I tried South Korea's most traditional foods | Eating with Robert

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 250

  • @강병수-q1o
    @강병수-q1o 10 дней назад +357

    Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to introduce Korean culture. I will do my best to provide the best sesame oil here in Korea. Thank you very much. And I miss you all and I plan to visit New York with my family next year. Until then, stay healthy.

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  9 дней назад +53

      Thank you for you and your family's time, Mr. Kang. Your mom's fresh kimchi is the best thing I've ever eaten in my life.

    • @KevinGuzewich
      @KevinGuzewich 9 дней назад +10

      I second Rob - that Kimchi really was 대박

    • @강병수-q1o
      @강병수-q1o 9 дней назад +11

      @@EatingWithRobert If we get the chance, we plan to make kimchi and various other dishes on site in New York. Please wait a little longer.

    • @phatgringo2.0
      @phatgringo2.0 8 дней назад +5

      My grandfather left for Korea many decades ago, for entirely different reasons. This does my soul good, gives me a lot of peace. His sacrifice wasn't for nothing.

    • @kayd.1755
      @kayd.1755 8 дней назад +3

      Thanks for sharing your story 🫶🏽 and I’ll be purchasing your sesame oil from Kevin’s choice

  • @kemby1681
    @kemby1681 2 дня назад +18

    I used to live in Korea and have been back seven times over the last decade. This video is one of the best I've seen on RUclips and brought back memories of exploring the country and it's food. Can't wait to go back. Great job Rob.

  • @nickolay92
    @nickolay92 10 дней назад +198

    I feel like this is the kind of content that RUclips is all about - great storytelling about places that are “off the radar”

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  10 дней назад +20

      Hope so. I really love making videos like this.

    • @KevinGuzewich
      @KevinGuzewich 9 дней назад +1

      I know - that Pocha is amazing.

    • @kai1952
      @kai1952 6 дней назад +1

      Yeah its a shame the all knowing algorithm might not bless this video

  • @MC-810
    @MC-810 10 дней назад +104

    Rob, this was one of the most captivating 20 minutes I have spent on RUclips in a very long time.

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  9 дней назад +21

      Thank you. I also want to take a second to thank some folks by name who contributed heavily to the project - Kevin Guzewich, our director of photography, and Seung Lee, our editor and producer. Kevin made this look incredibly beautiful.
      Seung was meant to be an assistant director and camera operator, but he really took ownership and pride in this project and would not let me fail. He is responsible for us finding many of the great moments in the film.

    • @KevinGuzewich
      @KevinGuzewich 9 дней назад +2

      now that's a comment

    • @sprz97
      @sprz97 9 дней назад +1

      Yes, I truly agree with that

  • @langer4
    @langer4 10 дней назад +129

    As a Korean who watches your videos for spots to eat in New York, I was not expecting to see you go to Korea. Really fucking cool to see!

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  10 дней назад +21

      I also was not expected to go to Korea. Hahaha. Thanks for watching !!

    • @Cletus_the_Elder
      @Cletus_the_Elder 10 дней назад +3

      @@EatingWithRobert It was meant to be. This video is a work of soulful beauty. It's the only long-form video that you have up now on your channel. When you upload another from another country, I know it will be amazing, but there will be a longing sentiment in me with a thought: I wish he stayed and made more videos in South Korea.

  • @jaredsternberg
    @jaredsternberg 3 дня назад +9

    This was amazing Rob. Felt like I shouldn't be watching it for free. Thank you for this and all the work you do to help us appreciate the food AND the people!

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  3 дня назад +2

      Man. Thanks so much Jared 🙏🏻

    • @mc3230
      @mc3230 2 дня назад

      Wow,such a beautiful, generous person ❤️

  • @Shane3599
    @Shane3599 9 дней назад +63

    I can’t believe I can view this for free. I didn’t expect to get teary eyed and get choked up. Wonderful job Rob. Please do more of these long form videos along with your short form content.

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  9 дней назад +13

      I'd love to - funding it and finding the time is a bit of an issue.

    • @chimichangle
      @chimichangle 5 дней назад +3

      @@EatingWithRobert Have you considered creating a patreon? No exclusive content necessary, I've seen creators with passionate communities who just want to support them any way they can

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  5 дней назад +1

      @@chimichangle I have a Patreon: www.patreon.com/bigheartedworld

  • @miiso-4U
    @miiso-4U 3 дня назад +8

    This is better than any food documentary on Netflix, with breathtaking cinematography and stories. Thank you for the fantastic work!

  • @jasminebrennan419
    @jasminebrennan419 10 дней назад +83

    I really enjoy this longform content! You truly capture the essence of each person by allowing their story to shine. Incredible work 👏🏼

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  10 дней назад +10

      Thank you!! I hope to keep making more.

    • @TheElectrobuz
      @TheElectrobuz 8 дней назад +1

      @@EatingWithRobert Yes please please please do!

  • @FamilyToyReview
    @FamilyToyReview 7 дней назад +19

    I never knew about Korean strawberries until I had one by happenstance at a hotel. Mind blown. Never had such a delicious strawberry. I dont know if its due to the soil in Korea, or if its the corporate farm to supermarket strain im eating in the US, but ive never had such a strawberry. Perhaps ill find one at a farmers market someday in the states.

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  6 дней назад +1

      You can order them from the importer in the video: www.kevinschoices.com
      One reason they’re different is because of the lab I featured in one of my shorts. They spend 5-7 years crossbreeding strawberries to test them for sweetness etc. and then when one is ready, they freely give out the seeds to local farmers.

  • @louisk5888
    @louisk5888 4 дня назад +16

    한국사람으로서…너무 감사드립니다 이 영상을 만들어주셔서.

  • @Cletus_the_Elder
    @Cletus_the_Elder 10 дней назад +32

    Holy smokes, Rob. The depth, the sweetness, the light and shadows, the gentle voices. If this was a dish, Bourdain may have written the recipe, but what you created is your gorgeous take on it. I feel like the animated food critic in Ratatouille. It reminds me so much of the most personal episodes of Bourdain's series, but in many ways this surpasses them. Thank you for sharing this with us. Goodness, this was good.

  • @azulululul000
    @azulululul000 8 дней назад +5

    It’s almost a privilege to me to be able to view this for free on youtube because this straight up belongs in Netflix and mainstream places you can view documentaries like these.
    I wish you nothing but a thriving career here. The amount of love and passion that went into this, the production value is something I’d straight up pay for to see. Keep up the incredible work man!!

  • @TheRoguelikeBard
    @TheRoguelikeBard 9 дней назад +27

    I teared up so many times watching this. The passion each of these people have for food, family, and tradition is palpable. I've been following your TikTok for awhile and always loved finding your videos, but this longer, more in-depth journey into a culture was really something else. Thank you for making this and sharing it with all of us.

  • @kurtc2894
    @kurtc2894 10 дней назад +21

    Discovered you on IG. Korean-american and can’t speak the language, but it’s always Korean food when the family chooses cuisine. You’re a big hearted, sincere person. Came through in your characters and friends. I’ve watched many Korean docs, but this really inspired a lot of pride in my heritage. New subscriber and follower. Thank you and looking forward to future content.

  • @BobHJr
    @BobHJr 6 дней назад +13

    Rob! this was Exquisite. Such beautifully shared information. Wonderful people. And you are all heart. Thanks for sharing these feelings. I'm so moved and happy and crying. Absolutely beautiful.

  • @RS-yg2fv
    @RS-yg2fv 8 дней назад +8

    This is so beautiful. Thank you for making this

  • @christopherrodriguez2424
    @christopherrodriguez2424 5 дней назад +8

    I found myself close to tears throughout the whole thing. As a Puerto Rican who grew up close to Fort Lee, it’s a real treat to see a Puerto Rican showing such love to Korean people and finding connection. Gorgeous work. Congratulations to you, the team, and all of those you interviewed. Seguirémos conectando así!

  • @Mike-s9d
    @Mike-s9d 9 дней назад +14

    when the guy mentions "son mat" which loosely translates "taste from the hand" hit home. Any food your mom made has "son mat" which can't ever be duplicated by anyone else. As a Korean it reminds of my mom's cooking which I will always consider the best...

  • @itsjulianmu
    @itsjulianmu 10 дней назад +15

    Beyond beautiful, such amazing work by everyone on the team. Can't wait to see how many Korean men you make cry going forward!

  • @Mr.K.isbackagain
    @Mr.K.isbackagain 10 дней назад +8

    I don’t have the words to describe how wonderful this story is. Thank you for sharing this with us. It’s a gift to treasure.

  • @vaishnaviumrekar1824
    @vaishnaviumrekar1824 4 дня назад +4

    I was rewinding again and again so I won’t miss anything in translation. Videos like these is why I like RUclips. Thank you Rob for this gem ❤

  • @LizHouck
    @LizHouck 10 дней назад +23

    This is so good! Wow❤ congratulations, can see the work and love put in to it!

  • @amycarrieri1966
    @amycarrieri1966 9 дней назад +15

    @robmartinez this is a masterpiece. It brings the viewer to tears. Thank you for your art. @kevin to think he is importing Korean Stawberries to New Jersey...there is folklore from my Italian ancestors about finding the real tomatoes that were grown in New Jersey years ago....just as his wife feels about Strawberries. Beautiful stories. Means so much to have you share your stories.

  • @theonetruesarauniya
    @theonetruesarauniya 10 дней назад +17

    I just had to sit here, bask and just be in awe at you and everyone involved in making this. I was moved to tears.
    Let's go! I'm so proud of you and everything you do!
    I know on a magnitude is what you put out with this beautiful piece of art, it would be hard to do it on a scale consistently but your content is beyond top-notch. Definitely need more long-form content from you brother.
    I just started truly packing up my dream of visiting Korea today actually and this video notification popped up.
    I have always been told that Korea wasn't for me, that I am just be too different and that I would have a bad time (mostly by my ex and some comments from teachers/professors). I still always was curious and wanted to visit especially for the long history of cuisine and learn more about Korean culture. I especially wanted to focus on the cuisine because Korean food was one of the cuisinesnthat actually felt like "home" to me.
    I've messed around and created a beautiful fusion of Nigerian, Korean and Egyptian inspired dishes.
    I can't tell you what you, Mr. Martinez and this video means to me. You renewed my hope and put more fuel on my "dying fire" even if it's just for a bit longer. Thank you so much and much love to you.
    You're such a beautiful person inside and out. If by any serendipitous chance we ever meet I'm cooking you a whole bunch of Nigerian diishes and Naija fusion dishes haha.
    Wishing you much love, delicious meals, warm company, new adventures and everlasting memories!

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  10 дней назад +4

      Thanks for this incredible comment Sara. And thanks for watching along live and chatting. Hope you get to Korea soon!

  • @nancydroodlez
    @nancydroodlez 2 дня назад +4

    Robert! I'm saving this to watch later today, I can't wait. I love your filming style. The videos you did in Lyon are still making my taste buds go bananas! Keep up the great work!

  • @fishsamak3914
    @fishsamak3914 9 дней назад +8

    Thank you for a beautiful episode. Great interviews. You and the guys did a great job bringing us these stories. Korea is loved for their sincere passion about what they do. “Its hard being Korean” what a line to present Koreans.

  • @mrunglaublich8591
    @mrunglaublich8591 9 дней назад +4

    This whole video is soooo real. Just plain and clear Stories. Thank you for that and for bringing it to us!

  • @qq101359
    @qq101359 5 дней назад +11

    홀린 듯이 시작부터 끝까지..

  • @DaganKay
    @DaganKay 10 дней назад +8

    Loved this! Felt very honest and was so touching. Get this man a Netflix show or sumn

  • @JaeyGim-jk2zt
    @JaeyGim-jk2zt 5 дней назад +8

    Bean originated from Korean peninsula even oldest Rice found in South Korea recently

    • @naivoj122
      @naivoj122 3 дня назад

      Stop perverting the history. Thats not true.

  • @_kwak
    @_kwak 7 дней назад +4

    Your long form style is just as incredible as your shorts! I can't wait to see more of these over time!!! I can only imagine how much work is put into these. The video production, the interviews, the through line script developing, and the editing! Worth the wait for us viewers, no doubt and I excitedly await the other beautiful corners of food you continue to highlight.

  • @SarahKomlenic
    @SarahKomlenic 10 дней назад +15

    Absolute magic, Robert, as always. This long-form storytelling has all of the heart and artistry of your earliest interviews.
    I feel like we finally have something close to Bourdain again, in the style of Chef’s Table! I’m telling everyone I know about this- I am so excited! 🥰

    • @theonetruesarauniya
      @theonetruesarauniya 10 дней назад +2

      YES! I think that was another reason that got me emotional too. I felt like we got Anthony's spirit back and I'm about to ugly cry again.
      Thank you for this.

    • @SarahKomlenic
      @SarahKomlenic 10 дней назад +1

      @@theonetruesarauniya It makes me so emotional, I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels that way! This is so healing. 💕

  • @powthekicker8765
    @powthekicker8765 10 дней назад +14

    Looking forward to more, Rob! ❤

  • @noclue9898
    @noclue9898 5 дней назад +4

    very interesting color grading, cant wait to see more

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  5 дней назад

      I didn’t want the grade to be oversaturated. It’s pretty straight ahead, except in places where we wanted to motivate specific colors. a lot of the look came in-camera for pro mist.

  • @WarrenHampton-ke8kt
    @WarrenHampton-ke8kt 5 дней назад +3

    This was masterfully done. Really such a breathtakingly beautiful product. I was lucky enough to go to Korea twice for work and absolutely fell in love the country the people and the food. Oh my, the food. I make Korean food regularly for my family and friends and support local places. Back to your work. You are putting out some of the very best stories on food and food culture. Thank you for your hard work.

  • @michaelrodney6027
    @michaelrodney6027 9 дней назад +5

    Outstanding that Rob, you only speak when you need to in order to let these fantastic people and their stories shine, but when you do speak it is very poetic. Well done, keep it up.

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  9 дней назад +1

      Thank you for saying that, we wanted me to take up as little space as possible.

  • @bbannannassu
    @bbannannassu 5 дней назад +3

    대단하십니다. 존경합니다. 화이팅 하세요

  • @xxNoManzLandxx
    @xxNoManzLandxx 10 дней назад +5

    Thank you, Rob. Love seeing this kind of content, love seeing these stories shared.

  • @sir_bartholomew2553
    @sir_bartholomew2553 10 дней назад +5

    Man this was beautiful! Had me tearing up at points 😂

    @HIIMPIEZ 10 дней назад +6

    I was waiting all day for this thank goodness it came out on time

  • @tearl42
    @tearl42 10 дней назад +5

    This was excellent! I love how you give them a voice to share with us. ❤❤❤

  • @abneryang2102
    @abneryang2102 8 дней назад +1

    love seeing some longform from you!

  • @davidkim5182
    @davidkim5182 10 дней назад +3

    Your videos are so warm and heartfelt. I think u captured aspects of Korean culture so well. Thanks❤

  • @UnsolvedParadox
    @UnsolvedParadox 9 дней назад +2

    Love this, hope it’s the first of many longer form videos!

  • @nickhanscome
    @nickhanscome 9 дней назад +2

    Seeing long form content from you this morning really made my heart happy. You are such a great storyteller and connect so well with people. Keep up the great work Rob, big fan over here.

  • @NateHyung
    @NateHyung 10 дней назад +15

    How many people are on the team to make something like this??

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  10 дней назад +16

      This was a one-off project with a 5 man crew (including myself). The team is still just me for shorts etc. but I needed collaborators to make this one happen.

    • @KevinGuzewich
      @KevinGuzewich 10 дней назад +7

      There was a crew of 5 in Korea, plus Kevin Kim making things happen and finding many of the incredible artisans

    • @Cletus_the_Elder
      @Cletus_the_Elder 10 дней назад +4

      @@EatingWithRobert This video is a small miracle. Major classic Bourdain vibes. This is videography/cinematography, storytelling, and documentary. Head and shoulders above the "influencer" content of "look at me, eating x at y." I hope there is an economy here that rewards you for this level of content. Thank you, Rob.

    • @gwehdokid
      @gwehdokid 9 дней назад +2

      @@KevinGuzewich Thanks for the credit Kevin =)

  • @VictorH-27
    @VictorH-27 2 дня назад

    I cried. The softness of the shots, the vulnerability, and sincerity spoken by these people - each passionate on their fields - made this documentary very heartwarming. Thank you for making this documentary ❤

  • @michaelrhee6889
    @michaelrhee6889 10 дней назад +3

    amazing job Rob!

  • @justasamoanpanda
    @justasamoanpanda 2 дня назад

    It’s content like this that makes me believe in humanity. So beautiful and honest. Love from Samoa 🇼🇸

  • @thenogster
    @thenogster 10 дней назад +5

    This was fantastic. Loved every second. Keep doing you, man! As you keep growing, woud you consider setting up a patreon? I think a lot of us would like to support you that way.

    • @EatingWithRobert
      @EatingWithRobert  10 дней назад

      Thanks so much! I have a Patreon, you can find it here: robmartinez.info

  • @taylorlibby7642
    @taylorlibby7642 10 дней назад +3

    Really looking forward to this! Can't wait to be able to share it too!

  • @Setashi
    @Setashi 10 дней назад +3

    This was so incredible. I would absolutely love more videos like this from you!

  • @kathleenzanders4061
    @kathleenzanders4061 5 дней назад +2

    I LOVE Korean Cuisine...so glad I stumbled across this!😮😊❤

  • @yasminelee6759
    @yasminelee6759 3 дня назад

    What a beautiful set of shots... excellent work! You have successfully captured the essence of Korean culture in your presentation. Congratulations!

  • @김정오-n1f
    @김정오-n1f 8 часов назад

    I am a tour guide in korea. of all the contents about korean food introduced by many, this is the top notch quality video clip I've ever seen on RUclips. keep it up man. this is showing how legitimate korean food is made. well done.

  • @ashleybae
    @ashleybae 2 дня назад

    Love your channel so much and am ever grateful for your spotlight on Korean food now!!! 🫶🏼

  • @hi-jg1lv
    @hi-jg1lv 9 дней назад

    Great video, I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait for more. Be proud of yourself

  • @Heartnostrilz
    @Heartnostrilz 15 часов назад

    Robert you ate that up, literally 😭💗 I love your shorts so much I've binged them probably twice in a row, and to see such an enriching long form docu-film from you. AUGHHHHHHHHHB❤❤❤❤❤❤ it encompasses so much of your style and even more. Thank you for sharing the stories of these passionate individuals, especially digging more into the culture and rituals of Korea, it has such a unified identity and it was just, I loved this. You inspire me and others more than you know ❤

  • @sjjj3564
    @sjjj3564 День назад

    Thank you for creating such a warm hearted video about Korean food.

  • @MorningRice
    @MorningRice 9 дней назад


  • @JoeDiStefanoQNS
    @JoeDiStefanoQNS 10 дней назад +1

    What a great piece Rob!

  • @reighertduprez7963
    @reighertduprez7963 9 дней назад

    This was beautifull! Can not wait for the next video.
    Love from Belgium!

  • @Mindedfuture
    @Mindedfuture 14 часов назад

    I love your videos, I love your vibe, please never change, at the core of it all, it is always about people.

  • @Christopherpum
    @Christopherpum 4 дня назад

    More of this content please!!!

  • @wiblydidly5638
    @wiblydidly5638 10 дней назад +1

    You've outdone yourself with this one Rob! Beautiful video

  • @mattrodbard2895
    @mattrodbard2895 8 дней назад

    This is such a special doc - Thank you Rob and Kevin for sharing this story.

  • @lancecorporal7605
    @lancecorporal7605 5 дней назад

    this is one of the best videos I've seen in a month on youtube
    as you said, 대박~!

  • @WarChortle
    @WarChortle 6 дней назад +1

    Amazing story telling, glad this was in my recommended videos

  • @Teresa-mu4kw
    @Teresa-mu4kw 6 дней назад +1

    This was such an epic documentary, I love the way you portrayed your vision, their traditions, their legacy, I love their way of life, this content is beyond any description, I’m so beside myself, thankyou Rob Martinez for sharing your time in Korea! I’m absolutely gobsmacked by your content!

  • @JenniferCarter-p8s
    @JenniferCarter-p8s 6 дней назад

    This was so well done! Thank you for sharing it. It helped me explain to my kids some of what my grandmother used to do and brought up some really great memories.

  • @jonasgeez2140
    @jonasgeez2140 5 дней назад

    This video deserves more recognition it's awesome

  • @thepalmers4090
    @thepalmers4090 3 дня назад

    I’m thrilled to see you showcasing Korean food and culture! I’m doing something similar in my neighborhood in Cape Cod, where I might be the only Korean around.

  • @rokytnice
    @rokytnice 7 дней назад

    Just great content. No nonsense and with love and respect for everyone you interview. ❤

  • @sammu
    @sammu 8 дней назад

    Everything about this video is perfect. Please make more like this!

  • @smallnumbers36
    @smallnumbers36 10 дней назад +1

    Beautiful doc, thank you ✨

  • @connorr4183
    @connorr4183 7 дней назад

    It's amazing how a video about strawberries and sesame oil and fermented foods can make people feel so many emotions. Great job!

  • @daniellejordan4551
    @daniellejordan4551 9 дней назад

    This is beautiful and emotional, Rob. Thank you for telling these stories and bringing us closer to the people, the artisans of their craft, that produce food through history and their love of feeding everyone.

  • @bryanrios7331
    @bryanrios7331 2 дня назад

    You’re really good at what you do man. I hope you keep it up.

  • @kyleabbott8995
    @kyleabbott8995 5 дней назад

    Love you rob keep it up

  • @benphillippi3075
    @benphillippi3075 7 дней назад

    What an incredible story to tell. I enjoy how you focused on the love and expertise in every step

  • @purplefurreal
    @purplefurreal 5 дней назад

    Rob, my brain is literally screaming for more.
    Please, you keep outdoing yourself.
    Beautiful content.

  • @josephlee1450
    @josephlee1450 5 дней назад

    Beautifully Made. Wonderful story.

  • @sethtanner1
    @sethtanner1 10 дней назад

    Rob! I think your videos (short or long) give a sense of purpose to those providing the food that they might not get from a customer. Giving them a voice & a chance to share their story. Beautiful to see!

  • @davidha8874
    @davidha8874 22 часа назад

    I lived in Daejeon for a year and had the best strawberries of my life back in 2011. And everywhere I walked there were incredible restaurants. Food in Korea is unbelievable.

  • @thomashuang9938
    @thomashuang9938 8 дней назад

    Teared up more than once watching this short but insanely sweet documentary. Profound in every aspect and inspiring in every way too. So much respect to these koreans and so much respect for you as well Rob as you take us through parts of the world that we have never seen. Love your work.

  • @MorningRice
    @MorningRice 9 дней назад

    What a great documentary- really enjoyed this!

  • @hono6
    @hono6 6 дней назад

    Love the vibe and love the film that you made. Idk this is right feeling but it is soothing just to watch, hear the conversations and follow your lead. Please make more videos like this!

  • @skylerconnersdaniel
    @skylerconnersdaniel 3 дня назад

    Nice long form video Rob! Good stuff 🍲🍰🥓🍶

  • @SC-at3
    @SC-at3 2 дня назад

    WOW! I am blown away by this video that I stumbled upon, and now very grateful for it. What an amazing adventure and I want more. I crave all things Korean, but this....this is exactly what I want to see most, and it gets little attention. These are important stories. I would love to see you travel around Korea and feature regional dishes, farms, people, and specialties, much like you did in Nonsan. You are a great story teller. Thank you for this and thank you for the links. 🍓❤

  • @banaynayy
    @banaynayy 8 дней назад

    I wasn't expecting to be crying from a food documentary. Truly well made Rob. The emotional connection of food with people who grow it to the people who cook it and then to the people eat it is apparent here.

  • @vodar1114
    @vodar1114 10 дней назад

    Absolutely stunning, both the stories and the storytelling

  • @ryanahn214
    @ryanahn214 3 дня назад

    Excellent story and people!! Very impressive…

  • @BigDummy445
    @BigDummy445 9 дней назад

    Please support this man! Would love to see him do more longform content. St. Louis at some point please!

  • @noahbutnotactually
    @noahbutnotactually 9 дней назад

    Witnessing early youtube greatness right now. So glad you transitioned to long form content brother keep it up this is beautiful

  • @antoniozavala6391
    @antoniozavala6391 4 дня назад

    Great video. So happy to see Rob grow as a content creator. Keep 'em coming! ✊

  • @rickbo3366
    @rickbo3366 9 дней назад

    It is a film like this which makes me thankful for the RUclips algorithm. How it would know I would like your content I have no idea but this film and all your content is so full of heart it never fails to move me.

  • @musiloko787
    @musiloko787 10 дней назад

    Thank you for such a humane approach to food and storytelling. What a great way to showcase people and their hard work to create awesome food.

  • @Oisheen
    @Oisheen 9 дней назад

    This is so well made! Congrats

  • @sprz97
    @sprz97 9 дней назад

    This is next level amazing. Thx