Ditting 807 Maintenance l Zero Calibration

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 3

  • @austenmorley6451
    @austenmorley6451 5 месяцев назад

    I did this with my 807 and noticed touch point left slight marks on the outer edge of burrs. Should this be a concern or just normal wear?

  • @jeffburling7224
    @jeffburling7224 Год назад

    Hey there, how would you know if your 807 needs an alignment? What impact would slightly misaligned burrs have in a pour over for example? I've owned one for a year and while happy with it, I just don't know if it could be better or not.

    • @primacoffeeequipment
      @primacoffeeequipment  Год назад

      It's unlikely that further alignment will improve your coffee in meaningful way. We've experimented a lot with this. But to answer your question, you'd need a depth gauge to definitively determine any misalignment. In most cases, good alignment is simply a matter of even screw tension. We use a drill with torque control (and use low settings) to secure burrs to the carrier. This ensures even tension.