My First Burberry Bag | Unboxing + Quick Initial Review and Small Haul

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 17

  • @ruthh8121
    @ruthh8121 3 месяца назад

    Thank you for sharing, great choice and great that you stayed true to your heart and picked what you loved! I am just beginning to get into Burberry so it's been terrific to see an unboxing and review of Burberry products.

    • @littlebitoflux
      @littlebitoflux  3 месяца назад

      @@ruthh8121 Aww thank you! 😊 I like the bag very much. It’s so worth it. So far I have no complaints about the quality.
      And I like Burberry’s pattern. It’s really the brand I like.

  • @lumari2123
    @lumari2123 Месяц назад

    I have the same scarf, could you do a video styling it please!!???

  • @vee9043
    @vee9043 Год назад +2

    cute classic bag

  • @theresaelder8732
    @theresaelder8732 8 месяцев назад +2

    Nice bag!.. I think I’m going to treat myself to the smaller version of this in black .. I think it’s called Hampshire / Penny … I was also eyeing the Cashmere scarf.. but like you said living here in cali the one you chose might be a better option

    • @littlebitoflux
      @littlebitoflux  8 месяцев назад

      Thank you! I definitely want to get Hampshire too. But they discontinued the color/style that I like…it the one with brown flap.

  • @bojieojeda7416
    @bojieojeda7416 Год назад +2

    Very nice

  • @evaalfanwe4869
    @evaalfanwe4869 Год назад +1

    My just got my pakket from Burberry i buy Lola bag and there’s no dust bag so I just call them but it’s ridiculous they said depending what bag I buy,,, it’s really ridiculous!!!

    • @littlebitoflux
      @littlebitoflux  Год назад

      It’s weird how some stores do that. Like my mom got me the burberry wallet from Nordstrom but it didn’t come with box or dust bag.
      So if I really want to feel the luxe of purchase, I would have to buy directly from store brand.

    • @evaalfanwe4869
      @evaalfanwe4869 Год назад

      @@littlebitoflux I bought it online from from Burberry's own website
      So that why I said ridiculous

    • @evaalfanwe4869
      @evaalfanwe4869 Год назад

      @@littlebitoflux I bought the bag because I got a private sale from Burberry so I think I will send it back if they not solve it my problem even I got private sale I still pay that bag more then 1000€ so I will send it back

    • @evaalfanwe4869
      @evaalfanwe4869 Год назад

      @@littlebitoflux i bought YSL bag mini nolita i think in the time was more then 900 € but I got all dust bag everything and this I bought more then 1000 € no dust bag and box damage also unbelievable

    • @littlebitoflux
      @littlebitoflux  Год назад

      @@evaalfanwe4869 oohh no… That’s horrible.
      I really think all designers should have dust-bags and boxes included. Especially for the price we way.

  • @WilliamNguyen-io3iz
    @WilliamNguyen-io3iz 7 месяцев назад

    Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens #LVGUCI

  • @MoscatoSindy
    @MoscatoSindy 8 месяцев назад

    The package here is trustworthy #amzlv