Forest Blakk - Breathe (lyrics)

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 59

  • @annafarar8077
    @annafarar8077 3 года назад +4

    Forest Blakk is magical. No artist has moved me as much as him. The words spoken in this and his other songs are such beautiful words. "Both sides" is my favorite spoken word by him and it moved me. Goosebumps...

  • @zachjudy8549
    @zachjudy8549 3 года назад +11

    I love how poetical you place pain with rejoice in oneself. As saying it's ok to die but not today. You're pain is more valid than the thoughts you think, feel the emotions, accept them... not your thoughts. From pain you may find a spark. That spark of you thought you lost within yourself. Somehow you turn it all around and lost comfort is found. Thank you Forest Blakk. . . Thank you.

  • @LoveSickStarChick
    @LoveSickStarChick 3 года назад +25

    Takes me back to when I looked up how to be happy..

  • @deec829
    @deec829 3 года назад +23

    One word reply...DONT!
    DONT.....think it's a solution
    Don't... think the universe didn't have a plan for u in this existence
    Don't...think u didn't affect every person or life u touched in this world.
    Don't.....think every stranger, friend, family member, animal or life u touched wasn't important.
    Don't....think current circumstances won't change....change is what life is about.
    Don't ....think u can't change the present. The universe gave us make change!
    Don't...throw away ur opportunity to experience what wpunderfull things the universe wants u to create!

    • @Darkhartx1
      @Darkhartx1 3 года назад +1

      Don't... Try to stop me Smee

    • @complicatedwords426
      @complicatedwords426 3 года назад

      Thank you for saying this... I needed to hear it!!

  • @Pandora88
    @Pandora88 3 года назад +32

    Who is this guy? Cos I would like to meet him . If your listening.. you are beautiful

    • @alshiamaalazzabi3962
      @alshiamaalazzabi3962 2 года назад

      I really want that tooo i hope aome day meet him, i feel the same words alll of it, he say it...all time

    • @RainbowDash1995
      @RainbowDash1995 6 месяцев назад

      Forest Blakk, he's amazing and has some amazing songs highly recommend listening to more of his stuff if you never have

  • @gramil8696
    @gramil8696 4 месяца назад +1

    This song inspired me to get my tattoo "JUST BREATHE" just in case I need to read it. Deep. Thank you.

  • @dawnprince1964
    @dawnprince1964 3 года назад +5

    I feel that way all of the time. Instead of telling people how valuable they are, make this place less violent and numb, starting with you. 🙏😥

  • @annmariemerrigan7590
    @annmariemerrigan7590 3 года назад +8

    This is a subject close to my heart.somedays i wonder should i be here at all.what you are doing is amazing.omg your voice captavates me.🙏

  • @stormdraco
    @stormdraco 6 месяцев назад

    I remember this song being the first to genuinely cry, how I finally understood what its like to be missing a piece in the world

  • @fredherring5402
    @fredherring5402 3 года назад +4

    I will definitely share this an let others know how awesome the way you put words together and how awesome your thoughts are and how we all have felt these ways of your words. You make.beautiful words and make stories out of them..... its sad but; almost 98% have felt this way and you beautifully put the words we have felt just maybe bot get them out. You have 1 very awesome way of putting them together ❤ 👏 🙌 ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍🤟👊👍 beautifully done and words put together the perfect way you have done.

  • @sheilafox9545
    @sheilafox9545 3 года назад +1

    Beautiful. And so needed by me and I'm sure many more. Thank you.

  • @UncleJimsTarot
    @UncleJimsTarot 2 года назад

    Alas, someone who knows my struggles, my pain, my joy, my successes, and my excuses. Hello Forrest.

  • @chantzabrams1527
    @chantzabrams1527 3 года назад +2

    Its comforting to know there are others out there who think like me. I never pretend to know everything (or anything).
    I only know to seek, learn, listen, love, when what seems like the whole world is running in the opposite direction.
    Forest, you may never read this... but thank you for the odd things you put into perspective. Its an art that few have. In your own words “burn bright”
    Its a dark place out there, but facing that darkness is the path to the light we seek.

  • @bellamommy4
    @bellamommy4 3 года назад +9

    Keep Going 🙏💪

  • @sonyafonger3456
    @sonyafonger3456 2 года назад +2

    what society forgets is:
    "To love means loving the unlovable.
    To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable.
    Faith means believing the unbelievable.
    Hope means hoping when everything seems...Hopeless" -G.K. Chesterton

  • @heatherloewen
    @heatherloewen 3 года назад +2

    💖 You are loved.💖

  • @IndyIndie59
    @IndyIndie59 3 года назад +2

    Amazing work

  • @vooshiningstone3761
    @vooshiningstone3761 3 года назад +1


  • @rowell669
    @rowell669 3 года назад +1

    Wow that just hit me like a hammer.

  • @debbiepeterson6829
    @debbiepeterson6829 3 года назад +9

    God saved me when I took enough morphine to kill an elephant. He saved me and let me know it is for Him to bring us home, stay faithful and our reward will come. We will be hated by all men for his namesake

  • @divinemagicactivations
    @divinemagicactivations 3 года назад +6

    thank you to all of you who decided to stay here thank you very much I too decided to stay here too we are warriors I love you all thank you.
    So many times so close to drowning . I live now

  • @meh2951
    @meh2951 3 года назад +15

    60 Seconds.
    In just one minute of your lungs collapsing over each other. just one more minute of torture, then it’s over. It’s all... over.

    • @beckjaq2859
      @beckjaq2859 3 года назад +4

      Torture? I dont know. I was strangled by somebody i loved till i blacked out. There was no struggle. Dont even remember fighting to get free. It was all dark in my head. I think i was too focused on little flashes of what seemed to be memories. But then it went all dark and it was peaceful. A slipping away feeling. If someone really wants to die does it really feel like torture or does the pain give one a feeling of being free
      P.s. notification brought me back. High right now lol. That slipping away. I was imagining how sometimes we work ourself up into thinking smthg is gonna be hard/scary and then when the time comes we're like "This is all it is. Man I thought it was gonna be...." Death is gonna be like that.

    • @stephanieevans2252
      @stephanieevans2252 3 года назад +1

      Whose died from drowning to tell anyone yes its one minute then its over... is it over and one minute .. try thinking of burning for one minute 60 seconds is a long time.. but death is forever!! I fight this fight sometimes not wanting to hurt myself, I like me.. but this dark thing will envelope my brain and everything is disaster and dispear and the love I have for my children and friends is hopeless and I am failure this brain just spins.. in this ugly mixture of lies and hopeless panic and crying that sounds like a primal cry that you can't understand how its coming out you..I don't recognize ME.. its like my brain is divided into what the heck stop this, its not you.. you're happy and love so much and the otherside doing that screaming cry in utter loss and panic and disspear!! Its so hard and I dont know what brings it on.. and it lasts for either hours or the day then gone, thank the lord🙏❤🙏❤ but I don't know why it happened and I certainly don't want to leave this life. I plan on living to 92.. so I don't get it?? But I have enough of me still there that I know its a not good and that I have to think.. I try to think and focus, but that ugly howling cry won't stop until its cried out and then my mind is clear again.. life is short and its complicated and beautiful and heartbreaking and amazing and profound and disappointing. But its a mixture worth living for.. sometimes we just have to fight the fight

  • @annabart3197
    @annabart3197  4 года назад +5

    Translation into Russian.
    Сегодня я смотрел, сколько времени требуется, чтобы утонуть.
    Сегодня я смотрел, сколько времени требуется, чтобы утонуть. Как долго ты можешь задерживать свое дыхание, прежде чем ты не сможешь больше сдерживать воздух, и как долго, прежде чем твои легкие не выдохнут, и звук, заполняющий пустоту, не стихнет, словно мышь, разыскивающая в полночь кусок пирога?
    Сегодня я стоял напротив окна и думал о том, каково это - летать. Нет, не думал. Я размышлял о том, каково это - выпрыгнуть за рамки, что сковывают меня внутри. Но мой здравый смысл сказал, что было бы не очень хорошо, если бы кто-то, о ком ты заботишься, нашел тебя. Этот голос как будто играет на пленке, поставленной на перемотку. Снова, и снова, и снова. К тому же, это было бы не честно и по отношению к незнакомцу.
    Сегодня мне напомнили о времени, когда я видел мужчину, спрыгивающего на шоссе. На тот момент мне было только 17. Внизу, по обе стороны верхней части автомагистрали, загораются фары машин. Они стоят на месте, смотря вдаль, в ожидании того, как расчистят дорогу, и ищут способ утешить своих близких.
    Смерть оказывается странным и пустым неудобством, когда начинаешь размышлять о ней. Непроницаемое выражение лица быстро и внезапно находит путь ко всем, кто видит что-то такого масштаба. Это не сочувствие, это не симпатия. Это скорее вынужденная, неподдельная и неотъемлемая рефлексия.
    Зачем кому-то делать что-то подобное? Что может довести кого-то до такого отчаяния? Могу ли я быть доведен до такого отчаяния? Смогу ли я когда-нибудь прыгнуть?
    В такой момент нет места для проявления мягкости. Прыгай. В такой момент некогда ловить время. Прыгай. Нет никакой необходимости верить, что момент вообще когда-либо был. Прыгай.
    Вздохни… Поверь… Высвободись в этот момент. Потому что я никогда не мог быть тем, у кого был этот момент.
    Или я все же мог? Прыгнуть?
    Сегодня я смотрел, сколько нужно времени, чтобы утонуть.
    Ты задерживаешь дыхание сначала? Ты выдыхаешь все свои проблемы и беспокойства, прежде чем сбросить свои мысли на дно пустого в остальном места, ниже черты бедности депрессивных мыслей и… печальной драмы, что разворачивается в здании, обитаемом призраками, которое ты называешь домом? Я не знаю. Но может у кого-то там, снаружи, все же есть ответ. Ну а пока я все еще пытаюсь смириться с тем фактом, что сегодня я смотрел, сколько времени потребуется, чтобы утонуть.

  • @amieeg.1506
    @amieeg.1506 3 года назад

    How I so love this!! ❤️

  • @larrynapier5003
    @larrynapier5003 2 года назад


  • @stephanieevans2252
    @stephanieevans2252 3 года назад +1

    Don't listen to that split second voice whispering ya come on it will be pain free over here.. just let go and die, theres peace & anyone who says death is peaceful is a liar darkness is a liar.. there is a place we go after this life and it maybe peaceful or it may not.. but the process of dying is ugly and cruel.. no one leaves this life peacefully there was a second or hrs or months or years of ugly fighting for your life not to end.. so don't stop fighting!!

  • @DeadCatSeekers
    @DeadCatSeekers 3 года назад +1

    Oh my god, this... this did something.

  • @stephanieevans2252
    @stephanieevans2252 3 года назад +2

    I can so understand.. I don't know how or why I have days probably 6 times a yr.. that its so dark and I can't shut it off, it goes on all day then gone... and it will have the times of brief moments of it running through then done.. its luckly not constant, but it happens and I dont know why.. I think this isn't me.. I am happy upbeat would NEVER harm myself, ever!! But the brain will take off on this direction that isn't me..and I clearly understand its not me which makes the crying worse the panic..of what's going on ??? So if there's anyone else that can understand this.. I am always praying that this stops for myself and anyone else 🙏!

  • @cheynicole497
    @cheynicole497 2 года назад +1

    me and my daughter found my mom hanging on the 7th of this month. We are not okay I have questions. I have made attempts at it in my past but I failed but I never knew she would and I'm a mess. Forrest blakk I have listen to everyone of you spoken word poetry for a very long time and if you see this and you are the depths of these please reach out to me. Your the only person who seems to actually speak my mind and I feel locked in a prison cell of my own mind. I'm not insane I'm in pain. And the story I have for you I feel you could maybe help and share to help my children and myself please! I'm not the type to comment on anything at all but I felt like I had to try.

  • @skyler-bluestar
    @skyler-bluestar Год назад +2


  • @christinalopez5159
    @christinalopez5159 2 года назад +1

    I had to come back here because I'm struggling real bad right now with suicidal thoughts. I've been battling these thoughts for a while. They come and go but the thoughts are back now and every time they come back they come back stronger.

    • @Variety202
      @Variety202 2 года назад +1

      @christina Lopez please don’t do anything irrational. I lost someone yesterday to suicide and this was the song he left for us all. Please, please get the help you need 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 even if it means medication or seeing a psychiatrist. Even if money is a reason to not seek help there is HELP out there. The pain you feel I can only imagine. But a life without you will be unbearable for those left behind.

    • @christinalopez5159
      @christinalopez5159 2 года назад

      ​@@Variety202 I'm so sorry for your loss. A few of my friends know about my depression. It helps to talk about it but sometimes the thoughts can be unbearable I struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. When I have the attacks it makes the depression worse. But I'm okay I get through it every time. I promise if I ever feel like I'm gonna do it I will reach out to someone first.

  • @dapheda461
    @dapheda461 3 года назад

    _death is a strange and hollow inconventence when you think about it.._

  • @NoName-rm1eb
    @NoName-rm1eb 3 года назад +5


  • @conniehahn4577
    @conniehahn4577 3 года назад

    Hes very profound....listen to ....Find Me....I listen to that everyday since we I found it...

  • @Anne-cl3qe
    @Anne-cl3qe 3 года назад


  • @diddlehale5316
    @diddlehale5316 3 года назад +2

    Forest Black

  • @elliot2302
    @elliot2302 2 года назад

    Hi how are you?? I just want to say that you are an so strong and amazing human!! You are loved of so many! you know that right?? atlast its true! here's a hug ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

  • @sophiasmith6577
    @sophiasmith6577 2 года назад

    The thing is is no one would believe me if I said anything because I come off as a happy and optimistic person.

  • @RA131LA
    @RA131LA 3 года назад


  • @srarz263
    @srarz263 3 года назад +1

    I'm about to loose my best friend he said to listen to this

  • @Killua_Zoldyck3407
    @Killua_Zoldyck3407 Год назад

    0:52 i nearly got hit by a bus because I was looking down purposefully in a busy street my mom yanked me on the arm and pulled me with her. Why cant someone just do it for me already and get it over with 💀😓

  • @sabinereithofer444
    @sabinereithofer444 3 года назад

    🌹🌈✌️🌏♥️ Munich 2 0 2 1