1/100 MG Force Impulse Unboxing

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @kakarot197
    @kakarot197  4 года назад +1

    Get the MG Force Impulse here:
    Or the HG Force Impulse: shop.hlj.com/36ak2Oc
    Or pre-order the RG force Impulse: shop.hlj.com/37auDKB

  • @vustvaleo8068
    @vustvaleo8068 4 года назад +9

    the irony that a sword named after the Arthurian legend causes a nuclear reactor explosion.

  • @muisverriet
    @muisverriet 4 года назад +1

    On the debate of fixed hands vs poseable hands, i think fixed hands are way better. My experience with poseable hands, both the so called "three finger triggerfinger split" the Exia has and the PG style hands hands the RX-78-2 3.0 has hasn't been positive at all. The weapons fall out all the time, as do the fingers.
    With the fixed swappable fingers style hands i've never had any problems. They're solid as a rock and hold the weapons well. Only downside to those is having to keep track of the different fingers for every kit.

  • @gmsloep
    @gmsloep 4 года назад

    Those Beam Sabers are also present on the old MG RX-78-2 Version 1.5. I should know. That kit was my second Master Grade.

  • @The_Str4nger
    @The_Str4nger 4 года назад

    Remember, the Force will be with you always

  • @muzumaki619
    @muzumaki619 4 года назад +2

    I guess you could say it was an Impulse buy.

  • @ShadowSwordead1
    @ShadowSwordead1 4 года назад

    lunamaria figure makes it a must buy on this kit

  • @judeskater93
    @judeskater93 4 года назад +2

    I’m honestly torn between getting the mg sword impulse or the mg gym sniper 2. So hard to choose!!!

  • @allenusison3124
    @allenusison3124 4 года назад

    When Aegis "killed" the Strike: Kira was saved by Lowe
    When Impulse killed the Freedom: Nope, no Lowe to save you anymore, Kira.
    Seriously, while the plot hole on how Kira survived the Strike's destruction was resolved because of Astray, how did he survive the Freedom's destruction?

  • @ninjaguy_12
    @ninjaguy_12 4 года назад +1

    I’m waiting for my MG Blast Impulse Gundam to come in 😍

    • @TripleCCC05
      @TripleCCC05 4 года назад

      Word. I've been waiting on that MG for the longest time.

  • @porkflaps4717
    @porkflaps4717 4 года назад

    Just always liked the Sword Impulse way better. Wouldn't mind getting that HG with the sword stabbing through the Freedom bust.

  • @STheRider
    @STheRider 4 года назад

    I’m low key mad the real grade force impluse isn’t coming with an Excalibur. Bandai just saving hoarding it for the p Bandai rg sword impluse.

  • @altmaster8973
    @altmaster8973 4 года назад

    I hope this is better than Mg Destiny Gundam

  • @dominhthang1701
    @dominhthang1701 Год назад

    No water decal:))

  • @zeondidnothingright9477
    @zeondidnothingright9477 4 года назад

    that curve isn't unique, MG wing kits came with that curve for the beam saber effect