I always hear Chanwills0 Potter Parodys whenever I watch HP now lol "Ah, Minerva! Should've known you'd be here. You're always up in everybody's business." "The thought of you being in charge of an infant gave me nausea, so I had to come."
I recently reread this chapter as it's super comforting, and always makes me feel better, more calm and safe when I'm depressed. So I absolutely can't wait for this ASMR ❤️
This is the best Harry Potter au asmr so far!! The bgm music, owl sounds, cat purring makes is oh so real!!! It's like living in the movie as the 11 year old harry. Perfect, literally.
Harry Potter has never really been my cup of tea, but I remember the day I went to the movie theater to watch it with my young sister. This ambience you made makes me nostalgic, and I really like it. Great work Hendril, the sounds are awesome ! :)
After starting the series again for who knows which time now, the first instance you see Harry is filled with so much magic and I see that on the screen. Thank you for putting so much work into your videos.
@@oriflamme1025 I speak french and I totally agree! Moreover, it is the only one that was changed so poorly. The other ones are just litteral translation of the English title!
Something to look forward and keep my mind from stressing out so much from seeing what is happening worldwide and now here at home.Open your windows so that Prayers and love goes to all of us.
the starry sky above English clouds ♥ I am sooo nostalgic right now and want to write my own book... the worlds you create are siriusly astounding. They always feel so familiar but also always add a new dimension, a broader horizon to it, a deeper sense of wonder and both nostalgia and new adventures... just perfect!
Ron: Wingardrium Leviosar. Hermione: Stop, stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, youre saying it wrong. It's Leviosa, not Leviosar. Ron: You do it then if you're so clever. Go on, go on. Hermione: Wingardium Leviosa.✨
Woww the quality of your videos is AMAZING! The fact that the clouds are moving too and there's always something dynamic throughout the entire one hour... I'm so impressed!!
this has been getting me through my self-isolation homework grind!!! an indescribable comfort, I must say. thank you for all your videos, truly. you are amazing!
I saw the notification for this yesterday, but didn’t get to listen until now. Just pure awesome. And perfectly timed. I think we all needed a distraction from mandated and self isolations.
Just re-watching this while i try to come up with ideas for a new video and it's sooo helpful! I love the visual details in this one, so much going on and it feels as if i'm observing all of it happening outside my window! I LOVE IT! Great job Hendril!
I'm here! I am SO grateful for this!!! Like it is making me tear up lmao! I have been stuck inside due to self isolation and I just feel so freakin blah right now! This just made my day :) :)
You aren't alone in this. Remember to find compassion for yourself. I just had to take time out tonight myself to work on my breathing. I have had a rough few years of chronic health issues and this self stay home isolation is making me have to self manage much more frequently to stay above water so to speak. Remember you aren't alone and the world does care about you. And don't forget to breathe. I have to constantly remind myself to breathe and it is ok to feel what I need to feel.
This is my absolute favorite Harry Potter Asmr video. I love everthing about it and I listen to it almost everyday. Thank you so much for creating it :)
God this is SO GOOD! What a wonderful idea, and it's so comforting! I'll be listening to this tomorrow morning at work, I missed the premiere today :( Thank you for all your effort!
🥺 How nice to be able to read the entire Harry Potter book series and have ambient sounds for absolutely everything! 💯👌🏼 Thank you so much for all these videos! 💚✨
Your videos are awesome, talented, soothing and perfect. I can’t remember when I listened and watched something with such pleasure. Thank you so much 🤍
This is beautiful so relaxing and nice way to escape from everything going on in the world right now. Thank you so much for this I've liked and subscribed :)
Loved it, like always, thank you for your great work, I love the sfx effects& sounds you made! thank a lot for your work it inspires me to build my own world even more on my channel!! thank Hendril =) xxx from France
Having this in the background while I start listening to the audiobook by Stephen Fry. Gonna use all your playlists as ambience while I re-explore this magical world :) Thanks Hendril!
I wish I could go inside all these videos...I wish something magical happens, I can literally feel myself in harry's world...Hendrik your asmr videos have become an addiction...they make me believe that I am there.....like I can feel what Harry must be thinking sometimes looking out of the window of his house in privet drive....you are pure talent and your asmr is simply fantastically magical....lots of love from a fan💖💖✨✨. ❤️⚡
Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone ⚡ The night of Harry's Arrival at Privet drive 4, Little Whinging, Surrey 🌙. Hagrid brings the baby on his flying motorbike 🛵, Professor Dumbledore is turning out the street lights with a device of his own Creation, the ''deluminator'' 💡, and professor Mcgonagall is diguised in her Cat form 🐈. ⚡Philosopher's Stone Playlist: ruclips.net/video/zAoaFOdC-7o/видео.html Enjoy 7 HOURS of Harry Potter: ruclips.net/video/h0YcNCs_Kkw/видео.html / ✨💛Hufflepuff : ruclips.net/video/9Yf59suTbWI/видео.html /✨🦁Gryffindor: ruclips.net/video/FkHnsVuu7UY/видео.html /✨🐍Slytherin: : ruclips.net/video/BhvAnxBSPtI/видео.html / ✨🦅 Ravenclaw: ruclips.net/video/p55PaKUfQwE/видео.html FOLLOW AND SHARE ON INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/asmrweeklyofficial/ SUPPORT ON PATREON:www.patreon.com/ASMRWeekly
Awesome video. ? Did you like that Duck Tails theme song Parody ? about Harry potter i thought it was funny have a nice week and weekend and a Magical year in 2021.
"I had a feeling you'd be here....Professor McGonagall."
How did you know it was me? 😅
"Good evening ... Professor Dumbledor."
@@alexdredge655 there wasn’t that line
I always hear Chanwills0 Potter Parodys whenever I watch HP now lol
"Ah, Minerva! Should've known you'd be here. You're always up in everybody's business."
"The thought of you being in charge of an infant gave me nausea, so I had to come."
these ambience videos give me the feeling of nostalgia, euphoria, and relaxes me and makes me feel like everything is okay and i thank you for that
😊thank you so much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."...Dumbledore
indeed 😊
Yes that's right that's in the 3rd movie
My favorite quote from Albus Dumbledore himself.
& 2020 hit !
yes that’s so right!
I recently reread this chapter as it's super comforting, and always makes me feel better, more calm and safe when I'm depressed. So I absolutely can't wait for this ASMR
Watching the old harry potter movies especially the first ones give me the same feeling. There's a sense of warmth surrounding the books and films
This might be the best version of this ASMR that I’ve ever seen?
This is the best Harry Potter au asmr so far!! The bgm music, owl sounds, cat purring makes is oh so real!!! It's like living in the movie as the 11 year old harry. Perfect, literally.
Harry Potter has never really been my cup of tea, but I remember the day I went to the movie theater to watch it with my young sister. This ambience you made makes me nostalgic, and I really like it. Great work Hendril, the sounds are awesome ! :)
🤗 thank you very much ! yes and whenever i watch that first movie it gets me very nostalgic and i cant remember the night going to the cinemas aswell
After starting the series again for who knows which time now, the first instance you see Harry is filled with so much magic and I see that on the screen. Thank you for putting so much work into your videos.
I am extremely supportive that you chose 'Philosopher's stone' and not 'sorcerers stone'. Thank you so much.
SomeReadingsASMR Philiosephers/sorcerers stone is the same film it’s just that the films were made in Britain
And then because they were released in the U.S it was changed to sorcerers stone same with the book it’s the same thing
@@PhantomSims yea but i do think that sorcerers stone doesn't hit the same way :P
@@oriflamme1025 I speak french and I totally agree! Moreover, it is the only one that was changed so poorly. The other ones are just litteral translation of the English title!
Phantom Sims if you knew the meaning behind you would know the americans dumbed it down (as usual).
Something to look forward and keep my mind from stressing out so much from seeing what is happening worldwide and now here at home.Open your windows so that Prayers and love goes to all of us.
I have set a reminder and will be watching it on the downstairs TV. What a treat...thank you.
the starry sky above English clouds ♥ I am sooo nostalgic right now and want to write my own book... the worlds you create are siriusly astounding. They always feel so familiar but also always add a new dimension, a broader horizon to it, a deeper sense of wonder and both nostalgia and new adventures... just perfect!
🤗 thank you very much !
Ron: Wingardrium Leviosar.
Hermione: Stop, stop, stop. You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, youre saying it wrong. It's Leviosa, not Leviosar.
Ron: You do it then if you're so clever. Go on, go on.
Hermione: Wingardium Leviosa.✨
I literally read this with their voices😅✨
@@aldair_aa me tooo jajaja
My favourite part from all the series of Harry Potter !
@Aldair Alvarez me too 😂
Me toooo
I love this one. It reminds me so much of the beginning of the philosopher stone.
This really helped me to survive my late night study session for maths! so calm and wonderful, I love it thanksssss
I recently started reading hp & man was I surprised/grateful to find this. It's so calming & I will reread this chapter again while listening to it
😊oh thank you! i hope you enjoy the experience very much
This is INCREDIBLE! The music, the noises, the colours, the sense of magic in the air...I love it!!! 😍💕
😊thank you very much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
Wonderfully entertaining and therapeutic as well. This allowed me to escape into the Harry Potter world that I love.
😊thank you so much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
Woww the quality of your videos is AMAZING! The fact that the clouds are moving too and there's always something dynamic throughout the entire one hour... I'm so impressed!!
this has been getting me through my self-isolation homework grind!!! an indescribable comfort, I must say. thank you for all your videos, truly. you are amazing!
😊thank you very much! i'm very happy that it is of great comfort to you:) stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
Best ambience ever, mcgonagal in her animaguis form waiting for dumbledore to arrive, the cricket noises, the nightsky.
Love the visual and audio detail you pack into your videos
Wish you did a 8-10h version of this. This helps me sleep, thank you! 🥰
I saw the notification for this yesterday, but didn’t get to listen until now. Just pure awesome. And perfectly timed. I think we all needed a distraction from mandated and self isolations.
😊thank you so much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
Oh these musics and this ambiance... I can feel the magic and the evenements coming! I love them! Thank you for everything
This is art. You're a genius!! Thank you! ✨
😊thank you so much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
Amazing! Also thank you so much for including the cats in almost all the videos! Love it in this one as well so much!
✨Thank you so much! I'm happy you liked it ✨
Just re-watching this while i try to come up with ideas for a new video and it's sooo helpful!
I love the visual details in this one, so much going on and it feels as if i'm observing all of it happening outside my window! I LOVE IT! Great job Hendril!
😊thank you so much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
@@ASMRWeekly thank you and you too! 💜
I absolutely LOVE this! It's so magical! You are definitely one of the best RUclipsrs, for sure :)
😊thank you very much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
I absolutely love this! Thanks for keeping the magic alive!
I'm here! I am SO grateful for this!!! Like it is making me tear up lmao! I have been stuck inside due to self isolation and I just feel so freakin blah right now! This just made my day :) :)
You aren't alone in this. Remember to find compassion for yourself. I just had to take time out tonight myself to work on my breathing. I have had a rough few years of chronic health issues and this self stay home isolation is making me have to self manage much more frequently to stay above water so to speak.
Remember you aren't alone and the world does care about you. And don't forget to breathe. I have to constantly remind myself to breathe and it is ok to feel what I need to feel.
Thank you nick!!! I appreciate your words:)
Kate Let me say Hendril is the best in the Harry Potter ambiance business I know how you feel being isolated but here we are at Hogwarts together
@@VampguyN85 hope your feeling better
Perfect way to get into my zen zone and away from panic-stricken relatives' negative energy.
This is absolutely the best to read to, if only there was one for every chapter... that would be crazy cool
Instant cry… gosh! So many memories ❤️ Harry Potter is my childhood. Always.
This will be perfect to play all night while I sleep
You captured Privet Drive from my imagination better than the movie ever did! I love it!
😊thank you so much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
I use your ambience videos to study! They are amazing! :)
🤗 thank you very much !
it's crazy how this makes me nostalgic. Thanks for your videos . Kiss from France :)
😊thank you so much, Merci! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
This is my absolute favorite Harry Potter Asmr video. I love everthing about it and I listen to it almost everyday. Thank you so much for creating it :)
Your ideas are always so unique and magical! 🥰🧙♀️ It's like coming home so often when I look at your channel! 🌟 Thank you, Hendril!
This is good for background music while I study! Thanks!! And great job btw because you nailed it!
😊happy you're enjoying! thank youu
I'm listening to this while reading the philosopher's stone. 🤍
God this is SO GOOD! What a wonderful idea, and it's so comforting! I'll be listening to this tomorrow morning at work, I missed the premiere today :( Thank you for all your effort!
🤗 thank you very much !
I find myself reminded of not only the movies, but the original layout of Pottermore. Nicely done!
I love these Harry Potter ambient videos!!! Please keep making more!!! 🧙🏼♂️ 💙
This makes me so nostalgic and happy
This is just marvelous and magical! Thank you! ✨
Ok, so if we are waiting, I put it here. Before this video starts, something incredibly amazing will happen in my life. *Waving the magic wand*
This is adorable!🐈💟 All the night creatures keeping us company. Oh, yeah! Story of my life.😏 Lol. Hagrid was a nice touch!! ⚡👍
😊thank you so much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
Aww, thanks! ☺️ You as well. Stay safe and healthy!! We'll hang in there together. ☺️✨
Addictive,reading HP books with your sound tracks give the experience an extra_flavor
🥺 How nice to be able to read the entire Harry Potter book series and have ambient sounds for absolutely everything! 💯👌🏼 Thank you so much for all these videos! 💚✨
I always listen to the sorcerers stone playlist when i read the sorcerers stone. It really helps me get immersed on the book. Love it.
Your videos are awesome, talented, soothing and perfect. I can’t remember when I listened and watched something with such pleasure. Thank you so much 🤍
✨Thank you so much! I'm happy you liked it ✨
I am impressed, it reminds me of when pottermore was a thing!
looks like the live action version of the old Pottermore, it's even better ! thank you so much ! ♥
Thank you 😁 I'm happy you enjoy it ! ✨
This is truly calming. The quiet. The hooting. Plus it's Harry Potter. A good kind of mindfulness. Good job creating this!
i am REALLY looking forward to this one! i have been waiting for something like this. super excited and thankful :))
I wish you would make this longer, it’s beautiful! Make longer asmr’s please
Can totally use this right now! Thank you :] look forward to it.
This is amazing work, thank you so much for creating this! I love the Harry Potter universe 😍
😊thank youu! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
I'm so glad I found this channel this is perfect for studying/writing. Did you also make the visuals? They're impressive. 😍
this is absolutely stunning! thank you so much ☁️⚡
This is beautiful so relaxing and nice way to escape from everything going on in the world right now. Thank you so much for this I've liked and subscribed :)
😊thank you very much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
Re-reading the books and listening to this in the background brings me back 🦉⚡️🏰
The artwork is incredible
I love this! Thank you!
yeee! glad to have you back! time to be lulled to sleep on privet drive!
😊thank you so much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
This is so beautiful! And the music is lovely. Thank you!
😊thank you so much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
Best for listening while reading
Seriously great! (Or would it be Sirius-ly great?🤔) Already a favorite! Keep up the excellent work!
i wonder that myself SEVERUS times hahaha 🤗 thank you very much !
I love it! You are incredible! Thanks!!
😊thank you so much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
Loved it, like always, thank you for your great work, I love the sfx effects& sounds you made! thank a lot for your work it inspires me to build my own world even more on my channel!! thank Hendril =) xxx from France
😊thank you so much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
ah wow!!!! tes vraiment le seule que je suis capable d'ecouter las asmr j'adore!!!!!!
I love the graphic!
🤗 thank you very much !
You're the best. Thank you so much for your work!!
Amazing video ever 😍. The start of my childhood. Thanks.
I just want to dive into the screen rn
oh we wish 😊 haha at least this time i did it 4k, so i can stand pretty close to the big screen and just ''almost'' be there haha
Wow I love this video! It’s relaxing but also mysterious 😌👌❤️
😊thank you so much!
Graphics are awesome thank u!💙
I love this muggle magic
Having this in the background while I start listening to the audiobook by Stephen Fry. Gonna use all your playlists as ambience while I re-explore this magical world :) Thanks Hendril!
I wish I could go inside all these videos...I wish something magical happens, I can literally feel myself in harry's world...Hendrik your asmr videos have become an addiction...they make me believe that I am there.....like I can feel what Harry must be thinking sometimes looking out of the window of his house in privet drive....you are pure talent and your asmr is simply fantastically magical....lots of love from a fan💖💖✨✨.
This is simply magical!
Excellent video, I loved it 💖
What a fun video. This is great!! :)
If I played it slowly, it does seem to have wind changing in the view, now that was details. ❤
Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone ⚡ The night of Harry's Arrival at Privet drive 4, Little Whinging, Surrey 🌙. Hagrid brings the baby on his flying motorbike 🛵, Professor Dumbledore is turning out the street lights with a device of his own Creation, the ''deluminator'' 💡, and professor Mcgonagall is diguised in her Cat form 🐈.
⚡Philosopher's Stone Playlist: ruclips.net/video/zAoaFOdC-7o/видео.html
Enjoy 7 HOURS of Harry Potter: ruclips.net/video/h0YcNCs_Kkw/видео.html / ✨💛Hufflepuff : ruclips.net/video/9Yf59suTbWI/видео.html
/✨🦁Gryffindor: ruclips.net/video/FkHnsVuu7UY/видео.html /✨🐍Slytherin: : ruclips.net/video/BhvAnxBSPtI/видео.html / ✨🦅 Ravenclaw: ruclips.net/video/p55PaKUfQwE/видео.html
FOLLOW AND SHARE ON INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/asmrweeklyofficial/
SUPPORT ON PATREON:www.patreon.com/ASMRWeekly
Love......it hun!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Awesome video.
? Did you like that Duck Tails theme song Parody ? about Harry potter i thought it was funny
have a nice week and weekend and a Magical year in 2021.
Omg I like Privet drive, where the ordinary meets the extraordinary. You could make a rain version :)
i melted
😊thank you very much! stay safe and cozy 💜 best wishes
we want this kind of content, great ambiances for studying.we love you...:)))
Reading The Goblet Of Fire while listening to this
Nina Vermoesen is just about done Order of the Phoenix. So excited to start HBP which is my favorite on the series 💚
this is awesome! pure *magic*
I think this is one of my favorite videos! Great work :)
This is awesome .my whole family loves this
Thank god for Harry Potter ASMR while we're all stuck in quarantine!
Still listening to this one quite a lot in summer ✨
Sou apaixonada por esse canal e por Harry Potter
muuuuito obrigado lunana :)
The nostalgia omg 😩
I love this one! My favorite.
I love it 😍😍😍 like I'm in the first scene. I feel like I'm prof. Mcgonagall "Albus do you think it's safe leaving him with these people...?"