Hey Ehime! Yurina has carried the team for 3 days, time for the men start doing your share! I think, she has about 75% strikes? Hide has a problem with his hand since his timing is slow & precise. Strike 1 frame then miss the pocket on the next frame. Gotta be his hand release?
Hey Ehime! Yurina has carried the team for 3 days, time for the men start doing your share! I think, she has about 75% strikes? Hide has a problem with his hand since his timing is slow & precise. Strike 1 frame then miss the pocket on the next frame. Gotta be his hand release?
1:02:50 やまぴーの10ピンミス
1:12:00 藤井プロ「やまぴーが謝りたそうな顔をしてましたが笑」
28:25 藤井P「幸木プロ何も考えてないのかな笑」
34:30 夫婦で話し合う2人
37:13 藤井P「あなたなら大丈夫だよ(って話してたのかな笑笑)」