An Anti-Gravity Aircraft From The USA That Is Undetectable By Anyone

  • Опубликовано: 22 окт 2024
  • This new aircraft has a unique triangular shape, an engine with incredible speed inspired by Darkstar, advanced artificial intelligence from NGAD, and stealth technologies similar to the B-21 Raider. The entire project is being developed in the Area 51!
    Instead of focusing on the unique characteristics of each modern fighter individually, engineers have decided to integrate all existing technologies into one aircraft.
    For example, the TR-3B was previously thought to be a genuine UFO with its unusual shape, created by humans. However, in reality, it was just a preliminary stage before creating the actual flying apparatus mentioned in this video.

Комментарии • 887

  • @jim7060
    @jim7060 8 месяцев назад +13

    I'm so glad you're finally showing the manta very clearly.
    Thank you and keep the videos coming.

  • @Heidiakajekylandhyde
    @Heidiakajekylandhyde 9 месяцев назад +164

    Okay. Let me stop everything here. Time stamp .50 that is 50 seconds in. I have seen enough craft in air to absolutely tell you this. Aircraft that float across the sky, that are round, with no motors, no sound, no vibration and have a strange ability to project a light source that has no definition other than light blending into colors of yellow, orange, red,pink and gold are not a man made object. Craft that pops in and out of view faster than you can blink are not man made. Craft that dive into our oceans at Mach speed and pop out again are not a figment of our pilots imaginations. Now I have not seen an alien being. But I have definitely seen their aircraft. So go ahead and believe this latest round of denials. Our government is never going to admit that they have ever lied to the American people.

    • @gpmoto6927
      @gpmoto6927 8 месяцев назад +17

      Somebody's lining Somebodys pocket with billions of taxpayers dollar and have been getting away with it for years. We need transparency not more limp alibis!

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад +13

      In the early 90s, Ben Rich the president of Boeing skunk works, held a meeting with our defense contractors. He had projector screen installed on the ceiling of the meeting room and showed a video of a spacecraft flying in and landing on top of the crowd. The crowd was in awe. His opening statement started out with. We do have this technology but my question to you is.”Is That theirs or ours?” After the crowd settled down, he went into the explanation that that was ours, and that you could tell the difference between our and theirs in the fact that you can see bolts in the bottom of ours👀

    • @danmang923
      @danmang923 8 месяцев назад

      I think these things are demonic entities most of them but I do believe there are some that are beyond top secret black projects going up.

    • @johnschroeder3172
      @johnschroeder3172 8 месяцев назад +8

      People do have this tech..but it was given to them..they fund the ops with surplus f-18 doesn't actually cost what the contractors charge the government..and so on ...congress doesn't have a one in our conventional government has ever been read in to these black ops or the funding sources...but we do have possession and control of this tech..

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад +5

      And yes, Mr. John, those two words go together, so well, Congress and clueless

  • @mikeoconner557
    @mikeoconner557 8 месяцев назад +25

    Some six or seven years ago, I was sitting in my boat in Naples bay on a quiet, clear night. I am looking westward and suddenly realized that I was seeing something of a large triangular shape, flying silently, along the coast… the beach of which being a half mile west of me. There were no nav lights, or lights of any function… there was no sound. It was moving at a fairly stiff pace, but not knowing its size, I could not be sure of its speed. The only way I recognized it was that stars moved as it passed in front of them. If memory serves, the stars remained in view but the edge of the craft seemed to crunch them in a seem of sorts, then the stars just passed along and crunched into that ‘seem’ and stayed put as the ship moved across the sky
    It felt to me to be a very large thing. But to this day, no one that I know of saw it beside myself

  • @timothyparker9810
    @timothyparker9810 9 месяцев назад +16

    The United States patent office Declassified the blueprints for the tr3b over 3 years ago but they didn't show you the Star Drive we might call it but it's actually a snap Drive basically you go to point A to point C without passing point B instantaneously it doesn't take any time at all to get there it takes longer to turn it on and turn it off and surrounded by a negative magnetic force no energy weapons or kinetic weapons can hurt it you know they say light can only go the speed of light but we're not talking about light we're talking about magnetic energy and that is instantaneous

    • @charlesmiller8107
      @charlesmiller8107 8 месяцев назад +1

      Holy crap, that is the dumbest shite I have heard outside a trump rally in a long time!🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @goshring
      @goshring 8 месяцев назад

      It sounds like you haven't listen to Biden ramble and babble then.@@charlesmiller8107

    • @lf7354
      @lf7354 8 месяцев назад

      Magnetic energy is instantaneous 🤔. Isn’t light electric and magnetic fields? So the electric field is hitching a ride perpendicular to the magnetic infinite plane I guess.
      I have heard dumber things said than at a Trump rally at anything Biden is speaking.

  • @Robert-n5t9v
    @Robert-n5t9v 9 месяцев назад +20

    In 1960 I bought a book that was talking of German wonder weapons it was presented like the wonders of advanced science.After the war there was total silence by the free press.
    Thanks to Wernher von Braun and his cientists the USA got all its knowledge.

    • @timjamesg158
      @timjamesg158 9 месяцев назад

      When you really are clueless and completely stupid, you say things like this hilariously wrong rubbish we read from you, let's talk facts, not made up idiocy. Where did the US come up with her technology? LOL... The USA would be years behind the modern world today, in technology terms, if not for Great Britain, yet none of the Americans know this fact? They must think the US just clicked its fingers, and all this modern technology just fell from the sky? LOL
      You need to learn all about the “Tizard mission” because that's where their technology really came from.
      The information, the technology, the know-how, and top-secret technology provided by the British, saw it subject to very carefully vetted secret security procedures, because it contained some of the greatest scientific advances ever made.The technology included radar (like the greatly improved cavity magnetron) which the American historian, James Phinney Baxter III, later called “the most valuable cargo ever brought to our shores”.
      The design for the proximity VT fuse (a fuse that detonates an explosive device automatically when the distance to the target becomes smaller than a predetermined value).
      Details and blueprints of Frank Whittle's jet engine.
      The Frisch-Peierls memorandum, describing the feasibility of an atomic bomb, (without which, there would have been no nuclear bomb).
      Those alone were an enormous leap forward in US technological abilities and may be considered the most significant leap taken by the USA, (and all without thanks to British intuition and expertise), but we actually saw the opposite to any thanks, we saw them try to steal some of those inventions to credit themselves.
      The hypocrisy we see from all of them today, claiming China stole their tech? Not only is that erroneous claim, nothing but really juvenile rubbish, but the facts are, the US have never had any tech for China to steal LOL.. The USA was good at one thing, mass production, the ingenuity, the invention and brains, all come from the UK and that still applies in many areas today.
      Many other items were also transported including many various designs for rockets, newly improved superchargers, highly advanced gyroscopic gunsights, newly built submarine detection devices, self-sealing fuel tanks, plastic explosives, and many more British technologies.
      That's the only reason they're not still decades behind in this world today, no other reason, only that! It's extraordinary, what they've all been taught? Why does none of them know this?
      Britain also developed its own atom bomb to avoid complete dependence on the United States, (which was refusing to share atomic information, dirty cheating scum), as it was Britain that allowed them all their technical know-how? As well as the most important Frisch-Peierls memorandum, describing the feasibility of an atomic bomb, (without which the USA would never have had any nuclear bomb).
      We read people today, without a clue, that the British had been working on an A. Bomb long before the USA were even involved. (Tube Alloys) was the code name of the research and development programme authorised by the United Kingdom before the Second World War.
      The British efforts were kept classified, and as such had to be referred to by code, even within the highest circles of government.
      This had been going on long before the Manhattan Project, and everything that was used to set up and start up the Manhattan Project, was British research and British technical know how and understanding. Not American!!
      A secret cabinet committee discussed the question of a British bomb in October 1946, with Hugh Dalton and Stafford Cripps opposing a British bomb, on grounds of cost. Ernest Bevin, however, was determined. He famously said...
      “We have got to have this thing over here whatever it costs… we’ve got to have the bloody Union Jack on top of it”.
      He got his way, and the work went ahead. The decision was kept extremely quiet, and most cabinet ministers, apparently, did not know of it. By the time the bomb was ready for testing, the second Churchill government was in power.
      RUclips's search: Equinox - A very British bomb.

    • @timjamesg158
      @timjamesg158 9 месяцев назад

      Now please do explain this for everyone, without your false lies and wrong claims? If you look back through history, you'll find the USA doing things all based and worked against the British. There's so much of it, it's hilarious, as it's such a fantasy.
      Did you know the American government spent Americans money to go to the world court, and try to get the rights of Alexander Bell Inventing the telephone overturned? Claiming the Italian who had also been working on a device did it first? Of course, they were proven wrong and lost, but they tried? Why would the USA spend American money trying to give the credit to an Italian? (who became a US citizen)!
      It's bizarre until you look deeper? You'll find out that at one time the USA really believed they had invented more in this world than anyone else. This is all true, they really did believe that. They knew Britain had invented a lot, so they tried to take British inventions to the world court, to try to get them overturned.
      I mean, how embarrassing is that? Prepared to steal other's ingenuity, to only then credit themselves? And all done to try and get closer, or even beat how much the British had invented. Look it all up, there's load's of it, man!
      Even really well-known British inventions, like the Steam Engine, the US has tried to smother, you'll find the USA has said the primitive aeolipile "steam novelty" the first ''turbine''? Invented in the first century A.D, by a Greek inventor named Hero of Alexandria...Hahaha, I mean, seriously, you couldn't make this up!! LMFAO! Yet next month, they'll be claiming that same "miscellaneous" devise as the first of something else! LOL, you can look things up on Wikipedia, then go back in 12 months time, and you'll read a brand-new account of history, LOL!
      Even the invention of the Internet Is just more American propaganda and lies. Donald Watts Davies, was the real inventor of the Internet.
      In 1965, Davies developed the idea of packet switching, (dividing computer messages into packets that are routed independently across a network), the first seen working form of ''Internet'', and it was him, that took his invention, and showed the US military how he'd successfully managed to do, what they couldn't, the USA stole It!
      Davies' key insight came in the realisation that computer network traffic was inherently “bursty” with periods of silence, as compared with relatively constant telephone traffic, and he designed and proposed a national data network, based on "packet switching" in his 1966 Proposal for the Development of a National Communications Service for Online Data Processing (Worldwide Internet).
      When the US announced, years later, "their Internet" (outright theft), many of the involved businesses/partners that knew it was really Davis invention, made a point of showing him as the real inventor of the internet, by having tags saying so and a picture of him, with his name on all retail packaging! It's so sick.
      They say today, more Americans believe a German invented the jet engine! It's so pathetic! Frank Whittle speaks of his "Eureka" moment.
      It came out of the blue, he recalled. He had, effectively, dreamt up the turbojet, the early jet engine. I knew if a man was going to fly faster, he would have to fly at much greater altitudes where the air was thinner. Whittle concluded that the conventional propeller would never be sufficient, and that an entirely new sort of engine would be required. His arguments were so advanced that he was awarded 30 out of 30 for his work.
      When the young RAF officer took his idea to the Air Ministry, later in 1929, they were not sure what to make of it. They ran it past a senior boffin called A.A. Griffith, who had already done some work on the subject. Whether he was misguided or simply disliked this young Whittle in uniform, Griffith gave the idea a thumbs down. As a result, the Air Ministry rejected Whittle's design as impractical, and carried on ordering traditional planes with propellers.
      So Whittle took out a patent to protect his turbojet idea, which was duly published by the Patent Office. Others, like the Germans, however, saw its merits, and German diplomats in London, wasted no time ordering copies of the patent when the patent expired in 1935. (A young Whittle could not even afford the £5 renewal fee).
      The RAF remained supportive of their young genius however, financing Whittle through Cambridge, where needless to say, he took a First Class degree in mechanical sciences, and all the while, he was still designing the jet engine, that he knew would work.
      Finally, two friends helped him secure enough backing to start a small company called Power Jets Ltd, and in April 1937, he fired up his first jet engine, the first seen working, recorded, Jet engine ever built. (unlike the latter claimed German ''Engine'', they claimed long after), and they claim it was in the same year, of the same month, and on the same day? LOL.
      Sure! Only nobody ever said a thing about it, at the time? But Whittles was spoken about, and written about, throughout the entire media world, as he couldn't turn it off. He had to wait for it to run out of fuel, LOL.
      Today, his son, Ian Whittle's primary concern is to protect his father's memory from continued erosion. He said, It's appalling, it's a disgrace to human ingenuity, using cheap tricks, and misinformed people to make up history, It's now an accepted fact in the USA, that my father did not invent the jet, but, that he and von Ohain - (who became an American citizen) - co-invented it at the same time. He says... "Pretty soon, history will be rewritten to say that it was a German or American invention, just not British".
      So true his words really are, certainly many American engineering institutions now routinely describe von Ohain as one of the inventors of the jet. Captain Eric Brown, late, of the Fleet Air Arm, (one of the greatest test pilots in aviation history) said it was Frank's invention, and they just copied him.
      And let's be honest, he should know, not only has he flown more planes than anyone else - 487 different types, but he was also sent to Germany straight after the war to get hold of all the Nazis aviation technology. He says "well I interrogated von Ohain, who was very ambivalent about where he had got his idea, he couldn't say where his Idea came from", says Capt Brown from his Sussex home.
      He goes on, "but his sidekick was different, an open book, he was utterly straight-forward about it, he said, that Whittle's patent had been in every technical library in Germany, even before the war, and I have absolutely no hesitation in saying that Frank Whittle was the real (and only) inventor of the jet engine - and furthermore that he could have produced a jet fighter by 1937- If the Establishment had been on his side. But the Jet Engine is Frank's very own Invention".
      This is the truth about the USA's mentality, and it always has been, you only need to study Anglo-American history to see straight through this misrepresentation of a “Special Partnership”. Whatever the British have achieved In this world, they want to try and beat it. And however they do so, whether by cheating, lying, making up history, stealing others technology to credit themselves, the list is endless.
      But, just how stupid are they?, they really don't understand British history, as they'd need to be incredibly unrealistic, and foolish, thinking they could ever top what the British have already achieved in, and given this world, there's no country that gets even remotely close.
      Japan ended America's thoughts that they were close to the British... Tokyo University, (Japan also thought they were close to the British) spent 4 years going through all worldly inventions, and in their findings, Britain had Invented 54% of all worldly inventions. Japan 21%. The USA19%.
      Miles away from catching the UK! It's extraordinary what these people think, believe, or have been wrongly taught.

    • @timjamesg158
      @timjamesg158 9 месяцев назад

      And while we're at it, what I'd really like to know is why I read so many Americans endlessly claiming the F-22 is so much better than the Russian rubbish SU-57, (that relies on washing machine chip technology)? LOL. Only when you're asked what you've ever seen the F-22 actually do, (that would allow you to hold that opinion), none of you can't answer that, as you've never seen the F-22 ever do anything at all, well, other than flying over a beach on a RUclips Video. LOL.
      So, as always, you all just prove your own opinions are all based on absolutely nothing. LOL... So, really, what is it all about? And even worse, you people never even ask the obvious questions? Questions like, how can the F-22 or the F-35, for that matter, detect, track, and target enemy stealth aircraft from BVR?
      I've come to find, none of you have a clue, you have no idea, LOL! Yet, if you all had just asked that one question, then maybe, just maybe, you'd start to understand that today's reality is nothing at all like you all think! (though I doubt that, LOL)
      I mean, seemingly none of you even understand, that stealth alone, defeats high-frequency (short wave), radar, by absorption and deflection, but it does not defeat low-frequency (long wave radar). So regardless of the aircraft's RCS (radar cross-section) we read all you uneducated people believing means so much, when they're being detected, tracked and targetted by long wave radar, they're far from stealthy, and just light up, and stand out, like a beacon in the night.
      To detect, track, and target other stealth aircraft from BVR, can be done with long-wave radar, (but it must also be enhanced), to remove all background clutter for targeting purposes. Neither the APG-77 radar, used in the F-22, or the APG-81 radar, used in the F-35, have any kind of long wave radar, (hence, they can't detect enemy stealth aircraft from BVR)! - An obvious fact, the US Air force will be fully aware of.
      Only it seems the reality is, that when the F-35 radars were being designed 13 years ago, there weren't any other stealth aircraft to think about as a potential threat! So, what do the F-22 - F-35, actually have available to them to detect enemy stealth aircraft from BVR? They have AWACS (that can transfer all targetting data to the F-22 - F-35's in real time). Only, that's not possible today. And this is why, actually understanding your enemies real abilities, becomes extremely important, critical in fact.
      This (Russian rubbish), you all idiotically claim, has a new 5th generation radar, (with enhanced long-wave radar), their new Byelka (2band) radar used in SU-57. They can detect, track, and target enemy stealth jets from BVR easily today. Russia have designed, and they've developed, the first L-Band fighter radar we've ever seen.
      They've embedded L-band AESA radars into the leading edges of the wings. The L-band AESA radar "data" gets processed in real time (through extremely powerful Russian computers), being significantly enhanced, removing all background clutter, seeing them perfectly able to detect, track, and engage enemy stealth aircraft from BVR.
      This new Russian technology, along with its very impressive range parameters, and it's jamming ability (over very large areas) make this aircraft deadly to all other aircraft types. But it's just Russian rubbish? LMAO!!.
      They can detect, track, and target all enemy stealth fighters, and long before they even enter Russian airspace, from much greater distances today, with "real-time" data from all those massive Russian ground (long wave stations), that are all protected with the networked S-400 defensive system.
      Russia's new (2band) radar, covers all frequencies across all channels, used for tracking, targeting, and also for jamming (over large areas). It's part of Sh121 multifunctional integrated radio electronic system (MIRES) on board the SU-57.
      We should also understand, that Russia tested this new radar suit in the SU-35's, so they also have the option of fitting this radar into the SU-35's. Seeing the SU-35 at no disadvantage against either the F-22/35. As although the SU-35 can be detected, tracked, targeted and shot down from BVR by the US stealth fighters, the SU-35 equipped with this new radar is just as able to detect, track, target and shoot down the US stealth fighters from BVR. - Seeing the all-important huge Russian advantage, in BVR missile range, plus the excellent manoeuvring, neither the F-22/F-35 have, as more than critical, (if you're going to avoid simply being blown out of the sky).
      This Russian 5th generation radar design, has very clear, and very real potentials, to provide genuine shared multifunction apertures, with applications including... Search, track, and destroy, missile mid-course guidance, against low signature aircraft, identification of friend or foe with secondary surveillance radar.
      Passive angle tracking and geolocation of JTIDS-MIDS-Link-16 emitters at long ranges.
      Passive angle tracking and geolocation of L-band AEWC - AWACS and surface based search radars at long ranges.
      Passive angle tracking and geolocation of hostile (i.e. Western) IFF and SSR transponders at long ranges.
      High-powered active jamming of JTIDS-MIDS-Link-16 emitters.
      High-powered active jamming of satellite navigation receivers over large areas.
      High-powered active jamming of L-band AEWC-AWACS and surface based search radars at long ranges.
      High-powered active jamming of guided munition command data links over large areas. (Effectively, and completely, neutralising the USA's use of AWACS for their detection).
      This Tikhomirov NIIP L-band AESA radar, is an extremely important strategic development, and it's a technology which once fully matured and deployed in useful numbers, will render narrowband stealth designs like the F-22 & F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, and many, UAVs, as highly vulnerable to all flanker variants equipped with such radars.
      -- Just Russian crap?, indeed it is! LMAO!

    • @timjamesg158
      @timjamesg158 9 месяцев назад +3

      Do explain this, please? We still see the USA, still unable to produce and build a VTOL capable fighter aircraft? Yet, they are trying to lie about this? -- The F-35B was claimed by the USA, to be able to do what the Harrier could do, while also being supersonic, stealthy, with modern avionics systems, etc, this is what we were told, and it's exactly why we designed our new carriers without ramps.
      Only one of the biggest technical headaches, the British always had when building the Harrier, was the VTOL, - transferring from ''lift'' (downward nozzles) to forward flight (rear-facing nozzles) and flying away from the lift-off. Apparently to achieve it took the British a hell of a lot of technical work, (three - four months at a time, over 3 years). Look up all the variants they made, but they never gave up, and they finally figured it out.
      I said long before we ever saw the F-35B, that it wouldn't be VTOL capable, (even with the Rolls-Royce lift engines), because the USA has tried many times before, and failed each time, only ever managing to produce and build the British Sea Harrier, able to do so. Every US airframe (and there have been many), have all failed. I'll show you what I mean, as otherwise, so many of you Americans get confused. LOL.
      At 7 mins 50 seconds, you'll watch a Harrier perform a proper VTOL. Copy and paste “2013 MCAS Yuma Air Show - AV8B Harrier Demo” into RUclips search. Watch it from lift off, to more importantly, flying away from the lift-off, and you'll see the transfer of nozzles take place. -- You'll not find any footage of the F-35B doing this anywhere. Yet we do see Lockheed Martin trying to suggest it is VTOL capable?, when it, so clearly, is not.
      Copy and Paste “First F-35B Vertical Takeoff Test” into RUclips search. You'll only see it lift off, hover, then return straight back down. You'll never see it fly away from the lift-off. Believe me, if it could, we'd see it doing so in every piece of footage we have on the F-35B - like we still see on all the footage of the Harrier doing so. But you'll never find any footage anywhere of the F-35B doing that.
      Oh, and please, anyone that wants to try and show me the F-35 fly into a hover, and fly away from that hover (as a way of proof it can VTOL)? Please don't, because that has nothing at all to do with a VTOL. To hover, and to fly from a hover doesn't require the transfer of the nozzles, as hover, is achieved while remaining with forward flight (rear facing nozzles) with pitch and yaw, to find your centre of gravity to control the hover (all CPU controlled today). No transfer of nozzles is required to fly from a hover. So only footage of the F-35B performing a proper full VTOL, that must include flying away from the lift-off is all we want to see.
      And we don't want, or need, to read any Americans trying to claim it's not necessary? LOL, (while forgetting, they're to be carrier-based aircraft), meaning any slight damage to the deck or ramp, and they can't get any jets airborne? Defeating the entire purpose of having the aircraft in the first place! You can't ever lose an entire carrier in battle, for only minor damage?, whatever next?.
      So, why do we see the USA doing this? It's obviously because, the US is still a country that's never managed to produce & build a VTOL fighter aircraft. Britain did so in the late 50s, Russia did so in the late 60s, the USA has tried and failed numerous times, so it seems this time, they're going to try to lie about it LOL.
      That country is a travesty, man! But it does show us, that Lockheed do indeed produce propaganda aircraft, as the F-22 is exactly the same... A failed aircraft, so today, only being used for propaganda purposes!

    • @timjamesg158
      @timjamesg158 9 месяцев назад

      EDUCATION.... Typical US propaganda, usually consists of silly falsehoods, fake misinformation claims, or just twisted truths, like the F-15, is said to be unbeaten in A2A combat? It's true (ish), only when we look at every aircraft shot down by an F-15?, we find that none had any offensive capabilities, most had little if anything defensive, many without even a basic radar, meaning, you'd be absolutely stunned, if the F-15 didn't shoot every one of them down!
      So it really is, once again, and as always, just a very silly, and meaningless remedial propaganda claim.
      However, there is another aircraft, that's also unbeaten in A2A combat, and has faced off against aircraft just as capable and well armed as itself, only it's not American LOL. The British Sea Harrier, is actually the only aircraft unbeaten in A2A combat, that has faced off against worthy, and viable opposition. And that really is a huge factor, that's worth knowing, unlike the F-15 propaganda claim, that you'd be shocked if it hadn't managed.
      These Americans really should be questioning why the US government made it illegal to sell the F-22? The US government, seemingly want it believed, that because it's so good, they don't want anyone else to have it.
      Yet, that actually makes no sense at all, none, not even a little sense. As the facts are, they've no idea what's waiting around the corner in new modern military technologies, and with the speed we're seeing so much new hi tech military tactical hardware being designed, developed, and created today, it could have made great sense to sell the F-22 at some stage. (If it actually works). - If it worked, they'd have been able to recoup many of the resources spent on the aircraft, if not the resources in their entirety, even a profit! Yet, as always, there's another, and much more likely, reason the USA made it illegal to sell the F-22.
      If it is, just as I suspect it is, a "lemon", that was intended to be their leading front line strike aircraft, (that's failed), yet because of the cost/expense, to design and build them, they can't just write it off. So the US have then only used the F-22 for propaganda purposes? Then what better way of preventing anyone else from finding out, that it actually doesn't work, and really is a lemon, than making it illegal to sell?
      Logically, that's the only real possible reason the USA made it illegal to sell the F-22. -- It can only be, because it's a failed aircraft that was intended to be their leading front line 5th generation strike aircraft.19 years the US have had the F-22 in service, and they've been in wars the entire time, yet they've never used it, not once! And even more telling, was, after Russia arrived in Syria in 2015, the US removed every F-22 from right across the Middle East... Iraq, Tukey, UAE and Jordan.
      Absolutely no doubt about it, I guarantee that we'll never see the F-22 involved in any real war scenario, or even involved in any major sortie, because it's basically junk.
      They've even trashed all the infrastructure they had in place to build more of them.
      FACT = A Russian SU-57, flying well behind the front lines in Russian airspace, detected a Ukrainian SU-27, in Ukrainian airspace heading toward Kiev, about 300 kms away. The SU-57 tracked then fired a Russian, very long range Vympel R-37 (NATO "Axehead") hypersonic air-to-air BVR missile at the Ukrainian SU-27, from a range of well over 250 km's away, blowing it out of the sky, and smashing the previous BVR missile kill range world record, to smithereens
      FACT = The USA has had the F-22 in service for 19 years, and incredibly it finally made its first air-to-air kill in 2023, when it shot down a Chinese weather balloon. LMFAO.

  • @suspectgaming8868
    @suspectgaming8868 9 месяцев назад +24

    If theres a craft thats electrictly negating gravity, there is a way it can harness energy from our atmosphere thus negating that "short term" flight problem.....just saying

    • @infidel202
      @infidel202 8 месяцев назад +1

      Sounds very Nicola Tesla

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, I agree good old Nick had something to do with it

    • @suspectgaming8868
      @suspectgaming8868 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@johngossett6605 definately. Makes u wonder why he was denied the resources to complete the wardencliff tower experiment.
      He already prooved it worked. Just needed to polish the idea to perfection.
      But once the power company's profits were threatened, no deal.
      Edison literaly told him something along the lines of-- "if i cant put a meter on it to make a profit, im not funding/supporting the venture"

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@suspectgaming8868 I believe that Edison was working for JP Morgan and the rest of them because that’s what came out of JP Morgan‘s mouth 😜

  • @jerryedwards7008
    @jerryedwards7008 8 месяцев назад +17

    The night vision image of a TR3B Manta shown near the end of this video looks like the black triangular craft that silently moved directly over my head on April 2004 at just above the tree top level except for the three so-called large lights underneath each corner of the triangle were not lights at all. As U stood and watched, I could see in great detail that they were directional thrusters because they emitted a bluish-purple bubble of super heated plasma which extended approximately five feet below the bottom of the craft. There were no rockets or jets or balloon flotation devices keeping the craft airworthy. I believe that the main propulsion system was some sort of antigravity MFD, Magnetic Field Disruptor system. The bottom of the craft was black with its sides appearing blended with the dark blue/black sky above it was almost like it was being cloaked. If the craft was at a much higher altitude the effect would made the craft much harder to see except for the thrusters. That is why most people that have seen it at higher altitudes only see what they think are three lights. Also, I noticed that the craft did not have the usual green, red and white running lights that government regulated aircraft have. I have worked in both the areospace, automotive and defense industries and I am a 47 year career retired engineer in which I had a secret clearance status so I know a little about airframe technologies. I retired five years ago and this year make it twenty years since I saw what I believe to be the TR3B Manta space worthy craft. Who knows what advancements have been made to that technology in the last twenty years. The days of hitching a ride on a Russian rocket after the dismantling the US Shuttle program does make sense now. The last thirteen years has been a smole screen to keep hiden what secretes our government has been hiding from us. President Reagan said back in the 1980,s that we had the capability to launcg 300 people into space. The media thought he made a gaffe, or did he?
    So for all of you naysayers put your big britches on because the people in the know are laughing at your total ignorance to what is possible. I would advise you to keep an open mind or you just may be overcome by the fear of what is probable.
    Naysayers, please take the heat off your name calling and wise cracks. Give people the benefit of the doubt; they are closer to the truth than you.

    • @OscarLuna-f7o
      @OscarLuna-f7o 8 месяцев назад

      There's a whistleblower soldier that saw Americans in black security gear loading crates onto a big round UFO . He says someone told him that people were in the crates . They eventually let them go and when they got back their commanding officer told him to keep his mouth shut . Other whistleblower soldiers also saw crazy shit in Antarctica military bases . I heard US military had Boeing working on alien tech aircrafts . Maybe the Deep State goes much deeper than the public thinks . Anyone disagree ?

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      Sir, I believe that we have been brainwashed since the beginning of time everything we were taught in school limited our thought pattern I could go on and on but science and physics is so out to lunch and limited here because of the teachings we’ve been taught that we are not even closeand common sense the most is just outdated technology

    • @cnone3785
      @cnone3785 8 месяцев назад

      I allways have said why would Leon's ride have lights on it.? Becouse only reason for the red green & white light are to be seen & visually communicate Leon =👽

  • @haraldgundersen7303
    @haraldgundersen7303 9 месяцев назад +32

    Would be nice to see some reference to sources this video is based on. Lots of good ideas in the sci fi literature...😋

    • @ericjomphe4897
      @ericjomphe4897 8 месяцев назад +4

      TR3B black manta

    • @RogueVigilante
      @RogueVigilante 8 месяцев назад +4

      It's just propaganda

    • @Krighton
      @Krighton 8 месяцев назад

      the truth is out there@@RogueVigilante

    • @LeslieIsgrigg
      @LeslieIsgrigg 8 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, great SCI-FI.
      Are we that gullable, well without collaborative data which prove this, it is just scifi
      I am going to get a beer, that wacky stuff they are using is one step too far.

    • @charlesmiller8107
      @charlesmiller8107 8 месяцев назад

      Try Google it's fantastic.

  • @JohnBerry-q1h
    @JohnBerry-q1h 8 месяцев назад +33

    Apparently, someone has finally developed the technology to keep a secret.

    • @stevenjones1171
      @stevenjones1171 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @infidel202
      @infidel202 8 месяцев назад


    • @onewhitestone
      @onewhitestone 8 месяцев назад +3

      if they are releasing this information, then it is old technology. I would say they have more better stuff that we dont know about.

    • @suspectgaming8868
      @suspectgaming8868 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@onewhitestone correct.
      The military released GPS to the public use because they had better....we all out here enjoying something "new", oblivious to the fact that its only new to public...military ran civilian GPS for atleast 20 years in secret lol.
      The first micro processor for computing was thought to be made in the mid/late 70s, but infact the f14 tomcat had the actual first made in the early 70s.
      The public got a "version 2" if you will.

    • @JohnBerry-q1h
      @JohnBerry-q1h 8 месяцев назад +2

      @@suspectgaming8868 Nah... first microprocessor came out likewise in the very early 1970s. I saw the Apple home computer in 1975. Magazines selling static RAM chips were all over the place in 1975. When GPS was initially released to the public, they deliberately reduced the number of "bits" of precision offered to the general public, for fear that the technology might get misused as a weapon. That phase only lasted for a little while, at which point they made the full "bit" precision available to everybody.
      From the number of Joe Sh-moes saying that they have seen a black, silent, triangle-shaped UFO floating over their head, I take it that the darn thing does exist. Just the same, the idea that it's USA technology doesn't quite add-up. I mean, flying it around where anybody could see it, and possibly take a good video of it, seems incredibly reckless to me. Our USA military can't literally be that stupid. Also, the idea that we waste craploads of money on developing and selling an F35, when we've got an 85000mph homemade UFO waiting in the wings, seems likewise incredibly dimwitted.

  • @musicfanBRA
    @musicfanBRA 8 месяцев назад +3

    I can only admire the creativity of all those engineers, and besides, all these crafts look beautiful. No sci-fi movie director could ask for more.

  • @stefanschleps8758
    @stefanschleps8758 9 месяцев назад +16

    Here is what I heard. Inside Earths atmosphere our most classified flying craft can move up to eighty thousand MPH. Outside of earths gravitational well the same craft can move much much faster, three or four times faster. (It is also possible that we have broken the light barrier.) Yet, within Earths gravitational pull eighty thousand miles per hour with no G-force effect within the craft.
    Thanks for sharing.

    • @countingfloats
      @countingfloats 8 месяцев назад +5

      For you braking the light barrier I congratulate but must ask for a demo. A flashlight will do, I break the light speed when I am taking out the trash in the evening and it is raining.

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад +1

      That makes sense because the research that I have found says these things will do 70,000 mph and turn on a dime with no Gs

    • @charlesmiller8107
      @charlesmiller8107 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@johngossett6605 Can I please see this research of yours?

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      @@charlesmiller8107 I also live next to camp Atterbury and talk to a lot of military people and has been given some facts about when this really came about

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      @@charlesmiller8107 Mr. Charles I am not trying to be facetious would like to add anything that I can to my research

  • @blackbass4u2c
    @blackbass4u2c 9 месяцев назад +27

    I saw the United States Government's Antigravity on August 30th 2023 at 9:10pm on Indiana highway 446. The craft was 40 feet above me moving west to east and it had a slight rotation northward. It is a triangle shaped craft with lights in the corners and center with navigation lights red and green with strobe lights. It is a smooth edges with access panels highlighted similar to the new stealth bomber. It is painted gray with a lighter color accenting the access panels highlighted. it was steady in it's movement like it was sliding down hill with no noise. When it moved by I didn't hear any noise from the craft from inside of my car and it didn't shake a leaf of the trees as it skimmed over themit had the same color and type of paint job that the United States Government's airplanes use. The access panels highlighted with gray as the main color. The access panels were in the stealth style of technology that the United States Government used on known programs. It had the required red and green lights used in aircrafts flying in the sky. It was a huge craft triangle shaped and flat. It was too flat to have enough lift by heated gas or any other gases to keep it floating around. It didn't have conventional thrust moving it forward because it was skimming the trees and it didn't shake a leaf. It was traveling west to east with a slight rotation northward without changing direction and the front end of the craft didn't have a cutting edge on the front of it. It was constant on it's edge being rounded and slightly concaved on the bottom. It was only 40 feet above my vehicle and I felt no air wash from the massive craft above me... It was a totally solid panel craft and with the amount of weight it was it would have required a lot to keep it aloft it's motion and speed would indicate it was not a blimp or conventional thrust. It's shape would not be a conventional air plane or blimp. I was 40 feet away from it... I got a good look at itThe black triangle is seen as black because of the way light works. The one I saw was gray with access panels highlighted and a slight concaved bottom like the space capsules and cones on the corners like other military planes. It's planels were like the new stealth bomber design and the lights were bright white with a blue hue. It had strobes and a spot light. It was a very huge craft the sides were smoothly rolled and the whole thing was smoothly rolled... It wasn't blocky. It looked like it was designed by Northrop Grumman because of it's access panels I'm sure they hold patent rights on. It was in a direct pathway where I saw it between two of their facilities and where most of the sightings happen with the triangle shaped craft happen close to Northrop Grumman facilities... I am trying to investigate it now because they decided to disclose it to the public through sightings... They had to know they would be seen by vehicles. There was a vehicle behind me that saw it too... I reported it to the state police department and when I called at that point I was the only person reporting it. The officer asked if it was doing any harm and at that point I realized he wasn't going to log it. I checked WBIW police logs for the day and it was not there. I did also make a report to Mufon later and I have been posting a statement to as many as I can with similar topics.

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад +5

      I wish I was as lucky as you as to see that close-up. These things have been around for a long time. The videos that I watched were dated 2008 and it showed two of them flying back to back and then splitting off. In my research I have found information where they have used these in Afghanistan for night ops and of course no one knew they were there also in the information I found out supposedly they can go high speeds and turn on a dime with high Gforces neutralized

    • @hartman12349
      @hartman12349 8 месяцев назад +3

      Wasn't there too much coke? 🙂

    • @blackbass4u2c
      @blackbass4u2c 8 месяцев назад

      @@hartman12349 I'm fairly certain if you are discounting other people then when they disclose that they built and are using it you'll feel rather low when you realize that it means you are not very important to the overall experience of life. They are causing a devide of the population by holding onto the technology and not disclosing it. Imagine all vehicles having the ability to travel for fire and resque or ambulance services... Imagine going on a vacation to a different planet... We are not important to the folks keeping it a secret...

    • @PaulPerez-lx5yr
      @PaulPerez-lx5yr 8 месяцев назад +2

      Sounds like a tr3b my brother

    • @blackbass4u2c
      @blackbass4u2c 8 месяцев назад

      @@PaulPerez-lx5yr I believe it is the same program at least.

  • @mrdman094081
    @mrdman094081 8 месяцев назад +24

    Seems to be jet propelled and a fixed wing, unlike ufo's described as having no visible source of propulsion.

    • @elizabethlockley5861
      @elizabethlockley5861 8 месяцев назад +2

      UFO’s don’t have wheels or bolts 🤣

    • @BillBadMule123
      @BillBadMule123 8 месяцев назад +1


    • @daviddave6796
      @daviddave6796 8 месяцев назад

      Them weather balloons sure are advanced these days.

    • @DavidSmith-vc5rn
      @DavidSmith-vc5rn 8 месяцев назад +2

      It is fart powered.

    • @pump_6669
      @pump_6669 8 месяцев назад

      Magnets placed with poles NS.SN. etc. W/ high voltage applied to mercury in a ring surrounding it. displaces mass from gravity allowing it to hover & propel itself

  • @Brentster1953
    @Brentster1953 8 месяцев назад +6

    I then imagined that craft going up into space and returning to land on an aircraft carrier, deep out to sea....!!

  • @TukHaFleischer
    @TukHaFleischer 9 месяцев назад +14

    True invisible and undetectable, and now they can´t find it

    • @whereswaldo5740
      @whereswaldo5740 8 месяцев назад +1

      Minion where’d you park the aircraft?

    • @joecausey8508
      @joecausey8508 8 месяцев назад

      @@whereswaldo5740 LMAO!

    • @DavidSmith-vc5rn
      @DavidSmith-vc5rn 8 месяцев назад

      Does that surprise you??

  • @flycatchful
    @flycatchful 9 месяцев назад +17

    This is 50% truth and 50% hearsay.

    • @fuckyoueveryday
      @fuckyoueveryday 9 месяцев назад

      Actually it's 100% truth I got to see it up close and personal inside and out we have many shapes and sizes some as big as 300 feet.

    • @flycatchful
      @flycatchful 9 месяцев назад

      @@fuckyoueveryday Sure you did.

  • @dw2064
    @dw2064 9 месяцев назад +15

    I've seen it with blue lights on each tail. It was at night and it was very close to my home sideways between mobile homes. I think it came close due to heavy fog in the area. We have a military base close by.

    • @charlesmiller8107
      @charlesmiller8107 8 месяцев назад

      between mobile homes🤣🤣 Flew right over your trailer park did it?

  • @nickl8830
    @nickl8830 8 месяцев назад +3

    This is old tech developed from prior fallen UAPs in which we have reversed engineered. The DarkStar being developed by who? likely SkunkWoks the same group that developed the SR-71, B2 Spirt and F111 Stealth.

  • @fredleemh
    @fredleemh 8 месяцев назад +2

    Awesome video of bizarre things in the sky. They've been here but getting busier daily

  • @ReginaldD.Felton-ct5ld
    @ReginaldD.Felton-ct5ld 8 месяцев назад +3

    Their getting all those craft ready to fall from the sky when a UFO pass by .

  • @phillangdon3362
    @phillangdon3362 9 месяцев назад +11

    I think it's Kool. It's about time we did something with our understanding of anti-gravity technology. We have understood it for decades. Read the book "Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion" Dr Paul LaViolette PhD. Published by Bear & Co. 500 pages, 2008

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 9 месяцев назад +4

      Vedic texts, explain how to build a Vimana it had a spinning nuclearized mercury drive system. This is where they started with anti-gravity Imagine that if you can. that is also where Oppenheimer came up with the idea for the atomic bomb

    • @advent3774
      @advent3774 8 месяцев назад

      And that was 6,000 years ago, the texts also talk about a explosive device that was dropped from the skies that was so bright it would blind you if you looked directly at it , and radiation was found where the texts said it was dropped, they even described the mushroom cloud above the explosion, So obviously a atomic / hydrogen bomb .@@johngossett6605

  • @bossdog1480
    @bossdog1480 9 месяцев назад +6

    Well, I'm going to need a BIGGER shovel.

    • @Astronomy_Videos
      @Astronomy_Videos 8 месяцев назад +1

      To scoop away all of this B S ?

    • @bossdog1480
      @bossdog1480 8 месяцев назад


  • @ericbrammer2245
    @ericbrammer2245 8 месяцев назад +7

    'That Skin', using LCD tech, was first noted for Public dispersion, in DEAN ING's excellent Spy-Sci-Fi Novel 'The Ransom of, Black Stealth One', back in the 1980's. It featured a small VTOL 'flying wing', that used the LCD pixel-skin to Image what was above & below, simply 'blending' into either the Sky above, or the Ground/Terrain/Sea below. It could also also mimic the Plumage of a Hawk/Vulture, and hide by being obvious, but not being what-it-was.

    • @ericbrammer2245
      @ericbrammer2245 8 месяцев назад

      it could've been Rutan? Methinks such, now.

  • @ROBSwank-pm1vd
    @ROBSwank-pm1vd 9 месяцев назад +9

    I always felt the Triangle flap in Sweden n other places was US test hardware !! This looks exactly like it with updates !!!

  • @markmcgill6400
    @markmcgill6400 9 месяцев назад +5

    You have some good clips of drones.

  • @joeparker9516
    @joeparker9516 8 месяцев назад +1

    Lawrence - Livermore Laboratories recently created a nano-star. Replace the engines in the Manta, install one of these nano-stars and use the energy from that to power the systems, virtually forever.

  • @ThatWeSaw
    @ThatWeSaw 8 месяцев назад

    We have been working on this 40 yrs I am glad it is in production.

  • @karenanderson2358
    @karenanderson2358 8 месяцев назад

    I saw a TR3B in 2001, 23 yrs ago it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my life!! Watched for ten minutes up close over my head, silent low flying, thought it was going hit poles and trees, it did not, it was triangular, black and camouflaged itself with night sky as if the bottom of the vehicle was black glass or satin, amazing isn’t even a Good enough for it!! Technology is top of the line in the USA

  • @richardmartinez5938
    @richardmartinez5938 9 месяцев назад +18

    Ok you reverse engineered an alien bird.

    • @Larry-ob5kq
      @Larry-ob5kq 9 месяцев назад

      hardly! it wont cut a90 pulling 12Gs!

    • @TaneKarnes
      @TaneKarnes 8 месяцев назад

      Took them long enough. 🙄

  • @novtek
    @novtek 8 месяцев назад +1

    I want to believe this is real. However, I worked on the A12 stealth fighter and know enough to call cap. The features on this aircraft are in conflict with each other and certainly don't support the claims for speed. Also, the earth's magnetic field does not provide the necessary forces for propultion consistent with these claims. If it did, it would certianly show up on radar. Any technology that does what this claims, would most certainly be using a quantum drive. So far, that technology has eluded us.

  • @williamstrahan3198
    @williamstrahan3198 9 месяцев назад +6

    Amazing!! Go USA

  • @DennisJacobs-lr1vo
    @DennisJacobs-lr1vo 8 месяцев назад

    I have seen that aircraft flying over San Diego. The things that aircraft can do is mind-blowing

  • @lchris2850
    @lchris2850 9 месяцев назад +5

    /thanks for the update, what a great informative platform

    • @peterhynes102
      @peterhynes102 9 месяцев назад

      If it’s undetectable then maybe it doesn’t exist in what is known as the ‘real world ‘.

  • @patrickmurphy2183
    @patrickmurphy2183 8 месяцев назад +1

    we have had anti-Gravity craft for 7 plus years I saw 5 at one time. I didn't believe it but was told where to look. Then I was a believer.

  • @montauktimelord
    @montauktimelord 8 месяцев назад +1

    The clip of the triangle craft on the aircraft carrier has been debunked as CGI.

  • @Rentokilolexusaicuxg
    @Rentokilolexusaicuxg 9 месяцев назад +1

    Except me. I can detect it, smell it and eat it too. 😂

  • @Wordshine77
    @Wordshine77 8 месяцев назад +4

    If they are letting this out of the box now for the public to know about, then this is already old, possibly obsolete, technology at least 25 years old.

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      The videos that I watched that included two of these flying back to back was dated 2008

    • @mtsky-tc6uw
      @mtsky-tc6uw 8 месяцев назад +1

      they go back 40 years

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      @@mtsky-tc6uwLet us in on where u found out it is that old. The first videos that I have seen of this were military videos and they were dated 2008

    • @mtsky-tc6uw
      @mtsky-tc6uw 8 месяцев назад

      @@johngossett6605 i mention in my post--i live by area 51--tonopah test site--nevada test site where they first tested the a bombs--people who worked for me first mentioned it to me,their own sightings in about 1984==Art Bell mention many times on his radio show what he had seen--this area is a hot bed of sightings,nobody cares==many writes up,youtube videos

  • @richardpoulk9096
    @richardpoulk9096 8 месяцев назад

    This explains a lot of other "related" observations in a lota different given situations.
    Technology is busting loose at a higher speed than most can get a grip on.

  • @vidx03
    @vidx03 8 месяцев назад +1

    Good thing they're not using such technology to aleviate humans suffering, but rather finding new ways to destroy humans. Soon there will be nothing left and I suspect that will be in our lifetime.

  • @niallkarger1057
    @niallkarger1057 9 месяцев назад +5

    over the horizon radar locates the stealth bomber and still does ok

    • @RatusPretentious
      @RatusPretentious 9 месяцев назад +5

      Stealth can be identified by some radars! But getting a lock-on is another matter!!! ;p

  • @canufi6my
    @canufi6my 9 месяцев назад +1

    "Where have you been?", I overshot the runway and had to go around Mars to revector!

  • @khooyeesin9766
    @khooyeesin9766 9 месяцев назад +7

    US forms alliance with alliens to conquer the world 😂😂

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 9 месяцев назад +2

      You must mean like the Nazis did and kicked the shit out of us in the Antarctic .Admiral bird

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 9 месяцев назад +2

      And by the way that was called operation high jump

  • @genewilson2705
    @genewilson2705 8 месяцев назад +2

    If you must use Metrics please convert to SAE standards. We in America just don't understand.

  • @lucbedard7564
    @lucbedard7564 8 месяцев назад

    I told you so it was too good to be true, UFO? yeah right 🤣what make you think aliens will show up

  • @alanbone5512
    @alanbone5512 8 месяцев назад +1

    The shape also helps with flying at speeds not yet attainable for many air craft , like light speed , because shape allows for flying spat this speed , because of Doppler affect , where the fuselage would appear to distort at speed , this shape allows equilibrium ,

    • @Astronomy_Videos
      @Astronomy_Videos 8 месяцев назад

      The amazing thing is that you really thought that you were making sense as you wrote that.

    • @alanbone5512
      @alanbone5512 8 месяцев назад

      @@Astronomy_Videos do you know what happens at speeds not yet attainable , no you don't lol , because they not yet attainable . , it is just theory , but Doppler affect is like , vibration speed increased to such a level the craft seems to disappear from view and change shape , so best shape for speed they reckon is triangle or circle , , when something changes it's vibration rate it becomes invisible to naked eye too but it is still there , utilising sound and vibration is way forward. , the pitches we have now are not in the scale of some. Dimensions , known to man yet , for example place just a pen in your hand , look at it. Hold it one end. Then slowly begin to vibrate the pen back and forth , faster and faster. And faster , the illusion is that pen begins to disappear before your eyes yet it is still there , vibratiing at different rate , similar thing happens at high speed too , like cloaking device talked about even in star trek. , when things work on different vibrations then they are out of our light spectrum to view , we only have small capacity to see things in our light spectrum. Table , hence ufo technology way above ours , , and also spiritual planes you have possibly no idea about yet but one day you will , ,lol ,

    • @alanbone5512
      @alanbone5512 8 месяцев назад

      @@Astronomy_Videos do you even accept the possibility of other life forms not yet ,, known by mainstream governments and scientists yet , , how many strange encounters have you ever had , of other life forms , interspacial. , how many telepathic links have you ever experienced , how many what you would call UFO s have you seen in your life. , since your childhood it would be good to know that your talking from experiences , not just theory , or conjecture , ,

    • @Astronomy_Videos
      @Astronomy_Videos 8 месяцев назад

      @@alanbone5512 I notice that you changed subjects, the moment somebody with an actual background in Physics showed up to call you on your fertilizer. "Because of Doppler Effect." LOL. Yes, I know what the Doppler Effect is, and I know that you were talking out your backside.
      I really don't care about your off-topic tall tales.

    • @alanbone5512
      @alanbone5512 8 месяцев назад

      @@Astronomy_Videos I feel very sorry for you , you have no concept of the levels I was talking about , , no matter , shame your mind cannot accept other possibilities not yet discovered by your so called science , have you ever had a time slip experience , or teleportation experience , I have , you have no clue yet , many other experiences that would blow your mind, things you could not yet accept , because you need to reproduce , to keep trying to measure the results , thinking they can be repeated that you could then accept as a scientific fact , you sadly have no clue yet. The fastest speed. That is known scientifically what is it , simple question , let's see if your mind can work out that simple question , should be easy for your qualifications in science , but this speed not yet attained by pilots ,, by craft , simple question for you mr, academia , the fastest speed , let's see if your mind can grasp that , yet , because you know what your talking about obviously , or do you , , seeing that, you think you can be condescending to others , with other experiences to yours , completely different fields of experience , which you have none yet , , but you will one day this I can assure you , look forward to it , lol ,

  • @darthstemcell
    @darthstemcell 8 месяцев назад

    A deep ocean variant would be awesome too. eventually adding Deep Space!!!

  • @ErikLowe-w3l
    @ErikLowe-w3l 9 месяцев назад +4

    We are NOT ALONE! FACT!!!👽👽👽

  • @silenthammer2900
    @silenthammer2900 8 месяцев назад +4

    "Length of 190 METERS?" Give me a break. "Width of 100 METERS?" Sure!

    • @mtsky-tc6uw
      @mtsky-tc6uw 8 месяцев назад

      i live about 50 air miles from area 51--people in this area have seen them--say them are huge like the size of football field--no noise--i have not seen them but people working for me have--in years past always at night--block out sky--in the day they can cloak,can't be seen

  • @johanetzebeth2183
    @johanetzebeth2183 9 месяцев назад +3

    Why tell the whole world off it????Keep it as a surprice when needed!!!!

    • @JohnDoe-i3q
      @JohnDoe-i3q 9 месяцев назад

      You need to watch Dr strangelove kiddo. Google it.

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      Not top-secret anymore so put your imagination to it and just imagine what they have “They’re”not telling us about.

  • @choward874
    @choward874 8 месяцев назад

    My best friends dad is a retired full bird colonel, Air Force, i asked him what do we really have this was 25 years ago. He smiled laughed and said all i can say is for everything the public thinks we have we are decades ahead of anything the public knows about.

  • @Workerbee-zy5nx
    @Workerbee-zy5nx 8 месяцев назад +2

    Cool, let me know when you have real pictures.

  • @TheLang0lier
    @TheLang0lier 8 месяцев назад +1

    Where do you take information from?

    • @atlantic_love
      @atlantic_love 8 месяцев назад +1

      He steals content from everywhere.

  • @brinstonfernandez7705
    @brinstonfernandez7705 9 месяцев назад +2

    Excellent fighter plane.

  • @bobbyo5807
    @bobbyo5807 8 месяцев назад

    Most people think its all aliens when its just the military😆Love it

  • @Dylan-cr5ub
    @Dylan-cr5ub 8 месяцев назад +5

    I don't know if everything is correct what you said but one thing I'm certain of is that the US has extraterrestrial aircraft in its possession and could be very well reversed engineered into that black triangle anti-gravity aircraft.

  • @NaturalTreeHugger
    @NaturalTreeHugger 9 месяцев назад +3

    Might be the one that was in Afghanistan and The Army saw it too

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад +1

      We have a whole fleet of these and they did night ops in Afghanistan with them. Nobody knew they were there.

  • @lessmith1409
    @lessmith1409 8 месяцев назад +2

    There was a secret program called aurora with the same design many years ago

  • @thedaddechannel
    @thedaddechannel 8 месяцев назад +2

    Boy, those AI voices are getting dangerously real. Right, dad? Dad?

  • @peterpalumbo1963
    @peterpalumbo1963 9 месяцев назад +2

    Why do you not make the Starlink Satellites invisible so we may be able to use ground telescopes again.

    • @fleonard4
      @fleonard4 8 месяцев назад

      Because they're not really invisible. They're more like an LCD panel/paint.

  • @RebornThroughHate
    @RebornThroughHate 8 месяцев назад

    And where did you get any info presented on your channel?

  • @PariahGrimm
    @PariahGrimm 8 месяцев назад +3

    Is that the new engine that uses spinning mercury to produce anti gravity ?

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      Maybe new to us, but the directions on how to make a Vimanna are in the 10,000 year-old Vedic texts that explains the spinning nuclear mercury

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      Nuclearized. This is what the Hindu gods used for transportation imagine that if you can

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      Also, this is where Oppenheimer got his idea for the atomic bomb

  • @gordon0me
    @gordon0me 5 месяцев назад

    The engines at the rear of the plane are not standard ideas you shown in the video (two exhausts on your video), the actual plane uses the whole rear of the craft for the engine outlet, its not silent either, you can hear the jets from about 200m away, very quiet!
    In quiet mode the two modules on the back glow deep red in colour like lava cooling down, the front one is a faint amber in colour.

  • @williambrown238
    @williambrown238 8 месяцев назад

    This being such state of the art technology from area 51. Where did you get all this information? It wasn't sitting in a green corvette sitting in some old dudes garage ... was it?

  • @rustle2
    @rustle2 8 месяцев назад +1

    Us gov now has a border with mexico that is undetectable 24/7.

  • @daviddave6796
    @daviddave6796 8 месяцев назад +1

    They kinda look like that weather balloon that crash landed back in the 50s. I’m not impressed.

  • @BrettTWebb
    @BrettTWebb 9 месяцев назад +2

    well im definitely going to ALIEN PLANET AND TALKING WITH THEM

  • @joecausey8508
    @joecausey8508 8 месяцев назад

    I think some of you people have had too much Kool Aid.

  • @louisdriscoll2580
    @louisdriscoll2580 8 месяцев назад

    My buddy in Napa witnessed a triangle shape craft last year

  • @sugar_da-d
    @sugar_da-d 9 месяцев назад +1

    The future of technology is already here but not equaly distributed

    • @sugar_da-d
      @sugar_da-d 9 месяцев назад

      Microwave discovere in 1950 but until now i doesnt have it😢😢😢😢😢😢

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      Every time a UFO comes down and crashes doesn’t matter where it’s at.United States Is always there first to recover. We’ve gotten in so much trouble with other countries because they are mad when we do this I don’t know how many times we have done this to Mexico, so yes, they are not distributed equally

  • @gabrieleg6384
    @gabrieleg6384 8 месяцев назад

    A well made video full of sci-fi

  • @MukiBlalock-t9y
    @MukiBlalock-t9y 8 месяцев назад +1

    Yeah right.

  • @thomasferrari6465
    @thomasferrari6465 9 месяцев назад +1

    Annual flying somewhere and somehow they'll get down and the enemy will have the technology just like how I ran got that surveillance drone

  • @bobtexan592
    @bobtexan592 8 месяцев назад

    Such an exciting time to be at Skunk Works.

  • @johnnypowell9685
    @johnnypowell9685 9 месяцев назад +3

    8;15eastetn stander US awesome if we can keep the technology out of Chinas hands keep it up and thanks unto everyone that had a part.

  • @robertchutney
    @robertchutney 8 месяцев назад

    Now giv us the Red Raiding Hood story plse!🤣

  • @purplehayes5718
    @purplehayes5718 8 месяцев назад

    This video is true! This new anti-gravity aircraft really is undetectable. In fact, it will never be found anywhere!

  • @jonwong3696
    @jonwong3696 8 месяцев назад

    Keep this data flowing. The People of the world need to know what they're dealing with.

  • @stephensegal5187
    @stephensegal5187 8 месяцев назад

    They had those laser weapons way back over 40 years ago. I have seen them being used in 1982, and being flanked by Blackhawk helicopters.

  • @JohnnyMontana-si5fu
    @JohnnyMontana-si5fu 8 месяцев назад +1

    Really? I thought this was Batman's next movie plane.

  • @firstlast2034
    @firstlast2034 8 месяцев назад

    This could be cutting edge technology to help humanity and not for killing although protection for America is top priority.

  • @adrianskipper-i8o
    @adrianskipper-i8o 8 месяцев назад

    This technology seems to have leaped forward very quickly . Could it be new development or reverse engineered from an alien ship ?

  • @stevecox8066
    @stevecox8066 8 месяцев назад

    I mean, this was a cool video. Professionally made, well explained, and confident. I still don't believe a bit of it, but definitely loved this video!

  • @Dion20091
    @Dion20091 8 месяцев назад

    Aliens sharing their technology

  • @countingfloats
    @countingfloats 8 месяцев назад

    You and other newspapers surely discovered it, even without it fired a single slingshot.

  • @ToddHurliman-vn8pt
    @ToddHurliman-vn8pt 8 месяцев назад

    What did Tesla say about gravity? And the Electromagnetic Field?

  • @FredJones-lo2df
    @FredJones-lo2df 9 месяцев назад +3

    Not news, we had this DECADES. MAX GALATIC TRAVEL

  • @andrewthomas6312
    @andrewthomas6312 8 месяцев назад +2

    Well, if you've detected it, your title is misleading.

  • @Zoki_and_Hes_Dogs
    @Zoki_and_Hes_Dogs 8 месяцев назад +1

    I don't know, if no one's questioned what happens when a laser hits a reflective surface?
    Laser weapons will never be weapons of war, normal mirror can repel it and even deflect it back to the user.
    Supersonic weapons are more interesting for the military, laser/light is only a wave, susceptible to interference.

  • @extracuap
    @extracuap 8 месяцев назад

    It's not detected because it doesn't exist... The US still doesn't have Russia's main hypersonic missile deterrent that can reach 12 march speeds and can dodge it too.

  • @frankbros1246
    @frankbros1246 8 месяцев назад +1

    I thing every country has their own secret technology...but they never show to their enemy ... 😅

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      You have that exactly right And this is the reason why no one will ever push the button because nobody knows what the other people have reverse engineered. The Americans are always there when there is a UFO crash does not matter where it’s at..We have gotten ourselves in so much trouble going into other countries to get the crashed UFOs. We have done this many times in Mexico, South America Central America we blow in there so fast and efficiently that the other countries have no chance.. The Nazis recovered alien technology in 1936 and started reverse engineering. That’s how they ended up in Antarctica with their own UFO.s Check out the research on operation paperclip after World War II

    • @johngossett6605
      @johngossett6605 8 месяцев назад

      Oh, and by the way, top-secret will remain top-secret until they’re ready to tell you

  • @carlalexander170
    @carlalexander170 9 месяцев назад +2

    WoW no nation on earth is a match for us now, I hope this power doesn't give them the itch to challenge demigods in the heavens and universe

    • @wilddan1072
      @wilddan1072 9 месяцев назад +2

      I wud not say that yet

    • @billcook7483
      @billcook7483 9 месяцев назад +2

      Several other countries also have this technology.

  • @WesleyMills-pg4gy
    @WesleyMills-pg4gy 8 месяцев назад

    Wow i figured we could not be alone

  • @vagnsorensen8345
    @vagnsorensen8345 8 месяцев назад

    There is a lot of talk about how wonderful this tech is! However the elephant in the room is, how does the anti gravity system work? Let's have some disclosure excluding the sales job!

  • @fidelsamiento3812
    @fidelsamiento3812 8 месяцев назад

    Informations & Technologies like this should not be placed in public knowledge, enemies will surely intends to shoot down one to replicate it or even create a better copy of it. I told one time among bloggers on what is the right or other word to call them..... Gossipers

  • @darrellharlow9059
    @darrellharlow9059 8 месяцев назад +1


  • @TheMassdistortion
    @TheMassdistortion 8 месяцев назад

    Do you guys remember in the fast and furious, when John Cena jumped that Mustang and it docked on this kick ass jet?

  • @jeffszilagyi1256
    @jeffszilagyi1256 9 месяцев назад

    Theirs Anti Gravity Technology that doesn't have too worry about Energy Depletion!

  • @Pwelvr
    @Pwelvr 8 месяцев назад +1

    Give me a break 😂

  • @markdebbage20
    @markdebbage20 8 месяцев назад

    I've seen the old tr3b manta in Norfolk uk very scary looking.

  • @grahamstaunton9426
    @grahamstaunton9426 8 месяцев назад