Thanks for watching! Don't forget to vote in the poll at the top of the description. And remember, Jahova's votes will be x4 because it's rigged for him to win. :P
I have spent the last hour watching this video and im only at 16.5 minutes. I would say this snow storm is great, but the streets are cleared and the only thing its doing for me right now is giving slow internet.
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to vote in the poll at the top of the description. And remember, Jahova's votes will be x4 because it's rigged for him to win. :P
G18 Won :P
Looks like G18 is gonna have an appreciation day!
Watched this 9 years ago crazzzzzy
Everyone wants G18 to get an appreciation day xD
yeah, wtf? i thought jahova was a lock
Finally something to watch
I think speedy deserves an appreciation day.. Like he does everything
Wow suck him off already
I love Deluxe's yell when the house blew up
I love how G18 (the person who wasn't mentioned) is winning the votes. XD
Speedy deserves an appreciation day
Many years later. TOGETHER we can get Shadow to win :D
I voted 4 times with multiple devices lol
I'm dying laughing because so many people, including me, chose G18 and he didn't do or say shit. We're just like, "GO G18!" xD
G18 all the way
I like how g18 was saying do it
Side arms has been in every single episode of Crewcraft
G18 needs apreciation day
Is it late to vote?
It's never too late
Does my vote still count?
KoalaWithADolla as much as mine does
Shammy as well as mine
SideArms needs an appreciation day ;-; Poor SideArms aka. SideArms
Lmfao when the chickens all walk out the door
D20 should get it for Manacnac
rosco appreciation day
G18- 128 votes
Side- 105
so happy i found this video again
I vote Jahova even though this was in the past.. lol
so far G18 is winning with 33 %
G18, just because
Jahova deserves an appreciation day
I vote for The silent beast G18
G18! G18! G18! G18!!!!!
the web link doesn't work
bro no way this is recommended to me in 2025! lol good times
here is some kate upton (.Y.)
( . Y . )
I voted for G18, cuz hes awesome. ( I may have voted for him just to piss off hova )
Deluxe 20 should have a appreciation day because he's so quiet
everyone vote for g18
I vote for deluxe
Jahova be nice to the epic guy he deserves a appreciation day xD
Sidearms Appreciation Day!
I vote G18 :))
Me too!
Why is there 19,000+ comments
Because it's the comment section
Jahova needs an appreciation day
Give appreciation day to hova. He deserves one for Mr. Whiskers, KFC, and Rosco
Mr whiskers was feom shadow
TheArmedPotato from*
Sidearms deserves the appreciation
Shadowbeatz deserves an appreciation day!
Let hova get the appreciation day, he derserves it!!
NobodyEpic appreciation day! And G18
Give g18 an appreciation day
I think that Sp33dy should also get an appreciation day once
Appreciation day for SideArms
Hova deserves appreciation day
G18 and Sidearms are tied GO SIDE
How To End An Awkward Silence:
"I have boots!"
Shadow should get the appreciation day just to troll the crew xD
A double appretiation day for d4 and sidearms
Deluxe 4 appreciation day
Rosco should have an appreciation day gotdamnit
I think speedy should get one, he does all the hard work on the server
The cat needs a freakin appreciation day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Give hova appreciation day
fan appreciation day
SidearmsD4Hova appreciation day! =0 MIND=BLOWN
I think SP33DY Deserves one because hes always organising
i think dinnerbone should have an appreciation day.
Shadow appreciation day
SHADOW love his cyrax outfit
Hova deserves it because he has an attractive voice.
Jahova desevers a appriciantion day
Jova needs apreciation
G18 appreciation day!
Jahova should get the appreciation day!!!!!! Cuz he awesome!!!! Make more yelling madman vids
I love Shadow's cyrax skin
I think shadow or sidearms should have appreation day
Is it too late to vote?
omg it’s... it’s.... Tony Ma...7:12
that lion is badass
appreciation for sidearms
Haha speedy killed rosco by accident to get levels for snot chicken in the last episode lol
+geoff jefferson no
looks like shadow got his wish." from the beginning of the video...
Hovas appreciation day
I'm trying to watch #1 through the current video so I'm pretty late so I'm gunna say sp33dy appreciation day
Sidearms just to make jahova pissed
i think it should be me since im THE newest memeber of the crew
All for Rosco! Lets go Hova!
speedy day
You should get a day too, Speedy.
Sidearms because he's adorable and I love his laugh and just everything about him
D4 needs an appreciation day or sidearms
Love you G18
ShadowBeats Appreciation day!
I have spent the last hour watching this video and im only at 16.5 minutes. I would say this snow storm is great, but the streets are cleared and the only thing its doing for me right now is giving slow internet.
G18 should win just to mess with everyone else
D4 appreciation day
Jahova for appreciation day because he makes me laugh
G18 for appreciation day
First episode sidearms kills rosco
Next episode sidearms and Nagoya best friends