Stunning Ski Run in Davos, Switzerland: From 2,590m to 1,560m!"

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 59

  • @spinnigold
    @spinnigold 3 года назад +10

    Watching this in lockdown and missing skiing so badly- it looks so good! So quiet!
    Thanks for making it feel really authentic by losing one ski, too ;)

  • @Rakumario
    @Rakumario 3 года назад +7

    That music drove me mad😆
    Let your skiing sing the song!

  • @SeriouslyJaded
    @SeriouslyJaded 3 года назад +1

    I spent a week in Davos some years ago - even rented a mono ski for a day and skied it on that for a laugh. :D Awesome place.

  • @joelavin9386
    @joelavin9386 3 года назад +2

    Skied Davis two years ago for a week. It’s a wonderful place. Town was great,people were great, the virus killed me this year. Europe has so many places to ski but don’t miss this place.

  • @adventureswithkids7970
    @adventureswithkids7970 4 года назад +3

    Wow what a place. I'd love to ski there one day

  • @neilsiomra2061
    @neilsiomra2061 4 года назад +3

    Ive ski toured in Davos. Clibed up into Austria⛷incredible place to ski!

  • @michae8jackson378
    @michae8jackson378 4 года назад +2

    I miss skiing in Europe! Davos is one of the few places I never skied in my 13 years living in Germany! I miss the nice relaxing traverse roads, enjoy the beauty, relax a bit! The wide open slopes above the tree line. Great area for long Super G fast carving turns! Ahhhh, to be 30 years younger again......

  • @yunusnoahoberst1677
    @yunusnoahoberst1677 2 года назад

    A week ago I went on my first ever snow trip in Davos and learned snowboarding. It was the most amazing experience in such a long time! And I skied down exactly this slope!

    • @Alexskiing
      @Alexskiing  2 года назад +1

      Hey Yunus, so glad you enjoyed your first trip!

  • @eclecticplus1211
    @eclecticplus1211 3 года назад +1

    Wow fantastic excellent skiing beautiful place amazing upload 👌👌👌👍👍👍❤❤❤

  • @fuzzymuffinsthe3rd
    @fuzzymuffinsthe3rd Год назад

    Going here in a couple weeks. Can't wait

  • @jeffyzefrench
    @jeffyzefrench 2 года назад

    I'm not a big fan of long road sections usually but this was so scenic it really looked like a fun trail to ski

  • @Puzzoozoo
    @Puzzoozoo 3 месяца назад

    As a mature beginner, at 6:10 it's nice to know that even a seasoned skier like you can get it wrong and fall over.

    • @Alexskiing
      @Alexskiing  29 дней назад

      Haha I fall quite alot these days I dont have the leg strenth I used to and my brain cannot quiet grasp it!

  • @Ney-y9e
    @Ney-y9e 4 года назад +3


  • @gethigh961
    @gethigh961 3 года назад

    I´m a local, this is my favorite resort, great for freeriding aswell since you can go up a little more with skins and ride some great lines on the north face.

  • @carv9188
    @carv9188 4 года назад +1

    Amazing Video keep it up.

  • @cvankrieken
    @cvankrieken 4 года назад +5

    Great video ! I’d love to go there... if I had the money...

    • @andrewsalmon100
      @andrewsalmon100 4 года назад +1

      Hey. It's not that expensive. I did it. You can too.

    • @uleexists2122
      @uleexists2122 4 года назад

      @@andrewsalmon100 how much was your whole trip?

  • @erenleakarsli2248
    @erenleakarsli2248 3 года назад +1

    Thanks for the video. Its really cool. Wish there was no music

  • @francineproulx2535
    @francineproulx2535 3 года назад +1

    I enjoyed skiing in Davos.

  • @MRVI-qp6on
    @MRVI-qp6on 4 года назад +1

    skiing in april .i hope you didnt forget your sunblocker

  • @holgerbarth9999
    @holgerbarth9999 4 года назад +7

    When have you made this video?Looks really great, i miss the mountains and the snow

    • @Alexskiing
      @Alexskiing  4 года назад +2

      Hi Holger Barth it was in early January some time. Me too!:)

  • @ontheedge8541
    @ontheedge8541 4 года назад +2

    Hi love the content

  • @Martin-fy2xw
    @Martin-fy2xw 2 года назад

    Thank you

  • @NPavicar
    @NPavicar 4 года назад


  • @lesleydennis1519
    @lesleydennis1519 3 года назад

    Hello! Thank you for the beautiful footage of Davos.We are thinking about visiting Davos early next December. Do people just go there to ski? Or are there other types of outings we could enjoy? We will meet our young son there. He snowboards and we can ski if we can rent everything there? Pls share your ideas! Thx u!

    • @Alexskiing
      @Alexskiing  3 года назад

      Hi Lesley, Thanks there are loads to do in Davos it's a huge ski town one of the biggest in Europe. There are loads to do but I guess it depends what you're into renting ski equipment is super easy.

  • @alanlemap
    @alanlemap 7 месяцев назад

    fanastic scenery & Nice intro and scene setting, (but if looking for imprvement feedback - turnign on "horizon lock" to auto lebel the frame is badly needed to prevent motion sickness for viewers of ski footage.maybe you have a newer gopro version by now... thay are super smooth, recommended #11 and above)

    • @Alexskiing
      @Alexskiing  24 дня назад

      I have taken this on bord thanks for the feedback the next couple wont have it but from then on they will. Really appreciate it I can see exactuly what you mean.

  • @brethitmanhart275
    @brethitmanhart275 4 года назад

    I'm actually getting motion sickness from when you drop in at the start

  • @susieasado6675
    @susieasado6675 4 года назад

    Alex, You seem to ski most everywhere in the Alps. What are your top favorite resorts?

    • @Alexskiing
      @Alexskiing  4 года назад +1

      Hi Susie! I guess it depends what you like, if you are going with little people Alpe d'Huez is amazing. St Anton or Ischgul are the best for a party and they are very close to each other, you can do a week at each resort. Murren is my favorite if you like breathtaking views. It's a difficult question. Looking forward to traveling to the USA resorts next year. Hope you get on the slopes this year.

    • @susieasado6675
      @susieasado6675 4 года назад +3

      @@Alexskiing Thank you for your message. I would certainly love to visit all resorts you recommended. When you come stateside I recommend the following: 1) Jackson Hole WY for the expert ski terrain & fun cowboy ambiance. While you are there be sure the spend at least one day skiing at Grand Targhee. I also recommend the snowmobile tour of Yelllowstone National Park. 2) Telluride CO for the best scenery in the US. 3) Aspen CO for the romantic sophisticated town and 4-varied ski areas. 4) Alta/Snowbird UT for steep terrain, views, and reliable snow as well as easy access only 45-minutes from the SLC airport (downside: Après is a snooze). 5) Beaver Creek CO and Deer Valley UT (tie)... these two medium-size upmarket resorts are well-appointed and always a pleasure. I also love the ski areas in the Lake Tahoe region of CA but I tend not to recommend them to long-haul guests because of lower elevation/less reliable snow; nobody deserves a bad snow surprise after traveling so far... Added bonuses: Alta UT and Deer Valley UT are skiers only resorts with no out-of-control snowboarders running amok. CO and CA both have legal cannabis shops in case you want a Rocky Mountain High ;)

  • @knobknob7446
    @knobknob7446 2 года назад

    I like your videos

  • @Daniel-archive
    @Daniel-archive 3 года назад

    Hey, really great video. May I ask how satisfied you were with the skis (Redster X9 from atomic)? I am thinking about the same ones. Thanks a lot!

    • @Alexskiing
      @Alexskiing  3 года назад +1

      Hey, I think they are really good so I would defiantly recommend

  • @staffanlunden4951
    @staffanlunden4951 4 года назад

    The stabilization is amazing. How did you attach your camera to your body?

    • @Alexskiing
      @Alexskiing  4 года назад

      This is just a Gopro hero 7 black with a chest mount.

  • @heinersievert3846
    @heinersievert3846 4 года назад +1

    Du rotierst zu stark im Oberkörper!!

  • @kimjunguny
    @kimjunguny 4 года назад +1

    Stay more forward in your boots man, thats why you rounded out at 6:00 . Also keep your hands in front of you so you dont twist and throw your body around so much. You can ski definitely but you gotta fix that

  • @jppetr4460
    @jppetr4460 Год назад

    Was bedeutet 1653 ft?

  • @stevenashenjoyer
    @stevenashenjoyer 4 года назад

    What's the situation with covid 19 over there?

    • @Alexskiing
      @Alexskiing  4 года назад +1

      Hi Steve Nash I have no idea this was filmed before. It's boring being inside in London though.

    • @gamabaag
      @gamabaag 3 года назад +1

      In case of skiing i can say, at the moment there is no restriction for skiing. But the restaurants offers only take away.

  • @84Martin
    @84Martin 4 года назад +2

    Fantastic video, but you could change that song

  • @vegasfan1
    @vegasfan1 3 года назад

    great vide except the wretched music

  • @MrDomSan
    @MrDomSan 4 года назад +1

    Davos teuer is

  • @massivelyfence8111
    @massivelyfence8111 3 года назад

    This would be so much better without the music.

  • @woolymittens
    @woolymittens 3 года назад

    I didn't enjoy the music, would rather just have the sounds of the skis and the low camera angle drove me nuts! I kept wanting to look up to see the run and pick my line. Overall didn't enjoy this one at all. I bailed out after 3 minutes. 👎

  • @egozentric
    @egozentric 3 года назад

    Music = Bad