hello Aya, enjoy your days in Russia. just graduated and seeing your vlogs reminds me of my time there. (ps: I'm a fan of your videos. never missed one!) you're gonna miss your time there once its over. you're doing great! continue inspiring others. study well and send my love to moscow. haha!
Jadi udah yakin mau ambil FK di rusia? 🙂
Aku dapet beasiswa Rusia jadi pengen undur diri 😥😥😥
Kak Aya, bahas juga tentang kedokteran yang berbahasa Inggris. Bagaimana kakak bisa pindah ke bahasa Inggris dan apa konsekuensinya. Semangat kakak
hello Aya, enjoy your days in Russia. just graduated and seeing your vlogs reminds me of my time there. (ps: I'm a fan of your videos. never missed one!) you're gonna miss your time there once its over. you're doing great! continue inspiring others. study well and send my love to moscow. haha!
Aaa who’s thisss I’m curious. Thank you kakak alumni!
Bikin Q&A ka aya
IHHH Ada kak GS wkwkwk semangaf terus kak!! GBU
Makasih de, Gbu too!
Kak katanya lulusan kedokteran di luar negeri ketika akan kerja di Indonesia harus adaptasi dlu
Iya bener, wajib penyetaraan dulu
semangat kak❤️
Why I couldn't find your Instagram account
mantap kak aya
terimakasih kak sangat memotivasi
Susah nya apa di univ FK Rusia
Thx ya kak, dari video ini aku akan lebih semangattt untuk belajar di Rusia 😇
Can you please make a video about how to write an abstrack for this scholarship? :)
Kuliah fk di LN berapa tahun ka