C# like a supermarket, buy what it want and cook it by yourself. C like a farm everything you get from supermarket you need to planet it first But even cooking is different for fullfill customer need.
@@hetaeramancer C is good for learning the fundamentals of computer programming, but if you want to work on actual production code C++ or C# is a better bet
@@baotran7626 I would say C#. I recommend it to anyone new to programming as it's very easy to learn. And if you know some Java, you'll be up and running in no time. They have very similar syntax, and share many common concepts.
@@legendsathya3041 ofcourse it's not. Its just markup that tells you how the order of layout of your element looks. You use css for styling and js for any functionality. You'll most likely end up using a framework of some kind like reactjs that fuses html with js (it's called jsx) and that's like actual programming.
well explained, thank's for the information :D, also i think you should also make english title so your audience reach intenationally, i myself thought that this video use korean language...this channel has a lot of potential
늦은 나이 32살에 C언어를 주경야독식으로 배우기 시작 했습니다.목표는 C -> C++ -> MFC를 독학으로 배워서 내년 관련 회사로 이직 하려고 합니다.아직은 HELLO WORLD만 출력하는 실력이지만 이 또한 밑거름이라고 생각하고 열심히 배우는 중입니다. 셀프로 화이팅 웨쳐봅니다.
저도 C랑C++에서 끙끙대가가 C#가지고 유니티 하러갔는데 그렇게 잘 하는 편도 아닌 제가 인터넷의 넘치는 자료를 보고 기초를 알자마자 코드 써서 퍼즐 문제도 프로그래밍할 수 있게되었어요 ㅠㅠ C랑 C++은 아직 이미지 출력도 간당간당한데 말이죠. 개발자에게 있어 정말 편한 언어가 확실한것같아요. 만들때마다 많이 많이 좋아요!
Your explanation was so clear, that even I (a brazilian dude) did understand all the diferences between C, C++ and C#. Thanks for the video! You got a new subscriber!!
It's surreal how effortlessly MS was able to reset its reputation in the last decade. Calling its Java ripoff "C#" was a sneaky way of getting people to associate it with C and C++, as if it was some official successor to C++, and at the time had programmers rolling their eyes. But now here we are seeing its pretentious generic naming conventions paying off.
I am learning C in thin quarantine and it's very impressive what you can do, but its also a little bit annoying have to do all manually. I was tented to choose c++ instead but your video made me see the beauty on the C language. Great content by the way !!!
Just switch to C++. The manual low level stuff isn't worth the time spent there and the mental fatigue. It is also more prone to introducing unintentional bugs. In C++ you don't have to think about using strings and allocating memory for them etc. In C almost always you must be very careful when dealing with buffers (memory segments) to no get buffer overflow etc.
@@shubhamwr Not more horrible than C. Remember, you DON'T have to learn and use the whole C++ language. Just the core features for a beginner are enough.
I study in a premier university in our country, and it's the only university I know that still teaches C programming which despised back then, cause it was hard. But they kept telling that if we learn C, learning all other programming languages will be easy.
@@gtv3582 I think I clearly specified, "in our country", are you also from the Philippines?? because I'm pretty sure, all my friends from other universities are getting taught C++, Python, Java, but not C. Only in our university. Please learn how to read.
Interestingly C++ can be more efficient than C in certain cases because things like templates can allow for compiler optimizations that C would never be able to support.
might aswell just use c++ as you have more features avalibale to you instead of c, HOWEVER if you want to squeeze every tiny bit of performance and like simplicity u can use c too
C is the grand daddy. Exceptionally well suited to interact with hardware at a low level. Not really used in enterprise software except in cases where low-level interaction is needed. C++ is C with added spice. Most computer science programs still use this language. You can now do more end-user oriented things, but C++ still forces you to considers issues like memory management. CS programs like this because CS people need to be able to consider how there programs interact with hardware. C# is also a variant of C. This language was originally created to be a successor for visual basic for the windows environment. Since 2002 it has been released on basically all platforms. You dont have to worry about any hardware considerations, if it works, it works. Well suited to do enterprise software. Also comprises the .NET framework which is a massive class library which C# programs can call extremely useful functionality from. It together with Java (also C based) form probably something like 90% of OOP based enterprise software (in the strictly-typed non-web development area)
It's true and he also repeats the tiresome C++ is C with classes, when it's more pertinent to say C with template metaprogramming. C++ is fast but compile times made me suicidal and it's just not worth it.
@@petros_adamopoulos Tbh I like templates a lot, and once concepts will come out in C++ 20 I'm sure it will be wonderful. Also, in C, you can simulate templates with includes and macros tricks. But yeah, it doesn't change the fact that we still have the time to do some volleyball during compilation. It's good we don't have to recompile the entire project all the Time.
@@petros_adamopoulos lol, you can't wait a couple seconds longer? Programming isn't for you. If you have extremely long compilation time, it's probably your fault for cramming all the source code into one compilation unit.
Very nice explanation. Even designer can understand. I have stopped learning programming after Javascript, but I start to have interest in learning C#and Unity3D. Thank you!
@@nomadcoders hi, I have a question. I have made a couple of basic games in unity 3d using C# already, but I've never used C. I wondered if there is any way to use C code in unity? Or some way of converting it? I have acquired the source code for an existing game, which is written in C. I want to know if there's any way I can load it, or even just some small bits of it, into Unity so that I can mess around with it. Also, the source code download also came with a tool to compile it all together into a ROM, which can then be loaded by an emulator. I would like to know if there is a way to compile the code manually to play in a terminal box or something, rather than making a rom file and using an emulator. Sorry if these are stupid questions, I'm very new to all of this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is many good c# programmers out there. So learning c# does not mean you will get hired faster. However with c++/c there are very huge entry barriers. Which manifest themselves into performance : 1) understanding low level language how the computer actually works ( computer architecture, assembly language..... ) 2) understanding algorithms and data structures. Those two things make most people go to c#, python, java.. Being good with those two things make you very rare in the software engineering industry.
The best explanation of C, C++ and C# ever, simple, straight to the point, clear, in a FEW MINUTES and even funny and optimistic --> "don't forget to be happy today". Couldn't have been made better. Do you teach C#?
there is a big difference between C and C++ in speed compile file size among other things. There is a reason why kernel programing is done in C and not C++. But you are right C is out of date, Zig takes C's place and Rust takes C++ place. C# is just well Java++ lol.
@@iProgramInCpp oh indeed, but there isn't a reason for me or a hole community of people to just use C when there are languages out there like Zig or Rust. I Love C and probably wont stop using completely ever. BUT you are more right to say its not a dead language, there are to many things dependent on it for it to go away.
개인적으로 C#이 정말 사람 친화적이라고 생각했던 부분 if문안에 숫자를 넣던가 불대수를 넣던가 그냥 1이상이면 다 true로 치고 컴파일러 에러가 없는 c랑 c++과는 달리 C#에서는 if(1)이런거 씨알도 안먹히고요 무조건 if(1==1)이런식으로 쓰던가 해야합니다. 심지어는 반환형이 bool형식인 함수를 써서 if(check())로 쓰면 컴파일이 안되고 if(check() == true) 라고 써야 컴파일이 됩니다. 훨씬 엄격하게 컴파일하는것 같습니다. 그래서 오히려 좋아요. 실수가 없거든요.
This video is very usefule for a person like me! I have changed my job from Global Marketing Manager to Application QC so I didn't know about languages. Thank you and I'll wait for more videos.
현직 프로그래머인데, 솔직히 좋은 정보이긴 한데, 첨 보는 사람들이 보고 이해하긴 좀 힘든게 있을듯 싶네요. ( 어느정도 전문지식이 있어야 이해를 하는 설명인듯 싶습니다.) 그냥 코린이나 코알못 분들에게는 이보다 훨씬 직관적인 느낌으로 설명하는게 좋아보여요. 축구선수들에게 훈련을 시킨다고 가정하면, 1. C: 장문의 글로 훈련내용을 쭉~ 써서 선수들한테 수행하도록 전달.(절차위주) > 처음부터 끝까지 쭉 완성한 후 전달하므로, 그냥 쭉 보면 되어 바로 수행하기에 매우 간단해짐. > 하지만, 수정할 경우 예를들어 수비코치가 수비 관련 내용만 고친다고 하면, 공격수 /수비수/미드필더/골키퍼가 각자 수비에 필요한 역할을 담은 내용을 일일이 다 찾아서 뒤적여서 수정해야 해서 여간 번거로운게 아님(각 내용에는 수비뿐 아니라 공격, 훈련전후내용등 뒤죽박죽 섞여있으니, 필요한 내용만 찾아내기가 힘듬) >C로 만들어진 코드를 보면 수천줄~수만줄까지 이루어진 코드가 많고, 그만큼 고도의 프로그래밍 능력을 필요로 하고, 여러명이 작업하기에 불편함. 2. C++: 각 선수의 훈련을 따로 정리할 수 있는 페이지를 구현해서, 알맞은 역할을 써서 전달.(객체위주) > 각각의 역할을 따로따로 정리해서 관리함. 서로의 상호작용을 보기 위해서는 앞뒤로 페이지를 뒤적여 찾아야함. >수정할 경우, 수비관련 내용을 수정하고 싶으면 수비관련 페이지만 찾아가서 그부분만 싸그리 정리해버리면 됨. >비슷한 성향을 가진 코드들을 클래스라는 객체로 관리함. 서로의 클래스가 상호작용하여 명령을 주고받음. 3. C#: 각 포지션과 상황에 따른 페이지를 만화로 표현해두고, 그 상황들에 적당히 말풍선과 설명을 추가하여 선수들에게 전달.(객체 위주) >마찬가지이며, 기본적인 플랫폼같은 미리 짜둔 수행내역을 바탕으로 빠르게 활용이 가능. >C++과는 비슷하지만 약간은 다른 방식으로 구현해뒀다고 보시면 됨. >>C++과 C#은 사실 기능적인 부분에서 차이가 좀 있는것이지, 프로세스적인 측면에서는 큰 차이가 없습니다. C#이 C++보다 더욱 객체지향이 강하다는 것을 느낄 수 있지요. (지역변수 활용, 구조체의 활용, 배열의 인식 등 C#은 객체지향을 중심으로 활용되고, C++은 C의 성향에 어느정도 가깝죠. 이런 부분은 프로그래밍 언어를 자세히 배우시다 보면 다 이해하게 될거라 봅니다. ) 본 영상도 마찬가지로 어느정도 코딩을 알게 되시면 이해 되시는 내용이지만, 완전한 코린이분들에게는 어차피 어렵게 들릴거라 생각되어 써 봤습니다. 그저 어떤 차이가 있는지의 느낌만 아는것이 좋을듯 싶네요.
📌니꼬썜과 무료로 코딩 공부 시작하기!
nice mc donalds logo you have there
C# like a supermarket, buy what it want and cook it by yourself.
C like a farm everything you get from supermarket you need to planet it first
But even cooking is different for fullfill customer need.
Should I learn C first or C++ ??
@@hetaeramancer C is good for learning the fundamentals of computer programming, but if you want to work on actual production code C++ or C# is a better bet
유튜브 : 지금 껏 너가 봤던거랑은 상관없고 이것좀 봐바 네 학점이랑 비슷하게 생기지 않았니
사실적시 명훼훼손으로 고소하겠습니다.
정진홍 야.....명치를 아주 정확하게 정밀타격하시네여
허위사실 육포째로 신고하였읍니다
정보의 질을 떠나서 풀어나가는 방식이 이해하기 쉬워서 보기 너무 편하다..
감사합니다 💖
정보의 질도 충분히 배부르네요 ㅎㅎ
좋은 영상 잘보고 갑니다
@@nomadcoders 오 한글이시다!!!
When you watch a video in English, with Korean subtitles, but you speak Spanish. xD
I love your videos, you have a new subscriber.
Gracias! Un abrazo grande desde Corea!
Que cosas, no xD
real bro xd
Me siento totalmente identificado hahahaha
jajajaja soy uno más del club
Being a developer for almost 15 years, even I couldn't put it together better than this in just 5 minutes. Kudos for simple explanation.
How much do you earn? Just asking for fun!
@@yoyashuyo3485 Not as much as I would want to :)
@@-Burs what is your favorite programming
@@-Burs thanks for replying back 😊👍
@@baotran7626 I would say C#. I recommend it to anyone new to programming as it's very easy to learn. And if you know some Java, you'll be up and running in no time. They have very similar syntax, and share many common concepts.
"C++ runs fast and in C#, the developer runs fast" 😂
And in python they run even faster
@@majedal-mouhammed4895 Yeah, Python is by far the easiest of the Programming languages like next to HTML
@@godricheir HTML is not a programming language.
@@That_Darned_S it's not? Damn i just started learning
@@legendsathya3041 ofcourse it's not. Its just markup that tells you how the order of layout of your element looks. You use css for styling and js for any functionality. You'll most likely end up using a framework of some kind like reactjs that fuses html with js (it's called jsx) and that's like actual programming.
C a.k.a. the quick boi
C++ a.k.a. C, but spicy
C# a.k.a. Microsoft Java
C# = Java with more syntax
microsoft java but better
C# the M Coffee :D
완벽한 정리!
C - 빠른거
C++ - 빠르고 클래스 있는거
C# - Winform만드는거
JAVA - 많이 쓰는거
Swift - 아이폰앱 만드는거
Python - 신기한거 만드는거
PHP - 서버 뭐시기
GO - 로고가 귀여움
GO - 로고가 귀여움 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
어느 것이 가장 좋을까요? C, C ++, C #
@발젭없이는 못살아 기모딱
비버 귀엽긴해 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@yt-sh thanks!!1!
Speaking Korean and a Programmer? This channel is like a mix of my two interests combined. Very surreal. You just got yourself a new subscriber.
well explained, thank's for the information :D, also i think you should also make english title so your audience reach intenationally, i myself thought that this video use korean language...this channel has a lot of potential
C++은 컴퓨터가 빠르게 동작하고 C#은 사람이 빠르게 동작한다니 ㅋㅋㅋ 드립이 참신하닼 ㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋ thank you for watching!
@@nomadcoders ㅋㅋㅋ적고 감사합니다만 영어네욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㄹㅇㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 뿜음
ㄹㅇ 표현력 ㅋㅋㅋ
표현력이 지리다 와 ㅋㅋㅋ 역시 배운분..!!
It’s the first English video, that I completely understood (I’m from Russia). Like!
Thanks for watching!
if you just started to understand english, go back to old english musics of your childhood ans relisten it is amazing
@@marwenhammami9575 give me examples, please
늦은 나이 32살에 C언어를 주경야독식으로 배우기 시작 했습니다.목표는 C -> C++ -> MFC를 독학으로 배워서 내년 관련 회사로 이직 하려고 합니다.아직은 HELLO WORLD만 출력하는 실력이지만 이 또한 밑거름이라고 생각하고 열심히 배우는 중입니다. 셀프로 화이팅 웨쳐봅니다.
형님 근황궁금합니다.
취업 하셨어요?
근황 알려주고가요😹
요즘 MFC 쓰는 곳 거의 없을텐데..
Amazing explanation, glad I didn't click off thinking it was a Korean video lol
I thought it was a girl 😭
아나운서같이 너무 또박 또박 발음을 잘해주셔서 짧은 영어지만 자막이랑 같이보니 영어가 너무 잘들리네요 컴퓨터 공부에 영어 공부까지 같이할 수 있는 영상같아요👍
c : 니가 다 만들어
c+ : data랑 function을 묶어서 재활용할수 있게해줄게
c# : data랑 function 묶은걸 내가 이~~~만큼 만들었어 쓰기만해
@@carlosfinn2042 예전에는 그랬지만 지금은 '전용'이라고 할 수가 없습니다.
와우... 간단하면서 깔끔한 정리네요.
아닌데요 C+는 제 c언어 학점인데요
C: 바닷물 ( 니가 정제해서 요리 해 )
C+: 소금 ( 그럼 정제는 해줄테니 요리 해 )
C#: 맛소금 ( 하.. 거기다가 요리가 쉽게 감칠 맛 까지 넣어줄게)
그럼 C#을 많이 쓰겠네요?
Scott Meyers 가 C++을 4개 언어의 복합체(C, C with class, TMP, STL )라고 표현한것처럼 현재의 C++은 단순히 C에 class만 추가한것 이상의 전혀 다른 언어가 된 것 같습니다.
Yes, it would have been nice if they kept 100% compatibility with C in my opinion.
ㄹㅇ C++은 STL지원하는데 C로 큐 구현할려면 구조체 따로 선언해서 헤드테일 하나하나 관리해야함... 스택도귀찮...
와 애니프사새끼들 인터넷복사붙여넣기 ㄷㄷ
엄마등골브래이커 씹덕들 ㅋㅋ
@@박서보의애비되는사람 여기서 그런짓하지맙시자
저분들이 등골브레이커인지 불분명이지만
(알면 관심법쓰는 궁예지 뭐)
님은 시비나거는 사람인게 눈에 딱 들어오네요
@@박서보의애비되는사람 이 분이 복붙하셨다는 증거 링크 보여주실 수 있나요?
아니면 애니프사가 꼭 intelligent하지 않다는 근거라도 있으신지요?
I was very worried about which language to start with. It was solved thanks to you.
고맙습니다 :)
C++은 C에서 클래스를 추가한 언어
C#은 위 둘과는 다른, Java와 유사한 언어
C와 C++은 기계 친화
C#은 사람 친화
덕분에 정~말로 많은 내용 알차게 배우고 있습니다, 감사합니다!
Love this video 100% clear. Would recommend this for every CS(Computer Science) Student Learning Programming at the Beginner Level.
누난 줄 알았는데 형이여서 놀랐고
한국말로 설명할 줄 알았는데 영어여서 놀랐고
어려울줄 알았는데 쉽게 설명해서 놀랐다.
어느 것이 가장 좋을까요? C, C ++, C #
아무래도 이게 범용성이 넒은거 같음
뭐 제가 배워본 적은 없지만
Been looking for some time for a simple explanation like this, finally found. Thank you!
When a guy with Spanish look and Indian accent with Korean subtitle teaching programming you know this is something important!
he has a spanis h accent
Not really an Indian accent...
@@AbdoZaInsert Nope, watch it again. The way he pronounced words like 'space' or 'c code', he has a spanish accent.
@@narek323 I’ve just said that he doesn’t sound Indian. Not vice versa
@@narek323 spanish latinamerican accent, maybe mexican
아니 어쩌다 이 채널이 추천에 떠서 들어왔는데 무슨 게임이나 애니채널도 아니고 계속 보게됨
언어를 하든 그래픽을 하던 어떤 프로그램을 쓸지 방향성은 상당히 중요한거 같습니다.
낚시를 배울때 처럼 아무것도 모르는 상태에서 대상어종이라는 단어를 듣고 낚시대를 결정하듯 ...
방향성이 정말 중요합니다.
모두 선택을 잘하시면 되겠네요
저도 C랑C++에서 끙끙대가가 C#가지고 유니티 하러갔는데 그렇게 잘 하는 편도 아닌 제가 인터넷의 넘치는 자료를 보고 기초를 알자마자 코드 써서 퍼즐 문제도 프로그래밍할 수 있게되었어요 ㅠㅠ C랑 C++은 아직 이미지 출력도 간당간당한데 말이죠. 개발자에게 있어 정말 편한 언어가 확실한것같아요. 만들때마다 많이 많이 좋아요!
저도 c# 진심으로 좋아합니다 ㅋㅋ java와 너무 비슷해서 입문 하루만에 C# WPF로 계산기도 만들었고요... 꽤나 괜찮은 언어인 것 같아서 c# 지금까지도 애용합니다~
I like C# as well! Thanks for watching!
not gonna lie, you had me in the first second.
Your explanation was so clear, that even I (a brazilian dude) did understand all the diferences between C, C++ and C#. Thanks for the video! You got a new subscriber!!
Yeah, It's true. For the first time I understand a video in English without subtitles. kkkk
Great Video.
When you know the difference but you’re a nerd and still interested :). Great video
Apart from knowledge you pass on, your looks are so like programmers. And yes, you describe so well.
Keep up the work. Cheers brother
thank you my man!
That's a bruh moment
@@ticktockbam why lol
이형 1년쯤 지나면 자막없이 한국어로 말할 것 같아 ㅎㅎ
I'm going to Sogang University to learn Korean!
@@nomadcoders 한국에 사세요?
Bob 소강 유니벟시티간데잔아 뺵따구야
@@nomadcoders Very goood
@@nomadcoders 와 선배님
Man have my compliment-"You look like a reincarnation of Issac Newton". Even I saw an exact portrait of Newton resembling you.
your english is enjoyable... i wish the general accent sounds like this
what a deception! i thought that person a girl 🙄
btw, good explanation
yea clicked because of that
@@quahntasy same here!!
Yeah I thought he was C# but turns out he is C++.
"What a deception!"
Haha I'm saying that from now on
@@asandax6 lol😂😂
이 영상 하나만으로도 구독을 누르기에 충분했다...
3:04 이부분이 왜 그리 웃겼는지 ㅋㅋㅋ
☆F L E X☆
어느 것이 가장 좋을까요? C, C ++, C #
플랙스 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
+ 1 point for C# & Unity combo since Unity is actually a C++ engine and C# is just a scripting layer on top. Better of both worlds.
당연히 영어 자막일 줄 알았는데 처음 인사는 한국어로 박아서 개당황 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잘 보고 갑니다
Ill do the last one for you.
C# is Microsoft's attempt at Java. It was needed because MS doesn't like to share the pie.
It's surreal how effortlessly MS was able to reset its reputation in the last decade. Calling its Java ripoff "C#" was a sneaky way of getting people to associate it with C and C++, as if it was some official successor to C++, and at the time had programmers rolling their eyes. But now here we are seeing its pretentious generic naming conventions paying off.
C언어 공부 시작한 비전공자인데 이해하기 쉬운 설명 너무 감사합니다!! 😊❤
우왕 멋져요 👍
C, C++, C# 의 차이점과 특징들이 잘 정리되어서 받아들이기 매우 편하네요. 좋은 정보 감사합니다.
C#은 공부해보면서 느낀게 거의 이것도 못할 것 같아서 내가 전ㅡ부 준비해뒀어! 같은 느낌이 강하더라고요ㅋㅋ
It was informative 😀
Stay safe and carry on by giving us much more quality content like this one.
The major difference is:
C has no +, C++ has two, C# has four
Was about to go to another video, when you started speaking another language. Glad that I stayed
진짜 C는 오래된 단어로 알고 있습니다. 인터넷이 없던 시절부터 사용 할 수 있던 언어가 지금까지 쓸 수 있다는 건 정말 대단하다는 생각이 듭니다.
C, C++, C# 모두 C like 프로그래밍 언어라는 것만 알고 대략적인 사용법은 각각 알고 있었지만 어쩌다가 저런 언어들로 나뉘게 되었을 지는 몰랐는데, 저런 이유로 여러 프로그래밍 언어로 나뉘고 차이점들이 발생하는 것이었네요. 좋은 정보 감사합니다.
*I thought this guy was girl and clicked the thumbnail because of that*
@Somali Fairy Tales i think he/she is trans
Now i know why most AAA games are made in c++, they need the optimization when they're pushing the boundaries of the gaming industry
완전 문과 베이스에 컴알못, 코알못인데, 전반적으로 알기 쉽게 애기해줘서 훨씬 겁이 덜남^^ 감사해요(하트)
I am learning C in thin quarantine and it's very impressive what you can do, but its also a little bit annoying have to do all manually. I was tented to choose c++ instead but your video made me see the beauty on the C language. Great content by the way !!!
Would you like to be my study buddy while learning c. I am also learning c
Just switch to C++. The manual low level stuff isn't worth the time spent there and the mental fatigue. It is also more prone to introducing unintentional bugs. In C++ you don't have to think about using strings and allocating memory for them etc. In C almost always you must be very careful when dealing with buffers (memory segments) to no get buffer overflow etc.
@@sledgex9 isn't c++ terrible for beginners?
@@shubhamwr Not more horrible than C. Remember, you DON'T have to learn and use the whole C++ language. Just the core features for a beginner are enough.
@@sledgex9 I have intermediate grasp of C, so can I learn c++ quickly?
At the thumbnail I thought this person was a girl I think I need to get my eyes checked 😅
Nice Video Though ❤
why is minecraft enchant table language everywhere
yoooo that apear me on reccomends
Not funny.
Speak like an adult.
Not a freaking 15 yo.
"He speaking enchant table"
(Facepalm) 😒
@@norpriest521 haha welcome to youtube
유튜브 알고리즘을 따라 왔는데, 말 왜이렇게 잘해.. 한국말 말하는게 아니라 진짜 말 잘하네 영상 하나로 구독함..
영어인데도 자막없이 이해하기 너무 쉬웠어요 이유 모르겠음 그냥 일단 넘 좋아요 흥해라!
썸네일만 보고 외국인이 만든거 번역해서 가져온줄 알았는데 한국말 해서 깜짝 놀랐음
썸네일만 보고 새로운탭에 틀어놨는데 여자인줄 알았는데 남자여서 두번 놀랐음
님 구독함.
Thank you for making things so simple. Thats the sign that you are a great teacher!
you're not the only one who got fooled by thumbnail
I'm very happy I clicked on this video eventhough I thought it was in Korean :D
이분은 양질의 정보전달도 전달인데 영어가 와우..이분보니까 영어공부 욕구가 생길정도네요
Thank you so much for this! I was just wondering about this last night! Thank you so much for answering this!
I study in a premier university in our country, and it's the only university I know that still teaches C programming which despised back then, cause it was hard. But they kept telling that if we learn C, learning all other programming languages will be easy.
a lot of universities still teach C lol.
@@gtv3582 I think I clearly specified, "in our country", are you also from the Philippines?? because I'm pretty sure, all my friends from other universities are getting taught C++, Python, Java, but not C. Only in our university.
Please learn how to read.
@@whitechamporado1142 buddy calm down I didn't mean it in a bad way. And btw u never specified only your country you just said u a uni in ur country.
남자목소리가 나와서 처음으로 놀랐고 안녕하십니까 라는 인사가 나와서 두번 놀랐다
난 당신이 그렇게 생각한 이유가 놀랍다
Interestingly C++ can be more efficient than C in certain cases because things like templates can allow for compiler optimizations that C would never be able to support.
Not if you write optimal C.
@@bwatspro That "optimal C" will be disgusting and completely unmaintainable.
@@ДенисГрулев @Rui Kashaire Yeah, thats the trade off.
might aswell just use c++ as you have more features avalibale to you instead of c, HOWEVER if you want to squeeze every tiny bit of performance and like simplicity u can use c too
뼛속까지 문과지만 알 수 없는 알고리즘이 저를 이끌었습니다... 곧 떡상할 채널 냄새가 나요 킁킁!!
생소한 개념들을 비교적 쉽게 설명해주셔서 넘나 재미있는것~!!
어려운 것을 쉽게 이해되게 하는 것은
많이 어려운요.
이것을 해내는 니코쌤 그리고 팀웍 고마워요.🎉
3주동안 학교 프로그램으로 자바를 배우던중 우연히 영상을 보게 되었는데 그 전까지는 하나도 몰랐을 법한 내용이 지금은 이해가 된다는게 정말 신기하네요 ㅎㅎ
Thanks for watching!
C is the grand daddy. Exceptionally well suited to interact with hardware at a low level. Not really used in enterprise software except in cases where low-level interaction is needed.
C++ is C with added spice. Most computer science programs still use this language. You can now do more end-user oriented things, but C++ still forces you to considers issues like memory management. CS programs like this because CS people need to be able to consider how there programs interact with hardware.
C# is also a variant of C. This language was originally created to be a successor for visual basic for the windows environment. Since 2002 it has been released on basically all platforms. You dont have to worry about any hardware considerations, if it works, it works. Well suited to do enterprise software.
Also comprises the .NET framework which is a massive class library which C# programs can call extremely useful functionality from. It together with Java (also C based) form probably something like 90% of OOP based enterprise software (in the strictly-typed non-web development area)
noob question: wtf is enterprise?
@@yourmum69_420 business = enterprise.
@@corriedebeer799 oh ok thanks
4:14 : "In C++, the compiler runs fast"
Programmers using templates : *crying in pain*
*laughs in Python
It's true and he also repeats the tiresome C++ is C with classes, when it's more pertinent to say C with template metaprogramming.
C++ is fast but compile times made me suicidal and it's just not worth it.
@@petros_adamopoulos Tbh I like templates a lot, and once concepts will come out in C++ 20 I'm sure it will be wonderful.
Also, in C, you can simulate templates with includes and macros tricks.
But yeah, it doesn't change the fact that we still have the time to do some volleyball during compilation.
It's good we don't have to recompile the entire project all the Time.
@@petros_adamopoulos lol, you can't wait a couple seconds longer? Programming isn't for you. If you have extremely long compilation time, it's probably your fault for cramming all the source code into one compilation unit.
이거저거 찾아보다가 설명이 제일 편하게 해주는것같아서 좋네요
명쾌한 정리네요.
C는 가장 작은 프로그램으로 가장 빨리 도는 프로그램을 작성할 수 있지만
호수에 미끄러지는 백조같은 거네요. 물밑에서 많은 노력을 해서 우아하게 물위를 미끄러지는..
Yo I legit thought this was gonna be in Korean only, very welcoming surprise
C#의 핵심 한줄로 잘 말해주셨네요 MS에서 만든 자바 ㅋㅋㅋ 킹-MS에서 만들어서 성능도 훨씬 좋고 문법도 C++에 익숙한 사람이 배우기 좋아서 C# 굉장히 좋아합니다
ㅋㅋ thanks for watching!!!
Very nice explanation. Even designer can understand. I have stopped learning programming after Javascript, but I start to have interest in learning C#and Unity3D. Thank you!
Try C# and let me know what you think!
@@nomadcoders hi, I have a question. I have made a couple of basic games in unity 3d using C# already, but I've never used C.
I wondered if there is any way to use C code in unity? Or some way of converting it?
I have acquired the source code for an existing game, which is written in C. I want to know if there's any way I can load it, or even just some small bits of it, into Unity so that I can mess around with it.
Also, the source code download also came with a tool to compile it all together into a ROM, which can then be loaded by an emulator. I would like to know if there is a way to compile the code manually to play in a terminal box or something, rather than making a rom file and using an emulator.
Sorry if these are stupid questions, I'm very new to all of this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I see a girl talk about programming , I click .
분명 영어로하고 자막만 번역되있을뿐인데 어지간한 한국 사람보다 설명이 잘들어오는건 뭐지 ㄷㄷ 일단 이름도 잘지은게 이름만 듣고 대충 예상한거랑 비슷한 개념인듯
프로그래밍 존나 잘하게 생기심
Maaan, your skin is soooo clear :O
ㅋㅋㅋ thanks!
Legit couldn’t tell if this was a boy or girl
형냐 넘나존잘이야 ㅠㅠ☺♥
C - The Computer runs fast
C# - The Developers runs fast
Made my day😆😆🤣🤣
No hate comment !!!
If all programming tutorials explained stuff like this guy I would have been in Google by now.
Thanks for watching!
컴공은 전혀 모르지만 영어공부하는데 되게 좋네요
속도도 적당하고 잡지식 쌓고
Thanks for watching! Even if it's for the english :D
게임 기획쪽을 공부하고 있는 학생입니다. 좋은 영상 올려주셔서 감사합니다
Thank you for watching!!!!
Excellent, the best video in RUclips that explain the difference between C, C++ and C#. Thanks a lot because I've seen a lot ...
Thank you for explaining it in a way someone with no programming experience can understand. I really appreciate it not kidding!!
don’ forget to be happy! smile and eat kimchi!!! nice verse^^
Microsoft spent thousands of dollars! What?!
more like millions
yeah exactly, thousands of dollars for such an impressive and influential language is nothing! And they keep improving it.
"""In C, the computer runs fast and in C#, the developer runs fast"""
You nailed it dude! XDXD
Btw.. Love that video.. A new follower 😃
There is many good c# programmers out there. So learning c# does not mean you will get hired faster. However with c++/c there are very huge entry barriers. Which manifest themselves into performance :
1) understanding low level language how the computer actually works ( computer architecture, assembly language..... )
2) understanding algorithms and data structures.
Those two things make most people go to c#, python, java..
Being good with those two things make you very rare in the software engineering industry.
The best explanation of C, C++ and C# ever, simple, straight to the point, clear, in a FEW MINUTES and even funny and optimistic --> "don't forget to be happy today". Couldn't have been made better. Do you teach C#?
The only difference I need to find is whether you are a boy or a girl.
there is a big difference between C and C++ in speed compile file size among other things. There is a reason why kernel programing is done in C and not C++. But you are right C is out of date, Zig takes C's place and Rust takes C++ place. C# is just well Java++ lol.
No, C is not out of date. Zig is way more limited and the lack of a preprocessor can actually be detrimental to some programmers.
@@iProgramInCpp oh indeed, but there isn't a reason for me or a hole community of people to just use C when there are languages out there like Zig or Rust. I Love C and probably wont stop using completely ever. BUT you are more right to say its not a dead language, there are to many things dependent
on it for it to go away.
C# is Java done right
C는 유별나고 결함이 있으며 엄청나게 성공했다 - 데니스 리치
개인적으로 C#이 정말 사람 친화적이라고 생각했던 부분
if문안에 숫자를 넣던가 불대수를 넣던가 그냥 1이상이면 다 true로 치고 컴파일러 에러가 없는 c랑 c++과는 달리
C#에서는 if(1)이런거 씨알도 안먹히고요
무조건 if(1==1)이런식으로 쓰던가 해야합니다.
심지어는 반환형이 bool형식인 함수를 써서 if(check())로 쓰면 컴파일이 안되고
if(check() == true) 라고 써야 컴파일이 됩니다.
훨씬 엄격하게 컴파일하는것 같습니다.
그래서 오히려 좋아요. 실수가 없거든요.
와 이게 설명이 이해가되네요!! (초보자라 30%정도긴하지만) 그래도 저를 여기까지 이해히켜주신 분은 첨이예요! 감사합니다
이형님 장난아니야~! 너무 좋아!
Thank you 😊
This video is very usefule for a person like me! I have changed my job from Global Marketing Manager to Application QC so I didn't know about languages.
Thank you and I'll wait for more videos.
Thanks for watching! Good luck on the career change!
프로그래밍 배경지식이 부족해 걱정이 많았는데 영상 보면서 많은 도움이 되었어요~~ 감사합니다^^
혹시 나중에 객체지향 프로그래밍(OOP)에 대해 설명해주실 수 있나요? 니콜라스 쌤의 명쾌한 정보가 듣고 싶어요 ㅠㅠ
Thank you for watching and for the idea! I will add OOP to the list! Thank you!
현직 프로그래머인데, 솔직히 좋은 정보이긴 한데, 첨 보는 사람들이 보고 이해하긴 좀 힘든게 있을듯 싶네요.
( 어느정도 전문지식이 있어야 이해를 하는 설명인듯 싶습니다.) 그냥 코린이나 코알못 분들에게는 이보다 훨씬 직관적인 느낌으로 설명하는게 좋아보여요.
축구선수들에게 훈련을 시킨다고 가정하면,
1. C: 장문의 글로 훈련내용을 쭉~ 써서 선수들한테 수행하도록 전달.(절차위주)
> 처음부터 끝까지 쭉 완성한 후 전달하므로, 그냥 쭉 보면 되어 바로 수행하기에 매우 간단해짐.
> 하지만, 수정할 경우 예를들어 수비코치가 수비 관련 내용만 고친다고 하면, 공격수 /수비수/미드필더/골키퍼가 각자 수비에 필요한 역할을 담은 내용을 일일이 다 찾아서 뒤적여서 수정해야 해서 여간 번거로운게 아님(각 내용에는 수비뿐 아니라 공격, 훈련전후내용등 뒤죽박죽 섞여있으니, 필요한 내용만 찾아내기가 힘듬)
>C로 만들어진 코드를 보면 수천줄~수만줄까지 이루어진 코드가 많고, 그만큼 고도의 프로그래밍 능력을 필요로 하고, 여러명이 작업하기에 불편함.
2. C++: 각 선수의 훈련을 따로 정리할 수 있는 페이지를 구현해서, 알맞은 역할을 써서 전달.(객체위주)
> 각각의 역할을 따로따로 정리해서 관리함. 서로의 상호작용을 보기 위해서는 앞뒤로 페이지를 뒤적여 찾아야함.
>수정할 경우, 수비관련 내용을 수정하고 싶으면 수비관련 페이지만 찾아가서 그부분만 싸그리 정리해버리면 됨.
>비슷한 성향을 가진 코드들을 클래스라는 객체로 관리함. 서로의 클래스가 상호작용하여 명령을 주고받음.
3. C#: 각 포지션과 상황에 따른 페이지를 만화로 표현해두고, 그 상황들에 적당히 말풍선과 설명을 추가하여 선수들에게 전달.(객체 위주)
>마찬가지이며, 기본적인 플랫폼같은 미리 짜둔 수행내역을 바탕으로 빠르게 활용이 가능.
>C++과는 비슷하지만 약간은 다른 방식으로 구현해뒀다고 보시면 됨.
>>C++과 C#은 사실 기능적인 부분에서 차이가 좀 있는것이지, 프로세스적인 측면에서는 큰 차이가 없습니다. C#이 C++보다 더욱 객체지향이 강하다는 것을 느낄 수 있지요. (지역변수 활용, 구조체의 활용, 배열의 인식 등 C#은 객체지향을 중심으로 활용되고, C++은 C의 성향에 어느정도 가깝죠. 이런 부분은 프로그래밍 언어를 자세히 배우시다 보면 다 이해하게 될거라 봅니다. ) 본 영상도 마찬가지로 어느정도 코딩을 알게 되시면 이해 되시는 내용이지만, 완전한 코린이분들에게는 어차피 어렵게 들릴거라 생각되어 써 봤습니다. 그저 어떤 차이가 있는지의 느낌만 아는것이 좋을듯 싶네요.
Oh first time viewer. Great content.
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