【Apple】My sister stole from my family and ran off years ago..now she's back trying to steal my house

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @nancysternberg
    @nancysternberg Год назад +13

    Insulting someone isn't the way to ask for help, Richard!

  • @dogstaraycliffe
    @dogstaraycliffe Год назад +22

    My word Richard & Megan are quite the piece of work, blaming everything on everyone when they are both at fault.

  • @tinajoerossignol
    @tinajoerossignol Год назад +104

    You stole from me, are pregnant and jobless, with a husband that got fired from a convenient store for stealing and is jobless too, and you want to move in with others? Who would let that happen? No.
    And where's his family? Why can't they go live with one of his family members?

    • @freespirit3891
      @freespirit3891 Год назад +20

      Richard screwed them over too. At least his father was willing to give him a job to become the man he should have been all along to take care of his family

    • @LoveOnTheInsidex3
      @LoveOnTheInsidex3 Год назад +8

      @@freespirit3891I don’t think he’ll be a man anytime soon

    • @SelenaJarvis-Jordan
      @SelenaJarvis-Jordan Год назад

      ​@@LoveOnTheInsidex3Right! Takes some people 40 years to become an adult. Its sad.

  • @kathleenherron594
    @kathleenherron594 Год назад +130

    I know this is an extreme case, but this behavior is not unusual. Family members who live a dumpster fire life claim victim status and prey on family that made different choices.

    • @tiaa668
      @tiaa668 Год назад +14

      So true my aunt use to get into hot water all the time and go to her parents to rescue her the last time was after my grandfather past so my grandmother had to cash in her life insurance policy to bail her out. Don't know what she does now that my grandmother has passed now because my mom has cut contract with her now that her mother is gone.

  • @liznemeskery4321
    @liznemeskery4321 Год назад +29

    No selfishness in this family. The little sister and husband have it all.

    • @falxblade1352
      @falxblade1352 Год назад +1

      Imagine being selfish with the selfishness!

  • @sophiefrankis9476
    @sophiefrankis9476 Год назад +10

    So she literally stole from everyone shes ever known and expects those same people to help her?

  • @cecejamesable
    @cecejamesable Год назад +47

    No wonder they aren’t willing to help you. No one likes to be screwed over or stolen from especially by their own blood and friends.

  • @c-tha-man9463
    @c-tha-man9463 Год назад +17

    "They're not meant for the working life". Sad part is....there are actually people like this!

  • @1mentalmagier
    @1mentalmagier Год назад +35

    I would call the police the second Megan said that. And would definitely be furious with my parents.

    • @cgamejewels
      @cgamejewels Год назад +6

      Megan lied on the parents. Why would they say something like that knowing the kind of person Megan is.

    • @dragonfliesnh4204
      @dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад +4

      The parents told Megan to talk to her sister. They didn't give her permission to live there or to break in.

  • @ixxieangel
    @ixxieangel Год назад +81

    Richard's father better put several fail safes in place to prevent Richard and Megan from returning to their old ways and stealing from his company. It's an incredible gamble to employ two known and self professed thieves at your company but hopefully the very real thought and possibility of losing custody of their child and receiving jail time will actually change their ways.

  • @bradhanley8368
    @bradhanley8368 Год назад +7

    Pregnancy is not a get out of jail for free card.

  • @kdeville87
    @kdeville87 Год назад +3

    It’s her money she can do whatever she wants

  • @tammymiller69
    @tammymiller69 Год назад +4

    Call the cops !!!!!!

  • @rjones9000
    @rjones9000 Год назад +18

    A story where grown people do not want to work, sad.

    • @dragonfliesnh4204
      @dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад +3

      To be fair, most adults don't want to work, but they have to in order to pay the bills. But it's ridiculous that they refuse to do so and be responsible adults. I feel bad for kids who have parents like these two.

  • @mariananderson1472
    @mariananderson1472 Год назад +2

    Karma!!! Some sister are the worst!!! SMH 😩

  • @dragonyami
    @dragonyami Год назад +11

    She should have called the cops the SECOND Megan admitted to breaking into her house and stealing her stuff

    • @LoveOnTheInsidex3
      @LoveOnTheInsidex3 Год назад +3

      It wasn’t her house. Oops 😬

    • @dragonfliesnh4204
      @dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад +2

      If she did, the police would have gone to her current home. By talking to her a little longer, she realized Megan was at the old place. When she called the police, they went to the right house.

  • @sakilynn
    @sakilynn Год назад +18

    The only good point Richard made was that people with the power and money don't help those in need. But it's insulting to hear it from him because he doesn't even want to work for the sake of his new family, while the ones who truly deserve that help struggle to live even paycheck to paycheck.

    • @shawnycoffman
      @shawnycoffman Год назад +4

      The worst people seem to have everything handed to them. 😑

    • @catmaxwell6691
      @catmaxwell6691 Год назад +1

      *some* people with power and wealth don’t help those in need, but many do.

  • @dinahedrolin1384
    @dinahedrolin1384 Год назад +7

    Call the police rather than talking.

  • @baffledanderanged2101
    @baffledanderanged2101 Год назад +6

    Blood doesn't mean a damn thing,especially when family members are constantly screwing you over.

    • @cyndicook7755
      @cyndicook7755 3 месяца назад +2

      There's a saying that family will screw you up faster than anyone else.

    • @Mrstigger747
      @Mrstigger747 Месяц назад +2

      @@cyndicook7755they will, especially if they are narcissistic narcissists

  • @stvandy1
    @stvandy1 Год назад +12

    Using the excuse that you are young doesn’t fly with me.

  • @LoveOnTheInsidex3
    @LoveOnTheInsidex3 Год назад +9

    “Working to be better people” That will take years. He just didn’t want to lose their child so he finally chose to work.

  • @elizabethrossi7604
    @elizabethrossi7604 Год назад +56

    She has so many issues that a publishing house would have problems with!

  • @Native-Kitty
    @Native-Kitty Год назад +11

    Megan and Richard are the perfect for each other. They should stay together to stay out of circulation.

    • @rogueshark23
      @rogueshark23 Месяц назад

      I'm surprised they haven't pissed off the wrong people who don't want to mess with like a loan shark for example.

  • @clarkclarke
    @clarkclarke Год назад +6

    I wish my sister's husband would talk to me like that ...I wish 😫

  • @joansamuels3241
    @joansamuels3241 Год назад +14

    Call the cops because there's an intruder who broke into my house. I'm pressing charges! She'll say she's my sister but she has NO permission to be there.
    Edit: still call the cops for Breaking & Entering and robbery.

  • @michaelhowton9648
    @michaelhowton9648 Год назад +15

    Tell her that she could have a room for $30,000 a day each.

  • @suzanneleonard5485
    @suzanneleonard5485 Год назад +15

    Why do dumpster fires always describe themselves as the cute little sister? Spoiled and never heard no as a child. Then they become entitled adults that think the world owes them. Yep, I have a relative like that.

    • @cgamejewels
      @cgamejewels Год назад +3

      except neither one of them were spoiled as children. They were and still are rebellious, thinking the world owes them a living.

    • @shawnycoffman
      @shawnycoffman Год назад +1

      I have 2 sisters like that. Going no contact was the only choice. 😒

  • @Darth_Draconus
    @Darth_Draconus Год назад +25

    People need to start learning that just because you're related, it doesn't mean you would get in any less trouble if you did something like this. In my mind, it's even more of a reason to sh*t yourself, because it's personal lol. Our family bond wouldn't be a shield from consequences, it would be that very same knife in the back that would turn me from a guy wanting to see justice into a sadistic force of nature. If you're a stranger, it wasn't personal. I may not like what you did, but you had your reasons, possibly born out of desperation. I'd want justice for your wrongdoings, an apology, but after all that, we're good. But if we're family, if you KNEW what you were doing, how it would effect my life, and you did it with the misconceived notion that family would shrug it off better than a stranger would.... Big, huge, massive mistake.

  • @thesweettooth6667
    @thesweettooth6667 Год назад +9

    Richard sounds like so many people in this country these days

    • @Mrstigger747
      @Mrstigger747 Месяц назад +1

      Right, lazy and entitled 😡🇨🇦

  • @richardbassett9367
    @richardbassett9367 Год назад +5

    Richard you dug your own hole so live with it

  • @missydehart6920
    @missydehart6920 Год назад +10

    Good morning from Scottdale, PA
    I’m not sure who I disliked more. The sister or her husband.

  • @winterserpent6966
    @winterserpent6966 Год назад +5

    I’m surprised they cared about the child

  • @bridgetdebourgh5698
    @bridgetdebourgh5698 Год назад +15

    Good Morning ☀️ Have a great day everyone 👋🤗
    From Louisiana 🐊

    • @jonborchardt5548
      @jonborchardt5548 Год назад

      Good Hump Day🐪 mornin' from Tennessee👋🤠, where the current temperature is 56 under clear🌝 skies. From here, we can expect a high of 82 under sunny🌞 skies.

    • @bridgetdebourgh5698
      @bridgetdebourgh5698 Год назад +1

      ​@@jonborchardt5548Happy Hump Day 🐪 It's 59° with the high of 85° clear with periodic clouds. Enjoy your Wednesday 👋🤗

    • @lorannamoody7011
      @lorannamoody7011 Год назад +2

      Good morning. This time of year I watch the Secret Santa videos before the text videos. 🦎🏝

    • @bridgetdebourgh5698
      @bridgetdebourgh5698 Год назад

      @@lorannamoody7011 I didn't know about that one I'll have to check it out. Good Morning 👋🤗🥰🐊

  • @dinahedrolin1384
    @dinahedrolin1384 Год назад +7

    😂😂😂 a couple of leeches. Don't help people who talk to you that way who are both thieves.

  • @aldecursoe7173
    @aldecursoe7173 Год назад +10

    "How did you manage all that in just five years?"..... there are plenty of these stories where that kind of thing happens in five months...

    • @cgamejewels
      @cgamejewels Год назад +1


    • @dragonfliesnh4204
      @dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад +1

      Right?! Getting married and pregnant 5 years after the last time they were in contact isn't outrageous. A lot can happen during that amount of time. Megan didn't even rush to get pregnant, unlike many characters in other stories.

  • @baffledanderanged2101
    @baffledanderanged2101 Год назад +4

    OP needs to tell Richard and Megan that no help will be coming from her. It's called tough luck and tough love. Richard needs to get a job. the same goes for Megan. Pregnant or not, she's got to realize she can't continue her ludicrous behavior and grow the hell up. Neither of them are victims. They're users and abusers of OP's generosity all those years ago. 😮

  • @lunasunsnowlover
    @lunasunsnowlover Год назад +13

    Good day form Norway

  • @louise8551
    @louise8551 Год назад +12

    There are kids more mature than these two!

  • @kdeville87
    @kdeville87 Год назад +2

    In jail she would have room and they would take care of the baby

  • @nooneofimportance2110
    @nooneofimportance2110 Год назад +3

    You know🤔, I think that baby would be better off in foster care😶. Megan and Richard seem like the kinds of people that spend most of their time in and out of jail anyways.

  • @katherinkeegan8601
    @katherinkeegan8601 Год назад +8

    The next Appletext story:
    Chapter 2 - Richard embezzled money, got caught and went to prison. Megan could not handle reality and bailed abandoning her child.
    Her sister takes in the child to raise as her own. She officially adopts her niece on the grounds of parental abandonment.
    Years later one or both show up claiming to have cleaned up their act and want their daughter back. Since their daughter knows her aunt adopted her and why, she tells her parent(s) that they are dead to her. After some serious drama happens, the parents try to do something stupid/serious like kidnapping. They get caught, the girl is returned to the sister and both get sent to prison.

    • @dragonfliesnh4204
      @dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад

      That wouldn't work on these channels. In this world that these writers created, no one goes to prison and most don't even have to face charges. Many times the victims don't even called this police, but it was surprising that the police was called in this story

  • @lemonwasabi5663
    @lemonwasabi5663 Год назад +8

    24:38 That's more like how i would describe you.
    Sloth, Wrath and greed, he's missing four till a completed set

  • @ebonymondesir2587
    @ebonymondesir2587 Год назад +10

    So Richard thinks is op and the parents fault for Megan's habit of stealing their money and valuable stuff.

  • @RandallHallKaizenReiki
    @RandallHallKaizenReiki Год назад +11

    That is seriously the opposite of "planning to pay them back."

  • @dorothypozi543
    @dorothypozi543 Год назад +9

    Just sell the damn house.

  • @rownoknowrose1084
    @rownoknowrose1084 Год назад +6

    Fate of the lazy idiots:
    Richard's time at work did not last long as he started embezzling money and started using it for personal stuff and the baby was being neglected while the sister decided to go out and party by sneaking out of the house and sneaking in. Both tried to live their hedonistic lifestyle but it was all a failure after the parents found out and finally the parents along with the MC all decided to file a lawsuit against them and also claim custody of the baby. They lost the case brutally and now are in massive debt and also lost the baby. The idiot couple got into a massive fight but it did not solve anything and they went into life of crime as a new Bonnie and Clyde like duo as they don't like to work. They cannot go to their families as they have a restraining order and they will be spotted so they moved somewhere else and went into life of crime and stayed incognito.
    Anyone who has a end result for this please Post.

  • @CatherineBurk
    @CatherineBurk Год назад +18

    I have a feeling that the parents told her she could live with her sister is so she would be far away.

    • @cgamejewels
      @cgamejewels Год назад

      I have a feeling Megan is lying through her teeth.

    • @dragonfliesnh4204
      @dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад

      The parents didn't tell her that. They told her to talk to her sister, not barge to into the house uninvited.

  • @webbec
    @webbec Год назад +6

    Ugh, the audacity of both of them! Truly a match made in hell.

  • @lindahill7315
    @lindahill7315 Год назад +8

    Good morning, everyone from Alabama. One of my siblings do this and i would be arrested for assault and battery.

  • @WhitneyAllisonGG
    @WhitneyAllisonGG Год назад +2

    Megan I would have you arrested even if you are my sister.

  • @Sarahc-mn1tr
    @Sarahc-mn1tr Год назад +3

    How did op not call 911right away despite the address situation?

  • @5555522255555
    @5555522255555 Год назад +2

    You have a place to go to, it's called jail!

  • @Pais13yCat316
    @Pais13yCat316 Год назад +2

    If you aren’t doing anything to help yourself, why should you expect others to help you? And you have a past and present history of stealing from others? Especially the ones you are expecting to fund your life? Delusional expectations…

  • @bradhanley8368
    @bradhanley8368 Год назад +2

    The baby sister is a criminal

  • @kandykate163
    @kandykate163 Год назад +4

    Rip Megan's liver

  • @cgamejewels
    @cgamejewels Год назад +4

    I never understood why calling the police is never a first thought. Megan and Richard are a pair. Richard has some nerves to talk to Adriana that way, especially since they want something from her. She should report them to the police for harassment. Again, why is Adriana refusing to call the police? Why did Adriana tell Megan she called the police. Richard and Megan trying to use their baby to take advantage of their family. Why don't Adriana call cps on Richard and Megan? Good! She needs to take them to court for the sake of the baby.

    • @dragonfliesnh4204
      @dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад

      In this story, if she called the police immediately, they would have gone to her current home. But during the conversation, she realized that Megan was at her old house. I totally agree with you that most of the time people should be calling the police right away but that doesn't happen usually in this world these writers created
      In my original comment, I said the same thing you did about warning Megan that she called the police. That just gives people time to escape and/or hide any evidence that they may have. I agree with you on all your points here

  • @dorothylloyd1804
    @dorothylloyd1804 Год назад +4


  • @lauraventicinque532
    @lauraventicinque532 Год назад +2

    Call the police for het breaking and entering

  • @heatheraucoin5832
    @heatheraucoin5832 Год назад +3

    So the sister and BIL are asking OP, to pay for them to live at her place?

  • @basubenburns
    @basubenburns Год назад

    Every time Richard yell at Adriana "Shut up and help us." I burst out laughing. Then the next moment that hopefully Adriana never tells Megan and Richard where she is located. They are the kind of people who would actually be violent to get what they want. With no regrets.

  • @andrealowe-ip9lk
    @andrealowe-ip9lk Год назад +1

    He hates working so I guess he hates eating. The jargon about the upper classes, how 1970s.

  • @a.schubi105
    @a.schubi105 Год назад +5

    I"m also not meant for working life, but I'm working nevertheless

    • @georgiawessling7987
      @georgiawessling7987 Год назад

      I never wanted to suffer. SO, at each job I worked to find something great about the company and people I worked with. I'm too lazy to suffer.

  • @conjumonblue6450
    @conjumonblue6450 Год назад

    Megan: What!? This isn't funny at all!
    me: LMAO

  • @theplaintech
    @theplaintech Год назад +4

    "People who have money should help others in need." No judgement here, but that sounds a little like communism.

    • @EricaHelms-w7g
      @EricaHelms-w7g Месяц назад +1

      That may be true, but Richard and Megan don't really deserve being handed money. Who knows if they would really use the money to take care of their kid. I know it sounds heartless, but I don't trust people. Especially if they have that kind of history.

  • @SleepLullabyforBabies
    @SleepLullabyforBabies Год назад

    Good job! Good luck with the rest ☺

  • @dragonfliesnh4204
    @dragonfliesnh4204 Год назад +1

    Why would someone warn the criminal that they called the police?? That gives them time to hide any evidence they may have, come up with a story or escape before the police shows up. It's so dumb when characters do this and as well as those that don't press charges! At least this MC did call the police, which rarely happens in these stories. Megan should have been arrested. But it's normal on this channel that criminals don't get arrested or go to prison.

  • @redconvoy
    @redconvoy Год назад

    I would have hung up. I have dealt with this crap years ago with an entitled family. All they do is spend you into bankruptcy. That guy has no pride as a man to take care of the sister.

  • @shawnycoffman
    @shawnycoffman Месяц назад

    "I can change!"
    I seriously doubt that.

  • @Vitality551
    @Vitality551 Год назад +4


  • @Mama_of_a_dragon
    @Mama_of_a_dragon 12 дней назад

    They are well suited, a pair of grifters, that poor baby tho.

  • @DarkenVampirDragon-x3u
    @DarkenVampirDragon-x3u Месяц назад

    He doesn’t want to work, yet he is going to be a father. Raising a baby is a lot of work to begin with. Seriously OP should have made good on her threats to press charges at Richard and Megan. The baby needs to be taken away from people like Richard and Megan because people like that don’t learn from their mistakes.

  • @cyndicook7755
    @cyndicook7755 3 месяца назад

    Richard you are a grown ass man. Help yourself !

  • @gigim.9742
    @gigim.9742 Год назад

    Just call the cops on these bozos. If their name is not on the deed / rental agreement, they are tresspassers. And that text admitting to lockpicking? Evidence.

  • @SelenaJarvis-Jordan
    @SelenaJarvis-Jordan Год назад

    Get something out of you? That's how he sees people? Wow! What a shame! Been screwed over by people like this and I'm on disability and can barely afford myself but they saw it as something they were entitled to since it was "free" money even though i pushed myself to work so hard to pay for that insurance when i was younger and was able to do so. I have a birth defect and expected to become disabled one day so i started saving with my 1st job in high school. Then I worked in the medical field since 19 and when i had to leave i was the office manager for a multimillion dollar company. I made good money back then but savings dont last forever especially with medical bills but some people dont see it that way. Some people are so disgusting and make me so mad. This story triggered me. Rant over.

  • @marymulrooney1334
    @marymulrooney1334 Год назад

    Gee, call people names and make demands and still expect others to help you? Wow.

  • @dealwithit9772
    @dealwithit9772 Год назад

    It always gives me the ick when when they refer to themselves as cute. Also when the spouses call themselves their inlaws brother or sister. Icky. Just icky.

  • @cathyjacobs
    @cathyjacobs Год назад

    "People who make more money should help those in need. This is why people are struggling. Greedy people like you." No, many times, people are struggling because they make bad choices, including having kids they can't afford . . . committing a crime and losing their job or landing in jail/prison . . . dropping out of school and not graduating because they got pregnant or got someone pregnant . . . being stuck in a minimum wage job because they didn't graduate. Most of us have empathy for people who do not make bad choices, but, through no fault of their own, end up needing help. I have no sympathy for entitled people like Megan and Richard.

  • @denisebatts3414
    @denisebatts3414 Год назад

    In the real world you probaly would have gotten hurt with your action. The audacity saying "i dont want to work and want to take from people" wow

  • @marymulrooney1334
    @marymulrooney1334 Год назад

    Richard is scary.

  • @SelenaJarvis-Jordan
    @SelenaJarvis-Jordan Год назад

    Why can't you ask your family then dude?

  • @joeydemitro8976
    @joeydemitro8976 Год назад +16


  • @kentjensen4939
    @kentjensen4939 Год назад +6

    Actions have consequences. Being family by itself means nothing and the sister and BIL sound like socialists; I refuse to help anyone who isn't helping themselves first.

  • @tammyminder833
    @tammyminder833 Год назад +2

    It's the damn Audacity of these people demanding help from their victims and want to get mad when they are not willing to help

  • @KinhTungPhatPhap
    @KinhTungPhatPhap Год назад

    This video is pure perfection.

  • @Doczlady
    @Doczlady Месяц назад

    dont want to hear criticism than do not contact op

  • @paulredinger5830
    @paulredinger5830 Год назад

    The background “boxers” are definitely not professional.

  • @pagee7452
    @pagee7452 Год назад

    Don't give your sister anything you give her an inch you'll take a whole hand just because your family doesn't excuse them or help them

  • @tammyminder833
    @tammyminder833 Год назад +1

    Girlllll you would literally be a damn foolz if you let them move into your house

  • @tammyminder833
    @tammyminder833 Год назад +1

    Call the damn police

  • @tammyminder833
    @tammyminder833 Год назад +1

    Why in the hell are y'all scared to throw hands

  • @pagee7452
    @pagee7452 Год назад

    Call the dam police