Actually, from my understanding, cultural shock is nothing to do with ‘expectations’. Cultural shock means the custom differences. No matter how you open your mind, there are definitely something varied from what you are getting used to if first time in any of foreign countries, even USA v.s. Canada. You don’t judge the new land by comparing it to your mother land, which is absolutely bravo, but it is not about cultural shock.
謝謝 John & Adele 本輯訪談,John 指出了第二語言的核心,切入及發展可能性,真不愧有英文老師的經驗,化繁為簡,深入淺出的將可能性呈現,十分感激。只要是正常人,這是有發展的可能性,能使用國、臺語,本身就證明,有一定的語言能力;傳說不在乎天長地久,只在乎曾經擁有,想來眼高於頂,不切實際成為語言學習的天檻,所以十多年通識教育,英語學習成就近乎為零;這種浪費,當天誅,不是國家對不自已,是自已愧對了國家。所以個人面對一般對話,總是波瀾不驚,如如不動,從未入門;看來如同探戡金字塔,需要一個入口,才進得去。John 是衝浪, Adele 很可能是旅遊,個人很可能需要從,電腦使用手冊入門了;真是時代的眼淚,被比爾.蓋茲迫害的意外之喜。辛苦了,感恩!
Actually, from my understanding, cultural shock is nothing to do with ‘expectations’. Cultural shock means the custom differences. No matter how you open your mind, there are definitely something varied from what you are getting used to if first time in any of foreign countries, even USA v.s. Canada. You don’t judge the new land by comparing it to your mother land, which is absolutely bravo, but it is not about cultural shock.