*🔨🔨🔨 Timestamp The Forest 🔨🔨🔨* *Some timestamp may be delayed around ±20 sec (on purpose for context)* 04:26 Stream start *[Special Timestamp]* *🔨🔨 Yopi on fire 🔨🔨* 27:45 ITU SIAPA KEBAKARAN?, Yopi: AKU AKU (Yopi on fire) *🔨🔨 Kobo vs Everybody 🔨🔨* 28:58 INI KENAPA.. kakak pembinanya perang terus sama orang (seeing kobo fight with the enemy) 29:20 Kae: Kakak pembina saya ada ikan, ini gimana bakar ny ya?, Ko: Saya lagi hectic di sini (ask kobo as leader how to grill the fish) *🔨🔨 Canibals then what ? 🔨🔨* 36:21 Yopi ask kaela to build the structure for cabin then kaela build the structure of log cabin 38:45 Bikin rumah sebelahan sama orang canibal, yaaa.. holoID namanya guys (Build house side by side with the canibals, yep its holoID) *🔨🔨 Kaela on the ground 🔨🔨* 40:02 They're singing Kaela on the ground then reine knockdown bcs fell *🔨🔨 Random moment with lizard's head 🔨🔨* 1:09:59 Kaela kill lizard with the spear 1:09:59 (actual time 1h10m23s) Bo kepala bo! (Showing the lizard's head to kobo). Kenapa begini sih ??? (questioning what she doing with the lizard's head) *🔨🔨 Playing with cart and become sticks boss 🔨🔨* 1:14:31 Kobo : Bisa naek gak ?, Kaela : Kagak bisa (kobo bringing her car toys aka cart, ask kaela if she can ride it) 1:15:00 BUSET BUSET BUSET! (saw Kobo and her cart flying) 1:16:22 Ask kobo what items that cart can bring 1:16:55 Jualan sticks kita ni pulang pulang ni, jangan mati ae berdua.. (so many sticks gathered, kobo and kaela want to sell it) 1:18:25 Kaela want to make another cart, K: JUALAN STICK ! TIME TO SELLING STICK ! 1:18:55 Keknya tadi mau explore, tapi kok malah ambil stick (first plan is explore but why we gathering sticks) 1:20:17 NAH ITU BUTUH STIK ITU AAAA. KOBO: Kita rajanya (other members need to build something with the sticks) 1:20:55 Yopi need sticks, kaela said she already gather 100 sticks 1:21:35 Kobo and kaela going back together with the cart 1:22:00 Kaela wonder if the log sled can bring log or not 1:22:20 Kita udah kek kurir aseli, ngakak bgt (Kaela feels like they're like a courier carrying sticks) 1:22:35 Kita kembali kita kembali, kita membawa stick. We are back, bringing sticks *🔨🔨 Exploring cave with holoID 🔨🔨* 1:36:38 - 1:56:35 Fun exploring cave, got many loots and encounter with 4 hands monster 2:12:32 - 2:17:00 Found new cave and doing short exploring *🔨🔨 Kaela soloing canibals 🔨🔨* 2:01:00 Kaela attacking canibals (solo) 2:01:57 Mantap (all enemies dead) *🔨🔨 Fun rafting and become pirate 🔨🔨* 2:04:50 UWEEEEEE AYO NAIK NAIK (the raft finish, invite other member to join) 2:05:24 Rafting together. Kaela: gimana ini gabisa jalaan (too heavy they're all in there) 2:05:50 AYUNDA RISUUUUUU (risu fall to water, almost left behind by other members) 2:06:11 Si botak yg ngedayung (Bald moona paddling) 2:07:21 OH ITU ADA DESA LAGI TUH, LOOTING LOOTING (Found village and raid it) 2:08:24 Gak paham lagi gesss (laughing, seeing other member very random) *🔨🔨 Moona is bald ??? 🔨🔨* 2:16:31 Now we know Moona actually bald. She said she's wearing wig *🔨🔨 Yopi is really alien 🔨🔨* 2:17:13 KEREN MANTAB (YOPI FLYING). LAH MATI (saw yopi ded on raft) 2:17:50 YOPI FLYING AGAIN ??? *🔨🔨 Rafting on the dark is chaos 🔨🔨* 2:19:40 Reine fall to water, everyone laugh 2:20:00 CUMA PAK BOTAK YANG BISA BAWA INI, ONLY THIS BALD PERSON CAN USE THE RAFT (aka moona) 2:20:21 Holo id panic moment on raft, bcs too dark 2:20:50 YEAHHH! (arrive near their base) and then olllie screaming, got jumpscared by canibals *🔨🔨 Spoiler for next the forest stream 🔨🔨* 2:37:00 Berarti ada lagi ya? Spoiler nih? Spoiler (Yopi tell the reasons about zeta not joining and zeta would join if there's gonna be another time) 2:37:30 Yopi inform viewer if the limit player of this game is 8 player *🔨🔨 Cart accident 🔨🔨* 2:38:20 Kaela struggling with her cart after fall from cliff 2:38:52 YOPI YOPI TOLONGIN DONG, DILAPORKAN KECELAKAAN (kaela ask yopi to help her with stuck cart) 2:46:38 Kaela fall from cliff again while bringing cart with full of logs *Full timestamp in comment section*
*[Full Timestamp]* *🔨🔨 Pre Talk 🔨🔨* 05:00 Hololive id minus dua 05:34 Kobo giving instructions 06:12 Motto: Cintai Alam Lindungi Lingkungan 06:40 Gak ada yang tau cara maennya gimana (first time playing for all member) *🔨🔨 Survive Time 🔨🔨* 06:45 Game start with the cutscene 07:14 All panic bcs turbulence 08:09 Kenapa berdarah darah gini (seeing her hands got blo0d) 08:32 ITU SIAPA DAH YANG NGAMBIL GUNTING ? WHO IS THAT TOOK THE SCISSOR ? 09:00 Kaela cutting trees after go out from plane 10:12 Kaela wonder why the plane so smol 10:40 Found a suitcase and open the guide book 11:33 Chopping trees. K: ni kalo pohonnya ketebang terus kena orang, mati ga ya orang? 12:00 KAYAKNYA MATI DEH, ASLI DEH (risu panic with the falling tree that kaela cut) 12:50 Semua bawa pohon, everyone carrying logs then decide to go to place near the river 13:28 Kirain ntar ada buaya (Kobo said that better not too close from the river, afraid of crocodile) 14:02 WUUUU IKAN ! ADA IKAN (seeing fish on the river) 15:24 Emang bisa minum ini ? gimana cara minum ? (kaela ask other member how to drink in the water) 17:00 MASAK GAK SIH MINIMAL MASAK (want to c00k bcs hungry) 17:26 Siapa timmy? (Moona said they have a friend named Timmy) 17:56 Tadi nyalain fire dimana ??? 18:13 Pencet aja tu 1234 sampe lepas kapak (tell yopipi how let go off the axe) 18:40 WEH APAAN ITU, MENYERANG DIA. (There is 3 enemy). FRIENDLY FIRE KOCAKK (seeing them attacking at the same time) 19:31 Kaela making bonfire 20:12 Tell everyone to put leaves in the bonfire 20:51 KAYAKNYA GAK BAKAR ORANG DEH YA, MINIMAL IKAN GAK SIH (the bonfire is light up already) 21:16 TIDAAAAKK (bonfire broken accidentally by someone) 21:55 Ni kita semua kelaparan, kelaparan mati ga sih? (Wondering are they gonna die if they starving) 22:31 OH IYA INI ADA SUARA (start hearing weird sound) 23:40 LARI GAK SIH KALAU KATA AKU (so many enemy attack id member) 24:19 Making the bonfire 24:40 Gatau dimana, dimana sih? (Yopi ask for revive) 25:08 Suddenly the bonfire gone again 25:41 LAH kenapa roboh lagi dah? (Bonfire), Risu: KEPENCET SORRY 26:35 Tinggal sticks doang, tinggal sticks 27:00 Finally another bon fire light up 27:20 Nangkap ikan gimana caranya? How to catch the fish ? 27:45 ITU SIAPA KEBAKARAN?, Yopi: AKU AKU (Yopi on fire) 28:10 LAH KETONJOKK (accidentally punch the bonfire) 28:58 INI KENAPA.. kakak pembinanya perang terus sama orang (seeing kobo fight with the enemy) 29:20 Kae: Kakak pembina saya ada ikan, ini gimana bakar ny ya?, Ko: Saya lagi hectic di sini 29:51 SATU IKAN PUNYA AKU (Now they're c00king) 30:20 MAKAN MAKAN MAKAN (told other id member to eat) 31:59 SUARA APAAN TUH? (Saw cannibal), KABUR! 32:45 Oh ada jamur bisa dimakan (found a mushroom) 33:18 Lah ini ada tenda, ini tenda apaan dah ? (found tent) 33:58 Kobo ask kaela if she have leaves. K: aku juga gaada aduh bentar cari dulu deh (Kaela searching for leaves, want to make campfire bcs getting cold) 34:37 Aduh ada yg nyerang lagi. ADUHH! (the canibals start attacking again) 35:05 OHH kamu dah kabur (kobo and kaela meet with the same canibals) 36:21 Yopi ask kaela to build the structure for cabin then kaela build the structure of log cabin 38:45 Bikin rumah sebelahan sama orang canibal, yaaa.. holoID namanya guys (Build house side by side with the canibals, yep its holoID) 39:29 Ask other member how to increase the hp 40:02 They're singing Kaela on the ground then reine knockdown bcs fell 40:41 Kenapa mau mati gitu sih? Nebang pohon doang~ (kaela questioning the char, why only cut tree but it looks like dying) 42:22 Finally kaela know how to loot the leaves 42:55 Reine show her skull weapon to kaela 43:21 Buuset ikan aja abis (want to catch fish but only few fish left) 46:00 Kaela tell reine how to chop trees faster 48:48 LARI LARI (ollie panic bcs enemy, kaela told her to run) 49:25 Hati hati kepacul rumah (ollie fighting the enemies near the house, kaela warn ollie to dont hit the house) 50:40 Ikannya bisa busuk emang? (Dried fish tool) 51:36 Aku udah nyalain api nih, siapa mau masak ? I already light the fire, who want to c00k ? 52:37 Ini airnya bersih apa ngga si guys? Aer pun di masakk?? (Lc said to boil the water) 54:52 UIHH! Banyak banget ikan nya~ (seeing so many fish on the river) 55:20 Emang gak bisa guys ??? (try to hit fish with axe) 56:32 MASALAHNYA STICK MULU, STACK STICK STACK STICK 58:19 Apaan tuh? (heard cannibal voice) 58:49 ADOOOH! (cannibal hit her) 59:53 The canibal start attacking id member house +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1:00:59 They're sleeping together Zzzzzz 1:01:20 Ini kita tidurnya berdiri gitu ? are we sleep while standing up ? 1:01:40 BUSET LAPER LAGI (woke up hungry) 1:03:01 Ask chat, is it enough if only make weak spear to hunting 1:03:33 Kaela hunting rabbit with the weak spear 1:04:18 Dapet dapet dapet (kaela hunting fish with spear) 1:05:00 Kaela tell everyone that it might be better to make the house near the river 1:06:03 Ask reine to took fish that kaela kill before 1:07:08 Ask chat what's in the cave 1:08:03 Mantaaaab (upgrade spear) 1:09:59 Kaela kill lizard with the spear 1:09:59 (actual time 1h10m23s) Bo kepala bo! (Showing the lizard's head to kobo). Kenapa begini sih ??? (questioning what she doing with the lizard's head) 1:11:00 Kobo ask kaela to go adventure together 1:11:22 Males banget ngapain aku makan begituan (grill the lizard) 1:12:11 Kaela and kobo start exploring 1:13:03 Chat said they can swim but there's sharks 1:13:30 Kaela and Kobo decide to go the right side of the map from their base 1:14:31 Kobo : Bisa naek gak ?, Kaela : Kagak bisa (kobo bringing her car toys aka cart, ask kaela if she can ride it) 1:15:00 BUSET BUSET BUSET! (saw Kobo and her cart flying) 1:15:20 KITA ACAK ACAK ITU ORG ORG DI SANA (exploring forest) 1:16:22 Ask kobo what items that cart can bring 1:16:55 Jualan sticks kita ni pulang pulang ni, jangan mati ae berdua.. (so many sticks gathered, kobo and kaela want to sell it) 1:17:57 They need to go to the cave to continue the story (Kobo & yopi says) 1:18:25 Kaela want to make another cart, K: JUALAN STICK ! TIME TO SELLING STICK ! 1:18:55 Keknya tadi mau explore, tapi kok malah ambil stick (first plan is explore but why we gathering sticks) 1:20:17 NAH ITU BUTUH STIK ITU AAAA. KOBO: Kita rajanya (other members need to build something with the sticks) 1:20:55 Yopi need sticks, kaela said she already gather 100 sticks 1:21:35 Kobo and kaela going back together with the cart 1:22:00 Kaela wonder if the log sled can bring log or not 1:22:20 Kita udah kek kurir aseli, ngakak bgt (Kaela feels like they're like a courier carrying sticks) 1:22:35 Kita kembali kita kembali, kita membawa stick. We are back, bringing sticks 1:22:58 Want to sleep but still cooldown 1:25:13 Sleep together amimir 1:25:35 Selamat pagi ~ (already morning) 1:28:02 ADUH SAKIT, hp udah mau meninggal (fall damage) 1:28:22 Oh ini goanya (kaela found the cave that they want to go) 1:28:53 YEAAYY DAPET BURUNG 1:29:20 ASTAGAAAA TOLONG IDUPIN AKU (kaela knockdown bcs attacked by canibal then other member help to kill canibal) 1:31:52 BUSET, KEMANA TUH GUYS, MANA SPEARNYA ??? (threw the spear and its gone) 1:32:26 Kenapa jadi... (suddenly dying after drink water) 1:34:35 Kaela found many suitcase around the plane
*[Exploring cave]* 1:36:38 YUK JALAN JALAN (entering cave) 1:37:40 Start exploring cave with other id member 1:38:15 Kaela found plane drawing 1:40:54 Continue exploring cave after kobo regroup 1:42:08 AMBIL AMBIL AMBIL (found lot of money) 1:42:45 Uang cash buat dibakar? (Burn the money?) 1:43:13 Ini apa jam tangan ? buat apa jam tangan ? (found many watch) 1:43:51 All member got katana 1:46:58 Destroying laptop to take the parts 1:48:38 Encounter with enemy with 4 hands 1:49:48 Datang dan lari oh begitu saja ~ (enemy come and run away) 1:50:28 BUSSSEETTT (all attack 4 hands monster) 1:51:00 MATI MATI DAH MATI (the 4 hands monster ded) 1:51:57 Continue explore the cave 1:52:18 Risu asked and laughing who's carrying the monster body. Kaela: Akuuu, meeee 1:53:51 Keluar gak sih keluar gak sih, pulang pulang (want to go back) 1:56:35 Exit from the cave +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1:57:34 Duit dibakar buat apasih?, Risu: buat pengganti daun 1:57:55 K: BENTAR BENTAR AKU LAGI NGELIATIN IKAN, LAH MANA ITU IKAN, O : UDAH SINI TIDUR DULU 1:58:30 Kok ga mateng mateng sih dia udah gaada apa gimana (checking her fish after sleep) 2:00:31 Kaela start making a small raft 2:01:00 Kaela attacking canibals (solo) 2:01:57 Mantap (all enemies dead) 2:04:29 Terimakasihhh (Kobo came briging the logs) 2:04:50 UWEEEEEE AYO NAIK NAIK (the raft finish, invite other member to join) 2:05:24 Rafting together. Kaela: gimana ini gabisa jalaan (too heavy they're all in there) 2:05:50 AYUNDA RISUUUUUU (risu fall to water, almost left behind by other members) 2:06:11 Si botak yg ngedayung (Bald moona paddling) 2:07:21 OH ITU ADA DESA LAGI TUH, LOOTING LOOTING (Found village and raid it) 2:08:24 Gak paham lagi gesss (laughing, seeing other member very random) 2:11:35 Wearing armor
*[Exploring another cave]* 2:12:32 Found new cave 2:13:53 Masak masak masak (found campfire) 2:14:25 ITU ADA YANG KEBAKARAN, THERE IS SOMEONE ON FIRE 2:15:52 Planning to make SOS sign when go home 2:16:31 Now we know Moona actually bald. She said she's wearing wig +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2:17:13 KEREN MANTAB (YOPI FLYING). LAH MATI (saw yopi ded on raft) 2:17:50 YOPI FLYING AGAIN ??? 2:19:40 Reine fall to water, everyone laugh 2:20:00 CUMA PAK BOTAK YANG BISA BAWA INI, ONLY THIS BALD PERSON CAN USE THE RAFT (aka moona) 2:20:21 Holo id panic moment on raft, bcs too dark 2:20:50 YEAHHH! (arrive near their base) and then olllie screaming, got jumpscared by canibals 2:21:37 Gabisa tidur!! (cant sleep, still cooldown) 2:22:47 Saatnya bergossip, bercanda, bergossip (waiting for sleep cd) 2:24:57 Itu siapa yg kebakar mulu ya? Aku buka buku terus ada yg lari2 2:26:00 BUSET APAAN TUH, ADA BOTAK ADA BOTAK (suddenly canibal attacking kaela) 2:28:26 Akhirnyaaaaa mau makan doang susah yak 2:29:56 Tidur tidur~ (save game) 2:30:16 Selamat pagi ~ (already morning but still raining) 2:32:01 Kaela and kobo gathering wood and bring the cart 2:37:00 Berarti ada lagi ya? Spoiler nih? Spoiler (Yopi tell the reasons about zeta not joining and zeta would join if there's gonna be another time) 2:37:30 Yopi inform viewer if the limit player of this game is 8 player 2:38:20 Kaela struggling with her cart after fall from cliff 2:38:52 YOPI YOPI TOLONGIN DONG, DILAPORKAN KECELAKAAN (kaela ask yopi to help her with stuck cart) 2:40:17 Kaela wants to make a house boat (showing it in the guide book) 2:42:48 Giving logs to moona for the zipline 2:45:58 Aku pengen ke sungai aku pengen bawa ini ke sungai guys (bringing the logs near to the river) 2:46:38 Kaela fall from cliff again while bringing cart with full of logs 2:47:38 Completed the foundation for zipline 2:48:41 Cari turtle cari turtle (told risu and yopi to find turtle, they arrived at beach) 2:49:05 Perasaan si yopi tadi bilang pusing, bercanda bergosip tiba tiba udah di pantai aja. Bercanda bergossip sampe di pantai ya guys? 2:52:50 Told other member to not use logs near the river
*🔨🔨 Post Game 🔨🔨* 2:54:52 HOST NOT RESPONDING (yopi game force close) 2:55:45 LAH BEGIMANA, ini jadi kita keluar aja ? (yopi try to reinvite) 2:56:03 Udah di suruh udahan sih 2:57:11 AKU AKU INVITE AKU 2:57:45 Ini mulai dari mana nih liat aja nih, sticks ku ntar ilang semua nih (They restart the game) 2:58:15 Kenapa mulai nya di rumah? STICK KU DIMANA!? (some progress gone and decide to end collab) 2:58:45 Annoucement Time 3:00:48 Yopi said they will play this next week with Zeta 3:02:00 Yopi closing 3:02:36 OtsuID
*🔨🔨🔨 Timestamp The Forest 🔨🔨🔨*
*Some timestamp may be delayed around ±20 sec (on purpose for context)*
04:26 Stream start
*[Special Timestamp]*
*🔨🔨 Yopi on fire 🔨🔨*
27:45 ITU SIAPA KEBAKARAN?, Yopi: AKU AKU (Yopi on fire)
*🔨🔨 Kobo vs Everybody 🔨🔨*
28:58 INI KENAPA.. kakak pembinanya perang terus sama orang (seeing kobo fight with the enemy)
29:20 Kae: Kakak pembina saya ada ikan, ini gimana bakar ny ya?, Ko: Saya lagi hectic di sini (ask kobo as leader how to grill the fish)
*🔨🔨 Canibals then what ? 🔨🔨*
36:21 Yopi ask kaela to build the structure for cabin then kaela build the structure of log cabin
38:45 Bikin rumah sebelahan sama orang canibal, yaaa.. holoID namanya guys (Build house side by side with the canibals, yep its holoID)
*🔨🔨 Kaela on the ground 🔨🔨*
40:02 They're singing Kaela on the ground then reine knockdown bcs fell
*🔨🔨 Random moment with lizard's head 🔨🔨*
1:09:59 Kaela kill lizard with the spear
1:09:59 (actual time 1h10m23s) Bo kepala bo! (Showing the lizard's head to kobo). Kenapa begini sih ??? (questioning what she doing with the lizard's head)
*🔨🔨 Playing with cart and become sticks boss 🔨🔨*
1:14:31 Kobo : Bisa naek gak ?, Kaela : Kagak bisa (kobo bringing her car toys aka cart, ask kaela if she can ride it)
1:15:00 BUSET BUSET BUSET! (saw Kobo and her cart flying)
1:16:22 Ask kobo what items that cart can bring
1:16:55 Jualan sticks kita ni pulang pulang ni, jangan mati ae berdua.. (so many sticks gathered, kobo and kaela want to sell it)
1:18:25 Kaela want to make another cart, K: JUALAN STICK ! TIME TO SELLING STICK !
1:18:55 Keknya tadi mau explore, tapi kok malah ambil stick (first plan is explore but why we gathering sticks)
1:20:17 NAH ITU BUTUH STIK ITU AAAA. KOBO: Kita rajanya (other members need to build something with the sticks)
1:20:55 Yopi need sticks, kaela said she already gather 100 sticks
1:21:35 Kobo and kaela going back together with the cart
1:22:00 Kaela wonder if the log sled can bring log or not
1:22:20 Kita udah kek kurir aseli, ngakak bgt (Kaela feels like they're like a courier carrying sticks)
1:22:35 Kita kembali kita kembali, kita membawa stick. We are back, bringing sticks
*🔨🔨 Exploring cave with holoID 🔨🔨*
1:36:38 - 1:56:35 Fun exploring cave, got many loots and encounter with 4 hands monster
2:12:32 - 2:17:00 Found new cave and doing short exploring
*🔨🔨 Kaela soloing canibals 🔨🔨*
2:01:00 Kaela attacking canibals (solo)
2:01:57 Mantap (all enemies dead)
*🔨🔨 Fun rafting and become pirate 🔨🔨*
2:04:50 UWEEEEEE AYO NAIK NAIK (the raft finish, invite other member to join)
2:05:24 Rafting together. Kaela: gimana ini gabisa jalaan (too heavy they're all in there)
2:05:50 AYUNDA RISUUUUUU (risu fall to water, almost left behind by other members)
2:06:11 Si botak yg ngedayung (Bald moona paddling)
2:07:21 OH ITU ADA DESA LAGI TUH, LOOTING LOOTING (Found village and raid it)
2:08:24 Gak paham lagi gesss (laughing, seeing other member very random)
*🔨🔨 Moona is bald ??? 🔨🔨*
2:16:31 Now we know Moona actually bald. She said she's wearing wig
*🔨🔨 Yopi is really alien 🔨🔨*
2:17:13 KEREN MANTAB (YOPI FLYING). LAH MATI (saw yopi ded on raft)
*🔨🔨 Rafting on the dark is chaos 🔨🔨*
2:19:40 Reine fall to water, everyone laugh
2:20:21 Holo id panic moment on raft, bcs too dark
2:20:50 YEAHHH! (arrive near their base) and then olllie screaming, got jumpscared by canibals
*🔨🔨 Spoiler for next the forest stream 🔨🔨*
2:37:00 Berarti ada lagi ya? Spoiler nih? Spoiler (Yopi tell the reasons about zeta not joining and zeta would join if there's gonna be another time)
2:37:30 Yopi inform viewer if the limit player of this game is 8 player
*🔨🔨 Cart accident 🔨🔨*
2:38:20 Kaela struggling with her cart after fall from cliff
2:38:52 YOPI YOPI TOLONGIN DONG, DILAPORKAN KECELAKAAN (kaela ask yopi to help her with stuck cart)
2:46:38 Kaela fall from cliff again while bringing cart with full of logs
*Full timestamp in comment section*
*[Full Timestamp]*
*🔨🔨 Pre Talk 🔨🔨*
05:00 Hololive id minus dua
05:34 Kobo giving instructions
06:12 Motto: Cintai Alam Lindungi Lingkungan
06:40 Gak ada yang tau cara maennya gimana (first time playing for all member)
*🔨🔨 Survive Time 🔨🔨*
06:45 Game start with the cutscene
07:14 All panic bcs turbulence
08:09 Kenapa berdarah darah gini (seeing her hands got blo0d)
09:00 Kaela cutting trees after go out from plane
10:12 Kaela wonder why the plane so smol
10:40 Found a suitcase and open the guide book
11:33 Chopping trees. K: ni kalo pohonnya ketebang terus kena orang, mati ga ya orang?
12:00 KAYAKNYA MATI DEH, ASLI DEH (risu panic with the falling tree that kaela cut)
12:50 Semua bawa pohon, everyone carrying logs then decide to go to place near the river
13:28 Kirain ntar ada buaya (Kobo said that better not too close from the river, afraid of crocodile)
14:02 WUUUU IKAN ! ADA IKAN (seeing fish on the river)
15:24 Emang bisa minum ini ? gimana cara minum ? (kaela ask other member how to drink in the water)
17:00 MASAK GAK SIH MINIMAL MASAK (want to c00k bcs hungry)
17:26 Siapa timmy? (Moona said they have a friend named Timmy)
17:56 Tadi nyalain fire dimana ???
18:13 Pencet aja tu 1234 sampe lepas kapak (tell yopipi how let go off the axe)
18:40 WEH APAAN ITU, MENYERANG DIA. (There is 3 enemy). FRIENDLY FIRE KOCAKK (seeing them attacking at the same time)
19:31 Kaela making bonfire
20:12 Tell everyone to put leaves in the bonfire
20:51 KAYAKNYA GAK BAKAR ORANG DEH YA, MINIMAL IKAN GAK SIH (the bonfire is light up already)
21:16 TIDAAAAKK (bonfire broken accidentally by someone)
21:55 Ni kita semua kelaparan, kelaparan mati ga sih? (Wondering are they gonna die if they starving)
22:31 OH IYA INI ADA SUARA (start hearing weird sound)
23:40 LARI GAK SIH KALAU KATA AKU (so many enemy attack id member)
24:19 Making the bonfire
24:40 Gatau dimana, dimana sih? (Yopi ask for revive)
25:08 Suddenly the bonfire gone again
25:41 LAH kenapa roboh lagi dah? (Bonfire), Risu: KEPENCET SORRY
26:35 Tinggal sticks doang, tinggal sticks
27:00 Finally another bon fire light up
27:20 Nangkap ikan gimana caranya? How to catch the fish ?
27:45 ITU SIAPA KEBAKARAN?, Yopi: AKU AKU (Yopi on fire)
28:10 LAH KETONJOKK (accidentally punch the bonfire)
28:58 INI KENAPA.. kakak pembinanya perang terus sama orang (seeing kobo fight with the enemy)
29:20 Kae: Kakak pembina saya ada ikan, ini gimana bakar ny ya?, Ko: Saya lagi hectic di sini
29:51 SATU IKAN PUNYA AKU (Now they're c00king)
30:20 MAKAN MAKAN MAKAN (told other id member to eat)
31:59 SUARA APAAN TUH? (Saw cannibal), KABUR!
32:45 Oh ada jamur bisa dimakan (found a mushroom)
33:18 Lah ini ada tenda, ini tenda apaan dah ? (found tent)
33:58 Kobo ask kaela if she have leaves. K: aku juga gaada aduh bentar cari dulu deh (Kaela searching for leaves, want to make campfire bcs getting cold)
34:37 Aduh ada yg nyerang lagi. ADUHH! (the canibals start attacking again)
35:05 OHH kamu dah kabur (kobo and kaela meet with the same canibals)
36:21 Yopi ask kaela to build the structure for cabin then kaela build the structure of log cabin
38:45 Bikin rumah sebelahan sama orang canibal, yaaa.. holoID namanya guys (Build house side by side with the canibals, yep its holoID)
39:29 Ask other member how to increase the hp
40:02 They're singing Kaela on the ground then reine knockdown bcs fell
40:41 Kenapa mau mati gitu sih? Nebang pohon doang~ (kaela questioning the char, why only cut tree but it looks like dying)
42:22 Finally kaela know how to loot the leaves
42:55 Reine show her skull weapon to kaela
43:21 Buuset ikan aja abis (want to catch fish but only few fish left)
46:00 Kaela tell reine how to chop trees faster
48:48 LARI LARI (ollie panic bcs enemy, kaela told her to run)
49:25 Hati hati kepacul rumah (ollie fighting the enemies near the house, kaela warn ollie to dont hit the house)
50:40 Ikannya bisa busuk emang? (Dried fish tool)
51:36 Aku udah nyalain api nih, siapa mau masak ? I already light the fire, who want to c00k ?
52:37 Ini airnya bersih apa ngga si guys? Aer pun di masakk?? (Lc said to boil the water)
54:52 UIHH! Banyak banget ikan nya~ (seeing so many fish on the river)
55:20 Emang gak bisa guys ??? (try to hit fish with axe)
58:19 Apaan tuh? (heard cannibal voice)
58:49 ADOOOH! (cannibal hit her)
59:53 The canibal start attacking id member house
1:00:59 They're sleeping together Zzzzzz
1:01:20 Ini kita tidurnya berdiri gitu ? are we sleep while standing up ?
1:01:40 BUSET LAPER LAGI (woke up hungry)
1:03:01 Ask chat, is it enough if only make weak spear to hunting
1:03:33 Kaela hunting rabbit with the weak spear
1:04:18 Dapet dapet dapet (kaela hunting fish with spear)
1:05:00 Kaela tell everyone that it might be better to make the house near the river
1:06:03 Ask reine to took fish that kaela kill before
1:07:08 Ask chat what's in the cave
1:08:03 Mantaaaab (upgrade spear)
1:09:59 Kaela kill lizard with the spear
1:09:59 (actual time 1h10m23s) Bo kepala bo! (Showing the lizard's head to kobo). Kenapa begini sih ??? (questioning what she doing with the lizard's head)
1:11:00 Kobo ask kaela to go adventure together
1:11:22 Males banget ngapain aku makan begituan (grill the lizard)
1:12:11 Kaela and kobo start exploring
1:13:03 Chat said they can swim but there's sharks
1:13:30 Kaela and Kobo decide to go the right side of the map from their base
1:14:31 Kobo : Bisa naek gak ?, Kaela : Kagak bisa (kobo bringing her car toys aka cart, ask kaela if she can ride it)
1:15:00 BUSET BUSET BUSET! (saw Kobo and her cart flying)
1:15:20 KITA ACAK ACAK ITU ORG ORG DI SANA (exploring forest)
1:16:22 Ask kobo what items that cart can bring
1:16:55 Jualan sticks kita ni pulang pulang ni, jangan mati ae berdua.. (so many sticks gathered, kobo and kaela want to sell it)
1:17:57 They need to go to the cave to continue the story (Kobo & yopi says)
1:18:25 Kaela want to make another cart, K: JUALAN STICK ! TIME TO SELLING STICK !
1:18:55 Keknya tadi mau explore, tapi kok malah ambil stick (first plan is explore but why we gathering sticks)
1:20:17 NAH ITU BUTUH STIK ITU AAAA. KOBO: Kita rajanya (other members need to build something with the sticks)
1:20:55 Yopi need sticks, kaela said she already gather 100 sticks
1:21:35 Kobo and kaela going back together with the cart
1:22:00 Kaela wonder if the log sled can bring log or not
1:22:20 Kita udah kek kurir aseli, ngakak bgt (Kaela feels like they're like a courier carrying sticks)
1:22:35 Kita kembali kita kembali, kita membawa stick. We are back, bringing sticks
1:22:58 Want to sleep but still cooldown
1:25:13 Sleep together amimir
1:25:35 Selamat pagi ~ (already morning)
1:28:02 ADUH SAKIT, hp udah mau meninggal (fall damage)
1:28:22 Oh ini goanya (kaela found the cave that they want to go)
1:29:20 ASTAGAAAA TOLONG IDUPIN AKU (kaela knockdown bcs attacked by canibal then other member help to kill canibal)
1:31:52 BUSET, KEMANA TUH GUYS, MANA SPEARNYA ??? (threw the spear and its gone)
1:32:26 Kenapa jadi... (suddenly dying after drink water)
1:34:35 Kaela found many suitcase around the plane
*[Exploring cave]*
1:36:38 YUK JALAN JALAN (entering cave)
1:37:40 Start exploring cave with other id member
1:38:15 Kaela found plane drawing
1:40:54 Continue exploring cave after kobo regroup
1:42:08 AMBIL AMBIL AMBIL (found lot of money)
1:42:45 Uang cash buat dibakar? (Burn the money?)
1:43:13 Ini apa jam tangan ? buat apa jam tangan ? (found many watch)
1:43:51 All member got katana
1:46:58 Destroying laptop to take the parts
1:48:38 Encounter with enemy with 4 hands
1:49:48 Datang dan lari oh begitu saja ~ (enemy come and run away)
1:50:28 BUSSSEETTT (all attack 4 hands monster)
1:51:00 MATI MATI DAH MATI (the 4 hands monster ded)
1:51:57 Continue explore the cave
1:52:18 Risu asked and laughing who's carrying the monster body. Kaela: Akuuu, meeee
1:53:51 Keluar gak sih keluar gak sih, pulang pulang (want to go back)
1:56:35 Exit from the cave
1:57:34 Duit dibakar buat apasih?, Risu: buat pengganti daun
1:58:30 Kok ga mateng mateng sih dia udah gaada apa gimana (checking her fish after sleep)
2:00:31 Kaela start making a small raft
2:01:00 Kaela attacking canibals (solo)
2:01:57 Mantap (all enemies dead)
2:04:29 Terimakasihhh (Kobo came briging the logs)
2:04:50 UWEEEEEE AYO NAIK NAIK (the raft finish, invite other member to join)
2:05:24 Rafting together. Kaela: gimana ini gabisa jalaan (too heavy they're all in there)
2:05:50 AYUNDA RISUUUUUU (risu fall to water, almost left behind by other members)
2:06:11 Si botak yg ngedayung (Bald moona paddling)
2:07:21 OH ITU ADA DESA LAGI TUH, LOOTING LOOTING (Found village and raid it)
2:08:24 Gak paham lagi gesss (laughing, seeing other member very random)
2:11:35 Wearing armor
*[Exploring another cave]*
2:12:32 Found new cave
2:13:53 Masak masak masak (found campfire)
2:15:52 Planning to make SOS sign when go home
2:16:31 Now we know Moona actually bald. She said she's wearing wig
2:17:13 KEREN MANTAB (YOPI FLYING). LAH MATI (saw yopi ded on raft)
2:19:40 Reine fall to water, everyone laugh
2:20:21 Holo id panic moment on raft, bcs too dark
2:20:50 YEAHHH! (arrive near their base) and then olllie screaming, got jumpscared by canibals
2:21:37 Gabisa tidur!! (cant sleep, still cooldown)
2:22:47 Saatnya bergossip, bercanda, bergossip (waiting for sleep cd)
2:24:57 Itu siapa yg kebakar mulu ya? Aku buka buku terus ada yg lari2
2:26:00 BUSET APAAN TUH, ADA BOTAK ADA BOTAK (suddenly canibal attacking kaela)
2:28:26 Akhirnyaaaaa mau makan doang susah yak
2:29:56 Tidur tidur~ (save game)
2:30:16 Selamat pagi ~ (already morning but still raining)
2:32:01 Kaela and kobo gathering wood and bring the cart
2:37:00 Berarti ada lagi ya? Spoiler nih? Spoiler (Yopi tell the reasons about zeta not joining and zeta would join if there's gonna be another time)
2:37:30 Yopi inform viewer if the limit player of this game is 8 player
2:38:20 Kaela struggling with her cart after fall from cliff
2:38:52 YOPI YOPI TOLONGIN DONG, DILAPORKAN KECELAKAAN (kaela ask yopi to help her with stuck cart)
2:40:17 Kaela wants to make a house boat (showing it in the guide book)
2:42:48 Giving logs to moona for the zipline
2:45:58 Aku pengen ke sungai aku pengen bawa ini ke sungai guys (bringing the logs near to the river)
2:46:38 Kaela fall from cliff again while bringing cart with full of logs
2:47:38 Completed the foundation for zipline
2:48:41 Cari turtle cari turtle (told risu and yopi to find turtle, they arrived at beach)
2:49:05 Perasaan si yopi tadi bilang pusing, bercanda bergosip tiba tiba udah di pantai aja. Bercanda bergossip sampe di pantai ya guys?
2:52:50 Told other member to not use logs near the river
*🔨🔨 Post Game 🔨🔨*
2:54:52 HOST NOT RESPONDING (yopi game force close)
2:55:45 LAH BEGIMANA, ini jadi kita keluar aja ? (yopi try to reinvite)
2:56:03 Udah di suruh udahan sih
2:57:45 Ini mulai dari mana nih liat aja nih, sticks ku ntar ilang semua nih (They restart the game)
2:58:15 Kenapa mulai nya di rumah? STICK KU DIMANA!? (some progress gone and decide to end collab)
2:58:45 Annoucement Time
3:00:48 Yopi said they will play this next week with Zeta
3:02:00 Yopi closing
3:02:36 OtsuID
Tags credit : Vous, Pewnyaa, Mohann and Satria
Di akhir item-nya pada ilang gara-gara Host-nya kagak nge-save? Sungguh Host yang bertanggung jawab 😂💛
Thank you for the fun Forest collaboration stream with Risu, Moona, Iofi, Ollie, Reine and Kobo, Kaela!
40:37 kaela on the ground, kaela on the ground, jalani saja ka ela on the ground
otsuID! rame-rame lawan botak-botak
Terima kasih collab streamnya Kaela
Semoga ntar dilanjut lagi ampe tamat, seru bgt nonton arc the forest
Otsu holoid kaela
Thanks for the Collab stream
OtsuLemaouuuu!!, thx for collab
thank you for the collab stream, Kaela♡!!
it was fun and funny 😭🤣
OtsuID! thanks for the collab stream! It was so chaotic
OtsuID... thanks for the stream
Otsu holoID.....Semoga next Collab ID girls lengkap,Makasih Collab stream nya Girls💛💛
Ty for stream
2:08:44 mizu no kyoku, ichi no kata, hyaaaaaa.... 😭🤣🤣🤣
Next stream solo the forest gak sih😂
grinding w
otsuID kaelaelae and holoid! tysm for the stream. (☆/>u</)
Thanks HoloID for entertaining us all.. Very very exciting.. 😆
Next The Forest with “GRAONDSTONE” Laaaaaaaaaaaa..
Until the end, maybeeee..
Aku harap mereka main sampe tamat
Otsu ID, thanks for the stream. It's been many years since I've played this game so it was fun reliving some of those memories with you guys.
2:06:44 wah botak si moona
Mengalami kecelakaan pesawat , harus bertahan hidup dan menyelamatkan kan anak moona 😊
Holo ID too strong. Server gave up 😂