So a drawer pull, pottery fragments, and a coin dating to 1800s prove that was the house? I have coins from 1800s in my room and family pottery from 1800s. So what does that say about my house? I can buy coins from the BCs. Does that make my property ancient?
Manufacturing history. Just like Juneteenth, I'm 50 years old and never heard of it until last year. Show me Juneteenth in a periodical or a book and I will believe it.
Amazing 🙂
So a drawer pull, pottery fragments, and a coin dating to 1800s prove that was the house? I have coins from 1800s in my room and family pottery from 1800s. So what does that say about my house? I can buy coins from the BCs. Does that make my property ancient?
Manufacturing history. Just like Juneteenth, I'm 50 years old and never heard of it until last year. Show me Juneteenth in a periodical or a book and I will believe it.
I’m convinced that at this point media people make up lies as they go😒.
Maureen got her Harriet Tubman taggs back by Dorchester