The figures were great, but the packaging was fantastic! I have so many happy memories of collecting SW action figures back in the day. I would always compare the action figure to the photo on the card to see how accurate it was. I'd spend hours studying the Kenner range on the back of the card - mentally planning on which figure to get next. Luke Skywalker: X-Wing Pilot (on the SW card) was my first SW figure - and still my favourite cardback.
The figures were great, but the packaging was fantastic!
I have so many happy memories of collecting SW action figures back in the day. I would always compare the action figure to the photo on the card to see how accurate it was. I'd spend hours studying the Kenner range on the back of the card - mentally planning on which figure to get next.
Luke Skywalker: X-Wing Pilot (on the SW card) was my first SW figure - and still my favourite cardback.
Yes!!!! Completely iconic! Id spend hours looking at the card backs too