hey man i just think you are a really underrated youtuber and i have a question, im in the second world and cant choose wich one i should focus on to make is better so if you could awnser that id appreciate it and gl with the vids
Its like an easteregg.When you click on the creators section in the game's settings,the charecters' heads appear.When you click on them, you earn points.Your highest score is also written.
Solid videos as always! Banger after banger. If you’d ever be interested in a collab, I’m always down. Trying to focus on community and challenges with this channel 😊
Yeah I think i'll probably complete those in a couple days, I want to 100% max out every part of squad busters then make a video on it. cosmetics, leagues etc..
Hi i really enjoy your videos and i was wondering if you can add me in the game i just unlocked mavis but i started yesterday and i alr havr 350 pinatas but my friends have only 100 - 150 and i could help you in events.
You cant just push with skill to get top on the leaderboard. You HAVE TO spend money in order to get to the last island, otherwise it would take you months, just to get to the leaderboard. Super ridiculous
I think i'll probably make a guide very soon but I would say buying the 3 chest tickets is the best way to spend your gold. If you have enough gold and you see a really op character in the shop to unlock maybe that's a good thing to buy aswell.
3:18 starvin marvin is crazy 💀💀
thought the same wtf
1:50 bro evaporated his squad 💀💀
his squad had to go
RUclipsr: bullying is bad
Same RUclipsr: let's bully the best players of the game
such a corny comment.
Bro is in his villain arc
Im the emote guy.
haha i remember
Sir clay pls add me my id is WealthyLemonSoda
@@SirClazwhen is ur next stream
I’m the bald guy
this guy is for sure gonna get insanely popular trust me
DAMN ur already 4k
supports been crazy
4:12 no way bro one shootet him like that💀
Wow 4.1k subscribe, Yesterday u was 2k
This is really good progress keep it up 💕
thanks dude, means a lot
Congrats on 4ksubs been here since 800subs and btw I’m from your piniata and I played with you in yesterdays live stream had so much fun
hey man i just think you are a really underrated youtuber and i have a question, im in the second world and cant choose wich one i should focus on to make is better so if you could awnser that id appreciate it and gl with the vids
You don't know what troop to focus on? is that what you're saying?
@@SirClaz i downloaded the game during the soft launch, but i didnt get the android emote, do u know why?
@@SirClaz yes
@@SirClaz yes that is what i meant
Could the super rage spell stacked up?
im already saying congratz on 5k cuz i know you hit it tommorrow
man love your videos and subscribed
What’s the best way to get your character to ultra ?
I don’t see any videos on it
Besides people paying for it
I like watching your videos keep uploading good stuff
I appreciate that, deffo gonna keep up with the videos & streams!
Make longer vids pls ❤️❤️❤️
Blud thinks hes OJ💀
Jokes aside your content is really good
4:05Trebor is the biggest youtuber of brawl in spanish
I saw your live
As a F2P and babarian king being my first super, guess I now gotta focus on getting his ultra
Can you play where you win by busting every player?
yeah that's something ima try doing soon
Didnt watch the vid but W vid as always
I like your videos 😊
Nice claz you got 6k subs in a day
I subbed before 5k because you are one of the only good squad buster players i have seen, keep up the good work
Thx I appreciate that
7:42 💀💀😭😭??
That 299 win streak goes crazy! 🤪
I’m the new person in ur stream 🤓
i bet you're gonna have 20,000 subscribers by the end of june
do you have twitch?
❤love ur vids
Bro own this game 💀💀💀💀
dude you can press that speed button also when you fight with someone to increase your hit speed
Bruh I was watching your stream of this video and noow
I did stream op stuff yesterday but this video isn't from the stream. it's from this morning
Damn brother gained almost 2k subs congrats
Bro you're such a cooo RUclipsr i like your vids
Do you play other supercell games or just squad busters?
I think they should improve the progression
yeah i agree, i'm sure they'll make more ways for f2p players to get more troops.
Yesterday vou've had 3k subs now 5k😮❤
0:05 you're not maxing dynamyke
I may have maxed him in my most recent video lmao, hes still bad tho
Love your vid from Israel
Hope you remember me until 50k ;)
Hello Brother! I found a minigame in Squad Busters. Maybe you didn't notice it. If you saw it, I would appreciate it if you could reply.
yo what is it?
@@SirClaz ruclips.net/video/5LOXHlW_4z4/видео.htmlsi=2r2czYINnPpAp9-K i showed in this video
Yea which one ?
Its like an easteregg.When you click on the creators section in the game's settings,the charecters' heads appear.When you click on them, you earn points.Your highest score is also written.
Yes, if you go to the credits you can click the different characters heads and there is a score counter in the bottom left corner
Challenge after every win you have to do one sit up one push up one pull up but you have to win you can’t lose on purpose
Avatar aang go brrrrrr
well… hello there
And what do you think is it P2W ?
Maybe a little bit p2w. just a tiny bit.
@@SirClazyeaaaah lil bit 💀💀🤷♂️
Really 1800+ dollars so bit
@@RabotaetvesdenNo shit Sherlock it’s a joke
@@Ryanhu9968 im not english. I'm wanted typed what 1800 its no big its small
1:01 you dont have dynamite at the max lvl
Probably because he sucks.
You kept 1 shotting some squads because of your Barbarian King ability, when the purple bar is full. It's actually crazy strong when mass BK
Hehehe the Power of money
Almost 5k sub you grew fast!
W vid 🤝
Bro won with only Barb King.
he's crazy op
@@SirClaz can't wait to get him
So if o have 2 or 3 maxed Burbarian kings fused i will destroy the whole lobby?
Ultra evolution Barbarian king so OP
Yeah, honestly i think he might be the best ultra troop in the game, i'm still tryna figure out the top 3 tho
Bro is growing
1:46 just spend money to win.
Bro i just finshed my squad buster video and YOU had to do one! Really?
Do you have Discord?
Barabarian King be like Saitama.
Killing everything in One-Punch.
Solid videos as always! Banger after banger. If you’d ever be interested in a collab, I’m always down. Trying to focus on community and challenges with this channel 😊
5 Stars are his wallets biggest fear
and few people in comments claim this game isnt p2w 😂
Guessing that $1800 was after-all a good investment…
Are you voice steiwe?
Hi Rich guy
Love your vid's
Don’t just throw away shrink spell it make people deal deal 90% less damage
Like if he’s a W
More like a L
W wienie
7:40 AYO?!
How did you get to the leaderboards i dont see it
When you get to squad league you start getting trophies
@@SirClaz oh ok thanks mate
make a bit long video 20+ min it wll be nice
Yeah i am going to experiment with slightly longer videos
@@SirClaz can u plzz add me myy id is DrBigPapa
U havent completed it yet still got some 3 stars
Yeah I think i'll probably complete those in a couple days, I want to 100% max out every part of squad busters then make a video on it. cosmetics, leagues etc..
@@SirClaz okay ill make sure to see it 😉
W vid
Can we play together?
Can i friend you in squad busters
Whats the best troop in squad busters?
Nice bro
hello sir
P2w definitely
Hi i really enjoy your videos and i was wondering if you can add me in the game i just unlocked mavis but i started yesterday and i alr havr 350 pinatas but my friends have only 100 - 150 and i could help you in events.
جالب اینه که فقط بات های بازی رو میزنه😂😂
Dude i just got my fifth super 💀
How to see leaderboard?
Bro l update the game but l didn't got any new troops and new world still
The new worlds and troops haven't come out yet. I don't know when they're coming out my guess is probably next season.
Bro How about you connect to my account, buy a few things for me and make a video 😂
haha lmao, I actually think that's classed as "account sharing" so it's probably bannable
might need a bank loan for maxed 5star troops
Bro already knows
I'm the only Greek guy who plays the game lmao
You cant just push with skill to get top on the leaderboard. You HAVE TO spend money in order to get to the last island, otherwise it would take you months, just to get to the leaderboard. Super ridiculous
Ridiculous that you can't finish the game in a month?
How to get mortis. Plz don’t say just spend money
This game is the definition of pay to win
My game is literally unplayable
Euh first i guess
indeed you are!
I need a guide to use my gold
I think i'll probably make a guide very soon but I would say buying the 3 chest tickets is the best way to spend your gold. If you have enough gold and you see a really op character in the shop to unlock maybe that's a good thing to buy aswell.
Dang 500 views in less than 30 mins????
Pay 2 win ez