【The Forest】KE HUTAN BERSAMA【holoID】

  • Опубликовано: 19 ноя 2024

Комментарии • 38

  • @msatriarp
    @msatriarp Месяц назад +39

    *🔨🔨🔨 Timestamp The Forest 🔨🔨🔨*
    *Some timestamp may be delayed around ±20 sec (on purpose for context)*
    04:26 Stream start
    *[Special Timestamp]*
    *🔨🔨 Yopi on fire 🔨🔨*
    27:45 ITU SIAPA KEBAKARAN?, Yopi: AKU AKU (Yopi on fire)
    *🔨🔨 Kobo vs Everybody 🔨🔨*
    28:58 INI KENAPA.. kakak pembinanya perang terus sama orang (seeing kobo fight with the enemy)
    29:20 Kae: Kakak pembina saya ada ikan, ini gimana bakar ny ya?, Ko: Saya lagi hectic di sini (ask kobo as leader how to grill the fish)
    *🔨🔨 Canibals then what ? 🔨🔨*
    36:21 Yopi ask kaela to build the structure for cabin then kaela build the structure of log cabin
    38:45 Bikin rumah sebelahan sama orang canibal, yaaa.. holoID namanya guys (Build house side by side with the canibals, yep its holoID)
    *🔨🔨 Kaela on the ground 🔨🔨*
    40:02 They're singing Kaela on the ground then reine knockdown bcs fell
    *🔨🔨 Random moment with lizard's head 🔨🔨*
    1:09:59 Kaela kill lizard with the spear
    1:09:59 (actual time 1h10m23s) Bo kepala bo! (Showing the lizard's head to kobo). Kenapa begini sih ??? (questioning what she doing with the lizard's head)
    *🔨🔨 Playing with cart and become sticks boss 🔨🔨*
    1:14:31 Kobo : Bisa naek gak ?, Kaela : Kagak bisa (kobo bringing her car toys aka cart, ask kaela if she can ride it)
    1:15:00 BUSET BUSET BUSET! (saw Kobo and her cart flying)
    1:16:22 Ask kobo what items that cart can bring
    1:16:55 Jualan sticks kita ni pulang pulang ni, jangan mati ae berdua.. (so many sticks gathered, kobo and kaela want to sell it)
    1:18:25 Kaela want to make another cart, K: JUALAN STICK ! TIME TO SELLING STICK !
    1:18:55 Keknya tadi mau explore, tapi kok malah ambil stick (first plan is explore but why we gathering sticks)
    1:20:17 NAH ITU BUTUH STIK ITU AAAA. KOBO: Kita rajanya (other members need to build something with the sticks)
    1:20:55 Yopi need sticks, kaela said she already gather 100 sticks
    1:21:35 Kobo and kaela going back together with the cart
    1:22:00 Kaela wonder if the log sled can bring log or not
    1:22:20 Kita udah kek kurir aseli, ngakak bgt (Kaela feels like they're like a courier carrying sticks)
    1:22:35 Kita kembali kita kembali, kita membawa stick. We are back, bringing sticks
    *🔨🔨 Exploring cave with holoID 🔨🔨*
    1:36:38 - 1:56:35 Fun exploring cave, got many loots and encounter with 4 hands monster
    2:12:32 - 2:17:00 Found new cave and doing short exploring
    *🔨🔨 Kaela soloing canibals 🔨🔨*
    2:01:00 Kaela attacking canibals (solo)
    2:01:57 Mantap (all enemies dead)
    *🔨🔨 Fun rafting and become pirate 🔨🔨*
    2:04:50 UWEEEEEE AYO NAIK NAIK (the raft finish, invite other member to join)
    2:05:24 Rafting together. Kaela: gimana ini gabisa jalaan (too heavy they're all in there)
    2:05:50 AYUNDA RISUUUUUU (risu fall to water, almost left behind by other members)
    2:06:11 Si botak yg ngedayung (Bald moona paddling)
    2:07:21 OH ITU ADA DESA LAGI TUH, LOOTING LOOTING (Found village and raid it)
    2:08:24 Gak paham lagi gesss (laughing, seeing other member very random)
    *🔨🔨 Moona is bald ??? 🔨🔨*
    2:16:31 Now we know Moona actually bald. She said she's wearing wig
    *🔨🔨 Yopi is really alien 🔨🔨*
    2:17:13 KEREN MANTAB (YOPI FLYING). LAH MATI (saw yopi ded on raft)
    2:17:50 YOPI FLYING AGAIN ???
    *🔨🔨 Rafting on the dark is chaos 🔨🔨*
    2:19:40 Reine fall to water, everyone laugh
    2:20:21 Holo id panic moment on raft, bcs too dark
    2:20:50 YEAHHH! (arrive near their base) and then olllie screaming, got jumpscared by canibals
    *🔨🔨 Spoiler for next the forest stream 🔨🔨*
    2:37:00 Berarti ada lagi ya? Spoiler nih? Spoiler (Yopi tell the reasons about zeta not joining and zeta would join if there's gonna be another time)
    2:37:30 Yopi inform viewer if the limit player of this game is 8 player
    *🔨🔨 Cart accident 🔨🔨*
    2:38:20 Kaela struggling with her cart after fall from cliff
    2:38:52 YOPI YOPI TOLONGIN DONG, DILAPORKAN KECELAKAAN (kaela ask yopi to help her with stuck cart)
    2:46:38 Kaela fall from cliff again while bringing cart with full of logs
    *Full timestamp in comment section*

    • @msatriarp
      @msatriarp Месяц назад +2

      *[Full Timestamp]*
      *🔨🔨 Pre Talk 🔨🔨*
      05:00 Hololive id minus dua
      05:34 Kobo giving instructions
      06:12 Motto: Cintai Alam Lindungi Lingkungan
      06:40 Gak ada yang tau cara maennya gimana (first time playing for all member)
      *🔨🔨 Survive Time 🔨🔨*
      06:45 Game start with the cutscene
      07:14 All panic bcs turbulence
      08:09 Kenapa berdarah darah gini (seeing her hands got blo0d)
      09:00 Kaela cutting trees after go out from plane
      10:12 Kaela wonder why the plane so smol
      10:40 Found a suitcase and open the guide book
      11:33 Chopping trees. K: ni kalo pohonnya ketebang terus kena orang, mati ga ya orang?
      12:00 KAYAKNYA MATI DEH, ASLI DEH (risu panic with the falling tree that kaela cut)
      12:50 Semua bawa pohon, everyone carrying logs then decide to go to place near the river
      13:28 Kirain ntar ada buaya (Kobo said that better not too close from the river, afraid of crocodile)
      14:02 WUUUU IKAN ! ADA IKAN (seeing fish on the river)
      15:24 Emang bisa minum ini ? gimana cara minum ? (kaela ask other member how to drink in the water)
      17:00 MASAK GAK SIH MINIMAL MASAK (want to c00k bcs hungry)
      17:26 Siapa timmy? (Moona said they have a friend named Timmy)
      17:56 Tadi nyalain fire dimana ???
      18:13 Pencet aja tu 1234 sampe lepas kapak (tell yopipi how let go off the axe)
      18:40 WEH APAAN ITU, MENYERANG DIA. (There is 3 enemy). FRIENDLY FIRE KOCAKK (seeing them attacking at the same time)
      19:31 Kaela making bonfire
      20:12 Tell everyone to put leaves in the bonfire
      20:51 KAYAKNYA GAK BAKAR ORANG DEH YA, MINIMAL IKAN GAK SIH (the bonfire is light up already)
      21:16 TIDAAAAKK (bonfire broken accidentally by someone)
      21:55 Ni kita semua kelaparan, kelaparan mati ga sih? (Wondering are they gonna die if they starving)
      22:31 OH IYA INI ADA SUARA (start hearing weird sound)
      23:40 LARI GAK SIH KALAU KATA AKU (so many enemy attack id member)
      24:19 Making the bonfire
      24:40 Gatau dimana, dimana sih? (Yopi ask for revive)
      25:08 Suddenly the bonfire gone again
      25:41 LAH kenapa roboh lagi dah? (Bonfire), Risu: KEPENCET SORRY
      26:35 Tinggal sticks doang, tinggal sticks
      27:00 Finally another bon fire light up
      27:20 Nangkap ikan gimana caranya? How to catch the fish ?
      27:45 ITU SIAPA KEBAKARAN?, Yopi: AKU AKU (Yopi on fire)
      28:10 LAH KETONJOKK (accidentally punch the bonfire)
      28:58 INI KENAPA.. kakak pembinanya perang terus sama orang (seeing kobo fight with the enemy)
      29:20 Kae: Kakak pembina saya ada ikan, ini gimana bakar ny ya?, Ko: Saya lagi hectic di sini
      29:51 SATU IKAN PUNYA AKU (Now they're c00king)
      30:20 MAKAN MAKAN MAKAN (told other id member to eat)
      31:59 SUARA APAAN TUH? (Saw cannibal), KABUR!
      32:45 Oh ada jamur bisa dimakan (found a mushroom)
      33:18 Lah ini ada tenda, ini tenda apaan dah ? (found tent)
      33:58 Kobo ask kaela if she have leaves. K: aku juga gaada aduh bentar cari dulu deh (Kaela searching for leaves, want to make campfire bcs getting cold)
      34:37 Aduh ada yg nyerang lagi. ADUHH! (the canibals start attacking again)
      35:05 OHH kamu dah kabur (kobo and kaela meet with the same canibals)
      36:21 Yopi ask kaela to build the structure for cabin then kaela build the structure of log cabin
      38:45 Bikin rumah sebelahan sama orang canibal, yaaa.. holoID namanya guys (Build house side by side with the canibals, yep its holoID)
      39:29 Ask other member how to increase the hp
      40:02 They're singing Kaela on the ground then reine knockdown bcs fell
      40:41 Kenapa mau mati gitu sih? Nebang pohon doang~ (kaela questioning the char, why only cut tree but it looks like dying)
      42:22 Finally kaela know how to loot the leaves
      42:55 Reine show her skull weapon to kaela
      43:21 Buuset ikan aja abis (want to catch fish but only few fish left)
      46:00 Kaela tell reine how to chop trees faster
      48:48 LARI LARI (ollie panic bcs enemy, kaela told her to run)
      49:25 Hati hati kepacul rumah (ollie fighting the enemies near the house, kaela warn ollie to dont hit the house)
      50:40 Ikannya bisa busuk emang? (Dried fish tool)
      51:36 Aku udah nyalain api nih, siapa mau masak ? I already light the fire, who want to c00k ?
      52:37 Ini airnya bersih apa ngga si guys? Aer pun di masakk?? (Lc said to boil the water)
      54:52 UIHH! Banyak banget ikan nya~ (seeing so many fish on the river)
      55:20 Emang gak bisa guys ??? (try to hit fish with axe)
      58:19 Apaan tuh? (heard cannibal voice)
      58:49 ADOOOH! (cannibal hit her)
      59:53 The canibal start attacking id member house
      1:00:59 They're sleeping together Zzzzzz
      1:01:20 Ini kita tidurnya berdiri gitu ? are we sleep while standing up ?
      1:01:40 BUSET LAPER LAGI (woke up hungry)
      1:03:01 Ask chat, is it enough if only make weak spear to hunting
      1:03:33 Kaela hunting rabbit with the weak spear
      1:04:18 Dapet dapet dapet (kaela hunting fish with spear)
      1:05:00 Kaela tell everyone that it might be better to make the house near the river
      1:06:03 Ask reine to took fish that kaela kill before
      1:07:08 Ask chat what's in the cave
      1:08:03 Mantaaaab (upgrade spear)
      1:09:59 Kaela kill lizard with the spear
      1:09:59 (actual time 1h10m23s) Bo kepala bo! (Showing the lizard's head to kobo). Kenapa begini sih ??? (questioning what she doing with the lizard's head)
      1:11:00 Kobo ask kaela to go adventure together
      1:11:22 Males banget ngapain aku makan begituan (grill the lizard)
      1:12:11 Kaela and kobo start exploring
      1:13:03 Chat said they can swim but there's sharks
      1:13:30 Kaela and Kobo decide to go the right side of the map from their base
      1:14:31 Kobo : Bisa naek gak ?, Kaela : Kagak bisa (kobo bringing her car toys aka cart, ask kaela if she can ride it)
      1:15:00 BUSET BUSET BUSET! (saw Kobo and her cart flying)
      1:15:20 KITA ACAK ACAK ITU ORG ORG DI SANA (exploring forest)
      1:16:22 Ask kobo what items that cart can bring
      1:16:55 Jualan sticks kita ni pulang pulang ni, jangan mati ae berdua.. (so many sticks gathered, kobo and kaela want to sell it)
      1:17:57 They need to go to the cave to continue the story (Kobo & yopi says)
      1:18:25 Kaela want to make another cart, K: JUALAN STICK ! TIME TO SELLING STICK !
      1:18:55 Keknya tadi mau explore, tapi kok malah ambil stick (first plan is explore but why we gathering sticks)
      1:20:17 NAH ITU BUTUH STIK ITU AAAA. KOBO: Kita rajanya (other members need to build something with the sticks)
      1:20:55 Yopi need sticks, kaela said she already gather 100 sticks
      1:21:35 Kobo and kaela going back together with the cart
      1:22:00 Kaela wonder if the log sled can bring log or not
      1:22:20 Kita udah kek kurir aseli, ngakak bgt (Kaela feels like they're like a courier carrying sticks)
      1:22:35 Kita kembali kita kembali, kita membawa stick. We are back, bringing sticks
      1:22:58 Want to sleep but still cooldown
      1:25:13 Sleep together amimir
      1:25:35 Selamat pagi ~ (already morning)
      1:28:02 ADUH SAKIT, hp udah mau meninggal (fall damage)
      1:28:22 Oh ini goanya (kaela found the cave that they want to go)
      1:29:20 ASTAGAAAA TOLONG IDUPIN AKU (kaela knockdown bcs attacked by canibal then other member help to kill canibal)
      1:31:52 BUSET, KEMANA TUH GUYS, MANA SPEARNYA ??? (threw the spear and its gone)
      1:32:26 Kenapa jadi... (suddenly dying after drink water)
      1:34:35 Kaela found many suitcase around the plane

    • @msatriarp
      @msatriarp Месяц назад +2

      *[Exploring cave]*
      1:36:38 YUK JALAN JALAN (entering cave)
      1:37:40 Start exploring cave with other id member
      1:38:15 Kaela found plane drawing
      1:40:54 Continue exploring cave after kobo regroup
      1:42:08 AMBIL AMBIL AMBIL (found lot of money)
      1:42:45 Uang cash buat dibakar? (Burn the money?)
      1:43:13 Ini apa jam tangan ? buat apa jam tangan ? (found many watch)
      1:43:51 All member got katana
      1:46:58 Destroying laptop to take the parts
      1:48:38 Encounter with enemy with 4 hands
      1:49:48 Datang dan lari oh begitu saja ~ (enemy come and run away)
      1:50:28 BUSSSEETTT (all attack 4 hands monster)
      1:51:00 MATI MATI DAH MATI (the 4 hands monster ded)
      1:51:57 Continue explore the cave
      1:52:18 Risu asked and laughing who's carrying the monster body. Kaela: Akuuu, meeee
      1:53:51 Keluar gak sih keluar gak sih, pulang pulang (want to go back)
      1:56:35 Exit from the cave
      1:57:34 Duit dibakar buat apasih?, Risu: buat pengganti daun
      1:58:30 Kok ga mateng mateng sih dia udah gaada apa gimana (checking her fish after sleep)
      2:00:31 Kaela start making a small raft
      2:01:00 Kaela attacking canibals (solo)
      2:01:57 Mantap (all enemies dead)
      2:04:29 Terimakasihhh (Kobo came briging the logs)
      2:04:50 UWEEEEEE AYO NAIK NAIK (the raft finish, invite other member to join)
      2:05:24 Rafting together. Kaela: gimana ini gabisa jalaan (too heavy they're all in there)
      2:05:50 AYUNDA RISUUUUUU (risu fall to water, almost left behind by other members)
      2:06:11 Si botak yg ngedayung (Bald moona paddling)
      2:07:21 OH ITU ADA DESA LAGI TUH, LOOTING LOOTING (Found village and raid it)
      2:08:24 Gak paham lagi gesss (laughing, seeing other member very random)
      2:11:35 Wearing armor

    • @msatriarp
      @msatriarp Месяц назад +2

      *[Exploring another cave]*
      2:12:32 Found new cave
      2:13:53 Masak masak masak (found campfire)
      2:15:52 Planning to make SOS sign when go home
      2:16:31 Now we know Moona actually bald. She said she's wearing wig
      2:17:13 KEREN MANTAB (YOPI FLYING). LAH MATI (saw yopi ded on raft)
      2:17:50 YOPI FLYING AGAIN ???
      2:19:40 Reine fall to water, everyone laugh
      2:20:21 Holo id panic moment on raft, bcs too dark
      2:20:50 YEAHHH! (arrive near their base) and then olllie screaming, got jumpscared by canibals
      2:21:37 Gabisa tidur!! (cant sleep, still cooldown)
      2:22:47 Saatnya bergossip, bercanda, bergossip (waiting for sleep cd)
      2:24:57 Itu siapa yg kebakar mulu ya? Aku buka buku terus ada yg lari2
      2:26:00 BUSET APAAN TUH, ADA BOTAK ADA BOTAK (suddenly canibal attacking kaela)
      2:28:26 Akhirnyaaaaa mau makan doang susah yak
      2:29:56 Tidur tidur~ (save game)
      2:30:16 Selamat pagi ~ (already morning but still raining)
      2:32:01 Kaela and kobo gathering wood and bring the cart
      2:37:00 Berarti ada lagi ya? Spoiler nih? Spoiler (Yopi tell the reasons about zeta not joining and zeta would join if there's gonna be another time)
      2:37:30 Yopi inform viewer if the limit player of this game is 8 player
      2:38:20 Kaela struggling with her cart after fall from cliff
      2:38:52 YOPI YOPI TOLONGIN DONG, DILAPORKAN KECELAKAAN (kaela ask yopi to help her with stuck cart)
      2:40:17 Kaela wants to make a house boat (showing it in the guide book)
      2:42:48 Giving logs to moona for the zipline
      2:45:58 Aku pengen ke sungai aku pengen bawa ini ke sungai guys (bringing the logs near to the river)
      2:46:38 Kaela fall from cliff again while bringing cart with full of logs
      2:47:38 Completed the foundation for zipline
      2:48:41 Cari turtle cari turtle (told risu and yopi to find turtle, they arrived at beach)
      2:49:05 Perasaan si yopi tadi bilang pusing, bercanda bergosip tiba tiba udah di pantai aja. Bercanda bergossip sampe di pantai ya guys?
      2:52:50 Told other member to not use logs near the river

    • @msatriarp
      @msatriarp Месяц назад +3

      *🔨🔨 Post Game 🔨🔨*
      2:54:52 HOST NOT RESPONDING (yopi game force close)
      2:55:45 LAH BEGIMANA, ini jadi kita keluar aja ? (yopi try to reinvite)
      2:56:03 Udah di suruh udahan sih
      2:57:11 AKU AKU INVITE AKU
      2:57:45 Ini mulai dari mana nih liat aja nih, sticks ku ntar ilang semua nih (They restart the game)
      2:58:15 Kenapa mulai nya di rumah? STICK KU DIMANA!? (some progress gone and decide to end collab)
      2:58:45 Annoucement Time
      3:00:48 Yopi said they will play this next week with Zeta
      3:02:00 Yopi closing
      3:02:36 OtsuID

    • @msatriarp
      @msatriarp Месяц назад +2

      Tags credit : Vous, Pewnyaa, Mohann and Satria

  • @rafianhernanda856
    @rafianhernanda856 Месяц назад +31

    Di akhir item-nya pada ilang gara-gara Host-nya kagak nge-save? Sungguh Host yang bertanggung jawab 😂💛

  • @khoonkitlim5963
    @khoonkitlim5963 Месяц назад +6

    Thank you for the fun Forest collaboration stream with Risu, Moona, Iofi, Ollie, Reine and Kobo, Kaela!

  • @Michelle_Wellbeck
    @Michelle_Wellbeck Месяц назад +2

    40:37 kaela on the ground, kaela on the ground, jalani saja ka ela on the ground

  • @cornedbeef46
    @cornedbeef46 Месяц назад +3

    otsuID! rame-rame lawan botak-botak

  • @Snowulf666
    @Snowulf666 Месяц назад +2

    Terima kasih collab streamnya Kaela

  • @Bayukaze19
    @Bayukaze19 Месяц назад +2

    Semoga ntar dilanjut lagi ampe tamat, seru bgt nonton arc the forest

  • @Vadisyaa
    @Vadisyaa Месяц назад +3

    Otsu holoid kaela

  • @Kujiyo
    @Kujiyo Месяц назад +6

    Thanks for the Collab stream

    • @Budi_YMZ
      @Budi_YMZ Месяц назад

      OtsuLemaouuuu!!, thx for collab

  • @natayana_
    @natayana_ Месяц назад +2

    thank you for the collab stream, Kaela♡!!
    it was fun and funny 😭🤣

  • @Vousbxr
    @Vousbxr Месяц назад +2

    OtsuID! thanks for the collab stream! It was so chaotic

  • @annes5089
    @annes5089 Месяц назад +2

    OtsuID... thanks for the stream

  • @Fizi69
    @Fizi69 Месяц назад +2


  • @vvousmevoyezz
    @vvousmevoyezz Месяц назад +2


  • @PrivMeTime
    @PrivMeTime Месяц назад

    Otsu holoID.....Semoga next Collab ID girls lengkap,Makasih Collab stream nya Girls💛💛

  • @MaoDitto
    @MaoDitto Месяц назад +1

    Ty for stream

  • @RattaSkuuy
    @RattaSkuuy Месяц назад

    2:08:44 mizu no kyoku, ichi no kata, hyaaaaaa.... 😭🤣🤣🤣

  • @firmanardhyansyah
    @firmanardhyansyah Месяц назад +6

    Next stream solo the forest gak sih😂

  • @nurvyiie
    @nurvyiie Месяц назад +2

    otsuID kaelaelae and holoid! tysm for the stream. (☆/>u</)

  • @IM_Panzo
    @IM_Panzo Месяц назад +1

    Thanks HoloID for entertaining us all.. Very very exciting.. 😆
    Next The Forest with “GRAONDSTONE” Laaaaaaaaaaaa..
    Until the end, maybeeee..

  • @Pimo462
    @Pimo462 Месяц назад +2


  • @ツトム-b5t
    @ツトム-b5t Месяц назад +1


  • @rakareyvajuviano9811
    @rakareyvajuviano9811 Месяц назад +1

    Aku harap mereka main sampe tamat

  • @Behosu
    @Behosu Месяц назад

    Otsu ID, thanks for the stream. It's been many years since I've played this game so it was fun reliving some of those memories with you guys.

  • @Iza-iza65
    @Iza-iza65 Месяц назад +1

    2:06:44 wah botak si moona

  • @MPWelbeck
    @MPWelbeck Месяц назад

    Mengalami kecelakaan pesawat , harus bertahan hidup dan menyelamatkan kan anak moona 😊

  • @KitoKanagawa198
    @KitoKanagawa198 Месяц назад


  • @ELITE_agent-n9k
    @ELITE_agent-n9k Месяц назад +1


  • @5210702
    @5210702 Месяц назад


  • @sozetsukokai9327
    @sozetsukokai9327 Месяц назад

    Holo ID too strong. Server gave up 😂