While my buds, who are also metamagicians, consider Old Crow as the original master of LARP, I still find these recordings powerful and compelling. Thanks for preserving these for all with an ear to hear... "O ekhohn ohta, akoo-etoh!"
a Christian at Birth, Baptized in the fire of war he was hand picked by MI6 and went on a spiritual journey all across the world and ended up becoming the beast he sought to understand. What a journey for such a man as he.
+Yapostadodat Yes indeed ! I would like to think that the Lord God, Most High and His hosts are Lords of Light, of Life and of Liberty. With Fire Power and Motion certainly.
thenowchurch Inceptis grauibus plerumque et magna professis purpureus, late qui splendeat, unus et alter adsuitur pannus, cum lucus et ara Dianae et properantis aquae per amoenos ambitus agros aut flumen Rhenum aut pluuius describitur arcus; sed nunc non erat his locus. Et fortasse cupressum scis simulare; quid hoc, si fractis enatat exspes nauibus, aere dato qui pingitur?
Spin clockwise(yang northern hemisphere/yin southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin northern hemisphere/yang southern hemisphere) (torus spinning). Chant either these mantras 3 times each while facing east, west, north(in the southern hemisphere), or south(in the northern hemisphere): "a-u-m" and "om" . Sleep with your head placed east, west, south(in northern hemisphere), or north(in southern hemisphere). Perform the 5 Tibetan rites at least 3 times each.
I mean, I stumbled across John Dee's Work before I studied Crowley due to an early interest in Alchemy; also, I practiced Psychic vampirism and a form of sympathetic natural "witchcraft" before i ever learned anything about occultism or Magick... BUT! Yea! Crowley did yeetith thee art magickal into mainstream society, and likely would have never heard of alchemy, nor have the spelling of Magic(k) without him. 93's
Is there a copyright issue if one wants to use a recording commercially? That is, after adding accompaniment to the recording. Not Enochian but Angelical.
@@Pluckey-jd4yv he' was addicting to opiates due to the use of the opiates at the time for the aid of asthma.Surely you can understand that even with your obviously limited intelligence.
May i suggest before making any judgement about his system that you seek out a lodge in your area where quite often the public is given an open door to take part in the Gnostic Mass from where then you may decide to become an initiate if you are invited. As for Satan may I suggest that you either try praying to Satan and see how things go for you or be the Rebellious Atheists for Satan and see how that goes for you. I really do not think Crowley ever was all about Satan or Buddha or Jesus or Goetia . No it was none of those things in particular except it was walking the edge. Crowley was all about climbing the mountain, being an adrenaline junky and partying hard. How do I know this?,... I know the joy of fishes as i walk along the water
Spin clockwise(yang northern hemisphere/yin southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin northern hemisphere/yang southern hemisphere) (torus spinning). Chant either these mantras 3 times each while facing east, west, north(in the southern hemisphere), or south(in the northern hemisphere): "a-u-m" and "om" . Sleep with your head placed east, west, south(in northern hemisphere), or north(in southern hemisphere). Perform the 5 Tibetan rites at least 3 times each.
Spin clockwise(yang northern hemisphere/yin southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin northern hemisphere/yang southern hemisphere) (torus spinning). Chant either these mantras 3 times each while facing east, west, north(in the southern hemisphere), or south(in the northern hemisphere): "a-u-m" and "om" . Sleep with your head placed east, west, south(in northern hemisphere), or north(in southern hemisphere). Perform the 5 Tibetan rites at least 3 times each.
Spin clockwise(yang northern hemisphere/yin southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin northern hemisphere/yang southern hemisphere) (torus spinning). Chant either these mantras 3 times each while facing east, west, north(in the southern hemisphere), or south(in the northern hemisphere): "a-u-m" and "om" . Sleep with your head placed east, west, south(in northern hemisphere), or north(in southern hemisphere). Perform the 5 Tibetan rites at least 3 times each.
De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine: Domine, exaudi vocem meam: Fiant aures tuae intendentes, in vocem deprecationis meae. Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine: Domine, quis sustinebit? Quia apud te propitiatio est: et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine. Sustinuit anima mea in verbo eius: speravit anima mea in Domino. A custodia matutina usque ad noctem: speret Israel in Domino. Quia apud Dominum misericordia: et copiosa apud eum redemptio. Et ipse redimet Israel, ex omnibus iniquitatibus eius. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum Inceptis grauibus plerumque et magna professis purpureus, late qui splendeat, unus et alter adsuitur pannus, cum lucus et ara Dianae et properantis aquae per amoenos ambitus agros aut flumen Rhenum aut pluuius describitur arcus; sed nunc non erat his locus. Et fortasse cupressum scis simulare; quid hoc, si fractis enatat exspes nauibus, aere dato qui pingitur? Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae. Et in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, descendit ad infernos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis, ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis, inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem, remissionem peccatorum, carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeternam... Did I ever tell you about the man who taught his asshole to talk? His whole abdomen would move up and down, you dig, farting out the words. It was unlike anything I ever heard. Bubbly, thick, stagnant sound. A sound you could smell. This man worked for the carnival,you dig? And to start with it was like a novelty ventriloquist act. After a while, the ass started talking on its own. He would go in without anything prepared and his ass would ad-lib and toss the gags back at him every time. Then it developed sort of teeth like little raspy incurving hooks and started eating. He thought this was cute at first and built an act around it. But the asshole would eat its way through his pants and start talking on the street shouting out it wanted equal rights. It would get drunk, too, and have crying jags. Nobody loved it. And it wanted to be kissed, same as any other mouth. Finally, it talked all the time, day and night. You could hear him for blocks, screaming at it to shut up beating at it with his fists and sticking candles up it, but nothing did any good, and the asshole said to him: "It is you who will shut up in the end, not me because we don't need you around here anymore, I can talk and eat and shit." After that, he began waking up in the morning with transparent jelly, like a tadpole's tail all over his mouth. He would tear it off his mouth and the pieces would stick to his hands like burning gasoline jelly and grow there. So, finally, his mouth sealed over and the whole head would have amputated spontaneously except for the eyes, you dig? That's the one thing that the asshole couldn't do was see. It needed the eyes. Nerve connections were blocked and infiltrated and atrophied. So, the brain couldn't give orders anymore, It was trapped inside the skull... sealed off. For a while, you could see the silent, helpless suffering of the brain behind the eyes. And then finally the brain must have died... because the eyes went out and there was no more feeling in them than a crab's eye at the end of a stalk. The Greasy Strangler. Time to get up, Dad. - Hmm? You sleep all right? People like milky coffee. Why not put a little grease in your coffee? No, Dad. It sounds gross. Why not put a little grease in your java? Why not try it? You're such a gross-out, Dad. I think I might barf. I'm not saying I wanna do it. I just wonder why they haven't tried greasy coffee. Greasy coffee? Hey, you probably think I'm the Greasy Strangler. I never said that. Tell you a secret. I am the Greasy Strangler. Hey, I call bullshit on that. OK. I'm not the Greasy Strangler. But you're a bullshit artist. Yeah, I kind of am. Now, who likes the Bee Gees? Well, this is where they came up with that fabulous, spunky song, "Night Fever". What do you mean, "came up with"? They wrote the lyrics while they were standing in this doorway. Why were they standing in this doorway? They were waiting for a friend to pick them up. They were going out for Chinese and celebrating his birthday. Can you verify that, please? Trust me, I know disco. I thought free drinks were included in this tour. No, there's no free drinks. I don't know where you got that idea. - It said in the brochure. - The information you got is bullshit! We don't need even fizzy drinks. Just water would be enough. You got false information. We must have free drinks. No free drinks! - Free drinks now! - No free drinks! Come on, we want free drinks. - Free drinks. - We must have free drinks. No free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! No free drinks! Frei drinken. Nichts frei drink. You must give me free drinks immediately. Drop it with the free drinks crap. We believe in the power of free drinks. There are no free drinks, and if you're trying to rip me a new asshole, you're making a big mistake. You are a shitty businessman. You know that, no? And you're a bunch of fucking cunts. Check my cheeks. I'm sorry. My dad can get cranky sometimes. He sure has a temper on him. Yeah. He likes to shout. I like to smile. You cheesy old cornball. Yeah, that's what I am. I'm a cheesy old cornball. (CHUCKLES) Yeah, you are. But that's OK. I kind of like it. My name's Brayden. (SCOTTISH ACCENT) Brayden? Is that Scottish? It's not Scottish. What's your name? I'm Janet. Hey, stop talking to the customer and help Dad with his shorts. So, Dad, I think I've got a date with that hot girl from the tour. No way! You're a bullshit artist. No, it's official. It's all been confirmed. She likes me. - She's yanking your chain. Trust me. - No, Dad. She likes my character. She said so. And her name's Janet. That's not right. I need them greasy and this is nothing like greasy. Do you understand? Too much grease is bad for you. I read it in a fitness magazine someone left on the bus. That's horse shit. You're a bullshit artist. We have an agreement. You stay here, you cook greasy. And this is not it. Maybe you should just go live with your mum and Ricky Prickles.
Makes perfect sense to me... come on... all together now, "R a as isalman para di zod oe cri ni aao ial purgah qui in enay butmon od in oas ni para dial casarmg vgear chirlan od zonac Lu cif tian cors to vaul zirn tol ha mi Soba Londoh od miam chis tad o des vmadea od pibliar Othil rit od miam C no quol Rit ZACAR, ZAMRAN oecrimi Q a dah od o mi ca olz aaiom Bagle pap nor id lugam lonshi od vmplif vgegi Bigliad." Crowley's mother - a fanatical member of the Plymouth Bretheren sect had a nickname for her little boy - "Beast". His for her was "Bumface".
Spin clockwise(yang northern hemisphere/yin southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin northern hemisphere/yang southern hemisphere) (torus spinning). Chant either these mantras 3 times each while facing east, west, north(in the southern hemisphere), or south(in the northern hemisphere): "a-u-m" and "om" . Sleep with your head placed east, west, south(in northern hemisphere), or north(in southern hemisphere). Perform the 5 Tibetan rites at least 3 times each.
This was the man who tortured rudolf hess so that the war could continue, instead of the man who ended the war early. All we can do is say, may there be a judgment in how you treated others so that you may experience that treatment in eternity!
I am sure that the power above all will simply take care of all the lesser powers as they have asked to be treated. The way you ask is by the way you treat others. That is your life, you do and then that is done back to you, one moment for an eternity after. Wisdom is the enemy of fools and fools are the enemy of wisdom, so that wisdom and foolishness are both options and the result is a choice for your being.
aleister crowley. i do not see him as a very good idol, or role model. a wonderful figure in the world of philosophy and theology. not so great as a person.
you can feel the glow in his voice. He truly loved this work. A very misunderstood man
he had a beautiful voice.
While my buds, who are also metamagicians, consider Old Crow as the original master of LARP, I still find these recordings powerful and compelling. Thanks for preserving these for all with an ear to hear... "O ekhohn ohta, akoo-etoh!"
a Christian at Birth, Baptized in the fire of war he was hand picked by MI6 and went on a spiritual journey all across the world and ended up becoming the beast he sought to understand. What a journey for such a man as he.
Well put. Of course, the Beast he sought to understand was himself.
enochian secret - all the sounds are shaping ur reality , speech in gibberish until you start recognizing the angels
What a treat this is.
Supposedly he is speaking the first language spoke in the garden of eden by Adam when he was naming the animals
wow,what a beautiful voice!!! if silk had a sound.....
This makes my back itch
Lords of Light, Lords of Life. Lords of Liberty, Fire and Motion. These lines have always fascinated me.
Yes indeed !
I would like to think that the Lord God, Most High and His hosts are Lords of Light, of Life and of Liberty.
With Fire Power and Motion certainly.
ⓟⓛⓐⓢⓜⓐ ᕈᒪᗩᔕᙢᗩ John Doe
Plasma is the alchemical Mercury connecting the Higher and Lower worlds.
Be Blissed.
Inceptis grauibus plerumque et magna professis
purpureus, late qui splendeat, unus et alter
adsuitur pannus, cum lucus et ara Dianae
et properantis aquae per amoenos ambitus agros
aut flumen Rhenum aut pluuius describitur arcus;
sed nunc non erat his locus. Et fortasse cupressum
scis simulare; quid hoc, si fractis enatat exspes
nauibus, aere dato qui pingitur?
that's beautiful.
The voice of The Master! Amazing! Enjoy it!
Without Aleister Crowley, which of us would know of Enochian or be as adept at certain techniques?
god bless alester crowley
Spin clockwise(yang northern hemisphere/yin southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin northern hemisphere/yang southern hemisphere) (torus spinning). Chant either these mantras 3 times each while facing east, west, north(in the southern hemisphere), or south(in the northern hemisphere): "a-u-m" and "om" . Sleep with your head placed east, west, south(in northern hemisphere), or north(in southern hemisphere). Perform the 5 Tibetan rites at least 3 times each.
@John Smith He is an example that proves my point.
I mean, I stumbled across John Dee's Work before I studied Crowley due to an early interest in Alchemy; also, I practiced Psychic vampirism and a form of sympathetic natural "witchcraft" before i ever learned anything about occultism or Magick... BUT! Yea! Crowley did yeetith thee art magickal into mainstream society, and likely would have never heard of alchemy, nor have the spelling of Magic(k) without him. 93's
soothing voice to the ears.
he looks so handsome in this photo. Lovely.
his voice is zen levels of calmness 💮🌳
Wow this is great for falling asleep in eternal fire
that illustration at 2:18 , where is that from?
A DMT Trip
Have you tried turning him off and on?
Is there a copyright issue if one wants to use a recording commercially? That is, after adding accompaniment to the recording. Not Enochian but Angelical.
The original and Golden Dawn material is public domain, but the images of recently printd books are limited to like a flip through.
god bless alester crowley
Long live the beast
You do know he's been dread for quite a while right? :p
93 93/93
+ccoolthings _1
666, no less !
my birth date is 6-66
@@brandonharrison7397 r.i.p.
Alistair Crowley was not a Satanist!
What was he? A heroin addict?
@@Pluckey-jd4yv he' was addicting to opiates due to the use of the opiates at the time for the aid of asthma.Surely you can understand that even with your obviously limited intelligence.
@@Pluckey-jd4yv This name is a joke.Your obviously limited intellect strikes again.
A joke just like you.
Im with the beast in beastly bliss.
and all i want is good old fashion....
@@markalexander1378 COPULATION
Keep in mind this is powerful Enochian Majik. The profane will not understand it, nor will they ever.
Are you a traveling man?
He is meditating as well.
Like number 333
May i suggest before making any judgement about his system that you seek out a lodge in your area where quite often the public is given an open door to take part in the Gnostic Mass from where then you may decide to become an initiate if you are invited. As for Satan may I suggest that you either try praying to Satan and see how things go for you or be the Rebellious Atheists for Satan and see how that goes for you. I really do not think Crowley ever was all about Satan or Buddha or Jesus or Goetia . No it was none of those things in particular except it was walking the edge. Crowley was all about climbing the mountain, being an adrenaline junky and partying hard. How do I know this?,... I know the joy of fishes as i walk along the water
Self worship.
We are God.
We are the Devil.
They are just labels,
But that's just us.
Spin clockwise(yang northern hemisphere/yin southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin northern hemisphere/yang southern hemisphere) (torus spinning). Chant either these mantras 3 times each while facing east, west, north(in the southern hemisphere), or south(in the northern hemisphere): "a-u-m" and "om" . Sleep with your head placed east, west, south(in northern hemisphere), or north(in southern hemisphere). Perform the 5 Tibetan rites at least 3 times each.
Well said my friend I think your exactly rite
You people make me laugh... Aleister Crowley had nothing to do with Satan, he was just perceived by people...
he did say he worshipped the devil at least at cefalu in some poetry.
+Dar “BigD” Eis It's called metaphor my friend !
Was the gonorrhea also a metaphor?
Dar Eis
What gonorrhea are you referring to ?
In Leah divine the poem lol
my sword on the serpent in hes chest jason gods angel
Spin clockwise(yang northern hemisphere/yin southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin northern hemisphere/yang southern hemisphere) (torus spinning). Chant either these mantras 3 times each while facing east, west, north(in the southern hemisphere), or south(in the northern hemisphere): "a-u-m" and "om" . Sleep with your head placed east, west, south(in northern hemisphere), or north(in southern hemisphere). Perform the 5 Tibetan rites at least 3 times each.
The mongoose knows better.
Lucifer the light bringer. All religions are worshiping the same light.
@Folkish Odinism For more infor: buddyhuggins.blogspot.com/2014/01/illuminatimatrix-what-in-world-is-going.html#.XWAOxehKjIU
Nonsense and Christians don't worship knowledge.
Mortals are Samael's experiment in order to prove none of us are worthy.
Spin clockwise(yang northern hemisphere/yin southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin northern hemisphere/yang southern hemisphere) (torus spinning). Chant either these mantras 3 times each while facing east, west, north(in the southern hemisphere), or south(in the northern hemisphere): "a-u-m" and "om" . Sleep with your head placed east, west, south(in northern hemisphere), or north(in southern hemisphere). Perform the 5 Tibetan rites at least 3 times each.
@@robadams8939 and then?
içimi bi garip yaptı kapayın amk
De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine:
Domine, exaudi vocem meam:
Fiant aures tuae intendentes,
in vocem deprecationis meae.
Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine:
Domine, quis sustinebit?
Quia apud te propitiatio est:
et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine.
Sustinuit anima mea in verbo eius:
speravit anima mea in Domino.
A custodia matutina usque ad noctem:
speret Israel in Domino.
Quia apud Dominum misericordia:
et copiosa apud eum redemptio.
Et ipse redimet Israel,
ex omnibus iniquitatibus eius.
Gloria Patri, et Filio,
et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum
Inceptis grauibus plerumque et magna professis
purpureus, late qui splendeat, unus et alter
adsuitur pannus, cum lucus et ara Dianae
et properantis aquae per amoenos ambitus agros
aut flumen Rhenum aut pluuius describitur arcus;
sed nunc non erat his locus. Et fortasse cupressum
scis simulare; quid hoc, si fractis enatat exspes
nauibus, aere dato qui pingitur?
Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae. Et in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, descendit ad infernos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis, ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis, inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem, remissionem peccatorum, carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeternam...
Did I ever tell you about the man
who taught his asshole to talk?
His whole abdomen would move up and down, you dig, farting out the words. It was unlike anything I ever heard.
Bubbly, thick, stagnant sound.
A sound you could smell.
This man worked for the carnival,you dig? And to start with it was like a novelty ventriloquist act. After a while, the ass started talking on its own. He would go in without anything prepared and his ass would ad-lib and toss the gags back at him every time.
Then it developed sort of teeth like
little raspy incurving hooks
and started eating. He thought this was cute at first and built an act around it. But the asshole would eat its way through his pants and start talking on the street shouting out it wanted equal rights. It would get drunk, too, and have crying jags. Nobody loved it. And it wanted to be kissed, same as any other mouth.
Finally, it talked all the time,
day and night. You could hear him for blocks, screaming at it to shut up beating at it with his fists and sticking candles up it, but nothing did any good, and the asshole said to him:
"It is you who will shut up
in the end, not me because we don't need you around here anymore, I can talk and eat and shit."
After that, he began waking up
in the morning with transparent jelly, like a tadpole's tail all over his mouth.
He would tear it off his mouth
and the pieces would stick to his hands like burning gasoline jelly
and grow there.
So, finally, his mouth sealed over and the whole head would have amputated spontaneously
except for the eyes, you dig?
That's the one thing that the asshole couldn't do was see.
It needed the eyes.
Nerve connections were blocked and infiltrated and atrophied.
So, the brain couldn't give orders anymore, It was trapped inside the skull...
sealed off.
For a while, you could see the silent, helpless suffering
of the brain behind the eyes.
And then finally the brain must have died...
because the eyes went out and there was no more feeling in them
than a crab's eye at the end of a stalk.
The Greasy Strangler.
Time to get up, Dad. - Hmm? You sleep all right? People like milky coffee. Why not put a little grease in your coffee? No, Dad. It sounds gross. Why not put a little grease in your java? Why not try it? You're such a gross-out, Dad. I think I might barf. I'm not saying I wanna do it. I just wonder why they haven't tried greasy coffee. Greasy coffee? Hey, you probably think I'm the Greasy Strangler. I never said that. Tell you a secret. I am the Greasy Strangler. Hey, I call bullshit on that. OK. I'm not the Greasy Strangler. But you're a bullshit artist. Yeah, I kind of am. Now, who likes the Bee Gees? Well, this is where they came up with that fabulous, spunky song, "Night Fever". What do you mean, "came up with"? They wrote the lyrics while they were standing in this doorway. Why were they standing in this doorway? They were waiting for a friend to pick them up. They were going out for Chinese and celebrating his birthday. Can you verify that, please? Trust me, I know disco. I thought free drinks were included in this tour. No, there's no free drinks. I don't know where you got that idea. - It said in the brochure. - The information you got is bullshit! We don't need even fizzy drinks. Just water would be enough. You got false information. We must have free drinks. No free drinks! - Free drinks now! - No free drinks! Come on, we want free drinks. - Free drinks. - We must have free drinks. No free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! Free drinks! No free drinks! Frei drinken. Nichts frei drink. You must give me free drinks immediately. Drop it with the free drinks crap. We believe in the power of free drinks. There are no free drinks, and if you're trying to rip me a new asshole, you're making a big mistake. You are a shitty businessman. You know that, no? And you're a bunch of fucking cunts. Check my cheeks. I'm sorry. My dad can get cranky sometimes. He sure has a temper on him. Yeah. He likes to shout. I like to smile. You cheesy old cornball. Yeah, that's what I am. I'm a cheesy old cornball. (CHUCKLES) Yeah, you are. But that's OK. I kind of like it. My name's Brayden. (SCOTTISH ACCENT) Brayden? Is that Scottish? It's not Scottish. What's your name? I'm Janet. Hey, stop talking to the customer and help Dad with his shorts. So, Dad, I think I've got a date with that hot girl from the tour. No way! You're a bullshit artist. No, it's official. It's all been confirmed. She likes me. - She's yanking your chain. Trust me. - No, Dad. She likes my character. She said so. And her name's Janet. That's not right. I need them greasy and this is nothing like greasy. Do you understand? Too much grease is bad for you. I read it in a fitness magazine someone left on the bus. That's horse shit. You're a bullshit artist. We have an agreement. You stay here, you cook greasy. And this is not it. Maybe you should just go live with your mum and Ricky Prickles.
he was seriously good looking.
Makes perfect sense to me... come on... all together now, "R a as isalman para di zod oe cri ni aao ial purgah qui in enay butmon od in oas ni para dial casarmg vgear chirlan od zonac Lu cif tian cors to vaul zirn tol ha mi Soba Londoh od miam chis tad o des vmadea od pibliar Othil rit od miam C no quol Rit ZACAR, ZAMRAN oecrimi Q a dah od o mi ca olz aaiom Bagle pap nor id lugam lonshi od vmplif vgegi Bigliad."
Crowley's mother - a fanatical member of the Plymouth Bretheren sect had a nickname for her little boy - "Beast". His for her was "Bumface".
Spin clockwise(yang northern hemisphere/yin southern hemisphere) or counterclockwise (yin northern hemisphere/yang southern hemisphere) (torus spinning). Chant either these mantras 3 times each while facing east, west, north(in the southern hemisphere), or south(in the northern hemisphere): "a-u-m" and "om" . Sleep with your head placed east, west, south(in northern hemisphere), or north(in southern hemisphere). Perform the 5 Tibetan rites at least 3 times each.
Zeus Hermes son Jason
This was the man who tortured rudolf hess so that the war could continue, instead of the man who ended the war early. All we can do is say, may there be a judgment in how you treated others so that you may experience that treatment in eternity!
I am sure that the power above all will simply take care of all the lesser powers as they have asked to be treated. The way you ask is by the way you treat others. That is your life, you do and then that is done back to you, one moment for an eternity after. Wisdom is the enemy of fools and fools are the enemy of wisdom, so that wisdom and foolishness are both options and the result is a choice for your being.
Professor: do you believe in God?
What is truth?
Is he our mad hatter
like fucking hell
Ops I'm in the wrong side of youtube again.
Has nothing to do with devil
What is the Devil, Satan, etc.Lucifer in smoke and mirrors.?
Just rambling on!
Like you, but he makes more sense.
How dare you Ricky Toombs!!!
@@theresa837008 Hello, I'm not sure what I said to upset you. I don't believe I said anything offensive.
@@hys1171 roasted lol
The beautiful beast 666
Speaking in tongues,...I have heard of this religious affliction.
Poor deluded man.
This is not glossolalia. It is the recitation of a text in the context of a ceremonial performance.
@@isobelfloreal according to Aleister, everything he did was a performance.
he is speaking angel language
aleister crowley. i do not see him as a very good idol, or role model. a wonderful figure in the world of philosophy and theology. not so great as a person.
Did you meet him?