Mr Siddaramaiah Please listen to this details, siddaramaiah navare public was thinking that you came from HDD garudi, and siddaramaiah knows all secret of HDD and siddaramaiah would be good administor, neevu siddaramaiah don't compare yourself with HDD, you cannot compare your administration nor intelligence with Kumaranna, siddaramaiah navare please resign to save all this embarrassment
Jai jds Jai Kumar Anna
Jai kumaranna 💥💥💥
Mr Siddaramaiah Please listen to this details, siddaramaiah navare public was thinking that you came from HDD garudi, and siddaramaiah knows all secret of HDD and siddaramaiah would be good administor, neevu siddaramaiah don't compare yourself with HDD, you cannot compare your administration nor intelligence with Kumaranna, siddaramaiah navare please resign to save all this embarrassment
Thief how is saying