FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL | recap vlog, third grade teacher

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 48

  • @brakkybru
    @brakkybru Год назад +12

    So sweet that your husband came with flowers and chocolates to help! I started my 15th year in teaching this year and love your videos! Even after 15 years, I always get that first day sense of excitement and anxiety. Wishing you a happy school year!

    • @dokumento
      @dokumento Год назад

      Wow 15th year? Thats phenomenal :D Have a great school year and thank you for being an awesome part of education.

  • @LifeWithMrsLee
    @LifeWithMrsLee Год назад +4

    Aww, happy 6th year! It’s my 6th year too! I’m glad your first day of school went well! 😊

  • @JesseB38
    @JesseB38 Год назад +2

    I can absolutely relate to the first day anxiety! Mine has been through the roof this past week. It is getting better, though! Have a wonderful school year!

  • @nuviamar1
    @nuviamar1 Год назад

    Love the first chaotic day and jitter feelings 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤

  • @theteachingromance
    @theteachingromance Год назад +4

    Congrats for the first day. Take your time to settle in the new school year, we will happily wait for your next vlog. Not yet a teacher, but I just took the teaching exams for my first subject this week 🎉 I have the next exams in two weeks. Cannot wait to finally teach too.

    • @dokumento
      @dokumento Год назад +1

      Best of luck with the teaching exams! Im sure youll pass with flying colors!

  • @joyfulwriter7964
    @joyfulwriter7964 Год назад +1

    Congrats on a great first day! I started last Monday and I was so nervous too, but it went well 😅 You're lucky you started on a Thursday this year. Starting on a Monday is definitely tough 😄 I appreciate any vlogging you have time for in the next few weeks. Thanks for your recap!

  • @LunaStrella1
    @LunaStrella1 Год назад +1

    I love watching your videos!! You are truly an inspiration and super informative on all the things that be #teacherlife! 😊 We started last Wednesday and this is my third year in education but second year teaching, 3rd grade. It has already been super exhausting and a whirlwind but also already received tons of hugs and smiles and just all the good stuff that keeps me going! 🥰 Have a wonderful year and can’t wait for whenever you’re ready to post some more videos! Thank you!

  • @lagemgem2001
    @lagemgem2001 Год назад

    Hi Katie! I live in Europe & we go back on Friday. Thankfully it’s just for teachers and we have summer hours 9-12 until 11th September. I’ll be supporting 4-5 year olds in the mornings & teaching Music in the afternoons.

  • @marisolmartin1329
    @marisolmartin1329 Год назад

    We started back on August 7th. You can do it, we do, it’s fine. Have a great couple of weeks getting back in the swing of things

  • @kimberlysimpson6356
    @kimberlysimpson6356 Год назад

    Congrats on your first day!!!! Mine was Aug. 10. Third grade math. Hope to see you soon.

  • @jennie-annegallant1769
    @jennie-annegallant1769 Год назад

    Glad to hear you had a great first day. My first day back to school is September 1st and with kids September 6th.

  • @mrs.g8517
    @mrs.g8517 Год назад

    We start back Monday, August 28th. Glad you had a good first day!

  • @terrificintk
    @terrificintk Год назад

    Yay! You made it through the first day!! My husband brought me flowers on the first day of school too. So sweet! I am actually here in Florida right now for one of my son’s wedding. I saw a Moe’s right next to the store where we picked up the suits for the wedding and thought of you. Trying to get my family to go there today!! 😊

  • @williamkoleszar6280
    @williamkoleszar6280 Год назад

    Hi there. My name is William and I'm from Ohio. I'm not a teacher but I do work with youth through Boy Scouts and Church. I'm amazed at how all teachers have to have all kinds of technology and supplies to function your classroom. You seem very sweet and funny. I bet your students love you as their teacher. Anyway, I hope you have a great school year. 😊😊

  • @littlebigharvest6893
    @littlebigharvest6893 Год назад

    My school mascot is also a fox! I love it.

  • @nicolespivey9521
    @nicolespivey9521 Год назад

    I am starting my 22nd year. We go back after Labor Day. My daughter and I have a tradition where we go out for Mexican food on the first day of school.

  • @teachloveinspire561
    @teachloveinspire561 Год назад

    We started on August 3rd and I always forget how totally exhausting the first month of teaching is! Your first day looked terrific and I'll be happy to see how things are going when you are ready.

  • @GeorgiaPeach87
    @GeorgiaPeach87 Год назад

    Your hair looks super cute! 🌀Have a blessed school year!
    💙🩵💙 Can you show how their new bins turned out?

  • @dokumento
    @dokumento Год назад

    Such a cool vlog! Thanks for sharing and hope you have a fantastic school year ahead :D

  • @elyseharland1966
    @elyseharland1966 Год назад

    Hi Katie! I'm watching from England. We don't start back until about the 4th September. It's also pretty standard to have 30 kids in a class so I'm very jealous of your 18!! I've been teaching for 7 years and I've always had 29 or 30!

  • @atirabucknor7007
    @atirabucknor7007 Год назад

    I teach in Belize. We will start on the 4th of september. 😊

  • @wendlit
    @wendlit Год назад

    when you know you’ve got 12mins to spare ➡️🥳🎉 teachers in my local area start back 4Sep, but they may have training. ❤

  • @jakethiringer1698
    @jakethiringer1698 Год назад

    First year 5th grade teacher here! School starts for us on Thursday September 7th!

  • @lonnear5195
    @lonnear5195 Год назад

    Love your dress!

  • @katyr7513
    @katyr7513 Год назад


  • @ClaudiaSanchez-1991
    @ClaudiaSanchez-1991 Год назад

    Our fist day of school was August 14th!! Good luck this school year!!

  • @bonniewatkins6770
    @bonniewatkins6770 Год назад

    My husband always sends me flowers in the first day of school. 20+ years

  • @bekahholland4035
    @bekahholland4035 Год назад

    Katie, how do you organize for the week on weekends? It's my first year teaching fourth grade, I usually feel frazzled on Monday mornings : (

  • @LonnieandJess
    @LonnieandJess Год назад

    We started Aug 2!

  • @methodgirl316
    @methodgirl316 Год назад

    Hi, Katie
    I noticed you have a different teacher planner style this year. Are you no longer making your own? If not, why is that? I really wanted to make one after seeing your other video.

  • @michellerensburg2789
    @michellerensburg2789 Год назад

    We start school on Monday 🙌🏼 Two of my chillins in traditional school and one homeschooler. Have a great year, Katie! 🙏🏼

  • @laurasudderth2060
    @laurasudderth2060 Год назад

    I would love to get a copy of your commitment and promise paper that you mentioned. Where can I find it?

  • @chrisoulalakkas8968
    @chrisoulalakkas8968 Год назад

    If you can’t stop thinking about it, it matters.

  • @morganwitherall1996
    @morganwitherall1996 Год назад

    What does your school library look like this year 10:22

  • @alannajmcdermott4902
    @alannajmcdermott4902 Год назад

    Can I please ask where you got your morning slides from? Thank you!

    • @mrs_katie_in_elementary
      @mrs_katie_in_elementary  Год назад

  • @yazkharaindiraabsaloncasti1793

    Greetings 👍👌

  • @KendallMajeres-ou8iw
    @KendallMajeres-ou8iw Год назад

    Its ok i sometimes don't make my bed

  • @laurasudderth2060
    @laurasudderth2060 Год назад

    Can you please share the name and author of your Promise book?

  • @MabelAnn.T.H.
    @MabelAnn.T.H. 6 месяцев назад

    Can you be my bestftiend. Trying to find a happy place to live family home. I have godmom califorina malibu. I had a teacher miss beckerson im not happy i loved school. Can you make me school plan i have autisum went to all my school im 26.

  • @constancemayl2202
    @constancemayl2202 Год назад

    Honestly, it will be a lot easier for me to watch you teach because giving details is not helping me

    • @davidea43
      @davidea43 Год назад +2

      Hard to do that when you aren’t really allowed to film during contract hours. Which is why she normally films prior and post contract hours.

    • @brakkybru
      @brakkybru Год назад +3

      Many teachers are not allowed to film while teaching children due to privacy concerns or because their teaching contract prohibits it for other reasons.

    • @mrs_katie_in_elementary
      @mrs_katie_in_elementary  Год назад +7

      Hey Constance! Like the other two comments say, I am not able to film while I am actually teaching due to my contract and privacy. I understand how helpful it is to watch someone actually teach. Mayleen Call from Mrs. Call's Campers here on RUclips is able to show clips of her teaching in her vlogs so I would definitely recommend her channel if you need to see more of that too 😊Have a great Saturday!