Daniel was a key example of working in the world. His high office in the most pagan nation Babylon demanded of him to stay locked into his Heavenly Father. He remained faithful and true to God and therefore continued to rise in political office. He was a shining example of how to live and work in the world and yet be separate in heart and mind. His life glorified God in a way that He could never have accomplished if he had been working in a religious/ministerial job. His life was his ministry. All that he accomplished gave glory to Heavenly Father.
When thinking about a ORDINARY job I can’t help but to think about the carpenter that build the cross Christ died on. Little did he know that cross would change the world
God places each of us exactly where He wants us to be. Colossians 3: 23-24 says: "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. "
@Dancing Deity Disagree, God has always had His people who will, speak the truth even though the majority will not listen or make excuses. Titus 2:15 These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you. In the mainly apostate church today those who have little regard for the truth of God's Word, or those weak in the faith are listened to as if they were apostles. We are exhorted to search the Scriptures daily to see whether these things are so. Yet most Christians have never even read the Bible once. Total time in the Word would be an hour or two at most per week, even then there is no actual study. Ten minute podcasts are about the only study most do, and even then it is just to satisfy itchy ears. You only have to look at a persons history to see what they look at or study. Yet these people are the influencers, not because of spiritual maturity but simply because there are so many of them. Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman who needs not to be ashamed. Let the Word of God dwell in you richly. Renew your mind by the washing of water by the Word.
Beloved John Piper, I am Brazilian, I can only thank Jesus Christ for allowing you to exist. You are one of the few who has helped me shape my knowledge, with that I seek more pleasure in them, awakening the love that I must have so much, I love you pastor, God bless your ministry and you.
I love your message! :) If you’re interested in discovering more sources of knowledge and biblical wisdom, I’ll happy to recommend some of my favorites: Living Waters, Cross Examined, Cold-Case Christianity, Acts17Apologetics. God bless you, João, and stay safe!
Thanks. My most recent struggles are career related. It is good to have someone already more established in their career talk about their struggles as I reassess how I myself view careers as an opportunity to glorify God. There were moments where I believed that if I were not serving in formal ministry then I cannot glorify God. But we can just as much, glorify God in providing for our family, being a Christian testimony in the workplace, and financially supporting missions and other ministries within a local church. A job helps also to build our character, and it is good to remember a lot of the biblical figures we look up to had some sort of profession.
A secular job can be used to generate income and resources for the world's poor and for the persecuted church and domestic/foreign missionaries and Bible translators. And the saint who holds that job can decide resolutely to live a lifestyle far below his means so that he can provide an ever increasing level of support to the poorest of the world so they can stay alive long enough to hear the Gospel preached by the missionaries in their region who have already mastered the local language and cultural context. So much can be done behind the scenes for His glory.
If it is a sin to work a secular job, then that means Jesus Christ sinned because he was a carpenter. But Jesus Christ was perfectly sinless. It really depends on you, and if you truly seek God with all your heart and soul.
@@heavnxbound Good if the hypothetical person is doing that. I'm just reminding Christians that missionaries are still needed. Full time missionaries who are prepared to spend their lives reaching out to the language groups who have not yet heard of Christ and His saving gospel. Why give an hour or two a week, when you can give week after week, year after year, until He calls us home.
Thank you, Pastor! I’m only 23 but that was very useful. I’m currently in college, but I’ve been thinking about the future and if I should do more for the Kingdom :) I just pray that God’s will be done. Wherever he leads me, it will be to his glory ❤️
Been struggling with this question lately, especially working in the hospitality industry and all the ungodly things we are privy to, not forgetting the workplace culture of one-upping each other. I have tried to stay above these "games" and it comes out like am not ambitious or committed because i dont engage in backstabbing or trying to outshine others. And not forgetting the diversity and inclusion conversation that's taken a whole new dimension....... just alot to think about
I know exactly what you mean brother. I am a chef and i experience the kitchen, FOH environment everyday. I actually hate it such ungodly people who boast about their sins. I feel like i'm alone in a jungle or something haha surrounded by wild beasts
If I could be of any additional help to Joshua, I would just add that I have personally sent through this exact situation 4 years ago where I was giving up my life in the states to fundraise & become a full time missionary. I couldn’t discern this at the time but looking back I was definitely trying to escape & just like Joshua I thought the only way to actually Glorify God fully was to be involved in ministry. 4 years later, I look back on that season and am very thankful it never worked out. God has restored my drive and provided alternate perspectives on how to honor Him in the marketplace. Don’t be discouraged brother! As John referenced definitely get involved with other believers who can build you up in the Lord & affirm your unique giftings & help guide you in your life. Peace & blessings
Awesome, great question and it was something I have been struggling with, JESUS answered me by giving Dr. Piper vast wisdom, his ability to bring clarity to tough life questions can only be a gift from GOD!!! Thank you Joshua and glad that question got trough!
This is great timing because my husband and I were just talking about how God has me right where he wants me to be at a grocery store im working at because he is using me to bring him glory and giving me understanding of it also and yet I’ve been praying that he takes me out of it lol so while I am here, I’m considering my work in retail as my personal Mission ❤ and if I can’t be faithful with my coworkers and customers then whose to say it be any different on the mission field or in direct ministry 🤔
I'm a software developer for a spiritually neutral company. This has popped up in my mind a few times. My previous dream was to create a video game. I was blessed to have a decent understanding of coding, and while that previous dream is dying (I can't really reconcile that with my faith right now), I've been wondering if there is something I can do for the glory of God with this ability
Romans 12:21 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
We're not all called to be pastors or missionaries. You should be sharing the Gospel through your work as a witness for Christ. Think Ephesians 6:5-9 Bondservants, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ, not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man, knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a bondservant or is free. Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and that there is no partiality with him. Also consider Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Babylon.
Getting exhausted in my walk with God, all the time going in prayer and waiting and listening to his promises for me snd to walk in my purpose yet there is not progression. Sometimes i feel as if i have been mis-hearing God for the past years snd it is discouraging. I pray for clarity and i submit myself to God daily but yet no direction or move in my life.
I feel you so much on this one but, im just encouraging you to hold on. We in our human capacity cannot see things like God. His ways are higher than our ways. We might have to wait years when it seems like everybody else is walking in their purpose. God is still working in us. I encourage myself to know that God has said, I am his masterpiece, created anew for the good things he has planned. (Ephesians 2v10). So when i get tired, I am now telling myself God has planned my days and he also knew and accounted for times when I would feel this way. He is working, it just takes different times for us to 'get it'.
@@THEREALBOXHEAD Pastor Cárter Colon has an AMAZING sermon on finding your purpose that completely changed my life and broke down what God’s true will is for you before finding His “unique” will for you❤️ I think you should check it out!
I am completely lost on what God wants me do career wise. I was working in education and had to leave my job to become husbands carer for the past year, after he suffered a life changing accident. In this year away from the 9-5 type employment, I have written a number of children's book, some are Christian childrens picture books, but I cant see anyway into this industry. I feel so l lost. My husbands illness had led me to write on childrens picture books regaurding disability yet... I dont have a clue how to proceed, publishing wise. I can illustrate easily and have a degree in creative writing. What on earth does God want me to do. I need some help. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Spread the gospel where you are and see if God wants to use you he wants us to be bold and also he searched our hearts... Internally we need to want to serve him more than money... Money isnt evil... Love if money is... Just love God and love others bring others to Christ
"How Then Shall We Run?" Aug 9, 1992 message by Pastor John: Make no mistake here! Life is not a place for proving to God or anybody your strength. Life is a place for proving whose strength you trust - man’s or God’s. Application: Can we trust God to have enough power to reveal His will (truth) for the best outcome in our lives? -Life is a proving ground for who you treasure and who you trust. -If who you trust is your own strength, then you get the glory. -If who you trust is God, then He gets the glory.
I wish I'd discovered this a few years ago, it does clear things up. I've always had the idea that martyrs and missionaries will be rewarded the most in heaven and I still don't know if that's true.
Someone online told me that people who have jobs and who have lunch with their friends (and basically who live normal lives) are lovers of themselves and do not deny themselves as they should, and that self-love is the basis of the second commandment, i.e. Mark 12:31 - "love your neighbour as yourself". He also implied that the people who believe that we should deny ourselves are hypocrites, and that they wear that sentiment as a badge of pride above anything else. So apparently, self-love is extremely important to the Christian, and also if you believe that you should deny yourself, but you haven't yet committed suicide, you're a hypocrite and a liar. I have no clue what's gotten into some Christians these days, but yikes. I'm seriously concerned for some people. Thank you for this answer, Pastor John! Every answer is based on scripture, and it's wonderful to listen to sound reason and theology. It's good to be able to look somewhere for biblical guidance.
God only does what is best for us for he has all wisdom and understanding! Does he make mistakes? No right? I feel like that sometimes but dont worry, The Lord knows what cercumstance is best for your growth and maturity as a christan. Keep up prayer and ask God for guidence. God may be trying you pacience and faith. God bless you.
From my experience I worked for 45 years of my life in hospitality. Now I’m retired and I felt like you. But not anymore because since I’ve retired I’m loving every moment of it. 10 years I’ve been a Christian and I can say that my life is full of blessings. The best thing for me is my personal relationship with Christ and I hope this encourages you to focus on your personal relationship with God and you will have more abundance of blessings upon your life hallelujah Praise God.
I’d say your wasting your life if your not trying too do the will of God. He has called all of us to something. We have responsibilities so we have to work
God does not necessarily asks us always to contribute in work for his kingdom. We all continually live life contributing to God’s kingdom in many ways.
It’s official everyone, I’m going to the lake of fire for sexual immorality. I am terrified. But I heard from God directly and he told me. Please pray for me.
Mk 6 12 So the disciples went out, telling everyone they met to repent of their sins and turn to God. 1 john 1 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Honestly, it's easy to tell someone to stay off the internet, or promise to pray for you. What I've discovered is this, how much do you love God?! Is it at a percentage where you're willing to let go of certain habits?, Does he mean so much to you that the thing you struggle with becomes something your willing to let the holy spirit break in your life. And Adam, if you have an honest answer to questions like this it's the first step Good luck my brother, we'll pray for you to find an honest answer
Hello Adam. I’m so sorry you are in distress. I just want to write to encourage you to continue to seek God in His word and crying out to Him. Memorize John 6:37 and meditate on it. I’m not exactly sure of your situation here, but I’d also encourage you to speak with a pastor and some Christians who can come along side you and walk with you here. Keep praying to Jesus and don’t give up, friend. Just know that John 6:37 is a stone cold promise. It really is. Jesus says “He who comes to me I will never drive away”. And there are dozens and dozens of more texts to go to here to demonstrate the promises of God in His word. Look unto Christ. Praying for you...
If our job is directly promoting sinful things then it would be wrong to stay in that secular job. Also, if we are not trying to make disciples and be a witness for Jesus in our workplace then we are also sinning and wasting the opportunities that God has given us through our job. You might be a good worker but are you also a good witness? This question is difficult though too because if your job is leading people to focus on the things of the earth e.g. being an influencer that makes content about a specific hobby, then are you sinning by making that your job?
I remember watching a video of John speaking to thousands of young Christians about a couple who had followed the American dream, of a good education, a good job, getting married, raising children, working to put them through college, seeing them leave home and do the same. Then after working hard in their jobs, they retired to Florida with a camper, a boat and a nice condo on the beach, then each day they would take their dog for a walk and they looked carefully in the sand for pretty shells to add to their growing collection at home. John then asked if what they had done with their lives would have any eternal consequences for them in heaven, if at the end of their lives they could point to the shells and say to Jesus that they had been good stewards with what they had done with their lives! John then exhorted the young believers to work for eternal treasures, so Jesus would say to them, "Well done good and faithful servant, enter into My joy." Please don't waste your lives for some sea shells. I exhort you in Christ's name. Go, tell others of Him.
@@carljones8334 yes, that's right sir. I don't know if my comment was one hundred percent coherent, but I meant to say that through something that would've been considered a "secular job" God was glorified.
@@belpri633 Maybe I didn't understand fully, but thank you for replying. I believe we should all be involved in reaching out to those who have not yet heard. I did not agree with John as he seems to discourage those who want to serve Christ.
@@carljones8334I believe he was just responding to a very specific question that the listener asked. John Piper is usually very balanced and He wouldn't discourage such thing. I believe his intent was ro respond to the type of question that was brought up, that's why it may sound like he is playing one side.
@@belpri633 After being involved in missions since 1982, I have heard many believers testify that they were actively discouraged from missions by receiving such advice. We shouldn't be asking why we should go to reach people who have never heard of Jesus, we should instead be looking to go, in obedience to Christ's last words of instruction. There are still over two thousand language groups in the world who are still unevangelised, yet America hoards God's resources to it's self. That is why I speak out, my time on earth is drawing to a close and I see fewer and fewer Christians willing to expend their lives in service to the Master.
In so many words and with much correction… Yes, I am sincerely sorry, but you have wasted your life in the workplace…. Along with every other Christian who has been lied to about employment, which is modern day slavery…
The Bible says that we should not live the way that this world lives. But thats just gibber. Most of us work. Many have family and kids. We want to live like this world. If we dont want to do that and we want to go all in for God its just to become a monk or a nun. Celibacy. No material things or money. Just praying and fasting all the day. The problem is that most of us would not stand that kind of life more then a few days. So why lie before God and say that we want to do this and that for him and to give your whole life to him when we really dont want to do it? Im talking about the majority of the christians. Off course there is people who really do want to die away from the earthly living.
Daniel was a key example of working in the world. His high office in the most pagan nation Babylon demanded of him to stay locked into his Heavenly Father. He remained faithful and true to God and therefore continued to rise in political office. He was a shining example of how to live and work in the world and yet be separate in heart and mind. His life glorified God in a way that He could never have accomplished if he had been working in a religious/ministerial job. His life was his ministry. All that he accomplished gave glory to Heavenly Father.
Indeed, we were thinking Joseph as well with the way he rose up to be second only to Pharaoh.
When thinking about a ORDINARY job I can’t help but to think
about the carpenter that build the cross Christ died on. Little did he know that cross would change the world
ron grimes beautiful. Absolutely beautiful
Daniel was carried off into captivity, he was not voted into office. He was a slave who sought to serve God over pleasing the king.
@@HearGodsWord Joseph was sold into slavery, he did not work his way up the political ladder. A slave who kept himself separate from the world.
God places each of us exactly where He wants us to be. Colossians 3: 23-24 says:
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Some specific jobs are a waste though - you can tell when you are in one.
Never clicked a video so fast. Thankyou for this video
same here
Thank you Pastor John, i believe many Christians may struggle with this question
That is because Christians look for excuses not to go into all the world and preach the gospel in obedience to Christ's command.
@Dancing Deity Disagree, God has always had His people who will, speak the truth even though the majority will not listen or make excuses.
Titus 2:15
These things speak and exhort and reprove with all authority. Let no one disregard you.
In the mainly apostate church today those who have little regard for the truth of God's Word, or those weak in the faith are listened to as if they were apostles.
We are exhorted to search the Scriptures daily to see whether these things are so. Yet most Christians have never even read the Bible once.
Total time in the Word would be an hour or two at most per week, even then there is no actual study. Ten minute podcasts are about the only study most do, and even then it is just to satisfy itchy ears.
You only have to look at a persons history to see what they look at or study.
Yet these people are the influencers, not because of spiritual maturity but simply because there are so many of them.
Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman who needs not to be ashamed. Let the Word of God dwell in you richly. Renew your mind by the washing of water by the Word.
Beloved John Piper, I am Brazilian, I can only thank Jesus Christ for allowing you to exist. You are one of the few who has helped me shape my knowledge, with that I seek more pleasure in them, awakening the love that I must have so much, I love you pastor, God bless your ministry and you.
I love your message! :) If you’re interested in discovering more sources of knowledge and biblical wisdom, I’ll happy to recommend some of my favorites: Living Waters, Cross Examined, Cold-Case Christianity, Acts17Apologetics. God bless you, João, and stay safe!
Thanks. My most recent struggles are career related. It is good to have someone already more established in their career talk about their struggles as I reassess how I myself view careers as an opportunity to glorify God. There were moments where I believed that if I were not serving in formal ministry then I cannot glorify God. But we can just as much, glorify God in providing for our family, being a Christian testimony in the workplace, and financially supporting missions and other ministries within a local church. A job helps also to build our character, and it is good to remember a lot of the biblical figures we look up to had some sort of profession.
A secular job can be used to generate income and resources for the world's poor and for the persecuted church and domestic/foreign missionaries and Bible translators. And the saint who holds that job can decide resolutely to live a lifestyle far below his means so that he can provide an ever increasing level of support to the poorest of the world so they can stay alive long enough to hear the Gospel preached by the missionaries in their region who have already mastered the local language and cultural context. So much can be done behind the scenes for His glory.
If it is a sin to work a secular job, then that means Jesus Christ sinned because he was a carpenter. But Jesus Christ was perfectly sinless. It really depends on you, and if you truly seek God with all your heart and soul.
I needed this even in 2024. Thank you Pastor John 🎉
This is Good, been wrestling with this concept too. Thank you for providing clarity on this!
Why not see what Jesus commands, telling us to go, instead of a man who gives you a weak get out of obeying Christ explanation?
Agree. I think Joshua has some good thoughts, all that are answered by Jesus in the 4 gospels. i would say turn to Jesus, not John Piper.
Carl Jones, working a secular job does not necessarily mean the person won’t go out and share the gospel/give out tracts/open-air preach :)
@@heavnxbound Good if the hypothetical person is doing that. I'm just reminding Christians that missionaries are still needed. Full time missionaries who are prepared to spend their lives reaching out to the language groups who have not yet heard of Christ and His saving gospel.
Why give an hour or two a week, when you can give week after week, year after year, until He calls us home.
Thank you, Pastor! I’m only 23 but that was very useful. I’m currently in college, but I’ve been thinking about the future and if I should do more for the Kingdom :)
I just pray that God’s will be done. Wherever he leads me, it will be to his glory ❤️
Read what Cheist says at the ends of the gospels and in Acts 1:8 for direction in your life?
Been struggling with this question lately, especially working in the hospitality industry and all the ungodly things we are privy to, not forgetting the workplace culture of one-upping each other. I have tried to stay above these "games" and it comes out like am not ambitious or committed because i dont engage in backstabbing or trying to outshine others. And not forgetting the diversity and inclusion conversation that's taken a whole new dimension....... just alot to think about
I know exactly what you mean brother. I am a chef and i experience the kitchen, FOH environment everyday. I actually hate it such ungodly people who boast about their sins. I feel like i'm alone in a jungle or something haha surrounded by wild beasts
Wow. Thank you. I have been struggling with this but you have helped me.
If I could be of any additional help to Joshua, I would just add that I have personally sent through this exact situation 4 years ago where I was giving up my life in the states to fundraise & become a full time missionary. I couldn’t discern this at the time but looking back I was definitely trying to escape & just like Joshua I thought the only way to actually Glorify God fully was to be involved in ministry. 4 years later, I look back on that season and am very thankful it never worked out. God has restored my drive and provided alternate perspectives on how to honor Him in the marketplace. Don’t be discouraged brother! As John referenced definitely get involved with other believers who can build you up in the Lord & affirm your unique giftings & help guide you in your life.
Peace & blessings
Beautiful video and answer.
Thank you for this.
This made me think different 🤔 thank you for answering questions I didn’t know I had!
Thankyou so needed this word in this time of my journey praise God in Jesus name ♥️🙏🏼
Awesome, great question and it was something I have been struggling with, JESUS answered me by giving Dr. Piper vast wisdom, his ability to bring clarity to tough life questions can only be a gift from GOD!!! Thank you Joshua and glad that question got trough!
So timely! Thank you Pastor John
I hope this arrives to you on time as well. Blessings m.ruclips.net/video/wOc4vb0lvPs/видео.html
This is great timing because my husband and I were just talking about how God has me right where he wants me to be at a grocery store im working at because he is using me to bring him glory and giving me understanding of it also and yet I’ve been praying that he takes me out of it lol so while I am here, I’m considering my work in retail as my personal Mission ❤ and if I can’t be faithful with my coworkers and customers then whose to say it be any different on the mission field or in direct ministry 🤔
Thank you pastor john for these episodes.They really help a lot in daily living.God bless you and what you do
Yes, this message really helps those who are perishing with no one to tell them of what Jesus did to redeem them back to God. (Sarcasm)
@@carljones8334 get yourself a towel 'cause you literally dripping
@@brazenserpent5735 When you reject what God's Word clearly teaches and then praise a guy for doing the same, you really have a problem. (No sarcasm)
@@carljones8334 what does the word teach;and how is it contrary to what I believe about it
@@brazenserpent5735 I can only ask you to read it and not ignore it.
I'm a software developer for a spiritually neutral company. This has popped up in my mind a few times. My previous dream was to create a video game. I was blessed to have a decent understanding of coding, and while that previous dream is dying (I can't really reconcile that with my faith right now), I've been wondering if there is something I can do for the glory of God with this ability
There is no secular/sacred divide...
All is sacred unto God (1 Cor 10:31)
Romans 12:21 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.
We're not all called to be pastors or missionaries. You should be sharing the Gospel through your work as a witness for Christ.
Think Ephesians 6:5-9
Bondservants, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ, not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man,
knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a bondservant or is free.
Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and that there is no partiality with him.
Also consider Joseph in Egypt and Daniel in Babylon.
You didn't reply the 'God bless you ' comment but you replied 'first to comment '. SMH🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
So? Do you want us to reply to every comment you make in future?
I said God bless you and you didn't even say Amen. My friend stay in your lane.
@@blueice2449 You're assuming I read your other comment. This says more about you than us I feel with the way you seem to be upset about it.
@@blueice2449 what are you on about?
Getting exhausted in my walk with God, all the time going in prayer and waiting and listening to his promises for me snd to walk in my purpose yet there is not progression. Sometimes i feel as if i have been mis-hearing God for the past years snd it is discouraging. I pray for clarity and i submit myself to God daily but yet no direction or move in my life.
I feel you so much on this one but, im just encouraging you to hold on. We in our human capacity cannot see things like God. His ways are higher than our ways. We might have to wait years when it seems like everybody else is walking in their purpose. God is still working in us. I encourage myself to know that God has said, I am his masterpiece, created anew for the good things he has planned. (Ephesians 2v10). So when i get tired, I am now telling myself God has planned my days and he also knew and accounted for times when I would feel this way. He is working, it just takes different times for us to 'get it'.
@@zainab9394 thank you very much God bless you!
@@THEREALBOXHEAD Pastor Cárter Colon has an AMAZING sermon on finding your purpose that completely changed my life and broke down what God’s true will is for you before finding His “unique” will for you❤️ I think you should check it out!
@@zainab9394 It’s called “Finding the unique plan of God for your life” Pastor Carter Colon. I think it’s on alpha and omega productions channel
This is crazy how timely this word is and how this person's name is Joshua (like mine). Really spoke to me.
Wonderful answer regarding martyrs...yes everything is and must be in the hands of almighty God.
Thank You for answering theses question which such love and grace
This hit home so hard
I needed this. Thank you.
I am completely lost on what God wants me do career wise. I was working in education and had to leave my job to become husbands carer for the past year, after he suffered a life changing accident.
In this year away from the 9-5 type employment, I have written a number of children's book, some are Christian childrens picture books, but I cant see anyway into this industry. I feel so l lost. My husbands illness had led me to write on childrens picture books regaurding disability yet... I dont have a clue how to proceed, publishing wise. I can illustrate easily and have a degree in creative writing. What on earth does God want me to do. I need some help. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
What amazing cautions!!!
Helpful. Thanks
Love this teaching !!
Spread the gospel where you are and see if God wants to use you he wants us to be bold and also he searched our hearts... Internally we need to want to serve him more than money... Money isnt evil... Love if money is... Just love God and love others bring others to Christ
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:" Philippians 2:1-5
Christ's attitude was to seek the lost.
Praise God!
God bless you
"How Then Shall We Run?" Aug 9, 1992 message by Pastor John:
Make no mistake here! Life is not a place for proving to God or anybody your strength. Life is a place for proving whose strength you trust - man’s or God’s.
Can we trust God to have enough power to reveal His will (truth) for the best outcome in our lives?
-Life is a proving ground for who you treasure and who you trust.
-If who you trust is your own strength, then you get the glory.
-If who you trust is God, then He gets the glory.
I wish I'd discovered this a few years ago, it does clear things up. I've always had the idea that martyrs and missionaries will be rewarded the most in heaven and I still don't know if that's true.
This is my question for last few days....
Someone online told me that people who have jobs and who have lunch with their friends (and basically who live normal lives) are lovers of themselves and do not deny themselves as they should, and that self-love is the basis of the second commandment, i.e. Mark 12:31 - "love your neighbour as yourself".
He also implied that the people who believe that we should deny ourselves are hypocrites, and that they wear that sentiment as a badge of pride above anything else.
So apparently, self-love is extremely important to the Christian, and also if you believe that you should deny yourself, but you haven't yet committed suicide, you're a hypocrite and a liar.
I have no clue what's gotten into some Christians these days, but yikes. I'm seriously concerned for some people.
Thank you for this answer, Pastor John! Every answer is based on scripture, and it's wonderful to listen to sound reason and theology. It's good to be able to look somewhere for biblical guidance.
I think every job is a secular job.
I also feel my working life has been a waste. I never got a promotion for nearly 20 years and I feel that God keeps good things away from me
God only does what is best for us for he has all wisdom and understanding! Does he make mistakes? No right? I feel like that sometimes but dont worry, The Lord knows what cercumstance is best for your growth and maturity as a christan. Keep up prayer and ask God for guidence. God may be trying you pacience and faith. God bless you.
From my experience I worked for 45 years of my life in hospitality. Now I’m retired and I felt like you. But not anymore because since I’ve retired I’m loving every moment of it. 10 years I’ve been a Christian and I can say that my life is full of blessings. The best thing for me is my personal relationship with Christ and I hope this encourages you to focus on your personal relationship with God and you will have more abundance of blessings upon your life hallelujah Praise God.
I’d say your wasting your life if your not trying too do the will of God. He has called all of us to something. We have responsibilities so we have to work
Yeah. And most of us have ordinary jobs. Not all christians can be missionarys or pastors.
Jesus said, Follow me.
That is blasphemy. Repent bro :/
Same here as me I'm Herbalife distributor
God does not necessarily asks us always to contribute in work for his kingdom.
We all continually live life contributing to God’s kingdom in many ways.
You are so wrong. Christian's are involved in warfare not a life pleasing to ourselves.
I was born again at 16 does that mean that I should never work but rather live for God alone?
It’s official everyone, I’m going to the lake of fire for sexual immorality. I am terrified. But I heard from God directly and he told me. Please pray for me.
Mk 6 12 So the disciples went out, telling everyone they met to repent of their sins and turn to God.
1 john 1 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Honestly, it's easy to tell someone to stay off the internet, or promise to pray for you. What I've discovered is this, how much do you love God?! Is it at a percentage where you're willing to let go of certain habits?, Does he mean so much to you that the thing you struggle with becomes something your willing to let the holy spirit break in your life. And Adam, if you have an honest answer to questions like this it's the first step
Good luck my brother, we'll pray for you to find an honest answer
always redirect I don’t love God. I don’t even know how I would love him with this stony heart of mine
Praying that God will soften your stony heart.
Hello Adam. I’m so sorry you are in distress. I just want to write to encourage you to continue to seek God in His word and crying out to Him. Memorize John 6:37 and meditate on it. I’m not exactly sure of your situation here, but I’d also encourage you to speak with a pastor and some Christians who can come along side you and walk with you here. Keep praying to Jesus and don’t give up, friend. Just know that John 6:37 is a stone cold promise. It really is. Jesus says “He who comes to me I will never drive away”. And there are dozens and dozens of more texts to go to here to demonstrate the promises of God in His word. Look unto Christ. Praying for you...
If our job is directly promoting sinful things then it would be wrong to stay in that secular job. Also, if we are not trying to make disciples and be a witness for Jesus in our workplace then we are also sinning and wasting the opportunities that God has given us through our job. You might be a good worker but are you also a good witness?
This question is difficult though too because if your job is leading people to focus on the things of the earth e.g. being an influencer that makes content about a specific hobby, then are you sinning by making that your job?
I was just asking this question 30 minutes ago!!!
Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:45-48, Acts 1:8.
Jesus was an carpenter
(Philippians 2 1-16; 1 Thessalonians 4 1-12; Colossians 3). Bless you in the Name of Jesus. Amen
Matthew 28:19-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:45-48, Acts 1:8.
I remember watching a video of John speaking to thousands of young Christians about a couple who had followed the American dream, of a good education, a good job, getting married, raising children, working to put them through college, seeing them leave home and do the same.
Then after working hard in their jobs, they retired to Florida with a camper, a boat and a nice condo on the beach, then each day they would take their dog for a walk and they looked carefully in the sand for pretty shells to add to their growing collection at home.
John then asked if what they had done with their lives would have any eternal consequences for them in heaven, if at the end of their lives they could point to the shells and say to Jesus that they had been good stewards with what they had done with their lives!
John then exhorted the young believers to work for eternal treasures, so Jesus would say to them, "Well done good and faithful servant, enter into My joy."
Please don't waste your lives for some sea shells. I exhort you in Christ's name. Go, tell others of Him.
Rabble Rabble Rabble, something something rubbish
Then Paul, Aquila and Priscilla would have waisted their time by building tents. ♡♡♡ The Lord wants us to spread His kingdom as we go.
They only made tents to support their ministry, just as Paul.
@@carljones8334 yes, that's right sir. I don't know if my comment was one hundred percent coherent, but I meant to say that through something that would've been considered a "secular job" God was glorified.
@@belpri633 Maybe I didn't understand fully, but thank you for replying.
I believe we should all be involved in reaching out to those who have not yet heard.
I did not agree with John as he seems to discourage those who want to serve Christ.
@@carljones8334I believe he was just responding to a very specific question that the listener asked. John Piper is usually very balanced and He wouldn't discourage such thing. I believe his intent was ro respond to the type of question that was brought up, that's why it may sound like he is playing one side.
@@belpri633 After being involved in missions since 1982, I have heard many believers testify that they were actively discouraged from missions by receiving such advice.
We shouldn't be asking why we should go to reach people who have never heard of Jesus, we should instead be looking to go, in obedience to Christ's last words of instruction.
There are still over two thousand language groups in the world who are still unevangelised, yet America hoards God's resources to it's self.
That is why I speak out, my time on earth is drawing to a close and I see fewer and fewer Christians willing to expend their lives in service to the Master.
In so many words and with much correction… Yes, I am sincerely sorry, but you have wasted your life in the workplace…. Along with every other Christian who has been lied to about employment, which is modern day slavery…
How a muslim became a pastor: ruclips.net/video/feXJfs4v-Fk/видео.html
The Bible says that we should not live the way that this world lives. But thats just gibber. Most of us work. Many have family and kids. We want to live like this world.
If we dont want to do that and we want to go all in for God its just to become a monk or a nun. Celibacy. No material things or money. Just praying and fasting all the day.
The problem is that most of us would not stand that kind of life more then a few days.
So why lie before God and say that we want to do this and that for him and to give your whole life to him when we really dont want to do it?
Im talking about the majority of the christians. Off course there is people who really do want to die away from the earthly living.
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