Sir it's great effort and very informative. It's not that I am picking fault but It would have been even much easier if there would have been the map showing the trade routes through which Sindh was engaged in trade and boundry map of area it covered.
Vari Nice chat
Sir it's great effort and very informative. It's not that I am picking fault but It would have been even much easier if there would have been the map showing the trade routes through which Sindh was engaged in trade and boundry map of area it covered.
اسلام علیکم ورحمتہ اللہ وبرکاتہ یہ امر جلیل کہاں پر رہتے ہیں ان سے اگر رابطہ کرنا ہو تو کیسے کر سکتے ہیں