Interchangeable Leather Concho Wristband Tutorial by Fischer Workshops

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @heavilymeditated2022
    @heavilymeditated2022 Год назад

    Beautiful tutorial. Shows the workmanship that goes into a watchband. I would have liked to have seen the backside of the watch once completed though.

  • @debrataylor3762
    @debrataylor3762 2 года назад +1

    You are a real artist.

  • @StuffUCanMake
    @StuffUCanMake 6 лет назад +1

    It's unique, I like it. Thanks for sharing.

  • @johnhayes6414
    @johnhayes6414 6 лет назад

    Do you have a tutorial or can you make one of the wristband you were wearing during part of this tutorial. I liked the width of the wider one more so...

  • @deanransom2350
    @deanransom2350 3 года назад

    I didn't see a link for the tools you used, specifically the yellow compass tool for making circles. Can you provide that?

    • @FischerWorkshopsTaiwan
      @FischerWorkshopsTaiwan  3 года назад

      Sorry, the company that once sponsored the links is no longer in operation. So links had to be removed from description.

  • @707Temjin
    @707Temjin 5 лет назад

    Hello, can you please answer about leather thickness, what is 1 oz in mm please? Thanks!

    • @FischerWorkshopsTaiwan
      @FischerWorkshopsTaiwan  5 лет назад

      I recommend no thicker than 1mm thick leather or (2.5oz)

    • @707Temjin
      @707Temjin 5 лет назад

      @@FischerWorkshopsTaiwan ok, gotcha! Thanks a lot for the tips!

  • @rodrickstill1201
    @rodrickstill1201 6 лет назад

    Can you make a lighter with pattern please.

  • @alexmodolo276
    @alexmodolo276 2 года назад
