The distance between your home and a tree planting should be determined by the mature width of the tree’s canopy. Trees should be planted at least a distance of 1/2 of their mature canopy width from a home. For example, if a tree’s canopy at maturity is 40 feet wide, it should be planted at least 20 feet from your home.
The distance between your home and a tree planting should be determined by the mature width of the tree’s canopy. Trees should be planted at least a distance of 1/2 of their mature canopy width from a home. For example, if a tree’s canopy at maturity is 40 feet wide, it should be planted at least 20 feet from your home.
The distance between your home and a tree planting should be determined by the mature width of the tree’s canopy. Trees should be planted at least a distance of 1/2 of their mature canopy width from a home. For example, if a tree’s canopy at maturity is 40 feet wide, it should be planted at least 20 feet from your home.
Am now a new sub of your channel. Enjoying your videos very much, you are passionate about trees and nature...bless you...
Thanks for sharing...💝💐
Thank you so very much! 💐💕 your support means a lot to me. Yes I’m passionate about nature and other simple things!
讲的太好了。。我就是花钱铺了木屑。。现在无花果,松柏都 dying..无知啊。。多谢
我能体会到您现在的心情! 很开心您从今以后不会犯同样的错误了。感谢收看小视频并且留言鼓励😊💕
嗯是的、一个道理, 不要贴到枝干上,厚度不要太厚,太厚了植物根系不容易呼吸
長知識了 謝謝您
不客气! 可以铺小石子的。没关系不影响根部呼吸。
@@三三有院·花满蹊 谢谢
美女,非常谢谢你录的视频,我最近买了三三四十包木屑准备铺盖几棵树下。因为我见任何地方都是Volcano Mulch, 所以我也准备这样盖,看了你的视频,说真的,起初我也不敢肯定,结果上网查一查,发现你说的真是太正确了。非常谢谢,我在美国罗德岛州,请问你也是在美国吗?
谢谢你的肯定。非常开心我的视频让你少走了弯路:) 我住在美国德克萨斯州。 你说的很对,现在出去看看,有一大半的树都有这种Volcano Mulch, 如果不仔细核对,大家就会觉得应该这样来。特别是看到好多园艺公司都这样做。其实能真正了解植物的园林公司少之又少。
@@hzh951 谢谢告知,你所说的腐熟有机物是什么?是厨余堆肥的土吗?
@@juliosong7313 任何腐熟的有机物都可以,堆肥也可以,如果不喜欢经常处理杂草,可以种植绿肥草,既能疏松土壤,还能固化空气中的氮在草根,将草割掉后,草根成为树的肥料。绿肥草有很多种,有的还开出美丽的小花朵,也可观赏。
美女 那种长不高的瘦瘦的小松树叫什么名字?
这个问题好! 首先,我把竹子种的高于地面一些。因为竹鞭延伸的深度有自限性。再就是用一种厚塑料把它围起来。这种塑料在网上有,叫 bamboo shield.
The distance between your home and a tree planting should be determined by the mature width of the tree’s canopy. Trees should be planted at least a distance of 1/2 of their mature canopy width from a home. For example, if a tree’s canopy at maturity is 40 feet wide, it should be planted at least 20 feet from your home.