Man,I Miss Danny Phantom,I Miss Everything he Stands For,I Miss His Family,Friends,&,Enemies,I Miss The Story Lines,I Miss How he Truly Was a Human Hero,he Embraced His Flaws,&,Demons,&,Fought to Overcome All of Them,he Got That Heroes Aren’t Brave 24/7/365,They’re Brave in The Moment,They’re Brave When They Have to be Despite All of The Fears That They May Have,I Miss How His Enemies Were Complex,They Were Rarely 1 Dimensional Expect For The Box Ghost,All of Them Had Their Own Very Legitimate Reasons For Doing What They Were Doing,I Miss The Show so Damn Much,All of it Was Truly Amazing,&,Butch Hartman Did an Amazing Job Making it All Special,&,Unique
Hello! I am Alithea Korogane, and I was actually the owner of this account. I made this years ago, back when I was still obssessed with Danny Phantom. Now I have starting to rediscover my love for DP, I wanna remake this one. 😅
amazing video and song perfect song for Danny phantom
Loved it!!
Man,I Miss Danny Phantom,I Miss Everything he Stands For,I Miss His Family,Friends,&,Enemies,I Miss The Story Lines,I Miss How he Truly Was a Human Hero,he Embraced His Flaws,&,Demons,&,Fought to Overcome All of Them,he Got That Heroes Aren’t Brave 24/7/365,They’re Brave in The Moment,They’re Brave When They Have to be Despite All of The Fears That They May Have,I Miss How His Enemies Were Complex,They Were Rarely 1 Dimensional Expect For The Box Ghost,All of Them Had Their Own Very Legitimate Reasons For Doing What They Were Doing,I Miss The Show so Damn Much,All of it Was Truly Amazing,&,Butch Hartman Did an Amazing Job Making it All Special,&,Unique
I like this song
Me too...
Hello! I am Alithea Korogane, and I was actually the owner of this account. I made this years ago, back when I was still obssessed with Danny Phantom. Now I have starting to rediscover my love for DP, I wanna remake this one. 😅