Bruno Maderna: Grande Aulodia (1970)

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Bruno Maderna (1920-1973): Grande Aulodia, per flauto, Oboe e Orchestra (1970).
    Han de Vries, oboe
    Roberto Fabbriciani, flute
    Sinfonieorchester des Südwestfunks diretta da Bernhard Klee.
    Cover image: painting by Marc Yearwood.
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Комментарии • 31

  • @stueystuey1962
    @stueystuey1962 Год назад +2

    He has become a real favorite of mine. The opening melodic line, followed by the orchestra is truly sublime. Authoritative, ironically masculine and sweet and novel.

  • @christovanstaden8433
    @christovanstaden8433 4 года назад +12

    Maderna is just sublime, and never more so than in his last years. What do I say? His last decade. His last two decades!

    • @aureliano1952
      @aureliano1952 2 года назад

      Do you know his Requiem? One of the erlier composition but a masterpiece

  • @citrone345
    @citrone345 10 лет назад +5

    Maderna era un uomo solare e le sue ultime composizioni mi danno emozioni positive.E' forse l'unico musicista del secondo novecento che è riuscito a riconquistare un nuovo tipo di melodia all'italiana.

    • @dugitomi
      @dugitomi 10 лет назад +1

      . . . di melodia dal universo. fue un genio verdadero del siglo XX y de siempre sin duda. muchas gracias y saludos desde Tokio.

  • @lucia3480
    @lucia3480 4 года назад +4

    Alguns compositores de Vanguarda, versados na técnica dodecafônica, porem, experimentados no conhecimento da harmonia tradcional, dotados de bom gosto musical, de inteligência e sensibilidade para a arte da composição, conseguiram trazer para a Música de Vanguarda do Séc XX, ainda adolescente, leveza e algo de sublime, capazes de tocar as profundezas do ser. Maderna foi um desses seres geniais.

  • @MarcusHK1
    @MarcusHK1 5 лет назад +2

    Thanks for posting. By the way I read in the French Wiki article about this piece that it was indeed premiered in 1970, but composed in 1969.

  • @stueystuey1962
    @stueystuey1962 2 года назад

    My morning coffee brought me here. As I grew into a deep appreciation and affection for serial music and recognizing EC as the single greatest composer post WWII, I didn't think there would be any serious contenders to challenge. Knussen wrote a few fully realized works of genius but essentially stopped composing in his early 20's. Babbitt's extremely weighty and wrote a great deal of chamber music that is peer to EC but falls a little short when it comes to large orchestra. Boulez and Henze are the real deal yet can not challenge - imo - the full breadth of works ala Carter. But Maderna, wow. Startling. Had he not been cut down in his prime he might stand shoulder to shoulder with Carter. This is an absolute masterpiece and will be part of the new repertoire 50 and 100 years hence as will numerous other of his works.

  • @davidrobertcoleman5668
    @davidrobertcoleman5668 2 года назад

    Great musician

  • @krantiyatri2107
    @krantiyatri2107 7 месяцев назад +1

    Una bella esecuzione dei solisti e dell'orchestra; bisogna precisarlo in modo netto, al di là del classico "bravi tutti", perché si avvertono le numerose sezioni "ad libitum", e ogni esecuzione può essere molto diversa dalle altre. Basta ascoltare sul web le numerose esecuzioni di "Serenata per un Satellite" (delle quali preferisco la versione di Claudio Ambrosini del 1985) per capire quanta differenza ci sia tra le varie esecuzioni. Una caratteristica di Maderna è quella di lasciare ampli spazi di improvvisazione agli strumenti idiofoni in legno e metallo.

  • @altera.W
    @altera.W 5 лет назад


  • @pedroa.cantero9449
    @pedroa.cantero9449 9 лет назад +4

    Apunta el oboe una melodía cuya traza parece salir de la nada como aquel soplo sideral del que todos venimos por mucho que la carne permitiera la vida. Aquella llamada late en esta Aulodia y la siento en las voces de la flauta y del oboe como voces propias que emanaran de mis adentros, entendiendo como tales las profundidades del alma, interrogándose sobre el ser que soy -perdido en lo aparente- Mαταιότης ματαιοτήτων…

  • @PiEndsWith0
    @PiEndsWith0 12 лет назад +9

    My mind is absolutely blown.
    Maderna should be nesting like a god-hen among Beethovens, but he isn't

    • @stueystuey1962
      @stueystuey1962 3 года назад

      Time will tell. His output is a little slim for top rank across the board. His reputation will certainly grow in stature as his various concerti for horns become staples of the repertoire.

    • @dbadagna
      @dbadagna 3 года назад

      @@stueystuey1962 What are some good ones?

    • @stueystuey1962
      @stueystuey1962 3 года назад

      @@dbadagna this one for starters. Officially there are three oboe concertos - all good. Lmk.
      A mere three months later; I have been feasting on this composer. I stand by my comment that the overall corpus might prevent him from being recognized as one of the all time greats. For example only one string quartet. Nothing for solo piano and no concerti save the 3 oboe concertos - all brilliant - and a piano concerto that is better than juvenililia but shows signs of Hindemith throughout. All that said one of the best post WWII masters the world has ever seen. A real tradgedy he died so young as both this and Quadrivium are absolute masterpieces written just a few years prior to his demise from cancer. Genius.

  • @MrInterestingthings
    @MrInterestingthings 10 лет назад +2

    Yes -Maderna is resting like a god hen among other contemporary Beethovens His conducting of Aura is next to Nono 's Fuerze como... with Abbado & Pollini in my cd rack and there will be more Maderna than Berio since I'm ordering more from Naxos ' series!

  • @toborexperiment
    @toborexperiment 12 лет назад +2

    I agree.
    He died too young, he deserved more much more fame.

    • @stueystuey1962
      @stueystuey1962 Год назад

      The reception history is still young for the serial composers. Maderna is dimply too good not to be included in the top handful of composers whose works will be programmed along with the older stalwarts like Beethoven, Brahms, Bartok and others.

  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna 3 года назад

    Does the flute soloist also play alto flute in this piece, and does the oboist also play English horn?

  • @stephono-zipstefanotopix4024
    @stephono-zipstefanotopix4024 5 лет назад +3

    Io dal vivo ancora non sono mai riuscito a sentire Maderna o Berio...perchè non vengono quasi mai inseriti nei programmi annuali dei concerti?

    • @marcmurat3776
      @marcmurat3776 3 года назад +3

      Perche' siamo dei provinciali incivili.

    • @fabioranza3389
      @fabioranza3389 3 года назад +1

      @@marcmurat3776 verissimo...:):):)

    • @giuseppericci2969
      @giuseppericci2969 2 года назад

      musica spirituale: ce n'è bisogno

    • @mirrors1
      @mirrors1 2 года назад

      E la situazione sta peggiorando. Ci sono ormai giovanissimi compositori italiani di grande valore che devono andare altrove. Non si tratta di "nemo propheta in patria" piuttosto di ciò che scrive Marc Murat: provincialismo becero. Diseducazione e malafede incarnata da direttori artistici incapaci ai quali interessa solo la poltrona.

    • @stephono-zipstefanotopix4024
      @stephono-zipstefanotopix4024 2 года назад +1

      A onor del vero, va detto che ho guardato il programma di Mi-To e proprio Maderna quest'anno è presente. Poi magari va anche detto che direttori e organizzatori propongono ciò che la maggior parte del pubblico vuole e, il più delle volte vogliono andare sul sicuro.

  • @dbadagna
    @dbadagna 3 года назад

    11:27 - altissimo C-B ... do most oboe players even know the fingering for altissimo B?

  • @stueystuey1962
    @stueystuey1962 8 месяцев назад

    Seems like from the standpoint of structure and other theoretical underpinnings that Quadrivivium receives more praise. From a purely musical standpoint i prefer granfe aulodia.