My Praise and Thanks goes to everyone up at Prestwick yesterday, and having the spitfire as a chase plane spotting for the crew of the Vulcan I am not sure weather it was Martin or Phil Flying yesterday, I do know having spoken to the team and other members that she had to fly back to Doncaster today with her gear down. Jonathan I cant thank you enough for capturing this footage, it is extremely important to show the CAA Just how safe events are and how skilled our Pilots are, Many Thanks My Friend, If you don't mind I would like to take a copy to Coventry next weekend for the Club event if any of the other members missed what happened to show the skill and calmness of true aviators.
+Rob Ellis The spitfire pilot was indeed amazing in how he came in and helped the crew. So professional. Thats right thankfully she arrived safely this afternoon. No problem at all. Absolutely please feel free to share it with them. Again thankyou very much for watching and your comment.
What a fabulous piece of footage! For sure we will never see anything like that again, and wonderful for another iconic British plane to be involved too. Talk about being in the right place at the right time!
Great to see Prestwick Airport still being used , I now live in NZ but always remember growing up hearing Concorde take off from my bedroom and going to old air shows at Prestwick....last time I was there I was in an old Liberator with a Canadian crew, Still the only place Elvis ever set foot in the UK, lol
Great work from the Vulcan guys, must be nervous times...sad to see this cold war beast go to bed...Credit to the private funding and man hours that kept it flying this long....Well done to All involved
For me, as a kid in New Plymouth, a seminal event in my life was seeing the first Vulcan in service fly over my school. It unfortunately crashed a few weeks later on returning to England. I very much hope that XH558 will be preserved in its hangar without eliminating the possibility that it could one day fly again, even if that is unlikely.
Amazing piloting skills! Was sat in XJ823's cockpit a couple of week's ago and I find it mind blowing how such a large plane can be flown with such grace and elegance. Great video, thanks!
Superb film...brings back memories of being a young kid in Cheshire, not far from Woodford, where these beautiful planes were built and tested. The noise made when the engines were run up was deafening, and flying over our house, howling and crackling was fantastic. Woodford airfield, unfortunately doesn't exist anymore....Brown belt land you see, 500 houses going up, sad really, but that's progress? Myself and my son went to watch the flypast in October, and stood at the end of what was the old runway, with thousands of other spectators, many of them ex employees of Avro/Hawker Siddley/BAE Systems and all with a tear in their eyes.
+Alan Butterworth hueytheshooter Great bit of historical insight there mate, it truly has links all up and down the country and that seems to resonate with so many people. Woodfords closure was a huge dissapointment as has many airfields in the past year. All in all a great shame to see the Vulcan bow out this season , thanks very much for watching.
I think that's just fantastic how her nose was held up for as long as possible....and everyone was so calm when things could have gone so terribly wrong.
+Pauline Gray Absolutely, it gave them time to kill off a bit of the speed in the event the nose hadn't locked, it was great skill by the pilots, thank'you very much for watching.
Great video and having the ATC just makes it even more involving. Well done to all involved, amazing how calm 558s pilot sounds during what must be a stressful time.
Saw XH558 performing on the same day at the Portrush Airwaves event and had no idea (until David Cenciotti picked up the video) of the drama that unfolded. Absolutely superb airmanship from all concerned and excellent video.
+bigdmac33 It was a huge surprise to myself listening on the scanner to everything unfold. Totally agree it was superb to watch. Thankyou for watching too
Clicked play....stared at the video and just got lost in it, what a great event to catch on film (not meaning it was a good thing especially for the pilot) Kudos out there as well to the spitfire pilot who flew that spitfire like he was being towed by the Vulcan. most of all..... The pilot landed the vulcan like a boss, clearly trying to keep nose gear up for as long as possible "just in case" Thank you for sharing this great event.
+wootfluke It truly is amazing to watch , even having filmed it I sometimes sit down and watch it all again. It really is stunning to watch. The pilots skill as you say is amazing. Thankyou so much for watching. Appreciated :)
We have a Vulcan at the Castle Air Museum, what a beautiful aircraft. We also have an SR-71 a B-36 and many many more. But that Vulcan is just such a beauty, thanks to the British People for such a gift!
+Jonathan Winton I don't know the registration but you can find the Vulcan and the Air Museum at 37°21'54.29"N 120°34'46.20"W on Google Earth. As you can likely tell, I am very proud of our museun. I mostly grew up in the flight path and both of my sons were born literally a stones throw from the Vulcan at the Castle AFB Hospital.
Amazing collection! I just wish it could be housed in hangars, since the Valley isn't exactly a desert as are Mojave and the location of Davis-Monthan. Oh, there are both a B-52 and an SR-71 housed indoors at Duxford, UK.
An amazing video. Very well captured. Thanks for posting. Scary stuff for the Vulcan crew and specators. And a very helpful spitfire pilot. Great team and spirit from everyone to ensure that XH558 is kept safe!
+Jamie Nicolson Thanks very much. It certainly was, we werent sure what to expect when it came onto final. Absolutely, hopefully see her one last time in October
Awesome video mate 👍 was great to see the Vulcan and very interesting to see how the crew dealt with the gear issue and also good to see the Spitifire helping out 👍 great video and ATC and thanks for the day, was great, liked mate!
+Hamish Watt Och cheers mate, It was fantastic, and this whole scene was amazing to watch , and even better it was dealt with absolutely. Thanks very much for coming mate. Was great. Cheers
+Traveller Thanks very much mate, same here, she certainly is a good size , but the cockpit is tiny. Im pleased it all turned out well too. Thanks for watching mate :)
+Jonathan Winton I made the effort and took a chance on the weather for the Bournemouth Airshow a few weeks ago. Standing on the cliff top she flew almost on a level with me...such a beautiful sight and one I'll not experience again sadly, especially as I had a Vulcan for a flypast when I passed out of basic recruit training at RAF Swinderby in 1982.
Excellent work recording this, and an awesome display of cooperation and coordination between pilots, ATC, and emergency services. The Spitfire/Vulcan "formation" flying was amazing. Liked and favorited! I am glad it all turned out OK!!
amazing bit of video Jonathan having the ATC just adds to the tension. Who wouldn't want a Spitfire as a chase plane wow! It was all handled so well , never seen a Vulcan yawing before so that's a first. These things by chance happen and hopefully the Newspapers won't turn this into something that is a negative. This was such a positive thing just amazing goosebumps watching it cheers for sharing. Have sent a link to APG (airplane pilot guy) podcast hope you don't mind!
+redvanman10 Thanks so much mate. Ive always found it enhances videos so much the atc. Oh I know, ive had several requests to use it by news organisations and ive rejected several as im not happy as to how theyd use the content at all. In my mind it is testimony to the skill of all involved. Ach not a problem mate, thanks for doing that mate
Amazing bit of film Jonathan! I hope you dont mind, I have shared this for all my friends who dont understand my obsession with this beautiful girl and airshows
+Rachel Whelan Please share it with as many people as you like Rachel, thats why I uploaded it so everyone can see the professionalism of pilots under pressure and how it came out great. Thanks so much for watching :)
To think that, when the Vulcan came out, there were still men in the RAF who had flown Spits, and that, indeed, Spits had served until a few years before the Vulcan entered service...impressive how technology advanced so much in so few years!
+Antonio Perez That is actually quite amazing to think about in itself. And to see the pilots in this scenario in both machines working seamlessly together is an even greater achievement of the legacy of these aircraft.
Amazing skill, initiative and professionalism all round and that landing was stunning. What did strike me was the amount of radio traffic from other aircraft while this "emergency" was ongoing. I would have thought the only people who should have been on their radios were the crew of XH558, the BBMF Spitfire and the tower until XH558 was safely on the ground?
+highwaywarrior1078 Absolutely agree with you the skill by all involved was outstanding. Yeah, regarding radio comms. As far as the other aircraft calling up knew, they were still scheduled to do their display at the alloted time and in alot of cases asked tower for clarification as to what would be going on. Wasnt until it became clear of the situation call-ups slowed down.
Wonderful flying, marvellous video, great teamwork and excellent description. Thanks so much for sharing!But XH558 is not a him - but a her, surely? She is our beautiful Delta Lady!(Shame we did not see her at the Cosby Victory Show, but more important that she got home safely.)
+Mart S Cheers mate. Aye bit of both really ;) Ach pity that, well you may get her if this final UK tour goes ahead at the end of October , all being well :) Thanks for watching
I seen the Vulcan at this years event and last at ayr beach but the biggest buzz I got was in 1976 when I was in the army cadets(royal highland fusiliers) as a 14 year old ,we got sent to an army camp in hornsea in Yorkshire and during that 2 weeks we spent there on the Yorkshire coast I witnessed those planes bombing practise targets just off the coast maybe a mile or so away from the barracks we were in , needless to say I fell in love with the VULCAN bomber that 2 weeks we were there , 2 years later I tried to join the RAF .. never happened the way I wanted and the Falkland war started but hey ho lol what a fuckin flying machine ill never forget it.
+john Hamilton Haha very good. Yeah its a stunning classic piece of british engineering, the fact she is still flying over 60 years since she first took off is credit to that. Nice bit of history their too mate. Thanks for watching ,
So glad this 'Old Lady' (and of course her crew for that matter!) survived, what was one of her last flying displays! The world of aviation will be a bit poorer without her in the air.
I'm sure i read that the hydraulic system has a pneumatic back up system with air receivers charged up with pressure to use in the event of an emergency. Credit to everyone involved because this must of been a worrying situation especially for the crew . Could of ended alot differently. I love XH558 but shes getting old so maybe retiring her now is alot better then prolonging her life where she will become even more temperamental with old age.
+track nut (Gamesman) I may be wrong mate but im pretty sure with the Vuclan the only back up is by manually pumping it down. I may be completely wrong like. Yeah thats true,s till will be a shame to see her go. i hope their tour for October goes ahead, it would be fantastic to see her one last time
+Jonathan Winton Thought i wasnt going mad. Found this on the vulcan to the sky website. "Hopefully, next week we’ll finish the pneumatic systems and can test functionality including blow-down of the undercarriage, which blasts nitrogen into the undercarriage hydraulic system to get the wheels out if there has been a loss of hydraulic pressure" At 3:20 they talk about blowing the under carriage down so looks like it done the job!
Incredible video Jon! So glad you caught it, and also a bit jealous aha :O Nicely captured and well filmed, shame this happened as well though as it could potentially affect its finals shows. Hope it doesn't. Anyways superb video and a like from me :D
+Flightsim10HD Cheers Harry. Totally caught me off guard. I agree mate, hope that their final UK tour in October goes ahead as planned as it would be great to see her last time. Thanks mate, looking forward to seeing your content too :)
What a stunning landing you caught Jonathan, unsure if that was normal or was it because of the nose wheel issue? Fantastic pilot skills to land the way he did. Pleased ended well, great catch mate well done.
+Andy Thorne Cheers Andy, no mate, far far from normal. Its one of the rarest things you will ever see, especially with XH558,. It was absolutely amazing to watch. Thanks mate
+Jonathan Winton When they said they had 45 mins of fuel with no sense of elevated stress, wow. I went on a fire health and safety course in 2012 with a load of servicemen, one was a fireman at RAF Coningsby. He said they had the Vulcan in for an emergency landing and it had been about 15 mins from a total loss situation. So it's not the first time by any stretch.
+Jonathan Winton, Just watched your footage on Guy Martin's show. Please excuse my joke you did such a great job of recording a piece of history, You should be very proud.
My Praise and Thanks goes to everyone up at Prestwick yesterday, and having the spitfire as a chase plane spotting for the crew of the Vulcan I am not sure weather it was Martin or Phil Flying yesterday, I do know having spoken to the team and other members that she had to fly back to Doncaster today with her gear down. Jonathan I cant thank you enough for capturing this footage, it is extremely important to show the CAA Just how safe events are and how skilled our Pilots are, Many Thanks My Friend, If you don't mind I would like to take a copy to Coventry next weekend for the Club event if any of the other members missed what happened to show the skill and calmness of true aviators.
+Rob Ellis The spitfire pilot was indeed amazing in how he came in and helped the crew. So professional. Thats right thankfully she arrived safely this afternoon. No problem at all. Absolutely please feel free to share it with them. Again thankyou very much for watching and your comment.
Great display of co-operation & professionalism from Vulcan crew, Spitfire & ATC.
Well done to all concerned.
+Nick Wood Asbolutely. The crew were absolutely amazing how they dealt with the whole situation.
What a fabulous piece of footage! For sure we will never see anything like that again, and wonderful for another iconic British plane to be involved too. Talk about being in the right place at the right time!
+whitemoor66 Its sad to think, but no we wont ever again :( Aye not kidding, i was stunned to be there just at that point. Cheers for watching mate :)
Excellent footage of a class act from all concerned. No drama just absolute professionalism. Thanks for posting.
+ThePipcg Agree with you on that. It was amazing to watch. Thanks for watching
That landing by the Vulcan Pilot was a work of art. Well Done Sir!!!!
+whitehedr Certainly was. Thanks for watching
What a fantastic landing. That's not a pilot, that's an artist.
+Joe Baxter Well said. Alot of truth to that, amazing skill
A nice landing - holding the load of the nose while the speed drops.
It is a great technique and they did a great job in getting it back on the ground. Thanks for watching.
Great to see Prestwick Airport still being used , I now live in NZ but always remember growing up hearing Concorde take off from my bedroom and going to old air shows at Prestwick....last time I was there I was in an old Liberator with a Canadian crew, Still the only place Elvis ever set foot in the UK, lol
Great work from the Vulcan guys, must be nervous times...sad to see this cold war beast go to bed...Credit to the private funding and man hours that kept it flying this long....Well done to All involved
Absolutely, it was a very tense time. Still they dealt with it so proffessionally it was great to see. Thanks very much for watching.
For me, as a kid in New Plymouth, a seminal event in my life was seeing the first Vulcan in service fly over my school. It unfortunately crashed a few weeks later on returning to England. I very much hope that XH558 will be preserved in its hangar without eliminating the possibility that it could one day fly again, even if that is unlikely.
Still used regularly as the last refuelling stop for US Military planes from Europe before crossing the Atlantic
Amazing piloting skills! Was sat in XJ823's cockpit a couple of week's ago and I find it mind blowing how such a large plane can be flown with such grace and elegance. Great video, thanks!
+Colin Evans Same here mate, the cockpits tiny for such a massive bird. Im pleased that she came out of this unscathed too. Thanks for watching mate
Always gives me goosebumps this plane - I had my heart in my mouth at the crucial moment of touchdown! What excellent pilots. Great Video
Same here. Alot of us were filled with awe as it touched down and made a successful landing.
That is just a brilliant example of aircrew interaction. And not bad cameraman ability, all things considered, nicely done.
It certainly was a remarkable effort to get this big bird back on the ground. Thanks, I was still quite an amateur at the time.
Superb film...brings back memories of being a young kid in Cheshire, not far from Woodford, where these beautiful planes were built and tested. The noise made when the engines were run up was deafening, and flying over our house, howling and crackling was fantastic.
Woodford airfield, unfortunately doesn't exist anymore....Brown belt land you see, 500 houses going up, sad really, but that's progress?
Myself and my son went to watch the flypast in October, and stood at the end of what was the old runway, with thousands of other spectators, many of them ex employees of Avro/Hawker Siddley/BAE Systems and all with a tear in their eyes.
+Alan Butterworth hueytheshooter Great bit of historical insight there mate, it truly has links all up and down the country and that seems to resonate with so many people. Woodfords closure was a huge dissapointment as has many airfields in the past year. All in all a great shame to see the Vulcan bow out this season , thanks very much for watching.
I think that's just fantastic how her nose was held up for as long as possible....and everyone was so calm when things could have gone so terribly wrong.
+Pauline Gray Absolutely, it gave them time to kill off a bit of the speed in the event the nose hadn't locked, it was great skill by the pilots, thank'you very much for watching.
5:13 See that Yaw left and right to apply aerodynamic forces to the gear!! Niiice
It was super impressive to see.
Professional expertise at its best as you say Nick. Makes you proud doesn't it.
+borderstorm1 It was superb skill by the pilots involved. Thanks for watching,
Great video and having the ATC just makes it even more involving.
Well done to all involved, amazing how calm 558s pilot sounds during what must be a stressful time.
+D Mines Really brings it to life I agree. Absolutely, they were so cool about getting it resolved and in their coordination. It was brilliant.
Superb. If only the BBC could deliver reports half as good I wouldn't mind so much paying my licence fee.
+Oozoid Salpa Haha stick with RUclips mate, far more interesting stuff like this, (and its free) haha
+Oozoid Salpa BBC LF .... Iknow!! 39p per day!I'd rather pay far more for less with SKY!
That was some awesome footage to capture! Really glad to see it all worked out well and they landed safely. Great video!
+TheHDAviation Cheers mate, it was amazing to watch. Same here. Thanks for watching mate :)
Saw XH558 performing on the same day at the Portrush Airwaves event and had no idea (until David Cenciotti picked up the video) of the drama that unfolded. Absolutely superb airmanship from all concerned and excellent video.
+bigdmac33 It was a huge surprise to myself listening on the scanner to everything unfold. Totally agree it was superb to watch. Thankyou for watching too
No, thank you Jonathan for adding a piece of XH558's history and a complete one at that!
Very well captured. Heart-stopping moment - Successful outcome! Credit to all concerned.
+Nigel Warnke It certainly was, wasnt till I rewatched the clips when it hit me again. Thanks for watching mate
Great flying by all! The soft field landing was AWESOME!
+Kennon Haneline Absolutely they were stunning to watch. Thankyou for watching
Good capture of an interesting event. Saved to watch list and will show all the guys at work tomorrow.
+Simon Storey Och thats great cheers for watching mate. Hope they enjoy watching it too
Those amazing Englishmen in their magnificent flying machines! :) Wow! How cool they are under pressure. Thanks for sharing your fantastic video! :)
+WhiteRabbit5244 They certainly are. Thanks for your comment :)
watching that spit babysits the vulcan all the way in gives me goosebumps....excellent piloting skill...
+umar shah It certainly is stunning to watch. Thanks for watching and commenting mate :)
Clicked play....stared at the video and just got lost in it, what a great event to catch on film (not meaning it was a good thing especially for the pilot) Kudos out there as well to the spitfire pilot who flew that spitfire like he was being towed by the Vulcan.
most of all..... The pilot landed the vulcan like a boss, clearly trying to keep nose gear up for as long as possible "just in case"
Thank you for sharing this great event.
+wootfluke It truly is amazing to watch , even having filmed it I sometimes sit down and watch it all again. It really is stunning to watch. The pilots skill as you say is amazing. Thankyou so much for watching. Appreciated :)
its actually a little sad now to think we will never see it fly again. great memory to go out on.
Wonderful filming, the most exciting, gripping thing on RUclips i've ever seen.
+Johnny Fingers Thanks very much mate, I was as surprised to film it too. Cheers for watching
Excellent video. Something for the archives.
+A.M. Fortas Absolutely, something for the history books ;)
This is teamwork at its best.
It certainly is.
Excellent video Many thanks for posting. So glad the 'big bird' landed safely !.
+andypandywalters Same here, it was a tense moment when she came in to land. Thanks for watching
Excellent you tube video, showing the calm professionalism of this experienced pilots. Insurance companies or do I mean grabbers please take note.
+kilometre100 Haha, couldnt have put it better. Thanks for watching mate
We have a Vulcan at the Castle Air Museum, what a beautiful aircraft. We also have an SR-71 a B-36 and many many more. But that Vulcan is just such a beauty, thanks to the British People for such a gift!
+Jerry Thompson Oh nice one, whats its registration? Absolutely, a true piece of British engineering.
+Jonathan Winton I don't know the registration but you can find the Vulcan and the Air Museum at 37°21'54.29"N 120°34'46.20"W on Google Earth. As you can likely tell, I am very proud of our museun. I mostly grew up in the flight path and both of my sons were born literally a stones throw from the Vulcan at the Castle AFB Hospital.
+Jerry Thompson Not too sure to be honest. Ah very nice. Lucky too have seen it more often in the past.
Amazing collection! I just wish it could be housed in hangars, since the Valley isn't exactly a desert as are Mojave and the location of Davis-Monthan. Oh, there are both a B-52 and an SR-71 housed indoors at Duxford, UK.
Great footage and ATC! You have a habit of being in the right place at the right time...
+DMTaylor90 ✈ Aviation & Rail Haha, cheers mate. Not just that, it always seems to be at or near Glasgow. Its odd
Thanks for sharing . Happy days she is down and well. :)
Thanks for watching. Me too, only it is sad she no longer is in the air :(
A great video covering an incident which I had not heard about. Thank you
Thanks for watching it. Yeah not everyone knew about it.
An amazing video. Very well captured. Thanks for posting. Scary stuff for the Vulcan crew and specators. And a very helpful spitfire pilot. Great team and spirit from everyone to ensure that XH558 is kept safe!
+Jamie Nicolson Thanks very much. It certainly was, we werent sure what to expect when it came onto final. Absolutely, hopefully see her one last time in October
Jonathan Winton I hope so too. One last time will be amazing!
Awesome video mate 👍 was great to see the Vulcan and very interesting to see how the crew dealt with the gear issue and also good to see the Spitifire helping out 👍 great video and ATC and thanks for the day, was great, liked mate!
+Hamish Watt Och cheers mate, It was fantastic, and this whole scene was amazing to watch , and even better it was dealt with absolutely. Thanks very much for coming mate. Was great. Cheers
Great catch! Thanks for capturing and sharing the event so well. Thank god it ended well.
+Mraviationguy Thankyou very much for watching Archie. Absolutely, we were holding our breath as it came in. But thankfully all went well
Very well edited and very well documented and edited footage! Glad that all ended well! That Vulcan is big! Liked very much, excellent work JW! :-D
+Traveller Thanks very much mate, same here, she certainly is a good size , but the cockpit is tiny. Im pleased it all turned out well too. Thanks for watching mate :)
J.W. it was an absolute pleasure! :-D
great video...especially the footage of the landing...glad the old girl got down safely
+wurstthefirst Cheers mate, same here seeing her land safely was the hgihlight by far
+Jonathan Winton I made the effort and took a chance on the weather for the Bournemouth Airshow a few weeks ago. Standing on the cliff top she flew almost on a level with me...such a beautiful sight and one I'll not experience again sadly, especially as I had a Vulcan for a flypast when I passed out of basic recruit training at RAF Swinderby in 1982.
Excellent footage all round . And a good ending !!! Cheers for sharing.
+Canals, Rails & Aviation Thanks for watching, pleased all turned out well. Thankyou
Very professional from all concerned and an excellent video record.
+UKMike2009 Totally agree mate. And thankyou for watching :)
Woah! amazing footage Jonathan! That's an impressive plane to see. Fantastic shot of the touch-down! Well done, big like! :)
+mylosairplanefan Thankyou so much Mylos. Im pleased she got down in one piece. Cheers :)
absolutely fantastic, once again "spitfire" saves the day, great video, thanks a lot
+jimdreferee Always takes a spitfire haha. Just shows, age doesnt matter. Cheers for watching
This is one thing I dread! Aircraft like the Vulcan and Lancaster getting serious problems like this! Thankfully she got down safely!
+minitrundle Same here mate. It was a tense moment when they elected to land. But thankfully all turned out for the best. Thanks for watching
Well controlled everyone, thanks to spitfire for observation, cool team effort.
It was a great job by everyone absolutely. Thanks for watching.
Excellent Jonathan.... simply fantastic capture and have you seen you views👍.
+19bootsy68 Och cheers mate, yeah just happened to be in the right place at the right time :)
Well done everyone involved. And thank goodness the plane was unharmed.
Absolutely they did brilliantly to bring it back to the ground.
Amazing footage. Congrats to all involved
Thank you very much!
Excellent video Jon! Bet it was very tense up on the mound, liked.
+bristolcardifairport Thanks Will, it certainly was, so unsure whatd happen once he touched down. All went well thankfully.
Excellent work recording this, and an awesome display of cooperation and coordination between pilots, ATC, and emergency services. The Spitfire/Vulcan "formation" flying was amazing. Liked and favorited! I am glad it all turned out OK!!
+99carnot Thankyou very much mate. It was amazing to watch and took me completely by surprise. Same here , it was great it turned out ok. Thanks mate
Superb video. Amazing skill from all involved.
+Martyn Dews I agree absolutely. Thanks for watching
amazing bit of video Jonathan having the ATC just adds to the tension. Who wouldn't want a Spitfire as a chase plane wow! It was all handled so well , never seen a Vulcan yawing before so that's a first. These things by chance happen and hopefully the Newspapers won't turn this into something that is a negative. This was such a positive thing just amazing goosebumps watching it cheers for sharing. Have sent a link to APG (airplane pilot guy) podcast hope you don't mind!
+redvanman10 Thanks so much mate. Ive always found it enhances videos so much the atc. Oh I know, ive had several requests to use it by news organisations and ive rejected several as im not happy as to how theyd use the content at all. In my mind it is testimony to the skill of all involved. Ach not a problem mate, thanks for doing that mate
Amazing bit of film Jonathan! I hope you dont mind, I have shared this for all my friends who dont understand my obsession with this beautiful girl and airshows
+Rachel Whelan Please share it with as many people as you like Rachel, thats why I uploaded it so everyone can see the professionalism of pilots under pressure and how it came out great. Thanks so much for watching :)
Nice Video Jonathan, your a lucky bugger getting this.
+scotrail82 Cheers Dan, certainly am :)
Great video, thanks for being there!
+Helloverlord No bother, right place right time. Thanks for watching
A very rare occurrence indeed, when a Spitfire plays second fiddle to a jet bomber. And a happy ending!
+John Benton Absolutely, two very iconic British aircraft. Thanks for watching.
My pleasure. And to see all that co-operation. Pure magic, and very humbling
Luckily everything went well. Great rare catch man. :-)
+flybyplane Absolutely mate, thanks very much :)
I was Listening to the ATC conversation on at the beach at this point, everyone around me had a lump in their throat.
They certainly did. It was an incredible athmosphere.
Some very professional and amazing piloting!
There certainly was.
Superb video thank you so much for sharing this.
+Steve Walton No bother, thankyou for watching.
To think that, when the Vulcan came out, there were still men in the RAF who had flown Spits, and that, indeed, Spits had served until a few years before the Vulcan entered service...impressive how technology advanced so much in so few years!
+Antonio Perez That is actually quite amazing to think about in itself. And to see the pilots in this scenario in both machines working seamlessly together is an even greater achievement of the legacy of these aircraft.
Very looked so exciting to see the Spit racing towards the bomber-interception style, and then fly in tandem...the Best of Britain!
+Antonio Perez check this fact, there was only 11 years between the first flight of the Lancaster and the first flight of the Vulcan , :)
Awesome!!! How technology advanced!!!
Amazing skill, initiative and professionalism all round and that landing was stunning. What did strike me was the amount of radio traffic from other aircraft while this "emergency" was ongoing. I would have thought the only people who should have been on their radios were the crew of XH558, the BBMF Spitfire and the tower until XH558 was safely on the ground?
+highwaywarrior1078 Absolutely agree with you the skill by all involved was outstanding. Yeah, regarding radio comms. As far as the other aircraft calling up knew, they were still scheduled to do their display at the alloted time and in alot of cases asked tower for clarification as to what would be going on. Wasnt until it became clear of the situation call-ups slowed down.
The Vulcan always does it good
Totally agree
Great you caught it ! never seen it :( that's an amazing plane !!
+theDoubleH63 She certainly is mate. Thanks for watching :)
well filmed and recorded of ATC
+Lee Butler Thankyou very much lee.
Great catch! Glad it landed safely.
+Boeingspotter1 - Canadian Aviation Cheers mate, same here
Wonderful flying, marvellous video, great teamwork and excellent description. Thanks so much for sharing!But XH558 is not a him - but a her, surely? She is our beautiful Delta Lady!(Shame we did not see her at the Cosby Victory Show, but more important that she got home safely.)
+Mart S Cheers mate. Aye bit of both really ;) Ach pity that, well you may get her if this final UK tour goes ahead at the end of October , all being well :) Thanks for watching
Vulcans always landed like that. I saw them regularly take off and land at RAF Waddington during my RAF days in the 80s.
+James Butler I agree they do. Thats unrelated to the whole scenario that occurred though
terrific insight
+Jason Wells Thanks for watching
Well done to all involved.
My father, Sargent Paul rogers was instrumental at Boscombe downs to put these bombers into service. They were a great flying machine..
+John Rogers Interesting bit of history their too. Thanks for that
Amazing video one in a life time opportunity
Thank'you, certainly was.
+Jonathan Winton I wish I was there
I saw the Vulcan in Dawlish on the 22nd August 2015.
+Luke Eveleigh Very nice. Ill be seeing her again next week.
I seen the Vulcan at this years event and last at ayr beach but the biggest buzz I got was in 1976 when I was in the army cadets(royal highland fusiliers) as a 14 year old ,we got sent to an army camp in hornsea in Yorkshire and during that 2 weeks we spent there on the Yorkshire coast I witnessed those planes bombing practise targets just off the coast maybe a mile or so away from the barracks we were in , needless to say I fell in love with the VULCAN bomber that 2 weeks we were there , 2 years later I tried to join the RAF .. never happened the way I wanted and the Falkland war started but hey ho lol what a fuckin flying machine ill never forget it.
+john Hamilton Haha very good. Yeah its a stunning classic piece of british engineering, the fact she is still flying over 60 years since she first took off is credit to that. Nice bit of history their too mate. Thanks for watching ,
I never heard about this. I need to renew a subscription to an aviation magazine...
Yeah it was quite a story as it flew for the final few times in 2015.
So glad this 'Old Lady' (and of course her crew for that matter!) survived, what was one of her last flying displays! The world of aviation will be a bit poorer without her in the air.
+dvldi Absolutely, it was a stunning performance from them all in this situation. Ill be seeing her for the final time next week.
Fantastic footage :-)
+Dunc Ham Thankyou for watching :)
beautiful landing
+Brian Thompson Absolutely
I'm sure i read that the hydraulic system has a pneumatic back up system with air receivers charged up with pressure to use in the event of an emergency. Credit to everyone involved because this must of been a worrying situation especially for the crew . Could of ended alot differently. I love XH558 but shes getting old so maybe retiring her now is alot better then prolonging her life where she will become even more temperamental with old age.
+track nut (Gamesman) I may be wrong mate but im pretty sure with the Vuclan the only back up is by manually pumping it down. I may be completely wrong like. Yeah thats true,s till will be a shame to see her go. i hope their tour for October goes ahead, it would be fantastic to see her one last time
+Jonathan Winton
Thought i wasnt going mad. Found this on the vulcan to the sky website.
"Hopefully, next week we’ll finish the pneumatic systems and can test functionality including blow-down of the undercarriage, which blasts nitrogen into the undercarriage hydraulic system to get the wheels out if there has been a loss of hydraulic pressure"
At 3:20 they talk about blowing the under carriage down so looks like it done the job!
70 years later, the 'little friends' (fighters) are still watching out for their big bomber brothers. well done!
+arkadyfolkner Haha yeah, so true. Amazing to see them work together to solve the problem.
Great looking plane! Shame she's retiring :(
+YoSneeze Certainly is, all retired now unfortunately :(
Thanks for wathcing.
Incredible video Jon! So glad you caught it, and also a bit jealous aha :O Nicely captured and well filmed, shame this happened as well though as it could potentially affect its finals shows. Hope it doesn't. Anyways superb video and a like from me :D
+Flightsim10HD Cheers Harry. Totally caught me off guard. I agree mate, hope that their final UK tour in October goes ahead as planned as it would be great to see her last time. Thanks mate, looking forward to seeing your content too :)
That must have been so scary, watched her come safely home today.
+debsym62 Certainly was, ah good stuff. Hoping they do this last UK tour in October
What a stunning landing you caught Jonathan, unsure if that was normal or was it because of the nose wheel issue? Fantastic pilot skills to land the way he did. Pleased ended well, great catch mate well done.
+Andy Thorne Cheers Andy, no mate, far far from normal. Its one of the rarest things you will ever see, especially with XH558,. It was absolutely amazing to watch. Thanks mate
Losing as much speed as possibly before dropping onto the nosewheel, damn fine piloting indeed!
Really? not seen it land that way before.
I know it was airborne anyway but it’s just about the most British thing ever to get a spitfire to check on the landing gear.
It really is. A moment I'll never forget.
And that’s how’s you do, calm and precise, Professional,. Imagine if that was in the US.
The crew were SO professional. It really shows what a great aircraft and crew are capable of acheiving.
Never was so much owed by so few to so few
+tornadowilkes Very true
amazing vulcan!
+Cutwoodnow Certainly is
These guys are ice cool under pressure!
+Stratoszero Totally agree.
+Jonathan Winton When they said they had 45 mins of fuel with no sense of elevated stress, wow. I went on a fire health and safety course in 2012 with a load of servicemen, one was a fireman at RAF Coningsby. He said they had the Vulcan in for an emergency landing and it had been about 15 mins from a total loss situation. So it's not the first time by any stretch.
Very professional
+Keith Johnson Sure was.
Where did you stand I cant really tell I usually go to the beach but might go to the airport this year!
At the mound the end of runway 30.
Whos big heed was in the way of the final nose wheel coming down
Good question haha
How do you get to hear the interactions between the pilots and control tower?
A radio scanner.
+JS160LC A scanner
Looks thay used a bit of left and right rudder and some aileron to prevent a roll.
+EinkOLED A bit of both by the looks of it to try and shake it about without losing any lift. Amazing to watch eitherway
+FootAndFly Cheers :)
4:25 Is anyone looking for the missing combine harvester? Was it abducted? My thoughts are with the driver's family!
+Sheps73r Haha, not quite.
+Jonathan Winton, Just watched your footage on Guy Martin's show. Please excuse my joke you did such a great job of recording a piece of history, You should be very proud.
Thankyou very much mate. Haha, I have a sense of humour mate so divnt worry about that. I must say I was over the moon they used it
Nice work JW!!
+Douglas Clark Cheers :)
Awesome vid, thanks for sharing :-)
+AldbroBev No bother. Thanks for watching :)
Glad it ended well, would be a shame to see something go wrong after all these years of successful flying.
Same here. It was great to see that everything went so well.