Amazing stuff. I used to own a Star Wars upright. I think there were five total PCBs in it just for the game. Then two more for the Amplifone monitor. And a power PCB. It was a site!
@@Forever8Bit Star Wars Arcade was one of my favorite arcade games. As a kid my dad would enter the sit down model. I would get on his lap so I could reach the controls. I would be immersed in the world of Star Wars.
Just because something is listed for $1500, doesn't mean anyone is going to buy it. Did any of them actually sell close to this? I've got a preserved one, along with a load of extras but I didn't spend anywhere near $1000 to get all of it together.
Yes, this one did. It was in the "sold" listings. And there were several others that were in the $1,000+ range in the sold listings also. That's a lot of coin!
The Vectrex is just a lovely machine, I'm glad I got mine during lockdown for about $400 - For me, Vector Pilot is the best new game, but Armor Attack is so impressive.
It's amazing to see how well some of those vector-based arcade games were ported to the Vectrex. Only that system could have represented them in true vector form in the home. And it's a heckuva lot lighter than an arcade cabinet. 🤣
Agreed. It's like looking at a vector arcade game from the 80s in home form. Ever played the Star Trek vector game in sit-down form? I've only ever plaed it once - and it was stunning.
as for why they spend 1499 for a long dead console, they arent playing it i assure you. its just collecting dust on a shelf with somebody who tells them self daily "im right, they are wrong. i have it and that means they dont!"
I got my vectrex at a local indie game store 5 years ago for I think around $350. Mine was only the 2nd one they had ever sold. The first one was apparently purchased by an 11 year old boy.
Because the Vectrex has no competition. There's nothing quite like them. I can remember getting one for my birthday from "Woolworth's" just after the 80s games crash. My combined birthday money and savings went to buy it. The system cost £49.99. It was my pride and joy. Lately I wanted another one. I paid over £500+ for it in fantastic condition with 6 games and inlays. For todays price's it was a bargain, and I considered myself lucky for winning the bid. I then ordered a multicart for it.. I'm one happy gamer again. Someone seriously needs to release a Vectrex mini. It would sell out overnight, guaranteed.
Thanks for sharing this story! I remember Woolworth's. There was one in Northwoods Mall back then. It's a mall in South Carolina that's still threre today. Woolworth's is long gone from it but the maill still stands. Glad you have a Vectrex and enjoy it!
Thank you! And I get that. Some things just have a mystique about them. ANd sometimes the reality matches the mystique, and sometimes it doesn't. Deep, ain't it? :)
I got myself one with 8 boxed games 15 years ago for $15 at a flea market ... and sold it at a rather large profit shortly after because I found the console to be extremely boring and primitive apart from the vector gimmick.
It's so unique and special. I lament every time I think about my former stepfather throwing all of my OG game systems, including my original Vectrex, in the dumpster when he and my mother split up.
I remember seeing this in the Sears wishbook catalog when it came out as a kid. I knew what vector graphics where in terms of seeing it in the arcade and remember thinking, "no way can a little home machine do that". Seeing this and other demo's shows me how wrong I was! They didn't advertise it well at all, it just got a small photo and looked like a cheap toy.
It kind of dropped right before the crash of '83 also. Just long enough to publish a few dozen games and hit the bargain bins. To think that even Milton Bradley wasn't immune - that put the power of the crash into real perspective.
I remember playing one in Hill's department store. The brightness was always turned all the way up and no one seemed to notice it wasn't suppose to look like that.
I think because of it's uniqueness... the home-brew games are a joy to behold, as are many of the classic games, but one cartridge above all others which transforms this device into an arcade machine, the 'vecfever' so called, for which I'm lucky enough to own, I intend to write my own game for the Vectrex, but for the moment I play the various arcade ports thanks to the creator of the vecfever cartridge, I intend to make some more videos, I have recently put one up on my channel, I shall do more as it's gone down quite well.
I would say they pay that much because they're nuts but that's just mean! Seriously though if I were able to afford it I probably would make the purchase. I am happy for those who have the income. Happy gaming!!
They really are cool and unique pieces of gaming history. If you crawl eBay a bit, they can be had for WAY less than the high price paid on the one at the beginning of the video. Go for it! I think you'll really dig them
They really bottomed out during the '83 crash. I'm just glad to see that so many are still working four decades later. It's a testament to the build quality of things of the past.
@@Forever8Bit I do remember enjoying it then my freind who was my Amiga buddy He had a neogeo when it first came out And a super gun that played Jamma bords With a huge monitor He was into it funny
@@Forever8Bit having its own self contained display unit whilst being an absolutely unique feature would bump up the cost. A plug in and play without the display wouldn’t be too expensive :-)
It would have to be a real vector display though.. an LCD screen isn't going to cut it! There's WIP projects happening right now though that using Sony Watchman screens, so we're not too far off.. It's only a matter of time. ;-)
It's getting ridiculous how much Vectrex hardware is costing lately. I used to make homebrew for the system and was on the cusp of releasing a couple of games that people were waiting for, but when the Vectrex broke there was no way I could justify getting another one at the prices thay are going for. So this hobby fell by the wayside for me. It's unfortunate that others who used to be in the Vectrex homebrew scene are also being priced out by 'collectors' most of whom care nothing about the system other than the cost now. And the best games for the system are defenetly after-market home-brew, not the origonal release games from the eighties. I can see the ;scene' dying out soon... 😒 PS. I think there are four of my earlier games on the Multi-Cart he mentioned, so at least they will live on 😀
only paid for 2 controler 5 games som complete som only cart and film and orginal light pen and the two other carts for it when the market was not that expensiv but for the bace unit did pay for it did find it on a city dump ca 1997-1998 did now wat it was did look intresting so did take it home. later lookt it upp and found out it was a vectrex and used birtday mone to by stuff to it if i have better get stuff so i can play now days stands in a plastic boxs with the rust of the stuff
Nice! I have one that is almost CIB. Missing the instruction manual. I should really grab one off the Bay to finish the set. So glad you are enjoying the system too!
I'm a die hard gamer my first counsel was the Atari 2600 ,& have owned. many counsels and handhelds nevertheless I don't see the alure even from a Nostalgia point of view I personally wouldn't even pay 10.$ U.S. I wouldn't even want it for free as an Emulator ,this is for Super Diehards that got the capital and gotta catch em all ,count me out lol ,also Mr.Blaine can u do a softmodd for the Xbox 360 if it's possible??? Cheers
@@Forever8Bit if your saying it, than I believe u, I was skeptic with other ppl saying so ,nevertheless I knew if anybody could do it it would be u ,Cheers
This system is only worth possibly $250 that’s it. I would never pay anything more for it. These games are not worth paying anymore than that. I have all of them on my mame unit I made a long time ago
I get that. I have the Sean Kelly Multicart and could have easily played those same games on my Vectrex. The challenges were not having the overlays for each game, and I really wanted viewers to to see the experience with the overlays included. Also, the Vectrex doesn't have a "standard" refresh rate like a conventional monitor (think 50Hz PAL and 60Hz NTSC). It can cause a TON of flicker when recorded with a conventional camera because those rates don't match up. But I do respect your input and appreciate it.
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I saved one from being recycled at Best Buy last year. Works still.
AWESOME! So glad you were able to save it. Someone brought a working Vectrex to Best Buy to be "recycled"? Geez.
@@Forever8Bit and the CRT TV market is just about as bad as the Vectrex market, especially for PVMs/BVMs, which I have received for free as well.
To me, this was the most high tech out of the 2nd generation game consoles. Always liked vector graphics, the predecessor to 3D polygons.
Amazing stuff. I used to own a Star Wars upright. I think there were five total PCBs in it just for the game. Then two more for the Amplifone monitor. And a power PCB. It was a site!
@@Forever8Bit Star Wars Arcade was one of my favorite arcade games. As a kid my dad would enter the sit down model. I would get on his lap so I could reach the controls. I would be immersed in the world of Star Wars.
Just because something is listed for $1500, doesn't mean anyone is going to buy it. Did any of them actually sell close to this? I've got a preserved one, along with a load of extras but I didn't spend anywhere near $1000 to get all of it together.
Yes, this one did. It was in the "sold" listings. And there were several others that were in the $1,000+ range in the sold listings also. That's a lot of coin!
A respectable console that was revolutionary in its day...somewhere in Pittsburgh, Mark from Classic Game Room is smiling while playing it.
Cool! Yes, it really was revolutionary. You could bring your 2600 over to a friend's house, sure. But did it have its own screen with it? Nope. 🤣
The Vectrex is just a lovely machine, I'm glad I got mine during lockdown for about $400 - For me, Vector Pilot is the best new game, but Armor Attack is so impressive.
It's amazing to see how well some of those vector-based arcade games were ported to the Vectrex. Only that system could have represented them in true vector form in the home. And it's a heckuva lot lighter than an arcade cabinet. 🤣
That's awesome, I still have my childhood vectrex , nearly 4 decades old and everything still works , compare that to my bricked , out of warranty PS5
Agreed, I got mine for about the same and love that game too!
You’re incorrect about Cosmic Chasm. The Vectrex game is the original. It was adapted into an arcade machine later.
Cool! Thank you for helping me get this one right. I didn't know!
You really can't understand how crisp and vibrant the vector graphics are without actually seeing them
Agreed. It's like looking at a vector arcade game from the 80s in home form. Ever played the Star Trek vector game in sit-down form? I've only ever plaed it once - and it was stunning.
Seeing these kind of prices on retro hardware makes emulation all that more appealing.
as for why they spend 1499 for a long dead console, they arent playing it i assure you. its just collecting dust on a shelf with somebody who tells them self daily "im right, they are wrong. i have it and that means they dont!"
That is a true shame, indeed. Systems like this deserve to be played. And nobody puts Baby in a corner.
I still have my Vectrex I bought when it first came out with the original dust cover for it too.
Wow! That's awesome!
I got my vectrex at a local indie game store 5 years ago for I think around $350. Mine was only the 2nd one they had ever sold. The first one was apparently purchased by an 11 year old boy.
Wow! That's a cool story. An 11-year-old? So great to see new generations loving these!
Awesome video man this make me remember old school
Thanks! I love the Vectrex. I had one back in the day. No idea what ever happened to it. Parental divorces will cause that sort of thing.
The retro game market is hyper-inflated and completely off the rails. It's a bubble with no sign of popping anytime soon.
I know, right? Long gone are the days of going to yard sales and getting system for $5 - $10. :)
Because the Vectrex has no competition. There's nothing quite like them. I can remember getting one for my birthday from "Woolworth's" just after the 80s games crash. My combined birthday money and savings went to buy it. The system cost £49.99. It was my pride and joy. Lately I wanted another one. I paid over £500+ for it in fantastic condition with 6 games and inlays. For todays price's it was a bargain, and I considered myself lucky for winning the bid. I then ordered a multicart for it.. I'm one happy gamer again. Someone seriously needs to release a Vectrex mini. It would sell out overnight, guaranteed.
Thanks for sharing this story! I remember Woolworth's. There was one in Northwoods Mall back then. It's a mall in South Carolina that's still threre today. Woolworth's is long gone from it but the maill still stands. Glad you have a Vectrex and enjoy it!
It’s one of those rare systems that I am intrigued by but not interested in purchasing regardless of the price. I really enjoyed this video!
Thank you! And I get that. Some things just have a mystique about them. ANd sometimes the reality matches the mystique, and sometimes it doesn't. Deep, ain't it? :)
I got myself one with 8 boxed games 15 years ago for $15 at a flea market ... and sold it at a rather large profit shortly after because I found the console to be extremely boring and primitive apart from the vector gimmick.
Always wanted a Vecttex as a kid 👍👍
Me too! Irony: I got one. But it got thrown in a dumpster by my then stepfather during his divorce from my mother. Thank good ness for eBay!🤣
Favorite console I own.
It's so unique and special. I lament every time I think about my former stepfather throwing all of my OG game systems, including my original Vectrex, in the dumpster when he and my mother split up.
I remember seeing this in the Sears wishbook catalog when it came out as a kid. I knew what vector graphics where in terms of seeing it in the arcade and remember thinking, "no way can a little home machine do that". Seeing this and other demo's shows me how wrong I was! They didn't advertise it well at all, it just got a small photo and looked like a cheap toy.
It kind of dropped right before the crash of '83 also. Just long enough to publish a few dozen games and hit the bargain bins. To think that even Milton Bradley wasn't immune - that put the power of the crash into real perspective.
I remember playing one in Hill's department store. The brightness was always turned all the way up and no one seemed to notice it wasn't suppose to look like that.
I think because of it's uniqueness... the home-brew games are a joy to behold, as are many of the classic games, but one cartridge above all others which transforms this device into an arcade machine, the 'vecfever' so called, for which I'm lucky enough to own, I intend to write my own game for the Vectrex, but for the moment I play the various arcade ports thanks to the creator of the vecfever cartridge, I intend to make some more videos, I have recently put one up on my channel, I shall do more as it's gone down quite well.
Wow! That's some great work you've been doing on your channel. And the Star Wars Vectrex looks amazing. You got yourself another sub! :)
Cosmic Chasm on the Vectrex came first.
I am sure no one is really paying that much for a Vectrex
I hope not, but there were a handful of similar listings on the Bay with similar hammer prices. I'd go for the lower prices ones. :)
I would say they pay that much because they're nuts but that's just mean! Seriously though if I were able to afford it I probably would make the purchase. I am happy for those who have the income. Happy gaming!!
They really are cool and unique pieces of gaming history. If you crawl eBay a bit, they can be had for WAY less than the high price paid on the one at the beginning of the video. Go for it! I think you'll really dig them
I had one back in the day bought it off a freind for less then $100
Should have kept it
They really bottomed out during the '83 crash. I'm just glad to see that so many are still working four decades later. It's a testament to the build quality of things of the past.
@@Forever8Bit I do remember enjoying it then my freind who was my Amiga buddy
He had a neogeo when it first came out
And a super gun that played Jamma bords
With a huge monitor
He was into it funny
Some people seem to have more disposable income than sense.
And their sense is even more disposable than their income.
We should all be so fortunate as to have that problem. 🤣
As much love as I have for this machine, I think it's time for a more advanced Vectrex to hit the market.
If I had the disposal income to justify to my Missus, I'd buy one. It's a beautiful machine from the golden age 😎👍
No doubt! And I understand that concept you described well. I always just say it's cheaper and healthier than a crack habit. 🤣
I've owned a Vectrex since 1983, I can tell you it's worth every dollar.
How many systems have less than 10 games though
Not many. I think the gor eight, and the Jag CD got 13.
There is something truly unique and maqic about the Vectrex!
I still have my vectrex that I bought in 1982 and it still works like new but I would never pay $1500.00 for it.
Me neither! I paid around $250 or so a few years back for the boxed one in the video. My, how the times have changed.
@@Forever8Bit I got mine for around £40 many years ago!
It's dead now though!
Why are some people paying several millions for a Picasso or van Gogh?
I almost bought one of these it was maybe 300$ 3 years ago and had went up in price that much since then danggggggg
This would actually make for a fantastic ( but rather pricey) mini console re-release like the nes snes mini’s etc
Sure would! Wouldn't cost the arm and leg it cost to make or buy it like it did back in the day either. I like the idea!
@@Forever8Bit having its own self contained display unit whilst being an absolutely unique feature would bump up the cost. A plug in and play without the display wouldn’t be too expensive :-)
Shouldn’t be done without a vector display.
It would have to be a real vector display though.. an LCD screen isn't going to cut it! There's WIP projects happening right now though that using Sony Watchman screens, so we're not too far off.. It's only a matter of time. ;-)
I got mine years ago for a bargain price of $50
It's getting ridiculous how much Vectrex hardware is costing lately.
I used to make homebrew for the system and was on the cusp of releasing a couple of games that people were waiting for, but when the Vectrex broke there was no way I could justify getting another one at the prices thay are going for. So this hobby fell by the wayside for me.
It's unfortunate that others who used to be in the Vectrex homebrew scene are also being priced out by 'collectors' most of whom care nothing about the system other than the cost now.
And the best games for the system are defenetly after-market home-brew, not the origonal release games from the eighties.
I can see the ;scene' dying out soon... 😒
PS. I think there are four of my earlier games on the Multi-Cart he mentioned, so at least they will live on 😀
I paid $75 for mine a decade ago lol
Web Wars was the one i was waiting for in this video. I played so much Web Wars. Mmmmm... Web Wars...
It's a real looker, so to speak. Very nicely laid out and lends a 3-D look to the game. Very cool!
I have One!!!!
Sweet! They really are a lot of fun, aren't they? :)
@@Forever8Bit Absolutely!
RUclipsrs that's why
If I'm not part of the solution, then I'm part of the problem. 🤣
only paid for 2 controler 5 games som complete som only cart and film and orginal light pen and the two other carts for it when the market was not that expensiv but for the bace unit did pay for it did find it on a city dump ca 1997-1998 did now wat it was did look intresting so did take it home. later lookt it upp and found out it was a vectrex and used birtday mone to by stuff to it if i have better get stuff so i can play now days stands in a plastic boxs with the rust of the stuff
Nice! I have one that is almost CIB. Missing the instruction manual. I should really grab one off the Bay to finish the set. So glad you are enjoying the system too!
I'm a die hard gamer my first counsel was the Atari 2600 ,& have owned. many counsels and handhelds nevertheless I don't see the alure even from a Nostalgia point of view I personally wouldn't even pay 10.$ U.S. I wouldn't even want it for free as an Emulator ,this is for Super Diehards that got the capital and gotta catch em all ,count me out lol ,also Mr.Blaine can u do a softmodd for the Xbox 360 if it's possible??? Cheers
I would love to do a 360 softmod video. But as of the current time, it's just not possible. It's a hardmod only project.
@@Forever8Bit if your saying it, than I believe u, I was skeptic with other ppl saying so ,nevertheless I knew if anybody could do it it would be u ,Cheers
This system is only worth possibly $250 that’s it. I would never pay anything more for it. These games are not worth paying anymore than that. I have all of them on my mame unit I made a long time ago
Definitely not a $1k+ purchase for me either. I paid about that for the one in the box in the video. Around $250 or so, not the $1k+. 🤣
Get some ACTUAL Vectrex game video instead of emulation.
I get that. I have the Sean Kelly Multicart and could have easily played those same games on my Vectrex. The challenges were not having the overlays for each game, and I really wanted viewers to to see the experience with the overlays included. Also, the Vectrex doesn't have a "standard" refresh rate like a conventional monitor (think 50Hz PAL and 60Hz NTSC). It can cause a TON of flicker when recorded with a conventional camera because those rates don't match up. But I do respect your input and appreciate it.