입터영 100강 깔끔하고 예쁜 책으로 만나보세요~ 여러분 덕분에 계속 베스트셀러에 있어요~ Thanks a million again! Yes24 www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/104122935 알라딘 www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?ItemId=281018983 교보 www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb=KOR&barcode=9791166375781&orderClick=LEa&Kc 쿠팡 www.coupang.com/vp/products/6112931648?itemId=11533196104&vendorItemId=78808267703&q=%EC%9D%B4%EA%B7%BC%EC%B2%A0&itemsCount=36&searchId=99ac049412f14f1ca79368329fab494c&rank=7&isAddedC 본인을 위해 주위에 아끼는 분들을 위해 선물해 주세요~ 해외배송도 아주 편하세요! 주위의 도서관에 구매희망도서 신청과 선물로 추천 부탁드려요~ 입터영 링크 이북(e-book) Yes 24 www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/105103867
매일 공부하다 보니 애기가 옹아리 하듯이 뭔가 소리가 나오려고 하내요 그냥 선생님만 따라 했을 뿐인대, 이제야 알았습니다. 묻지도 따지지도 말고 셈만 따라 습관적으로 하면 된다는것을 😀😀😀😀😀 Day 55 October,26.2023 THU 1. Where did you park (your car) ? 차는 어디에 주차했어? 2. Where did you stay in paris? 파리의 어디에서 묵었어? 3. Where did you go to school? 어디에서 학교 다녔어? Where did you go to school in LA? 4. where did you put the keys? 열쇄를 어디에 두었어? 5. Where did you grow up in New York? 뉴옥 어디에서 성장했어? grow up : 철좀 들어라? 6. Where did you get that haircut? 어디에서 이발을 했어?
Where did you park(your car)? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school? Where did you go to school in LA? Where did you run this morning? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut? Where did you have your hair colored? Where did you find the book?
오늘도 좋은 습관, 즐거운 영여 회화 시작합니다. 좋은 강의 늘 감사합니다.1.Where did you park (your car)? 2. Where did you stay in Pars? 3. Where did you go to school ? 4. Where did you put the keys?5. Where did you grow up in New York 6.Where did you get that haircut?
1:00 Where did you park your car? 2:41 Where did you stay in Paris? 4:14 Where did you graduate? ㅡ> 어디에서 학교를 다녔어? Where did you go to school? 어떤 지역에서 학교를 다녔는지, 어디를 졸업했는지 긴가민가한 질문이라는 생각이 드네요. 저는 단도직입적이고 간결하고 명확한 것을 좋아하는지라 ㅎㅎ 7:18 Where did you put the key? 8:47 Where did you grow up in NY? 10:18 Where did you hair cut? 영작하고 보니 동사가 없는 ㅎㅎ ㅡ> Where did you get your haircut? Where did you get that haircut?
좋은 습관 착한습관 행복한습관 이근철TV 오늘도 복습 Where did you park(your car)? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school in LA? Where did you run this morning? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut? Where did you have your hair colored? Where did you find the book?
Where did you park(your car)? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York. Where did you get that haircut? Thanks a million. Stay healthy and warm.
감사합니다 Where did you park (your car)? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school (in LA)? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut? I think it’s really cool. I like your hairstyle. I like your haircut.
Good morning? Where did you park? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut? I think it’s really cool. Thanks a lot! Have a nice day!!!
Bună dimineața ! Azi am de gând să plec la cei fata de care mi-am arătat furia. Iau flori din piata și încep cu cei care-mi sunt aproape: ANA BOTA, MĂRIUCA, CRISTINA POP, DAVID ,AGY DRAGOS ,MARIA, ANDREEA, IUBIREA MEA (spus doar înăuntrul meu), IVAN, ANGELA... Eu nu pot trai fără voi ! Mă simt că pe PLANETA PLUTO... Vă iubesc !!!
Where did you patk Where did you stay in Paris Where did you go to school Where did you put the keys Where did you grow up in New York Where did you get that haircut 웨어리쥬 고르 스꾸을
Where did you park (your car)? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school? Where did you go to school in LA? Where did you run this morning? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut? Where did you have your hair colored? Where did find the book?
where did you park? where did you stay in paris? where did you go to school(in LA)? where did you put the keys? where did you grow up in New York? where did you get that haircut? Thank you~~~~^^
I'm learning the english rules that we must know with Jake's TV every day. Where did you get that scarf? It looks good on you. I want to buy it. Could you go there with me? Where did you park(your car)? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school in LA? Where did you put the keys? Where did you keep your stuff? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut? I like your hair style! Thank you always for your teacahing. Have a wonderful day today~ Bye~^^
1)Where did you park your car? 2)Where did you stay in Paris? 3)Where did you go to school? 4)Where did you put the keys? 5)Where did you grow up in New York? 6)Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you park? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school in LA? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you park (your car)? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school in LA? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you park( your car )? 차를 어디에 세웠어 Where did you stay in paris? 파리의 어디에서 묵었어 Where did you go to school? 어디에서 학교를 다녔어 Where did you put the keys? 열쇠를 어디에 두었어? Where did you grow up in New York? 뉴욕의 어디에서 자랐어? Where did you get that haircut? 어디에서 이발을 했어?
My precious time Jake's TV. Where did you park (your car )? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school ( in LA)? Where did you put the keys (them)? Where did you grow up in New York? hey! grow up Where did you get that perm? I think it's really cool. I like your hairstyle. Where did you study English? Thank you so much Take care. bye ^~^
Where did you go to school? Where did you park (your car)? Where did you stay in paris? Where did you put the keys? Where did you get that haircut? Where did you study the exam? (하나가 기억이 안나서... 맘대로ㅎ)
어디에 주차했어? where did you park? 파리에 어디에서 묵었어? where did you stay in paris? 어디에서 학교를 다녔니? where did you go to school? 열쇠를 어디다 두었어? where did you put the keys? 뉴욕의 어느도시에서 자랐어? where did you grow up in new york? 어디에서 머리짤랐어? where did you get that hair cut?
Where did you have lunch yesterday? Where did you buy that earring? Where did you travel to during the winter vacation?(이건 네이버의 도움을 살짝 받았어요 ㅠㅠ) Where did you get a mask?
Where did you park(your car)? Where did you stay in paris? Where dis you go to school in LA? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut? I think it's really cool.
Where did you park(your car)? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school(in LA)? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut?
야호~~ Where did you park? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut?
I am happy to catch up with this program. I'll wait the next alarm bell. I try the sentence and repeat after 근철샘 correct sentence. Thank you very much, 근철샘. And I want that everyone's everyday will be happy.(문장은 틀렸을지 몰라도 열심히 하시는 모든 분과 열심히 지도해 주시는 근철샘, 모두 모두 행복하시길 바라는 마음을 표현하고 싶었습니다. )
Where did you park? Where did you stay in paris? Where did you go to school? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut?
1. Where did you park your car? 2. Where did you stay in paris? 3. Where did you go to school? 4. Where did you put the keys? 5. Where did you grow up in New york? 6. Where did you get that haircut?
Where can I park around here? Where did you park your car? Where did you stay in Jejudo? I stayed at 철없는펜션. Where did you go to school in LA? Where did you study in college? Where did you put the keys? I put my keys in my car. Where did you grow up in NY? Where did you get that haircut? Where did you travel this summer? I'm going to travel to Jejudo. Where did you catch him? Where did you lose your phone? Where did you find the magic carpet? Where did you first start your yoga? Where did you first learn about it? Where did you have your lunch? Where did you want to have dinner?
*Where did you park your car? *where did you stay in paris? *where did you go to school in LA? *where did you put the keys? *where did you grow up in New York? *where did you get that haircut?
항상 감사합니다^^ Where did you park? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to school? Where did you put the keys? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you get that haircut?
Good morining~^^ Where did you park (your car)? Where did you stay in Paris? Where did you go to shool (in LA)? Where did you grow up in New York? Where did you put the keys? Where did you get that haircut? Have a good day~.
강의잘듣고있습니다 한강의한강의 재미나게 정주행하고있습니다. where did you grow up in new york?문장에서 뜬금없는질문같긴한데요. 전에 드라마영어편에서 she was born and raised here.라는 표현배운게 생각이나서 선생님이 영작시간주실때 raised를 쓰려니 지금배우고있는 where did you 패턴을 못만들겠어서 이렇게해봤는데 raised를 사용한다면 where were you raised in new york?이렇게 사용해도되는지 여쭙고싶구요.부자연스런 문장은아닌지 궁금합니다.
입터영 100강 깔끔하고 예쁜 책으로 만나보세요~
여러분 덕분에 계속 베스트셀러에 있어요~ Thanks a million again!
Yes24 www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/104122935
알라딘 www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?ItemId=281018983
교보 www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb=KOR&barcode=9791166375781&orderClick=LEa&Kc
쿠팡 www.coupang.com/vp/products/6112931648?itemId=11533196104&vendorItemId=78808267703&q=%EC%9D%B4%EA%B7%BC%EC%B2%A0&itemsCount=36&searchId=99ac049412f14f1ca79368329fab494c&rank=7&isAddedC
본인을 위해 주위에 아끼는 분들을 위해 선물해 주세요~
해외배송도 아주 편하세요!
주위의 도서관에 구매희망도서 신청과 선물로 추천 부탁드려요~
입터영 링크
이북(e-book) Yes 24 www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/105103867
선생님 오늘도 감사합니다.
시청해 주셔서 감사드립니다~
수고하신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다. 행복한 하루 되세요.
Bună dimineața !
Nu știu ce trebuie sa fac !
쉽고 재미 있게
쏙쏙 내 생전 최고의 teacher
몸건강 마음건강 좋은 습관 이근철 TV 최고예요~
선생님 강의를 끊을 수가없어요~
눈 뜨자마자 샘 목소리를 들으면 상쾌 하니까요~~♡
100번이상은 반복해서 들었나 봅니다
항상 감사 드려요
우왕 100번요 대단하십니다
근철쌤덕분에 많이
thank you so much😂
Thanks a lot for your nice words~
계속 즐겁게 몰입하시고, 차근차근 잡아가세요!
쌤 감사합니다. 자신감이 점점 생깁니다. 😉
응원 드립니다~
영어에 점점 흥미를 가집니다
밝고 긍정적인 분위기가 더욱 이 방을 찾게해줍니다♥
매일매일 감사합니다
귀에 쏙쏙 들어오는 음성이예요
요즘은 선생님의 강의 듣는 시간이 참 즐거워요
그 이유중에 하나가 5초 주신 시간에 맞추는 기쁨이랍니다
그리고 간간히 들려주시는 피가되고 살이되는 좋은 말씀에 감사드리면서요..^o^
선생님은 저에게 긍정의 힘을 주신답니다!!
Keep positive and happy~!
선생님께서 하트와 답글 주시는것도 즐거움 중에 하나에요
감사해요 선생님~~~
입터영 감사합니다
머릿속에 지우개가 있는 듯하지만, 강의가 재미있어 잘 듣고 있습니다.
재미있게 잘 듣고, 입으로 반복하시면 그게 최고입니다~
You're doing a great job!
좋은강의 감사합니다 선생님 강의덕에 발음교정도 많이 하고있답니다~
오늘도 공부 잘 하고 갑니다. 감사합니다. 건강하세요.
감사합니다! 잘 듣고있어요 ·̑◡·̑
Thanks a million.
Have a happy day.
오늘도 공부합니다. 늘~ 감사합니다😍
귀에 쏙쏙 박혀서 좋아요!
매일 2강씩 즐겁게 함께 하고있습니다.
요즘은 쌤 영상보는데 여유시간 다 쓰고있고 정말 입이 터지는게 신기합니다
넘 넘 감사해요~~
매일 공부하다 보니 애기가 옹아리 하듯이 뭔가 소리가 나오려고 하내요
그냥 선생님만 따라 했을 뿐인대, 이제야 알았습니다. 묻지도 따지지도 말고
셈만 따라 습관적으로 하면 된다는것을 😀😀😀😀😀
Day 55 October,26.2023 THU
1. Where did you park (your car) ? 차는 어디에 주차했어?
2. Where did you stay in paris? 파리의 어디에서 묵었어?
3. Where did you go to school? 어디에서 학교 다녔어?
Where did you go to school in LA?
4. where did you put the keys? 열쇄를 어디에 두었어?
5. Where did you grow up in New York? 뉴옥 어디에서 성장했어?
grow up : 철좀 들어라?
6. Where did you get that haircut? 어디에서 이발을 했어?
Never stop learning and speaking it out~
Where did you park(your car)?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school?
Where did you go to school in LA?
Where did you run this morning?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you have your hair colored?
Where did you find the book?
긍정을 주시는 선생님 항상 고맙습니다.
월요일 아침 들으러 또 왔네요~
근철샘 의상 깔끔하고 멋지세요
오늘도 감사하고요~
이근철쌤 안녕하세요
오늘도 영어영상 감사해요
Have a nice day
Have a fantastic weekend!
오늘도 좋은 습관, 즐거운 영여 회화 시작합니다. 좋은 강의 늘 감사합니다.1.Where did you park (your car)? 2. Where did you stay in Pars? 3. Where did you go to school ? 4. Where did you put the keys?5. Where did you grow up in New York 6.Where did you get that haircut?
벌써 중도타락하신분이
끝까지 갈꼬야요~~~
오늘도 감사합니다^^
영어로 입이 터질수 있게 만들어 주시는 훌륭한 이근철 선생님께 늘 감사드리며 영상 보고 있어요.
땡큐 쌤~~~^^♡♡♡♡
에구 늦었네요~
오늘도 유익한 수업 감사합니다 ♡
샘 오늘도 감사합니다
1:00 Where did you park your car?
2:41 Where did you stay in Paris?
4:14 Where did you graduate?
ㅡ> 어디에서 학교를 다녔어?
Where did you go to school?
어떤 지역에서 학교를 다녔는지, 어디를 졸업했는지 긴가민가한 질문이라는 생각이 드네요.
저는 단도직입적이고 간결하고 명확한 것을 좋아하는지라 ㅎㅎ
7:18 Where did you put the key?
8:47 Where did you grow up in NY?
10:18 Where did you hair cut? 영작하고 보니 동사가 없는 ㅎㅎ
ㅡ> Where did you get your haircut?
Where did you get that haircut?
좋은 습관 착한습관 행복한습관 이근철TV
오늘도 복습
Where did you park(your car)?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school in LA?
Where did you run this morning?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you have your hair colored?
Where did you find the book?
복습하고 갑니다~^^♡
지금 55강 입니다. 60강을 향해 달려갑니다. 끝나면 다시 복습할 계획입니다. 그땐 실력이 더 높아졌겠죠? 정말 정말 정말 감사드립니다.꾸벅!
Where did you park(your car)?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York.
Where did you get that haircut?
Thanks a million.
Stay healthy and warm.
Where did you park (your car)?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school (in LA)?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
I think it’s really cool.
I like your hairstyle.
I like your haircut.
저는 여기서 묵을래요.😘😘😘
진도를 따라잡은 후 첫강의입니다. 감회가 남 다르네요...선생님도 건강주의하세요~
Good morning?
Where did you park?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut? I think it’s really cool.
Thanks a lot! Have a nice day!!!
Bună dimineața !
Azi am de gând să plec la cei fata de care mi-am arătat furia.
Iau flori din piata și încep cu cei care-mi sunt aproape:
Eu nu pot trai fără voi !
Mă simt că pe PLANETA PLUTO...
Vă iubesc !!!
따라해 봅니다
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you patk
Where did you stay in Paris
Where did you go to school
Where did you put the keys
Where did you grow up in New York
Where did you get that haircut
웨어리쥬 고르 스꾸을
Where did you fix it?
Where did you take your son to on his graduation?
Where did you hang out with some friends?
Where did you get your hair done?
Where did you park (your car)?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school?
Where did you go to school in LA?
Where did you run this morning?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you have your hair colored?
Where did find the book?
where did you park?
where did you stay in paris?
where did you go to school(in LA)?
where did you put the keys?
where did you grow up in New York?
where did you get that haircut?
Thank you~~~~^^
Where did you~
Thank You .
I'm learning the english rules that we must know with Jake's TV every day.
Where did you get that scarf?
It looks good on you.
I want to buy it. Could you go there with me?
Where did you park(your car)?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school in LA?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you keep your stuff?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
I like your hair style!
Thank you always for your teacahing.
Have a wonderful day today~
1)Where did you park your car?
2)Where did you stay in Paris?
3)Where did you go to school?
4)Where did you put the keys?
5)Where did you grow up in New York?
6)Where did you get that haircut?
very thanks.
where did you park your car?
Where did you park?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school in LA?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you park (your car)?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school in LA?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you get that haircut? Where did you grow up in Seoul? Where did you stay on New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you buy the bag?
Where did you get this jelly?
아이가 자꾸 젤리를 얻어오네요.ㅜ
Where did you park( your car )?
차를 어디에 세웠어
Where did you stay in paris?
파리의 어디에서 묵었어
Where did you go to school?
어디에서 학교를 다녔어
Where did you put the keys?
열쇠를 어디에 두었어?
Where did you grow up in New York?
뉴욕의 어디에서 자랐어?
Where did you get that haircut?
어디에서 이발을 했어?
두달전 부터 듣기 시작해 요번강은 기다리다 들었네요.ㅋ입은 안터져도 들렸으면 하는 바람입니다. 감사 감사요.Where did you get that haircut?
My precious time Jake's TV.
Where did you park (your car )?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school ( in LA)?
Where did you put the keys (them)?
Where did you grow up in New York?
hey! grow up
Where did you get that perm?
I think it's really cool.
I like your hairstyle.
Where did you study English?
Thank you so much
Take care. bye ^~^
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
I lik your hair stil?
Where did you go to school?
Where did you park (your car)?
Where did you stay in paris?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you study the exam?
(하나가 기억이 안나서... 맘대로ㅎ)
Where did you grow up in New york? 이 문장 하나 채웁니다. 기억나는 대로 잘 하셨네요.
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you get that haircut?
God bless u
어디에 주차했어?
where did you park?
파리에 어디에서 묵었어?
where did you stay in paris?
어디에서 학교를 다녔니?
where did you go to school?
열쇠를 어디다 두었어?
where did you put the keys?
뉴욕의 어느도시에서 자랐어?
where did you grow up in new york?
어디에서 머리짤랐어?
where did you get that hair cut?
초보라서 그런데 get that haircut에서 that은 무슨 뜻으로 쓰인건가요? 그냥 a 사용하면 안되나요?
여기서 that은 “그” 헤어커트 어디서 했어?에서 그를 뜻하는 것같아요! 지시형용사로 쓰인거같습니다!
Where did you stay in New York?
Where did you go to school?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Whwrw dis you that grow up in New York?
Thank you so much~^^♡
Where did you get that haitcut
Where did you have lunch yesterday?
Where did you buy that earring?
Where did you travel to during the winter vacation?(이건 네이버의 도움을 살짝 받았어요 ㅠㅠ)
Where did you get a mask?
Where did you park(your car)?
Where did you stay in paris?
Where dis you go to school in LA?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
I think it's really cool.
Where did you go to school in LA?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you park(your car)?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school(in LA)?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you park?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
Did you see my keys?
No. Where did you put them?
Where did you park?
Where did you stay in
Where did you go to school
in LA?
Where did you get that haircut?
I am happy to catch up with this program. I'll wait the next alarm bell.
I try the sentence and repeat after 근철샘 correct sentence. Thank you very much, 근철샘.
And I want that everyone's everyday will be happy.(문장은 틀렸을지 몰라도 열심히 하시는 모든 분과 열심히 지도해 주시는 근철샘, 모두 모두 행복하시길 바라는 마음을 표현하고 싶었습니다. )
Where did you get the hair cut?
Where did you put the key?
Where did you park?
Where did you stay in paris?
Where did you go to school?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in
New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
1. Where did you park your car?
2. Where did you stay in paris?
3. Where did you go to school?
4. Where did you put the keys?
5. Where did you grow up in New york?
6. Where did you get that haircut?
Good morning teacher Jake
Where did you park your car?
Where did you put the Jake TV book?
형님 좋은 강의 감사합니다 노력하겠습니다 화이팅
Where can I park around here?
Where did you park your car?
Where did you stay in Jejudo?
I stayed at 철없는펜션.
Where did you go to school in LA?
Where did you study in college?
Where did you put the keys?
I put my keys in my car.
Where did you grow up in NY?
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you travel this summer?
I'm going to travel to Jejudo.
Where did you catch him?
Where did you lose your phone?
Where did you find the magic carpet?
Where did you first start your yoga?
Where did you first learn about it?
Where did you have your lunch?
Where did you want to have dinner?
좋은 습관!행복한 습관! ^^
Where did you get that haircut? 에서 that은 안써도 되죠?
네 that 은 안써도 됩니다
안녕하세요 ^^선생님
궁금해서요 Massimo Dutti에서
마시모 두띠 or 막시모 두띠
어느것이 맞나요?
Thank you a lot!
where did you get that hair cut/왜 get, that 들어가는건가요???//
get은 얻다 that은 여러 의미가 있지만 여기선 “그” 헤어커트 라고 가르키는 지시형용사로 쓰여서 너 그 헤어커트 어디서 했니?(get의 얻다가 한국식 문장에서 융퉁성있게 했니로 해석가능합니당!)
*Where did you park your car?
*where did you stay in paris?
*where did you go to school in LA?
*where did you put the keys?
*where did you grow up in New York?
*where did you get that haircut?
쌤 감사합니다
항상 감사합니다^^
Where did you park?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to school?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you get that haircut?
Where did you learn English?
Where did you find your card?
Where did you buy your computer?
Good morining~^^
Where did you park (your car)?
Where did you stay in Paris?
Where did you go to shool (in LA)?
Where did you grow up in New York?
Where did you put the keys?
Where did you get that haircut?
Have a good day~.
강의잘듣고있습니다 한강의한강의 재미나게 정주행하고있습니다. where did you grow up in new york?문장에서 뜬금없는질문같긴한데요.
전에 드라마영어편에서 she was born and raised here.라는 표현배운게 생각이나서 선생님이 영작시간주실때 raised를 쓰려니 지금배우고있는 where did you 패턴을 못만들겠어서 이렇게해봤는데 raised를 사용한다면 where were you raised in new york?이렇게 사용해도되는지 여쭙고싶구요.부자연스런 문장은아닌지 궁금합니다.