Why we don’t get taste for chanting despite chanting consistently by HG Anand Vrindavan Prabhu

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
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    Why we don’t get taste for chanting despite chanting consistently
    • We are chanting consistently for so long, but still get a doubt that I don’t get so much nourishment which Rupa Goswami got (I want millions of tongues and ears).
    • A serious devotee thinks “Why I am not getting that taste?”
    • This material world is very fearful. Living is also a problem and dying is a also a problem.
    • We want to reach a state where a fish might be able to live without water but we can’t live without chanting.
    • We have to take care of the following 5 things (over and above 10 offenses)
    1. Gratitude -
    a. What I was and what I am now. How much Krishna has helped me.
    b. Taste for japa won’t come if you have a complaining nature. This world is so designed that we can complain till the end of life.
    c. We have to see practically (and not sentimentally), how Krishna has helped me.
    d. In a difficult situation if you chant while begging to Radharani, you will be peaceful. Others might not be able to tolerate the same situation. HHRNSM told me to be grateful when Raghunath was born. “Be grateful that a normal child is born”.
    e. If your boss has given you many things, but if you still complain, then he won’t give you more because you don’t value what is given.
    2. No other motivation
    a. Chanting with other desires won’t give us taste. Let go of other desires.
    b. When Krishna fulfils our material desires, we think Krishna is merciful. Krishna only this one more desire is left. It is never ending.
    c. Gopis had no material desire. They were ready to go to hell for eternity for Krishna.
    d. Devotional service means - Unmotivated and uninterrupted.
    e. If you get a material thing - either the thing will leave you, or you will it. Then your attachment will make you miserable.
    3. Humility
    a. LCM told Sanatana Goswami - It is humility alone and nothing else that can conquer the heart of the Lord.
    b. For us humility means understanding our helplessness and hopelessness in this material world.
    c. We don’t know where we are going after death and we have to leave everything is behind, is it not foolishness.
    d. Even devotees have to leave everything behind? - Yes, but we get shelter.
    4. No Vaisnava Aparadh
    a. Krishna won’t give taste if we do vaisnava aparadh.
    b. If you have done mistake then immediately go and beg forgiveness.
    5. Focus - bring mind back
    a. Bring the mind back again and again.
    b. We have to do this again and again. Mind will keep on wandering again and again.
    c. When Krishna sees our struggle, then he can control our mind. But we have to prove our sincerity by our struggle
    • Taking care of these things is like ploughing the heart, then bhakti lata seed will fructify nicely and it will become a big tree and give shelter to everyone and take us to Goloka Vrindavan.
    • When a sponge is clean then it can absorb water. Anarthas are like dirt in sponge.
    • When we get taste, then we don’t bother about material ambitions. Haridas Thakur was chanting in a snake’s cave and was not disturbed.
    • Parikshit got Krishna fixed in his heart and he heft is body happily. We also want to die happily, and that is only possible when we get Krishnass

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