DMC Devil May Cry Dev Diary 02: Fighting The Power

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • Hey there DMC fans (and you too angry mob), here is the latest making of vid for your viewing pleasure. make sure to subscribe and leave us your thoughts.

Комментарии • 492

  • @VaatiVidya
    @VaatiVidya 12 лет назад +11


  • @Grahamx227
    @Grahamx227 12 лет назад +3

    Gotta love these fanfiction quality characters.

  • @Bossconovitch
    @Bossconovitch 12 лет назад +2

    "My foster father was a demon, so I killed the bastard"
    Quality writing

  • @SomeQuackingDuck
    @SomeQuackingDuck 12 лет назад +1

    Demon: "Fornicate thou!"
    Dante: "Fornicate THOU!"
    Demon: "Fornicate THOUUUUUUBLAUGHAUGH!"
    [Wubeth increases in volume]
    [End Scene]

  • @TopShoyu
    @TopShoyu 11 лет назад +1

    "It's got some really great twists"
    Shows Dante twisting to dodge an attack.
    Please kill me

  • @neonfatum
    @neonfatum 11 лет назад +1

    Man, playing the demo was such an unbelievable experience.
    On the internet this was all like some bad joke or meme or some shit. But then the demo gets released and you play it and it dawns on you that they're actually serious and invested money in this rather than making another proper Devil May Cry game.
    It's pretty Shakespearian in a way.

  • @TheBouke
    @TheBouke 12 лет назад +1

    "(and you too angry mob)"
    It's like watching someone poke a hornets nest.

  • @Nathen58
    @Nathen58 12 лет назад +1

    "it's like getting to control a film"

  • @Stiglitz51
    @Stiglitz51 11 лет назад +1

    My screen teared, glass exploded, coke dripped all over my PC and my bed flipped over.
    They weren't serious when they made this did they? I haven't laughed so hard at a "making of" in my whole life.

  • @Melohalo
    @Melohalo 12 лет назад +1

    "My name is David De Latour, am I'm playing Vergil"
    Cracked me up. What a joke this is.

  • @Darkman9000
    @Darkman9000 12 лет назад +2

    "Really great twists"
    Yea, no body expected Vergin to be evil.... no one..... yep, not at all.

  • @SomeQuackingDuck
    @SomeQuackingDuck 12 лет назад

    Demon: "DONTE? Bastard of Sparda and Eva the concubine?!? BLEAUGHAUGH"
    Donte: "Yea verily! But thou mayest address me by my title: Donte, slayer of demons! Doth it not smell as sweetly as a rose?"
    Demon: "Thou seekest to slay me? Thou canst slay me! For a thousand and two hundred years I have drawn breath!"
    Donte: "Humorous, seeing as thy countenance begets a creature of twelve thousand!"

  • @SomeQuackingDuck
    @SomeQuackingDuck 12 лет назад

    William Shakespeare's 'DONTE'S INFORNICATION.’
    Scene II
    [Enter Donte, Demon, and Wubeth. Wubeth resounds in the background throughout.]
    Donte: "Hark! Thou must be the final component of this bilious villainy!"
    Demon: "Who art thou?"
    Donte: "I doth be thy courtier, thou abhorrent container of refuse!"
    Demon: "Who in the name of the beast with two backs art thou? BLEAUGHAUGH"
    Donte: "Behold, thou hast missed the mark! And my Christian name art Donte."

  • @mac081793
    @mac081793 12 лет назад

    As soon as he said Virgil. The fucking world imploded.

  • @angstyferrets
    @angstyferrets 12 лет назад

    This is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen. Good work

  • @Tony_O511
    @Tony_O511 12 лет назад +1

    "I'm playing Virgil-bwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooommmmmmmmm"

  • @DraphEnjoyer
    @DraphEnjoyer 11 лет назад +1

    "all that editing and jump cuts"
    "volume cutting in and out"
    "dubstep blasting so loud you can barely hear the actors voice"
    "I'm playing Vergil BWAAAAAAAAAAA" this a some kind of joke? Is this extreme satire?
    Are we being bamboozled? Because it sure feels like it

  • @suprflcn
    @suprflcn 12 лет назад

    "My foster father was a demon.."
    I screamed at my monitor.

  • @Baconmaninspace
    @Baconmaninspace 12 лет назад

    Greatest transition ever.

  • @Kuxirock
    @Kuxirock 12 лет назад

    "Kat keeps Donte human in a lot of ways" Donte has not a drop of human blood in him...

  • @JunkRulesHinerd
    @JunkRulesHinerd 12 лет назад

    I already knew Capcom stopped giving a shit about what the fans think of the direction they're going with their games but I didn't expect Capcom to be actively seeking to kill their franchises one by one. R.I.P. Devil May Cry 2001-2012. Rest in peace with your brothers Mega Man, Viewtiful Joe, Onimusha, Power Stone and Breath of Fire.

  • @gemni690
    @gemni690 12 лет назад

    "(and you too angry mob)"
    That's a really SMART way to try and get people to try a product.

  • @Z0mb1eAndFr1endz
    @Z0mb1eAndFr1endz 11 лет назад

    you, sir, are a philisophical genius.

  • @TheBroski
    @TheBroski 12 лет назад

    "i'm playing virgeal" - Cue face explosion

  • @DarkMatter9876
    @DarkMatter9876 12 лет назад

    How fitting that one of the actors is a former Power Rangers actor. QUALITY ACTING SKILL RIGHT THERE

  • @subliminaldelta
    @subliminaldelta 11 лет назад

    It's like a Tim and Eric skit with all the irony taken at face value.

  • @MeltyBloodShiki
    @MeltyBloodShiki 12 лет назад

    I sure do hope every time the name Vergil is mentioned in the game, a deafening BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM immediately follows.

  • @DarkMatter9876
    @DarkMatter9876 12 лет назад

    I had forgotten about that trope.
    Holy crap, Capcom actually did SOMETHING like the good Devil May Cry games.

  • @NDenizen
    @NDenizen 12 лет назад +1


  • @sweetblazincronic9
    @sweetblazincronic9 12 лет назад

    "Hey there DMC fans (and you too angry mob)"
    And here I was thinking the DMC fans WERE the angry mob!

  • @browsertab
    @browsertab 12 лет назад

    Oh my God, the edginess of this video can't be contained.

  • @IPFreelly604
    @IPFreelly604 12 лет назад

    "The mob will roast your legions on a fire"

  • @AzraelCaptain
    @AzraelCaptain 11 лет назад

    Capcom: "The world is your bitch... as am I"
    Tameem: "FUCK YOU!"

  • @hansobach6472
    @hansobach6472 12 лет назад

    Old Vergil : Guns are for pathetic Noobs!

    @RAVEOLUTIONPro 11 лет назад

    Crash! Come back from the good ol´PSX days! We miss you!

  • @2244P
    @2244P 12 лет назад

    There's some plotholes from DMC3: as Trish put it, Dante lost his mother and Vergil 20 years ago, but from DMC3, Dante has mentioned the last time he and Vergil meat was a year ago. I did hear from somewhere that Dante created the rebellion sword which was the physical manifestation of his power from DMC2, and the rebellion from 2 and 3 had a different design despite the general likeness. I've read that Reuben Langdon has mentioned that DMC3 was a reboot.

  • @harizotoh7
    @harizotoh7 12 лет назад +1

    "Stop criticizing muh gaem!"
    It's pretty stupid. We criticize it. Deal with it.

  • @GilliamYaeger
    @GilliamYaeger 12 лет назад

    >Unreal engine
    >No styles
    >Weapons divide into either light or heavy categories, rather than all fitting into their own unique place in the gameplay
    >2 evade buttons
    >No taunting
    >Style meter doesn't go down unless you get hit
    >No jump cancelling
    >Infinite air combos
    >DT sends enemies up in the air until you hit them out of it
    >DAY0 pre-order DLC
    >Trailers for story DLC out months before the game is even released.
    It won't play the same at all.

  • @Power-Mad
    @Power-Mad 12 лет назад

    I don't know how the game will turn out, but these developer diaries have to be jokes. You guys are kings of comedy because I couldn't stop laughing through this whole thing.

  • @Djonin
    @Djonin 12 лет назад

    >Vergil with a gun
    It's like you're going out of your way to fuck this up.

  • @ChevalierAguila
    @ChevalierAguila 12 лет назад

    Of course we are fans of DMC, the ones made by Hideki Kamiya and other creative people from Japan that understand fast-paced gameplay.

  • @GujinGod
    @GujinGod Год назад

    Aged like a real ironic wine

  • @CommanderBohn
    @CommanderBohn 12 лет назад

    And that's the biggest WHAT THE HELL moment for me.

  • @darkpheonix831
    @darkpheonix831 12 лет назад

    Don't be afraid, we are here for you :(

  • @TheDeadTexan
    @TheDeadTexan 12 лет назад

    I thought I was watching one of those 360NOSCOPE dubstep train simulator videos, but then I saw the channel name. Nice going, Capcom.
    SFxTk, RE6, on disc DLC, console exclusive dickriding, and you still manage to fuck up Devil May Cry. I'm not even surprised anymore. Now I'm just impressed at how far you're taking it.

  • @YariTheImpaler
    @YariTheImpaler 12 лет назад

    "I am playing Vergil..." BBBWWWWOOOOOOMMM
    I guess they forgot they were making a RUclips Poop, that section needed to be a bit more amplified to reach ear-rape levels.

  • @DarkPhoenixMishima
    @DarkPhoenixMishima 12 лет назад

    While I can't speak for any one person, I know that there will be sales on this game, there will be a profit for Capcom, and they'll continue to do their shit.
    Not everyone grew up to play the original series. Meaning there are little kids, who maybe got a hold of DMC4 at best, that are going to buy this game. And they're going to love it. And Capcom's going to love his parent's $60 even more. And they'll continue the process.

  • @2244P
    @2244P 12 лет назад

    Vergil used a shotgun when he was under the alias of "Gilver" from this DMC light novel written by Shinya Goikeda.

  • @k3rr3k
    @k3rr3k 12 лет назад

    They have been doing it for all of their respective fanbases. Megaman, SFxT, DMC, Monster Hunter. It's Capcom's new marketing scheme. "Let's have our established franchises commit suicide and alienate our core fans so the magical video game fairies will give us magical money." They clearly don't want real money.

  • @sebastianflorkow
    @sebastianflorkow 12 лет назад

    I don't even care about these redesigns anymore if the plot is one giant CRAWLING IN MY SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN

  • @xXxMakubexXx
    @xXxMakubexXx 12 лет назад

    Thanks man, appreciate it.

  • @silvernight97
    @silvernight97 11 лет назад

    I'm well aware it sells well. But it's a different genre and consists of military figures rather than a half HUMAN half demon character using the intense power of his demon fathers sword.

  • @asobibuddy8481
    @asobibuddy8481 12 лет назад

    1:22 "Kat keeps Donte human"
    so he's half demon, half angel...half human?
    great job tameem, great job!

  • @jaken_ya
    @jaken_ya 11 лет назад

    this fucking editing
    really speaks a lot for the game

  • @Ferrabetta
    @Ferrabetta 12 лет назад

    Hey there DMC fans (and you too DMC fans)

  • @Angelsdawn
    @Angelsdawn 12 лет назад


  • @TheSkyIs11
    @TheSkyIs11 12 лет назад

    Capcom, you have coaxed me into a SNAFU!

  • @shrek187
    @shrek187 11 лет назад

    Someone said before that they are going to release this for the Wii U with a few extras.
    DmC: Fuck U Edition is what it's going to be called according to Miyamoto and Iwata.

  • @kuraiken
    @kuraiken 12 лет назад

    Oh, and there's nothing wrong with Vergil's Voice actor per se, he gives me the impression of being a great, charismatic voice actor. But he doesn't have Vergil's incredible badass voice that makes men rehearse every morning before the mirror so they one day will be as cool as Vergil. His Vergil will simply not feature the atmosphere and tone that DMC3's Vergil did. Seriously, I still listen to DMC3's lines now and then. "You can't match this devil's power."

  • @CloudDelta
    @CloudDelta 11 лет назад

    Thank you Capcom!
    I Realy could not stop myself laughing while i was watching this Video! I did not laugh for years so long and hard!!!
    00:45 "I am playing Vergil" BOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWW...

  • @Gbulich
    @Gbulich 12 лет назад

    They had the perfect characters, the perfect intectual property, the perfect everything, this is Devil May Cry after all! And they ruined it! Who is this fake pretending to be the badass Virgil?! This cannot be...shedding tears for you Dante, devil's do cry.

  • @VangeistXIII
    @VangeistXIII 12 лет назад

    So much for most of the criticism turning positive Capcom.

  • @DarkonciS
    @DarkonciS 12 лет назад

    sometimes angsty teenager fanfics CAN get canon...

  • @GrimHeaperThe
    @GrimHeaperThe 12 лет назад

    Time to grab those flames and pitchforks.

  • @MistaHoward
    @MistaHoward 12 лет назад

    Funniest video I've seen all week

  • @harizotoh7
    @harizotoh7 12 лет назад

    But 4 just felt like it was going over things we've already seen before. It really added very little. It was just mimicking DMC1, and even re-used enemies.

  • @helloiamjt
    @helloiamjt 12 лет назад

    10/10 editing

  • @JoeDirt4400
    @JoeDirt4400 12 лет назад

    So hip, edgy and modern! Capcom is just so in-tune with todays generation!

  • @MasterChris666
    @MasterChris666 12 лет назад

    They can not say it still Mundus getting pissed off lol

  • @harizotoh7
    @harizotoh7 12 лет назад

    It's angsty teenager fan fic level writing.

  • @CommanderBohn
    @CommanderBohn 12 лет назад

    No, it's Vorgil. Vergil is the one that appeared in DMC 3 and who hated guns and humans. Here he's playing a good guy.

  • @chp2111
    @chp2111 12 лет назад


  • @Motherlandistaken
    @Motherlandistaken 12 лет назад


  • @2244P
    @2244P 12 лет назад

    Kamiya only worked on the first one. Then Hideaki Itsuno took over the series, and you should know that he's helping out on this new DmC game.

  • @RupeeClock
    @RupeeClock 12 лет назад

    Why did the video shit itself at 0:48?
    Was the magnitude of that statement so EXTREEEEME that the video rendering software couldn't cope?

  • @goldenmindcavity
    @goldenmindcavity 12 лет назад

    the editing on this video. oh god

  • @TheChickenDeity
    @TheChickenDeity 12 лет назад

    Holy fuck, that editing is so bad I literally burst out laughing. Game of the year, good job, Bioware. Bravo, Joss.

  • @kilmindaro3
    @kilmindaro3 12 лет назад

    Being Donte is suffering.

  • @CommanderBohn
    @CommanderBohn 12 лет назад

    His real name is Donte. His bro is actually called Vorgil. Mundus is Moondos.

  • @PyramidWalker
    @PyramidWalker 12 лет назад

    Okay, yes, that doesn't count, I know. I just...You know, I'm not sure what my goal was there.

  • @nickdoes4553
    @nickdoes4553 12 лет назад


  • @Hyde1415
    @Hyde1415 12 лет назад

    Holy shit that was brilliant!

  • @ttewi
    @ttewi 12 лет назад

    Them cuts and random volume jumps. I thought it was a youtube poop before i saw the uploader.

  • @ChamesLiverpool
    @ChamesLiverpool 12 лет назад

    The guy who wrote (and you too angry mob) twitter(.)com/NeilGortz @neilgortz on Twitter.

  • @thatguywiththeegg
    @thatguywiththeegg 12 лет назад

    This game looks XTREME! And just what todays XTREME! youth need. I can't wait to totally kick ass in an XTREME! manner.

  • @Gamemasta14
    @Gamemasta14 12 лет назад

    Donte, Vurgil, and Moondass. Day 0 unpirate.

  • @Duskets
    @Duskets 12 лет назад

    Jesus Christ. This fucking script has to be written by a thirteen year old. I refuse to believe any self-respecting adult would write something so ludicrous.

  • @Geybarowner
    @Geybarowner 12 лет назад


  • @Deepishpls
    @Deepishpls 12 лет назад

    I'm going to post this one more time.
    Change the games name, please.
    We'll ALL be happier. You won't have ruined a fan favorite, and you won't be hated nearly as much.

  • @Ericanious
    @Ericanious 12 лет назад


  • @Grigori7
    @Grigori7 12 лет назад

    Maybe Capcom thinks that if they make the dubstep louder they can drown out the angry mobs?

  • @GrimHeaperThe
    @GrimHeaperThe 12 лет назад

    I'm handing out the torches.

  • @Barbaroossa
    @Barbaroossa 12 лет назад

    Years from now, this game will be regarded as a cautionary tale of how to not reboot a franchise.

    @BUHHHHHHH 12 лет назад

    I didn't think it would be possible to think less of the new DmC
    how wrong i was

  • @GilliamYaeger
    @GilliamYaeger 12 лет назад

    Actually DMC 4 is Capcom's 10th best selling game ever.
    So the DMC games DO sell well.

  • @roxafano
    @roxafano 11 лет назад

    I play Virgil. [sound guy explodes]

  • @Hyde1415
    @Hyde1415 12 лет назад

    I'm not sure about the Rebellion thing, but for DMC3 there was a manga where they did meat a year before the events of Temi ni Gru so that was probably what there referring to. DMC3 wasn't a reboot since it was still cannon with DMC1.

  • @classicmetal101
    @classicmetal101 12 лет назад

    Capcom is the only company I can think of that would openly mock its unimpressed fanbase, then act shocked when its sales figures are shit. I hope no one actually wants DMC 5, because this IP will get the same treatment Megaman did.

  • @Mene0
    @Mene0 11 лет назад

    The apex of this game

  • @Kuxirock
    @Kuxirock 12 лет назад

    Thats what trailers and previews are for. To judge the game by what you see.