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  • @andrewgendreau2207
    @andrewgendreau2207 6 месяцев назад +88

    The fact that Sephiroth even bothered to learn that Cloud was from Nibelheim and showed consideration towards him when to him, Cloud could just be a faceless grunt that he didn't even acknowledge....shows he was a pretty good guy.

    • @cathygrandstaff1957
      @cathygrandstaff1957 4 месяца назад +13

      Although the remake shows Cloud mentions this while they’re heading towards the mission so it’s not so much that Sephiroth bothered to learn the grunts’ hometowns as that he remembered something he was told earlier that day. Still, he did tell Cloud that he could spend the entire day visiting friends and family in town and he shows genuine concern for the people under his command and Tifa.

  • @tsuritsa3105
    @tsuritsa3105 Год назад +268

    There is also likely a genetic predisposition to mental health issues. Sephiroth's father, Hojo, is about as insane as they get. In fact, I'd say that the ultimate villain of the compilation IS Hojo; Sephiroth is more iconic, and as a face to face threat he's more dangerous, but Hojo? He's a one-man factory for problems.

    • @elizabethchint6485
      @elizabethchint6485 Год назад +37

      Agreed and since we're getting a chapter on his youth with ever crisis coming out, I'm hoping they will show what conditions he was raised under.

    • @felmargego2534
      @felmargego2534 Год назад +34

      Yeah, regarding the genetic predisposition to mental health: Lucrecia is also a factor. So imagine having not just one but two parents who are a lot more susceptible to mental health issues.
      Definitely agree with Hojo being the ultimate villain. He's committed transgressions against several characters: Lucrecia, Sephiroth, Vincent, Gast, Ifalna, Aerith, Red XIII, Cloud, and Zack. And prolly many unnamed others. Not to mention, it's been implied that he was leaving clues all along to Sephiroth about his origins so he could manipulate him for his final experiment.

    • @thesupremety
      @thesupremety 11 месяцев назад +9


    • @shirox11
      @shirox11 6 месяцев назад +8

      Well Sephiroth is the primary antagonist, Hojo is the overarching antagonist. He has a part in basically every shitty thing that happens. From creating Sephiroth, killing professor Gast and kidnapping Aerith. Everything with Vincent and deepground. The number of things he has done or at least played a part in would take forever to list.
      There is also the fact that Sephiroth was spliced with the genes of an alien that goes around ravaging planets of all life and moving on to the next.

    • @jeremyharvey9841
      @jeremyharvey9841 4 месяца назад +3

      Hojo is like Danzo from Naruto

  • @Wario_B
    @Wario_B 11 месяцев назад +71

    Loneliness can cripple a man.
    Isolation can turn a man into a monster.
    Bad company can corrupt the kindest heart into the most hateful soul.
    Finally, finding out you’re a lab test subject from DNA of a long deceased alien conqueror hellspawn can turn anyone into a psychotic, maniacal narcissist with a god complex.

    • @SamuelJohnsonYT
      @SamuelJohnsonYT 10 месяцев назад +3

      I have been alone a long Time and I always isolate at home and I'm used to it

    • @mackybell14
      @mackybell14 7 месяцев назад +12

      Sadly enough, all three above happened to Sephiroth.
      He grew up lonely as a child since he was being trained and groomed to be the perfect "hero"
      Evercrisis shows that even when he tried to make friends, his peers just ostracised and berated him out of jealousy. Leaving him isolated despite being a high ranking soldier.
      And lastly, he's always been surrounded by awful people trying to use him. Hojo, President Shinra, most of the boardmembers, and even Genesis in his last days.
      And *STILL* that was not enough to make him break, he still kept trying to be a decent man.
      Up until Jenova and the truth got to his brain. Then this powder keg of suppressed rage and buried narcissim finally blew up.

  • @pokemaster2185
    @pokemaster2185 8 месяцев назад +32

    We can see some measure of what you’re mentioning here in his backstory for Ever Crisis. In his teenage years during the time of First Soldier, he has practically no interaction with people, initially signaling for the team he takes charge of by whistling for them like dogs with no idea what he was doing could be seen as demeaning. He also laments that in spite of his training as part of SOLDIER, all he wants is a normal life but knows it’s something he’ll never be able to have.

  • @ashram12
    @ashram12 8 месяцев назад +49

    I feel bad for Sephiroth: all he needed was a mother...a normal, sane mother (because, let's face it, Lucrecia was pretty messed up for agreeing to use her son for experiments). That's why I kind of don't like that Sephiroth is the bad guy: why am I trying to beat a guy who was neglected most of his life? Let me beat a spoiled brat, a guy who had it all and turned out awful...I guess that would mean Rufus?

    • @Drums_of_Liberation
      @Drums_of_Liberation 5 месяцев назад +7

      I'm pretty sure it was implied that Hojo forced the experiments on her so it's not like she did it willingly. I mean she coops herself up in that cave and stews in all the guilt she has for what went down with her child.

    • @cathygrandstaff1957
      @cathygrandstaff1957 4 месяца назад +4

      Yeah, pretty messed up for letting her son be used in experiments, then when Hojo takes him away from her instead of trying to get her son back she just goes and broods alone in the cave. Worse still Ever Crisis shows even though Sephiroth was told she was dead he was actively looking for her by asking people if they knew her. If she’d been arsed to leave her pity party she could have helped him.

    • @cathygrandstaff1957
      @cathygrandstaff1957 4 месяца назад +11

      @@Drums_of_LiberationNo, DoC shows she consented to the experiments. Although she didn’t consent to having Sephiroth taken away from her, she laments that she never even got to hold him before Shinra cut contact between them. If she’d been allowed to raise him things might have been different.

  • @shibainu7880
    @shibainu7880 Год назад +174

    It's even worse when you consider Sephiroth's already intense breakdown being fed and manipulated further by Jenova. She's already known in the history of FFVII to be an almost parasitic creature of deception, capable of creating intense and vivid hallucinations, altering memories, and deteriorating consciousnesses. In the weakened state of Sephiroth's mind, she very well could have seized the opportunity to further influence him into doing what he did. She fed the flames of his insanity until he fell into the lifestream, afterwards taking his form to escape the shinra building years later in the original game.

    • @danielcook7975
      @danielcook7975 Год назад +7

      Remember sephiroth actually used jenova, he is in full control of jenova.
      The original vii even reveals this, when he fell into Lifestream he absorbed all knowledge and without breaking even a sweat took full control of jenova.
      In essence he is the puppet master not her

    • @shibainu7880
      @shibainu7880 Год назад +13

      @@danielcook7975 yeah, I know that it's cannon he's controlling her. But I meant more of he lost his mind thanks to her and her motives became his. So in essence, she's technically in control of him throughout the game through motive n taking his form and chopping pieces of her body off to attack the party. And also the points where, posing as sephiroth, she doesnt recognize Cloud or tifa at all. I also jus think it's more interesting if shes behind everything in the first game, yknow? Like, it makes more sense to me, makes her scarier. It's her whole thing to invade planets then destroy them. And in my head its like, where else would he get the random idea of "I'm gonna destroy the world and become a god to travel the cosmos just like my mom"? She planted that idea in his head.
      Tldr, my headcannon is that she controls him throughout most of the OG but Sephiroth takes over an has full control. But essentially she's still indirectly causing what's happening because she gave sephiroth that idea in the first place. He's just stronger-willed than her in the end. Idk if any of that makes sense it sounds better in my head

    • @felmargego2534
      @felmargego2534 Год назад +13

      ​​@@danielcook7975 think they were referring to sephiroth before he fell into the lifestream, and way before the nibelheim incident (when he visits the reactor for the first time). i suspect it was her influencing him first before he eventually took over and became the one controlling her once he and the jenova head fell into the lifestream.

    • @anastasis-cm5hw
      @anastasis-cm5hw 3 месяца назад +2

      @@danielcook7975In the original that's clearly not entirely what's going on, they retrofitted it to fit their agenda. Jenova is a master of deception and Sephiroth starts talking and thinking differently after his breakdown. Plus there is no hint of a power struggle between the two. The "Sephiroth is controlling her" bit is lame by comparison

  • @TheKira708
    @TheKira708 9 месяцев назад +38

    That’s why I’m so glad they gave us Ever Crisis looking forward to seeing more on Sephiroths backstory

  • @supersaiyanzero386
    @supersaiyanzero386 Год назад +36

    Imagine if the literature had been updated in the mansion. Much of that research that was outdated led to Sephiroth coming to a (insane level) epiphany, and his main identity, as told in the research there, wasn't even legitimate anymore.

  • @elkhaqelfida5972
    @elkhaqelfida5972 Год назад +34

    Now this is what a well researched video analysis should be.
    This means that the Nibelheim scene is very important. Let's say that if the library didn't exist, or already burned down, then Sephiroth would have time to comtemplate with himself. He probably still wanted to revenge at Shinra, but he won't be a madman like burning down Nibelheim for no reason. He would hate Shinra, but he got no reason to hate all people on the planet.

  • @lajazziamacklin8418
    @lajazziamacklin8418 Год назад +36

    God, Sephiroth's backstory is SO tragic! I wanted to cry and just give him a hug! No one likes liars! I'm a huge fan of Sephiroth ever since he showed up for Ultimate and I have his amiibo, too. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was the series that first introduced me to this gorgeous antagonist since he made his debut {literally beating the crap out of everyone EXCEPT Cloud} and I've been hooked on his series ever since!

  • @shirox11
    @shirox11 6 месяцев назад +10

    With ever crisis we even get a clearer picture that Sephiroth didn’t start a bad guy.

  • @Ukaran
    @Ukaran 9 месяцев назад +17

    About Sephiroth learning of Jenova's true nature, while in the Lifestream... I'm surprised you didn't mention/show the part where Sephiroth outright say that Jenova was not an Ancient, in the Temple of the Ancients.
    It's 100% confirmed that he knows what Jenova really is.

  • @asterzerodog8971
    @asterzerodog8971 Год назад +24

    That actually makes a lot more sense the more I think about it. Makes the game's story even better.

  • @persona3rulez
    @persona3rulez Год назад +25

    Sephiroth pauses right before speaking about his father. I'm pretty sure that he knew about Hojo, he just didn't want to believe it. This would also add up to his hatred for Hojo. He surely hates him too much for a simple "oh, he does awful and immoral experiments ". Shinra did many bad things and Sephiroth is their number one tool, therefore his hate just for Hojo would be justified with"he hated the thought that he's his son and has the same something in common with him". Also, I may be wrong but I'm sure that at Nibelheim should have been some reports about Hojo and Lucrecia. Sephiroth probably calls Jenova his mom only because he has her cells and Lucrecia is just a surrogate according to reports. More to it, it's only logical if Sephiroth hates Hojo because he doesn't want to accept the fact of being a son to a crazy immoral scientist yet he loves Jenova because he likes the idea of being above all mortals. Basically, my theory is that Sephiroth hates Hojo because their ties made Sephiroth weak(psychological instability?) and loves Jenova because their ties made him the strongest of all. It supports the theory of Sephiroth's identity of an ideal warrior, he just wants to be the best since it's been his life goal the whole time .

    • @daniuy1
      @daniuy1 8 месяцев назад +3

      now that evergirsis exist we know sephiroth was given a lucrecia photo but shinra kept calling her jenova

    • @persona3rulez
      @persona3rulez 8 месяцев назад +3

      @@daniuy1 haven't watched First Soldier story and aren't sure if I ever will try to reach it. Nonetheless, I think it would be even more strange to take Jenova for Lucrecia. I mean, the fact that they both are female and have long hair doesn't make them "near identical". It would even MORE strange to think that Lucrecia from photo became Jenova(grey-blue skin, grey hair, e.t.c.) due to some unstated incident. Sephiroth studied those reports rather thoroughly, I doubt he could mistake these two beings, more so if he had Lucrecia's photo.

    • @daniuy1
      @daniuy1 8 месяцев назад +6

      @@persona3rulez the way i understand it, sephiroth once he read thorough the reports, he knew Shinra was constantly lying to him and at least at that moment in time he thought that photo of Lucrecia was a fake photo of some random woman until he got connected to the lifestream and the rest is history

  • @LilOunce
    @LilOunce Год назад +76

    I never really properly understood why Sephiroth did a complete 180° during the events of crisis core. This video is absolutely amazing it brought more depth to one of my favorite games of all time. I hope others will soon find their way to your channel and enjoy your content. Much love from India.

    • @vgology
      @vgology Год назад +12

      Thank you, happy you enjoyed it! I'm glad I could help add more depth to such an iconic character

  • @Gunnumn
    @Gunnumn Год назад +8

    I had the revelation that the whole ffvii series is about sepheroth. The "Crisis" is his identity crisis that grows and effects everyone

  • @Richard_Daniel333
    @Richard_Daniel333 Год назад +17

    I feel like this could be shown to a college psychology class.

    @BANKSREGIME 9 месяцев назад +6

    this actually makes the most sense to me ever, I always wondered why he just suddenly changed in the story. I always felt there was more to it inside the reactor before Crisis Core Even, I used to also think Maybe Jenova just took control of him and made him do it because Jenova does open the door for him inside the reactor but this actually makes a lot of sense.

  • @MsAlexthemaster
    @MsAlexthemaster 7 месяцев назад +5

    The ego he knew as sephiroth was a great man, it wasn't until he was made aware of his true self that he became disgusted with the puppet he had been all his life and sought to subvert it all the way down to the foundation. He wasn't evil so much as broken and without trust for any other human because he no longer saw them was kin. To him, he was as alone as Aeirth but she had hope while all he was left with was despair.

  • @stormcutter59
    @stormcutter59 4 месяца назад +3

    I always felt it made sense because the Nibelheim incident lets you get into Sephiroths headspace. Hes a guy that clearly suffers from a mental vacuum as he suffers from identity issues. This is a guy that was born to be a tool for a corrupt corporation, bred by a mad scientist and lied about it for decades since his birth. With his belief that he could be a descendent of the Ancients in Jenova, he tied a purpose to his existence, as well as an identity, that being the last Ancient left who could rise against the humans and take back the planet, where no identity or purpose had been there before. It makes sense psychologically when you think about it. In short, you couod call it insanity, but it at least rides a rational, logical line for how Sephiroth got where he was to where he is now

  • @DT-267K
    @DT-267K 3 месяца назад +3

    All his life, Sephiroth wanted to be normal. Yet, he was told constantly that he was special, and his international status as a functional demigod of warfare and hero beyond measure seemed to confirm it.
    When confronted with his origins, he was forced to accept that he never was, and never could be normal, much less human. He was as he had been told all his life -- special. But in discovering this, at the end of the long slow burn against his mental state, with juuuust the right amount of potent details in his origins conveniently left out of the library of history he scoured clean, he drew the wrong conclusions and ended up traversing down a dark pathway that led only to destruction, madness, and death. Where once he was the world's hero, he became the world's enemy. Dramatic irony at its finest.
    Sephiroth was a good man, with a genuinely caring heart beneath his aloof demeanor, and little desire for conquest, much less godhood. But having all those dark truths heaped on him at so horrifically fragile a moment in his life, he simply lacked the will and strength of character needed to maintain himself and rise above. Aerith and Cloud are his mirrors, being those who endured similar torment, only to do what he did not by beating back the tides of darkness and doubts that sought to consume them through strength of conviction and companionship.
    I sincerely wonder what could have been, had Sephiroth resisted his madness long enough to discover the truth, namely his true parentage.

  • @magnumopus8124
    @magnumopus8124 5 месяцев назад +5

    I'm really interested in sephy's past. Simce that new mobile final fantasy game is out now, im hoping it will touch upon it. Its the ONLY reason I'm considering playing it. I dont csre for mobile games, but to get a btter understanding of the ff7 universe and its characters..... I'm willing to play it.

  • @OceanbornAngel
    @OceanbornAngel Год назад +28

    I was thinking of this..what if Sephiroth was not created to do Jenova's bidding but what if the Goddess let him be created to take her (Jenova's) place? I mean Good cannot be motivated without Evil, right? Sephiroth's existence maintains the balance.

  • @Just_normal_youtube_channel
    @Just_normal_youtube_channel Год назад +9

    You should do a psychological evaluation on Revolver Ocelot.

  • @Rhomagus
    @Rhomagus Год назад +7

    Great work. Very well laid out thought process. Love it!

  • @MochaMicah
    @MochaMicah Год назад +6

    Amazing video. I love all the references and sources to psychological articles and studies.

  • @litepaw7
    @litepaw7 2 месяца назад +3

    People keep saying Seph is power hungry. He is not. He wants revenge and lone for a Mother figure. Most of his actions is to follow the footsteps of his mother and for her approval while getting revenge on humanity and if becoming a God will help him get his revenge then he will take that opportunity.
    He has been abused and lied to all his life.
    His only friends died or betrayed him.
    Shin-Ra treated him as their attack/guard Dog, not a human being.
    This broke him, the only love and relief he believes is Jenova

  • @shredder81
    @shredder81 Год назад +3

    Really goog Video, thank you so much

  • @mandyayuso9048
    @mandyayuso9048 Год назад +4

    Pls do more videos of all final fantasy characters! 🙏🏻

  • @miki49
    @miki49 10 месяцев назад

    Excellent video. Instant subscribe ✅

  • @WanderingMind_
    @WanderingMind_ Год назад +6

    Please make a video about Dutch van der Linde, where did it go wrong?

  • @drieghtalfeires2083
    @drieghtalfeires2083 9 месяцев назад +4

    I have a theory that Cloud is a "vaccine" made so that the planet "destroys" the children of Jenova, it would also be a reason why Hojo considers him a very "interesting specimen" and why he is able to oppose to destiny and defeat it, that's why he was also able to destroy the other weapons on the planet and Jenova and why Aerith was able to get along with him and the fact that she tried to "infect" him in the movie and why Seph needs him because he is a "key "for what he needs, why and at the end of the game, Seph wants him on his team so he can reach the goal

  • @PointVeteran
    @PointVeteran Год назад +5

    another banger video

    • @vgology
      @vgology Год назад +1

      Thank you!

  • @Intialdragonr
    @Intialdragonr Год назад +6

    BcSephiroth: Thank you 🙂

    • @vgology
      @vgology Год назад

      Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @brandonmock4757
    @brandonmock4757 6 месяцев назад


  • @khfan4life365
    @khfan4life365 3 месяца назад +1

    I find it incredibly careless that Shinra let Sephiroth go to Nibelheim. I know he was a hero and all that, but did they not consider what would happen if Sephiroth found info on the Jenova Project? Zack could have handled it without a problem, seeing as he was a First too.

    • @Amyfers
      @Amyfers 2 месяца назад

      Bit of a late response, but you'd be absolutely correct! You're asking all the right questions 👍
      Players are supposed to speculate this from Zangan's letter to Tifa in the OG, where he highly implies that Shinra orchestrated the event due to how prompt their response was (although I totally missed it in my first playthrough!)
      This is confirmed in the 2005 Ultimania Omega (translated by TurquoiseHammer):
      _Story Check: The mystery behind the Mako Reactor Investigation_
      _According to preliminary reports, the mako reactor malfunctioned due to age related deterioration, but the actual cause was the human experiments taking place inside. So why were Sephiroth and the others dispatched to the mako reactor?_
      _Later on, if we read the letter Zangan writes to Tifa, we learn that right after Sephiroth went on a rampage, Hojo lead Shinra troops to Nibelheim in order to collect survivors to use in his experiments. Considering the perculiar tactfulness that the situation was handled, it would seem that the chain of events beginning with Sephiroth's deployment was engineered by Hojo to lead Sephiroth to Jenova, and cause him to awaken_

  • @erikofskullisland3987
    @erikofskullisland3987 4 месяца назад

    It's incredible, the conclusions of those colonels are more or less the same as what I arrived at for my 11th grade theme paper for Beowulf, Great Expectations, and Painted Bird. Struggle of survival, the psychomachia, continual internal conflict paradox of values and ideals or sets of values, or value items; and individual choice or indeterminate free will or pressurized chance deciding and resolving the otherwise irresolvable paradox or conflict of value items. And a sense of survival achieved by reassurance by others, of exhibiting the given ideals and value items to which they all aspire. My categories: the social exemplars of values and ideals; the socially mediocre and aspirant; the aspirant but socially despondent and dejected and resentful (the Grendels);, then the perfectly socially uninvolved, of integrity, who don't care about the values and ideals of others, but incidentally are contented and happy and non-violent and moral, though practically in almost suicidal danger (what I used to think were like Kierkgaard's Knights of Faith, or Nietzsche's ubermensch).
    But I argue lately, that an example like US military, conflict of individuals' differences are just resolved by killing an enemy and getting out, like in Vietnam, no one really truly caring about each other or mission and objective, not wanting to be there, not knowing really why they're there, and all knowing it's senseless and bullshit, but getting through it, getting out. It's the dangerous situation, which makes for no gain for them with success, that none of them have stakes in, which allows for their temporary cooperation and tolerance of one another, where otherwise, they hate each other still.
    Then of Kuncewicz, almost don't know what these psychologists want. If your suffering means something or means nothing, either way you're still mentally unwell and falling into some kind of cult? What's their standard of health, then?
    Anyway, Sephiroth thinking he's a monster and not special broke him, then got fixated on the idea all the non- or divergent settler-ancients, or humanity, are traitors, for not wanting to keep itinerant. Good point about how in other instances, he acknowledges he's not an ancient, but those were later, post-death. And he says he's better than ancients, when flashing in at the black materia puzzle..

  • @justintidwell2717
    @justintidwell2717 3 месяца назад

    Do you have that picture you used for this post. I'd like a copy

  • @Oofium
    @Oofium Месяц назад

    Been watching the gacha abomination story FF ever crisis and it even hurts more now seeing him. What an awful life he was having. No wonder the guy finally snapped. And I think for the finale all he want is Cloud to end his life and finally return to the source hence the reunion.

  • @decayedphoenix8865
    @decayedphoenix8865 Месяц назад

    All this shit, and I'm supposed to see him as the BAD GUY?
    "Get real." - Roxas

  • @ninjammer726
    @ninjammer726 8 месяцев назад

    Please do a video essay on Big Boss from metal gear solid series 😭🦖🫶

  • @Marcustheseer
    @Marcustheseer 7 месяцев назад +1

    the reason for his breakdown? wel lets see his father hojo is pretty much a psychopath his friends left him he find out he has been manipulated and lied to his entire life and he meets jenova a manipulating parasit alien that can heavely influence others maybe even fully controle them specialy with people having jenova cells.
    what can go wrong? and reading in that basement for 7 days without much food or water and no to little sleep wel that messes with youre head aswel,he also mistook jenova for a cetra.
    angel showed sighns of trouble cooping with his jenva cells monster menifestation but genesis never realy showed these sighn he just kind of accepted what happened to him,to coop with his fate angel kind of took on the role of an angel near the end where genesis went the road of the poem loveless seeking a goddes and finding minerva where sephiroth finds jenova thnking she is a centra all found a story to hold onto for a goal.

  • @KingNazaru
    @KingNazaru 6 месяцев назад +1

    In hindsight, you probably should have waited until Ever Crisis before doing this video.

  • @leefairweather5772
    @leefairweather5772 11 месяцев назад +16

    I can see a parallel between Sephiroth and Cloud now. Both found out they were not who they thought they were, but unlike Sephiroth Cloud was able to overcome the trauma and save the world.

    • @EvelynL.1112
      @EvelynL.1112 11 месяцев назад +1


    • @Eiliestl
      @Eiliestl 8 месяцев назад +1

      That longgggggg pause...............tho

  • @efitriasasadit2618
    @efitriasasadit2618 6 месяцев назад


  • @efitriasasadit2618
    @efitriasasadit2618 6 месяцев назад

    Kekuatan apa yg diinginkan mesias juga kita dari hati dan penyelesaian masalah,,,

  • @efitriasasadit2618
    @efitriasasadit2618 6 месяцев назад

    Jadi 5,, akan four shiki dan sepherot, neimar,;;

  • @salazar556
    @salazar556 3 месяца назад

    The title sounds like we're about to cancel Sephiroth. 😂

  • @efitriasasadit2618
    @efitriasasadit2618 6 месяцев назад

    Dan hasil DNA mirip,, penyampaianya yang dikhawatirkan aslinya,,??jarak jauh akan sinar akan instings bisa kita,,???udara ruang dan waktu,,??????

  • @jessemiller3108
    @jessemiller3108 2 месяца назад

    This was a great culmination of why Sephiroth became this way. I still don't buy it. Even when I was a kid playing the original, it didn't make sense. If you can't convince a kid of it, something is missing.
    All these reasons would be enough to turn a person, eventually. You don't read books for 7 days and then start slaughtering people.
    It was like Daenerys from Game of Thrones. Did it make sense that she went crazy? Yes. But we needed to see that transformation more convincingly.
    This is my favorite game by a pretty big margin, but even masterpieces have their holes, and this is one of them, even with great Character deep-dive-analysis like this.

  • @JCDadalus
    @JCDadalus 11 месяцев назад +4

    I always wondered why OG FF7's portrayal of Sephiroth wasn't enough for people. The mellow drama and tragic villain stuff isn't new it's just expanded but why? We already know what he became and we already had a closure of his story. The Comp seems to try and over expand already covered ground rather than breaking new ground. The energy SE used on these Comp games could have been used to make new FF games with compelling stories.

    • @hollyshock8400
      @hollyshock8400 11 месяцев назад +4

      Agreed. I think Crisis Core tries too hard to make Sephiroth a sad baby.
      In the original, the psychology can still be applied. Sephiroth had a bad childhood, an isolated life as the top soldier, and learns that he’s a science experiment. Shattered ego leads to psychotic break, and that’s all.
      Genesis and Angeal had no reason to exist

    • @elizabethchint2391
      @elizabethchint2391 10 месяцев назад +8

      You don't have to play them. Also, Sephiroth is the most popular FF villain and FF7 is their most popular FF, Square Enix knows how to make money. I find it funny how you lot who claim Sephiroth isn't well written and is one dimensional start crying when they add layers to him. Pick a battle.
      Many fans of him, including myself are happy with the progress of his character.

    • @MinhLe19303
      @MinhLe19303 9 месяцев назад +4

      It's just not properly told, I guess. I don't feel any more that just cheap creepiness for his descent to madness since it never shown much about what kind of person he is usually. Same problem with Zack in the OG, as he's suppose to a central focus for Cloud's struggle, but he never shown much and his relationship with Cloud isn't fleshed out.

  • @efitriasasadit2618
    @efitriasasadit2618 6 месяцев назад

    Sudah tahu ed,,,,,????????

  • @efitriasasadit2618
    @efitriasasadit2618 6 месяцев назад

    5-6,,,,5-2,,,;, bergejolak akan hitam putihnya,,,,, cari hari kadang ada yg begitu bukan,,,,? Dan akan mesias,, inuyasha-shairo,,,,,,,,,

  • @johndarland3633
    @johndarland3633 9 месяцев назад


  • @efitriasasadit2618
    @efitriasasadit2618 6 месяцев назад

    Siapa yg dibuat experiment juga ( sepherot),, dream pengobatan dan lagi dream jiwamu pernah sengaja disatukan akan sel ruh darah akan neimar,,????? Itu yg ingin mesias tahu semua dengan perempuanmu,, karena energy neimar sangat besar bahkan dirimu dream maka kita pakai sain akan daniel hall,, dan kesibukan akan penjagaan neraka ,, membantu anak2 juga,, proses pengobatan daniel hall,, dimana daniel hall dalam masalah kekuatan itu bisa muncul yg lainya juga,,,,

  • @user-tl4ty3yc3v
    @user-tl4ty3yc3v 6 месяцев назад +2

    Bringing up the topic of loneliness and identity crisis, I'm reminded of Blade Runner 2049.There were also inhumans there to solve capitalist problems . But runners were given AI girls (Joy) to support their mental stability.t was programmed to give the illusion that you are loved and supported. Sephiroth (like Genesis and Anjil), for all their ideality, had no one. And their friendship itself was honestly bullshit and fueled by toxic masculinity. They keep saying that Sephiroth is not a romantic character, but I disagree.If he had at least the illusion of love (like Joe ) He wouldn't get lost.

  • @chousoibam9872
    @chousoibam9872 Год назад +3

    Can you do a story about kadaj....true story.....identity

  • @HopeDaw-gc4pq
    @HopeDaw-gc4pq Год назад +3

    Yh, sephy was just hurt.... Buuuuttt because he wanted KILL... EVERYONE.... Yeah... They had to try and kill him, TRY being the keyword. And because cloud was the one that foiled his plans.. Sephy made it his point of duty to terrorize him daily haha...

  • @PDaHotspitta
    @PDaHotspitta 3 месяца назад

    I’m defeated. There were some parts of this video where you just go off saying the biggest words known to man and I’m not intelligent enough to understand it….

  • @khayrinqistina1901
    @khayrinqistina1901 Год назад +3


  • @thesmilyguyguy9799
    @thesmilyguyguy9799 10 месяцев назад


  • @jemelwilliams4415
    @jemelwilliams4415 6 месяцев назад +2

    You would think if square enix made a remake of some sort 😆 they would do a better job to explain who Sephiroth is , kinda like this video , great Job on the video, since square enix can't be relied on to do their job , instead of doing this they decided to completely destroy the story in some hard to follow convoluted mess called FF7 remake , I'm personally not buying FF7 rebirth or anything else they make , unless they show the capability to actually make the remake we all wanted and deserved, u know the one they said they were gonna give us and totally lied about it , again and again, the developer said he hated FF7 and remake was his lame plan to make his own name known and it is, just not for anything good I think it's Tetsuya Namora , don't really remember, I actually just wana forget FF7 remake ever happened because honestly it didn't 😆

  • @andyblack9026
    @andyblack9026 9 месяцев назад +1

    🫂 😢

  • @dangerousdays2052
    @dangerousdays2052 5 месяцев назад +1

    Sephiroth worked for Shinra, he was always evil.

    • @alimichalkan8046
      @alimichalkan8046 3 месяца назад +1

      Well, what about Zack? Cloud? Vincent? Cissnei?

    • @dangerousdays2052
      @dangerousdays2052 3 месяца назад +1

      @@alimichalkan8046Same. Soldier is basically the SS and the Turks are basically the Gestapo. They knew what they were signing up for.

    • @alimichalkan8046
      @alimichalkan8046 3 месяца назад

      @@dangerousdays2052 From the outside perspective of course they'd be seen as evil. Even from Wutai's perspective Shinra SOLDIERs are evil. But the more we play the game, the more we are shown that some characters would see there are good people within Shinra but they also make it clear that if you work for an evil corporation then you are as responsible for whatever happens afterwards. But to me it is always a gray line with these people. Just as the game shows again and again that there are many people are not good but at the same time they are not pure evil.

  • @fatherof3husbandto1
    @fatherof3husbandto1 24 дня назад

    Oh my God it's been one of my favorite games since 1997 as a young 17 year old I bought this game, in fact I had already bought an N64 thinking that's where this game was going to come out and I found out the hard way it wasn't, so I had to buy a PS1 however what I wanted to say was in the almost 30 years it's been since I've been a fanatic of this singular game here karma from a franchise I was already a fanatic of, I completely missed the sephiroth remained in the shinra Mansion for 7 days, and rose out of the shinra mansion on the seventh day anybody picking up some Jesus Christ vibes here on that one? Literally being buried under the mansion in the basement, as if being dead the writers of this series when real f****** Depot on that one man I never even saw that. I mean I picked up on the obvious Jesus Christ reference when he's standing in front of the Genova container with arms spread out mimicking the cross itself, that one was a alley-oop but I missed this other one damn