Full video: Rafizi Ramli's speech at PKR's election convention
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- PKR deputy president Rafizi Ramli addressed party members at the PKR GE15 convention today.
The election convention was held as part of the party's preparations to face the 15th general election (GE15).
Video source: / 1110563813001984
PKR try to transform this beloved country. From your speech I understand that you can get it done. My & family votes are for PKR only. Please walk the talk. Thanks.
A future prominent leader in Malaysia..
Leader of singapore👍
Future promise of fuel formula rm1.50🤣
Sepatutnya keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia terutamanya Melayu memberi tabik hormat kepada RR... Satu kenyataan yg berfakta dan penuh ilmiah dgn keadaan semasa... Segala sejarah Malaysia yg diketengahkan oleh RR amat bertepatan sekali... Ayuh keseluruhan rakyat Malaysia, inilah peluang yg terakhir untuk kita membina semula Malaysia yg hampir nak muflis dirompak olih lanun2 yg bertopeng sebagai Sang Penguasa/Pemerintah... Beranikanlah kita semua untuk membuat perubahan yg total dgn menolak Pimpinan2 yg bobrok dan gilakuasa hanya untuk kepentingan peribadi mereka... Ini kalilah diPRU15 ni kita membuktikan yg rakyat adalah Makkal sakti... Rakyat adalah raja untuk menentukan arah tuju Malaysia sehingga kita bolih memenjarakan siBossakau dek kerana jenayahnya.... Ayuh Malaysia!!! semangatmu diPRU14 dahulu haruslah diterjemahkan didlm PRU15 ini... Tabik hormat sekali lagi kpd DSAl, RR dan kepimpinan PH yg sentiasa beristiqamah dlm perjuangan untuk menegakkan keadilan yg sebenarnya...
He is some one who would bring transformations to his beloved country
We need a leader with good will and sincere like Rafizi. A very good speech.
@Asian SuperYacht Engineer the irony is that Rafizi actually harbors no ambition to be PM, he just only cares about PKR's original struggle and to reverse the rot that Tun M has started. He had a good career at Petronas, and he gave away everything for the reformasi struggle.
Anwar on the other hand, is desperate to be PM and has lost his way with terrible decision making and trusting bootlickers like Azmin in the past.
@Asian SuperYacht Engineer its Anwar not Anuar
@Asian SuperYacht Engineer why must we vote for PH.
Remember PH sold govt assets. Where did the money fo to?
I must say PH is a disaster
These educated and non revised Malay leaders must go deep into kampung to tell those kampungfolks the truth and not in the urban where those educated Malays know is happened in our country but not those in the rural ' which.can be easily influenced by money and twisted facts if we wantmajy
A person with vision and charisma. We need more individual like you Rafizi. Make us roar again please...
Terbaik YB Rafizi.. Harap seluruh RAKYAT Malaysia faham penjelasan YB Rafizi dan bekerjasama berjuang ke arah yang lebih baik demi anak cucu kita
Saudara Rafizi bakal mewarisi kepimpinan PKR dan calon pengganti kpd DS Anwar suatu hari nanti.. insyaallah 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾
Insyaallah... Aamiin ya Rabbal Alamin
But Malays reject PKR.
It comes with packages
And Rafizi is in alliance with PH that is hostile to the Malays
Salah satu Ahli politik yang saya paling hormati….bekerja begitu keras demi kepentingan partinya dan rakyat jelata…🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
rakyat mana tu..hahaha
Kerjw keras, betul la Tu.
Kerja keras memfitnah Sana sini
@@mohdamiril3833 rakyat dr tongsang..yg masuk tanpa visa tk balik²..mmg dorang pergunakn paria mcm lapiji soton mcm kt singapore dulu jgk
Betul dialah yang berhak menjaga rakyat Malaysia akan datang.
@@shamshulanuar7718 kalau fitnah kenapa tak saman je
Terbaik saudara RAFIZI.. kita tggu suara mcm ini yg kita nak... tgk gombak setia ... ada masalah dgn kami ..
HI ! RAFIZI thanks for sharing 👍 💪 🙏 😀 😊
Aura Rafizi makin kuat berbanding dahulu..terbaik
Humilty, Patience, Tolerance, Kindness and Love, The main Key.
Ucapan Rafizi ialah apa yg terpendam dlm benak seluruh golongan dan lapisan rakyat berbilang kaum yg impikan kebebasan diri dari belenggu puak legasi Perdana Menteri Penyamun. Reformasi hidup rakyat.
Ur the best RR..... Syabas
Meremang dgr Rafizi berucap. Kuat sungguh aura kepimpinan nya. Muga Allah lindumgi Sdr Rafizi.😎
ckap je semua mna jjni pada nelayan ari tu..nk bagi bot besar la,koperasi la..boleh tgok video lama lama..
pakar semua keja lain negara..
Indeed he has done his homework on the economies of other ASEAN members, missing him in the Malaysian political scenario is certainly a wrong move. Having him in the Parliament will certainly change the quality of debate over there .
Totally agree!
Yg penting bkhidmat untk negara dn rakyat..itu la jiwa pemimpin yg sebenar dn sejati....berkorban apa saja...masa..tenaga...harta dn nyawa untk rakyat.
Give PH back its chance to make this country great and clean again. For all Malaysians
PH is under Mahathir
@@Kathy-bp5ij he will be out of PH2. Once bitten twice shy.
Rafizi ni naik pada waktu yg tepat. Sebelum ni Pkr mcm hilang arah , pemimpin2 lain cuma harap kan Anwar je bersuara lantang . Tapi Anwar pun makin senyap lepas kantoi perbualan dgn Zahid , kemudian trpksa buat agreement dgn Ismail, terus x melawan sgt . Skrg Rafizi sebelum ni senyap dari politik , pegang jawatan dlm parti, naikkan smgt ahli Pkr yg lain.
Ayuh Malaysia 🇲🇾 pilih Pakatan Harapan utk anak cucu cicit bangsa Malaysia 🇲🇾
Jika dibandingkan dgn Perhimpunan UMNO, perhimpunan PKR ini lebih fokus kepada strategi kemenangan PRU15 manakala UMNO masih lagi nak bertegang urat menegak benang basah masalah kejatuhan di PRU14.
Terbaik Rafizi... pemimpin yg punya perancangan terbaik. Pasti ini kali lah!!!
RR has the potential of being the “Jokowi” for Malaysia! Go Rafizii!
Pundek ' NAK jadi jokowi MALAYSIA '
BapakJokowi tak LAYAK disamaksn ahli polotik CELAKA YG SELALU membuat kenyataan berunsur fitnah Dan PEMBOHONGAN .
I hope he won't be a Jokowi. Jokowi is a populist, which means he does things that is popular, but not necessarily good. I prefer a visionary nationalist to head the nation.
Rafizi ramli bakal jadi pemimpin Malaysia.. manusia yg bijak pandai ni harus jadi perdana menteri Malaysia...👍👍👍👍👍👍
Nauzubillah..mintak Allah jauhkan piji soton kaki fitnah ni
Ya Allah Tuhan sekelian alam
APA oun dosa Kami umat Islam yg bertimbun timbun in,janganlah engkau azabkan Kami dfn beri kuasa pada Anwar atau Rafizi atau PH.
Kuasa pada merwka berdua samalah seperti Komunis berkuasa
Jujur juga
@@shamshulanuar7718 ?????
Perompak Najib Razak lebih baik?
@@yayacatz1291 bole bgtau apa yg RR fitnah?? Setaju aku semua kes2 saman semua RR menang..sblm ni mmg aku pengudi dan penyokong tegar BN..tp skrg PH tetap di hati..
Terbaik Rafizi...negera klu nak maju mesti bgi Rafizi jdi PM...i dah tua harap boleh nampak Rafizi jdi PM...Rafizi btl-2 berjuang utk negara dan rakyat berbilang kaum
Kita memang penasut,Kita hasut rakyat untuk jatuhkan umno,Kita pon hasut mahathir Dan org org lama untuk masuk Dan buka parti baru 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yaka? Kenapa dia hilang lepas PRU 14? macamana nak jadi leader kalau suka lari macam ni?🤣 Macam biskut ..sekejap ada sekejap tak ada
@@mohammadridwan1146 mcm biskut chipsmore
@@mohammadridwan1146 Betgitulah ciri2 orng yg punya prinsip dan integriti, serta berhati mulia, perlahan2 undur diri bila rakan2 memilih arah yang dirasakan salah, dan peringatan kita tidak di perlukan lagi, namun akan kembali untuk menyelamatkan kawan2 yg tersesat jalan. Mungkin ciri ini asing bagi kamu dan kelompok kamu... pilihan hidup masing2.
@@mejust8392 prinsip?
Rafizi Ada prinsip Ka?
Prinsip dia halalkan fitnah
Jauh beza dengan Wak Zahid. Macam langit dengan bumi! Wak Zahid tengah cari jalan selamatkan diri, guna 2 anak Najib yang masih berhutang dengan LHDN juta-juta untuk menang PRU. Masa depan Malaysia perlukan pemimpin muda yang tidak Yes Man! yang ada pendirian. Support Rafizi!!
Amat setuju.
yg penting mana janji formula minyak rm1.50?
@@Musta8787 janji2 BN selama ni smua dah ditunaikan juga ke? Same case la.
Mula2. Umno mengatakan
Pkr akan merobohkan kerajaan sekarang, ekonomy malaysia akan jatoh katanya, tetapi udang di sebalik batu.
Sudah jatoh baru temui rasuah sangat kronik.
Sampai masuk jel.
Love the way he delivers his speech
We need ppl of integrity. Whichever race. Rafizi got to guard his himself and his team very closely. So easy for ppl experienced in corruption to cause them to fall. So easy to fall into their trap.
Is ours True leader …well speech ; full salute to you !
Thank u 4 ur courage to speak out .We need more of u to look into the needs of the minority n margenalised.Do remember the stateless children of Malayasians,a deep seated cry.of Malaysians parents,grandparents etc.Please speak out for us.Satu Malaysia truthfully.
PKR.... selamanya....
This guy really has the capacity and integrity to be PM.
But UMNO still commands majority Malay supports at the moment,
and its strong fundamental makes it hard to fall..... .
Anyway, still hope that person like this guy can lead Malaysia - a well blessed country -, one day.
Yup. UMNO commands vast majority of Malay votes.
For a good reason too
I must say 22 month rule by PH govt really opened their,( Malay community) eyes.
They witnessed how PH Indian Minister played racial sentiment that le dtondeath of firefighter Adib.
They witnessed how TH was forced to sell its hotels eventhough the hotels are making profit.
They witnessed how TH oil palm estates were sold just like that.
They witnessed how Chinese mPs made statnt like " PNB assets will be sold"
They witnessed how DAP brought back ashes of Vommunsit Chin Peng
They witnessed how Tommy Tomas dropped all cases involving PH.
They were alarmed to see how Anwr becoming obsessed in becoming PM no matter what.
And they noticed how at every available chance, reporters( always Chinese reporters) asked Tun when he was going to resign
So their wishes came true
Tun resigned.
I must say PH is a total disaster
But what ultra malays dont know or too stupid to admit is malay reserves has only 12% left... So much of malay strive ay
Too few "why" were given, but is interesting to learn you look things from these angles.
I am not a political person, l disagreed with BN because of UMNO's proven corruption culture(money politics), and Malaysia keeps dropping in progress(l look in from Singapore where l have business in, also compare Malaysia with surrounding counties like Vietnam, Indonesia etc. Not to mention China that used to be a poor country in people's eyes ) . Something somewhere have to be changed, and l won't expect overnight results. Based on my following up understandings, although l disagreed with 98% of your above sayings, but l respect you comments, and hope that a renewed Malaysia will be presented in this challenging world soon.
@@shamshulanuar7718 I’m surprised that you raised the issue of racism by non Malay ministers. I don’t doubt what you said. BUT these racial sentiments have been flamed since the 80s by mostly Malay political big wigs. I know because even some of my relatives told me that back in the 80s and 90s they were called into closed door meetings to flame feelings of suspicion against other races. So why is it such a big deal that some non-Malay ministers seem to be a bit racist. One form of extremism breeds and equally ugly reaction. Yes, these non Malay ministers need to be reprimanded, but it’s a small price to pay for the upheaval of 60 years of corrupt governance.
tahniah Rafizi trus berjuang Anwar jadi PM yg sah
Kita memang penasut,Kita hasut rakyat untuk jatuhkan umno,Kita pon hasut mahathir Dan org org lama untuk masuk Dan buka parti baru 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@Hareezjoe penasut tu ape ke bende?
Tokoh harapan negara dan masyarakat..YakiniRakyat Yakini PKR PH..aku mahu lihat negara di pimpin oleh tokoh hebat di asia iaitu Ds Anwar ib..
Pernah dengar pujian seperti ini terhadap sadig dan akhir nya apa..........?
Ayuh kita sokong pkr
I tabik You Rafizi....semoga negara kita akan aman tanpa SAKAU2 dikeliling kita......🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾
Saudara RR ni merupakan pemimpin yg memiliki aura dan karisma utk dilantik mnjadi menteri kewangan Malaysia. Teruskan berjuang RR. LTL.
Yes, sokong 100%
i like rafizi🌹
Semoga rafizi bawa kemenangan kpd PKR n PH.
Terbaik Alhamdulillah Semua Sihat2 !!!
Good one, keep moving, don't leave any stone unturned
Selawat dan Salam keatas Junjungan Besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.💞
Allahumma Sholli Alaa Sayyiidina Muhammad
Wa'alaa Aalii Sayyidina Muhammad 💞
terus kan berjuang RR
Saudara Rafizi you menmang harapan rakyat Malaysian
Rafizi goes to Timbalan perdana Menteri.....Malaysia akan jaya
Hidup Rafizi Ramli. Hidup PKR.
Hidup HP
@@yuenhiapling1602 Hp hidup 🤣
Great one Mr. Rafizi...may you be blessed..
Rafizi had potential to be Pm of Malaysia ?
Principles of Good governance ?
Must be clean , have integrity?
No corruption ?
Advice for Rafizi- surround yourself with people with integrity ,clean,knowlodge ?
He must this
He could have all the outward potentials..but not, the cutting of a strong leader.
@@leekmsc then please tell us who has the cuts ?
@@VeilayuthamKrishnan Mohd Hassan. UMNO number 2
A leader in the making. God bless Malaysia 😂
He talk about fact and real circumstances that been experienced by malaysian citizens. Especially by young generation. 25 years in the past, young generation can effort to buy a house or build the house. Nowadays youth that age 25 years old only can effort to rent a room or stay at parents houses. Not just because they wanted too. But they cant effort either one of it.
This is the guy we need desperately to have a chance to make the Big change in Malaysia.
Allah is great! He sent RR here at the right time.
He is so so far ahead of the rest.
In every aspect!
Thank you saudara RR for what you do.
Tuhan akan memberkati Rafizi. Hati yang baik Tuhan nampak.
I totally agree. Anwar can be appointed as an Advisor.
Generasi muda x nak lagi pemiikiran orang tua… x kira betol ke x… xpi dah ketinggalan zaman
Nepotism tu
@@p.a.r7556 agree
terbaik saudara rafizi.. buat baik perkara betoi, aku sokong..
kalau perangai cam najib gak, sorryy lar...
Ketelusan, keadilan & kebajikan akn lebih baik untuk rakyat msia
Ucapan yg terbaeek ...insyaAllah ada cahaya d hujung terowong..cahaya yg menerangkan hidup rakyat..
RR terbaik
Our future PM 💪
Well done.
keep it up n up Msia need u
Talented n integrity yb rafizi👍🏻🙏
Ziii ziii rafiziiii urat dawai tulang besi hidup rafiziiii hidup pH ❤️⭐⭐⭐🙏
Rakyatlah sebagai raja dalam negara dan humbankan parti kleptokrat umno yg bermaharaja selama ini. Dengan kuasa mengundi ditangan pilihlah pemimpin2 yg berintergriti menaikan nama negara, tolak pemimpin yg sudah memalukan negara dimata dunia dgn kes2 rasuah yg berprofile tinggi .
support and salute!!!!
We need highly educated and knowledgable of politicians (he’s one of them) 👍🏻
Not just that, ethical and empathy is most important.
No doubt the “human skills” playing a main role, nevertheless, educational qualification pretty important as well. I’ve seen “Spanish Flies” and foul languages in Parliament of the country (you know, right?)
@@simonho5518 Look at the current British ministers lineup. All educated but all craps. Totally incompetent, unethical and inhumane.
Alhamdulillah. Ikhlas dan terang. Semoga diberkati Allah SWT dgn kemenangan utk menghapus segala kemungkaran.
Harap YB Rafizi jadi PM kita🙏🙏🙏
General Perang PKR Rafizi Ramli memang terbaik otaknya👍👍👍
Ayuh malaysia!
Semuga PH berjaya keputrajaya demi membasmi rasuah hingga keakar2nya
TQ Yg Berbahagia Rafizi ! . . for ur tireless effort & time & finance to help to reform Mlys for our children, grand children & more.... ONCE AGAIN ... TQ & MAY GOD BLESS U & UR BELOVED ONES!!! 🤣 U LOOK SLIMMER & FITTER & LIGHTER NOW, ....U deserved respect, adoration & admiration from all Malaysians unlike the disrespect, hate & daily 'curses' by Malaysians for the corrupt govt of the day!!!
Responbility against corruption.terbaik Rafizi....ltl...
Buang terus UMNO, cubalah PH, semua pemimpin korup wajib dibawa ke pengadilan. Kalau UMNO masih betkuasa sedih msia sebab semua korup tidur lena.
Tak nak la ph lg jahanam..khadam dap
Ayuh Malaysia!!! Let's keep moving forward
Salam to my dear Mr rafizi your speech is fantastic we rakyat Malaysia are listening to your video please go ahead please we rakyat whan your party to run this country we like Mr Anwar Ibrahim Mr rafizi Mr saifudin and Mr Tony poh Mr Anthony Lok and the advicer Mr Mahathir Mohamed puan seri rafidah Aziz and dap lim kit Sian this my advice i like to advise to this party the economy of country must be up alamdullila we rakyat DOA to Allah to selamatkan negara say
I support Rafizi, as always.
He can unite every Malaysian.
Good Leader Rafizi hopefully he will be a very important leader in the future in PKR - Next PM
Ur the best RR....keep up the good work. Syabas
Fantastic to see & know DS Anwar Ibrahim has such a Dynamic Deputy, Rafizi,in PH Camp.All who care for their future generations, must play a part in helping PH regain the Mandate that was stolen fr.the Rakyat. Comment online, write to yr MP, to the press on issues affecting the Rakyat, Join PH, Volunteer in Campaign Election work etc. The Work starts now,and more reach out to the rural heartland too & on social media. Reformasi !
Hati sy sebak mendengar setiap patah ucapan saudara. Ke ikhlasan bait kata saudara sy kagum dan bersyukur krn Allah hadirkan saudara sebagai pejuang di bumi bertuah ini.
Alhamdulillah, pada pandangan saya, satu2nya calon dari Generasi Muda yang layak memimpin Negara Malaysia adalah YB Rafizi Ramli kerana beliau berbicara secara Berilmu Tinggi dengan ketengahkan segala fakta2 lama, baru & susunan agenda akan datang. Semoga ALLAH Kurniakan Kemenangan diPRU15 nanti In Shaa ALLAH & sekaligus DSAI, YBRR, YBNIA, YBLGE, YBMS & Mantan2 Menteri yang setia dibawah naungan PKR berganding bersama Rakyat Malaysia yang dahagakan Kepimpinan Yang Bersih, Cekap, Amanah membawa Malaysia ke Mercu Kecermelangan DiMata Dunia. Aamiin yaa Robbal Aalamiin🤲🏻🤲🏻
Insyaallah Dgn pertolongan Allah . Aamiin ya Rabbal Alamin
Jasa PKR pada saya ialah berjaya satupadukan rakyat Malaysia mengenal erti perjuangan sebenar mengalahkan kebatinan..
Sorry !!!! RAFIZI😊 Yes, we want U to be our future PM
But Seri Anwar must be first.
We pray all ur members wl be faithful
And united. Wish u all success🙏🙏👍
Welcome back rafizi 💫
That's all and we already know the result of GE15 🌟
Sesugguh pun saya berada di Rumah tapi hati saya duk disini ,untuk sokong PH dan Pkr.
Your are best person that we love u the most for the people's and country regardless any races and religions,we want u one day can lead to save save our country and our beloved raykat for our people's of our country
dari dulu dah tunggu abg raf balik politik.. harap dia boleh jalankan tugas dgn baik bila menang nanti
Welcome back
Salute! Aku sokong apa kata kata Encik Rafizi, Niat Yang benar Dan sepatutnya...Negaraku
Good speech. You give us hope for👏.
Mantap jiwa
This is the guy who banged the table when Dr M did not agree to appoint him as the Finance Minister in 2018
Tringin nak tgk Rafizi debat dgn tokmat.
takdak org lain ka bang??dgn tokmat memang balik awal tokmat 🤣
@@shahrulnizam5053 sb tokmat jugak PH kalah berturut² 😂😂
Walaupun taufan atau tsunami , Bendera
P K R - Tetap Bangun Semula !!!
Ya! Setiap benda yg baik dan betul (niat) mesti hasilnya akan melimpahkan Rahmat.
@@Kathy-bp5ij Hmmm..terima kaseh .
Terbaik Ucapan Sdr.Rafizi Ramli. Harap Rafizi di lantik Mentri Kewangan, bila DS Anwar di pilih PM Baru M'sia, PRU akan datang. Amat penting PH di nampak nya party yg BERSATU dgn Manifesto Dan tanding guna SATU Logo. Dan SATU Calon untuk Jawatan PM.
Do you have the Malay votes?
As far anyone can see, vast majority of Malays are with UMNO
Terbaik Rafizi Ramli
I love his speech! I can feel his sincerity and being genuine, proud of him!
Aamiin Ya Rabb'bal Aalamiin 🙏💜💞