7 Future Events That Will Shake the World - Ed Hindson

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @cathyslookingforjesus5913
    @cathyslookingforjesus5913 3 года назад +2

    Thank you Dr. Ed Hindson. One of the BEST Bible prophecy teachers 🙏🏼☺️

  • @ireneduke5022
    @ireneduke5022 3 года назад +2

    Come today Lord Jesus!

    • @JESUSISLORDforevermore888
      @JESUSISLORDforevermore888 3 года назад

      My DAILY prayer, Sister Irene. Yes, my daily prayer. See you at the CLOUD PARTY. 4/3/2021.

  • @jesussaves1875
    @jesussaves1875 2 года назад

    Enoch and Elijah are still in their natural bodies (Jesus is the first one to receive the resurrection body)

  • @sorens70601
    @sorens70601 3 года назад

    Dr. Ed Hindson, The scriptures Do NOT teach a "Pre-Trib" RAPTURE !! Bear with me for a few moments, as I am a Theologian, in ministry since 1963 !
    In 1.Cor.15:50, , the Apostle PAUL is addressing a Decidedly Christian Audience at CORINTH , calling Them "Brethren" and declaring to Them, that "We Christians" who are "Flesh and Blood", Cannot Inherit the Kingdom of God, as we must FIRST be "CHANGED" from MORTALITY, ( our Flesh and Blood Existence ) to that of IMMORTALITY !! From that CORRUPTION, to that of IN-CORRUPTION !!
    And in verses 51-53, PAUL declares that THIS "CHANGE" can ONLY happen at the FIRST RESURRECTION !! As is Corroborated in 1.Thess.4:15, that;...."The Dead in Christ, Rise FIRST", and Only After such, ..."We that are Alive and Remain"
    , Will be "caught-Up", ( Raptured ) "Together with THEM" ( into the Air and the Clouds, and NOT to HEAVEN )
    And ONLY AFTER That this "CHANGE" from Mortality to IMMORTALITY has taken place, which can ONLY Happen at the FIRST RESURRECTION, is it Possible for us to be Raptured !!
    That means, that NO RAPTURE is POSSIBLE until the FIRST RESURRECTION has been completed !!
    So the Question then becomes This; WHEN is the FIRST RESURRECTION Declared to take place ?
    Well, Rev.20:5 declares that the FIRST RESURRECTION is SEPARATED from the SECOND RESURRECTION, by EXACTLY 1,000 YEARS !!
    And since the SECOND RESURRECTION is declared to take place at The very END of the Millennium, ..........THAT then means that the FIRST RESURRECTION Must Happen at the "Very End" of the Seven year TRIBULATION, and on the "LAST DAY" !! ( just as JESUS declared in Jn.6:40 )
    And ONLY AFTER the "First Resurrection" has been completed, with the "DEAD in Christ RISING FIRST" (1.Thess.4:15 ) Only Then, will "We that are alive and remain, Be CAUGHT-UP, ( Raptured ) Together with Them". ( 1.Thess.4:16-17 )
    So Dr. Hindson, Can you now see the Heretical Agenda of the Un-Bilical "Pre-Trib" Rapture theory that proposes a Rapture SEVEN YEARS Before the Biblical Account ??
    Please get in touch, so we can discuss this.
    Morgan Sorensen ( Biblical Theologian )

    • @pilarramos1848
      @pilarramos1848 3 года назад +1

      Excuse me, but the Scriptures absolutely teach a pre-Tribulation catching away. You don’t rightly devise the Word, but you do listen to lies. You can’t understand the whole councils of God, and you don’t want to. Why do you bother coming on pages like this to spout your nonsense? What to you hope for? Go read your Bible and ASK GOD, not the little god you have created in your own image, to help you understand.

    • @sorens70601
      @sorens70601 3 года назад

      @@pilarramos1848 , Ramos, your Disrespectful rant, does not serve any purpose !! So Chill for a few moments. and consider the following;
      The Apostle PAUL, in 1,Cor.15:50-53, addresses a decidedly CHRISTISN Audience, and tells THEM, that They, as "FLESH and BLOOD" human beings, even though being "Christians", Cannot INHERIT
      the KINGDOM of GOD !!
      As THEY must FIRST become "CHANGED", from MORTALITY, to that of IMMORTALITY !!
      And PAUL Declared that Such "CHANGE" , Can ONLY Happen, at the FIRST RESURRECTION !!
      And Rev.20:5 Declares that the FIRST and SECOND RESURRECTION, Are SEPARATED By EXACTLY "One THOUSAND" Years !! So since
      the Second RESURRECTION is declared to "Take Place" at the END of the MILLENIUM, then simple math makes it become Obvious, that the FIRST RESURRECTION happens at the END of the Seven Year TRIBULATION !!
      And as we have learned from PAUL, that there can be No "CHANGE" from MORTALITY to that of IMMORTALITY, at any Time , But ONLY at the FIRST RESURRECTION , It becomes CLEAR that YOU and ED HINDSON Are the "Deceivers and False teachers Here, that propagate this Heretical and Un-Biblical Teaching, called the "Pre-Trib" RAPTURE
      Morgan Sorensen ( Biblical Theologian )

    • @pilarramos1848
      @pilarramos1848 3 года назад

      @@sorens70601 No disrespect at all, unless you think telling the truth is such. So you should not only chill, but allow others to speak the truth... or are you too arrogant to tolerate anything like that...? Yes, I think you have a problem with anger and arrogance. Very ugly.

    • @JESUSISLORDforevermore888
      @JESUSISLORDforevermore888 3 года назад

      4/3/2021: Well TIME has a way of proving ALL THINGS...so we’ll see. Brother Morgan, see you at THE RAPTURE. MARANATHA!!!

    • @sorens70601
      @sorens70601 3 года назад

      @@JESUSISLORDforevermore888 ,Well that depends whether you are going to "hold out", and be an "OVERCOMER", and go through the Seven Year TRIBULATION, and EXPERIENCE the BIBLICAL RAPTURE, that JESUS declared would happen on the "LAST DAY" ( Jn.6:40 )
      Or whether you are going to believe these "Pseudo Scholars", and FALSE Teachers , like ED HINDSON , TOMMY ICE, MARK HITCHCOCK, PERRY STONE, et.al.
      Morgan Sorensen ( Biblical Theologian )