Here Come the Squeaks! Remix - Kirby Star Allies Music

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 425

  • @ThePikaPlayer
    @ThePikaPlayer 5 лет назад +1265

    "It's simple. We *kill* the Morpho Knight."

    • @redphysical565
      @redphysical565 4 года назад +154

      "If it's so easy why haven't you done it already?"

    • @hongmeiling8219
      @hongmeiling8219 4 года назад +115

      Never said easy, just simple

    • @arkhamjamesv
      @arkhamjamesv 4 года назад +107

      "If you're good at something, never do it for free!"

    • @geoanthony3697
      @geoanthony3697 4 года назад +37

      He says with his maxed out Attack stat.

    • @usermcskull4713
      @usermcskull4713 4 года назад +37

      "Boss, how do we even go about doing that? I personally always get too distracted by it's wings!"

  • @TiStardust
    @TiStardust 6 лет назад +770

    They still kept the squeaking sample from the original, which is kind of amazing, if I'm being real.

    • @kellis9351
      @kellis9351 6 лет назад +73

      Titus Richards im like 90% sure HAL have barely updated their sample library since the DS and just use uncompressed versions of the same samples lmao

    • @alphacult6873
      @alphacult6873 6 лет назад +47

      Titus Richards They also you use it in Smash which is even better because it’s like a metal version with cute squeaks

  • @Wrenchy247
    @Wrenchy247 6 лет назад +1186

    "Okay boys, the Heist is simple!"

    • @ImCager
      @ImCager 5 лет назад +167

      Daroach to the others "Get that mother fucker"

    • @wackytankman2970
      @wackytankman2970 5 лет назад +30


    • @PlasticKnight
      @PlasticKnight 4 года назад +90

      We’re going to fucking kill ourselves, go to heaven, and steal Jesus’s shoes

    • @mephilisthedarkelijahramat182
      @mephilisthedarkelijahramat182 4 года назад +18

      @@PlasticKnight damnit you beat it

    • @eggfruit9810
      @eggfruit9810 4 года назад +12

      It’s actually surprisingly simple

  • @PixlPixel
    @PixlPixel 6 лет назад +848


    • @DoomerSlice
      @DoomerSlice 5 лет назад +48

      I both hate and love this pun

    • @LunaDachi
      @LunaDachi 4 года назад +39

      That squeak isn’t the same without that 2007 compression

    • @sonc07
      @sonc07 3 года назад +6

      @@LunaDachi *2006

    • @geoffabbythomas7293
      @geoffabbythomas7293 4 месяца назад

      ​@@DoomerSlicehow is it a pun?

    • @DoomerSlice
      @DoomerSlice 4 месяца назад +3

      @@geoffabbythomas7293 I’m gonna be honest I don’t know what me five years ago was talking about, I probably misinterpreted the message in some way

  • @christhecatfish6887
    @christhecatfish6887 6 лет назад +1624

    Everybody is arguing about Spinni’s gender while I’m still trying to comprehend the fact that Spinni had arms the whole time

    • @cubeman9766
      @cubeman9766 6 лет назад +66

      yeah i dout hal will close that argument
      i say a girl
      but we may never know

    • @melonyswife
      @melonyswife 6 лет назад +261

      Fuck it, there are two spinnis, one male, one female.

    • @YoungLeosword
      @YoungLeosword 6 лет назад +35

      What does that Japanese Kirby book from a few years ago say?

    • @unhingedelbows2907
      @unhingedelbows2907 6 лет назад +41

      YoungLeosword female

    • @MateuLeGrillepain
      @MateuLeGrillepain 6 лет назад +91

      Spinni's gender is different between the various European versions of the game. I think Spinni is a male in Spanish and Italian, but don't quote me just yet.

  • @aphidh.8365
    @aphidh.8365 6 лет назад +640

    Okay I don't know why but I'm so happy over the fact that HAL decided to include those squeaking noises

    • @marioguy1225
      @marioguy1225 4 года назад +46

      I think I know why it’s because those squeaks fits like a damn puzzle piece in this song it’s just not the same with out it

    • @jellycore1316
      @jellycore1316 3 года назад +7


  • @Nehfarius
    @Nehfarius 6 лет назад +502

    "I don't care if you're the strongest warrior in the galaxy or whatever the heck else, you're in my way, and NOBODY gets between a Squeak and his treasure!"

    • @gypsysprite4824
      @gypsysprite4824 5 лет назад +40

      funnily enough, Morpho knight (not morpho knight ex, maybe) is a hell of alot easier than galacta knight imo

    • @FourzeGenome
      @FourzeGenome 2 года назад +12

      @@gypsysprite4824 *Forgotten Land Morpho has entered the chat*

    • @SonicMaster519
      @SonicMaster519 2 года назад +4

      @@gypsysprite4824 Yeah, no kidding. The fight itself was a piece of cake and with allies it is even more difficult.

    • @SonicMaster519
      @SonicMaster519 2 года назад +4

      @@FourzeGenome Eh, Morpho in any game is kinda piss easy compared to the harder bosses. That one dang boss with his tongue sticking out in that desert area I think it was (I have poor memory so I forgot his name) was far more difficult.

    • @dentren48
      @dentren48 Год назад +3

      @@SonicMaster519 silly dillo is the name

  • @infinitetheeverlasting4306
    @infinitetheeverlasting4306 6 лет назад +317

    Such moments of intensity then, *squeak squeak* wow lol

    • @dustinvanish
      @dustinvanish 5 лет назад +40

      The Squeaks are actually the most intense part of the theme though, let's be real.

  • @theivoryguy2476
    @theivoryguy2476 5 лет назад +843

    This isn't the theme that plays when you fight Morpho Knight.
    This is the theme that plays when Morpho Knight fights you.

    • @kierancc9095
      @kierancc9095 4 года назад +43

      Morpho Knight are you ready for your boss fight?

    • @eliaspenichecruz1677
      @eliaspenichecruz1677 4 года назад +16

      Y E S

    • @richardbagley3139
      @richardbagley3139 4 года назад +18

      Same with the betrayer boys, Morpho Knight fights you instead of you fighting him.

    • @dafaqisthis
      @dafaqisthis 3 года назад


    • @lithing0725
      @lithing0725 3 года назад +3

      @@dafaqisthis this is daroach's theme but it plays during the morpho knight fight

  • @kitty9205
    @kitty9205 5 лет назад +297

    How to be a squeak 101
    Step 1: I don’t know because I’m not a squeak

    • @annramirez1740
      @annramirez1740 4 года назад +27

      Step:1 be a rodent

    • @kierancc9095
      @kierancc9095 4 года назад +42

      Step 2: steal shit

    • @sad_potato9230
      @sad_potato9230 4 года назад +31

      Step 3: There is no step three you completed your goal

    • @langstonprice6388
      @langstonprice6388 2 года назад +14

      Step fo: get outfits. Don’t wanna steal without the drip

    • @Needl_V
      @Needl_V 2 года назад +9

      Step 5: If you stole enough, start stealing things that summon beings that are capable of deleting the whole universe.

  • @neomoons296
    @neomoons296 6 лет назад +695

    (Squeak squad comes in with saxophones)
    Morpho Knight: oh god no pleas-
    (Earrape version of this music)

    • @gleen9843
      @gleen9843 5 лет назад +82

      Daroach: I’ll do the stealing part alone this time, you boys just keep the music rocking!
      Squeaks: but what are you gonna steal?
      Daroach: his soul, it’s better for everyone anyways

    • @theivoryguy2476
      @theivoryguy2476 5 лет назад +45

      *Plays Squeaks theme poorly on recorder*

    • @Bokokirby
      @Bokokirby 4 года назад +12

      morpho night: you will never defeat- 🎵🎶🎵🎶 oh god no anything but that

    • @Lyricwire2
      @Lyricwire2 2 дня назад


  • @serketsix4464
    @serketsix4464 6 лет назад +219

    Not even morpho knight can withstand the might of an angry magical mouse

    • @infinityheart_tm9270
      @infinityheart_tm9270 3 года назад

      Well this is a strange place to find a blind person. How tasty are these words.

  • @anomaly_7993
    @anomaly_7993 4 года назад +78

    Doom Demons: “So we killed his rabbit right, he just went on a murder spree.”
    Squeak Squad: “ We took a single slice of his cheese cake and he came after us and consumed our very souls. Time and again we were annihilated and devoured only to somehow return to the mortal coil. And then he left and we shutter at the thought of his return.”

  • @amirgarcia547
    @amirgarcia547 6 лет назад +385

    Was a bit disappointed by that they didn’t go with Dark Nebula’s theme, but all disappointment was washed away due to how AMAZING this remix sounds.

    • @HealingVoice39
      @HealingVoice39 6 лет назад +57

      Eh dark nebula was a disgrace to the dark matter race anyway

    • @kcw5004
      @kcw5004 6 лет назад +20

      @@HealingVoice39 but the song was a banger

    • @HealingVoice39
      @HealingVoice39 6 лет назад +5

      @@kcw5004 your opinion. To me, it's easily forgettable and short

    • @stwbmc98
      @stwbmc98 6 лет назад +39

      Honestly, I don’t remember what Dark Nebula’s theme sounds like. When I got to the end of Daroach’s campaign, I was expecting to hear something totally unfamiliar, but instead, I got a remix of a theme I know and love.

    • @kcw5004
      @kcw5004 6 лет назад +15

      @@HealingVoice39 i think it had potential. id like to see it redone somewhere down the line in the franchise. It had a dramatic, space-like theme that fits the genre

  • @fredrickbanks1966
    @fredrickbanks1966 5 лет назад +79

    That bongo player best be getting a promotion.

  • @CosmicToad5000
    @CosmicToad5000 3 года назад +41

    squeak squad used to give me so much anxiety as a kid from having to run from the squeaks. Storo in particular crashing through walls in some levels was too much for my 6 year old self to handle
    Daroch on the other hand i knew was a dapper legend even back then and nothing has changed.

  • @Phantom_Hydra
    @Phantom_Hydra 5 лет назад +102

    Nintendo has a habit of making remixes of themes that were once innocent sounding in to themes that are somewhat intense. I love Nintendo.

  • @ryodestroyer2
    @ryodestroyer2 6 лет назад +162

    I was expecting a boss theme before Daroach's own calling card as the final boss theme! Holy smokes.

    • @goldenhydreigon4727
      @goldenhydreigon4727 4 года назад +4

      Calling card you say?
      *Persona 5 music playing in the distance*

    • @ShibuNub3305
      @ShibuNub3305 4 года назад +2

      Y’know, daroach would be a killer shadow to fight, especially if he were to transform into his dark version.

  • @slateoffate9812
    @slateoffate9812 4 года назад +32

    Morpho Knight approaches the Adeleine and Ribbon.
    Morpho Knight: Fools. Prepare to-
    The Squeaks break in!

    • @Im_leaving
      @Im_leaving 11 месяцев назад +2

      That would legitimately make up for a super cool scene

  • @JAMes-vc6gd
    @JAMes-vc6gd 4 года назад +38

    Imagine just being in a dark alley then a gang starts walking up to you and this music starts playing

  • @GameAW1
    @GameAW1 2 года назад +64

    Morpho Knight: "Fools... Your vices of greed and pride will be your undoing. I shall herald the end of all, starting with you!"
    Daroach: "...You done?"
    Morpho: "What?"
    Daroach: "Lemme tell you a little something. See, we're not just any thieves. We're the Squeaks. We're the best of the best. If there's a treasure, we will take it. You think yourself some sort of god or some nonsense like that? You believe you decide the fate of all living things? Hey, you do you. But I'll warn you right now: The Squeaks ALWAYS get the treasure we want. And if an obstacle gets in the way? Then that obstacle will learn its little more than another challenge in the heist..."
    *cue this song*
    "...and the Squeaks NEVER turn down a challenge. Squeaks! ITS TREASURE TIME!!!"

    • @WL-bs4nc
      @WL-bs4nc 10 месяцев назад +2

      Daroach would definitely pull off a badass monologue like that

  • @brucehc4975
    @brucehc4975 6 лет назад +697

    Wave 1 was all about communism (Marx)
    Wave 2 was about stealing from capitalists (Daroach)
    Wave 3 is about capitalism (Susie)

    • @alphaamoeba
      @alphaamoeba 5 лет назад +104

      Capitalism is Magolor

    • @seungjunrhee
      @seungjunrhee 5 лет назад +35


    • @albertterry2770
      @albertterry2770 5 лет назад +104

      And the original three are all about monarchy (King Dedede)

    • @CallieSqueakz
      @CallieSqueakz 5 лет назад +19

      This is big brain time.

    • @yuhssuh8724
      @yuhssuh8724 5 лет назад +11

      Bruce HC so star allies was about Russia

  • @MegaDude10
    @MegaDude10 4 года назад +34

    Imagine a mini-series starring the Squeak Squad, and this plays when they pull a big heist.

  • @AgentNine
    @AgentNine 5 лет назад +174

    *When a fight breaks out at the local at the bar, and Dedede accidentally shotgun's Daroach's wine glass*
    Daroach: (sigh)... So much for one day without a crime... (Gets up and pulls out a revolver)

    • @deletedchannel7758
      @deletedchannel7758 5 лет назад +10

      Bandana Dee wheeze

    • @potatoking4227
      @potatoking4227 4 года назад +15

      dedede doesn't need a shotgun with that massive hammer. daroach doesn't need a revolver as well. he's got the triple star.

    • @gaspardsavoureux8680
      @gaspardsavoureux8680 4 года назад +2

      @@potatoking4227 And an ice wand

    • @quacctastic
      @quacctastic 4 года назад

      Boi where are you now?

    • @quacctastic
      @quacctastic 4 года назад

      Were you the Waddle Dee in Crystal Shards?

  • @BryanMorris-yc8iq
    @BryanMorris-yc8iq Год назад +4

    "Da boss man said to clean up any goody two-shoes buttafly knights, and we's gots bills to pay."

  • @kirstenspargo2295
    @kirstenspargo2295 4 года назад +12

    "okay boys, the heist is simple. we bust in there with saxophones and steal the treasure chest from kirby!"

  • @adamrhodes9533
    @adamrhodes9533 6 лет назад +97

    This is EASILY the best Dream Friend final boss theme. While people will say it doesn't quite fit, and I can't deny it's a bit... Off for the battle, it also somehow fits perfectly.

    • @900nutboys
      @900nutboys 6 лет назад +36

      Adam Rhodes it fits perfectly because in Daroach’s case, it’s playing for him, not Morpho Knight. Perfect for a thief stealing the spotlight

    • @zenyattec7428
      @zenyattec7428 6 лет назад +5

      I prefer taranza’s but that’s probably just me loving triple deluxe.

    • @nobgs4505
      @nobgs4505 6 лет назад +21

      This is because, to Daroach, Morpho Knight isn't a being of death he has to defeat to save the world: to him, Morpho Knight is just the last obstacle before Daroach obtains an ultimate treasure, and he's prepared to fight

    • @goldenhydreigon4727
      @goldenhydreigon4727 4 года назад +4

      I mean it's good...
      *but it's not Adeleine's final boss theme*

    • @valoch3187
      @valoch3187 4 года назад +5

      @@goldenhydreigon4727 "Adeleine's final boss theme" is not a thing I'd ever expect to hear, yet it makes sense

  • @EternalTheMandarinGoddess
    @EternalTheMandarinGoddess 5 лет назад +71

    I've always considered myself a Magolor fangirl...
    but i just got obsessed with Daroach recently.

    • @miraishinigami
      @miraishinigami 5 лет назад +14

      Lmao you're a Magolor fangirl?
      Hey, you're not alone.
      I just recently got myself into Magolor

    • @iamweirdok3790
      @iamweirdok3790 5 лет назад +4


    • @EternalTheMandarinGoddess
      @EternalTheMandarinGoddess 5 лет назад +4

      @@iamweirdok3790 *YES*

    • @EternalTheMandarinGoddess
      @EternalTheMandarinGoddess 4 года назад +2

      @zoes0430 zoes0430 Exactly

    • @teamawesomeness7137
      @teamawesomeness7137 4 года назад +1

      @zoes0430 zoes0430 Daroach is overrated, both as a dream friend and as a boss in Squeak Squad. The best boss in Squeak Squad is Mrs. Moley. The best dream friend is the three mage sisters.

  • @PacMug
    @PacMug 5 лет назад +16

    This just has to be one of my favorite pieces from the Kirby Series. Something about this is hella catchy, and I can't stop listening to it. Good stuff. Definitely in my top 3 favorite Kirby soundtracks.

  • @amicidellambiente7852
    @amicidellambiente7852 5 лет назад +30

    Me and the squeak boys raiding area 51

  • @goldenhydreigon4727
    @goldenhydreigon4727 4 года назад +13

    A.K.A Daroach and the Squeaks get their themes remixed while Dark Nebula cries in the corner

  • @jeaninemcintosh5080
    @jeaninemcintosh5080 6 лет назад +36

    Didn’t expect this at first but after I just paused the game just to listen

  • @PixelatedPerfection
    @PixelatedPerfection 3 года назад +11

    the squeaking noises are required by law for any remix of this song

  • @papyrussemi2848
    @papyrussemi2848 5 лет назад +39

    Why does it play Here Come the Squeaks?
    Well, why is Daroach here?
    *To plunder the Jamba Heart and sell it.*

    • @ShibuNub3305
      @ShibuNub3305 4 года назад +9

      Guess you could say he’s a.....
      .....Phantom thief of hearts?

  • @malachiatkinson7245
    @malachiatkinson7245 4 года назад +15

    I swear, the Star Allies OST is Yoko Shimomura levels of amazing, and that is _saying_ something.

  • @rushledog
    @rushledog 5 лет назад +13

    Here come the squeaks!
    Big chest: why did i hear boss music?

  • @PhilipJFryII
    @PhilipJFryII 6 лет назад +33

    The get outta here theme. xD Glorious remix.

  • @Drake_Waffle
    @Drake_Waffle 6 лет назад +23

    "Fast forward 2 years later" Wait why did I leave this here

  • @swordinthestone6607
    @swordinthestone6607 6 лет назад +16

    Hands down, the BEST part

  • @greeneggsandbaky600
    @greeneggsandbaky600 5 лет назад +9

    I don't know why this exist...
    ...but I never want it to go away.

  • @PC2000
    @PC2000 3 года назад +7

    All these years, and I never noticed this song had squeak noises.

  • @gamerguyandsomenumbers
    @gamerguyandsomenumbers 6 лет назад +37

    When I had my friend listen to this song he said it sounded Western... Then when 0:05 popped in I said "You were saying?"

  • @plompedu
    @plompedu 5 лет назад +41

    Better than the Smash remix

  • @carrotfoot64
    @carrotfoot64 3 года назад +6

    And who could forget dear Ratboy?

  • @malachiatkinson7245
    @malachiatkinson7245 4 года назад +22

    I didn't expect to love this so much. Squeak Squad is great, plus it was my first Kirby game. But holy titty-twister, this is awesome. Bongos, xylophone, electric drums, brief EDM breakdown, synth horns, it's all just so. Damn. Good!

  • @dragonkid4833
    @dragonkid4833 4 года назад +5

    Everybody gangsta till the mice don't want cheese

  • @Pikmaruku
    @Pikmaruku 4 года назад +7

    Why do I have the sudden urge to steal a cake?

  • @goldenhydreigon4727
    @goldenhydreigon4727 4 года назад +9

    Headcanon: Daroach has a 1920's mobster voice.

  • @sqidicarus652
    @sqidicarus652 4 года назад +6

    Memories of my favorite Kirby game: 100%
    Happiness: 200%

  • @propop1198
    @propop1198 3 года назад +5

    “It’s not a crime just a final smash”

  • @DoodleWill
    @DoodleWill 5 лет назад +11

    Hyness: Where did my Alter go?

  • @Magne_Sium
    @Magne_Sium 4 месяца назад +1

    "That rats steal my wings." - Morpho Knight, at some point

  • @eliaspenichecruz8819
    @eliaspenichecruz8819 4 года назад +6

    - so what music do you listen when you are robbing something??
    + its complicated

  • @AliRoRo_
    @AliRoRo_ Год назад +1

    Those little squeaks give me life

  • @MarioWorlder123
    @MarioWorlder123 4 года назад +17

    we're rats
    we're the rats
    we prey at night we stalk at night
    we're the rats
    we'll see what kinda trouble we can get ourselves into

  • @hotcocoa8373
    @hotcocoa8373 3 года назад +3

    My favourite chaotic neutral rat. Never change, bud.

  • @cruckomorsa8450
    @cruckomorsa8450 3 года назад +1

    This my infance, my life, the cuteness of the squeakis, lots of memories...

  • @SkippyZii
    @SkippyZii 6 лет назад +8

    that one dislike hates every type of rodent sqeak!

    • @vezalt1492
      @vezalt1492 6 лет назад +5

      The dislike is Kirby.
      He's still mad about that cake.
      Edit: I went one year without realizing there was a typo in this, good job me

    • @SkippyZii
      @SkippyZii 6 лет назад +1

      @@vezalt1492 lol

    • @valoch3187
      @valoch3187 4 года назад +1

      @@vezalt1492 They sent cake back, wasn't that enough?!

  • @AliC202
    @AliC202 5 лет назад +8

    Squeek, we're squeeks
    We're the squeeks

  • @MusSupremeJAR03
    @MusSupremeJAR03 3 года назад +3

    No matter how many times this song is remixed, there is something indispensable, and it is *squeak squeak (sound of mice)*

  • @jubusch
    @jubusch 4 года назад +3

    Everybody gangsta ‘til a few mice steal from the Capitalists

  • @AzumarillConGafasBv
    @AzumarillConGafasBv 3 года назад +3

    "Hey Spinni!, get the fuck up!"

  • @AndroidHarris
    @AndroidHarris 5 лет назад +29

    Why does every squeak squad remix always start so confusing lol. Not as bad as the smash one though.
    Kinda expected Dark Nebula theme instead because thats how it was with other characters like dark meta knight playing their games respective final boss but I guess no one really cares lol

  • @ThisIsGamefreak10124
    @ThisIsGamefreak10124 8 месяцев назад +1

    One of the BEST themes in the series.

  • @Jelastronaut
    @Jelastronaut 6 лет назад +42

    Am I the only one who was a little bit disappointed they didnt at least include dark nebula's theme in this? I know it's short but they definitely could have done it like they did with the Zero Two/Miracle Matter theme for Adeleine.

    • @vantrigger8844
      @vantrigger8844 6 лет назад +4

      yeah it could have been both since its like that for the other 2 chars but not daroach wth

    • @dominickperez2952
      @dominickperez2952 6 лет назад +38

      I think it's supposed to represent how Daroach feels about it. Unlike Ribbon and Adeliene who see the fight as a dangerous and scary, or Marx who sees it as a challenge to show how powerful he is, Daroach sees it as something getting in the way of his plans to find treasure, which is what this theme represents

    • @LemonBattery
      @LemonBattery 6 лет назад +3

      No. You're not. I mean, I wasn't, but more people than you are.

    • @amirgarcia547
      @amirgarcia547 6 лет назад +9

      Redfurt I was a bit disappointed at first, but all disappointment was washed away due to how AMAZING this remix sounds.
      And if I’m being honest, Dark Nebula’s theme is one of the more forgettable Kirby final boss themes out there.

  • @CyberFunk626
    @CyberFunk626 6 лет назад +10

    *S Q U E A K E N*

  • @ericdalhoff3507
    @ericdalhoff3507 5 месяцев назад

    Jun Ishikawa composed this remixed version!
    It's titled: True! Squeak Squad Theme
    I LOVE that they included the DS Squeaking!

  • @awesomebloxgaming5173
    @awesomebloxgaming5173 5 лет назад +9

    1:23 to 1:34 is the best part.

  • @ThatOneAltAccount143
    @ThatOneAltAccount143 5 лет назад +2

    Here comes the squeaks.......

  • @tackey8632
    @tackey8632 6 лет назад +6

    Degas n' Daroach/Squeak Freak - Kirby Star Allies

  • @normaabreu4626
    @normaabreu4626 3 года назад +2

    YAS!!!!!!!!! Daroach is E P I C

  • @DoodleWill
    @DoodleWill 5 лет назад +4


  • @aardwolfismymiddlename988
    @aardwolfismymiddlename988 4 года назад +1

    squeak squad. my first kirby game.

  • @hypno_fanta
    @hypno_fanta Месяц назад

    Shout out to darouch's definitely- canon cousin, Ms. Mouse.
    Bc if i had a nickel for every time nintendo gave robber- core mice a banger theme, I'd have two of 'em.
    Which, yk, isn't a lot, but still weird it actually happened twice (mice)
    I'm terrible at puns.

  • @DaisyDuketh
    @DaisyDuketh 5 лет назад +2

    Oh shit I dropped my cheese
    The Squeaks 0:29

  • @cyrushalberd624
    @cyrushalberd624 6 лет назад +9

    I feel awful for saying this, but I actually like this more than the 64 medley used for Adeleine and Ribbon.
    Not that this is a bad song, far from it. I was just looking so forward to the 64 remix in hopes of them doing something well with Miracle Matter’s theme.
    And they did do well with Miracle Matter; they just didn’t do anything interesting with Zero Two, and it brought the whole thing down in my opinion.

  • @its-so-ouverture
    @its-so-ouverture Год назад +1

    POV: Your home has a rodent infestation

  • @SilverKirby789
    @SilverKirby789 5 лет назад +6

    Local Round Mouse Boy from gang E *rat* icates Buterfly Man.

  • @GamesbiteRtDL
    @GamesbiteRtDL 4 года назад +3

    I am still scared of Daroachs Body

  • @Warper74
    @Warper74 4 года назад +2

    2:45 Dubstep !

  • @emery-gaming
    @emery-gaming 5 лет назад +6

    s q u e a k

  • @J_Z666
    @J_Z666 4 года назад

    brings back to my childhood

  • @killertrip10
    @killertrip10 4 года назад +1

    I'm still really hoping they add this dude and his crew as special/smash to Smash Bros some day.

  • @IronMoth.
    @IronMoth. 4 года назад +5

    Dark nebula is dead!!!

  • @RocketboiSource
    @RocketboiSource 2 года назад

    Oh shit here comes the squeaks.

  • @funtimefreddyanims985
    @funtimefreddyanims985 5 лет назад +2

    Everybody gangsta until the music starts

  • @thease2096
    @thease2096 4 года назад +1

    Me and the boys playing Payday at 9 years of age

  • @q4yv
    @q4yv Год назад

    this is what cats feel when theyre high on catnip

  • @NikkiRoesslerBFDIFan64
    @NikkiRoesslerBFDIFan64 6 лет назад +21

    This plays when Daroach fights Morpho Knight. Also, remember the Marx jokes from the previous wave? Now I'm early and here to make a similar joke like this ;)
    Here goes!!!!! (pssst, click Read More~)
    You aren't really fighting Morpho Knight at all when you're Daroach because instead YOU are the bad guy and Morpho Knight will try to stop your thieving actions!

  • @allenaa600
    @allenaa600 6 лет назад +8

    I loved the original version of this, now guess what I have to say about the remix...

    • @Zillexiaor
      @Zillexiaor 6 лет назад +4

      The suspense

    • @lithing0725
      @lithing0725 3 года назад +1

      we are still waiting

    • @Xetheon
      @Xetheon 2 года назад +1

      what did he have to say

  • @amardemirovic2226
    @amardemirovic2226 4 года назад +2

    Bruh nintendo needs to make a sequel to Squeak Squad at this point....

  • @gamersisland3253
    @gamersisland3253 4 года назад +2

    Me and the boys at the bank

  • @snowob
    @snowob 6 лет назад +6

    Does anyone know what the instrument at 0:17 is, or what type of synth?

    • @RedBoi88
      @RedBoi88 6 лет назад

      sounds like a clarinet

    • @snowob
      @snowob 6 лет назад +1

      Redxofnarnia no, the odd percussion

    • @RedBoi88
      @RedBoi88 6 лет назад +2

      oh, sounds like a synthed cowbell

    • @oatmeall.raisin197
      @oatmeall.raisin197 5 лет назад

      Probably either a cowbell, or woodblocks.

  • @nessshrug5222
    @nessshrug5222 4 года назад +4

    Anyone else notice whispy aint In squeak squad other than In the file select 🤔

  • @gleen9843
    @gleen9843 5 лет назад +4

    Hey! Give me my strawberry cake back!

  • @firemayro
    @firemayro 3 года назад +2

    level 5 rat warning

  • @svxd7369
    @svxd7369 2 года назад +1

    I wish they put in Dark Nebula's theme but the song is still cool though.

  • @ss._.64
    @ss._.64 4 года назад +2

    this is prob the best star allies music and its not even from the actual game

  • @masterdvd9604
    @masterdvd9604 6 лет назад

    I love this music

  • @CodeKirby
    @CodeKirby 12 дней назад +1

    *squeak* *squeak*