Praise and thank you most Blessed Mother MARY for today's Glorious mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Praying together through your miraculous intercession may our Lord JESUS have mercy on us. I am asking for firm repentance and conversion of my husband and son to come back practicing faith. Help them to have the desire for holiness. JESUS, please allow me to have joy, peace and faith in my heart. Amen.
Lo, jesus christ pray for all of you children special pray for my children. My grandchildren help my grandchildren to do good at school.Protect them from all the sickness and bad choices amen🙏🛐🛐🙏
Pleas stay at my side today, dear Mother Mary, & God the father, Son & Holy Ghost. I desperately need Your Divine aid to fight off the evil actions, words & thoughts of an adulterous, malevolent individual - my abusive husband. Guide & inspire me to avoid any interactions with this evil force. In Jesus’ Name I ask this, Amen.
Holy Mary, please help me in the days to come about my medical procedure so they will turn out to be fine please please I need you now more than ever and please also help my brother. Thank you. Holy Mary. I love you.❤❤❤❤❤
Jesus version Mary I open my eyes. I make a sign of the cross. I'm asking you to help me my children, my grandchildren.All the family to get through this day with your blessing, amen🙏🛐🌹
Virgin Mary pray for my son help him physically. Mentally financy Bless him, bless his family, bless it job, blissey's house bliss. His vehicle keep them healthy amen🙏🛐🙏
Praying for all the souls in purgatory ❤❤❤
Good morning, Jesus. Good morning, Virgin Maria. I thank you for everything. It did for me and my family and put all the place in help amen🛐🙏♥️
Praying for our healing recovery amen ❤❤❤
Praying for my especial intentions amen ❤❤❤
Thank you lord for everything amen ❤❤❤
Praise and thank you most Blessed Mother MARY for today's Glorious mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Praying together through your miraculous intercession may our Lord JESUS have mercy on us. I am asking for firm repentance and conversion of my husband and son to come back practicing faith. Help them to have the desire for holiness. JESUS, please allow me to have joy, peace and faith in my heart. Amen.
Holy Mary, mother, Jesus pray for my daughter and her family blessed and protect them. Help them amen🙏🛐🌹
Lo, jesus christ pray for all of you children special pray for my children. My grandchildren help my grandchildren to do good at school.Protect them from all the sickness and bad choices amen🙏🛐🛐🙏
Lord jesus christ virgin mary look down from heaven.Hear my prayers amen🛐🙏♥️
Mama Mary mother of God pray for us ♥️🌹🌹🌹🙏 Amen
Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Lord Jesus Christ Virgin Mary. I pray for you. Pray for me, my children and my grandchildren.All the family help us bless us, protect us amen🛐🙏🌹
Lord please forgive us our sin amen ❤❤❤
Pleas stay at my side today, dear Mother Mary, & God the father, Son & Holy Ghost. I desperately need Your Divine aid to fight off the evil actions, words & thoughts of an adulterous, malevolent individual - my abusive husband. Guide & inspire me to avoid any interactions with this evil force. In Jesus’ Name I ask this, Amen.
Jesus powerful hand holding my prayers i am really sinful women Jesus heal my pain Jesus precious your blood my life surrounding save me Jesus amen 🙏🏻
Holy Mary, please help me in the days to come about my medical procedure so they will turn out to be fine please please I need you now more than ever and please also help my brother. Thank you. Holy Mary. I love you.❤❤❤❤❤
Amen ❤❤❤
Lol jesus hear my prayers❤
Jesus version Mary I open my eyes. I make a sign of the cross. I'm asking you to help me my children, my grandchildren.All the family to get through this day with your blessing, amen🙏🛐🌹
Blessing mother hear my prayers amen❤
Amen ❤❤❤
Virgin Mary pray for my son help him physically. Mentally financy Bless him, bless his family, bless it job, blissey's house bliss. His vehicle keep them healthy amen🙏🛐🙏
Praying for my family to be safe and healthy amen ❤❤❤