Haven't watched the video yet, but you're spot on just thinking about the art, the mood, etc... That's exactly the feel, and while not intrinsically bad, I don't like it in a magic set.
@@sameveland8560mana discounts and copy effects have been in Magic since will before Hearthstone was a glimmer in Blizzard's eye. Otherwise, yeah, those are hearthstone mechanics - and they only exist in digital-only formats that very few people play. So what's the problem?
Can't wait to see which card will be utterly ignored by all content creators and go on to become an absolute menace like This Town. Also, stuff like boommobile really makes me think wotc is trying to cook a temur "if you don't kill me fast you're gonna die" style of deck.
@@sweetreamer5101 I mean, when you're playing temur, you're just used to being the slowest guy around. The not dying part doesn't worry me, what worries me is that the wincons won't be good enough to actually end the game. I'm used to playing temur control with 8 mana wincons, but when I play the wincon, the game ends immediately, and I'm not sure we have stuff on that level in this set.
In regards to vampires who drink gasoline - there was a 90's/early 00's kids show similar to Power Rangers - but with beast wars' CGI artstyle for action scenes. It was called 'Vanpyres' and was basically that - vampire cars who drank gasoline, fighting against kids who turned into robot cars... The 90's were a super fucking weird time. XD
PSA: yes, Gingerbrute makes it possible to Max Speed at T3. Also, Gingerbrute can make itself unblockable to things without haste. You can use burn spells and Desert ping lands to get to the rest of the way to max speed. Also also, people were wrong about Hazoret the first time. Would be funny if history repeats itself.
something they didnt mention is hazorets tap ability helps get to max speed and that if you activate that ability it doesnt matter if hazoret cant attack or blocked because shes tapped anyway.
The way that Cars has affected me is the song "Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flats is burned into my memory from it being played on every Disney channel commercial break for like 2-3 years while I had younger siblings who watched it regularly. Cars as a movie is fine. I did thoroughly enjoy Cars 2, which I ended up watching with some younger cousins a couple Christmases ago.
I’m not saying it will work in standard, but one of the Raceway lands + Gingerbrute is 2 speed on turn 1. Gingerbrute also has built in evasion, meaning it can also (assuming it isn’t cut down) build speed on future turns. It also has immunity to Go For The Throat, which is a nice plus.
You don’t actually need to “hold back” your “Start your engines!” cards until you have a damage source (so Gas Guzzler is perfectly fine as a Turn 1 play, contrary to statements made in the video) The ability that increases your speed by 1 is not tied to any permanent. It doesn’t matter if all your speed-related permanents die or not. You’ll still gain 1 speed if you deal damage to an opponent during your turn (as long as your engines were started at some point, and you have less than 4 speed)
And it doesn't seem like max speed on turn 3 in Standard is some impossible dream either, it just takes some help from your opponent. If you play a "start your engines" one drop while on the draw, and your opponent removes it at instant speed by tapping a pain land, you're already at speed 2 before you pass the first turn. No weird cards no one would ever actually put in a deck required (assuming a max speed deck is playable at all).
The Chandra seems possibly interesting if you can create a bunch of treasures or clues or map tokens, but may not be very good in standard. Could be very fun in commander.
An angle you might be missing on Hazoret is that it's a top end Mono Red finisher that only costs 2 mana and also has utility redundancy. A 2 mana enchantment that just lets you pay 1 mana to make any other creature in your deck unlock blockable probably has niche side board utility, so it's not the worst thing you could draw early, but if you draw it late it's an absolute game ender that leaves mana open for burn or removal. If you evaluate it like it's a turn 4 or 5 play, like the other Hazorets, it's nutty. Its not a turn 2 play, it's a turn 5 play that comes with friends or burn.
I found a Temur Boommobile combo in Standard. Turn 4 Lilysplash Mentor. Turn 5 Boommobile, use some of your 4 mana plus your untapped land to flicker Boommobile.
When CGB was talking about Agonasaur Rex and its support cards with Gishath. The "it happened to me" story reminded me a lot of the old show Freaky Stories. "True story It happened to a friend of a friend of mine" 🤣
CGB brought up his miss on Enduring Curiosity, but he also said Screaming Nemesis was too slow in Duskmourn review lol. TBF he was right that Overlords would see play.
The issue with Universes Beyond, at least in my mind, is that to get that hyper obsessive audience to get into Magic the cards don't have to be so pushed. They just have to be an option, not the de facto best option. The Lord of the Rings set exemplified that best, the fact that that set was so warping and oppressive actually lessened my enjoyment of both ips. It was less "You got chocolate in my peanut butter" and more "You've poured rat poison in my peanut butter and my chocolate, thanks."
My only question around Brightglass Gearhulk is: are there decks that can run it out on turn 3 or 4 consistently? If there are, then it should slot in just fine, even if it's tutoring up low-power permanents. Part of me thinks there will be some combination of targets to tutor up for some kind of combo, but I have no idea which permanents it would be.
Duskmourn got me into magic, and the reason was definitely similar to the universes beyond logic, so like I get it. (I just really really liked the aesthetic of it, particularly the hellraiser inspired stuff). Aka: what made me give magic a chance was magic branching into something I liked, so I think universes beyond (when done well) is generally good for the game. I also 100% get the opposing argument tho.
Mountain+Burnout Bashtronaut (to start engines)+Jagged Barrens+Jagged Barrens+Hazoret, Godseeker is 6 cards and would get you to max speed by turn 4. Turn 1 Mountain+Bashtronaut (speed 1), Turn 2 Attack Bashtronaut+Barrens (Speed 2,3), Turn 3 Barrens (Speed 4) + Hazoret w/haste.
Chandra seems really good for a more midrange-y red deck, with something like Urabrask's Forge which you can both sacrifice with the +2 ability to draw, and will trigger the emblem, and will also help crew Vehicles during your combats. Only question is how you'll fare against aggro with all these creatures that can attack but can't block, but I'm sure there'll be something. Maybe a midrange black/red deck for the removal. EDIT: Just got to 1:06:30, yeah this deck would fit a Chandra black/red midrange deck perfectly actually 🤣
I have hope for Max Speed in Standard. RB has great one drops that start your engines and get hits in early, and Hazoret can let you get your hits in on turn 3 by playing her and tapping to make your dork unblockable, then with burn spells you're hitting Max Speed and Hazoret/Far Fortune can be threats.
Start your engines with the lands that deal damage when they enter seems strong. Turn 1 start engines, turn 2 iridescent vineslasher + land that deals damage = turn 2 with 3 speed. If your 1 drop can attack hero that's 4 speed turn 2
You can only increase it once per turn. The only way you can do it twice is if you started your engines and then dealt damage to your opponent on the same turn.
@Eval999 ah I see thank you. So turn 1 start engine, turn 2 damage tapped land if you can't attack, etc etc. So unless you can deal damage turn 1, max speed can only be achieved by turn 5??
If Rarran loves Cars, he should check out the movie that inspired it; Doc Hollywood. It's worth noting that the +2 on Chandra, Spark Hunter is "you may." You can choose not to, and still get the +2. So you can +2 twice, -7 once, and then +/-0 as long as your opponent lets you. It's not amazing, but in an artifact-heavy deck you could get some decent work out of it. Figure a way to infinite some Ornithcopters.
I want to say as a control finisher of some degree the last ride plus some 1/1 tokens might work in a black control deck or maybe black blue or maybe white black. 99% destroy target thing plus this card. That is like the only way I see it working.
The Boommobile infinite mana combo IS possible in standard with Lilysplash Mentor, you just need one extra blue or green mana to start our with, and then alternate making green and blue every time Boommobile enters. EDIT: nevermind, I forgot that boommobile isn't a creature when it enters. So it doesn't work becuase you would need a way to crew it before bouncing it.
@danielentwistle4017 ah nice! I was searching trying to find a third card in standard to finish the combo, but I somehow didn't think of another card in the new set lol
The non gold medal alt art for Agonasaur is meant to look like Rat Fink. A super popular figure in hot rod/car culture. I like them personally but can understand why a magic fan wouldn't.
I'm excited for this set. It has a lot of cool things in it but I don't feel like it's going to come together. I'm not convinced Exhaust, Vehicles, OR Speed will be that good in Standard. And WHO KNOWS how it will draft lol.
Can Aetherspark's +1 go onto a creature that it's already attached to? The blue claw on Loot looks extremely similar to Runeterra's Death's Grasp card.
Something big I will say about Boommobile, it picks off X/1's. Just hitting bats alone gives it a home in the side, but it's not even terrible against things like dorks.
Max Speed: I used to think it was like tempted by the ring, but it is more like curving out (in parallel to regular curving out) -- because the payoffs are only at the end, I don't think it is good
Question for the card at 51:00 - do exhaust abilties on Commanders reset when a commander leaves the field and returns to the command Zone? If so this might make a nice "Good stuff" commander
When a card change zone, it lose all memory of what happened before. So yes, it will reset if you return the card to the command zone, reanimate it from the graveyard, blink it, return it to your hand, etc.
I'm thinking if Boommobile could be good in Caretakers Forge. Use the 4 mana to pay for ranking up Talent or activating High Noon, survives your own sweepers, continuous removal without being hindered by High Noon.. Maybe? Crew it with Urabrask 🤔
I think they're underestimating the Chandra. standard plays a lot of artifact tokens which can be proc'd by the emblem and you can sac them for the draw.
Please figure out how to edit out the camera flashes when you are pulling another card. It’s a pain but that’s really distracting, I almost bailed and I’m mostly tabbed out
I think the open cost in Boommobile's ability is mostly for drawing it later in the game, now you can just dump all your mana into casting it and doing more damage with the ability rather than leaving mana open with no cards in hand. This does not feel strong in standard to me.
1:00:19 Could be good with things that make food/clues/treasure maybe? I haven't played standard in a while though. 43:48 He loves it because it has so many feet.
@@jackveith2416 You just need a green or blue mana available when you start the combo, after that you can alternate between generating 4 green and 4 blue mana, and with the final flicker you make 4 red mana for the exhaust kill
I want to play Monument to Endurance into Oildeep Gearhulk, just so I can get a 4 mana 4/4 that draws 2 when it enters. Is it good? Probably not. Will I still do it? Yes.
This only has to do with their pre-mtg discussion. 0/10 movie... Birdemic. You could write a dissertation on everything they did wrong innthat movie... i love it.
I agree with CGB that some of the gearhulks will be good/playable, specifically because they dodge all the good black removal. I really like the green/white one because first strike on a creature that is hard to remove is very valuable. That said, if Black gets a new instant removal that works well on them, they'll be much worse.
Specifically that gearhulk is going to be doing some nasty things. Last I checked, enchantment decks were running GW and it has some of the best keywords for a big dude in the game already.
abuello ancestral echo could combo with the bommobile but you would need to filter the mana, which you could do with another card but that is a 3 card combo
I’ve realized, with this video, aetherdrift legit feels like a hearthstone set
Haven't watched the video yet, but you're spot on just thinking about the art, the mood, etc... That's exactly the feel, and while not intrinsically bad, I don't like it in a magic set.
we got wacky races crossover, so there is only one left, right? right?
OTJ also came out a few months after hearthstone's own "our guys in cowboy hats" set! (showdown in the badlands)
card discounting, duplication, conjure, seek, all hearthstone mechanics.
@@sameveland8560mana discounts and copy effects have been in Magic since will before Hearthstone was a glimmer in Blizzard's eye. Otherwise, yeah, those are hearthstone mechanics - and they only exist in digital-only formats that very few people play. So what's the problem?
I appriciate that Rarran says what we are all thinking, Gas Guzzler is 1000% Ben Stiller
Ben Stiller from Mystery Men 1000%
@@jamesstrasser3650 Oh god! I was going to write the same thing. MISTER FURIOUS
@@jamesstrasser3650 I was thinking more Derrick Zoolander
I wonder how many other people we can figure out in Magic cards ^^ I already found Dwayne Johnson in Wall of Stone
@@jamesstrasser3650 100% Agree, that is ben stiller in mystery men, hands down.
For anyone curious, im pretty sure the art for agonasaur rex shown at 43:49 is based off of "Rat Fink", a mascot popular in the hot rod community
Yeah the alt arts are a very good fit for the theme but I think alot of the crowd is to young to know of Ed Roth
@screwball69 yeah but this is magic some of us have been around since the 80s
@@goreobsessed2308 Yes, however I don't think most of the youtube crowd is as old as we are.
@screwball69 all it takes is one they will nerd out and spread the refrence
So that's where the missing Goblin Biker support from Yu-Gi-Oh ended up.
Yep, this whole set is Goblin Bikers and Gold Pride
@@iamabucket13 And F.A. Don't forget about the og yugioh racers.
I know that it's not their niche but I hate that they don't see the Akira reference on Chandra, it looks so good
I got the reference. Honestly, the art just looks kinda meh.
Huge Akira fan. The art is awful.
I've seen the Akira slide in a lot of shows. This is by far the worst art of it.
yall hating, it looks fine, I'll concede "so good" because it's not like a 9, but it's pretty good still, like a solid 6
0:24 He lies!!!! Rarran's favorite character of all time is Ahri from league of legends. Watch his co op stream with Voxy to see proof
Ahri’s not just a fictional character, she’s his queen.
21:41 thank u editor
Real timestamp is 21:41 for those confused.
@thomassynths oh shit ty
100% necessary edit there, the video wouldn't have been the same
Can't wait to see which card will be utterly ignored by all content creators and go on to become an absolute menace like This Town.
Also, stuff like boommobile really makes me think wotc is trying to cook a temur "if you don't kill me fast you're gonna die" style of deck.
that seems silly since "kill you fast" is 80% of the meta.
@@sweetreamer5101 I mean, when you're playing temur, you're just used to being the slowest guy around. The not dying part doesn't worry me, what worries me is that the wincons won't be good enough to actually end the game.
I'm used to playing temur control with 8 mana wincons, but when I play the wincon, the game ends immediately, and I'm not sure we have stuff on that level in this set.
for Temur in Standard or EDH?
@@wickederebus why would we be talking about edh, cgb mainly plays arena
@MetalHev . . . CGB brought up Death's Shadow being great in Modern.
In regards to vampires who drink gasoline - there was a 90's/early 00's kids show similar to Power Rangers - but with beast wars' CGI artstyle for action scenes. It was called 'Vanpyres' and was basically that - vampire cars who drank gasoline, fighting against kids who turned into robot cars... The 90's were a super fucking weird time. XD
Sorry, actually spelled 'Van-pires'. lol
Oh my, there’s 13 episodes uploaded on RUclips! I know where my afternoon is going 😂
the groan and the frown when rarran said they're learning from YGO was the visual representation of being unable to deny a claim you don't like lol
Hot take: The themeing of the actual cards in this set isn't that different than Kamigawa Neon Dynasty.
Loot's green ability is a color shifted dark ritual, not lotus since it costs 1. (Which is still a super powerful ability)
Ritual specifically makes black where loot is 3 of any one colour which is lotus. Realistically it's closer to a combo of both
PSA: yes, Gingerbrute makes it possible to Max Speed at T3.
Also, Gingerbrute can make itself unblockable to things without haste. You can use burn spells and Desert ping lands to get to the rest of the way to max speed.
Also also, people were wrong about Hazoret the first time. Would be funny if history repeats itself.
something they didnt mention is hazorets tap ability helps get to max speed and that if you activate that ability it doesnt matter if hazoret cant attack or blocked because shes tapped anyway.
Card games on motorcycles.
Maybe this is not a good time to tell Mesa Falcon Guy thay Yu-Gi-Oh did card games on motorcycles first
ben stiller is such a good take on gas guzzler lol
The way that Cars has affected me is the song "Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flats is burned into my memory from it being played on every Disney channel commercial break for like 2-3 years while I had younger siblings who watched it regularly.
Cars as a movie is fine. I did thoroughly enjoy Cars 2, which I ended up watching with some younger cousins a couple Christmases ago.
That's awesome!
Video starting with a minutes long discussion over the movies Cars. This is why Im subscribed
The gas guzzler has to be a zoolander reference... he literally drinks gas at the start
Love the editor's attention to cat action!
This is absolutely not my set but who am I to judge? I love Duskmourn after all, which seems to be almost as disliked as Aether drift.
I’m not saying it will work in standard, but one of the Raceway lands + Gingerbrute is 2 speed on turn 1. Gingerbrute also has built in evasion, meaning it can also (assuming it isn’t cut down) build speed on future turns.
It also has immunity to Go For The Throat, which is a nice plus.
He did mention this in the video right after I commented, and I do agree with CGB that it’s probably not good enough. It is something to try, though!
Rarran on UB Gearhulk: oh, so you can cycle a card from your hand
Rarran 10 minutes later: can you remind me what cycling is?
I think "cycle" just got entrenched as a widely used card game term and he wasn't connecting it to the mtg mechanic "cycling"
You don’t actually need to “hold back” your “Start your engines!” cards until you have a damage source (so Gas Guzzler is perfectly fine as a Turn 1 play, contrary to statements made in the video)
The ability that increases your speed by 1 is not tied to any permanent. It doesn’t matter if all your speed-related permanents die or not. You’ll still gain 1 speed if you deal damage to an opponent during your turn (as long as your engines were started at some point, and you have less than 4 speed)
And it doesn't seem like max speed on turn 3 in Standard is some impossible dream either, it just takes some help from your opponent. If you play a "start your engines" one drop while on the draw, and your opponent removes it at instant speed by tapping a pain land, you're already at speed 2 before you pass the first turn. No weird cards no one would ever actually put in a deck required (assuming a max speed deck is playable at all).
The Chandra seems possibly interesting if you can create a bunch of treasures or clues or map tokens, but may not be very good in standard. Could be very fun in commander.
This set is gonna be unidentified hovership’s time to shine
Geostorm is the disaster movie, G-Force is the one with the hamsters (technically guinea pigs)
An angle you might be missing on Hazoret is that it's a top end Mono Red finisher that only costs 2 mana and also has utility redundancy. A 2 mana enchantment that just lets you pay 1 mana to make any other creature in your deck unlock blockable probably has niche side board utility, so it's not the worst thing you could draw early, but if you draw it late it's an absolute game ender that leaves mana open for burn or removal. If you evaluate it like it's a turn 4 or 5 play, like the other Hazorets, it's nutty. Its not a turn 2 play, it's a turn 5 play that comes with friends or burn.
I found a Temur Boommobile combo in Standard. Turn 4 Lilysplash Mentor. Turn 5 Boommobile, use some of your 4 mana plus your untapped land to flicker Boommobile.
You need to turn the boom mobile into a Creature first
Or need another color (white) that makes it enter crewed
I think he meant a combo that can go infinite or close to. You can only do this once.
I feel Pyrewood would have been playable at RRGG, and a 5/5, but at 6 mana, your board's already been Sunfalled.
When CGB was talking about Agonasaur Rex and its support cards with Gishath. The "it happened to me" story reminded me a lot of the old show Freaky Stories. "True story It happened to a friend of a friend of mine" 🤣
Cars was okay but it was a sign of a design shift in disney movies that led to the mediocre stuff we get today so i blame it
CGB brought up his miss on Enduring Curiosity, but he also said Screaming Nemesis was too slow in Duskmourn review lol. TBF he was right that Overlords would see play.
The issue with Universes Beyond, at least in my mind, is that to get that hyper obsessive audience to get into Magic the cards don't have to be so pushed. They just have to be an option, not the de facto best option. The Lord of the Rings set exemplified that best, the fact that that set was so warping and oppressive actually lessened my enjoyment of both ips. It was less "You got chocolate in my peanut butter" and more "You've poured rat poison in my peanut butter and my chocolate, thanks."
Let's just hope that they tone back the power some on the upcoming sets, seeing as LTR was basically Modern Horizons 2.5
@DoctorWhoBlue I dont have that much hope left. They're making money on it still, they have no incentive to stop
would you be happy with the one ring and orcish bowmaster if they weren't UB cards?
Start your engines is basically turbo duels from YGO?
🎶Going fast, makes me feel alive!🎶
My Heart beats in hyperdrive.
I just realized that Exhaust is probably inspired by Yugioh cards where you only use abilities once per turn.
My only question around Brightglass Gearhulk is: are there decks that can run it out on turn 3 or 4 consistently? If there are, then it should slot in just fine, even if it's tutoring up low-power permanents.
Part of me thinks there will be some combination of targets to tutor up for some kind of combo, but I have no idea which permanents it would be.
I love the previews with rarran he just adds so much to these being not from the community so not tainted by the years of shit that's weighed down
18:30 There's no way Emet Selch isn't going to be in my collection and I don't even play card games
Duskmourn got me into magic, and the reason was definitely similar to the universes beyond logic, so like I get it. (I just really really liked the aesthetic of it, particularly the hellraiser inspired stuff). Aka: what made me give magic a chance was magic branching into something I liked, so I think universes beyond (when done well) is generally good for the game. I also 100% get the opposing argument tho.
I love Brightglass Gearhulk. Some of the best art I've seen from Magic in awhile and an interesting effect!
'turn 1 Ben stiller' goes hard
Mountain+Burnout Bashtronaut (to start engines)+Jagged Barrens+Jagged Barrens+Hazoret, Godseeker is 6 cards and would get you to max speed by turn 4. Turn 1 Mountain+Bashtronaut (speed 1), Turn 2 Attack Bashtronaut+Barrens (Speed 2,3), Turn 3 Barrens (Speed 4) + Hazoret w/haste.
Actually, it wouldn't even have to be barrens. I just wanted Rakdos. Could work with any OTJ desert dual.
Chandra seems really good for a more midrange-y red deck, with something like Urabrask's Forge which you can both sacrifice with the +2 ability to draw, and will trigger the emblem, and will also help crew Vehicles during your combats. Only question is how you'll fare against aggro with all these creatures that can attack but can't block, but I'm sure there'll be something. Maybe a midrange black/red deck for the removal.
EDIT: Just got to 1:06:30, yeah this deck would fit a Chandra black/red midrange deck perfectly actually 🤣
Do you mean sacrifice the Forge tokens? Because those aren't artifacts.
@felizpanda oh i totally thought they were, oops
@@SinzariYeah, I only knew because I've also made that mistake before 😅
@@felizpanda 🤣
I think that Rarran has a lot of good opinions here.
I want to see what Cimoooooooo thinks of this set.
the Agonasaur Rex alternative art with his "spinning" legs and the flavor text "velocity raptor" k!lled me...
I have hope for Max Speed in Standard. RB has great one drops that start your engines and get hits in early, and Hazoret can let you get your hits in on turn 3 by playing her and tapping to make your dork unblockable, then with burn spells you're hitting Max Speed and Hazoret/Far Fortune can be threats.
sigh we got the akira slide reference but no deja vu reference :(
Agonasaur Rex as a rat racer looks absolutely sick. Love that card
Boommobile feels like a menace in waiting.
Start your engines with the lands that deal damage when they enter seems strong. Turn 1 start engines, turn 2 iridescent vineslasher + land that deals damage = turn 2 with 3 speed. If your 1 drop can attack hero that's 4 speed turn 2
You can only increase it once per turn. The only way you can do it twice is if you started your engines and then dealt damage to your opponent on the same turn.
@Eval999 ah I see thank you. So turn 1 start engine, turn 2 damage tapped land if you can't attack, etc etc. So unless you can deal damage turn 1, max speed can only be achieved by turn 5??
@@kylerossi7961if you can deal damage turn one, you get speed 2 on turn one, max speed turn 3. Otherwise turn 4 is the quickest
@@Pedun42 is there a creature that costs 1 mana that has "start your engines" and haste (or some other way to deal 1 damage)?
tinybones, gas guzzler vampire, hazoret, and a ton of removel sounds like a fun combo.
Love these with people from other games. Keep them coming.
If Rarran loves Cars, he should check out the movie that inspired it; Doc Hollywood.
It's worth noting that the +2 on Chandra, Spark Hunter is "you may." You can choose not to, and still get the +2. So you can +2 twice, -7 once, and then +/-0 as long as your opponent lets you. It's not amazing, but in an artifact-heavy deck you could get some decent work out of it. Figure a way to infinite some Ornithcopters.
I want to say as a control finisher of some degree the last ride plus some 1/1 tokens might work in a black control deck or maybe black blue or maybe white black. 99% destroy target thing plus this card. That is like the only way I see it working.
I expected rarran to remember we had a miniset with racing theme in hearthstone a while ago
The Boommobile infinite mana combo IS possible in standard with Lilysplash Mentor, you just need one extra blue or green mana to start our with, and then alternate making green and blue every time Boommobile enters.
EDIT: nevermind, I forgot that boommobile isn't a creature when it enters. So it doesn't work becuase you would need a way to crew it before bouncing it.
That combo needs Kolodin to work. I think it might be a bit too clunky to be competitive, but I'm definitely going to try it
@danielentwistle4017 ah nice! I was searching trying to find a third card in standard to finish the combo, but I somehow didn't think of another card in the new set lol
@danielentwistle4017 that does mean it requires 4 colors also lol
The non gold medal alt art for Agonasaur is meant to look like Rat Fink. A super popular figure in hot rod/car culture. I like them personally but can understand why a magic fan wouldn't.
Cars was one of the first movies i saw on its theatrical release. As nascar fans, my family were the exact audience for the references
I'm excited for this set. It has a lot of cool things in it but I don't feel like it's going to come together. I'm not convinced Exhaust, Vehicles, OR Speed will be that good in Standard. And WHO KNOWS how it will draft lol.
Can Aetherspark's +1 go onto a creature that it's already attached to?
The blue claw on Loot looks extremely similar to Runeterra's Death's Grasp card.
Sure. It even says "up to one" so you can +1 and not attach it to anything.
1:14 G Force! (and it's guinea pigs) Love that movie.
Something big I will say about Boommobile, it picks off X/1's. Just hitting bats alone gives it a home in the side, but it's not even terrible against things like dorks.
Max Speed: I used to think it was like tempted by the ring, but it is more like curving out (in parallel to regular curving out) -- because the payoffs are only at the end, I don't think it is good
ren and stippy was one of the shows that all the kids watched together in my family. I love the weird alt art one of the dino haha
Question for the card at 51:00 - do exhaust abilties on Commanders reset when a commander leaves the field and returns to the command Zone? If so this might make a nice "Good stuff" commander
When a card change zone, it lose all memory of what happened before. So yes, it will reset if you return the card to the command zone, reanimate it from the graveyard, blink it, return it to your hand, etc.
Yes they would, if a card with exhaust leaves play then once it returns to play the exhaust abilities are reset.
better blink it
The ultimate Timmy dream : Turn 1 Elf, Turn 2 Hammerskull, Turn 3 Aetherspark -> attack for 7 dmg, Turn 4 vomit your hand on the board.
I'm thinking if Boommobile could be good in Caretakers Forge. Use the 4 mana to pay for ranking up Talent or activating High Noon, survives your own sweepers, continuous removal without being hindered by High Noon.. Maybe? Crew it with Urabrask 🤔
I think they're underestimating the Chandra. standard plays a lot of artifact tokens which can be proc'd by the emblem and you can sac them for the draw.
Please figure out how to edit out the camera flashes when you are pulling another card. It’s a pain but that’s really distracting, I almost bailed and I’m mostly tabbed out
I think the open cost in Boommobile's ability is mostly for drawing it later in the game, now you can just dump all your mana into casting it and doing more damage with the ability rather than leaving mana open with no cards in hand. This does not feel strong in standard to me.
58:38 These two laughing over how Cimo presents cards in the YuGiOh collabs gives me such joy.
I feel like pain lands will do very well in Start Your Engine decks. Play the lands that deal 1 to your opponent to get more consistent procs
1:00:19 Could be good with things that make food/clues/treasure maybe? I haven't played standard in a while though.
43:48 He loves it because it has so many feet.
Rarran is such a handsome boy and it's always a blast when you two collab
57:17 guys, that image pays homage to the Akira drift!!! 🎉
Lilysplash Mentor is a standard legal card that combos with Boommobile
doesn't work so cleanly; boommobile only adds mana of one color
boom bike makes mana of one color, mentor's ability costs 1GU. needs some sort of filtering additionally
@@jackveith2416 You just need a green or blue mana available when you start the combo, after that you can alternate between generating 4 green and 4 blue mana, and with the final flicker you make 4 red mana for the exhaust kill
@@2424LarsYou'd need to keep crewing the Boommobile every time it blinks though
The last ride seems cracked, agree with almost every other of Raran’s assessments though
Clues, Treasures, Food and Maps are all artifacts, right?
Artifact tokens.
I mean, Rarran is right. It says in the video description, "how it will impact Standard!"
Lillysplash Mentor is a Standard card that can go infinite with Boommobile
Rarran asking someone born in the 80s if they know who Ben Stiller is really made me laugh.
I want to play Monument to Endurance into Oildeep Gearhulk, just so I can get a 4 mana 4/4 that draws 2 when it enters. Is it good? Probably not. Will I still do it? Yes.
I am absolutely chasing a brightglass gearhulk for a commander deck.
53:50 Doesn't the claw represent Valgavoth? Not up to date on the Duskmourn to Aetherdrift lore but read a blurb about it.
Loot should have a toy in its type line as he is basically a Funko Pop
The gearhold with the Ferocious guy that gives haste would be gas.
Gingerbrute is going to be pivotal for decks that want max speed as fast as humanly possible
Why is the 'speed' mechanic the slowest mechanic in the game?
Because both slow and fast are adjectives for speed
Because fast doesn't mean immediateness. The mechanic is about acceleration: increasing your speed. To increase your speed, you need time.
Because you gotta build up speed. It's a big brain implementation of racing speed.
@@fernandobanda5734 you're not gonna win any races with a car that takes 40min to reach 100MPH
Chandra feels like she fits in a deck that makes tokens. Tokens are artifacts.
Saying Cars is the most overrated movie ever is one of the takes of all time.
Loot, the pathfinder in a Garth, One-Eye deck and all the old naky classics, and a ton of ramp to pay for all those bad rates.
This only has to do with their pre-mtg discussion.
0/10 movie... Birdemic. You could write a dissertation on everything they did wrong innthat movie... i love it.
Birdemic is like The Room: so bad its good. I think the true stinker of all time is The Amazing Bulk, which is little more than a bizarre screensaver
Chandra art is def an Akira reference... which is cool imo
edit: i want kaito equipped wiht the aetherspark
You need to look at The Last Ride as, you just met mono red 2 turns in and your life total has already been destroyed. Playable!!!
I think "turn 1 Ben Stiller" is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time
Nono, Gas Guzzler looks like Ben Stiller in Mystery Men, the resemblance is uncanny.
I agree with CGB that some of the gearhulks will be good/playable, specifically because they dodge all the good black removal. I really like the green/white one because first strike on a creature that is hard to remove is very valuable. That said, if Black gets a new instant removal that works well on them, they'll be much worse.
Specifically that gearhulk is going to be doing some nasty things. Last I checked, enchantment decks were running GW and it has some of the best keywords for a big dude in the game already.
abuello ancestral echo could combo with the bommobile but you would need to filter the mana, which you could do with another card but that is a 3 card combo
1:10 Come on that was the perfect set up to say "ya cars