster6000, hes obviously a douche bag just trying to get a rise out of us.

  • @severintsunami
    @severintsunami 14 лет назад

    @severintsunami "......God is cognizant of their actions; but if they pay no heed, know then that God will protect you. He is the noblest Helper and the noblest Protector." This whole quote is about God DEMANDING they fight against the people that are OPPRESSING THEM IN THE NAME OF GOD. It is demanding they fight those who are treating them (militarily) wrong in the name of God. Then it says things about what the bible says THAT IT ACTUALLY SAYS YET CHURCHES PREACH OTHERWISE.

  • @severintsunami
    @severintsunami 14 лет назад

    @finbomartini First off it's sad your pulling opinion and quotes from another person and trying to pass them off as your own. Second, I do believe the bible says the same thing. The Koran is commenting on how people have changed what the bible said to suit themselves and, if you look in context of when it was written, then Crusading in the name of God. The quote is (8:36) "Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme. If they desist....." CONTINUED NEXT

  • @MrFrancoisgilbert
    @MrFrancoisgilbert 14 лет назад

    finbomartini is american for sure... islam is bad hahaha all religion got good thaught it just some peoples are understanding something else out of it and become like starwars fan's, and some others like star treck fan's. religion is not bad or good religion is just religion. blame people that use that as an excuse to sell wapon to star trecks fanatic and to stawars to they fight each others

  • @1991Tijmen1991
    @1991Tijmen1991 14 лет назад

    1: This music is not depressing.
    2: some people seem to be under the impression that one cannot change the world. Have those people never heard of Nelson Mandela, or Martin Luther King? How about Mother Theresa? If you really want to go for it, you're gonna be able to change things. And Then you will be remembered. If you have a what-does-it-matter-attitude you're never gonna change anything.

  • @Bludreamgirl
    @Bludreamgirl 15 лет назад

    I don't give a shit about the "selling out" thing..if they get paid more for actually having a message that the masses will listen to go for it good for them. and calling someone a sellout doesn't make you any more or any less "punk-rock" anyone who calls themselves "punk-rock" are categorizing them self and that is what punk was (is) trying to destroy, the ones who buy the studded belts, and wear patches and dirty clothes are also wearing uniforms.

  • @PunkWolf1984
    @PunkWolf1984 15 лет назад

    i dont like goverments of any kind... and even tho im an anarchyst id rather see Night watchemne states... its organized and imposible to corrupt but nobodys gonna start a night watchmen state cause its like a timocracy in wich goverment has no superiority over the people so no polititian in the world would support a people revolution for it... why would any selfish structured society want a goverment with no diferences in class?

    @CRONTARIO11 16 лет назад

    It's susceptible to the tragedy of the commons!
    Suppose that 1person among the billions decides not to live that way and resorts to a life of crime and violence.If he wants things which don't belong 2 him,he takes them.If he fancies a woman who doesn't want him,he rapes her.If he gets angry at a neighbor,he hits the neighbor--or shoots him.
    What is 2 prevent this?Well,disapproval of his neighbors,for one.But what if he doesn't care what anyone else thinks?They shout at him,so he shoots them,too

    @CRONTARIO11 16 лет назад

    Don`t you see that,those are western(american..whatever)cultural standards and habits!
    year 2008.!!
    Hello,wake is more than obvious that Iraqi people refuses to accept and receive those things from the "perfect West"!
    So is that what you americans call a democray,a freedom of speech,human rights!?!
    You must be joking,right?
    And i ask again..WHY??
    Why do you do that
    My fellow Americans,stop to be so narrow minded for a while,open your eyes and let`s try to stop this sudden chaos..

  • @rkodavey
    @rkodavey 17 лет назад

    Fuckin' badass. I never knew there was a video for this song until now. Pennywise is the shit!!!

  • @TerrierWhisperer
    @TerrierWhisperer 14 лет назад

    XD I remember when my friends used to say: Hey look it's your idol/ancestor!" (they're not "friends" anymore because it got real annoying -.-) They kept on calling me Nazi and Hitler Jr (or Himmler in rare cases) and shit LOLWTFFFFFUUU- - I played along for a while, but then they actually THOUGHT I was one '__' epicfail xD (not even just fail..)

  • @laverdadbuscador
    @laverdadbuscador 15 лет назад

    Not dead, just sick.
    Most punk genres are clearly on their way out, but some of the lesser mainstream genres like hardcore punk and skate punk are still healthy.
    Those genres seem to never become super popular but never really go away either.
    Like all genres of music, punk with change over time with each generation.

  • @Millard12345
    @Millard12345 15 лет назад

    government, even in its best state, is but a necassary evil (Thoma Paine, Common Sense), anarchy would be dope--it just doesnt work. sooner or later ppl band together and form some sort of government that gradually becomes bigger and bigger. so the best we can do is have a small democratic government that we keep a freaking eye on.

    @CRONTARIO11 16 лет назад

    So what do you do in such a case when this person shows up at your door to attack you, rape your wife, and steal your property?
    Call the police, right?
    Sorry -- no police!
    That's violence.There might be some sort of patrol, but if they're not armed,then they're no more capable of stopping him than you are; calling them is pointless!

    @CRONTARIO11 16 лет назад

    Let's imagine World Peace
    You have a world where no-one is ever violent. Everyone lives in harmony with their neighbors, no-one lifts a hand in anger. Love prevails.
    What's wrong with this picture? The problem with it is that it isn't stable. It's beautiful, moral, spiritually uplifting....and doomed to failure

  • @ruenis330033
    @ruenis330033 15 лет назад

    go to vimeo' and search 45 Revolutions_Edit
    ...its a tribute to jason m. thirsk...its moving

  • @FunkmasterFurby
    @FunkmasterFurby 12 лет назад

    I happen to be a senior at a public high school in georgia, with various ethnicities, (although predominatly black and white) none of us brand each other as racist, nor do we believe in "ethnic purity", the though of racism is a dying on with the music :D

  • @skatelongboards
    @skatelongboards 13 лет назад

    Robert E. lee was not anymore racist than Lincoln. Only reason he fought was because he didn't wanna fight against his own state. id support that if the federal government offered my command of the whole army to fight against my own state id turn it down and fight for my home.

  • @slayer131995
    @slayer131995 15 лет назад

    all u have to do is this: listen to this song and many songs that are about society, play them extremely loud, and think of ur own society. it worked for me to be lax about the fukn prez. i hafta fake i kare sometimes tho. but doo it. fukn make ur own, rule it, and do whatever the fuk u want to do.

    @CRONTARIO11 16 лет назад

    You`re right in a way...But,why did you write i`m not racist or homophobic or anything like that??
    So what even if you are a racist,nationalist or something like that!?Is it something wrong to be a nationalist!I think it`s not!Well,we live in a democracy,i have right to say whatever i want to..right?

  • @ktkof04
    @ktkof04 16 лет назад

    This coming from an Australian? Maybe you should be thankful America retaliated against Japan, otherwise you might be living under control of the Land of the Rising Sun. Oh, and I suppose it would not hurt to mention that Australians helped America take Iwo Jima.

  • @Redgrant80
    @Redgrant80 16 лет назад

    "If finding the truth makes no difference to you, anyway you look at it, your gonna get screwed."
    Lines everyone should know.
    Question everything and everyone: The Government, the TV, Society,Authority, even your teachers!
    Peace! (again, who thinks it's a bad thing to have more?)

  • @Soxha
    @Soxha 17 лет назад

    This band is classic, it doesn't suck. Pennywise was one of the first real punk bands, and one of the first that started taking shots at the government. They, with other bands of course, led the way to all those bands that freely speak their mind about whatever it is that they want to say.

  • @ZiplineShazam
    @ZiplineShazam 13 лет назад

    If you want TRUE FREEDOM in your educational system, then read SUMMERHILL by A.S. Neil.

  • @fredjustsucks
    @fredjustsucks 13 лет назад

    It has it's faults, but NO it is not terrible, in my opinion anyway. I like the fact that if I have a migraine the doctor knows what medication to give me instead of drilling a hole in my head because he thinks there's a demon in my head.

  • @fromdaghettowithlove
    @fromdaghettowithlove 13 лет назад

    Who says Christians should hate pennywise, Imma Christian and pennywise is one of favorite bands, its war I hate, and people who use Christianity for war. Dont blame Jesus though, if he were on earth he would be erging people against war.

  • @earthDF
    @earthDF 14 лет назад

    @FalzeOfArathor Really now? Oh well, I guess i underestimated it.
    @fletchdies Yes I realize that Isla is spreading quickly. I just wanted to inject a smal amount of humor into the discussion, or do you suffer from a sickness know as "humor impairment"?

  • @nederbassie
    @nederbassie 14 лет назад

    I don't hear depressing music. I actually even don't konw what you are talking about. Why the hell would this music be depressing.
    If you would post this to a forgotten tomb vid I would understand but not at a punk rock band.

  • @Millard12345
    @Millard12345 15 лет назад

    rofl and i thought i was extreme O.o
    Life is a blessing bro, think about the insane conditions that need to take place for life to even happen, and to throw away the most advanced form of it is a complete and utter waste, no matter how corrupted.

  • @slyphshadeultima
    @slyphshadeultima 17 лет назад

    No, you're not. People are put into a specific class because they act like the people in that class, so if you don't act like a scene kid, you're not. Just because you'd call yourself one doesn't mean you are. Kind've how the system works, man.

  • @Soxha
    @Soxha 17 лет назад

    "Was one of"? "started taking shots at the government"?
    Shut up. I know the Clash, The Misfits, The Ramones, and ALL the other various "The _________" bands that were out there first, but Pennywise was still one of the originals doing what they did.

  • @bradbla
    @bradbla 16 лет назад

    what makes you think jews run the country
    and arnt you labeling just curious i like the jews i see on tv especially sarah silverman
    her new show started yesterday theirs a new one on tonight at 10:30 on comedy central 10/9

  • @shinew123
    @shinew123 16 лет назад

    Yes I don't agree with how are government is handling many issues, but I still think we should try to make the best out of a bad situation and atleast put our say into this political system where we have a say atleast.

  • @cashmny78
    @cashmny78 16 лет назад

    Pennywise is "new wave" punk, which is far different from oldschool punk.
    They often get criticized for being "pop punk", because they aren't as hardcore and are more mainstream. They're pretty damn good regardless.

  • @serbdetritus182
    @serbdetritus182 13 лет назад

    @MissyGirl88 race doesnt matter.
    color of your skin should be irrevelant.
    thats why some people think youre racist even though i personally believe people are a bit overreacting with the whole thing :D

  • @CDeezntz
    @CDeezntz 13 лет назад

    I'm gonna break it down to this...A good song with a video of images that make you think...We're all in this shitty world together...Fuck your race...Just hate and love each other equally...

  • @jimmyaz101
    @jimmyaz101 15 лет назад

    You obviously havent heard any of their old shit, becuase their old stuff is all just like this(Good). If you listnen to their new stuff it sounds like shit, im not going to lie, its too commercial!!!

  • @scotcat52E
    @scotcat52E 16 лет назад

    oh my goodness - blah blah blah, futile fights with people who get their kicks out of talking shit!
    Brilliant song, brilliant band. Watch and listen closely now there is a chance of Palin getting in power

  • @california145
    @california145 16 лет назад

    dude ur rite, bringing to light how much is wrong with socity is good, but we need to show respect for the people who try to make socitey a little bit better. i agree with most of the rest of the video.

  • @19cmjandro93
    @19cmjandro93 16 лет назад

    i know, he was the only reason the sunnis and the shiites weren't massacring each other. now it will be utter chaos. they have been fighting for 1000 years they will probably fight for another 1000

  • @jeremybbaxter
    @jeremybbaxter 16 лет назад

    Man, I don't even know who this comment was aimed at, but I'm not even gonna read down to find who said Sid Vicious had anything to do with emo. That's just fucked up beyond all human belief.

  • @jeremybbaxter
    @jeremybbaxter 16 лет назад

    It's pretty sad to say, but if it wasn't for the arcade game 'top skater' i'd have no idea who the hell they were. A truly great and underrated punk band. Not pop punk shit you hear on the radio either.

  • @FioriBen
    @FioriBen 13 лет назад

    @MissyGirl88 hey missy i will not speak against this point.. i just asked you a question. which doesn't mean you are one. so let me know: a yes or a no?
    it could not be simpler..

  • @Offspringfan64
    @Offspringfan64 16 лет назад

    In this case, a comma is strong enough to separate the two complete phrases. Both sentences? They CAN be separated into sentences, but before then they are just two complete phrases.

  • @nederbassie
    @nederbassie 17 лет назад

    i'am sorry but how could you FIGHT for freedom. than are other people without freedom, aren't they?
    i don't know yellowcard but all the other bands called i know. these are awesome.

  • @lorenzokkk
    @lorenzokkk 13 лет назад

    Listen to KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA - punk hc from italy - just click on my nickname

  • @GodOfTheInternets
    @GodOfTheInternets 14 лет назад

    Nah, don't 'fuck' any idea.
    Live and let live, as long as they do the same.

  • @davidcross44
    @davidcross44 15 лет назад

    ok i just wanna no one thing
    how does a punk band sellout??
    i tought that it was if they signed to a major record lable like wen greenday left lookout for reprise??

  • @ryan19554
    @ryan19554 15 лет назад

    so apparently u define whats punk and whats not? u create the rules? the society were supposed to live up to. see the irony. think for once in your life man.

  • @frankyfranc22
    @frankyfranc22 17 лет назад

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHHHHHH Pennywise Pennywise Pennywise Pennywise Pennywise Pennywise !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuckin Kick Ass Band!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Dreestwd
    @Dreestwd 14 лет назад

    meant to click the thumbs up...

  • @whitiangaratonastick
    @whitiangaratonastick 13 лет назад

    @MissyGirl88 Can't say as I see the logic in being "proud to be white" after all, if you have a conscience.You should be ashamed to be human:)

  • @strangler520
    @strangler520 15 лет назад

    My guiat teacher was helping out a guy that was tryingout to sing the the band ... should make it hes like azactly on.... anyways now i like this band

  • @brashearp
    @brashearp 16 лет назад

    You have a comma splice between exist and I. Both sentences have a subject and verb that complete a thought. You left out a coordinating conjuction.

  • @GGAllin33
    @GGAllin33 16 лет назад

    Great video, but you don't need faith in your government, just faith in your country (sadly, that's from Harold and Kumar. Good point none the less)

  • @moonarch
    @moonarch 16 лет назад

    You're living in a hole dude. I agree that leaving Iraq wouldn't help the situation in the middle east but everything else you said just doesn't add up...

  • @ska1982
    @ska1982  17 лет назад

    everyone needs to quit their bitchin or im going to disable comments

  • @filipepw
    @filipepw 15 лет назад

    tenho a discografia toda
    i have every album
    Pennywise is in my skin

  • @artfan101
    @artfan101 14 лет назад

    You just have a very western view of things. Not a very rounded opinion. Nothing can stand up well with only one side intact.

  • @theAZroadwarrior
    @theAZroadwarrior 15 лет назад

    Yeah, that guy was jimmy swaggart, big time TV Christian guy who was caught cheating and stealing. THat was his pathetic confession/apology.

  • @rotorheadagain
    @rotorheadagain 16 лет назад

    lol this guy probably typed this to get a rise out of somebody because if he is serious i feel sorry for him/her they live a close-minded life

  • @Soxha
    @Soxha 17 лет назад

    Good random stat. Also, emo is annoying and lame.
    Scene > Emo. No whining, no bitching, more metal, more awesome. And yes, I know what emo is.

  • @spinn77
    @spinn77 17 лет назад

    Whoever says this isn't punk needs to stop listening to fall out boy and all that other shit on mtv. This is punk rock at it's finest since 1988.

  • @GodOfTheInternets
    @GodOfTheInternets 15 лет назад

    except there's no NWO. but yeah keep wearing your tin foil hats.

  • @renatoliveira
    @renatoliveira 15 лет назад

    dude ,unfortunelly in our world to stay nice you must screw with someone...directly ou undirectly...seems that it doesn't matter anymore :P

  • @natedoggcata
    @natedoggcata 17 лет назад

    I wish more music like this was around today instead of this Fall Out Boy, Britney Spears, garbage thats around today. I miss the 90's

  • @emlyfshr
    @emlyfshr 13 лет назад

    @Robsexxy1503 Actually, all races share one thing in common. Black, white, brown, yellow....our DNA is still of the human variety.

  • @Designificance
    @Designificance 14 лет назад

    same here :)
    i remember playing this album (full circle right?!?) over and over again when i was on the half pipe.

  • @pauua
    @pauua 15 лет назад

    Totally agree...well punk is a strong,maybe the strongest subculture,not religion,almost all punks are atheists,and that is good.

  • @thebestoza
    @thebestoza 15 лет назад

    Punk is a belief. Punk is the belief of trying to break society's barriers and to impulse the critical thinking of the individual.

  • @calico712
    @calico712 16 лет назад

    I believe you meant to use the contractive "you're" and "stupit" isn't a word. However, "stupid" is. Stop being so pretentious.

  • @helidon
    @helidon 16 лет назад

    fucking great song! fucking great band!
    i've been listening to it,when i was going to school,about 10 years ago! every day that song!

  • @extrhigh
    @extrhigh 16 лет назад

    dude i totally agree with u emo is f***ing bad music i mean i cant stand the emo guys walking and crying what the f*** is that !!!!!

  • @zaarko
    @zaarko 18 лет назад

    ok ok. lets say music - punk, people - no punk. (:
    (here it is defined also by people you see at their concerts)
    goooood night^1^

  • @killerguppy
    @killerguppy 16 лет назад

    I totally agree with you, and my little precious Canada too.

  • @nazaxprime
    @nazaxprime 14 лет назад

    Man, I miss Pennywise
    Hell I even forgot that i was lucky enough to see these guys... that was fucking PWN, b4 PWN was PWN!

  • @smminco
    @smminco 15 лет назад

    I'm seein them in denver Apr. 10. What's better than raging to pennywise and doing shots of Jager?! The answer is nothing! haha

  • @meric2
    @meric2 13 лет назад

    It's better than the centuries before it. I, for one, am glad to live in a time where there are antibiotics.

  • @Redgrant80
    @Redgrant80 16 лет назад

    Why are you posting comments on this video when you don't even agree with the message. Seems like a waste of time to me.

  • @zaarko
    @zaarko 18 лет назад

    so, where is the punk in "skate rock"? ;)
    pennywise is to good at playing and quality of sound to be called punk.

  • @xXBuckOFiveXx
    @xXBuckOFiveXx 12 лет назад

    Trace all the problems in the world to the source and do you know what you'll find.... the all mighty dollar.

  • @dmoon13
    @dmoon13 17 лет назад

    riiiight, and you don't think you'd be executed in a fascist regime for listening to those bands. HAHAHAAAA!

  • @zaarko
    @zaarko 18 лет назад

    by the sound of music and his voice, the style of pennywise and this song - no punk.
    but a nice song anyway

  • @Rayacon
    @Rayacon 18 лет назад

    this video should hit evryone in the heart,this is true shit right here. I love this song the video is amazing.