Unspoken - Second Edition

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2024
  • Welcome to the Second Edition of our new discussion talk show.
    Unspoken seeks to address relevant cultural issues from a Christian perspective and in this first edition we start with a topic that is on the lips of many people all over the world: race.
    This is by no means the end of the discussion, it's the tip of the iceberg. Our aim is to promote balanced, measured and Bible based conversation as we seek to live out the unity we have in Christ as brothers in sisters, living in a fractured and divided world.

Комментарии • 32

  • @decalogueten
    @decalogueten 4 года назад +9

    Having slept/meditating on this matter I woke up yesterday with this conclusion. If I as a Christian talk of race or racism, I imply that there is such a thing as race. Race or that there are races of people is the result of Darwinism and Evolutionary Theory.
    As a Christian I believe in creation. I don't believe there are races of people. Only in one human race.
    I grew up disliking people of similar colour to myself, they spoke Afrikaans, I speak English. My problem (sin) was their culture.
    My problem (sin) with other people whatever their colour, language or lifestyle may be is not with "race"
    We as Christians must define the terms of the discussion or conversation and not use the definitions that the ungodly use.

  • @decalogueten
    @decalogueten 4 года назад +5

    May His kingdom come and His will be done in all of our lives and all of our cultures.

  • @lifetransit9600
    @lifetransit9600 4 года назад +9

    What does the bible say about race? All I hear are your opinions and it is quite shocking coming from church leaders. As a Christian I do not believe in the construct of race. We are created in God's image and what unites believers is Christ.

  • @decalogueten
    @decalogueten 4 года назад +8

    And then, why do we talk like the world as Christians? How many races does the Bible identify?
    Should we not be using different definitions?

  • @decalogueten
    @decalogueten 4 года назад +5

    Cameron, What or in what way has the world got 10 years ahead of the Church on this matter?

  • @decalogueten
    @decalogueten 4 года назад +2

    One thing the Church might do is teach young people just how much the church at least some were involved in fighting Apartheid. Beyers Naude, Frank Chikane and dare I say Bp Tutu. One thing that many South Africans have forgotten and have not heard is that the majority of South Africans who took part in the last referendum ever held in our nation voted against Apartheid. This needs to be told

  • @sylviebulundwe4343
    @sylviebulundwe4343 4 года назад +4

    Feeling so hopeful after listening to this conversation!

  • @ebdenmail
    @ebdenmail 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for leading this great discussion reminding us that the gospel is the hope of the world

  • @truthx9637
    @truthx9637 4 года назад +9

    This discussion appears one sided. Conflation of international and local concerns is alarming, particularly with the sweeping statements. The assertion that violent protest is somehow legitimate when we live in a time in human history when we are freer than ever is surprising, particularly coming from a churchman. I hope you can all find your way back to Christ, and remember His teachings and not the teachings of the left/SJW.

    • @nickipriem
      @nickipriem 4 года назад

      Hello Truth X. Please clarify what makes the conversation one-sided and also explain what you mean by sweeping statements. Examples would be helpful.
      I don’t believe anyone in the conversation condoned violence.
      Freer? Sure... freer for whom? Please clarify this statement. It seems to be off the mark.
      In which way has this conversation deviated from the teachings of Christ? Could you please note specific times in the talk and explain this?
      Left and SJW? Really? That actually made me laugh a little. Haha. Do you know what these terms mean?

    • @andrewworrall4302
      @andrewworrall4302 4 года назад +5

      Did Jesus lead a rebellion or call for the Jews to lead a protest or rebellion against the Romans? or did he say Love your enemies? Walk an extra mile. Turn the other cheek. Did the Christians who were being persecuted and tortured lead a rebellion or protest? No, they loved their enemies and then won people to Jesus by their actions, despite their trials. People are dying outside of our churches from Aids, Covid, crime but more importantly they are dying without hearing the message of Jesus dying for them. And hear we are as the Church holding discussions about the plight of a certain race group, when all people are suffering. Disabled people, orphans in Syria, Christians in China. We should be out there evangelising those who don't know Jesus but we are sitting have a campfire chat. Frank Retief went to the TRC and apologised for the church's silence during apartheid. Will we apologise forever? Will we hold people's sins against them. Is there a race problem in REACH or St James? If we are truly saved, we would see and treat everyone as equals. It's par for the course. Again, did the apostle Paul lead protests? Did the Christians go around protesting because Paul was imprisoned? They understood the big picture. When will we focus on the bigger picture? If someone sins against you, go and speak him or her. This all started because of a rogue cop who caught someone misbehaving, and an organisation led by 3 Black lesbians used it to gain attention and us as a Church bowed to them. We weren't convicted by the Word or the Holy Spirit to bring this up. BLM told us to bring it up.

    • @truthx9637
      @truthx9637 3 года назад

      The moderator of this channel seems to love to delete controversial comments. So much for openness. Here it is for a third time "Greetings to all our commenters and readers, may the Lord give us the wisdom to address these important topics with humility and calm tongues.
      I'll keep my reply South Africa-focused, as I believe that is more relevant to the discussion than pulling in international developments that resonate locally but which don't compare like for like.
      Freer: Compared to Apartheid, all races are freer in 2020 than in 1976. Significant progress has been made over the past 25 years to end structural racism (laws revoked, BEE instituted etc) and work on reconciliation between communities. St James is an example of that. This video is an example of that.
      Mervyn's position was clear on that. Cameron - a black pastor - is evident of that. Our government is almost entirely black. Are there social inequalities, most certainly. Work to be done, of course. Mountain to climb, sure, in some places.
      Deviated from Christ: I’m sure your intentions are well put. I’m sure you’re all solid Christians. If I was a non-believer and came across this video, would I gain an insight into St James and what it stands for, that it's Bible-based almost entirely? I’m not sure. My suggestion is to start with a prayer to the Lord, end with a prayer to the Lord. Base premises on the Word first. Almost every other piece of publicly produced material from St James follows this format.
      Not doing it makes me uncomfortable.
      One sided: If there is any clue it would be that everyone nodded at everything everyone else said. Even when Karen mentioned violent protest made her uncomfortable, after Cameron noted that disruptive protest was important, there was a nod in unison. Protests in the states, which started this debate, have been peaceful but interspersed by significant acts of violence, I don’t see loud condemnations. of this violence. The UCT protests Cameron mentioned - largely peaceful and well-supported until they weren't and the whole thing fell apart.
      Final thought, an idea. Perhaps do a survey of people at St James regarding race. You may be surprised that other people hold different views.
      Christ be with you and us all..""

  • @ThePieter17
    @ThePieter17 4 года назад +1

    Thank you dear Brothers and Sister in Christ for this. My prayer is that the LORD will use this conversation to help the Church in general to "get her act together" for the glory of God