Well congratulations on new beginnings, both in your personal life and in your new story you've settled on! It sounds like this Nano is going to be a really tough one, but it's not about winning. It's about commiting to a story you love. I tried this week to write like it was Nano, and I ended up with a 2,849 word night of tortured bliss where I was writing like a slug 1900 words in, then a 408 word flop where I couldn't even finish my last sentence I had started, and then yesterday, a "you know what? Just focus on getting the house clean okay?" day. I told myself, write to that one really yummy scene you love and you would think I'd be like, and then this happened and then that happened and then BOOOM! Sex scene, but no... I'm actually trying to craft an authentic life for my characters. My first week of Nano is going to be a loss unless I am an insomniac; I'm going on vacation to Washington D.C. for a week! How can I write with all of those museums and pretty trees to look at? Plus Pokemon Go? Hehe! But to me, my real life, my obligations and chores, and this vacation too, are more important than keeping up my word count. I can't let my house go to disarray and ignore my cats just because my story needs to get written. So anyway- my thought to you is, don't stress yourself out. Enjoy the move, the stress (enjoy stress? yikes!) the changes in your life, the uncertainty; allow it to feed your writing if some of those emotions prompt you, but don't beat yourself up if 1700 words a day every single day is just too much to ask at this point in your life.
Oh my! That is a lot, moving so far and finding new jobs and doing NANO! It does make the month exciting though :)
I also have the Plot Perfect book, I haven't finished it yet... I've had it for about a year now.
Well congratulations on new beginnings, both in your personal life and in your new story you've settled on! It sounds like this Nano is going to be a really tough one, but it's not about winning. It's about commiting to a story you love. I tried this week to write like it was Nano, and I ended up with a 2,849 word night of tortured bliss where I was writing like a slug 1900 words in, then a 408 word flop where I couldn't even finish my last sentence I had started, and then yesterday, a "you know what? Just focus on getting the house clean okay?" day. I told myself, write to that one really yummy scene you love and you would think I'd be like, and then this happened and then that happened and then BOOOM! Sex scene, but no... I'm actually trying to craft an authentic life for my characters. My first week of Nano is going to be a loss unless I am an insomniac; I'm going on vacation to Washington D.C. for a week! How can I write with all of those museums and pretty trees to look at? Plus Pokemon Go? Hehe! But to me, my real life, my obligations and chores, and this vacation too, are more important than keeping up my word count. I can't let my house go to disarray and ignore my cats just because my story needs to get written. So anyway- my thought to you is, don't stress yourself out. Enjoy the move, the stress (enjoy stress? yikes!) the changes in your life, the uncertainty; allow it to feed your writing if some of those emotions prompt you, but don't beat yourself up if 1700 words a day every single day is just too much to ask at this point in your life.