They can easily dislike it because there is virtually NO BIBLICAL DEFENSE of any of this. Read the Gospels and see how simply Christ celebrate His Last Supper. BUt then humans have to come along and remake the works of God in their limited human image!!!!!!
@@rrickarr Protestants are disgustingly entitled to their opinion. It seems they are ignorant and closeminded about actual Biblical Teaching. You see, in Old Testament, specifically in Ezekiel, you can encounter how the ancient Jews worshipped, vestments a priest used, and the "ritual". Before you come at me for saying ritual, please read the definition of that word(a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.) It is our form of worship, just like how protestants back up THEIR "service" stating that the Bible said to be "charismatic to the Lord." The first Churches that have apostolic succession are the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. We have used elements of the ancient BIBLICAL worship that the first Christians(which are Judeo-Christians--Modern day Orthodox and Catholic) used. Everything about the Holy sacrifice of the Mass, the prayer, the homily, are all tied to Bible teaching. You as a protestant can agree that you heard about the Last Supper. Many protestants are misleaded by the Mass as demonic, but it is all based on the Last Supper, the whole Mass is about sharing a meal, and praying to the Lord our God. Now, Rick, what do you think about the Mass that is un-Biblical?
@Simon Farah if u came here to insult everyone with the Catholic religion then just go to the atheist club where they burn bibles and spit on every religion that can exist, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, every single one they hate.
Brought back memories of childhood ... every second captivated, every second in awe ... where has that fervour gone? Lord, give me back that innocence, do not hold my soul for ransom, forgive my sins. Amen.
This is how we worship God, He is the King of all Kings The Lord of all Lords and the Chief of all Chiefs, no Money mention, Come as you are, Halleluiya,! Halleluiya ,! To God Almighty who created Heaven and Earth, we worship you we give you thanks for your Great Glory, Amen Amen and Amen ,
No Mass , but Divine Liturgy. Beautiful! Still is only 1000 years old, Orthodox Church goes back another 1000 years of Liturgical tradition. God bless you , and all my brothers and sisters in the Lord.✝️ 🌴🐊🇵🇬
In a society and culture like ours intent upon erasing any sign of the true God and places of true worship, seeing a video of such reverent worship -- as shown in this video -- gives hope...and a place for the soul to breathe.
Dear Catholics, keep strong in your faith. Don't discuss with protestants or atheists Have pity for them, they are lost. Keep focus on Jesus Christ and don't waste your time and energy. Take refuge in our ancestral tradition during this dark time for the Church God bless you
As a Traditionalist I love catching every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in and from other places, but when I saw this I said,"No way! This is where my good friend and Traditionalist goes, and she talks about this wonderful Monastery all the time!" And then to top it off, Cardinal Burke is there! Doesn't get much better that this! AMDG+
Well yes he really loves all the pomp and 'drag' doesn't he? all the ring kissing etc....didn't that all go out with button up boots? I notice that the humble Pope Francis discourages ring kissing. What next kissing Raymond Burkes' episcopal slippers?
@@colinlavelle7806 Looking at a really "holy" Mass & stating negativity about it! Woah...think about it. I can see you don't understand. ALL Masses are holy and make Christ truely present to us ea time it is said. It IS Holy EVERY time. And you made a negative remark. ??That did NOT come from God that's for sure. Think about it for your own soul's sake. I have to as well for things I have said in the past about a Mass when I did not like the way it was said. 😢 It's still a holy Mass as it makes Christ present for us. An awakening today & Confession time 4 me.🙏
pippick1946 Oh, dear, another Solo Scriptura believer. Which came first the chicken or the egg? Don't know. What came first, the Church or the Bible? The Church. Why? Because it was the bishops of the combined Orthodox/Catholic Church that decided which books were divinely inspired and which books were not. Now, if you had studied REAL, TRUE CHURCH HISTORY, not the garbage evangelicals and Protestants put forth, you would know that from the earliest days of the Ancient Church there were Liturgies and the basic structure was Liturgy of the Catechumens (aka Liturgy of the Word), Liturgy of the Faithful (which included receiving Holy Communion), ending with the Liturgy of Thanksgiving. This is the structure of ALL CHURCH WORSHIP FROM THE EARLIEST DAYS, 1500 YEARS BEFORE THE PROTESTANT REVOLUTION. If anything Protestant worship is a man-made invention.
En total acuerdo caro Marcos, nuestra Madre Iglesia es magnífica! 🇨🇱 Por más sacerdotes valientes 🇻🇦 COR IESV ADVENIAT REGVVM TVVM + ADVENIAT PER COR MARIAM 🇧🇷 Ó MARIA CONCEBIDA SEM PECADO, ROGAI POR NÓS
En total acuerdo caro Marcos, nuestra Madre Iglesia es magnífica! 🇨🇱 Por más sacerdotes valientes 🇻🇦 COR IESV ADVENIAT REGVVM TVVM + ADVENIAT PER COR MARIAM 🇧🇷 Ó MARIA CONCEBIDA SEM PECADO, ROGAI POR NÓS
Imagine the strength to have such faith. The daily spiritual attacks must be non-stop. I know the difficulties I have being on the right path and my strength is not even close to theirs.
And Francis does not like this, the kissing of the Cardinal's ring is a sign of respect as well as seen in the faces of those preforming this respectful gesture, JOY!
A challenging question to answer simply. There has been since some time in the 12th century a schism between Moscow Patriarchate and the Roman Patriarchate. Within the Moscow Patriarchate (and within the Antiochian) there is a vicariate made up of parishes that celebrate the traditional mass. Most people are unaware that this vicariate exists. Yet they are from my perspective a blessing for preserving the latin tradition.
Por eso lo amo Monseñor... Ruiseñor y Cardenal... Rojo arriba y rojo abajo... Rojo como el color de la Sangre de nuestro Señor... Rojo como el Amor... Amado hermano Cardenal...Rojo y Blanco...
Clearly this is the worship of God almighty! Having said the novis ordo Mass for 32 years, I feel like more Bob Barker on stage trying to keep the people entertained.
@@Православл The Divine Liturgy is beautiful but it simply doesn't have the elevation of the host and chalice... nothing proclaims the glory of God better than that part of the Liturgy in my opinion :)
🦒 St. Alice, pray for us. St. Edward, pray for us. Saints Mary (Miriam), pray thee for us. St. Valentine, pray for us. St. Victoria and pope St. Victor, pray thee for us. 🇺🇸
Honor and praise for God’s precious Cardinal who remains steadfast and loyal to Christ and His Bride. A fitting liturgy to the eternal sacrifice from which all good Grace flows forever. God’s anointed and ordained standing for “Persona Christi” to honor the Father with the Love of the Son. Dues Vult!
God bless and strengthen Cardinal Raymond Burke. He made a stand for our Lord Jesus by defending the Holy Word, against the perversions of False Francis. Thank you brother Raymond!!! I pray for you. Joseph a' Catholic
Though I share your admiration for Cardinal Burke, please refer to the Code of Canon Law 331 through 334. Cardinal Burke is acting within the laws of the Church, assisting the Roman Pontiff as per his duty. He is in communion with the Holy Father as he has stated many times, despite pastoral disagreements (which many media including Catholic like to exaggerate and/or corrupt). So by supporting this extremely brave cardinal we are supporting our Holy Father too.
Croopskate POPE FRANCIS IS UNFAITHFUL TO OUR LORD JESUS, he proclaims and believes in all religions. This is the reason that francis teaches the absurd error that muslims and Christians are brothers. The muslims oppose Jesus' Holy Word and the testimony of the Apostles, by strongly denying that Jesus was crucified. (koran sura 4/157). Muslims are false teachers and antichrists: 1 JOHN 2 "Who is a liar, but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is antichrist, who denies the Father, and the Son. Whosoever denies the Son, the same has NOT the Father. He that confesses the Son, has the Father also." Of course, every Christian deeply knows that Jesus’ Holy Blood flowed with the gift of Life. We know that Jesus our Christ allowed his wounds of sacrifice, to purify us from our sins, during His Crucifixion. Matthew the Apostle offers witness to this in chapter 27 of the Holy Gospel. Joseph a' Catholic
truthaboveagenda The definition of brother ( - noun 4. a male numbered among the same kinship group, nationality, race, profession, etc., as another; an associate; a fellow member, fellow countryman, fellow man, etc.: 6. brothers, all members of a particular race, or of the human race in general So yes, Muslims are our brothers in many, many different meanings of the word. There is no definition of the word brother that means 'someone whose doctrine I fully embrace' And based on your own definition of the word, you accuse the Holy Father of denying Christ. Therefore, your denunciation of the Holy Father is based on an assumption, which in turn is based on linguistic ignorance. Quite a stretch in my opinion. The fact that Muslims deny Christ is irrelevant to the Pope's beliefs. Or did you have a specific reference to Pope Francis denying Christ?
Croopskate You wrote, "The fact that Muslims deny Christ is irrelevant to the Pope's beliefs." This comment of yours is exceptionally ridiculous, i hope you are not a Christian. There are numerous teachings in the Holy Word that teach us Christians to follow Christ and "leave the dead to bury their own dead." Jesus is the only Way. Muslims are satanists. Joseph
truthaboveagenda I am a Christian, and I believe in our Eucharistic, Transubstantiated Lord :) But Muslims are not Christians, you are correct. Again, what does the positions of Muslims have to do with the Pope? The Pope does not have to share their views, does he? And no, Muslims are not Satanists. Satanists worship Satan. Muslims worship Allah and believe in the false prophet Mohammed. So what is your point? Where did you get the idea that the Pope rejects Christ? Where on earth do you get that idea from?
En total acuerdo caro Marcos, nuestra Madre Iglesia es magnífica! 🇨🇱 Por más sacerdotes valientes 🇻🇦 COR IESV ADVENIAT REGVVM TVVM + ADVENIAT PER COR MARIAM 🇧🇷 Ó MARIA CONCEBIDA SEM PECADO, ROGAI POR NÓS
I find it funny that Eastern Orthodox wanted an Emperor to be equal to the Bishop of Rome. So within a few years of their schism God gave them a whole series of Emperors indeed. They got to be under control of Muslim Caliphs for 1,000 years. Protestants wanted to interpret truth individually and not be under control of Bishops in general. So God gave them what they wanted: secular governments which based truth upon individualism (voting),which would eventually suppress Christians through law.
traditions are the only thing that reminds modern people to practice, look at the biggest and most growing religions from the East, they are all respected and traditional.
The Gerardo Méndez family relocated from California to live in the spiritual glow of the monastery. I always look for them in every video that emanates from the from there
Pope Leo was content to leave the work of the conciliar fathers untouched, since "they acted upon divine illumination rather than by human wisdom... and far be it from me to count myself their equal."
I would be thrilled if Cardinal Burke was our next Pope. He is very Holy, Orthodox, and Faithful. He is not afraid of stepping on a few toes. I just pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the Cardinals as they make this momentus decision.
Notice the differences with the 1962 Mass: The gospel and the epistle are sung facing the people. And there are other differences you can't see in that video (like the people singing the "Pater Noster"). This abbey, a daughter of Fontgombault Abbey, France, has included some modifications from the 1965 Missal.
1 Peter 2:13-17 (RSV) "Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, 14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right. 15 For it is God's will that by doing right you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. 16 Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext for evil; but live as servants of God. 17 Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. "
pickledpork Authentic Traditionalism yields All Authentic Truth such that in any case given, anyone hiding scandal,Scandal is always immediately seen,Seen, found out in Authentic Truth in Love.
He doesn't. Asking for the use of vernacular is indigenization. A chant can be used with any language at all even Hottentot! Inculturation involves much more than that which is what most traditional and liberal Roman Catholics hear when they are told to indegenize.
He doesn't seem to decry it, it's just not his thing. But clearly he's cool with it - hence why progress has been made with the SSPX and he moved Ecclesia Dei under the Congregation of Divine Faith signifying the liturgy is no longer the problem but solely some doctrinal debates.
@@hesedagape6122 That was your stance 2 years ago, he's banned Latin now. Has it changed? Plus, you can't use a chant in a language like the Natives of Papa New Guinea, they don't have a word for spirit. Baptisms have to take place there in latin because of this.
@@FirstNameLastName-is6yb they dont have a word for spirot does not mean you cannot loan them a word. All modern languages borrow words. So because they don't have a word for car they can't drive?
Pope Leo replied that many things necessary for salvation are not included in the creed and, while he gave permission for the singing of the creed, he never allowed "for the adding, subtracting, or altering of the Creed, while it is sung." He concluded the audience by ordering the filioque's removal and recommending "that gradually in the Palace the custom of singing the Creed by dispensed with." (Though today singing of it is so common in east and west that this is no longer much concern)
Beautiful service,,, thank you God for all you do for us🙏💒✝️
I am a traditionalist, I love this sacred liturgy. It is so dear to my heart.
Do you touch yourself? Charming, simply charming.
@@Joe-sw9nk clown
@@Joe-sw9nk You must be so sad bro
Well I'm a lapsed catholic but Burke seems preoocupied with all the ritual and drag associated with being a cardinal...get real.
Yes i totally agree. That is the Catholic and Apostolic one n holy Church of God
I attended Mass here when I lived in Oklahoma. Absolutely beautiful. I'll never forget how it felt. It was like being in heaven..
How can someone “dislike” this?! More and more young people are longing for tradition. Please bring them back
What did you go out to see? Someone dressed in fine clothes? They are to be found in palaces of kings
They can easily dislike it because there is virtually NO BIBLICAL DEFENSE of any of this. Read the Gospels and see how simply Christ celebrate His Last Supper. BUt then humans have to come along and remake the works of God in their limited human image!!!!!!
@@rrickarr Loisy was right, “Jesus came preaching the Kingdom of God and we wound up with the Catholic Church
I’m cool either way tbh. I go to a novus Ordo parish but it’s pretty reverent and not over the top.
@@rrickarr Protestants are disgustingly entitled to their opinion. It seems they are ignorant and closeminded about actual Biblical Teaching. You see, in Old Testament, specifically in Ezekiel, you can encounter how the ancient Jews worshipped, vestments a priest used, and the "ritual". Before you come at me for saying ritual, please read the definition of that word(a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.)
It is our form of worship, just like how protestants back up THEIR "service" stating that the Bible said to be "charismatic to the Lord." The first Churches that have apostolic succession are the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. We have used elements of the ancient BIBLICAL worship that the first Christians(which are Judeo-Christians--Modern day Orthodox and Catholic) used.
Everything about the Holy sacrifice of the Mass, the prayer, the homily, are all tied to Bible teaching. You as a protestant can agree that you heard about the Last Supper. Many protestants are misleaded by the Mass as demonic, but it is all based on the Last Supper, the whole Mass is about sharing a meal, and praying to the Lord our God. Now, Rick, what do you think about the Mass that is un-Biblical?
Cardinal Burke stands firmly in the Tradition which is very important in our times. God bless him and grant him many merciful years in his ministry!
Which tradition? Before Filioque? When people stood through the liturgy? When the order of sacraments was baptism, confirmation Eucharist
Tradition has little to do with the Bible!!!! You might want to remember that.
@@rrickarr 2 Thessalonians 2:15
@@rrickarr Christ founded the catholic church
@@RPlavo You know nothing about the filioque or liturgy lol
The beauty of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!
Yes its heavenly
the catholic church is so beautifull
Very well then, "The Catholic Church is so beautiful."
@Simon Farah if u came here to insult everyone with the Catholic religion then just go to the atheist club where they burn bibles and spit on every religion that can exist, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, every single one they hate.
So are it's teachings, and tradition's 🥰
Our Catholic faith
Brought back memories of childhood ... every second captivated, every second in awe ... where has that fervour gone? Lord, give me back that innocence, do not hold my soul for ransom, forgive my sins. Amen.
So beautiful and reverent! The way the Holy Mass should always be!
This Cardinal seems very traditional.Very nice indeed.
That's what I call MASS! Praise the Lord!
I went there for three days! it was heaven on earth and the food was very good! The monks are living saints
This is how we worship God, He is the King of all Kings The Lord of all Lords and the Chief of all Chiefs, no Money mention, Come as you are, Halleluiya,! Halleluiya ,! To God Almighty who created Heaven and Earth, we worship you we give you thanks for your Great Glory, Amen Amen and Amen ,
Beautiful! And so nice to see the love and respect they show to His Eminence by kissing his ring and the very warm welcome.
The Mass of the ages! Deo Gratias!
No Mass , but Divine Liturgy. Beautiful! Still is only 1000 years old, Orthodox Church goes back another 1000 years of Liturgical tradition. God bless you , and all my brothers and sisters in the Lord.✝️ 🌴🐊🇵🇬
I love the bells. Sheer sound of Christendom on the rise!
8:02 Wow... Glory to God! That consecration... a Sacrifice fit for a king... no! THE KING! THE KING OF THE HEAVENS!
True Benedictines. Cardinal Burke is a true Shepherd.
In a society and culture like ours intent upon erasing any sign of the true God and places of true worship, seeing a video of such reverent worship -- as shown in this video -- gives hope...and a place for the soul to breathe.
Mark Johnson LetS continue to Authenticate Authentic Breath & Authentic Breathing of The Actual Hope-FILLED Holy-Spirit.
Very cool! Love the joyful greetings. 😊
Beautiful. Many blessings from Indonesia.
How I miss the TRUE Catholic Mass and Church. This is so beautiful.
Dear Catholics, keep strong in your faith. Don't discuss with protestants or atheists
Have pity for them, they are lost. Keep focus on Jesus Christ and don't waste your time and energy.
Take refuge in our ancestral tradition during this dark time for the Church
God bless you
no, we are all called to evangelize with them. we cannot just sit ourselves and not help anybody see, for they cannot see without God who leads us.
As a Traditionalist I love catching every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in and from other places, but when I saw this I said,"No way! This is where my good friend and Traditionalist goes, and she talks about this wonderful Monastery all the time!" And then to top it off, Cardinal Burke is there! Doesn't get much better that this! AMDG+
Well yes he really loves all the pomp and 'drag' doesn't he? all the ring kissing etc....didn't that all go out with button up boots? I notice that the humble Pope Francis discourages ring kissing. What next kissing Raymond Burkes' episcopal slippers?
Looking at a really "holy" Mass & stating negativity about it! Woah...think about it.
I can see you don't understand.
ALL Masses are holy and make Christ truely present to us ea time it is said. It IS Holy EVERY time.
And you made a negative remark. ??That did NOT come from God that's for sure. Think about it for your own soul's sake.
I have to as well for things I have said in the past about a Mass when I did not like the way it was said. 😢 It's still a holy Mass as it makes Christ present for us.
An awakening today & Confession time 4 me.🙏
@@sheila7809 Yeah its basically the same reaction demons have to the Holy Mass.
Ad Maiora Dei Gloriam!
Absolutely beautiful!
This made me cry! I love Cdl. Burke! And those sweet men (still so young!). Thanks so much for posting. The chanting is sublime. 🙏🏻✝️❤️🔥🩸
Devotion and Obedience.
I love this service. Deacon Moran McMahon. Ottawa, Canada I'm 92.
Bless you & keep you in His loving care as you move closer to being w God in Heaven.🙏🙏🙏
Thank God we need this ancient liturgy and style of Mass.DEO GRATIA,MAXIMA DEO GRATIA !!!
This beats the heck out of the Novus Ordo any day of the week!
pippick1946 Oh, dear, another Solo Scriptura believer. Which came first the chicken or the egg? Don't know. What came first, the Church or the Bible? The Church. Why? Because it was the bishops of the combined Orthodox/Catholic Church that decided which books were divinely inspired and which books were not. Now, if you had studied REAL, TRUE CHURCH HISTORY, not the garbage evangelicals and Protestants put forth, you would know that from the earliest days of the Ancient Church there were Liturgies and the basic structure was Liturgy of the Catechumens (aka Liturgy of the Word), Liturgy of the Faithful (which included receiving Holy Communion), ending with the Liturgy of Thanksgiving. This is the structure of ALL CHURCH WORSHIP FROM THE EARLIEST DAYS, 1500 YEARS BEFORE THE PROTESTANT REVOLUTION. If anything Protestant worship is a man-made invention.
It is beautiful. Ecclesiastical Latin is the most beautiful language in the world.
Thomas Carney amen
@@Garbanzo884 not all Protestants abhor liturgy. Keep it clean when you are debating on the internet
@@hesedagape6122 don't pontificate to me. Stick your high handed garbage.
Interesting, Cardinal Burke's Latin has a real Italian accent to it!
This is TLM. there's no altar cards because for a pontifical TLM everything is read on the Roman Pontifical
Wow! I was wondering why the cards aren't there.
This is very beautiful. We could use a bit more of this in the Church.
Is coming back to us :)
En total acuerdo caro Marcos, nuestra Madre Iglesia es magnífica!
🇨🇱 Por más sacerdotes valientes
A Santa Tradição da Igreja Católica é belíssima! catholic from Brazil 🇻🇦🇧🇷
En total acuerdo caro Marcos, nuestra Madre Iglesia es magnífica!
🇨🇱 Por más sacerdotes valientes
Damn. This is some serious real, actual Catholicism!
@Mathews Biju how do you figure?
You put "damn" in your response. damn belongs in hell. Stop it already.
Love, love love! 🥰 Oh man he should be pope! Why oh why do we not have a Pope like him?
Because 85% of Catholics reject Catholic Morals and Doctrines.😢😢😢😢
We are being pu ished by disobedient children of the Mother Church.
beautiful monetary and holy priests.
Noble simplicity, indeed.
Simple yet splendidly marvellous liturgy, thanks to these monks.
Visit the Clear Creek monastery! On beautiful hunting grounds and the creek really runs clear!
We had a wonderful pilgrimage there.❤
Imagine the strength to have such faith. The daily spiritual attacks must be non-stop. I know the difficulties I have being on the right path and my strength is not even close to theirs.
Very medieval and Beautiful. I love to see the Old brought into the new
el Rito Extraordinario me hace llorar. Just Beautiful.
And Francis does not like this, the kissing of the Cardinal's ring is a sign of respect as well as seen in the faces of those preforming this respectful gesture, JOY!
A challenging question to answer simply. There has been since some time in the 12th century a schism between Moscow Patriarchate and the Roman Patriarchate. Within the Moscow Patriarchate (and within the Antiochian) there is a vicariate made up of parishes that celebrate the traditional mass. Most people are unaware that this vicariate exists. Yet they are from my perspective a blessing for preserving the latin tradition.
Por eso lo amo Monseñor... Ruiseñor y Cardenal... Rojo arriba y rojo abajo... Rojo como el color de la Sangre de nuestro Señor... Rojo como el Amor... Amado hermano Cardenal...Rojo y Blanco...
Clearly this is the worship of God almighty! Having said the novis ordo Mass for 32 years, I feel like more Bob Barker on stage trying to keep the people entertained.
I would love to see the whole video. surely ther is more than this available. even though this is perfect as well
Beautiful! God , outside of time, is with us! God bless the Monks. Cardinal Burke
The true magistarium of the Church....glory and praise to God our Father
May Our Lord Jesus Christ Bless Cardinal Burke and his servers in this holy Mass ,so beautiful
Heaven on earth. Nothing comes even close to traditional mass.
falldown6getup7 Byzantine Devine liturgy
Православље Maxboy50 Byzantine Rite is better
Patrick Martin yes
@@Православл The Divine Liturgy is beautiful but it simply doesn't have the elevation of the host and chalice... nothing proclaims the glory of God better than that part of the Liturgy in my opinion :)
Smoked Pork Ribs actually it does, you just can’t see it usually lol. The liturgy is also much much older.
Praise the Lord Amen💕 😘🙏wow
Very very Nice, community 👍💐💐💐💕🙏
Deus salve a grande Igreja Católica.
Com carinho, do Brasil.
🦒 St. Alice, pray for us. St. Edward, pray for us. Saints Mary (Miriam), pray thee for us. St. Valentine, pray for us. St. Victoria and pope St. Victor, pray thee for us. 🇺🇸
Honor and praise for God’s precious Cardinal who remains steadfast and loyal to Christ and His Bride. A fitting liturgy to the eternal sacrifice from which all good Grace flows forever. God’s anointed and ordained standing for “Persona Christi” to honor the Father with the Love of the Son. Dues Vult!
God bless and strengthen Cardinal Raymond Burke. He made a stand for our Lord Jesus by defending the Holy Word, against the perversions of False Francis. Thank you brother Raymond!!! I pray for you. Joseph a' Catholic
Though I share your admiration for Cardinal Burke, please refer to the Code of Canon Law 331 through 334. Cardinal Burke is acting within the laws of the Church, assisting the Roman Pontiff as per his duty. He is in communion with the Holy Father as he has stated many times, despite pastoral disagreements (which many media including Catholic like to exaggerate and/or corrupt).
So by supporting this extremely brave cardinal we are supporting our Holy Father too.
Croopskate POPE FRANCIS IS UNFAITHFUL TO OUR LORD JESUS, he proclaims and believes in all religions. This is the reason that francis teaches the absurd error that muslims and Christians are brothers.
The muslims oppose Jesus' Holy Word and the testimony of the Apostles, by strongly denying that Jesus was crucified. (koran sura 4/157). Muslims are false teachers and antichrists:
1 JOHN 2 "Who is a liar, but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is antichrist, who denies the Father, and the Son. Whosoever denies the Son, the same has NOT the Father. He that confesses the Son, has the Father also."
Of course, every Christian deeply knows that Jesus’ Holy Blood flowed with the gift of Life. We know that Jesus our Christ allowed his wounds of sacrifice, to purify us from our sins, during His Crucifixion.
Matthew the Apostle offers witness to this in chapter 27 of the Holy Gospel.
Joseph a' Catholic
The definition of brother (
- noun
4. a male numbered among the same kinship group, nationality, race, profession, etc., as another; an associate; a fellow member, fellow countryman, fellow man, etc.:
6. brothers, all members of a particular race, or of the human race in general
So yes, Muslims are our brothers in many, many different meanings of the word.
There is no definition of the word brother that means 'someone whose doctrine I fully embrace'
And based on your own definition of the word, you accuse the Holy Father of denying Christ.
Therefore, your denunciation of the Holy Father is based on an assumption, which in turn is based on linguistic ignorance. Quite a stretch in my opinion.
The fact that Muslims deny Christ is irrelevant to the Pope's beliefs.
Or did you have a specific reference to Pope Francis denying Christ?
Croopskate You wrote, "The fact that Muslims deny Christ is irrelevant to the Pope's beliefs." This comment of yours is exceptionally ridiculous, i hope you are not a Christian. There are numerous teachings in the Holy Word that teach us Christians to follow Christ and "leave the dead to bury their own dead." Jesus is the only Way.
Muslims are satanists. Joseph
I am a Christian, and I believe in our Eucharistic, Transubstantiated Lord :)
But Muslims are not Christians, you are correct.
Again, what does the positions of Muslims have to do with the Pope? The Pope does not have to share their views, does he?
And no, Muslims are not Satanists. Satanists worship Satan. Muslims worship Allah and believe in the false prophet Mohammed.
So what is your point? Where did you get the idea that the Pope rejects Christ? Where on earth do you get that idea from?
Pray for the world people's for good health and long life 🙌🌹 & spiritual life. thank you God 🌹👏🌹
What is the organ music in the beginning?
Bourdons en dialogue.
Did anyone know what is the hymn in the final procession?
it is so spirit lifting,the way our Lord deserves to be worshiped.novus ordus, what a mess.greetings from Colombia.
Very pretty beautiful mass traditional ❤
Thanks Thomas Carney
you saved me a lotta typing.
Stated better than I could have.
I just said a decade of my beads for ya.
apoyemos al cardenal burke
En total acuerdo caro Marcos, nuestra Madre Iglesia es magnífica! 🇨🇱 Por más sacerdotes valientes
Is there a full video of this?
I find it funny that Eastern Orthodox wanted an Emperor to be equal to the Bishop of Rome. So within a few years of their schism God gave them a whole series of Emperors indeed. They got to be under control of Muslim Caliphs for 1,000 years.
Protestants wanted to interpret truth individually and not be under control of Bishops in general. So God gave them what they wanted: secular governments which based truth upon individualism (voting),which would eventually suppress Christians through law.
Chantors with copes ♥️
traditions are the only thing that reminds modern people to practice, look at the biggest and most growing religions from the East, they are all respected and traditional.
So beautiful
What is the name of the organ music piece during the procession to the altar?
I remained Catholic and Faithful to the Church of Christ 🙏
Sangat INDAH ....
Terima kasih TUHAN ...
Sy dtg dri 2021... bnar2 sangat indah
Anyone know the opening organ piece?
God Bless them all. Father protect them
The Gerardo Méndez family relocated from California to live in the spiritual glow of the monastery. I always look for them in every video that emanates from the from there
Victory in jesus name amen
Lovely ❤
Que belleza de La Iglesia de Nto Señor Jesucristo....❤️❤️❤️❤️
Pope Leo was content to leave the work of the conciliar fathers untouched, since "they acted upon divine illumination rather than by human wisdom... and far be it from me to count myself their equal."
Un rite pour lequel on prend du temps... Et prendre du temps, c'est aimer. Que vive la liturgie de l'Église Catholique d'Occident.
I would be thrilled if Cardinal Burke was our next Pope. He is very Holy, Orthodox, and Faithful. He is not afraid of stepping on a few toes. I just pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the Cardinals as they make this momentus decision.
The holly cothic mass so good for the believers
Does anyone recognise the organ music during the opening procession?
Sathrandur i am finding it too :(
It's a variation of an old Spanish piece called "Three Fabordones," composer unknown.
VinylToVideo ty mate !! 👍
Notice the differences with the 1962 Mass: The gospel and the epistle are sung facing the people. And there are other differences you can't see in that video (like the people singing the "Pater Noster").
This abbey, a daughter of Fontgombault Abbey, France, has included some modifications from the 1965 Missal.
Those blessed bells so beautiful and effective against demons.
1 Peter 2:13-17 (RSV) "Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, 14 or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to praise those who do right. 15 For it is God's will that by doing right you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. 16 Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as a pretext for evil; but live as servants of God. 17 Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor. "
I wish I knew more about the Retreats that happen there, if any.
Anybody know what the processional piece on the organ is?
"Three Fabordones" handed down from the Spanish tradition.
Benditos todos ellos!
Keep the lords day
Such a pity that Pope Francis decries this worship
pickledpork Authentic Traditionalism yields All Authentic Truth such that in any case given, anyone hiding scandal,Scandal is always immediately seen,Seen, found out in Authentic Truth in Love.
He doesn't. Asking for the use of vernacular is indigenization. A chant can be used with any language at all even Hottentot!
Inculturation involves much more than that which is what most traditional and liberal Roman Catholics hear when they are told to indegenize.
He doesn't seem to decry it, it's just not his thing. But clearly he's cool with it - hence why progress has been made with the SSPX and he moved Ecclesia Dei under the Congregation of Divine Faith signifying the liturgy is no longer the problem but solely some doctrinal debates.
@@hesedagape6122 That was your stance 2 years ago, he's banned Latin now. Has it changed?
Plus, you can't use a chant in a language like the Natives of Papa New Guinea, they don't have a word for spirit. Baptisms have to take place there in latin because of this.
@@FirstNameLastName-is6yb they dont have a word for spirot does not mean you cannot loan them a word. All modern languages borrow words. So because they don't have a word for car they can't drive?
Talk about true simplicity.
Liberated men..happy for them
Pope Leo replied that many things necessary for salvation are not included in the creed and, while he gave permission for the singing of the creed, he never allowed "for the adding, subtracting, or altering of the Creed, while it is sung." He concluded the audience by ordering the filioque's removal and recommending "that gradually in the Palace the custom of singing the Creed by dispensed with." (Though today singing of it is so common in east and west that this is no longer much concern)
Magnifique.. far from the decadence of Vatican.
Jesus please give me one more chance ♡♡♡♡