@@pub652 "religion is fiction , not truth" Much of it is, undoubtedly. But ALL of it - in ALL its forms? You'd have to be VERY well-read indeed to make such a statement with a straight face. So - just a simple question: what is YOUR view of the concept of Life After Death, and (briefly) why! Fair enough?
@@Auguur "Don't confuse religion with spirituality." I NEVER have: it's zealous religionists and militant atheists who tend to conflate the two! Frankly, I'm surprised you addressed that remark to ME: it's _quite_ unnecessary!😀
"Genesis, when read literally, should embarrass a reasonably educated eighth-grader" (Would you - and your precocious child - say the same of (eg) the Sermon on the Mount?) Your remark ALSO partially applies to the _Declaration of Independence_ , of course: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" "Self-evident" truths? Why ARE they such? "all men are created equal" ? Are they - but what about the Blacks? What about Geniuses and Morons? "their Creator": we have a problem, Houston! One imagines that Jefferson was NOT referring to a Chinese laboratory here. "unalienable Rights"? An interesting concept - which the Department of Homeland Security, abortionists, the FBI and other Alphabet Agencies seem nowadays to be unaware of. The Government should be told! "Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" - -unless you're a slave, of course! Yep - plenty there to test the critical faculties of your 'educated eighth-grader'. So, should the American People - given such anomalies and absurdities - dismiss the ENTIRE thing as palpable nonsense, do you think, or perhaps be more _selective_ when reading it? Point?
@@marvinc9994 a) Genesis is old testament, genius. The sermon on the mountain is new testament. b) I'd say: it's EXACTLY the problem, that too many people read the bible in a VERY selective way. They cherry-pick. They'd rather forget completely about the old testament and focus on the new. Even for religious fanatics nowadays the old one is a bit TOO sadistic, illogical and full of impossible statements and events, that only shows us how much more ignorant people were back then, compared with the new. If you want, you can interprete everything that the bible says in your own way, in your own mind. Because you're an individual. Nobody can EVER control what's going on in your mind. I hope mankind will never discover a way.
_the inability to believe insane claims without evidence_ Try this for an insane claim: the Universe and everything in it comes from nothing and nowhere for no reason at all. This is a bigger miracle than any in the Bible. Of course, there's no evidence for that.
I had a genuine supernatural born-again experience with Christ in 1981 when I was 21 years old. It was beyond earth-shattering. If you've never met the Person of Jesus Christ up close and personal, you have no clue and are unqualified to comment. Anything ever written about Jesus even in Scripture is understated and you'll never know the truth until you give Him a FAIR CHANCE with you. Jesus Christ is the Eternal God and as such will judge all of us. Be advised and come to Christ while you still can and it's not too late, because it's not. Come to Christ and LIVE FOREVER IN HEAVEN.
@@johnpetruzzi9357Hi John. Bret is merely reflecting what many (atheistic) academics espouse (nowadays). It’s not a universal position, but it appears to be somewhat pervasive. (See, for example, Sapolsky’s book, Determined.) Free will and consciousness present difficult issues concerning ‘free choice’ for modern science (and atheism, for that matter), especially if one believes the universe is deterministic. [Quantum wave collapse indeterminacy does not alleviate the problems. Nor does mathematical chaos.] The existence of personal responsibility is apparently undermined by various versions of these modern forms of scientific determinism. [Many academics seem to be appalled by the consequence involved. Their usual reactions are similar to your own: reflexive rejection. [I offer no opinion on the matter, herein.]]
@SystemsMedicine Your god doesn't solve the free will issue either. If your god is all knowing and omnipotent, humans have no free will. Because she created every human knowing every choice they will do before birth.
"I'm more at peace with myself now knowing that I don't have any answers than when I thought I did" What on earth does THAT mean? I assume NOT that you are now free from ALL moral restraints, or the sense of SOME sort of obligation to do good, where possible, to your fellow creatures? It would be much appreciated it you could expand your 'theme' somewhat, and say whether you are speaking of your erstwhile Religion, or your Faith (the two not being synonymous).😀
@@Snarkonymous "You aren't owed an explanation." Never said I was. But it would nonethless be COURTEOUS to reply to my question - which was written in response to a statement on a PUBLIC platform, which _implies_ at least an _invitation_ to comment, in much the same way as I have replied to you! That, I believe, is what the 'Reply' button is FOR! However, courtesy, I've noticed, is _another thing_ Atheists on this thread feel they can dispense with - in addition to polite and intelligent engagement with their opponents (something I've yet to experience here). One of them even told me to "F..k off and die!" - which neatly sums up the general attitude of these angry souls. What are they SO scared of, I wonder, that they feel the need to be so abusive? Do YOU approve of such behaviour, too? This is _supposed_ to be a DISCUSSION forum, after all - not a primary school playground!😀
Absolutely. I’ve found so much comfort in knowing I’ve searched out my thoughts on this and I don’t believe most of the stuff that men have made up about God. God to me is more of a personal view of the world and how to be thankful for the beauty of things. “God” (or the idea behind him) is in nature and in people… not in a book.
I always wonder who decided that parts of the bible are not to be taken literally. Grew up as a Jehovah's Witness and that cherry picking thing always got to me. I was 24 when I gave birth to my first child prematurely and needed a blood transfusion to survive. My son was tiny, but okay. My father had a total fit when my husband signed the paperwork for the transfusion. I started reading anything i could lay my hand on in favor of or against religion, the bible and the god of the bible. I stopped going to meetings as my actions were considered awful, I was disfellowshipped in abstentia after I refused to attend a hearing and openly said I did not believe that a loving god would allow a mother to die and leave a child who needed her behind. I declared that I was Atheist from that day on. I am now 72 and still an Atheist.
I applaud your strength and bravery, that must have been difficult but being a mother is one of the greatest gifts on this earth. You made the right decision. Being able to think for oneself has become less and less common.
God didn’t say anything about not having blood transfusions. The Jehovah Witness just came up with that idea themselves. And that is how a lot of the Bible is interpreted, by a superstitious man. There was a law saying no one could touch the blood of the alter. However, that was the priest way of getting the offerings to keep for themselves to eat. You can’t blame any of man’s craziness on God. Try to Look at the Bible as man’s trying to understand the mystery of life. They asked The same questions people ask today. Who are we? Why are we here? Where did we come from and where do we go? God didn’t really require the sacrifice of the first born. That is another sad story of man’s distorted thinking. Somehow people came up with the idea that in order to have good crops they had to pay a Higher Power like they paid a neighbor for their cow or chickens, Yet, the Bible can be a source of comfort to many because we are still searching and have the same questions today. So don’t take the Bible to seriously. It’s a soap opera of man’s struggles for meaning. It also contains some good history of people of the Middle East’s life.
organized religion sucks..it's all really mythology anyways from nativre american indians..huloos.and zulus..to greeks and romans and all the incas aztecs mayans..pagans wiccans and druids..anyways worrying about rains or colds or fires etc etc is more natural like animals worrying about all the basic necessaties to worry about
"a Jehovah's Witness" You have my sympathy! But WHY throw out the baby with the bathwater, just because your parents espoused a LOONY CULT, which has as much to do with TRUE Christianity as _The Thoughts of Chairman Mao_ , _The Book of Mormon_ , or Scientology. Your reasoning is very strange!
@@coolguy1127 "Being able to think for oneself" Are you suggesting that that is a quality NONE of the 2.18 Billion 'Christians' - of all denominations - possesses? Please don't confuse Christians with Muslims: if you do, it is YOU who are not 'thinking', but merely deriving comfort from a shared prejudice!
@@kevinod771 Why? The Jesuits are a fine example of a balanced approach to the rational and non-rational aspects of Life. The Church itself -as an institution-has lost its way because of its obsession with power. But that is not the fault of the religion. Just the flawed human beings leading it.
@@kellygreenii Because no one should have to live with dogmatic beliefs and guilt! Man has been making up gods since the beginning of time! If you really need a god.. believe in the god of “I don’t know “! That’s not a bad thing! It’s impossible to read all the various words and interpretations of any god! In the words of Christopher Hitchens; “All the various religions can’t possibly be right… but they all can be wrong!” I apologized to my children because they missed out on science and all of its great discoveries! From the Big Bang to the theory of evolution and everything in between! The greatest thing about science is it doesn’t claim to be infallible, whereas religion does! Show me any religious books that speak of the wonders of our vast universe? Or the depths of our oceans? Show me a religious book that speaks to germ theory or overcoming deathly illnesses?? You see: The truth is: I don’t need a god in my life to enjoy the beauty and splendor of this life! My biggest regret in life is not finding atheism earlier! For the first 45-50 years of my life I dedicated it to my Christianity. I ignored a great part of my life for the promise of immortality in the next life! The last 20 plus years of my life has been an insatiable desire for knowledge! I absolutely love science and all it has to offer! I love history and all that most people forgot! I see people as people and not a denomination or as different from me!! This is why I apologized to my children!!!
That's laughable, considering taking things out of context is the bread and butter of bad atheist takes. Christians shouldn't have to explain basic concepts to atheists and how to properly interpret things.
Yes, because some of us were conservative Evangelical Christian who went to Bible College and were in the ministry for many years. My life is so much better without all the brainwashing from Christianity.
But yet Christianity argues for many of our laws like rape and murder being wrong, and encourages truth. Deuteronomy 22:5 says men shouldn’t wear women’s clothes, and look what’s happening with transgender activism these days, they’re coming after our kids trying to indoctrinate them, taking them away from their parents against there wishes.
@Scorned405 yes it's wild when sane people realize random swirling molecules could not mindlessly swirl together thousands of specified functioning protien machines then mindlessly inject themselves with coded information to facilitate coordination of all these machines to effect a singular goal aka self replicating life!! Its,wild they cant dimly believe such mind blowing engineering could mindlessly flop itself into am,engineering marvel which by comparison renders a space shuttle a mere child's toy Crazy right!
I’ve never heard of this woman before, but I love this! I’m an atheist raised evangelical Baptist and the Bible has never made sense to me. This should be required watching in all churches.
(tiffanyjustcoloring) That's because you're listening to this nut instead of reading the Bible. I've studied the Bible for over 40 years and can most likely answer a lot of your questions. So ask one.
She's from my home town. Could not be more proud. And also, I get it. Growing up and learning that they sugar coated the bible for children cause the truth is so disgusting.
I don't know why RUclips got me here. Originally I was searching for podcasts or talks about fantasizing. Now, I don't know about the bible, but....😂I didn't realize this was comedy. I really thought: ha, finally a WOMAN speaking up against religion à Christopher Hitchens. (VERY little women in those debates, which I find curious, surprising and disturbing at the same time) But good jokes about the bible are always welcome. I'm a born and raised atheist and I'm thankfull for it. Life is hard enough without the romantic fantasy of an eternal father that only wants "good" for us. I fantasize a lot. But not about that. The problem is, in my opinion, that life is simply too hard for a lot of people. That's why religion, imo, is so persistent through the ages. It's a nice, romantic, sugarcoating thought. That "in the end, all will be well and when worse come to worst, I'll die and than it will even get better!" The fanatism with which those beliefs are protected, (no matter in what religion), tells me something about the NEED for comfort that most people have. It's also feeling "save" and belonging in a community. There's the respect, that makes calamity of so long life...(Hamlet's diologue. What a great psychologist Shakes was!!)
@@yungalucard9139 and in return he took the lives of innocent babies, women, young men and all elderly throughout the entire planet through a flood which he deemed 100% of the population was evil.. which he later regretted. Sounds divine alright.
Thanks for the enjoyable Bible commentary lol all so true. I was raised Catholic, though I never believed it, so I've always been an atheist. Suffered through Catholic school and pretending to believe, in those days you couldn't be an open atheist....glad times have changed.
Me too! And when I would ask intelligent questions about god and the church's teachings that no one could actually answer, I was told "it's not our place to question god". That always let me know that they don't know the answer. I'd ask logical questions about so many bible stories that made zero sense in terms of what god was supposed to be, and would get "oh come on". As I get older, it kinda irritates me that people still believe in that junk.
Carl Sagan and Julia Sweeny speak to me. It's so nice to go through life in awe of the miracle and enjoying each moment. The most violent text ever written is just not something I would want any child to ever read or have read to them.
Funny we both rely on "Faith". I believe in a God which is the "Logos" or in one definition the mind that thought into being all created things including energy and the smallest particles that your theories are derived. You have Faith in unprovable pie in the sky theories that will probably change over time or be discarded in the future. Humans have always believed in a god of some sort. Our common human nature dictates this reality. Dawkins and friends simply explain this reality as due to human ignorance of the past. We "enlightened beings" are far too sophisticated for this "silly belief". Yet none of these theories explain "Love". None of these theories can explain consciousness even though they claim otherwise. Converting the immaterial into the material is a nonsense. You have a choice. Have faith in a theory like quantum fluctuations or a "Loving God, the Logos or Mind that thought all our reality into existence and provides hope of a life after our death on this planet. I realize the impossibility of either in human reason but humanity requires hope and love which, if were true quantum fluctuations theory can only provide death and chaos on earth due to the problem you are left with which is there is no objective reality and leaves science and reason and truth to be decided by the mob. Morality then is decided by the most powerful and not by an objective loving God. No my friend I cannot agree with your very well argued case, even as compelling as it is. "We don’t yet know the source of consciousness in mammals, but that doesn’t justify defaulting to “godunit” as an explanation. That is argumentum ad ignorantiam." Well the human condition limits our reason and therefore like it or not we all live in ignorance. To pretend that the so called enlightened people do not is simply funny. Regards
"The most violent text ever written" WHICH part of the new Testament are you referring to? And - have you EVER read the Koran and the Hadith? If you find what Jesus preached as 'violent' as that which Mohammad did, I'd LOVE to know why! If, however, you're simply a slave to the Fashionable Opinions of the Moment, then you won't be able to supply me with an answer, and so probably won't even bother!
Carl Sagan: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” Religious people: "The evidence is all around you. You just need to open up your mind and see them for yourself. No, I can't give you any examples."
@@Langkowski "No, I can't give you any examples." How about (what even Atheists in unguarded moments refer to as) CREATION - and ALL the Universal LAWS within it? ALL laws have a SOURCE - just ask any lawyer! So, what do YOU consider that 'source' to be? I'd love to know!
@@racerx4152 ------You are so, so, ignorant. Now, do you freaking know what is going on in the world? Russia Atheist? The majority of the people of Russia Atheist? Don't you bloody know that Russia has a established religion? The Russian Orthodox Church, a Christian Church. As to China, China is not communist, China is ruled by the Communist Party of China, but this doesn't mean that China is communist or that all the more than a billion people of China are Atheist. Please, educate yourself.
@@Gwaithmir Even SMALL DOSES CAN SUFFICE to tell you all you need to know: Leviticus 25:44-46 King James Version 44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. 45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. 46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
"Brilliant analysis" Clearly, you have generously flexible definitions of _brilliant_ and _analysis_ . It was, in fact, just yet _another_ comic routine, regurgitating the same old anti-Bible/anti-Jesus tropes - not _Principia Mathematica_ !
@@marvinc9994 Or, she just won't IGNORE the bad parts of the Bible, which drives intelligent, rational and honest people to certain conclusions about it: Leviticus 25:44-46 King James Version 44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. 45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. 46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour. Are YOU intelligent, honest AND rational?
@@brianmi40 "Are YOU intelligent, honest AND rational?" I like to think so - which is WHY I suggest that 'Christians' and would-be Christians IGNORE the barbarisms and absurdities of the Old Testament, and focus on JESUS' teaching in the New, which, of course, is where the core elements of His teaching - both ethical and metaphysical are to be found; not among the cluttered, and archaic elements of the OT - a source of interesting tales, myths, and cultural references, but certainly NOT a handbook for moral and spiritual development! It was Jesus Himself, as I recall, who said He was going to shake things up in the Jewish belief system of 1st Century Judaea ("I bring not Peace, but a Sword"), and REPLACE the stuffy old dogmatisms and cruelties of Judaism with a NEW 'message' (an INCLUSIVE God, rather than a petty tribal deity, kindness and compassion to ALL men etc) - a 'message' for which the Priesthood had Him tortured to death: something I rather disapprove of, if I'm 'honest'. Yes, yes, yes - the Bible is a Curate's Egg, as EVERYONE should know by now: there is thus NOTHING terribly revelatory or, interesting, or especially amusing in this woman's 'comic' routine; it's trite, obvious, and unoriginal, I'm afraid (even by American standards). It's now up to YOU to judge whether my response is _intelligent_ and _rational_ - and whether it's _entirely_ "intelligent" AND "rational" of ANYONE to neglect the shiny Nuggets of Truth scattered throughout the NT, which is EVERY bit as useful when treated merely as a series of _philosophical_ texts (like the _Meditations_ of Marcus Aurelius, _The Prophet_ of Kahlil Gibran, or the Sufic tales about Mullah Nasruddin, for example), rather than some crude analogue to the Koran (which IS as fraudulent as it's evil) .😀 Fair enough?
@@marvinc9994 "I suggest that 'Christians' and would-be Christians IGNORE the barbarisms and absurdities of the Old Testament," LOL, so just IGNORE those passages. Ever heard of CHERRY PICKING? Did it ever even just OCCUR TO YOU that it was the SAME GOD in the Old Testament, as was in the New Testament? Think about that: SAME GOD. SAME. GOD. The MENTAL GYMNASTICS you have to come up with and buy into to WASH AWAY THE SINS THROUGHOUT THE OLD TESTAMENT are basically UNIMAGINABLE. It surely hasn't even OCCURED TO YOU, that those passages are part of the MOSAIC LAW: the TORAH, which JESUS in the NEW TESTAMENT LITERALLY TOLD YOU in Matthew 5:17-18 STAYS until the END TIMES. SEE, you want it BOTH WAYS: we should KEEP and OBEY then Ten Commandments, but NOT the other parts of the Old Testaments. CHERRY. PICKING. Believers simply have NO ABILITY TO UTILIZE AND APPLY LOGIC to their thinking.
I had a friend who was raised going to Bible study, had 100% religious schooling, etc. Sometimes I'd mention something that was in the Bible, and she'd say, "Really?!" and we'd look it up. Turns out, Bible study very carefully steers believers toward only certain stories and neglects all the inconvenient ones, and even the inconvenient details in familiar ones. (Julia touches on some of these, for example, in the Ten Commandments. They aren't actually numbered in the text, btw, so you can parse them how you like, which is why Catholics have a different numbering system than the rest of Christianity, and Jews have a different version than either, and it turns out the last bit in the commandments is the one Julia mentioned about how you shouldn't cook a baby goat in its mother's milk. There are plenty weird rules elsewhere, like a whole steaming pile in Leviticus. My favorite is the prohibition against Xmas trees in Jeremiah 10:2-4.) Here's a fun one too: Ask a fundamentalist if they believe the Bible is literally true. Every last word? They'll tell you yes. Which version, you ask. They usually go for the King James version. So you believe in unicorns?! Act shocked and appalled. They won't know what to say. The King James version mentions unicorns multiple times (Numbers 23:22 and 24:8, Deuteronomy 33:17, Job 39:9 and 39:10, Psalms 22:21, 29:6, and 92:10, and Isaiah 34:7). Obviously, these are errors translation, which destroys their claim of literal interpretation. Next ask them if they believe in dragons. Because there are plenty dragons in the Bible too, and those are even more ridiculous (Not just Revelations, although there are plenty there. There's the whole bit with Leviathan in Job 41:1-34 if you're into sea serpents). So, yeah, looking more deeply into religion will drive you to atheism in short order. Notice how religious moderates will run toward secular subject when they get cornered by people more religious than they are. Religious people can't handle a close look at what they claim they believe.
Articulate points to be certain...... But, they only serve to support true biblical principles such as yes Dragons (Dinosaurs) did walk among us at one time! Christmas trees (pagan customs) have no place in the church! And as far as mosaic law is concerned, we are no longer under those guidelines as Christ Jesus has delivered us that we now have redemption through faith in and acceptance of the supreme sacrifice. The truths of the Bible are as apparent as anyone takes the time to understand and literally see with their own eyes. What a joyful future true believers have ahead of us!!! Praise be unto Jehovah God and thankfulness for His Son Jesus Christ the first born of all Creation:)
Reminds me of when my kids grandma got them a storybook bible for kids and I immediately flipped through it and asked her why they left out the part where lot gets shit faced and fucks his daughters two nights in a row. Someone else quickly changed the subject to avoid the moment
@@trishamay3380 Nonsense!! Then why have we found pliable tissue with blood vessels from Triceratops? Anyone who believes man can say what was going on millions of years ago are truly the gullible ones lol....
"The Bible works when you don't think...at all!" So, let me get this right. You are accusing the (literally) hundreds of MILLIONS of people who have derived inspiration - in many different ways - from the Bible (you don't specify which parts) of being Non-Thinkers? I 'think' that any reasonable person would regard THAT statement as insufferably smug and ignorant as it's sweeping. By all means, challenge: intelligently. But please DON'T assume that YOU are somehow wiser than all those 'millions'! And I wonder if you'd make a _similar_ statement about those who have studied (eg) the writings of Plato, Spinoza, Marcus Aurelius, and Thomas Aquinas? But perhaps you haven't studied _their_ writngs and ideas in _quite_ the same depth as you (implicitly) have the 39 books of the OT and the 27 of the NT?
@marvinc9994 anyone can draw meaning from anything! Comics, movies, art, nature! Being inspirational, motivational, or life changing isn't unique to the Bible alone nor God! If you believe the Bible as the real words of God then you're not thinking rationally, you're believing blindly! Tolkien, Stan Lee, George Lucas all made things that did everything the Bible does and more but doesn't take itself as an imaginary sky wizard's rules to obey or means to control others! That's what I'm getting at there's nothing the Bible does that anything else can't do the same or better without God!
@@redfoxninja3173 Oh, dear - erewegoagain😴😴😴 "Being inspirational, motivational, or life changing isn't unique to the Bible" WHERE did I suggest it was? I've discovered many insights from poetry, Gnosticism, Sufism, the Natural World, the Animal Kingdom, and the many kind deeds of others. ALL grist to the mill! "If you believe the Bible as the real words of God " I don't - and neither do most of the Christians I've been acquainted with. The Bible was written by MEN (and I can prove it, if you don't believe me!). "sky wizard" What the sky and wizardry have to do with the Divine, I have no idea. That's a VERY reductive notion, clearly based upon the tendency of Humans to _project_ their own image onto their various deities: _anthropomorphism_ , in other words. Pure narcissism! Do you _seriously_ believe that EVERY theist entertains such infantile notions? And _only_ infantile atheists would assert that they do. Part of Jesus' mission was to clear away all that superstitious clutter (much of it found in the OT, of course). Don't you understand that? "means to control others" Blame the Church and Constantine for that! Jesus was all about Freedom - not Control - as well as the possibility of a 'personal' relationship with the Divine ('God' in common parlance) - WITHOUT the NECESSITY for some interfering (and controlling) priesthood as an intermediary. And the Jewish priesthood HATED Him for it: "Where two or three are gathered in my name, THERE shall I be." The current 'house churches' in places like China and Iran are more like the thing he probably had in mind. Please don't hold Jesus responsible for all the ghastly (and stupid) things purportedly done in His _name_ ! THAT is simply unfair. If you read my original post AGAIN, you will see that you've gone off at a tangent, however. What I objected to was your presumtuous (and false) statement that "The Bible works when you don't think" - in other words that only STUPID people derive inspiration from it. There was really no need to bring Tolkien into this discussion. Will you now accuse ME of being a non-thinker? Please go ahead: I shall simply turn the other cheek (as someone once put it)! 😀 LUCEAT LUX VESTRA
@@redfoxninja3173 Oh, dear - erewegoagain 😴😴😴 "Being inspirational, motivational, or life changing isn't unique to the Bible" WHERE did I suggest it was? I've personally discovered many insights from poetry, Gnosticism, Sufism, the Natural World, the Animal Kingdom, and the many kind deeds of others. ALL grist to the mill! "If you believe the Bible as the real words of God " I don't - and neither do most of the Christians I've been acquainted with. The Bible was written by MEN (and I can prove it, if you don't believe me!). "sky wizard" What the sky and wizardry have to do with the Divine, I have no idea. That's a VERY reductive notion, clearly based upon the tendency of Humans to _project_ their own image onto their various deities: _anthropomorphism_ , in other words. Pure narcissism! Do you _seriously_ believe that EVERY theist entertains such infantile notions? And _only_ infantile atheists would assert that they do. Part of Jesus' mission was to clear away all that superstitious clutter (much of it found in the OT, of course). Don't you understand that? "means to control others" Blame the Church and Constantine for that! Jesus was all about Freedom - not Control - as well as the possibility of a 'personal' relationship with the Divine ('God' in common parlance) - WITHOUT the NECESSITY for some interfering (and controlling) priesthood as an intermediary. And the Jewish priesthood HATED Him for it: "Where two or three are gathered in my name, THERE shall I be." The current 'house churches' in places like China and Iran are more like the thing he probably had in mind. Please don't hold Jesus responsible for all the ghastly (and stupid) things purportedly done in His _name_ ! THAT is simply unfair. If you read my original post AGAIN, you will see that you've gone off at a tangent, however. What I objected to was your presumtuous (and false) statement that "The Bible works when you don't think" - in other words that only STUPID people derive inspiration from it. There was really no need to bring Tolkien into this discussion. Will you now accuse ME of being a non-thinker? Please go ahead: I shall simply turn the other cheek (as someone once put it)! 😀 LUCEAT LUX VESTRA
@@marvinc9994 "So, let me get this right. You are accusing the (literally) hundreds of MILLIONS of people who have derived inspiration - in many different ways - from the Bible (you don't specify which parts) of being Non-Thinkers?" PRO TIP: An "appeal to popularity" is a LOGICAL FALLACY. You should inform yourself of all the logical fallacies that exist, you know, BEFORE you go trotting them out as some brilliant argument for your side. The NUMBER of people that BELIEVE SOMETHING is IRRELEVANT TO ITS TRUTH. Case in point: you may recall the popularity of the idea that that "Sun goes around the Earth". "nuff said. So, since YOU are NOT a "non-thinking" person, take us through THIS statement and the logic for it: Leviticus 25:44-46 King James Version 44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. 45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. 46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
@@davidgray6959 By arguing with such fervor, some atheists seem to be driven by a deep emotional response to religion, which is very much in line with religious fervor. This undermines the idea that atheism is entirely a logical, emotion-free position.
@@calliope4293 Fervor? Dude. I find the bible dull, repetitive, ludicrous. Kinda like watching Teletubbies as an adult. It's the furthest thing from eliciting "fervor". I have more fervor in my opinions about creme brulee.
@@wesleygordon1645 But the truth will set you free: Leviticus 25:44-46 King James Version 44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. 45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. 46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
Never heard of this woman before! Thank you for bringing her to my attention! Me and my brother spent hours making fun of the bible when we were kids. We still do. Fun to see she has the same sense of humor.
Friends ask me, "why I gave up Christianity and became an atheist?" They often as, "did you have a bad experience in the church?" I say, "no, I actually enjoyed the social structure and friendship made in church." I especial enjoyed youth group. So, I tell people my experience in church was mostly positive, but that doesn't make it true just because I had fun in youth group.
I get that same question every time I tell people that I stopped believing. I always tell them that I simply opened my eyes and that Bible no longer made sense to me.
"You can't understand the Bible if you don't believe in god." That's pretty much a closed system. I was raised Christian and rejected it at 10 yrs old. God sees, knows everything you do, that's worst than Santa. Jeannine
"rejected it at 10 yrs old" Yes, 10-year-olds are famous for their spiritual insights and deep wisdom - in much the same way that Greta Thunberg (herself, blessed with a permanent pre-pubescent mentality) is famous for _her_ lucid thoughts on the staggeringly complex science of Atmospheric Physics. You two would get on rather well, I think!
@@RDArtist81 "Still believed in Santa at 10?" Certainly not when Santa seemed miraculously (as you might say) to be 'present' in more than one department store simultaneously! I stopped believing in him when I was 8. However, I certainly can't lay claim to anything like YOUR Mozart-like precocity at such a young age: to have actually read, studied, and deeply analysed the ENTIRE Bible by the age of 10, and to have drawn some deeply philosophical conclusions from it is LITERALLY _incredible_ . What a shame that, in the course of your studies, you never found time (I assume) to have a look at the Gnostic Gospels - condemned as 'heretical by the Church: they would probably have appealed more to your rebellious spirit, as they did to mine. Of course, there IS a subtle distinction to be made between the 'rejection' of a rather complex and heterogeneous selection of tales, historical accounts, and metaphysical concepts upon reflection as a mature adult, on the one hand, and the petulant refusal to believe what Mummy and Daddy taught you when a mere child, on the other. Your Santa analogy, of course, lacks weight as a philosophical 'argument', but the fact that you consider otherwise 'says more' about YOU, I think. Never mind: LUCEAT LUX VESTRA (Please, God - send me some WORTHIER opponents in future!)😀
Not all religious people believe in a magical, supernatural god; not all theology is stupid. (Unlike most of the people commenting here, those with a scientific mind would research the topic before jumping to such conclusions.)
@@marvinc9994 Quite a few 10-year-olds could read this and SEE THE PROBLEM THEREIN: Leviticus 25:44-46 King James Version 44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. 45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. 46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
I was invited to join a Lutheran Bible studies group that I attended once. When I called the Pastor to inquire when the next meeting was, he told me that the group had disbanded.
I was forced to grow up Misery Synod Lutheran (misspelling intended). They are among the slowest of the slow concerning intelligence, and probably why their numbers have been steadily shrinking over the years.
"this MYTH of Christ" Assuming your attribution is correct, then WHICH of the following was intended by his remark: "A myth is a traditional story that explains a cultural belief, practice, or natural phenomenon. Myths are often filled with gods, magical creatures, and mystery. Some myths may have factual origins, but others are completely fictional." Any ideas?
@@marvinc9994 I'ma go with CULTURAL BELIEF, since, you know, we also have: Leviticus 25:44-46 King James Version 44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. 45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. 46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
@@Lordidude ...It's funny that you think Christians are the ones that need to be freed, when you're the ones that need to be freed. The lady in this video has no clue what she's talking about other than telling half truths out of context mixed in with jokes. I am a Christian. So ask me what you want to know.
@cypriantertullian7495 Thanks for opening up for questions. I have one question: Do you believe in gods from other religions (Vishnu, Quetzacoatl, Zeus, Ares, Mars etc.)? Why or why not?
She makes a good point about Exodus. The Israelis controlled the Sanai for almost two generations and sent thousands of archeologists to many of the places discussed in the text, but they couldn't find any archeological evidence to support what it says.
During the time period ascribed to the Exodus, (Circa 1250 BCE) the entire region of the Levant, Sinai, Judea, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and parts of Anatolia were literally INSIDE THE EGYPTIAN EMPIRE! The border of Egypt extended all the way up the Mediterranean coast to the Empire of the Hittites, the Akkadians and the Assyrians. Aside from that, the Egyptians kept copious records of ALL their possessions, wars, major events, either on papyri or carved in stone! If an entire army had been swallowed in the Red Sea pursuing several million runaway Hebrew slaves, it most certainly would have been carved into a monument! There is not a single credible mention of Jewish/Hebrew slaves residing in and fleeing from Egypt in the Egyptian records. And no mention of any Ten Plagues either. P.S., I stand corrected on the dates of the alleged Exodus. It supposedly took place
I don't know how they get past the fact Moses never existed. How can a guy that never existed write Genesis? How can he lead thousands of Hebrew slaves out of Egypt, when they were never there in the first place? It is Genesis that claims the Babble is true, and it is nothing but fiction from that sentence onward.
@@johnrockyryan There's no question of "if" when it comes to authenticity. The Bible is LITERATURE, especially the first five books! It is written in narrative form; it is packed with literary devices right down to the names. Abraham, means, "father of nations;" Moses means, "saved from water;" Jesua (Jesus) means "to rescue." (Saviour) As to the Old Testament, much of it is stolen outright from other cultures. Yahweh/Elohim is a SUMERIAN storm god, so they even coopted their god! Yahweh didn't choose the Jews; THEY chose him!
@@theheavenless A blood cult that reveres human sacrifice too. The god of Abraham, evil trickster god that it was, didn't accept human sacrifice; but Jesus' god does.
I'd love to see a modern church run the animal sacrifice and priestly purification rituals as outlined in the bible. "You shall slaughter the ram and take some of its blood and put it on the lobe of Aaron’s right ear and on the lobes of his sons’ right ears and on the thumbs of their right hands and on the big toes of their right feet and sprinkle the rest of the blood around on the altar. Then you shall take some of the blood that is on the altar and some of the anointing oil and sprinkle it on Aaron and on his garments and on his sons and on his sons’ garments with him; so, he and his garments shall be consecrated, as well as his sons and his sons’ garments with him". Because nothing says a trustworthy priest like a guy with blood dripping from his ear, thumbs, and toes while his clothes are splashed with fresh blood and a further burning of entrails can begin.
Yes, omniscience poses a batch of problems, the god of the bible not only tested people, which certainly should have had foreknowledge that people would sin, but also tested himself when Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days. Nor would an all knowing being regret anything, like he did after flooding earth.
Because he gives us the free will to make choices. Every choice has a positive and negative outcome, life is hard so we can learn from our mistakes and grow through experience.
@@yungalucard9139 we can do that without reference to any god. You have, as most theists do, wilfully missed the point. Take the log out of your own eye and think for a moment about the implications of the god you believe in: a perfect, all knowing, all powerful, all loving god. One that apparently either didn't anticipate that putting the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden wasn't a good idea and that things wouldn't end well for the humans he'd created, or did know but went ahead with it anyway, because reasons. Please explain to me how suffering in the world that has nothing to do with the exercise of free will is compatible with a tri-omni god? Why such a god, who, being all powerful, could end all suffering, and being all knowing could do it in a way that left free will intact, and being all loving wouldn't hesitate to do so, yet hasn't? And while you're at it, please also explain how a perfect being could have wants, needs or desires? How they could be raised to anger? Or regret?
Julia Sweeny was a key part of my deconversion. I discovered her show as I was going through similar things. She's not really popular among atheist, but she was well-timed for me. I'm grateful to her. If I ever got a chance to speak to her, I would tell her that her struggle made my struggle less.
The Beatles only became popular because teenage girls screamed over their sissy hairstyles . An 8 year flash in the pan group . In 1970 , when those teenage girls grew up , their music was out - dated and not in demand anymore and the group broke up .
I’ve always thought of how lovely it would be to have a long campfire chat with Julia Sweeney and Olivia Coleman. That sounds like about the best evening I can imagine.
@@trdtommy Can you bring me the verse that says kill the one who stops believing because I don’t remember any verse like that it’s been a long time since I read the Quran and the Bible as for cutting off the hand this is not in the Quran but in other Muslim books like the Hadith which is something about the sayings of Muhammad but according to what the scholars have agreed upon yes the hand of the thief is cut off unless the one he stole from forgives him or that thief needed to steal in order to live
@@trdtommy But in general, I agree with you. There are illogical things in Islam, but these things are not in the Qur’an actually. Rather, they are found in other Muslim books, such as the hadiths, which, by the way, I have not read yet.
@@Mmorikoy 9:12 in the quran. But i dont rally care that much about those things. I care if what i know about the world to be true. Since noone ever proved the existance of any god(includes all the gods before abramic religions that also is what the abramic religions has copied a lot from) ever.
If you think she's courageous, you'll think Jim is headed to martyrdom: ruclips.net/video/uPLw0tdgMfc/видео.html ruclips.net/video/vgk7MXWQOAM/видео.html
I went from a devout fundamentalist believer to atheist after having put my fears aside and read the bible with an objective mindset. I am proud to say that I have been religion free and a proud atheist since 1994.
Good for you. Hope you enjoy your torment filled afterlife, wait you don't believe in an afterlife, you probably believe that when the body stops functioning and the heart and brain stops that your awareness ends. But you are wrong. You will just have to find out the hard way and then it will be too late.
Almost any topic can be better handled and even more thoughtfully explained through the use of humor. Brilliant job Julia and you weren't so bad on SNL either.😮
Im responsible for my life I’m responsible for my failures I’m responsible for everything THATS MY FREEDOM OF BEING HUMAN. It’s difficult but it’s the truth.
As a boy of 12 or 13 I was on track to be a priest and was getting doctrinal lessons from my parish priest and a jesuit father. They required me to read the bible (not generally encouraged for Catholics - the Catechism is all a catholic should need). In doing so, I discovered the absolute lunacy of the writings. The illogic and the evil and the violence appalled me. I was also reading the Greeks and Roman scholars (Jesuit father...) as well as philosophers throughout the ages (Jesuit, again). We reviewed other religions (abrahamic and others), read treatises on animalistic practices and cults, and looked at how catholicism fit with all of this history. (It fit far too well, but not in the way they intended me to think) I think the insanity of religion really took hold when trying to understand Pascal's wager - because that was definitively NOT a bronze age myth. A god who would accept such an argument is neither omniscient nor omnipresent. Such a god would KNOW what you actually intended with your trickery and would KNOW that you are lying. If I was smarter than Pascal's god, then maybe God was just a dumbass idea made up by people?
She was on saturday night live for many years. She was really great on that show and very funny. She did some very funny scenes with Chris Farley and Phil Hartman. You need to check her out more.
@@Jay-o1s7p Often you will find there wasn't a final straw, there would be a first cause, something that made them want to study, something that didn't sit right (for me that was the claim of a global flood). Then once you delve into the topic you start finding many different areas of conflict (bible mistakes, the horror of the OT, problem of evil, suffering, divine hiddenness, instruction etc). By the end it is not a single thing that ends it but looking at the complete picture of all you have learned you realise you have no belief left.
*HONEST to GOD, I have Thought About thatPIMP LOT, but over the Years, I Brought this UP* *at Least 100+ Times, But ALL that I Ever Got Back was STUPUD STAIRS!!!!* (Spelling?) *Justin . James . Martyr (AT) G . c | Eugene, Oregon | a Genuine & ReaL Guy; Nov. 23, 2024*
The Immaculate conception is the most horrifying belief to me. God, the Father, the patriarch, tells Mary, a teenage girl, that she is going to conceive his Son, give birth to him and raise him with no consent on her part. Don't we have a word or two for that?
HER priest actually admitted to her that most, if not all, of the Old Testament was myth?? I didn't find that out until I was in my mid-30s, and I was pissed! I was glad that, as another Catholic, I didn't have to shed the anti-science stuff or biblical literalism or any of that, but finding out that the Exodus didn't happen and Moses wasn't real and all that was what sent me down the path of deconstruction.
If there were a kind and loving god who cared about humanity, he/she/it would not have subjected us to four more years of a Trump presidency. submitted on 11/08/2024
_he/she/it would not have subjected us to four more years of a Trump presidency. submitted on 11/08/2024_ Ah, the woke. Wokeness and atheism go together.
This is one of the best one woman shows I’ve ever seen. It’s just so good. She knows her stuff and she’s done the work to find herself and how faith relates to her life.
_The bible is total bunk front to back and top to bottom._ A huge portion of the Bible has been archaeologically verified, and much of it relatively recently. King David's existence was only externally verified in the nineties, Pontius Pilate's in the sixties. Job 26:7 says: _God stretches the northern sky out over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing._ There's no land at the North Pole and Earth hangs in space. How did they know that thousands of years BC? An atheist wrote _The Genesis Enigma._ Maybe you should read that. Oh, right, you don't read.
Although that’s very true, indoctrination is an incredibly powerful tool, it’s hard to abandon a religion that you were raised in and that almost becomes an aspect of your personhood. And church leaders are very intentional about avoiding the ugly parts of the Bible, and for many people, their belief and study is what the pastor says on Sunday. Furthermore, people often have religious associations for the connection and community they receive as a result. It’s easy to call someone a fool for their belief, and it is foolish to believe, but there are so many factors that keep someone in religion beyond evidence and philosophy.
in critique of her responses to theology, she’s very reasonable, rational, and properly emotional in the serious moments. The tribalism past is very anachronistic, superstitious, and manipulative. And the holy texts are their devices.
Yup, got the catholic indocrination but knew better than to inquire about why everyone else deserved eternal damnation for not being in our club. Took a bit of de-programming but after one bites the bullet and goes out into the wilderness it soon enough becomes beautiful, good knowing how to think rather than what to think.
I’ve been working on deconstructing for some time. It’s hard because of the guilt and indoctrination; however, my parents thought it was the right thing to do. I’m a work in progress and so glad to have landed on Julia’s presentation. I always thought the bible was a bunch of psychotic chaos!
I'm a single 64yrs old retiree. My wife (bless her soul) passed on last year. My kids are all grown and married with their own families. Yes I go to church but not as a christian to listen to the word of God from someone I most likely know more than, but to just socialize. It is really lonely at this age with no companion, and sick at this age in this country with no more physical contact encouraged. Yes I do see my kids and grandkids everyday (I pick them up from school, go for a walk, feed them and help them do their homework) But these are different. Religion was made by man to control others if the others allow it. If the so-called Bible says we were all created in his image and power, then why would I have to kneel to another human for forgiveness and salvation??? This is my story, I belive in a force in the Universe that none of us understands, I believe in kindness, love, fellowship, helping the needy and empathy. Love thy neighbour as thyself and do unto others that you want others to to unto you.
I’m so tired of hearing christians use the excuse “we can’t understand God’s ways” to explain the horrific things in the bible, as well as the horrific things going on in the world.
9:57 _"before she comes back and he kills her by lighting her on fire"_ I'm not religious but I think a burnt offering was killed _before_ being lighted on fire! Little known fact: one of the reasons for a 'burnt offering' was because, according to the first testament, God _loves_ the smell of burning flesh - something you won't hear being preached in church!
When you realize that Christianity is based on the idea of human sacrifice, you begin to see how insane it is. Plus, when someone promises to return and they haven’t returned in nearly 2,000 years, you have to eventually accept that they just aren’t coming back. 😂✌️🤷♀️
Why is that insane? I think most would agree the world would be a better place if everyone helped each other out. And what is that you might ask? Self-sacrifice 😉
Old Testament: If you disobey you will be punished in this life! New Testament: If you disobey you will be punished in an afterlife FOR ETERNITY!!! Yeah that sounds so much more 'loving...'
Right on the mark Julia.. I have read both the New and Old Testaments, the Quran, and several other like-minded books. So did reading any of them convince me to embrace religious devotion? Not in the slightest - doing so just made me more skeptical. Does my dismissal make me an evil blasphemer? - No, I just do not need a religious diatribe to live a loving and peaceful existence. As soon as it dawned on me that the Ten Commandments were just that, harsh commands, not logical suggestions, I started to question the whole concept of devotion.
JMost religions who say this also add a whole lot of riders. Chrisitanity says it's about love but it always involved killing jews and infidels, fuck Jesus.
I believe it was the Dahlia lamawhen asked if he was a religious man.What was his religion and he replied?My religion is kindness. He also said that kindness is like water, religion is like tea.
"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." Voltaire
only fools refuse to believe the truth!
@@wesleygordon1645religion is fiction , not truth😂😂😂😂
"religion is fiction , not truth"
Much of it is, undoubtedly. But ALL of it - in ALL its forms? You'd have to be VERY well-read indeed to make such a statement with a straight face. So - just a simple question: what is YOUR view of the concept of Life After Death, and (briefly) why! Fair enough?
@@marvinc9994Don't confuse religion with spirituality.
"Don't confuse religion with spirituality."
I NEVER have: it's zealous religionists and militant atheists who tend to conflate the two! Frankly, I'm surprised you addressed that remark to ME: it's _quite_ unnecessary!😀
Genesis, when read literally, should embarrass a reasonably educated eighth-grader.
I like where on the 4th day God created days.
"Genesis, when read literally, should embarrass a reasonably educated eighth-grader"
(Would you - and your precocious child - say the same of (eg) the Sermon on the Mount?)
Your remark ALSO partially applies to the _Declaration of Independence_ , of course:
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"
"Self-evident" truths? Why ARE they such?
"all men are created equal" ? Are they - but what about the Blacks? What about Geniuses and Morons?
"their Creator": we have a problem, Houston! One imagines that Jefferson was NOT referring to a Chinese laboratory here.
"unalienable Rights"? An interesting concept - which the Department of Homeland Security, abortionists, the FBI and other Alphabet Agencies seem nowadays to be unaware of. The Government should be told!
"Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" - -unless you're a slave, of course!
Yep - plenty there to test the critical faculties of your 'educated eighth-grader'.
So, should the American People - given such anomalies and absurdities - dismiss the ENTIRE thing as palpable nonsense, do you think, or perhaps be more _selective_ when reading it? Point?
@@marvinc9994 My point holds. When read literally, Genesis should embarrass a reasonably educated eighth grader.
@@marvinc9994 How does anything you said have to do with the op?
@@marvinc9994 a) Genesis is old testament, genius. The sermon on the mountain is new testament.
b) I'd say: it's EXACTLY the problem, that too many people read the bible in a VERY selective way. They cherry-pick. They'd rather forget completely about the old testament and focus on the new. Even for religious fanatics nowadays the old one is a bit TOO sadistic, illogical and full of impossible statements and events, that only shows us how much more ignorant people were back then, compared with the new.
If you want, you can interprete everything that the bible says in your own way, in your own mind. Because you're an individual.
Nobody can EVER control what's going on in your mind. I hope mankind will never discover a way.
Being an atheist is not about being happy or not, but the inability to believe insane claims without evidence
Back then Gods were insanely crazy. Not to be confused with today's polite and stupid ways.
Atheists have more faith than any other group.
_the inability to believe insane claims without evidence_
Try this for an insane claim: the Universe and everything in it comes from nothing and nowhere for no reason at all. This is a bigger miracle than any in the Bible. Of course, there's no evidence for that.
I had a genuine supernatural born-again experience with Christ in 1981 when I was 21 years old. It was beyond earth-shattering. If you've never met the Person of Jesus Christ up close and personal, you have no clue and are unqualified to comment. Anything ever written about Jesus even in Scripture is understated and you'll never know the truth until you give Him a FAIR CHANCE with you. Jesus Christ is the Eternal God and as such will judge all of us. Be advised and come to Christ while you still can and it's not too late, because it's not. Come to Christ and LIVE FOREVER IN HEAVEN.
@@DDEENY thank you for standing up for the gospel. when it really comes down to it, I don't think that atheists care about evidence.
She doesn't DESTROY god. She gently lays him into the realm of folklore where he belongs.
She can’t destroy what isn’t there could she ?
Listen to some near-death experiences or to people who were clinically dead for some time. This woman knows nothing at all.
I’m with you 100%.
Proud atheist for 50 years. Isn’t it great to be responsible for one’s own actions.
>>Isn’t it great to be responsible for one’s own actions.
@@bretth3718 Did you choose to believe in a god?
If so, which god did you choose and why?
We are all responsible for our own actions.Snap out of it.
@@johnpetruzzi9357Hi John. Bret is merely reflecting what many (atheistic) academics espouse (nowadays). It’s not a universal position, but it appears to be somewhat pervasive.
(See, for example, Sapolsky’s book, Determined.)
Free will and consciousness present difficult issues concerning ‘free choice’ for modern science (and atheism, for that matter), especially if one believes the universe is deterministic. [Quantum wave collapse indeterminacy does not alleviate the problems. Nor does mathematical chaos.]
The existence of personal responsibility is apparently undermined by various versions of these modern forms of scientific determinism. [Many academics seem to be appalled by the consequence involved. Their usual reactions are similar to your own: reflexive rejection. [I offer no opinion on the matter, herein.]]
@SystemsMedicine Your god doesn't solve the free will issue either.
If your god is all knowing and omnipotent, humans have no free will.
Because she created every human knowing every choice they will do before birth.
"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings." Victor Stenger
I had my epiphany back in 1987 and walked away. I'm more at peace with myself now knowing that I don't have any answers than when I thought I did.
You sound like a Deist.
"I'm more at peace with myself now knowing that I don't have any answers than when I thought I did"
What on earth does THAT mean? I assume NOT that you are now free from ALL moral restraints, or the sense of SOME sort of obligation to do good, where possible, to your fellow creatures? It would be much appreciated it you could expand your 'theme' somewhat, and say whether you are speaking of your erstwhile Religion, or your Faith (the two not being synonymous).😀
@@marvinc9994 You aren't owed an explanation.
"You aren't owed an explanation."
Never said I was. But it would nonethless be COURTEOUS to reply to my question - which was written in response to a statement on a PUBLIC platform, which _implies_ at least an _invitation_ to comment, in much the same way as I have replied to you! That, I believe, is what the 'Reply' button is FOR! However, courtesy, I've noticed, is _another thing_ Atheists on this thread feel they can dispense with - in addition to polite and intelligent engagement with their opponents (something I've yet to experience here). One of them even told me to "F..k off and die!" - which neatly sums up the general attitude of these angry souls. What are they SO scared of, I wonder, that they feel the need to be so abusive? Do YOU approve of such behaviour, too? This is _supposed_ to be a DISCUSSION forum, after all - not a primary school playground!😀
Absolutely. I’ve found so much comfort in knowing I’ve searched out my thoughts on this and I don’t believe most of the stuff that men have made up about God. God to me is more of a personal view of the world and how to be thankful for the beauty of things. “God” (or the idea behind him) is in nature and in people… not in a book.
I always wonder who decided that parts of the bible are not to be taken literally. Grew up as a Jehovah's Witness and that cherry picking thing always got to me. I was 24 when I gave birth to my first child prematurely and needed a blood transfusion to survive. My son was tiny, but okay. My father had a total fit when my husband signed the paperwork for the transfusion. I started reading anything i could lay my hand on in favor of or against religion, the bible and the god of the bible. I stopped going to meetings as my actions were considered awful, I was disfellowshipped in abstentia after I refused to attend a hearing and openly said I did not believe that a loving god would allow a mother to die and leave a child who needed her behind. I declared that I was Atheist from that day on. I am now 72 and still an Atheist.
I applaud your strength and bravery, that must have been difficult but being a mother is one of the greatest gifts on this earth. You made the right decision. Being able to think for oneself has become less and less common.
God didn’t say anything about not having blood transfusions. The Jehovah Witness just came up with that idea themselves. And that is how a lot of the Bible is interpreted, by a superstitious man. There was a law saying no one could touch the blood of the alter. However, that was the priest way of getting the offerings to keep for themselves to eat. You can’t blame any of man’s craziness on God. Try to Look at the Bible as man’s trying to understand the mystery of life. They asked The same questions people ask today. Who are we? Why are we here? Where did we come from and where do we go? God didn’t really require the sacrifice of the first born. That is another sad story of man’s distorted thinking. Somehow people came up with the idea that in order to have good crops they had to pay a Higher Power like they paid a neighbor for their cow or chickens, Yet, the Bible can be a source of comfort to many because we are still searching and have the same questions today. So don’t take the Bible to seriously. It’s a soap opera of man’s struggles for meaning. It also contains some good history of people of the Middle East’s life.
organized religion sucks..it's all really mythology anyways from nativre american indians..huloos.and zulus..to greeks and romans and all the incas aztecs mayans..pagans wiccans and druids..anyways worrying about rains or colds or fires etc etc is more natural like animals worrying about all the basic necessaties to worry about
"a Jehovah's Witness"
You have my sympathy! But WHY throw out the baby with the bathwater, just because your parents espoused a LOONY CULT, which has as much to do with TRUE Christianity as _The Thoughts of Chairman Mao_ , _The Book of Mormon_ , or Scientology. Your reasoning is very strange!
"Being able to think for oneself"
Are you suggesting that that is a quality NONE of the 2.18 Billion 'Christians' - of all denominations - possesses? Please don't confuse Christians with Muslims: if you do, it is YOU who are not 'thinking', but merely deriving comfort from a shared prejudice!
I’ve actually apologized to my three adult children for sending them to catholic school!!
Kudos for apologising. I don't know any other parent who raised their children in their religion who have done that.
@@kevinod771 Why? The Jesuits are a fine example of a balanced approach to the rational and non-rational aspects of Life.
The Church itself -as an institution-has lost its way because of its obsession with power. But that is not the fault of the religion. Just the flawed human beings leading it.
@@kellygreenii Because no one should have to live with dogmatic beliefs and guilt! Man has been making up gods since the beginning of time! If you really need a god.. believe in the god of “I don’t know “! That’s not a bad thing! It’s impossible to read all the various words and interpretations of any god! In the words of Christopher Hitchens; “All the various religions can’t possibly be right… but they all can be wrong!” I apologized to my children because they missed out on science and all of its great discoveries! From the Big Bang to the theory of evolution and everything in between! The greatest thing about science is it doesn’t claim to be infallible, whereas religion does! Show me any religious books that speak of the wonders of our vast universe? Or the depths of our oceans? Show me a religious book that speaks to germ theory or overcoming deathly illnesses?? You see: The truth is: I don’t need a god in my life to enjoy the beauty and splendor of this life! My biggest regret in life is not finding atheism earlier! For the first 45-50 years of my life I dedicated it to my Christianity. I ignored a great part of my life for the promise of immortality in the next life! The last 20 plus years of my life has been an insatiable desire for knowledge! I absolutely love science and all it has to offer! I love history and all that most people forgot! I see people as people and not a denomination or as different from me!! This is why I apologized to my children!!!
Each to their own
@@kellygreenii You know human beings run schools right?
No one knows the Bible more than an Atheist.
That's what made me an atheist.
That's laughable, considering taking things out of context is the bread and butter of bad atheist takes.
Christians shouldn't have to explain basic concepts to atheists and how to properly interpret things.
Since I became an atheist, my knowledge of the bible has only increased.
Yes, because some of us were conservative Evangelical Christian who went to Bible College and were in the ministry for many years. My life is so much better without all the brainwashing from Christianity.
In my case, the bible, philosophy, logic and history. And I also learned how to think critically, and question everything.
It amazes me that people cannot see how psychotic Christianity is.
But yet Christianity argues for many of our laws like rape and murder being wrong, and encourages truth. Deuteronomy 22:5 says men shouldn’t wear women’s clothes, and look what’s happening with transgender activism these days, they’re coming after our kids trying to indoctrinate them, taking them away from their parents against there wishes.
They ignore it and choose what they want to hear
@@Brian-Ahavah well there's all the burn in hell stuff for starters. and the autocracy. and the guilt. and the bullshit.
@@Brian-Ahavahah yes, when god killed himself to save us from himself.
@Scorned405 yes it's wild when sane people realize random swirling molecules could not mindlessly swirl together thousands of specified functioning protien machines then mindlessly inject themselves with coded information to facilitate coordination of all these machines to effect a singular goal aka self replicating life!! Its,wild they cant dimly believe such mind blowing engineering could mindlessly flop itself into am,engineering marvel which by comparison renders a space shuttle a mere child's toy
Crazy right!
I’ve never heard of this woman before, but I love this! I’m an atheist raised evangelical Baptist and the Bible has never made sense to me. This should be required watching in all churches.
She was a Saturday Night Live cast member. She is very funny and even more awesome since she’s started these monologues.
(tiffanyjustcoloring) That's because you're listening to this nut instead of reading the Bible. I've studied the Bible for over 40 years and can most likely answer a lot of your questions. So ask one.
She had a scene in Pulp Fiction
"Pulp Fiction"
Which she seems to have confused with the New Testament. She may be 'funny' (to some), but she's FAR from smart!
Very well … what’s an example of something she says that is ‘far from smart’?
She's from my home town. Could not be more proud. And also, I get it. Growing up and learning that they sugar coated the bible for children cause the truth is so disgusting.
the bible is not the problem. as a child it never was sugar coated for me. you just don't want to deal with the sin in your life.
Pretty coloring books.
I don't know why RUclips got me here. Originally I was searching for podcasts or talks about fantasizing. Now, I don't know about the bible, but....😂I didn't realize this was comedy. I really thought: ha, finally a WOMAN speaking up against religion à Christopher Hitchens. (VERY little women in those debates, which I find curious, surprising and disturbing at the same time)
But good jokes about the bible are always welcome. I'm a born and raised atheist and I'm thankfull for it.
Life is hard enough without the romantic fantasy of an eternal father that only wants "good" for us. I fantasize a lot. But not about that.
The problem is, in my opinion, that life is simply too hard for a lot of people. That's why religion, imo, is so persistent through the ages. It's a nice, romantic, sugarcoating thought. That "in the end, all will be well and when worse come to worst, I'll die and than it will even get better!"
The fanatism with which those beliefs are protected, (no matter in what religion), tells me something about the NEED for comfort that most people have. It's also feeling "save" and belonging in a community.
There's the respect, that makes calamity of so long life...(Hamlet's diologue. What a great psychologist Shakes was!!)
*pffff. Safe. Not save.
I'm from Amsterdam. The Netherlands. Sometimes I get tired from writing in English, all the time.
Simply brilliant. It captures the absurdity of Christianity perfectly.
Zoar is the constellation Pisces.
Pisces is "saved" with the precession of the equinoxes from the Ram to the Fish.
Oh yeah it was real absurd when Jesus saved a woman from being stoned to death for adultery. How dare Jesus do something so nice.
@@yungalucard9139 and in return he took the lives of innocent babies, women, young men and all elderly throughout the entire planet through a flood which he deemed 100% of the population was evil.. which he later regretted. Sounds divine alright.
@yungalucard9139 remember when od had 42 children mauled by a bear for calling someone bald?
Thanks for the enjoyable Bible commentary lol all so true. I was raised Catholic, though I never believed it, so I've always been an atheist. Suffered through Catholic school and pretending to believe, in those days you couldn't be an open atheist....glad times have changed.
Amen! Alfa Zeta Near N. Orleans.
Apparently you do not live in the southeastern states of the USA.
@@jimwing.2178 I do. You still can't be an open atheist here, unless you don't need a job or a family.
Me too! And when I would ask intelligent questions about god and the church's teachings that no one could actually answer, I was told "it's not our place to question god". That always let me know that they don't know the answer. I'd ask logical questions about so many bible stories that made zero sense in terms of what god was supposed to be, and would get "oh come on". As I get older, it kinda irritates me that people still believe in that junk.
Churches are full of atheists that just go because they feel obligated
Leaving religion was the best thing to ever happen to me.
same literally
me too :)
@@Apollos2023 Same
Correct . That was a great decision . But when the Most High comes back....thats probably going to be the worst thing to ever happen...
@@JackieLastrada and how do you know that?
Great to see a woman talk about how stupid the bible is
So sad for both of you. God have mercy upon you!
@@HugoChar-673 any evidence a god exists?
@@HugoChar-673 LOL My dog has more mercy than that monster.
It’s sad and amazing to think that any woman would defend an Abrahamic religion.
@@HugoChar-673your god is evil af if it exists
A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.....
That's known as a false equivalence. The correct phrase is "a man without religion is like a fish without water"...
@@supercoogeapparently you did not get the joke that man had no use for religion
Your book doesn't mention spousal abuse, domestic abuse, child abuse, animal abuse and SA; all felony crimes.
Your book doesn't mention embezzlement, both business and personal embezzlement.
A woman without a man is like a fish without a, Oh! Wait! This is a Gloria Steinem quote. Stupid plagiarist!
Carl Sagan and Julia Sweeny speak to me. It's so nice to go through life in awe of the miracle and enjoying each moment. The most violent text ever written is just not something I would want any child to ever read or have read to them.
Funny we both rely on "Faith". I believe in a God which is the "Logos" or in one definition the mind that thought into being all created things including energy and the smallest particles that your theories are derived. You have Faith in unprovable pie in the sky theories that will probably change over time or be discarded in the future. Humans have always believed in a god of some sort. Our common human nature dictates this reality. Dawkins and friends simply explain this reality as due to human ignorance of the past. We "enlightened beings" are far too sophisticated for this "silly belief". Yet none of these theories explain "Love". None of these theories can explain consciousness even though they claim otherwise. Converting the immaterial into the material is a nonsense. You have a choice. Have faith in a theory like quantum fluctuations or a "Loving God, the Logos or Mind that thought all our reality into existence and provides hope of a life after our death on this planet. I realize the impossibility of either in human reason but humanity requires hope and love which, if were true quantum fluctuations theory can only provide death and chaos on earth due to the problem you are left with which is there is no objective reality and leaves science and reason and truth to be decided by the mob. Morality then is decided by the most powerful and not by an objective loving God. No my friend I cannot agree with your very well argued case, even as compelling as it is. "We don’t yet know the source of consciousness in mammals, but that doesn’t justify defaulting to “godunit” as an explanation. That is argumentum ad ignorantiam." Well the human condition limits our reason and therefore like it or not we all live in ignorance. To pretend that the so called enlightened people do not is simply funny. Regards
"The most violent text ever written"
WHICH part of the new Testament are you referring to?
And - have you EVER read the Koran and the Hadith?
If you find what Jesus preached as 'violent' as that which Mohammad did, I'd LOVE to know why! If, however, you're simply a slave to the Fashionable Opinions of the Moment, then you won't be able to supply me with an answer, and so probably won't even bother!
@@marvinc9994 "some of the most violent text ever written" There, I fixed it for you.
Carl Sagan: “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”
Religious people: "The evidence is all around you. You just need to open up your mind and see them for yourself. No, I can't give you any examples."
"No, I can't give you any examples."
How about (what even Atheists in unguarded moments refer to as) CREATION - and ALL the Universal LAWS within it? ALL laws have a SOURCE - just ask any lawyer! So, what do YOU consider that 'source' to be? I'd love to know!
I'm proud to be an atheist❣️
"Faith" is defined as "belief without evidence"... "Moron" is defined as "person with faith"...
Religion poisons EVERYTHING!
@justincredible.----Karl Marx was completely right when he stated in one of his books that Religion is the Opium of the masses.
So true 👍🏻
No. humans poison everything.
so does atheism. look at russia and china
@@racerx4152 ------You are so, so, ignorant. Now, do you freaking know what is going on in the world? Russia Atheist? The majority of the people of Russia Atheist? Don't you bloody know that Russia has a established religion? The Russian Orthodox Church, a Christian Church. As to China, China is not communist, China is ruled by the Communist Party of China, but this doesn't mean that China is communist or that all the more than a billion people of China are Atheist. Please, educate yourself.
Reading the bible causes atheism. Apologists just try to stem the flow. But the trend is clear.
“The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible.” (Mark Twain)
@@Gwaithmir Even SMALL DOSES CAN SUFFICE to tell you all you need to know:
Leviticus 25:44-46
King James Version
44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.
45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.
46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
Brilliant analysis from Julia Sweeney, just brilliant!
"Brilliant analysis"
Clearly, you have generously flexible definitions of _brilliant_ and _analysis_ . It was, in fact, just yet _another_ comic routine, regurgitating the same old anti-Bible/anti-Jesus tropes - not _Principia Mathematica_ !
@@marvinc9994 Or, she just won't IGNORE the bad parts of the Bible, which drives intelligent, rational and honest people to certain conclusions about it:
Leviticus 25:44-46
King James Version
44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.
45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.
46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
Are YOU intelligent, honest AND rational?
Or not...depending on your viewpoint.
"Are YOU intelligent, honest AND rational?"
I like to think so - which is WHY I suggest that 'Christians' and would-be Christians IGNORE the barbarisms and absurdities of the Old Testament, and focus on JESUS' teaching in the New, which, of course, is where the core elements of His teaching - both ethical and metaphysical are to be found; not among the cluttered, and archaic elements of the OT - a source of interesting tales, myths, and cultural references, but certainly NOT a handbook for moral and spiritual development! It was Jesus Himself, as I recall, who said He was going to shake things up in the Jewish belief system of 1st Century Judaea ("I bring not Peace, but a Sword"), and REPLACE the stuffy old dogmatisms and cruelties of Judaism with a NEW 'message' (an INCLUSIVE God, rather than a petty tribal deity, kindness and compassion to ALL men etc) - a 'message' for which the Priesthood had Him tortured to death: something I rather disapprove of, if I'm 'honest'. Yes, yes, yes - the Bible is a Curate's Egg, as EVERYONE should know by now: there is thus NOTHING terribly revelatory or, interesting, or especially amusing in this woman's 'comic' routine; it's trite, obvious, and unoriginal, I'm afraid (even by American standards). It's now up to YOU to judge whether my response is _intelligent_ and _rational_ - and whether it's _entirely_ "intelligent" AND "rational" of ANYONE to neglect the shiny Nuggets of Truth scattered throughout the NT, which is EVERY bit as useful when treated merely as a series of _philosophical_ texts (like the _Meditations_ of Marcus Aurelius, _The Prophet_ of Kahlil Gibran, or the Sufic tales about Mullah Nasruddin, for example), rather than some crude analogue to the Koran (which IS as fraudulent as it's evil) .😀 Fair enough?
@@marvinc9994 "I suggest that 'Christians' and would-be Christians IGNORE the barbarisms and absurdities of the Old Testament,"
LOL, so just IGNORE those passages. Ever heard of CHERRY PICKING?
Did it ever even just OCCUR TO YOU that it was the SAME GOD in the Old Testament, as was in the New Testament?
Think about that: SAME GOD.
The MENTAL GYMNASTICS you have to come up with and buy into to WASH AWAY THE SINS THROUGHOUT THE OLD TESTAMENT are basically UNIMAGINABLE.
It surely hasn't even OCCURED TO YOU, that those passages are part of the MOSAIC LAW: the TORAH, which JESUS in the NEW TESTAMENT LITERALLY TOLD YOU in Matthew 5:17-18 STAYS until the END TIMES.
SEE, you want it BOTH WAYS: we should KEEP and OBEY then Ten Commandments, but NOT the other parts of the Old Testaments.
Believers simply have NO ABILITY TO UTILIZE AND APPLY LOGIC to their thinking.
I had a friend who was raised going to Bible study, had 100% religious schooling, etc. Sometimes I'd mention something that was in the Bible, and she'd say, "Really?!" and we'd look it up. Turns out, Bible study very carefully steers believers toward only certain stories and neglects all the inconvenient ones, and even the inconvenient details in familiar ones. (Julia touches on some of these, for example, in the Ten Commandments. They aren't actually numbered in the text, btw, so you can parse them how you like, which is why Catholics have a different numbering system than the rest of Christianity, and Jews have a different version than either, and it turns out the last bit in the commandments is the one Julia mentioned about how you shouldn't cook a baby goat in its mother's milk. There are plenty weird rules elsewhere, like a whole steaming pile in Leviticus. My favorite is the prohibition against Xmas trees in Jeremiah 10:2-4.)
Here's a fun one too: Ask a fundamentalist if they believe the Bible is literally true. Every last word? They'll tell you yes. Which version, you ask. They usually go for the King James version. So you believe in unicorns?! Act shocked and appalled. They won't know what to say. The King James version mentions unicorns multiple times (Numbers 23:22 and 24:8, Deuteronomy 33:17, Job 39:9 and 39:10, Psalms 22:21, 29:6, and 92:10, and Isaiah 34:7). Obviously, these are errors translation, which destroys their claim of literal interpretation. Next ask them if they believe in dragons. Because there are plenty dragons in the Bible too, and those are even more ridiculous (Not just Revelations, although there are plenty there. There's the whole bit with Leviathan in Job 41:1-34 if you're into sea serpents).
So, yeah, looking more deeply into religion will drive you to atheism in short order. Notice how religious moderates will run toward secular subject when they get cornered by people more religious than they are. Religious people can't handle a close look at what they claim they believe.
Articulate points to be certain...... But, they only serve to support true biblical principles such as yes Dragons (Dinosaurs) did walk among us at one time!
Christmas trees (pagan customs) have no place in the church! And as far as mosaic law is concerned, we are no longer under those guidelines as Christ Jesus has delivered us that we now have redemption through faith in and acceptance of the supreme sacrifice. The truths of the Bible are as apparent as anyone takes the time to understand and literally see with their own eyes. What a joyful future true believers have ahead of us!!!
Praise be unto Jehovah God and thankfulness for His Son Jesus Christ the first born of all Creation:)
Reminds me of when my kids grandma got them a storybook bible for kids and I immediately flipped through it and asked her why they left out the part where lot gets shit faced and fucks his daughters two nights in a row. Someone else quickly changed the subject to avoid the moment
@@jasoncutledge2213 The dinasours went extinct 66million years ago. And the earliest evidence of religion is 300,000 - 500,000 years ago. So........
Then why have we found pliable tissue with blood vessels from Triceratops?
Anyone who believes man can say what was going on millions of years ago are truly the gullible ones lol....
@@jasoncutledge2213 Oh, how cute. You bear false witness. Just like every other idjit creationist.
How could I possibly not subscribe. That was brilliant 👏
The Bible works when you don't think...at all! Because the moment you think you're already beyond the Bible and God short comings
"The Bible works when you don't think...at all!"
So, let me get this right. You are accusing the (literally) hundreds of MILLIONS of people who have derived inspiration - in many different ways - from the Bible (you don't specify which parts) of being Non-Thinkers? I 'think' that any reasonable person would regard THAT statement as insufferably smug and ignorant as it's sweeping. By all means, challenge: intelligently. But please DON'T assume that YOU are somehow wiser than all those 'millions'! And I wonder if you'd make a _similar_ statement about those who have studied (eg) the writings of Plato, Spinoza, Marcus Aurelius, and Thomas Aquinas? But perhaps you haven't studied _their_ writngs and ideas in _quite_ the same depth as you (implicitly) have the 39 books of the OT and the 27 of the NT?
@marvinc9994 anyone can draw meaning from anything! Comics, movies, art, nature! Being inspirational, motivational, or life changing isn't unique to the Bible alone nor God! If you believe the Bible as the real words of God then you're not thinking rationally, you're believing blindly! Tolkien, Stan Lee, George Lucas all made things that did everything the Bible does and more but doesn't take itself as an imaginary sky wizard's rules to obey or means to control others! That's what I'm getting at there's nothing the Bible does that anything else can't do the same or better without God!
Oh, dear - erewegoagain😴😴😴
"Being inspirational, motivational, or life changing isn't unique to the Bible"
WHERE did I suggest it was? I've discovered many insights from poetry, Gnosticism, Sufism, the Natural World, the Animal Kingdom, and the many kind deeds of others. ALL grist to the mill!
"If you believe the Bible as the real words of God "
I don't - and neither do most of the Christians I've been acquainted with. The Bible was written by MEN (and I can prove it, if you don't believe me!).
"sky wizard"
What the sky and wizardry have to do with the Divine, I have no idea. That's a VERY reductive notion, clearly based upon the tendency of Humans to _project_ their own image onto their various deities:
_anthropomorphism_ , in other words. Pure narcissism! Do you _seriously_ believe that EVERY theist entertains such infantile notions? And _only_ infantile atheists would assert that they do. Part of Jesus' mission was to clear away all that superstitious clutter (much of it found in the OT, of course). Don't you understand that?
"means to control others"
Blame the Church and Constantine for that! Jesus was all about Freedom - not Control - as well as the possibility of a 'personal' relationship with the Divine ('God' in common parlance) - WITHOUT the NECESSITY for some interfering (and controlling) priesthood as an intermediary. And the Jewish priesthood HATED Him for it: "Where two or three are gathered in my name, THERE shall I be." The current 'house churches' in places like China and Iran are more like the thing he probably had in mind. Please don't hold Jesus responsible for all the ghastly (and stupid) things purportedly done in His _name_ ! THAT is simply unfair.
If you read my original post AGAIN, you will see that you've gone off at a tangent, however. What I objected to was your presumtuous (and false) statement that "The Bible works when you don't think" - in other words that only STUPID people derive inspiration from it. There was really no need to bring Tolkien into this discussion. Will you now accuse ME of being a non-thinker? Please go ahead: I shall simply turn the other cheek (as someone once put it)! 😀
Oh, dear - erewegoagain 😴😴😴
"Being inspirational, motivational, or life changing isn't unique to the Bible"
WHERE did I suggest it was? I've personally discovered many insights from poetry, Gnosticism, Sufism, the Natural World, the Animal Kingdom, and the many kind deeds of others. ALL grist to the mill!
"If you believe the Bible as the real words of God "
I don't - and neither do most of the Christians I've been acquainted with. The Bible was written by MEN (and I can prove it, if you don't believe me!).
"sky wizard"
What the sky and wizardry have to do with the Divine, I have no idea. That's a VERY reductive notion, clearly based upon the tendency of Humans to _project_ their own image onto their various deities:
_anthropomorphism_ , in other words. Pure narcissism! Do you _seriously_ believe that EVERY theist entertains such infantile notions? And _only_ infantile atheists would assert that they do. Part of Jesus' mission was to clear away all that superstitious clutter (much of it found in the OT, of course). Don't you understand that?
"means to control others"
Blame the Church and Constantine for that! Jesus was all about Freedom - not Control - as well as the possibility of a 'personal' relationship with the Divine ('God' in common parlance) - WITHOUT the NECESSITY for some interfering (and controlling) priesthood as an intermediary. And the Jewish priesthood HATED Him for it: "Where two or three are gathered in my name, THERE shall I be." The current 'house churches' in places like China and Iran are more like the thing he probably had in mind. Please don't hold Jesus responsible for all the ghastly (and stupid) things purportedly done in His _name_ ! THAT is simply unfair.
If you read my original post AGAIN, you will see that you've gone off at a tangent, however. What I objected to was your presumtuous (and false) statement that "The Bible works when you don't think" - in other words that only STUPID people derive inspiration from it. There was really no need to bring Tolkien into this discussion. Will you now accuse ME of being a non-thinker? Please go ahead: I shall simply turn the other cheek (as someone once put it)! 😀
@@marvinc9994 "So, let me get this right. You are accusing the (literally) hundreds of MILLIONS of people who have derived inspiration - in many different ways - from the Bible (you don't specify which parts) of being Non-Thinkers?"
PRO TIP: An "appeal to popularity" is a LOGICAL FALLACY. You should inform yourself of all the logical fallacies that exist, you know, BEFORE you go trotting them out as some brilliant argument for your side. The NUMBER of people that BELIEVE SOMETHING is IRRELEVANT TO ITS TRUTH. Case in point: you may recall the popularity of the idea that that "Sun goes around the Earth". "nuff said.
So, since YOU are NOT a "non-thinking" person, take us through THIS statement and the logic for it:
Leviticus 25:44-46
King James Version
44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.
45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.
46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
No other book has made so many atheists as the Bible.
And they read it like it's brilliant prose! It's awful! Repetitive, dull, riddled with errors, and just ludicrous. Carl 69:420
Your s lies are meaningless!
@@davidgray6959 By arguing with such fervor, some atheists seem to be driven by a deep emotional response to religion, which is very much in line with religious fervor. This undermines the idea that atheism is entirely a logical, emotion-free position.
@@calliope4293 Fervor? Dude. I find the bible dull, repetitive, ludicrous. Kinda like watching Teletubbies as an adult. It's the furthest thing from eliciting "fervor". I have more fervor in my opinions about creme brulee.
@@wesleygordon1645 But the truth will set you free:
Leviticus 25:44-46
King James Version
44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.
45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.
46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
This was very entertaining and informative, thank you very much.
Never heard of this woman before! Thank you for bringing her to my attention!
Me and my brother spent hours making fun of the bible when we were kids. We still do. Fun to see she has the same sense of humor.
She used to be on Saturday Night Live in the early days.
@@Soapandwater6 She’s also had a few supporting roles in various sitcoms. Her character on Frasier was great.
Yes !! It's Pat !!! I thought I recognized her voice ! ❤️✌️
@@maresnite Yes! 😁
Friends ask me, "why I gave up Christianity and became an atheist?" They often as, "did you have a bad experience in the church?" I say, "no, I actually enjoyed the social structure and friendship made in church." I especial enjoyed youth group. So, I tell people my experience in church was mostly positive, but that doesn't make it true just because I had fun in youth group.
I get that same question every time I tell people that I stopped believing. I always tell them that I simply opened my eyes and that Bible no longer made sense to me.
"You can't understand the Bible if you don't believe in god." That's pretty much a closed system. I was raised Christian and rejected it at 10 yrs old. God sees, knows everything you do, that's worst than Santa. Jeannine
"rejected it at 10 yrs old"
Yes, 10-year-olds are famous for their spiritual insights and deep wisdom - in much the same way that Greta Thunberg (herself, blessed with a permanent pre-pubescent mentality) is famous for _her_ lucid thoughts on the staggeringly complex science of Atmospheric Physics. You two would get on rather well, I think!
@@marvinc9994 Still believed in Santa at 10? Your idea that a 10yr old couldn't be capable of rejecting the Bible says more about you.
"Still believed in Santa at 10?"
Certainly not when Santa seemed miraculously (as you might say) to be 'present' in more than one department store simultaneously! I stopped believing in him when I was 8. However, I certainly can't lay claim to anything like YOUR Mozart-like precocity at such a young age: to have actually read, studied, and deeply analysed the ENTIRE Bible by the age of 10, and to have drawn some deeply philosophical conclusions from it is LITERALLY _incredible_ . What a shame that, in the course of your studies, you never found time (I assume) to have a look at the Gnostic Gospels - condemned as 'heretical by the Church: they would probably have appealed more to your rebellious spirit, as they did to mine. Of course, there IS a subtle distinction to be made between the 'rejection' of a rather complex and heterogeneous selection of tales, historical accounts, and metaphysical concepts upon reflection as a mature adult, on the one hand, and the petulant refusal to believe what Mummy and Daddy taught you when a mere child, on the other. Your Santa analogy, of course, lacks weight as a philosophical 'argument', but the fact that you consider otherwise 'says more' about YOU, I think. Never mind: LUCEAT LUX VESTRA
(Please, God - send me some WORTHIER opponents in future!)😀
Not all religious people believe in a magical, supernatural god; not all theology is stupid. (Unlike most of the people commenting here, those with a scientific mind would research the topic before jumping to such conclusions.)
@@marvinc9994 Quite a few 10-year-olds could read this and SEE THE PROBLEM THEREIN:
Leviticus 25:44-46
King James Version
44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.
45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.
46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
I was invited to join a Lutheran Bible studies group that I attended once. When I called the Pastor to inquire when the next meeting was, he told me that the group had disbanded.
I was forced to grow up Misery Synod Lutheran (misspelling intended). They are among the slowest of the slow concerning intelligence, and probably why their numbers have been steadily shrinking over the years.
"It has served us well, this MYTH of Christ" Pope Leo X
Check the source of that quote.
@@marklivingston7957 The source depends on who you believe. As usual, in religious customs.
"this MYTH of Christ"
Assuming your attribution is correct, then WHICH of the following was intended by his remark:
"A myth is a traditional story that explains a cultural belief, practice, or natural phenomenon. Myths are often filled with gods, magical creatures, and mystery. Some myths may have factual origins, but others are completely fictional."
Any ideas?
@@marvinc9994 I'ma go with CULTURAL BELIEF, since, you know, we also have:
Leviticus 25:44-46
King James Version
44 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.
45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.
46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour.
I hope to see many christian commenters here.
They are the ones who need these videos the most.
What do you want Christians to comment on?
@cypriantertullian7495 I don't care. It's important that they watch these videos to free themselves.
To free themselves from madness. 😂😂😂
@@Lordidude ...It's funny that you think Christians are the ones that need to be freed, when you're the ones that need to be freed. The lady in this video has no clue what she's talking about other than telling half truths out of context mixed in with jokes. I am a Christian. So ask me what you want to know.
@cypriantertullian7495 Thanks for opening up for questions. I have one question: Do you believe in gods from other religions (Vishnu, Quetzacoatl, Zeus, Ares, Mars etc.)? Why or why not?
the human invention of god(s) is the cost of having a complex nervous system, an expression of psychological stress and a mechanism to cope with it.
She makes a good point about Exodus. The Israelis controlled the Sanai for almost two generations and sent thousands of archeologists to many of the places discussed in the text, but they couldn't find any archeological evidence to support what it says.
During the time period ascribed to the Exodus, (Circa 1250 BCE) the entire region of the Levant, Sinai, Judea, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and parts of Anatolia were literally INSIDE THE EGYPTIAN EMPIRE! The border of Egypt extended all the way up the Mediterranean coast to the Empire of the Hittites, the Akkadians and the Assyrians. Aside from that, the Egyptians kept copious records of ALL their possessions, wars, major events, either on papyri or carved in stone! If an entire army had been swallowed in the Red Sea pursuing several million runaway Hebrew slaves, it most certainly would have been carved into a monument! There is not a single credible mention of Jewish/Hebrew slaves residing in and fleeing from Egypt in the Egyptian records. And no mention of any Ten Plagues either. P.S., I stand corrected on the dates of the alleged Exodus. It supposedly took place
I don't know how they get past the fact Moses never existed. How can a guy that never existed write Genesis? How can he lead thousands of Hebrew slaves out of Egypt, when they were never there in the first place? It is Genesis that claims the Babble is true, and it is nothing but fiction from that sentence onward.
just some biological organisms making up stories to tell each other. some suckers believe them.
If Genesis, Noahs Ark or Exodus didn't happen or were not actual historical events the Bibles claims them to be, then it's authenticity crumbles
@@johnrockyryan There's no question of "if" when it comes to authenticity. The Bible is LITERATURE, especially the first five books! It is written in narrative form; it is packed with literary devices right down to the names. Abraham, means, "father of nations;" Moses means, "saved from water;" Jesua (Jesus) means "to rescue." (Saviour) As to the Old Testament, much of it is stolen outright from other cultures. Yahweh/Elohim is a SUMERIAN storm god, so they even coopted their god! Yahweh didn't choose the Jews; THEY chose him!
Brilliant and so incredibly funny. Love it. You are great.
I don’t need to belong to a religion but I believe in a personal creator.
What cult drinks blood, eats flesh and is saved only by human sacrifice?
It's so horrific when think it that way. Christianity is a blood cult. Next level of superstition.
@@theheavenless A blood cult that reveres human sacrifice too. The god of Abraham, evil trickster god that it was, didn't accept human sacrifice; but Jesus' god does.
The Christian cult!
I'd love to see a modern church run the animal sacrifice and priestly purification rituals as outlined in the bible. "You shall slaughter the ram and take some of its blood and put it on the lobe of Aaron’s right ear and on the lobes of his sons’ right ears and on the thumbs of their right hands and on the big toes of their right feet and sprinkle the rest of the blood around on the altar. Then you shall take some of the blood that is on the altar and some of the anointing oil and sprinkle it on Aaron and on his garments and on his sons and on his sons’ garments with him; so, he and his garments shall be consecrated, as well as his sons and his sons’ garments with him".
Because nothing says a trustworthy priest like a guy with blood dripping from his ear, thumbs, and toes while his clothes are splashed with fresh blood and a further burning of entrails can begin.
@@Wertbag99 Sounds like they were obsessed with blood.
Why would an all-knowing god need to test anyone or anything...shouldn't an all-knowing god already have all of the answers?
Yes, omniscience poses a batch of problems, the god of the bible not only tested people, which certainly should have had foreknowledge that people would sin, but also tested himself when Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days. Nor would an all knowing being regret anything, like he did after flooding earth.
Because he gives us the free will to make choices. Every choice has a positive and negative outcome, life is hard so we can learn from our mistakes and grow through experience.
@yungalucard9139 omniscience and free will cannot coexist.
@yungalucard9139 why would god regret making the world and drowning all those innocent babies and animals?
@@yungalucard9139 we can do that without reference to any god. You have, as most theists do, wilfully missed the point. Take the log out of your own eye and think for a moment about the implications of the god you believe in: a perfect, all knowing, all powerful, all loving god. One that apparently either didn't anticipate that putting the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the garden of Eden wasn't a good idea and that things wouldn't end well for the humans he'd created, or did know but went ahead with it anyway, because reasons.
Please explain to me how suffering in the world that has nothing to do with the exercise of free will is compatible with a tri-omni god? Why such a god, who, being all powerful, could end all suffering, and being all knowing could do it in a way that left free will intact, and being all loving wouldn't hesitate to do so, yet hasn't?
And while you're at it, please also explain how a perfect being could have wants, needs or desires? How they could be raised to anger? Or regret?
Julia Sweeny was a key part of my deconversion. I discovered her show as I was going through similar things. She's not really popular among atheist, but she was well-timed for me. I'm grateful to her. If I ever got a chance to speak to her, I would tell her that her struggle made my struggle less.
I had never heard of Sweeney but this strikes me as a very old video compilation. She has quite the delivery not to mention memory.
@stephenpowstinger733 oh yeah, I discovered it in 04-05, and I think it was old then.
Excellent Julia ❤you. Reason and Religion are enemy of each others
Simply approaching these texts with non-credulity will quickly rid you of it's curse. Brilliant presentation.
When people were burning the Beatles albums back in the 60's I think they should have been burning bibles.
The Beatles only became popular because teenage girls screamed over their sissy hairstyles .
An 8 year flash in the pan group .
In 1970 , when those teenage girls grew up , their music was out - dated and not in demand anymore and the group broke up .
@@RobertStambaugh-l5r So people don't still love The Beatles? Really?
I don't condone any book burning.
Either read up on the band or shut up. You don't know what you're talking about.
@@RobertStambaugh-l5r A strenuously overrated band and 'talent', certainly. And pop music has only gotten (largely) worse in the intervening years.
I’ve always thought of how lovely it would be to have a long campfire chat with Julia Sweeney and Olivia Coleman. That sounds like about the best evening I can imagine.
I stopped believing in that nonsense 25 years ago and haven't looked back.
The Bible is evidence of religion, not God.
A sensible comment at last
Wrong. Bible is God's word.
Christianity isn't. Religion.
It's the truth.
@chrisbailey9377 Wrong. The Bible is a man-made tool used to control and manipulate it's subjects. Just. Like. You.
@@chrisbailey9377 Wrong. The Bible is a man-made tool used to control and manipulate it's subjects.
@@chrisbailey9377 Wrong. The Bible is a man-made tool used to control and manipulate its subjects.
I became an atheist after reading the bible, the quran and some of the other strange texts of holy stuff.
the Quran?? I am a deist who read both but what is wrong with the Quran lol. The Quran is not even half as brutal as Christianity.
@@Mmorikoy So its ok to kill a person that stops believing in your imaginary friend?
Or chop of their hands for stealing?
Is this ok in your mind?
@@trdtommy Can you bring me the verse that says kill the one who stops believing because I don’t remember any verse like that it’s been a long time since I read the Quran and the Bible as for cutting off the hand this is not in the Quran but in other Muslim books like the Hadith which is something about the sayings of Muhammad but according to what the scholars have agreed upon yes the hand of the thief is cut off unless the one he stole from forgives him or that thief needed to steal in order to live
@@trdtommy But in general, I agree with you. There are illogical things in Islam, but these things are not in the Qur’an actually. Rather, they are found in other Muslim books, such as the hadiths, which, by the way, I have not read yet.
@@Mmorikoy 9:12 in the quran. But i dont rally care that much about those things. I care if what i know about the world to be true. Since noone ever proved the existance of any god(includes all the gods before abramic religions that also is what the abramic religions has copied a lot from) ever.
Brilliant - she's got a lot of courage skewer the bible like that.
If you think she's courageous, you'll think Jim is headed to martyrdom:
I went from a devout fundamentalist believer to atheist after having put my fears aside and read the bible with an objective mindset. I am proud to say that I have been religion free and a proud atheist since 1994.
Good for you. Hope you enjoy your torment filled afterlife, wait you don't believe in an afterlife, you probably believe that when the body stops functioning and the heart and brain stops that your awareness ends. But you are wrong. You will just have to find out the hard way and then it will be too late.
Almost any topic can be better handled and even more thoughtfully explained through the use of humor. Brilliant job Julia and you weren't so bad on SNL either.😮
Not believing bull shit is the most freeing feeling I've ever had.
Im responsible for my life I’m responsible for my failures I’m responsible for everything THATS MY FREEDOM OF BEING HUMAN. It’s difficult but it’s the truth.
Hilarious.Horribly Biblically literal, but hilarious. Thanks, Julie.
"Because now the animals have the taste for human sex and won't be satisfied...?"
That's called a joke.
Julia is my kind of thinker.
Whoever wrote Genesis would miserably fail a grade school science test today.
Thank you Julia. To quote a family member: "Bless Their Hearts."
As a boy of 12 or 13 I was on track to be a priest and was getting doctrinal lessons from my parish priest and a jesuit father. They required me to read the bible (not generally encouraged for Catholics - the Catechism is all a catholic should need). In doing so, I discovered the absolute lunacy of the writings. The illogic and the evil and the violence appalled me. I was also reading the Greeks and Roman scholars (Jesuit father...) as well as philosophers throughout the ages (Jesuit, again). We reviewed other religions (abrahamic and others), read treatises on animalistic practices and cults, and looked at how catholicism fit with all of this history. (It fit far too well, but not in the way they intended me to think)
I think the insanity of religion really took hold when trying to understand Pascal's wager - because that was definitively NOT a bronze age myth. A god who would accept such an argument is neither omniscient nor omnipresent. Such a god would KNOW what you actually intended with your trickery and would KNOW that you are lying.
If I was smarter than Pascal's god, then maybe God was just a dumbass idea made up by people?
Had a catholic friend who also wanted to be a priest. He used to say "As a kid, I wanted to be a priest. Then I discovered women..."
This is the first time I have seen Julia! I am now a fan! 😎
How have I never heard of Julia before today 😳 her and I think alike and I LOVE IT!!!! 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
She played Pat in It’s Pat!
Why have I never heard of Julia Sweeney? Brilliant.
She had a cameo in Pulp Fiction
Same here, since I woke from this book I’ve enjoyed watching many atheist’s debate programs, but J.S is the first time to see! Excellent points!
She was on saturday night live for many years. She was really great on that show and very funny. She did some very funny scenes with Chris Farley and Phil Hartman. You need to check her out more.
@ I’ve watch every episode. Don’t recognize her. My guess is she didn’t do the religious critiquing on SNL. lol . I’ll check it out
She's 'Pat' from SNL.
My reverse Damascus moment was in 1981 when I first questioned the violence in the bible. I have not looked back.
As an adult I joined a bible study as true Jesus loving church person. Several years later I left the group as an avowed atheist.
Reading the Bible was highly instrumental in me becoming an atheist.
What was the final straw for your loss of belief, if I may ask? Seems like it all accumulated?
@@Jay-o1s7p Often you will find there wasn't a final straw, there would be a first cause, something that made them want to study, something that didn't sit right (for me that was the claim of a global flood). Then once you delve into the topic you start finding many different areas of conflict (bible mistakes, the horror of the OT, problem of evil, suffering, divine hiddenness, instruction etc). By the end it is not a single thing that ends it but looking at the complete picture of all you have learned you realise you have no belief left.
Good people can do good things and bad people can do evil things but for good people do evil things that takes religion !
That's the worst decision you could ever make. Albeit, God has given us a free will. So be it.
Organized religion is the worst thing to ever happen.
*HONEST to GOD, I have Thought About thatPIMP LOT, but over the Years, I Brought this UP*
*at Least 100+ Times, But ALL that I Ever Got Back was STUPUD STAIRS!!!!* (Spelling?)
*Justin . James . Martyr (AT) G . c | Eugene, Oregon | a Genuine & ReaL Guy; Nov. 23, 2024*
It's the opium of the masses.
Very good and true summary of the "holy" book
The Immaculate conception is the most horrifying belief to me. God, the Father, the patriarch, tells Mary, a teenage girl, that she is going to conceive his Son, give birth to him and raise him with no consent on her part. Don't we have a word or two for that?
If you read the holy bible with an open mind and a sense of humor it soon becomes the unholy bible.
It's ignorance being used as science taught by equally ignorant people
HER priest actually admitted to her that most, if not all, of the Old Testament was myth?? I didn't find that out until I was in my mid-30s, and I was pissed! I was glad that, as another Catholic, I didn't have to shed the anti-science stuff or biblical literalism or any of that, but finding out that the Exodus didn't happen and Moses wasn't real and all that was what sent me down the path of deconstruction.
If there were a kind and loving god who cared about humanity, he/she/it would not have subjected us to four more years of a Trump presidency. submitted on 11/08/2024
Agreed and supported.
Grow up
_he/she/it would not have subjected us to four more years of a Trump presidency. submitted on 11/08/2024_
Ah, the woke. Wokeness and atheism go together.
Apparently god likes psychopathic dictators
He sends those people to hell, what do you mean he likes what they do.
I *love* that her interpretations aren’t rooted in philosophy likely to go over the heads of listeners. Just eye-to-eye.
Yes, good point! Plain English and simple logic is all you need to dismiss ANY revealed religion!
Yes, definitely not rooted in philosophy. LOL!
This is one of the best one woman shows I’ve ever seen. It’s just so good. She knows her stuff and she’s done the work to find herself and how faith relates to her life.
The cruelest people, at least toward someone with a difference - like trisomy 21, have been organized religious people.
The Bible is basically just a Story Book and should be treated as such
it is morally repulsive and should be ignored completely
@. You're absolutely correct. You could find good by cherry picking but why even bother.
The bronze age goat herder's guide to the galaxy.
@@matthewclay6535 And I have a yellow, glitter farting unicorn in my garage. By the way your caps-lock is on, or are you yelling?
God promises not to drown the world again. He tells Noah next time he'll use fire.
The thing is, he didn't drown the world in the first place There's never been a global flood.
The Bible may say the world will be destroyed by fire, but God didn't tell that to Noah.
So maybe God is really Putin?
The bible is total bunk front to back and top to bottom. Only a fool could possibly believe such utterly absurd nonsense.
_The bible is total bunk front to back and top to bottom._
A huge portion of the Bible has been archaeologically verified, and much of it relatively recently. King David's existence was only externally verified in the nineties, Pontius Pilate's in the sixties.
Job 26:7 says: _God stretches the northern sky out over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing._ There's no land at the North Pole and Earth hangs in space. How did they know that thousands of years BC?
An atheist wrote _The Genesis Enigma._ Maybe you should read that. Oh, right, you don't read.
Although that’s very true, indoctrination is an incredibly powerful tool, it’s hard to abandon a religion that you were raised in and that almost becomes an aspect of your personhood. And church leaders are very intentional about avoiding the ugly parts of the Bible, and for many people, their belief and study is what the pastor says on Sunday. Furthermore, people often have religious associations for the connection and community they receive as a result.
It’s easy to call someone a fool for their belief, and it is foolish to believe, but there are so many factors that keep someone in religion beyond evidence and philosophy.
The Bible has outlived all civilizations who opposed it for more than 3500 years.
This is actually a fulfilled Biblical prophecy. 😅
You don’t need organized religion to have god in your life
The Bible says that TRUE religion is "visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world", so, yeah!
in critique of her responses to theology, she’s very reasonable, rational, and properly emotional in the serious moments. The tribalism past is very anachronistic, superstitious, and manipulative. And the holy texts are their devices.
Im glad i opened my eyes as a child and moved away from religion
Yup, got the catholic indocrination but knew better than to inquire about why everyone else deserved eternal damnation for not being in our club. Took a bit of de-programming but after one bites the bullet and goes out into the wilderness it soon enough becomes beautiful, good knowing how to think rather than what to think.
I’ve been working on deconstructing for some time. It’s hard because of the guilt and indoctrination; however, my parents thought it was the right thing to do. I’m a work in progress and so glad to have landed on Julia’s presentation. I always thought the bible was a bunch of psychotic chaos!
I'm a single 64yrs old retiree. My wife (bless her soul) passed on last year. My kids are all grown and married with their own families. Yes I go to church but not as a christian to listen to the word of God from someone I most likely know more than, but to just socialize. It is really lonely at this age with no companion, and sick at this age in this country with no more physical contact encouraged. Yes I do see my kids and grandkids everyday (I pick them up from school, go for a walk, feed them and help them do their homework) But these are different. Religion was made by man to control others if the others allow it. If the so-called Bible says we were all created in his image and power, then why would I have to kneel to another human for forgiveness and salvation??? This is my story, I belive in a force in the Universe that none of us understands, I believe in kindness, love, fellowship, helping the needy and empathy. Love thy neighbour as thyself and do unto others that you want others to to unto you.
I’m so tired of hearing christians use the excuse “we can’t understand God’s ways” to explain the horrific things in the bible, as well as the horrific things going on in the world.
9:57 _"before she comes back and he kills her by lighting her on fire"_
I'm not religious but I think a burnt offering was killed _before_ being lighted on fire! Little known fact: one of the reasons for a 'burnt offering' was because, according to the first testament, God _loves_ the smell of burning flesh - something you won't hear being preached in church!
Who doesn’t love a good barbecue
Dishonesty an deception rule in churches. No one would stay for an entire sermon if pastors and priests were honest people.
When you realize that Christianity is based on the idea of human sacrifice, you begin to see how insane it is.
Plus, when someone promises to return and they haven’t returned in nearly 2,000 years, you have to eventually accept that they just aren’t coming back.
If I went on vacation to the Middle East and they kllled me, I wouldn’t want to go back either..
Human sacrifice and ritualistic blood magic
Why is that insane? I think most would agree the world would be a better place if everyone helped each other out. And what is that you might ask? Self-sacrifice 😉
@@yungalucard9139that's... entirely unrelated.
@@zombine555you still have a lot to learn
I never knew Julia was so introspective and intellectual. I'm impressed.
Well said indeed. "The truth shall set you free" seems to make complete sense.
Story of Joab, really messed up. God put that guy in therapy forever just to win a bet with the devil.
Amen, sister!
Very proud and at peace atheist 👍🏻👍🏻
We have two lives and the second begins when we realize we only have one.
Old Testament:
If you disobey you will be punished in this life!
New Testament:
If you disobey you will be punished in an afterlife FOR ETERNITY!!!
Yeah that sounds so much more 'loving...'
She speak real truth.
Right on the mark Julia..
I have read both the New and Old Testaments, the Quran, and several other like-minded books.
So did reading any of them convince me to embrace religious devotion?
Not in the slightest - doing so just made me more skeptical. Does my dismissal make me an evil blasphemer? - No, I just do not need a religious diatribe to live a loving and peaceful existence.
As soon as it dawned on me that the Ten Commandments were just that, harsh commands, not logical suggestions, I started to question the whole concept of devotion.
All I can say is: THANK YOU!!!
Noah was drunk because he had PTSD from watching everyone besides his family be murdered.
Wow, thank you very much for that; subscribed.
The Bible is the literal word of god, until it says something evil… then it’s up for “interpretation “! How convenient!
“My religion is simple, my religion is kindness. ‘’ I forget who said this but it is enough
JMost religions who say this also add a whole lot of riders. Chrisitanity says it's about love but it always involved killing jews and infidels, fuck Jesus.
Then be kind to a Christian, Muslim, and Jew.
I believe it was the Dahlia lamawhen asked if he was a religious man.What was his religion and he replied?My religion is kindness. He also said that kindness is like water, religion is like tea.
@ Thank you so much.