The ABSOLUTE BEST 40k Armies for Every Arcane Cast Member!!!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 105

  • @theimperviousfirecracker7934
    @theimperviousfirecracker7934 4 дня назад +88

    You found that super nische audience.
    Me. It’s me. I am that audience.

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад +5

      @@theimperviousfirecracker7934 you've always been reliable Dr doom! Thank you for your time^^

    • @LaviCor-md7ks
      @LaviCor-md7ks День назад +2

      me too
      literally the two main fandoms(?) occupying my mind right now
      this couldnt have been more specific

  • @arturlasik9614
    @arturlasik9614 5 дней назад +121

    I think that Viktor could play with Necrons too. Their technology is so advanced it seems like magic, their armies are mostly composed of soulless automatons and they also loathe the weaknesses of their biological bodies, which led them to transfer into machines.

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад +19

      It's a match made in (the war of) heaven

    • @ravencrone134
      @ravencrone134 3 дня назад +4

      not some of my favs being necrons while viktor is my fav arcane character. theyre so perfect. something something glorious evolution

    • @CesarTheKingVA
      @CesarTheKingVA 2 дня назад +2

      Well I mean, one of them chose to transfer into machines. But it was their king so everyone else had to as well

    • @gabrielchavanon4981
      @gabrielchavanon4981 День назад +3

      What about Tzeentch? Evolution and 4d chess games with alternate dimensions seems fitting

    • @Randomdudefromtheinternet
      @Randomdudefromtheinternet День назад +1

      Weird, I thought that was the Mechanicus/Dark Mechanicum. Think many Necrons wished they still had their organic bodies (and their souls)

  • @diegosalazaralvarado7988
    @diegosalazaralvarado7988 4 дня назад +55

    Damn it, now i need a "Arcane cast plays Warhammer" fanfiction. What have you done to me!

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад +8

      @@diegosalazaralvarado7988 imagine them going with 2v2 tournaments. Like Viktor and jayce vs Caitlyn and vi

  • @isildur69
    @isildur69 2 дня назад +16

    Heimerdinguer would play TAU = He rejects Magic, He embraces technology and peace.

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  День назад +5

      man, heimer is such a pure guy. his scenes in s2 were so fun!

  • @oilmargarita6436
    @oilmargarita6436 4 дня назад +49

    The sky one had me wheezing. Keep up the good work man

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад +4

      Honestly I made the whole video around making that joke xD

    • @Nerift4832
      @Nerift4832 День назад

      @@nesses1087 absolutely majestic joke, Im dying.

  • @ospeight
    @ospeight 3 дня назад +27

    Surprised Singed didn''t get drukhari.

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  2 дня назад +8

      Shit that would have been good. Another comment mentioned the emperor's children too. The dude makes as many champions as he collects armies

    • @vrgst4017
      @vrgst4017 2 дня назад +4

      It 100% should be Drukhari Haemoculi Covens. The process of creating Warwick is basically what 40k grotesques are. Second option would be Fabious Bile and his followers, since he learned from the covens and also creates frankenstein-esque monsters.

    • @somerandomdude3729
      @somerandomdude3729 7 часов назад

      Either Dark Eldar (Drukhari) or Emperor's Children so long as Fabius is there.

  • @jacksonjabba
    @jacksonjabba 3 дня назад +21

    I’m so glad you made this video for all of the 45 people who are obsessed with arcane **and** obsessed with warhammer

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  2 дня назад +1

      Love making decisions that for all tense and purposes don't make any sense

    • @tea-sus8722
      @tea-sus8722 2 дня назад

      All the funnier when you realize graham mcneil is a formative writer for both

  • @Eninaaa11
    @Eninaaa11 2 дня назад +9

    This is off topic, but dude I rlly think that adpetus mechanicus would probably go absolutely bonkers with hextech. Also thanks for fulfilling the neiche that's arcane and 40k. It's something that i rlly needed

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  День назад +2

      you. are. welcome! i think the adeptus mechanicus would lose their shit, but they would need jayce's notes or else its no touchy. but the blue of hextech does go with their eyes so that's some good grim fashion

  • @ChaoticVoicesofAndreas
    @ChaoticVoicesofAndreas 3 дня назад +10

    Asking the REAL questions!

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  2 дня назад +1

      What random thoughts can do to a mf'er

  • @deusmortis9751
    @deusmortis9751 4 дня назад +19

    this is buzzfeed tier content, I am sharing it with my friends.

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад +5

      At first I felt offended, but then I felt thankful for the sharing xD

  • @Professionapestpugilist
    @Professionapestpugilist 2 дня назад +5

    Singed would probably like fabulous bile

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  День назад +1

      especially OG singed lore is very similair to fabulous bile! got that perfect body horror thing going on

  • @TheBackbunner
    @TheBackbunner День назад +1

    I'm surprised that you didn't mention attaching a Vindicare assassin to Caitlyn's army of choice.

  • @seanstuckey4849
    @seanstuckey4849 3 дня назад +8

    Bra like fr, what does Arcane and Warhammer fit together so well? Like they shouldn’t but they do, if you tweak a few things it could a hella great crossover verse

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  2 дня назад

      Already made a video about 40k fighting the world of league and even a tier list of what the Champions could defeat within the 40k universe

  • @cleeiii357
    @cleeiii357 4 дня назад +9

    Could be both. Like Viktor could have painted his Genestealer Cult army with the color scheme of the Cult of the Bladed Cog. The followers of their so called "Three Armed Omnissiah". Would probably even get that Hermiatus mini from Necromunda and use it as his Magus proxy.

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  День назад

      had to google that model and HOLY SH*T THAT GOES SO HARD!

  • @supersaiyandiclonius3056
    @supersaiyandiclonius3056 День назад +1

    Man, I've wanted to do a series about this exact topic.
    Could you do other franchises playing 40k?

  • @TheInvisibleCactusYT
    @TheInvisibleCactusYT 4 дня назад +7

    Hell yes!
    This is the perfect neich combo of my favourite things, I have no idea how you would make more videos like this, but I’m asking you to make more.

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад

      @@TheInvisibleCactusYT I've made some more hybrid league/Warhammer videos, be sure to check them out! I often think about both these universes so it's very likely that I'll make more^^

  • @Ralathym
    @Ralathym 5 дней назад +13

    The Skie one is so true!

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  5 дней назад +2

      This is the one I'm the most sure of

  • @justinthawsetmyo4173
    @justinthawsetmyo4173 2 дня назад +2

    00:05 no no, it's your fault I'm getting these thoughts XD

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  День назад

      im part of your conscience now! IM NOT LEAVING UNTIL YOU GET A 40K BOX

  • @6bambolbi6
    @6bambolbi6 День назад

    The algorithm basically said to me "you like Arcane and 40k, so look at this"

  • @maxspooky8991
    @maxspooky8991 8 часов назад

    “Looking for an audience group that’s super niche” this is true but you found me so

  • @EvilOdysseus
    @EvilOdysseus 4 дня назад +5

    I'd argue that Jayce would play Iron Hands. He likes to build and make stuff better. He's also got the hammer!

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад +1

      Ooh I can see that happen! I wonder how he would think about the truth of their curse though. Iron hands augment themselves with cybernetics that are worse than their bio enhanced astartes limbs

    • @worldeater2414
      @worldeater2414 12 часов назад

      I'd argue Smeech is a better candidate than Jayce for IHs

  • @ДмитроКовальчук-у3н

    Well, well, well, that was a really interesting and neat video, good choices for the characters indeed.
    Not so much to add, but, I guess all of them would likely have one or two additional armies to have more fun. Nevertheless, it was superb, congratulations, you've another new subscriber ☺️😊🤗😄

  • @Mihhhha87
    @Mihhhha87 4 дня назад +4

    I’m having a fever right now, but that was awesome dude - thank you for making me laugh! Will stay on the channel, will see ya when you will get 100k. And regarding Lore - speculative topic, do what you want to do so there would be something cool and unique, as you see algorithm already connected Arcane and Warhammer for me at least :D
    Take care and good luck

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад

      @@Mihhhha87 get well soon! Thank you for the nice words, means a whole lot! I've done a lot of discovering on this channel regards to the type of videos I want to make and will definitely keep trying new things

  • @crabbyink9849
    @crabbyink9849 3 дня назад +4

    I could see Ekko as Genestealer Cults but more focusing on the revolutionary side fighting against oppression rather than the we are aliens masquerading as revloltuionaries lol. Like the propaganda version of genestealers

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  2 дня назад +2

      Putting a zaun color scheme on gene stealers could look really badass too!

    • @crabbyink9849
      @crabbyink9849 2 дня назад +1

      @@nesses1087 my wallet cannot handle more models dont tempt me

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  2 дня назад +2

      @crabbyink9849 i gotta stop too, pile of shame is... Well, piling up

  • @ZarMationStudios18
    @ZarMationStudios18 3 дня назад +1

    This was brilliant and exactly what I needed at 2am this morning before bed

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  2 дня назад +1

      It is an honor to be a part of your terrible sleep schedule

  • @principetnomusic
    @principetnomusic 3 дня назад +2

    The algorithm brought me to the right place

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  3 дня назад

      And I'm glad to have your time!

  • @Kaapalkeens
    @Kaapalkeens 4 дня назад +3

    Super niche... yeah, you found your audience

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад

      @@Kaapalkeens super glad you guys are finding your way here!

  • @rustkarl
    @rustkarl 3 дня назад +3

    Personally I think Jinx has a bit of an eclectic variety of personality traits that don’t wholly match her personality with her skill set.
    Yeah she’s loud and flashy but she’s not a sense freak or a perfectionist.
    She’s a reasonably crazy gadgeteer with a penchant for the loud and flashy using scraps and crude metals to make devastating tools.
    In short, her vibe is much more of an Ork to me. Orks love their flash and their gubbinz.

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  2 дня назад

      The orks can work very well for jinx yeah! Especially if we're talking about the league version, that is screaming ork player

  • @gimmeyourrights8292
    @gimmeyourrights8292 20 часов назад

    Vi would be the type to say "I'm not playing that nerd shit" before threatening Jinx if she touches her fuscha painted Gargantuan Squiggoth.

  • @MrDoggoCraft
    @MrDoggoCraft 14 часов назад

    You have summoned the niche.

  • @Marg_Sabl
    @Marg_Sabl 21 час назад

    i feel like himerdinger would run votann. aside from all the short jokes, the votann seem like the tech but safe option that he'd like

  • @freddythefriendlygiant3856
    @freddythefriendlygiant3856 3 дня назад +1

    This is genius

  • @mr.lungplutter1086
    @mr.lungplutter1086 2 дня назад +1

    Maddie would play black templars and you cant change my mind.

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  День назад

      i dont see the connection, but would love to hear why you think so!

    • @mr.lungplutter1086
      @mr.lungplutter1086 День назад

      @@nesses1087 Admittedly this is all very reliant on my on how i interpret Maddie as a character and how i interpret 40k as a setting, but Maddie beleaves that if Zaun is given the change it will destroy piltover and that the only way to stop this is threw military strength this beleaf also extends to the people of Zaun (in her introduction Maddie says “its nice to know there are still good ones left” referring to vi and she said that the increased noxian presence is to “keep us safe”) Maddie sides with the noxians because they present a show of strength and a willingness to protect piltover threw violence against Zaun. in the end i dont think that maddies core principal is that shes a tractor, its that shes a zealot. Maddie betrayed Catlyn because she believed theat Catlyn would not use the necessary force to protect Piltover from Zaun and that Ambessa would.
      I feel like making Maddie alpha legion is missing a lot of the deeper complexities of her character.
      The black templars are a legion of zealots, they hate everything outside of the imperium and beleave that violence is the only way to protect the imperium from other factions. The black templars also folow the imperial creed which is the doctron the the Cult Imperialis this doctron proclaims the emperor as a god (most space marean legend follow the imperial truth which dose not proclaim the emperor as a god, the black templars are one of the only legions that follow the imperial creed) the imperial truth was created by the emperor but the imperial creed was created long after the emperor was entombed on the golden throne. The emperor never wanted to be thought of as a god and he never saw himself as one. The black templars have gone so far into into there zealous rage against all those who are different from them that they have betrayed the founding ideals that they profess to worship.
      Maddie and the black templars both wanted to protect piltover/the imperium they both saw the destruction of those outside of piltover/the imperium as the only way to guarantee there safety and in the end they both betrayed what they stood for in there anger against what they perceive as threats.
      I think that the enforcers also share more similarities with the imperium than with chaos and i think the black templars specifically share a lot with the noxians and Maddie is an enforcer who supported the noxians.
      (also i really think maddie would enjoy the playstile and paint sceam of the black templars more than the alpha legion)

  • @loganswalk8621
    @loganswalk8621 2 дня назад +1

    My factions at least for the champions.
    Vi: Orks charge in break stuff and have fun doing it.
    Caitlyn: Tau long range superiority but still loses to Vi’s Orks.
    Jayce: Space Marines initially leaned Iron Hands but decided Ultramarines were better.
    Viktor: started with Admech but later pivoted to Necrons.
    Heimerdinger: Admech and undefeated tournament champion due to math skills.
    Jinx: Chaos of all flavors prefers to paint and customize minis over playing.
    Warwick: Space Wolves because wolf.
    Singed: Death Guard for chemical and biological warfare.
    Ekko: Eldar surprisingly good player and knows exactly how to counter his opponent’s army.
    Ambessa: Imperial Guard will gladly sacrifice a entire unit of guardsmen to capture the objective.
    Bonus Maddie: Genestealer cults truth is the game was rigged from the start.

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  День назад

      oooh these are all very solid pics! caitlyn as a tau is incredibly fitting and viktor switching armies after they redesigned him is both 4th wall breaking and the most perfect choice!

  • @tea-sus8722
    @tea-sus8722 2 дня назад +1

    Jinx i could see being a ork player. Either speed freekz or deathskullz

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  День назад +1

      and they are painted on a professional level, like a disturbing amount of detail on 80 boys

  • @tzar-platnum
    @tzar-platnum 4 дня назад +5

    dude singed whud play fabeus bile and the new men if they ever got any models

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад

      Yeah I realized this while editing and made a note about it in the description. But I agree with you! Especially if you read the OG lore, he is such a horror surgeon in those

    • @tzar-platnum
      @tzar-platnum 4 дня назад

      @@nesses1087 the 2 of them have a lot of similarities now with arcane both being sort of paternal with some of there works

  • @shadow0fx
    @shadow0fx 2 дня назад +1

    Hello yes I’m the niche you were wondering about. Viktor is still AdMech because my partner is a Viktor simp and an AdMech main. FOR GLORIOUS EVOLUTION

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  День назад

      tbf if viktor was looking around in a local store he can definitely be sold on admech

  • @matijasostojic4288
    @matijasostojic4288 21 час назад +1

    Vander (Not warwick) would be either Nurgle/Deathguard or Eldar, specificaly craftworld.
    My reasoning is that Vander is very much in a tough situation where he is both the near leader of the undercity while also being way to cautious and scared to make the city better by going against Piltover.
    Nurgle/Deathguard would be because of their stagnation aspect and surface level joy. He is the compliant aspect of the reason why the undercity has suffered so hard.
    Craftworld would more lean into his lack of true autonomy and wish for freedom from the system he can't really achive. The Craftworlders are held back by a demon god and are constantly wanting to get their lives back even though that is near impossible.
    Space wolves would be a good pick for Young Vander before the failed revolt.
    A young man with a deep sense of kinship and family, who isn't afraid to get into a fight for the sake of those he cares for... Even if that action does come to haunt him.

  • @nikolajsteffensen6578
    @nikolajsteffensen6578 25 минут назад

    honestly i could see Viktor playing thousand sons.
    Mucks about with unknown arcane forces beyond his understanding and accidentally turns a person he cares about into dust while their disembodied spirit now lives on? Herald of the Arcane? a single magical mind commanding an army of arcane drones? he's a perfect thousand sons player as i think he'd be able to relate to Magnus in the whole "we need progress now" view of things.
    Vander would absolutely play the fuck out of the space wolves and have a custom model with a powerfist for his army leader.
    Vi? yeah Vi would play world eaters. No big brain moves, nothing too complicated, just hit the enemy until they die and tell them to stop using magic.
    Cait i like to imagine would actually prefer playing killteam where she plays arbites, but if she has to play the main wargame she'd kitbash a guard army into an arbites army.
    Singed i feel might actually play Dark Eldar. Not for their cruelty, but because of the Haemonculi.
    and Silco. I don't really feel the Eldar quite fit sadly but also can't think of an alternative. Farsight enclave given Farsight is doing a secession from the Tau Empire and some such?
    Those are my thoughts at the least.

  • @snakycarnival9119
    @snakycarnival9119 4 дня назад +1

    Everyday Ekko gives me more reasons to be my favorite character seeing as my favorite factions are Necrons and Harlequin.
    Also I think that Sevika would lean more towards Orks since they rely a lot on luck to win fights on the tabletop. And gambling is a pretty massive part of Sevikas character. Also they're an army that shreds in melee.
    Also Mel would probably go for a more demon centric thousand sons with how she ties into magic now as well as her perpensity for carefully laid plans.

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад

      @@snakycarnival9119 Ooooh ork savika is actually a great one! She even has a power claw and everything! Tsons for Mel is also a good one, since she wants to rebel against her mother is comparable to the primarchs betraying the Emperor! Magnus got tricked into it but still

  • @thebaron2277
    @thebaron2277 День назад

    Silco would probably also have a kabalite drukhari army that he collects more recently but he still has an old school craftworld eldar army he used against Vander's space wolves back in the day.
    I feel Jynx would play tyranids as well as they have a lot of customization options and their chitin is perfect for cool paint jobs.
    Singed looks like he bellongs in a genestealer cult but i think his main army would be Haemonculus
    I feel that Jayce would play ultramarines

  • @worldeater2414
    @worldeater2414 12 часов назад

    You got Vi wrong, Vi is a turncoat baby about everything. She is a Blackshield player
    Abessa has to be the World Eater player, there is no way she isn't

  • @snakehorde
    @snakehorde 2 дня назад +1

    But what about smoke ?
    The 2d character added to all the pipes everyone is smoking in zaun ?
    Probably imperial knights with how loud and obnoxious he is, don't you think ?

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  День назад

      i think nurgle deamons is also a very good pitch, weve even seen the horrible affects it causes on human biology!

  • @jarlathquinn2628
    @jarlathquinn2628 4 дня назад +1

    I think Savika and Mel could both also be custodes

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  4 дня назад +1

      @jarlathquinn2628 ooh I can imagine richtus (ambessa's right hand man) would play custodes!

  • @makuta6500
    @makuta6500 18 часов назад

    You were looking for a niche audience, I was looking for a niche creator. This is gonna be fun. Two of my autistic hyperfixations in one channel

  • @v1told
    @v1told 21 час назад

    wait, what? no one's joking about Vi playing Imperial Fists? rly?

  • @A.C_B.
    @A.C_B. 3 дня назад

    Vi: I think she'd play Orkz. Just a bit more goofy energy, and I love the headcannon of her doing the ork accent just to piss of Caitlyn
    ekko: I think he might be into white-scars? Necrons feel a bit too slow and clunky. and too hierarchy focused for his tastes.
    Viktor: Absolutely Aeldari. Farseers and stuff. also, being frail and trying to maintain a dying race in a hostile universe. While suffering the aftermath of a hedonistic society. I think Viktor would hardcore vibe with Craftworlds. But yeah, would have been cool if Viktor had gone full admech in season 2 rather than magic jesus.
    Jinx: mostly agree, but I think she'd absolutely focus on slaanesh demons as well. Especially the Chariots could very much be her thing.
    Silco: he does not want a better world for anyone. the fact that people still think that he's a good guy is mindboggling to me. He literally flooded the undercity with drugs and employed children in his factories. he would 100% go for something like Drukhari

    • @nesses1087
      @nesses1087  День назад +1

      the viktor one is a connection i didn't make, but its a very good one! that's also me not knowing eldar super well. as for silco, he's not a good guy no, but his ambition of freeing zaun from piltovers rule still has some good intentions in it. i personally think its just him becoming more and more corrupt over time and losing himself in the prosses. that's also why s2 has made a couple of attempts to humanize him more

  • @Pirart
    @Pirart День назад

    Nice vid, tho I smell a bit of a missed opportunity,...
    Singed could be a plaing Druchari focused on Haemonculi Covens
    Mel seems to me such a distinguished and calculated mind - Eldar - Ulthwe [thanks to psycher focus]
    Marcus - the original aspiring traitor - GSC - well too disloyal to be an Ultramarine
    Sevica - Sisters of Battle, yes - but "Order of Our Martyred Lady"
    Silco - I would put an Tau army, Dal'yth Sept - Manipulative, Incorporates people of all backgrounds, Avoids direct approach, and most of all,... he is doing it for the greater good.
    Vander - Well,... Tau, just like Silco, but most likely Farsight [as least manipulative].
    Ambesa - I would bet that logic is not as valued as honor, or... purity of steel - That sounds to me like Khorn [CSM]!
    With Victor - Listening to the mahine at heart? Have Glorious evolution as a goal? Votan!
    Heimedinger would still play necromunda xD The first edition
    Besides that, I agree with the rest. Sorry for such a diffrent opinion, but I just saw to much of space marines in here, where there is so much more in non imperial factions. Thanks for the vid!

    • @worldeater2414
      @worldeater2414 12 часов назад

      Counter point, Order of the Bloody Rose is more in line with Sevika's anger issues

  • @SomeBassWallaby
    @SomeBassWallaby 2 часа назад

    u have not found the niche audience in me... i am too confused to leave the video though lmaoo

  • @masters-senpai7657
    @masters-senpai7657 5 дней назад +3


  • @deividgarmar
    @deividgarmar День назад +1

    I love the video, but I disagree strongly with your "singed" army choice. The drukhari are known for doing anything and everything to avoid death, thats the reason for their incursions in real space, and all their body-horror experiments!

    • @matijasostojic4288
      @matijasostojic4288 22 часа назад

      I agree only because of the fact that the tyranids are way too chaotic for him.