7 Social Enterprise Examples | Starting a Nonprofit or Business

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @AmberMelanieSmith
    @AmberMelanieSmith  3 года назад +4

    Here's my newsletter to receive updates and resources for changemakers and nonprofit leaders! tinyurl.com/nonprofitsandchangemakers

  • @Mamobo96
    @Mamobo96 Год назад +3

    Social enterprise founder here! I love how social enterprise is bridges the gap and drives impact on a sustainable rate

  • @carolynmurphy9521
    @carolynmurphy9521 2 года назад +4

    Yes, after watching your videos, I've decided to build in a social enterprise program in my start-up nonprofit for single mothers.

    @INDEEGOME 2 года назад +1

    Thanks for this. Really removed many of my misconceptions and reaffirmed my conceptions by knowing how other people are also doing this. Big love from Lilongwe, Malawi 🇲🇼

  • @ryyiivel1441
    @ryyiivel1441 Год назад

    I’m from saudi arabic
    And I am amazed by this content on the channel 😍😍

  • @aminumusa4349
    @aminumusa4349 2 года назад +2

    Am writing on Social entrepreneurial intention, by watching it add another knowledge

  • @enockpascal2924
    @enockpascal2924 3 года назад +1

    Hi Amber. Thank you. Keep up the good work, your work helps my organisation to develop one step at a time. You must remember this and keep up the good work. God bless you!

  • @Kiki-zt8tq
    @Kiki-zt8tq 5 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for this video!! You are so clear and organized in your exposition of the topic. I also love that you started with the definition!! Could you please make some videos advising books to read on changemakers around the world and the projects they did to help their community? I'd love to know more about other people's success stories to get inspiration. Thank you so much, Micol

    • @AmberMelanieSmith
      @AmberMelanieSmith  5 месяцев назад

      Hi Micol, thank you so much for watching! I definitely have some success story videos coming out (I just posted one about how someone scaled their work nationally!). Great idea!

  • @vume7722
    @vume7722 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for the useful and impactful information.

  • @michaeldamon7500
    @michaeldamon7500 2 года назад +1

    Very informative video. Thank you very much🙂

  • @530thecarmissinng
    @530thecarmissinng Год назад +1

    This is very nice ....I thank God for bumping into this channel ...I'm a visual artist and I'm out here thinking on how I can make my business model to create social impact..could you do a video that could help me expound my ideas on this ..

    • @AmberMelanieSmith
      @AmberMelanieSmith  Год назад

      Thanks for watching! What are your questions about doing that specifically?

    • @530thecarmissinng
      @530thecarmissinng Год назад

      @@AmberMelanieSmith can I email you or sth... because I feel there's a lot I can learn and have to ask

  • @zeke_prachansithi
    @zeke_prachansithi 2 года назад

    In RI we have a legal structure for a hybrid non and for profit called L3C. Not many states recognized this legal business structure.

  • @MizanurRahmanAnsarii
    @MizanurRahmanAnsarii 3 года назад +3

    Lot of Love for you Amber Malanie I 💗💝💖,
    Please make a video on 'how to make team before starting an Organisation'??

    • @AmberMelanieSmith
      @AmberMelanieSmith  3 года назад +1

      Hi there! Do you mean how to recruit Board members / leaders? Or just a team in general?

  • @Bishonnajones
    @Bishonnajones 6 месяцев назад

    Great examples

  • @aquaculture8028
    @aquaculture8028 3 года назад +2

    So much info!!!

  • @debendrapokharel8902
    @debendrapokharel8902 3 месяца назад

    Great presentation

  • @YourVegasRealtor
    @YourVegasRealtor 3 года назад +1

    Hi Amber, another great video. Thanks for what you do. Consuming your content to get started on my nonprofit soon!

  • @sunilshrikhande44
    @sunilshrikhande44 3 года назад +1

    Impressive !

  • @rawfit12424
    @rawfit12424 2 года назад

    Hi Amber! I've noticed your newsletter sign-up page does not have your social media links.. Great channel BTW!

    • @AmberMelanieSmith
      @AmberMelanieSmith  2 года назад

      Thanks for the heads up! They are in the video description too if that helps!

    • @renemomene5137
      @renemomene5137 Год назад

      Hey Amber, can you help me to learn grant Writing?

  • @ericarichardson2983
    @ericarichardson2983 2 года назад +1

    I’m considering starting a social enterprise and have been struggling to bridge the gap between understanding in theory and practice. This video was incredibly helpful, the examples were just what I needed to fully grasp the potential structure. After watching I’m definitely leaning toward starting a non profit. Thank you!
    I’d be really interested to hear more about how “with love L.A.” is able to balance being for and non profit.

    • @AmberMelanieSmith
      @AmberMelanieSmith  2 года назад

      Hey Erica, SO glad the video was helpful! Social Enterprise can be nuanced for sure!

  • @ninoh67
    @ninoh67 Год назад

    Would you be able to recommend any resources for those interested in starting a social enterprise who have no prior knowledge?

  • @danielcitizenman5510
    @danielcitizenman5510 3 года назад +2


  • @debendrapokharel8902
    @debendrapokharel8902 3 месяца назад

    please find Cocina Mitho Chha, a sustainable social enterprise in Nepal too.

  • @riseujamaainc3757
    @riseujamaainc3757 Год назад +1


  • @terrie3740
    @terrie3740 Год назад

    Can a nonprofit organization that operates only through government funding and private or community donations considered a social enterprise?

    • @AmberMelanieSmith
      @AmberMelanieSmith  Год назад +1

      Most often social enterprise involves an earned income strategy. That might involve some government contracts. But I think it depends on whether the program is an innovative solution to a social issue.

  • @LanleMamoMEL
    @LanleMamoMEL 3 года назад +1


  • @DesiraiRenee
    @DesiraiRenee Год назад

    Hi. I have a very interesting unique scenario. Would really like to talk to you if you’re available.

    • @AmberMelanieSmith
      @AmberMelanieSmith  Год назад

      Hey Desirai! Definitely join our Facebook group and share your question in there if you haven't already! facebook.com/groups/changetheworldorbust

  • @beatriceamondi4057
    @beatriceamondi4057 2 года назад


  • @garymarls
    @garymarls Год назад +2

    What a lot of flowery buzz words

  • @kalpavriksha666
    @kalpavriksha666 Месяц назад

    Let's connect we are intersted