Nina Power - What Do Men Want? BOOK REVIEW

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Комментарии • 162

  • @sophieschmaltz4206
    @sophieschmaltz4206 Год назад +79

    i grew up online practically and the older i get the more i hate the internet... i hope our society finds ways of using it less and more responsibly.

    • @CorbCorbin
      @CorbCorbin Год назад +3

      It’s social media, that has been a blight on society. Every teenager, young adult, and failed performer, have been given a way to succeed, without an actual audience, or being an artist.
      For every person who used these tools well, there are many thousands who steal the ideas, style, anything and everything that they can to find success. The people who live on Instagram, with it being a advertising tool, for both products and people as a product. Now, the jerk down the street, can make a living with a team of kids handling the technical stuff, so the jerk can just talk about things.
      There are many great things about the internet, but with every great invention, there are those who exploit it, and use it for nefarious means.
      It just shows how easy it was for cults to spring up, within civilizations, going back to the oldest ones. Religion is the first great con, used to control a populous.
      People will believe the most absurdly ridiculous nonsense, if they like the person saying it, or hate people who are against it.
      Even with all of the history at our fingertips, people still are Bible literalists, and every religious realists.
      They believe both the absurd, and unproven/unprovable, while calling out people for being incorrect about specific topics, that require logic and proof.
      If we do end up destroying the planet, Religion will be the cause.

    • @bluebellbeatnik4945
      @bluebellbeatnik4945 Год назад +1

      @@CorbCorbin Religion isn't problematic or the cause of anything. That is also a very divisive thing to say. It's people who misuse their power and those people exist everywhere.

  • @glasscage1123
    @glasscage1123 Год назад +33

    Capitalist Realism changed my whole viewpoint when I read it when I was 18. Not sure how it would resonate now but it seems like the basis for a lot of theory we see nowadays. His writings on music and culture on his old blog are also definitely worth looking into

    • @manda_d
      @manda_d Год назад +4

      I think Capitalist Realism holds up pretty well - I just read it for the first time this year.

    • @sophieschmaltz4206
      @sophieschmaltz4206 Год назад +8

      when he said "its the best system on the menu" i just thought, its easier to imagine the end of the world than it to imagine the end of capitalism" which i think is from capitalist realism if i remember correctly.

    • @papitoyannito
      @papitoyannito Год назад +2

      @@sophieschmaltz4206 It's a Fredric Jameson quote often misattributed to Fisher because he did quote it in Capitalist Realism, on one of the very first pages IIRC.

    • @Longleke.
      @Longleke. Год назад

      Almost all of the complaints we see about "capitalism" these days is just Gen Z looking for a purposefully insurmountable scapegoat. Plus it makes people sound smart when they say it and spares them the mental energy of actually contemplating smaller, more manageable issues like climate change, war, immigration, hunger, homelessness, etc. Professed "anti-capitalists" see all the above as mere functions of capitalism, and well isn't that just convenient?
      So yeah, I agree with Cliff on this one. I'm neutral on capitalism. Lately it's just become a boogeyman for irate political discourse. THE REASON that no one "imagine(s) the end of capitalism" is because, until recently, very few people even gave the word a passing thought. Few critics will even try to define it, and to the extent that they will... what IS its viable alternative? Marx provided a decent diagnosis, but he gave a terrible prescription.

  • @bircheth
    @bircheth Год назад +12

    One thing I'd like to respond to about the question of "I wonder if the internet is a net-positive" is that we often conflate the internet with social media. Social media is like the lowest form of what the internet is and should be used for. The internet is a massive database which contains basically all human knowledge and most of it is freely accessible, (for example, Project Gutenberg! I read the entirety of Ulysses there) and it saddens me that a large majority of people only ever use it to log onto social media, scroll for a few minutes, see a few ads, and then log off. THAT is definitely a net negative on experience. But it doesn't have to be if you can recognize it and change your habits.
    Personally I think one of the main reasons social media is the way that it is is because it has become corporate and algorithm based. When capital only cares about capital, then of course it will want to create these horribly toxic and addictive engagement loops via the internet where they can run ads all the time. It's gross and unethical, but it makes a lot of money. I forget where I heard it but anger is one of the most attention-grabbing emotions, so with the advent of social media within a capitalist world we will inevitably arrive at a horribly toxic digital space.
    I wonder and hope that in the near-future there will not only be just ad-blockers but also certain algorithm-blockers/suppressors to help younger people navigate social media platforms without being led down these nasty rabbit-holes.

  • @McSpanty
    @McSpanty Год назад +37

    This is your best review in a while, Cliff! I had an existential crisis halfway through.
    Also, thanks for sticking around with this channel. I know it's not easy.

  • @cc09.mm12.ge8
    @cc09.mm12.ge8 Год назад +32

    Nina Power also co-hosts the podcast The Lack, where they analyze one piece of film/literature/media each week. Can highly recommend

  • @igorrenfield6588
    @igorrenfield6588 Год назад +9

    This old guy told me not long ago: you know what men want? They want women who aren’t covered in tattoos, are feminine, pretty, and nice. You know what women want? Men who have a spine, are tall, handsome, and financially secure. I tried to debate him on it and failed.

  • @authorgreene
    @authorgreene Год назад +15

    You don't know what other economic system is available to us outside of capitalism . . . Yep, you're gonna like Fisher's Capitalist Realism. That's the main point of the book - pointing out that we can't see a world without capitalism. That's the very definition of Capitalist Realism, and it's something we're all living with. We can't imagine what else there is. I'm looking forward to the review.

  • @zacharycaradine1295
    @zacharycaradine1295 Год назад +6

    I sincerely appreciate you. You come across as genuine and never pretensious; which is far too often a rarity for a book reviewer. You don't fear the possibility of appearing to not have all the answers, because you seem very aware that nobody has all the answers. In conclusion; thank you for your words.
    Ps Nick Tosches is my favorite author, and Under Tiberius, Trinities and Me & the Devil are worth a look.

  • @schumanhuman
    @schumanhuman Год назад +7

    Capitalism is not 'natural' nor a reflection of natural desires, it is guided the impostion of distinct property rights which came after the enclosures of the commons. The ideological fathers of capitalism, Adam Smith and Ricardo understood this and advocated a tax system to make sure feudalism did not reimpose itself (land value tax). Indeed Marx naively thought the financial system would be tamed by the capitalists, instead the majority of wealth is still in 'land', not capital goods.
    The self identifying pro-capitlaist and anti capitalsits often both misundertand this by posing a 2 factor economy of capital and labour, when land (which includes all pre existing resources) is conflated to capital.

  • @alexjohnson9798
    @alexjohnson9798 Год назад +4

    Clifford getting into the whole Justin Murphy anti-woke left milieu is a pretty wild (but welcomed) turn.

  • @dm6801
    @dm6801 Год назад +9

    Capitalist realism is an extremely short and punchy little book. It is great for anyone wanting to understand a contemporary critique of capitalism without much jargon and academic terminology.

    • @davidnorris166
      @davidnorris166 Год назад

      Yes it's a life changing read. Cliff would love it.

  • @thJune-ze7dn
    @thJune-ze7dn Год назад +4

    I do find it weird that people sometimes claim that systems like capitalism are intrinsically evil, because if you start ascribing moral worth to economic systems rather than the people behind them then you'll end up defending any old monsters doing terrible deeds simply because you economically align with them. Attacking the people rather than the economics would be more logical to me. (Although I would definitely recommend George Orwell's fascinating essay The Lion & the Unicorn on how a socialist Britain might come about - better than food no question).
    That being said, I'm rather scared at where we've ended up for a variety of reasons, and I've felt very alone over these last few years. I suppose if I was asked what I wanted I would say something like someone to talk to occasionally, so thank you Cliff for taking the time to talk to all of us, it means a lot. I hope you're keeping well during these times.

  • @thomascrocker1264
    @thomascrocker1264 Год назад +7

    Your comments on Jordan Peterson had me cracking up! Same Cliff...same....

  • @sanchopanzer8334
    @sanchopanzer8334 Год назад +17

    Good review, but I disagree with the notion that capitalism is in any way a "natural" system. Rather, it is a result of historical processes, but in itself no more natural than feudalism or any other economic system. That's why I also believe that it can be overcome at some point in history... if we humans should still exist until then.

    • @ahsokaventriss3268
      @ahsokaventriss3268 Год назад +2

      I’m with you, comrade✊🏼

    • @beyondz55
      @beyondz55 Год назад +3

      Have you studied the history of China and Mao? Lol yeah Capitalism is sooo bad. Kinda depends on accurate definitions and specifics though. Because Capitalism also raised living standards for billions of people. Communism starved them.

    • @sanchopanzer8334
      @sanchopanzer8334 Год назад +6

      ​@@beyondz55 It is true that capitalism is a more productive economic system than feudalism or Mao-style communism. But that doesnt mean that it must be the definitive system for all eternity. I am not advocating for a totalitarian communist regime or anything like that, but there is a flipside to capitalisms overproduction due to the profit motive in times where climate change is a huge problem. I think a system that is predicated on infinite growth is not sustainable much longer and we need to look for alternatives.

    • @HeyyyitsBell
      @HeyyyitsBell Год назад +2

      @@sanchopanzer8334 When was there a communist country that did not begin or become tyrannical? Also, without profit motive what is there to work for?

    • @antifantastisch4467
      @antifantastisch4467 Год назад

      @@HeyyyitsBell Chile (the US fucked them over & help to install a fascist dictator instead of the democractically chosen socialist Allende), Tschechoslovakia (overthrown by the Soviet Union against the will of the people),
      No capitalism doesn't mean no advantages & incentives from work.

  • @antherthalmhersser7239
    @antherthalmhersser7239 Год назад +4

    Hope the storm didn't hit your area too hard. Take care

  • @bradeben
    @bradeben Год назад +3

    Hey Cliff, I am so glad to see you are doing okay with the massive hurricane that blew through Florida

  • @benp4877
    @benp4877 Год назад +2

    Man, I just read this the other day. The same algorithm must be guiding us both. Your comments on JP were right on the money. Keep up the good work, man.

  • @FlintSL
    @FlintSL Год назад +6

    What do men want?
    More reviews from Cliffy boy!

  • @Nick-hb6ox
    @Nick-hb6ox Год назад +4

    Have you ever read East of Eden? If so can you make a review on it?

  • @mr.purple7816
    @mr.purple7816 Год назад +6

    I think that we have reached a level of capitalist culture that has altered us humans on an ontological level. We see other people as commodities and other people view us as such. A product/commodity, in this late state of capitalist market and consumption. Everything about said commodity must be PERFECT. Nothing can be wrong about it. For then, something is wrong, and being wrong leads to failure. And if you fail, you lose in this market. Other corporations with their commodities will blast past you and leave you in the dust.
    What is so depressing also with all the social movements that are happening now. They are all happening under a system that does not care that black people want to feel save and equal, that LGBTQ people can love whomever they want in peace and private, women can have the right to what comes out of their own reproductive organs, or that men should be able to live a life mentally sane. But a system that only wants these people to be human enough so they can consume and to be used for consumption.

  • @hermetischism4671
    @hermetischism4671 Год назад +4

    I also think that a lot of what you mentioned with this book relates to why becoming a youtuber is so popular. I think people see it as an escape from the messiness of stumbling around and finding your people and the more modern dangers that come with that. It allows "your people" to come to you as you show all the nuances and messiness of your own spirit within a controlled environement.

    • @beyondz55
      @beyondz55 Год назад +1

      The biggest reason is convenience

  • @sophieschmaltz4206
    @sophieschmaltz4206 Год назад +16

    i hate capitalism because i heard that it was cheaper for studios to destroy silent films than preserve them (they liquidated the metal on the reels) so they did just that.... its so disturbing and heartbreaking. the need to make a profit should not be how we structure society. i dont know i dont think it necessarily the most natural system either... people must have felt that way about feudalism too when they were deep in it. like david foster wallace said in that little fable, fish dont know they're surrounded by water.

    • @misterfool509
      @misterfool509 Год назад +4

      If your best critique of capitalism is a foolish decision by some movie studios in the 1910-1930's(?), than maybe capitalism (with some measure of social-democratic safety nets) isn't all that bad. Far from a perfect economic system (granted), but better than all other systems that so far have been tried.

    • @antherthalmhersser7239
      @antherthalmhersser7239 Год назад

      Wait til you find out what else governments have destroyed because it was cheaper...

    • @globalgulag5586
      @globalgulag5586 Год назад

      Nature liquidates so many species on its own throughout geological history. Sometimes things improve because of that fact. Sometimes things don’t. Nature doesn’t care. You wouldn’t be here if that process wasn’t happening. Or, you might have turned out as some highly evolved intelligent dinosaur descendant who laments the loss of silent films right now, who knows?

    • @NoSoulNoToll
      @NoSoulNoToll Год назад +1

      @@misterfool509 well, Socialism went pretty well in the Soviet Union. They had a well functioning economy

    • @misterfool509
      @misterfool509 Год назад +1

      The Soviet Union was at best a dirt-poor police-state. I'd rather stick with capitalism, thanks.

  • @jamosaurusrex4730
    @jamosaurusrex4730 Год назад +2

    I feel like the ‘is the internet a net positive or negative’ question is kind of asking the wrong thing, the internet is a tool and it’s utility is determined by what, how, and why we use it. It’s better to ask questions like, is it good that a small handful of companies essentially control everyone’s access to info? is it good that the primary motive of these companies is to permanently engage us for ad revenue and to sell user data? are algorithms pushing people into extreme positions and echo chamber like communities as a result of this drive for permanent engagement? These are far more interesting and pertinent questions I feel

    • @jamosaurusrex4730
      @jamosaurusrex4730 Год назад +2

      Also I disagree with the idea that capitalism is natural, I think it’s equally if not more likely the case that the capitalist system conditions society to act in certain ways, so capitalism is only natural insofar as it exists, if we organised society differently it would similarly effect society and ‘naturalise’ it’s logics. (Side note, capitalism has always been kicking the can down the road, it is a product of its internal logic of permanent growth, the banking bail out is just a recent significant example)

  • @the_famous_reply_guy
    @the_famous_reply_guy Год назад +1

    Please read Mark Fishers "Capitalist Realism" its not a lefty crybaby deconstruction on Capitalism, it's a beautifully subtle unveiling of the human condition in our current system of social organisation, reward and punishment and everything in between. Mark Fisher was the hub of Zero Books, I can't praise him highly enough for such a considerate book in our times of non-consideration.

  • @ItsTooLatetoApologize
    @ItsTooLatetoApologize Год назад +3

    Yeah. I miss the 90s too.

    • @littledebby365
      @littledebby365 Год назад +1

      Same. I don't go to Portland anymore but I still live in soggy plaid flannel.

    • @ItsTooLatetoApologize
      @ItsTooLatetoApologize Год назад

      @@littledebby365 I’m all about that cosy plaid flannel in Canada 🇨🇦 ❄️

  • @PipingPsalmist
    @PipingPsalmist Год назад

    Always great books from this channel. Thanks, man!

  • @kevinwoodfield240
    @kevinwoodfield240 Год назад

    This is one of my favorite reviews - I went and picked up a copy of this book right after I watched this. Thanks!

  • @kmcq692
    @kmcq692 7 месяцев назад

    The whole part where you say you don’t even touch that stuff anymore…(what you describe before 5:44) on the money. I will read her. Thank you.

  • @ethrim653
    @ethrim653 Год назад +6

    Would be interested to hear your takes on Kazcynski books! All the best, Cliff.

  • @magicw7338
    @magicw7338 Год назад

    The claim that capitalism is an extension of nature but non capitalist economics is not is a really bold assertion to make.

  • @dionysianapollomarx
    @dionysianapollomarx Год назад +2

    Great review

  • @HeloIV
    @HeloIV Год назад +1

    Great review, great words

  • @reaganwiles_art
    @reaganwiles_art Год назад +1

    Glad to see you're safe in FL. FL is a creature unlike any other.

  • @angelorossowrites
    @angelorossowrites Год назад +3

    Great review my man. Thanks for your work.🤟

  • @NoSoulNoToll
    @NoSoulNoToll Год назад +2

    your points on capitalism are not well founded. It is not the only system that can work. Look at the channel named "Hakim". That guy explains it in a very simple way.

    • @davidnorris166
      @davidnorris166 Год назад +2

      His points are fairly in line with Marx at first. I say that as a good thing. But then he shows he has only been indoctrinated by American exceptionalism and Capitalist myths. I thought all the leftist ideology of Camus may have sunk in more.

  • @jewfroDZak
    @jewfroDZak Год назад +6

    I had a pen in hand and a notebook in my lap working on a bit of formless creative writing and just kind of letting the ideas take me to wherever they naturally lead, for about an hour when I fired this video up on my phone. A few minutes into the video, I realized that the cultural issues that our boy Cliff was grappling with in the video were directly related to what I thought my little piece ultimately was driving at. So, even though this might be the douchiest feeling I've ever had internally concerning myself, I'm about to share what I wrote, cuz, hell, maybe someone will extract some kind of meaning out of it that's personal to them. Maybe it'll uppercut someone squarely in their feels' crotch right at the exact time when they needed that in their life. Or maybe it's hopelessly retardo? Or the unfettered ramblings of a madman? This video and Pessoa provided me the inspiration. Enjoy?...
    I often feel overwhelmed by an endless need to accumulate every morsel of information possible from the constant stream of the mostly junk trivialities being presented to my sensory perceptions in the current landscape of this professionally choreographed anti-reality-subjective reality as I understand it-that we all are individually being assualted by en masse every waking second we are not asleep. And to my recently discovered abject horror, I think that this ultramodern/never-ending gauntlet of information (and it's mostly evil twin of information-adjacent valueless knowledge) that, via its indiscriminate collection, I seek to divine or piece together a sort of enlightening epiphany from factored in combination with my drive to discover for myself all that is discoverable in our universe very well may preclude any notion I may have had of absorbing any measure of an understanding of any possible tangible or sensical reality that may or may not exist outside the boundaries of my own consciousness....To learn something (if not most or all things), I tried to focus on everything, but I found in the end there was nothing to learn....If I ever came to a place on my worldline where I had actually concluded this quest for the truth of everything on account of me actually having found all possible knowledge, if in the future I somehow discovered that I had indeed catalogued all available information that could be drawn from the universe-I think by that time I might have had become just an inaccessible human library of books full only of blank pages, the pages that I had sought to fill with the lessons I would have extrapolated from the bevy of info of the everythingness that I had corraled into my noggin' throughout my life, everything that I had thought I once knew and may have earlier tried to identify as a fundamental part of my self....But, if I ever knew it all, there would be nothing left for me to learn and no spaces left for future me to grow into. Out of my desire to focus on all things, I think I may have come to realize that a dark nothingness is all there ever is for me or for you to discover if one of us ever managed to expose what we found when we pulled back the curtain of untruths covering the lack of a veil that shrouds the artificial peppermint candy cane scripted canned laughter sitcom facade of our shared reality...and I can't ever know any damned thing about that nothingness, because there's nothing to know about nothingness. Turns out that any instances of "understanding" ever experienced are just internalized lies that we've fed to ourselves and swallowed without question or doubt. The illusion of the all-encompassing everything we perceive in life is possessed with a deeply rooted primary nothingness, but this nothingness that everything including us, is got all dolled up, disguised as though it were a somethingness with textures of meaning available to be understood by us.........And that's the way the ovary ovulates, fellow space travelers. So, I guess go try to find something to grasp onto and then slowly delude yourself into believing it provides a purpose and a meaning for the unremarkable life that you were largely absent to living...try that perhaps? That's what the recipe most folks appear to be using as their cookbook calls for anyway. And I guess it works for them.
    To some, not myself, but to some people, they believe that it sure would be wowsers neato if all of the lies about eternity (as well as all of the other cliche fabrications we come across in life) were just plainclothes truths in hiding, because eternal forever let's itself inside and it never fucking knocks and it never ends and the very moment that you truly believe you understand some kind of truth that is underpinning the life you've been afforded-welp friendo, you might as well just fuckin' hang up your life-living pair of boots on that hook on your wall for good if that happens to ya because you've already begun the downward spiral that flows directly into Death Lasts Forever Land by that time-if you're not already too far gone dead presently and you're just walking around thinking that you're existing, pulling a real Weekend at Bernie's on yourself.......Good luck out there everybody.

    • @bluebellbeatnik4945
      @bluebellbeatnik4945 Год назад +2

      write a book, kid

    • @jewfroDZak
      @jewfroDZak Год назад

      @@bluebellbeatnik4945 I’m getting there. I gotta bunch of stuff in the vault that I’m to figure out what to do with and, more importantly, I narrowed my creative focuses in life down to just my efforts at writing. That was about a month ago…and it’s going pretty well.
      I take it that it worked for ya, eh? When I reread it today after waking up, I thought it was definitely a little gloomy. So if you got something out of it, I hope it was something positive. For me,the ultimate take away that I got from Cliff’s expressed doom & gloom in this review really didn’t have anything to do with what he said or the review. The value I found in it was just the recognition of my own humanity that it stirred within me-some validation that I’m not alone and there are other people in the world who still have their thinking caps on and who are seeing the same things that I’m seeing. I don’t get that in my real life at all. Here where I’m at (and everywhere else I’m pretty sure as well), it seems like all the people, they just-they give a shit, but they give a shit about all the wrong things. And that compounds the alienation beyond the point of return for me. It’s all pretty disheartening and, much too often, I be feeling like a rudderless speck of matter adrift on the river of the universe-only it’s a river of shit and all I have is a turd for paddle…and then I’ll see a video like this or I’ll catch some other thing that I find speaks to the beauty of the human condition and it reminds me that there are other humans out there doing their best to lead truly virtuous lives and that no one’s worth not loving to me. I’ve never cried out of sadness, but, the beauty of those often tiny moments I glimpse when people’s humanity shines through so awe me that I struggle shutting the valve off on the tears that pour out of me in those moments. Tears of pure joy. Those moments are the only thing that makes life worth living at all to me…. Anyway, I meant to just say thanks and give you a link to the what I think is the best thing I’ve ever written. To me, it’s the best poem that I have read and I have no idea how the hell I managed to write it. Granted, I am a professional self-righteous blow hard and I don’t really read poetry. It’s a video I made of a cpu synthesized voice of Gwyneth Paltrow reading it. If you check it out I hope you like it, and…maybe talk at ya later, palligator?

    • @jewfroDZak
      @jewfroDZak Год назад

      Ahhh hell I forgot to paste the link. Whoopsie derp, here that is….видео.html

  • @mimig6511
    @mimig6511 Год назад +1

    Love you book tube and read almost...almost everything you recommend. Right now: off for some Fear and Loathing and Hank's Post Office. No more room for alas most is on the kindle (who has now been named Clifford Lee...not sure you would really like as it is a kindle...but it is words...freakin lotsa words..glorious words)

    @RICHARDLICHTENHAN-wc5dg 11 месяцев назад


  • @iandonnelly522
    @iandonnelly522 Год назад +1

    Fisher makes some very good points....I don’t agree with them all but he makes a good argument and not without a sense of humour....for example, he describes the British Museum as the flight deck of the predator ship...I’d recommend to you....Nick Land “Fanged Noumena”....that will twist your Melon!

  • @SibinSedlan
    @SibinSedlan Год назад +1

    So, there’s this one guy… No idea if anybody ever recommended him before but he goes by the name The Last Psychiatrist. He’s sort of an underground legend in the internet community. He had been writing a blog discussing many topics from a rather singular viewpoint for several years under that name before abruptly stopping. About a year ago he published a book called ‘Sadly, Porn’ under the pseudonym Edward Teach, and it’s really not what you’d expect, though I think you’d absolutely love it. It seems to be irreverent in all the right ways. You can thank me later. Fair warning, there’s like a 30-odd page porno near the beginning and it comes almost out of nowhere, but it’s by no means representative of the rest of the book. Also it is a rather long book, clocking in at about a thousand pages but I found that I could get through it in about a week, despite not being a quick reader by any stretch of the imagination.

    • @mainchannel1566
      @mainchannel1566 Год назад

      One can get through the book *a lot* faster if the footnotes are skipped since they are longer than the main text.
      I skipped the footnotes once I realized how long they are. Then went back to read the ones that seemed interesting.

    • @SibinSedlan
      @SibinSedlan Год назад

      @@mainchannel1566 Fair, but I found them to be semi-related and no less interesting than main text itself.

  • @austingraf5788
    @austingraf5788 Год назад +1

    The Fat White Family name-drop has convinced me to check out this and Morbid Books

  • @dustmemory9891
    @dustmemory9891 Год назад +1

    Life was better in the 90's, I feel sorry for the children inheriting this mess.
    I know every generation has probably thought things like this but it seems more real now.

    • @bluebellbeatnik4945
      @bluebellbeatnik4945 Год назад

      no it wasn't. it was absolutely awful. it was only good for a very specific demographic. the only positives a bout the 90s was the music and using the internet sparingly (which i have now forgotten how to do).

    • @dustmemory9891
      @dustmemory9891 Год назад

      @@bluebellbeatnik4945 in what ways was it absolutely awful? How old were you in the 90's?

    • @littledebby365
      @littledebby365 Год назад +1

      @@bluebellbeatnik4945 Are you maybe saying it was not a good time for YOUR demographic?. For most it was a fine time. People on the street still spoke and acknowledged each other regularly and with courtesy. The Net has now wiped away any realtime acknowledgment of fellow humans in the most basic of ways. Do you look at or acknowledge other drivers on the road? As a professional driver, the most astonishing example I've seen is young adults pulling their phones out as they PREPARE to cross an intersection. They cross with their face in the phone. The phone goes back in the pocket once they are across the intersection. What is that? I read once that this behavior is to prevent oneself from appearing to be alone. That's how insane 2022 is from 1995 imo.

  • @x0rn312
    @x0rn312 9 месяцев назад

    I suspect that what's going on with Jordan Peterson is that he's trying to figure out how to model what he sees as the way forward, but it took him a while to figure it out. And I am sure he is still figuring it out.
    He lost his way for a while with the benzo shit - but it seems like this ARC conference he put together is pretty legit....... maybe more religiously focused than I would like, but it seems like he got a lot of smart people together who care about Western Enlightenment values and liberal democracy.
    I was concerned about him for a while and sort of tuned out when he joined the Daily Wire and all that shit.
    But I think maybe he's finally found a new Plateau where he can operate from. I advise checking back in with him and seeing what he's been up to recently.

  • @magpie79
    @magpie79 Год назад +1

    can you review Voice of the Fire by Alan Moore? It's an amazing novel I think you would dig!

  • @chadennis2688
    @chadennis2688 Год назад +1

    Yes sir!

  • @goodname5920
    @goodname5920 Год назад +1

    Hey cliff
    I've been watching your stuff for a couple of years now and really love your work
    I've recently read a book by Irvine welsh called Skagboys and I think it's right up your alley
    It's a very vile and disturbing book about heroin addicts in 1980s Scotland but not without some good humour
    The book is as hilarious as it is deeply moving and unnerving as it's very psychological and gets right into the minds of the many despicable characters which the story is centered around
    It's one of my all time favourites and I think you'll enjoy it
    Would absolutely love to see you review it

  • @CorbCorbin
    @CorbCorbin Год назад +1


  • @Captain1nsaneo
    @Captain1nsaneo Год назад

    "I don't know" is the correct answer when dealing with multiple large agents, any of which can take decades of research to understand partly. Institutions are made of individuals who respond to incentives and their own prerogatives and are fully capable of not being aware of either and lying.
    Progress can go backwards very quickly, the best example I know of is the Bronze Age Collapse.
    I've seen Peterson's video on the war, everything he said I'd heard in smaller and larger ways from other observers. Fog of war is in full effect and both sides will lie to achieve an advantage on the home front. With an eye to events over the last decade, this is not a 'good war' by either side but the cost is being borne solely by the Ukrainian civilian population.
    'Aquariums of Pyongyang' is a pretty good book, it's not a novel though.

  • @freddieosborn3033
    @freddieosborn3033 Год назад +3

    Fantastic review Cliff, loved your thoughts on this, really hope you're not losing too much faith in humanity these days (As hard as it is not to!) I wanted to hear your thoughts on a situation I had recently, which made me think of your offensive joke bit at the end of the video. If a buddy of yours makes a joke about throwing all trans people or people with dysphoria into mental asylums, should you still try to "Be an adult" and let it slide or should you take it into serious consideration and be a bit perturbed? Because it's plain to see people are certainly reactionary these days, and you don't want to sour a mood when someone makes a joke, but is there not a certain line for when a joke actually displays someones true (and sometimes malicious) beliefs? Would love to hear your take! Not asking this question with any animosity, just genuinely curious to hear your thoughts!

    • @UltimateKyuubiFox
      @UltimateKyuubiFox Год назад

      I’d say when something like that pops up, it’s good to peek in and see if that’s their actual thought process. If someone’s saying something purely for shock value, it’s easy to tell. When you knuckle at it with a smile and they push, repeatedly, you know they mean it.

  • @yura2424
    @yura2424 Год назад +1

    I like your videos. One thing I've noticed different in this video is that you look VERY TIRED. Please consider going on a holiday or just go to some new place to `change the landscape`.

  • @ArchitectdaSilva
    @ArchitectdaSilva Год назад

    Nigella Lawson seems like a very good answer 😀Keep up the great reading and reviews

  • @vaansorcater4661
    @vaansorcater4661 Год назад +1

    i am the universal friend of the cult, i am interest of the hack magazine, its done...

  • @ZZ-gu7kw
    @ZZ-gu7kw Год назад

    there's no going back and no way to fix it

  • @1m2a3t4t5
    @1m2a3t4t5 Год назад

    As a fellow guy whos been into the arts all his life I feel similarly on capitalism. Rather than those who pretend to know what theyre talking about and dont. Meet kevin recommended a book (think about the fed :/) in one of his most recent videos Im really wanting to get around to as well.

  • @marcelhidalgo1076
    @marcelhidalgo1076 Год назад +1

    Check out History of Money

  • @Ozgipsy
    @Ozgipsy Год назад

    The hurricane will be a good yarn in years to come.
    Just take one step after the next Cliff. The fourth turning still has a long way to go.

  • @arthurtrommel1438
    @arthurtrommel1438 Год назад +11

    I agree with you about Peterson. He has lost it or rather he is a sell-out, Now he is just a meme.

  • @1m2a3t4t5
    @1m2a3t4t5 Год назад

    The set looking very 80s modern haha. I like it, take it as a compliment.

  • @AgrippaPetronius1903
    @AgrippaPetronius1903 Год назад

    Always a delight, asking men what they want only feeds there infantile fantasy’s, woman don’t ask men what they are feeling because that have long ago computed that the question is irrelevant to men, as for political systems, how about merit based system where actual capacity and hard work and communally agreed to human values are hard wired into any deconstructed we make as a collective…or we just go head long into the inevitable abyss of cannibalise consumerism…..
    Better than food is that anchor medium that offers us a reminder of who we really are …lest we forget ..cheers

  • @mudgetheexpendable
    @mudgetheexpendable Год назад

    Please, dear goddesses, please let this make the bestseller lists.

  • @YodasPapa
    @YodasPapa Год назад +4

    I feel the same way about JP. I started off liking his lectures a lot. Then he did the bill C-16 protest and I was like "yeah fine". Then as he just kept doing and doing the media rounds you could see him slowly getting more pissed off and more disconnected from his original style and ideas. By the time he had his breakdown I'd lost interest, and then when he joined Rebel Media or whatever he was basically dead to me.

    • @beyondz55
      @beyondz55 Год назад

      Because as he got popular he got attacked by TPTB like everyone else

    • @YodasPapa
      @YodasPapa Год назад

      @@beyondz55 That was always to be expected, he should have listened to me and he'd have navigated the inevitable with a lot more grace.

  • @claudiocruzat8777
    @claudiocruzat8777 Год назад

    Cliff.. you could write a book. all you say here, But written. It would be great.

  • @patrickweller5254
    @patrickweller5254 Год назад

    Have you seen any Adam Curtis documentaries? I think you would really like them, Cliff.

    • @bluebellbeatnik4945
      @bluebellbeatnik4945 Год назад

      they're good but unnecessarily dark and scaremongery

    • @patrickweller5254
      @patrickweller5254 Год назад

      @@bluebellbeatnik4945 unneccesary? The world is fucking dark mate and miserable. You should be scared with where things are going.

  • @adasilva7784
    @adasilva7784 Год назад +2

    I have read capitalism realism and the main thing I took out of it is that there is no other option other than that. He also mentions health problems as consequences of capitalism (wich i didn't agree). You should try it anyways. I had a hard time getting it because I have no background in finances or philosophy lol

  • @simminator
    @simminator Год назад

    If you want to check out some finance history - check out the lords of finance by Liaquat Ahamed

  • @zZwingli
    @zZwingli Год назад +2

    Of course you'd have nothing against Capitalism, you're from the US!
    The country that has benefitted the most from the system.

  • @PatchyTheFox
    @PatchyTheFox Год назад


  • @PatchyTheFox
    @PatchyTheFox Год назад

    Do you want to be my friend? I don’t have any friends.

  • @shaneharrington3655
    @shaneharrington3655 Год назад +2

    Great vid as always. This is how I view Capitalism; look at Scandinavia. They have what I would call a positive stasis. Good social safety nets, reportedly high rates of happiness yet, it’s all still capitalist. This stasis CAN in theory be achieved in more places. And I’d bet on that before I’d bet on socialism. Das Capitol is a vvvvery old book and times have changed.

  • @PatchyTheFox
    @PatchyTheFox Год назад


  • @mr.pinkfloyd541
    @mr.pinkfloyd541 Год назад

    Cliff, if you're really want to read on the history of finance, I recommend reading on the history of usury. Or I just want a reason for you to review some of Erza Pound poetry

  • @olav1354
    @olav1354 Год назад

    Look at Norway's mixed economy as a better alternative to capitalism. We get the best of socialism and capitalism. 😁

    • @zZwingli
      @zZwingli Год назад

      thanks for the laugh

    • @olav1354
      @olav1354 Год назад

      Maybe it wouldn't work for you. It works for us.

    • @zZwingli
      @zZwingli Год назад

      @@olav1354 it works for you because you exploit other countries.
      holy shit, it's like I'm talking to a child!

    • @zZwingli
      @zZwingli Год назад

      @@olav1354 just look at all the shit that Norsk Hydro does all over the world.
      You should be ashamed.

  • @santidontsurf.mp4
    @santidontsurf.mp4 Год назад

    Honestly, ever since I first listened to Kid A I've been certain that it perfectly encapsulates all of the modern anxieties we've experienced this century.

  • @somadood
    @somadood Год назад


  • @PatchyTheFox
    @PatchyTheFox Год назад

    Will you be my friend?

  • @Cirdan.the.Shipwright.
    @Cirdan.the.Shipwright. Год назад

    Capital is God.

  • @f.h.spiegelmann2199
    @f.h.spiegelmann2199 Год назад +3

    Hi Clifford. You are correct that Nina's critique of capitalism as the culprit is not spot on. The missing ingredient in her understanding of the situation is fiat currency and the divorcing of the global money supply from the gold standard. You can read all about it in Saifedean Ammous's excellent (and spicy) book "The Fiat Standard." Fiat is the key to why everything sucks. I mean...everything might still suck without fiat, but it would suck exponentially less.

    • @jakeledger2819
      @jakeledger2819 Год назад

      This idea is interesting i want to know more

  • @raleighsmalls4653
    @raleighsmalls4653 Год назад

    He needs a little sun....

  • @ellelala39
    @ellelala39 Год назад +1

    Read Fuccboi (2022), a novel that grapples with how should a young man be in today's world.

  • @josephk536
    @josephk536 Год назад +4

    Jesus, it's like they guy's discovering left-wing thought for the first time... He admits that an alternative to Capitalism makes logical sense but still it is still the best system we've come up with (so we might as well not tamper with it)? He starts arguing with the arguments of another book (Capitalist Realism), which he hasn't even read yet. He frequently admits he knows nothing about politics/economics but goes on for 10 mins. about what he thinks about it, and during which he repeats a few right-wing ideas. What's a bit insulting here is that Cliff doesn't even consider that there may be many of us among his audience who disagree with his political views and who just came to see a book review.

    • @Noneoyobiznaz
      @Noneoyobiznaz Год назад +5

      If you're insulted by a man on the internet talking about a book he read; that you have come here to hear HIS ideas about and are then INSULTED because he gives a few more of his thoughts, then you are a part of the problem this book talks about. Just pick up a book that sounds interesting to you and read it. Don't go looking for other people's opinions to avoid the risk of being 'insulted'. Stuff like this is the reason there is no point in communicating anymore. Can you disagree with Cliff? Of course. But to say him just talking about his thoughts is an insult to you is a serious problem and if you can't see that.....

    • @bluebellbeatnik4945
      @bluebellbeatnik4945 Год назад +1

      @@Noneoyobiznaz Hi Jordan. You're projecting a lot onto JK there.

    • @josephk536
      @josephk536 Год назад

      @@Noneoyobiznaz You're right, I did sound a bit snobbish. I had just had a fight with my girl and I was feeling angry. But look, I'm saying it's insulting to people's knowledge and intelligence to assume that there's people willing to sit through his political opinions when his channel purports to be one for book reviews. Picking up a book and reading it ain't quite the same thing as a book review, is it? You come here to get a book review or do you come here for masturbating to Cliff's pontifications? I guess even I come here for a bit of the latter, granted, but as a long-time viewer, I'm getting slightly peed off with his J.B. Peterson and Houllebecq and Nietzsche vibes to every mf book and idea he talks about. Like, read on, brother, keep reading, till you get why it ain't that easy, defining all that free-spirit shit... And I suppose I do come to watch and see if reading all these great works of literature will perhaps eventually bring him round to realising a higher consciousness, and thus realising that many of his viewers are made up of ignorant SOBs like yourself, as well as Trump-supporting or 'questioning,' neo-liberal, Capitalist conformists :)

    • @Noneoyobiznaz
      @Noneoyobiznaz Год назад +2

      @@bluebellbeatnik4945 he said he was insulted by Cliff speaking some of his thoughts. I’m not projecting anything. And my name is not Jordan. You, as well, are doing what Cliff just mentioned this books states as the issue with modern culture. Of grouping people into a category of bad without knowing anything about them. If you want to call me Jordan simply because I say someone else’s opinion isn’t an insult then you should check what you think “diversity” means.

    • @knnrustam
      @knnrustam Год назад +1

      People getting insulted by someone expressing his ideas on his channel. That's what he talks about. And by the way you are literally only one here complaining about it and claiming there are "many" of us? You just want someone be or act the way you like, want hear only things you want to hear. And that's the problem he talks in the whole video.

  • @xathyrus7043
    @xathyrus7043 Год назад

    Straight man talking…….

  • @beyondz55
    @beyondz55 Год назад

    The trappings of modern society can easily be avoided by having willpower, morals and tenacity.