Just for some context: Durov was essentially forced to leave his company, and later Russia, for not cooperating with Russian authorities. They wanted a backdoor to read people's confidential chats on VK, he refused. He founded Telegram later largely out of spite, but also out of principle that everyone should have access to free, uncensored information, and be able to have private conversations without the government sticking their nose in. Without Telegram, the opposition movements in Russia, Iran, Venezuela and many other authoritarian countries would be dead. Without Telegram, people in these countries wouldn't have access to real information. This may sound dramatic, but as someone from Russia I can promise you -- Telegram is incredibly important for free speech around the world, and what France is doing is completely inexcusable.
This is NOTHING. Just you wait and see. You think the arrests that were made during the pandemic were something. The world leaders and powers have just turned it up a notch.
Macron, Trudeau, Starmer are all adepts of Schwab with his WEF clique. They have a secret sacred mission and will remain in place at all costs, no matter how large the protests are. (despite yellow vests demonstrations , truckers demonstrations and pro-Britain demonstrations.)
All they are concerned about is having the ability to spy on people. It's totally cool if gov's use encrypted messages for their own "business" but the second it's available to citizens? No f'ing way. They want total control and to be able to spy on citizens unfettered. It's why they go after these people like musk who don't cooperate with them, it's why zuck is clear and why Facebook is a joke, the people who let govs have access to all their users info are free and clear. The people who protect people's info well... They're a threat. All I have to say is if you don't have guns now might be a good time to aquire some cuz it won't be long before all of eu is shut down then the blue party in the us will say "look at eu they like silenced speach, we shall have it too" and the day will come that they're kicking in your door for having convo's with people.. idk but I ain't going to live in that world.
And let's not forget the human factor. People like myself, Viktor Medvedchyk, Darya Dugina, my mother. We're still being held responsible for the actions of our loved ones! Darya is dead- so is my mother. Just saying...
@Uns4rmLhr why should you be required to screen your clients? If the goverment thinks it knows best then it should enforce its dictates not business proprietors. If a bar is given a fake ID they should not be required to authenticate it using their own means. Either the ID is good enough or the goverment has created inferior IDs and it's their short coming
"If large numbers of people believe in freedom of speech, there will be freedom of speech, even if the law forbids it. But if public opinion is sluggish, inconvenient minorities will be persecuted, even if laws exist to protect them." -George Orwell
NIMBY... Not in my back yard... as long as THEY are not in shackles, then it's no big deal.. and when they ARE in shackles it's no big deal to the neighbors.
So true. But then they're importing all these muslim jihadis and communist scum from across the globe en masses who have no concern for freedom or free speech cept for taking it from you and putting them in positions of influence. Well as grooming, corrupting and indoctrinating your children in school ffs so.... the public ain't what it used to be. But we really have dropped rhe ball letting it get this far unopposed.
Ppl have been as off 2020. And were stamped on by police and secret teams beating elderly ppl from behind on their heads. Running over them with horses, attacking them with dogs.Ppl who were peacefully protesting or even just sitting on benches when jumped from police out of vans from behind. It was horrible and unbelievable to witness. Remember we are not allowed to have arms to defend ourselves. In 2020 our countries turned into dystopian societies.
I’m French and very disgusted by Macron’s warfare against free speech, especially being noted he totally lost two elections in one month. Macron should resign asap
You are right most especially France. A french journalist was arrested on his arrival to Euston station in UK on the 18 of April 2023 just because he criticise Macron.
Возможно, это вам стоит узнать, почему на самом деле его арестовали. Не будьте так примитивно-наивными, в наше время доступности информации -это кощунство. Хотя, возможно, в Европе ограничение на информацию, если судить по Германии, например😂@@NoWindNoSunNoPower
these globalist are getting more brazen, they dont care...they control everything, and the more this happens you become desensitized, and think it is normal and okay. They are reving it up, gastapo tryanny is coming in the name of saving democracy, climate change, for your health and safety, to prevent scams and criminal activity....these are all guises to manipulate the public to thinking they are doing good, when in truth they are manipulating the system to gain more power and impose more totalitarian like policies. And the use the media like the left to push their narratives, the media acts like a Soviet style Minisitry of Truth peddling the same lies by claiming they are fighting crime or international terrorism or protecting society or stopping misinformation or fact checking, to preventing lies, when it's all about distorting the truth themselves. This is a web of lies that is so fine tune, thru so called fact checking, social media, Nytimes, CNN, BBC, and so many outlets to push their agendas, they have so many people fooled.
RUclips just nixed me echoing the sentiment of the Founders, and that of our grandparents in the 40s. Totally normal language as of a few years ago, by the way, not misapplying this. This only proves my point. We need a campaign of |iberation.
Censorship is a fundamental element of authoritarian governments. The fact that the American government is trying so hard to censor its citizens is a sure sign of their intentions. It's critical to support and elect President Trump.
Censorship is a fundamental element of authoritarian government; so is total impunity of thief’s, scammers, mafias, etc… Both need to be balanced. I am 100% for free speech, but when that is used to do evil, we need to do something. Billionaires saying that thief’s would use another plateform if they were fighting against them is like saying : « I don’t call the police because it will happen anyway… » that’s pure hypocrisy. They don’t care about freedom of speech. They just use you to work for them. Stop being blinded!
@@ohsweetmystery Maybe they don't have an "obligation", but is that because they have already given backdoor keys to certain government agencies to monitor it themselves? Just a thought....
Haven't learned much yet about this but so far I've gathered that the arrest is due to failing to enforce content moderation of Telegram which is being used for spreading contents like sex/drug trafficking, child sexual abuse, drugs, etc. I recently learned about this platform also containing animal torture videos and hunting down users is said to be an arduous task.
All this misinformation/disinformation, yet anyone can advertise or post a miracle elixir that will cure this or that or ‘burn’ 63 pounds of fat over night. The push is on, going into overdrive with censorship. All this was because the ‘Truth’ is inconvenient to some agenda = lies.
"In the shadowed recesses of our world, there thrives the Eternal -French- Frog, a vile harbinger of desolation, etched from the very essence of repugnance. This abominable entity, a grotesque mirage of life, roams the realms of creativity and beauty with malice in its heart, a relentless storm of destruction. Born from the ashes of desecration, it is the antithesis of grace, an embodiment of corruption, seeking only to degrade the splendors Frogland can never possess. The Eternal Frog is the whispered nightmare of society, the chilling draught in the hallways of innovation. It is the malignant growth on the tree of civilization, sucking the marrow of culture, leaving behind the skeletal remains of what once was. Its presence is a stain upon the canvas of existence, a deliberate insult to the notion of beauty itself. With every step, it defiles purity, its touch a corrosive, unholy blight. Museums, sports, galleries, and theaters, once bastions of human expression, become its hunting grounds, where it mocks the sublime and revels in the decay of aesthetics. Its laughter, a cacophony of disdain, echoes through the corridors of creation, a sinister reminder of its mission to unmake. In its eyes, a reflection of the void, beauty finds no sanctuary, for this creature is the living embodiment of the plague, a perverse mirror held up to the face of society, revealing the ugliness within. It is not simply a destroyer; it is a malignant force, a parasite, feeding on the vibrancy of the world, leaving behind a desolate landscape devoid of color, life, and hope. The Eternal Frog, a ceaseless vermin of malevolence, represents that eternal void, the unyielding night seeking to extinguish the light of humanity. It is the epitome of untermensch, the antithesis of all that mankind represent, chaos unbound, a tide of teeth and claw, venom and virulence, anathema to the structured beauty of civilization. Where humanity plants the seeds of tomorrow, this subhuman seeks to salt the earth, to tear down the edifice of progress, to drag the aspiring souls back into the primordial soup from whence they dared to emerge." - Wulf Sorensen
But the NSA can listen to phone calls, they don’t have a way into Telegram and they won’t stand for that, because people are using it for the crime of truly free speech
It was the black prince Macron who ordered the arrest. A very unpopular President who wants to control free speech and the narritive. After he and his Party came last in the election 49 days ago, and so desperately wants to stay in power.
Funny that you ask the question, and you have 666 in your name. It never ends until God puts an end to it. It just gets worse, and worse until the day of the Lord. The book that mentions the number 666, perfectly describes to a T, how this whole thing goes down.
@@MrSnivelupagus the 666 in my username is just a random bs i did. Has no meaning to it for me. I’m for christ, i even forgot i had the 666 until you pointed it out haha
How do ppl not see the insanity of arresting ppl like this while allowing violent criminals who repeatedly violate not only laws but other ppl roam free? How about going after the ppl traficking and the ppl who are doing stabby stabby etc?
Regardless of what your political views are, everyone should be outraged, “ they” don’t want the citizens of the world to have opinions, “ they” want to dictate what we should know
Who would've thought that you'd have more freedom in Russia than the western world, the world has become a dystopian nightmare and I'm fucking disgusted.
As French, ashame again. we must find a solution to fight against the tyranny. hopefully there are 3 men in USA who show us there is hope. Elon, Donald et RKJ
@@MichaelFox-p9l Funny you say that, because Russian agencies were after Durov but they asked him more "nicely" to hand over the information and access to the app, which he denied and was cheered by all the Western establishment. Then the app was blocked in Russia from 2018 to 2020 but they reversed the ban. Now when he denied access to western agencies they treat him as a terry ;) Welcome to Gestapoland y'all.
This is zionism not communism. The zionist wanted the information for what's going on in Gaza, so they bribed Macron, they can bribe and blackmail anyone, even the US president. That's why they stuffed US president with crap so they shut up about the USS liberty attack by them.
Elon Musk values freedom of speech and I support him on that The government lies all the time and need to be called out and made accountable for their actions
Yes. Especially if their job they're doing nowadays, is to appease someone to control the masses into control and consumption. The only left for the people to do is to either remove themselves from the system, fight for their rights or fend from your own without their involvement.
A "preliminary" case. They will do the same to him as the Tate brothers. No charges for two years while they manufacture charges. Then house arrest for a few more years and still no trial. This is evil.
La France d’aujourd’hui est en train de basculer dans la médiocrité à force de suivre les autres pour se faire remarquer. Et c’est triste de voir ce pays grand défenseur des droits de l’homme et du respect des citoyens par le passé se détourner de ses valeurs morales pour devenir un pays dictatorial.
If you have no voice, you have no freedom. Freedom is not free, and many have died fighting for it. Be bold, stand firm, and fight for your inalienable rights...
Let's be honest, they don't care that criminals use the app, they care that they don't have access and control censorship. People might actually have access to different points of view on a topic.
You can't arrest a Man for the Actions of others on his Social media platform. The Criminals who did Sex Trafficking there are the ones who should be arrested. The CEO should've taken Pre-Emptive measures to ban such things.
Father God please send your warring angels to protect Mr. Palov. Let no weapon formed against him prosper God. Keep him safe and protect him, his family, and his assets in Jesus Amen🙏
When you understand that right now, we are in the midst of a spiritual battle for our very existence. When you understand that you will understand that [they] do not want truth! They hate truth fiercely. Why do you think Christianity is hated so deeply and so broadly, whilst all other religions are not touched?
Elon and RFK Jr. should request on X that visitors to France that love freedom and free speech leave and not return unless or until France begins to support freedom again. Free speech is the best expression that freedom knows.
It's not really Hitler who's getting his way beyond the grave. When Nazism was defeated something else even worse prevailed and has been thriving ever since
Just for some context: Durov was essentially forced to leave his company, and later Russia, for not cooperating with Russian authorities. They wanted a backdoor to read people's confidential chats on VK, he refused. He founded Telegram later largely out of spite, but also out of principle that everyone should have access to free, uncensored information, and be able to have private conversations without the government sticking their nose in. Without Telegram, the opposition movements in Russia, Iran, Venezuela and many other authoritarian countries would be dead. Without Telegram, people in these countries wouldn't have access to real information. This may sound dramatic, but as someone from Russia I can promise you -- Telegram is incredibly important for free speech around the world, and what France is doing is completely inexcusable.
Your comment is extremely important
Luckily he’s still walking
For any social media platform to operate in the US, they must agree to cooperate with US intelligence agencies, Homeland Security, the FBI and CIA.
Не забудьте добавить , что Дуров даёт России доступ к плохим людям. А вот США просто нужен контроль над всей информацией, в том числе и по украине
@@шалость каким "плохим людям"? И при чем здесь США, когда его арестовали во Франции по заданию Интерпола?
I agree. Arresting him is so wrong in so many ways.
This is NOTHING. Just you wait and see. You think the arrests that were made during the pandemic were something. The world leaders and powers have just turned it up a notch.
Macron, Trudeau, Starmer are all adepts of Schwab with his WEF clique.
They have a secret sacred mission and will remain in place at all costs, no matter how large the protests are. (despite yellow vests demonstrations , truckers demonstrations and pro-Britain demonstrations.)
All they are concerned about is having the ability to spy on people. It's totally cool if gov's use encrypted messages for their own "business" but the second it's available to citizens? No f'ing way. They want total control and to be able to spy on citizens unfettered. It's why they go after these people like musk who don't cooperate with them, it's why zuck is clear and why Facebook is a joke, the people who let govs have access to all their users info are free and clear. The people who protect people's info well... They're a threat. All I have to say is if you don't have guns now might be a good time to aquire some cuz it won't be long before all of eu is shut down then the blue party in the us will say "look at eu they like silenced speach, we shall have it too" and the day will come that they're kicking in your door for having convo's with people.. idk but I ain't going to live in that world.
Elon right
Imagine arresting the CEO of a knife manufacturer because somebody else used a knife in a crime.
And let's not forget the human factor. People like myself, Viktor Medvedchyk, Darya Dugina, my mother. We're still being held responsible for the actions of our loved ones! Darya is dead- so is my mother. Just saying...
Ofcourse but If i get a complain I'll never give him my product next time till he pays me double with clear criminal Record sheet! 😅
@Uns4rmLhr why should you be required to screen your clients? If the goverment thinks it knows best then it should enforce its dictates not business proprietors.
If a bar is given a fake ID they should not be required to authenticate it using their own means. Either the ID is good enough or the goverment has created inferior IDs and it's their short coming
Imagine arresting the owner of the New York Yankees because someone in New York used a baseball bat to commit assault
@@Uns4rmLhrtelegram does that as well
"If large numbers of people believe in freedom of speech, there will be freedom of speech, even if the law forbids it. But if public opinion is sluggish, inconvenient minorities will be persecuted, even if laws exist to protect them." -George Orwell
"inconvenient minorities"😂
NIMBY... Not in my back yard... as long as THEY are not in shackles, then it's no big deal..
and when they ARE in shackles it's no big deal to the neighbors.
So true. But then they're importing all these muslim jihadis and communist scum from across the globe en masses who have no concern for freedom or free speech cept for taking it from you and putting them in positions of influence. Well as grooming, corrupting and indoctrinating your children in school ffs so.... the public ain't what it used to be.
But we really have dropped rhe ball letting it get this far unopposed.
This is very disturbing the citizens need to stand up to this tyrany
It's too late. It always has been, It will always be, Too late.
2000 was the starting point.
So people in France should get on their knees and suck. Makrns wifes dick? 😂😂😂😂@@armandoreyes2750
Ppl have been as off 2020. And were stamped on by police and secret teams beating elderly ppl from behind on their heads. Running over them with horses, attacking them with dogs.Ppl who were peacefully protesting or even just sitting on benches when jumped from police out of vans from behind. It was horrible and unbelievable to witness. Remember we are not allowed to have arms to defend ourselves. In 2020 our countries turned into dystopian societies.
the citizen are all incapacitaded. everyone vaxxed to the maximum and silenced
I’m French and very disgusted by Macron’s warfare against free speech, especially being noted he totally lost two elections in one month. Macron should resign asap
Here in the UK we were overjoyed when Le Pen was tipped to win until the left decided to deploy dirty tricks. Stay strong 🇫🇷 🤝🇬🇧
Vive la France!
Aren't the French going to demonstrate?? Your freedom is at risk too ...
Europe has become a very scary place.
You are right most especially France. A french journalist was arrested on his arrival to Euston station in UK on the 18 of April 2023 just because he criticise Macron.
A journalist on RUclips was arrested in the UK few days ago
They literally charged him with terrorism
Maybe you should explain why he was arrested.
Возможно, это вам стоит узнать, почему на самом деле его арестовали. Не будьте так примитивно-наивными, в наше время доступности информации -это кощунство.
Хотя, возможно, в Европе ограничение на информацию, если судить по Германии, например😂@@NoWindNoSunNoPower
these globalist are getting more brazen, they dont care...they control everything, and the more this happens you become desensitized, and think it is normal and okay. They are reving it up, gastapo tryanny is coming in the name of saving democracy, climate change, for your health and safety, to prevent scams and criminal activity....these are all guises to manipulate the public to thinking they are doing good, when in truth they are manipulating the system to gain more power and impose more totalitarian like policies. And the use the media like the left to push their narratives, the media acts like a Soviet style Minisitry of Truth peddling the same lies by claiming they are fighting crime or international terrorism or protecting society or stopping misinformation or fact checking, to preventing lies, when it's all about distorting the truth themselves. This is a web of lies that is so fine tune, thru so called fact checking, social media, Nytimes, CNN, BBC, and so many outlets to push their agendas, they have so many people fooled.
Most of Europe is now a lost cause.
not lost ,just very confused
Immigration is waking up the continent
It honestly feels like that traded one monarchy for another
What a waste of American lives to save Europe from the Third Reich.
RUclips just nixed me echoing the sentiment of the Founders, and that of our grandparents in the 40s. Totally normal language as of a few years ago, by the way, not misapplying this.
This only proves my point. We need a campaign of |iberation.
Censorship is a fundamental element of authoritarian governments. The fact that the American government is trying so hard to censor its citizens is a sure sign of their intentions. It's critical to support and elect President Trump.
Censorship is a fundamental element of authoritarian government; so is total impunity of thief’s, scammers, mafias, etc…
Both need to be balanced.
I am 100% for free speech, but when that is used to do evil, we need to do something. Billionaires saying that thief’s would use another plateform if they were fighting against them is like saying : « I don’t call the police because it will happen anyway… » that’s pure hypocrisy. They don’t care about freedom of speech. They just use you to work for them. Stop being blinded!
Boycott the sh*t out of French economy! Time to teach these Jacobins some respect for our liberties!
America doesn't have a government it has a cabal of big corporations......
Trump is a disgusting clown! He should be in PRISON.
Steve Bannon is a national treasure. A Thomas Jefferson of our time! Trump like Washington. 2 Great men!
This is like trying to arrest the CEO Verizon because people use a phone to call each other and commit crimes.
We need to treat messaging apps just like telephones. The telephone service has NO OBLIGATION to monitor or suppress our speech.
Frogs aren’t known for their intelligence.
You're confused.
bang On!
@@ohsweetmystery Maybe they don't have an "obligation", but is that because they have already given backdoor keys to certain government agencies to monitor it themselves?
Just a thought....
It's time for EVERYONE to make a stand, we will not back down!!
I want to see them try and go after our genius! We got to protect our geniuses! Trump going to fix the EU aswell. Your welcome!!!
😢😢wery kwykly
Vote Trump, Vance, (RFK) in November to take back our human rights! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Great words so what are we going to do ?
@@50sense50keep speaking freely and not cowering to those who try to silence or censor you.
What’s he been charged with? Allowing free speech?
Pretty much.
Refusing to become Uncle Georgie's little...
giving platform to promoting murders of Europeans is 'free speech" for you? It's not in EU.
Haven't learned much yet about this but so far I've gathered that the arrest is due to failing to enforce content moderation of Telegram which is being used for spreading contents like sex/drug trafficking, child sexual abuse, drugs, etc. I recently learned about this platform also containing animal torture videos and hunting down users is said to be an arduous task.
@@meowskki well yeah, but he flew from Azarbaidzian where at the same time was visiting putin. what a coincidence.
This has nothing to do with France, it's the same Big Brother as with Assange.
All this misinformation/disinformation, yet anyone can advertise or post a miracle elixir that will cure this or that or ‘burn’ 63 pounds of fat over night. The push is on, going into overdrive with censorship. All this was because the ‘Truth’ is inconvenient to some agenda = lies.
Time to leave France ...
So when a country is taken over by evil, don't stand against it, just leave? What happens when there's nowhere to flee to?
@@patsk8872 just leave ..there is always somewhere to go. If you dont want to be a slave you dont have to be a slave.
Frоɡѕ аrе ѕսсh а ѕаwеd оff fаɡɡоtѕ whо еаt ѕnаіІѕ аnd frоɡѕ аnd сhееѕе thаt ѕmеІІѕ Ііƙе ѕhіt. Тhеу tаƙе fіІthу рісtսrеѕ оf еасh оthеr wіth сhеар саmеrаѕ аnd wаѕh nоthіnɡ bսt thеіr сսntѕ, fіɡht wіth thеіr fееt, аnd реrfоrm ѕех асtѕ wіth thеіr fасеѕ. Uttеr рսѕѕіеѕ whо whо аrе аfrаіd оf еvеrуthіnɡ аnd fоrсе thеіr іnbrеd сhіІdrеn tо drіnƙ wіnе. Тhеу ɡіbbеr Ііƙе bаbооnѕ еvеn whеn уоս trу tо ѕреаƙ wіth thеm іn thеіr оwn wіmру rеtаrdеd Іаnɡսаɡе.
@@patsk8872leave, when enough people leave the economy will collapse there and will be forced to act right
"In the shadowed recesses of our world, there thrives the Eternal -French- Frog, a vile harbinger of desolation, etched from the very essence of repugnance. This abominable entity, a grotesque mirage of life, roams the realms of creativity and beauty with malice in its heart, a relentless storm of destruction. Born from the ashes of desecration, it is the antithesis of grace, an embodiment of corruption, seeking only to degrade the splendors Frogland can never possess.
The Eternal Frog is the whispered nightmare of society, the chilling draught in the hallways of innovation. It is the malignant growth on the tree of civilization, sucking the marrow of culture, leaving behind the skeletal remains of what once was. Its presence is a stain upon the canvas of existence, a deliberate insult to the notion of beauty itself.
With every step, it defiles purity, its touch a corrosive, unholy blight. Museums, sports, galleries, and theaters, once bastions of human expression, become its hunting grounds, where it mocks the sublime and revels in the decay of aesthetics. Its laughter, a cacophony of disdain, echoes through the corridors of creation, a sinister reminder of its mission to unmake.
In its eyes, a reflection of the void, beauty finds no sanctuary, for this creature is the living embodiment of the plague, a perverse mirror held up to the face of society, revealing the ugliness within. It is not simply a destroyer; it is a malignant force, a parasite, feeding on the vibrancy of the world, leaving behind a desolate landscape devoid of color, life, and hope.
The Eternal Frog, a ceaseless vermin of malevolence, represents that eternal void, the unyielding night seeking to extinguish the light of humanity. It is the epitome of untermensch, the antithesis of all that mankind represent, chaos unbound, a tide of teeth and claw, venom and virulence, anathema to the structured beauty of civilization. Where humanity plants the seeds of tomorrow, this subhuman seeks to salt the earth, to tear down the edifice of progress, to drag the aspiring souls back into the primordial soup from whence they dared to emerge." - Wulf Sorensen
We need to treat messaging apps just like telephones. The telephone service has NO OBLIGATION to monitor or suppress our speech.
But the NSA can listen to phone calls, they don’t have a way into Telegram and they won’t stand for that, because people are using it for the crime of truly free speech
Telegram is a foundation
@@morbidnesssame for US after 9/11....
We have 2A and nobody is using it, what a laugh!
If it was invented today your calls would be monitored and ads placed here and there. Tech is a disaster.
#FreePavel, this is insane over reach on behalf of the Intel Community both in thee US and EU.
Only the EU, this time the US had nothing to do with it
No- I've had to deal with the same FBI " NKVD " crap back in 2014. Their ugly dirty games are as old as Lucifer.
@@asm7406Are you on drugs? It's got " FBI " written all over it.
Dictatorship is everywhere 😡
Is global=Globalism is very powerfull I do not have any hope in the future
Especially in Europe and America.
@@Marcus.22823 Canada and Australia too
@@hermes389 Canada is puppet of America
No free speech, No democracy.
the French establishment have gone mental...
It was the black prince Macron who ordered the arrest.
A very unpopular President who wants to control free speech and the narritive.
After he and his Party came last in the election 49 days ago, and so desperately wants to stay in power.
See how Macron tried to keep RN blocked
American.... not France, marionette
from the country that gifted America the Statue of Liberty 137 years ago.
It was in its way to Panama just never made it that far.
Big brother is at it again. When will it stop?
When people stop pretending any authority okay with this can ever be legitimate, and act accordingly.
Funny that you ask the question, and you have 666 in your name.
It never ends until God puts an end to it. It just gets worse, and worse until the day of the Lord.
The book that mentions the number 666, perfectly describes to a T, how this whole thing goes down.
It will only get worse and come home to roost big time in the US. On its way. The next few months will turn this country (USA) upside down
When Christ comes back before there is no human flesh left to save!
@@MrSnivelupagus the 666 in my username is just a random bs i did. Has no meaning to it for me. I’m for christ, i even forgot i had the 666 until you pointed it out haha
At this time, if you are saying the truth, you can go to jail , if you, are a liar and criminal, you can do what ever you want, that’s evil.
Truth is treason in an empire of lies.
How do ppl not see the insanity of arresting ppl like this while allowing violent criminals who repeatedly violate not only laws but other ppl roam free? How about going after the ppl traficking and the ppl who are doing stabby stabby etc?
Free speech must win! Anything less is unacceptable. My forefathers DIED for this and I won't sit quietly while lazy men squander that gift.
You will sit quite. The new gens are so dumb they will demand they themselves be censored
@@pigjubby1🤣🤣🤣🤦 .. jesus ? ... If thats the case ..... We're FUCKED 🙅
@@JtM82927 chakras, christ conciousness, creation energy
What about Facebook? Will they get the same treatment?
The Intel agencies run FB!
@@brenttesterman3171 That’s not good.
That's scam central.
Nopebecause facebook complies
Facebook is already censored heavily. Are you not aware??
This is like putting the inventor of television in jail for the broadcasted content
Regardless of what your political views are, everyone should be outraged, “ they” don’t want the citizens of the world to have opinions, “ they” want to dictate what we should know
This madness and evil has to stop NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meta and Google are infinitely more guilty of the same stuff Shatner!
#FreePavel 🤝
Who would've thought that you'd have more freedom in Russia than the western world, the world has become a dystopian nightmare and I'm fucking disgusted.
It's Revelations my dude. Good is evil, and evil is good.
Did you watch the video? Russia's not better.
@@TuhljinTampergauge Russia is better. They are not arresting the CEO of Telegram.
@@TuhljinTampergauge - My point being that the western world has become worse.
@@dicky7600 wait till they learn the truth about that second big world war.
As French, ashame again. we must find a solution to fight against the tyranny. hopefully there are 3 men in USA who show us there is hope. Elon, Donald et RKJ
Верните нам ту Францию в которую влюблялись поэты и художники 😢
Nah they are the same.They also get their orders from zionists.
The world is screwed up
this EU politicians have lost their mind
This is another reason the entire world needs President Trump back in the White House.
Will they also arrest the heads of telephone and cell companies because cell phones are used by bad actors? This is ludicrous.
@@MichaelFox-p9l Funny you say that, because Russian agencies were after Durov but they asked him more "nicely" to hand over the information and access to the app, which he denied and was cheered by all the Western establishment. Then the app was blocked in Russia from 2018 to 2020 but they reversed the ban.
Now when he denied access to western agencies they treat him as a terry ;) Welcome to Gestapoland y'all.
Communism everywhere, what madness.
This is zionism not communism. The zionist wanted the information for what's going on in Gaza, so they bribed Macron, they can bribe and blackmail anyone, even the US president. That's why they stuffed US president with crap so they shut up about the USS liberty attack by them.
you mean Totalitarian Dictatorship, communism is economic form not form of power.
Why do you try to justify this arrest in anyway Skynews? This is not a time to be evenhanded, this is a time to be revolutionary!
when did they try to justify it?
This is how the fascists did things.
And communist.
Dystopian nightmare
Elon Musk values freedom of speech and I support him on that
The government lies all the time and need to be called out and made accountable for their actions
The olympics ceremony, now this.
Why do people keep giving government the power to control their lives?
Yes. Especially if their job they're doing nowadays, is to appease someone to control the masses into control and consumption.
The only left for the people to do is to either remove themselves from the system, fight for their rights or fend from your own without their involvement.
A "preliminary" case. They will do the same to him as the Tate brothers. No charges for two years while they manufacture charges. Then house arrest for a few more years and still no trial. This is evil.
No. The FBI wants the brothers as assets.
I'm no fan of the Tates, but their treatment was ridiculous.
They should arrest Verizon CEO, AT&T CEO, and T-Mobile CEO for allowing crime to exist on their networks.
I seem to recall this happening in Europe a little more than 80 years ago......
Did Europe learn nothing from WWII?
Arrest the king for crimes against his people
His pal.Savilles .400 plus sex crimes are the tip of the iceberg.
we live in dark and evil times.
La France d’aujourd’hui est en train de basculer dans la médiocrité à force de suivre les autres pour se faire remarquer. Et c’est triste de voir ce pays grand défenseur des droits de l’homme et du respect des citoyens par le passé se détourner de ses valeurs morales pour devenir un pays dictatorial.
Control, Control, Control - the elites must stay in control!!
So Cute! Uuuuu tooob keeps deleting comments on this vídéo,
It's not just this video bruv.
Freedom of speech that is Telegram!!
Time is long past of handling tyrants the old fashioned way.🤮🤬
Actually yes i don’t get why they arresting this people it could be solved way quicker😂
This is scary
Someone needs to drain the swamp at the fbi & we all know who the man for the job is....
If government agencies acted responsibly and honestly, there would be no need for companies like telegram.
What if Tesla disabled fast charging in France as a response to this
They cannot stand to lose control of the narrative
Can they be more obvious? How can we stop this?
Free speech under threat once again!
Vindman is an upstanding person? Get real!!!!!
Vindman is evil
Vindman is a scumbag.
They would do that here in the USA if they could get away with it.
Macrons WEF France.. disgraceful..leave Durov alone.
If you have no voice, you have no freedom. Freedom is not free, and many have died fighting for it. Be bold, stand firm, and fight for your inalienable rights...
Coming to Australia wake up we are all in trouble
Just when I thought Europe and France specifically couldn't get any more authoritarian. Their playbook was clearly written by NKorea.
Look at what the US has been able to do to Trump, you think guy stood a chance?
They want arrest Elon musk as well.
France ,Uk has fallen
Thank the WEF
France has well and truly fallen
Governments also don't like TOR and VPNs. But they don't have an individual to arrest.
William Shatner just shat on his reputation as far as I'm concerned.
AS the War 3 begins
They are working night and day to silence the Tate brothers
Everything Telegram is accused of happens on every other social/networking application, ISP and telecommunications provider. What a joke.
This is insane.
Let's be honest, they don't care that criminals use the app, they care that they don't have access and control censorship.
People might actually have access to different points of view on a topic.
You can't arrest a Man for the Actions of others on his Social media platform. The Criminals who did Sex Trafficking there are the ones who should be arrested. The CEO should've taken Pre-Emptive measures to ban such things.
Most likely those that arrested him are the sex traffickers.
We need to treat messaging apps just like telephones. The telephone service has NO OBLIGATION to monitor or suppress our speech.
Not to mention all the scammers on telegram. It's basically a den for thugs and thieves
@@Azmania3000This is why you only talk to those you know….
@@Azmania3000 Thank you! People don't know what they are talking about, but trying to make a big fuss.
I’m so sick of these tyrants.
Father God please send your warring angels to protect Mr. Palov. Let no weapon formed against him prosper God. Keep him safe and protect him, his family, and his assets in Jesus Amen🙏
Amen !
When you understand that right now, we are in the midst of a spiritual battle for our very existence. When you understand that you will understand that [they] do not want truth! They hate truth fiercely. Why do you think Christianity is hated so deeply and so broadly, whilst all other religions are not touched?
FRANCE you either stand with Liberty or against it. A once great people....now weak.
Yet another European country I will NOT visit.
The scoundrels running the show are absolute evil.
I think we need to look at the arrestors' more then the arrestees at this point... and in time, *WE WILL !!!*
You aren’t going to do shit. Cause you can’t do shit about it.
@@nobodyfromnowhere3597 Get back in your hole...
Notice who's calling for his freedom?
Not the Kamala campaign...
France has become a very dark place hasnt it?
Has been for quite a while actually
They want to stop musk before Nov.
Elon and RFK Jr. should request on X that visitors to France that love freedom and free speech leave and not return unless or until France begins to support freedom again. Free speech is the best expression that freedom knows.
They are making the defeat of Hitler look rather pointless. That Shatner is a funny old fart, thought he died years ago.
It's not really Hitler who's getting his way beyond the grave. When Nazism was defeated something else even worse prevailed and has been thriving ever since
Time for us all to add a huge tariff to all French wines and products.
They want control
Arrested for What ???
Can someone please elaborate which french law did he break ?
Facilitating - money laundering
Facilitating - distribution of child porn
Also illegal in the USA
Always some celebrity sucking up to the 3 letter agencies!
I HATE Vindman, that was a direct threat against Elon.
The problem of regulating supposed misinfo/disinfo etc, is who gets to decide? That’s why it will never be anything but tyranny to suppress speech.