Jesus has been working through me. Gave up drugs, alcohol and working on completely giving up lust. now I feel disgusted if I even think about looking at porn. Glory to God
@slimjamin393 If you pray enough, God will help you overcome that. I used to watch porn like 3 times a day every day and slowly went to once a day to once every other week till over time the urges started going away. Don't get me wrong, the temptation will never go away, but that's why prayer is important. It's your weapon
I always picture my salvation as this: I'm sitting in court and im damned to eternity of hell for all the sins i have commited, then one person stands up and says "No, let them be forgiven, I will take their place." I fall to my knees and cry asking, "Why?" And the person replies,"because I love you. " That person is Jesus, for each one of us.
@@katanakiss2605 we are saved by faith and grace and Mercy, which he gives us mercy every morning, I wake up sometimes 1 o’clock in the morning to 34 and five to get God’s grace and God’s mercy,,
"You must be born again." "Few there be that find it." Being born again is not an emotional thing. It's a supernatural spiritual experience with God through Jesus alone.
I won’t lie, for the first time in my Christian walk, I did not feel saved at all. For the past few weeks I’ve been getting hammered with reminders with my struggles with porn and lust. The enemy will shame me and condemn me because I’ve been battling with porn since I came to Christ last year. Sometimes I would even wonder if the Holy Spirit left me cause I’ve went back to it too many times. I pray that anyone else who’s in a similar situation knows that all we need to do is get back up (proverbs 24:16) and look ahead towards Christ and not at our past mistakes (Philippians 3:13).❤ God bless all of you
I don’t get it. How every time I try to get back up I get know he’s backed down and give up. I’m a liar, I’m always angry. How should I be let in to heaven.
@@NylahWhitfield-g2di prayed for you! We don’t need to be good to go to Christ, only He can transform us definitely. We can’t be saved by ourself, because we are sinners. By His grace, He saves us❤️ Mathew 14:28-31
Many times I have asked myself this question, lol. Watching this, It came to my mind Yeshua saying if I profess Him to others, He will profess me to the Father. I may not do it perfectly, but I do it. That rascal satan will ALWAYS try to mess with our heads and make us think we're unworthy...Yeshua tells us otherwise. ALL PRAISES TO YESHUA!!!
Thank God ( Yahweh ) through Jesus . This video is worth its weight in gold🥇. The less you sin the more you win . But never beat yourself up if you should fall ( sin) .
Hey everyone. Can you please pray for a friend of mine? He’s only 15, and yet he has to pay the bills for his family, who are kinda just hunched up in one home, it’s a really awful situation. He also have to get food for himself most of the time, but he rarely has money left over and has to ask me and the rest of our friend group for money, but he hates doing so and his blaming himself for everything. I’m really worried for him, and I’ve already been praying for him, but the extra help from you guys could be appreciated!
Thank you God help me to restore everything that the enemy stoled from me and died in me I ask for my faith and holy Spirit be restored in Jesus mighty name Amen
I can hardly believe that Jesus would do that for us so that we can all be saved. Trust me, I do believe it. I do believe he lived, died, and rose again to free us from sin and the debt of our sins. But it's almost unimaginable what he went through for us. It's hard to understand once you really start trying to imagine it. Praise our perfect LORD Jesus! We're going to live with him forever!!
We all have an issue with lust since it's an innate and integral part of human nature. So we're "created" to have a nature we're then "commanded" to constantly battle?! I see it that lust becomes a problem when we act it out in a way that harms others, e.g. by raping people or hurting our spouse by adultery, but as long as no-one is harmed by our lust I quite frankly don't see the sin in it. The religious obsession with "sins of the flesh", mostly meaning masturbat1on or premarital s3x, has psychologically damaged countless millions of young people over the course of hundreds of years. If there's an almighty God, creator of the universe, Lord of all beings and things, he couldn't care less whether teenagers touch themselves or an amorous couple consummates their relationship before marriage. Oh, of course I might be wrong, there's always the possibilty of being wrong as we just don't know everything, but if I'm actually wrong then God is not a "loving father" but quite a dubious entity to say the least.
I didn't feel saved but after watching this video I understand now. From God's grace and forgiveness, thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for our sins.❤❤🖐🙏🙏🙏😁😁
I, Gary Hall surrender my soul, life and salvation to our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit. I truly repent of all my sinful thoughts and sins and beg Your forgiveness and have mercy on my soul 😢😢😢. Forever and ever amen
Hey, the bible tells us not to prey on the streets or the synagogues like the Pharisees do. For surely I tell you they have already received their rewards. But go into your room or closet, shut the door and whatever you pray to your Father in secret he will hear you. No need to pray in the comments, I have been guilty of this myself. Just go to God and pour your heart out to him and surrender all. Love ya brother God bless
I do admit I have a drug addiction and I feel like losing my mind when I’m sober. Only thing that keeps me going is faith in the LORD Jesus Christ. Pray for me, I need help.
Just continue trusting in God because He can help you just pray to Him for help. Here is a prayer if u need help: Heavenly Father, I pray that you may help me with my drug addiction. I pray that you may help me whenever I feel like I'm losing my mind when I'm sober. In Jesus name, Amen
That has honestly been a reassurance to me on some of my worst days. The fact that I am so bothered by my own sin is actually a good sign. If I wasn't saved then I wouldn't care at all when I sinned.
For this is the will of my Father that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in him has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day John 6:40
... I feel like God is speaking to me in these videos. Whenever I'm curious about something he makes a video on it!! ❤ I just want to say that your faith starts as a tiny seed and grows into a big tree if you let God plant your seed
Here is what I ponder about alot. I was saved at 14, I honestly just mumbled the words that I repeated from the pastor (I couldnt hear him). During my adulthood, I sinned all the time. It wasnt until I reached 38 that I now how have a close relationship with the Lord and serving in my local church. I often look back and wonder if I was even saved in the first place.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. I don't remember the book or the author but I remember they said something to the effect of "Knowing when you were saved is less important than knowing that you are now currently saved." I had a similar experience in that I spent many years wondering "Did I mean what I said? Was I actually saved during that time?" It led to a lot of fear in my life and 'getting saved' multiple times over the years. It took years and some wise mentors to help me work through that finally. I actually think for those of us who grew up in Christian homes it is sometimes harder to pinpoint the moment it happened. You don't always have a super dramatic experience the way some people do who were engaged in horrible sins before their conversion. If you've been in that culture your whole life the change may not be noticeable right away. I found mine to be a more gradual shift where I slowly came to terms with my own faith.
i LITERALLY had a relationship with Him, for as little as six months. but i’ve grown so far, im scared of him hardening my heart, i don’t want to be banned from heaven. my worst fear ever. recently more than ever i’ve been trying to look at things that are in the Bible why ppl have faith, etc. can someone please help.
If you fear God with a righteous heart he will never leave you nor forsake you. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Jesus died for you too, you need to believe and if you do you shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Eternal life is a gift, and you just need to claim it and try your best to repent from your sin (Not wallowing in sin, a righteous man falls 7 times and gets back up). Jesus loves you, and wants a relationship with you, and has the gift of eternal life waiting for you. It's not through our works but it's through our faith.
I, Gary Hall accept the free gift from Our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit.I truely repent of all my sinful thoughts and sins and beg Your mercy on my soul 👍😀🐝🎄🙌😘💌💖🥰💞😊💐🎈👌💕🌞👑💓🙏😇🔥🎶
I've been living in sin for so long that I don't know if I'm still saved. But I've been reading the Bible for the past two days. Trying to read through Mark. I hope it still matters. Going to try to avoid porn throughout the week and see how far I get. I already caved. If you lose the Holy Spirit, can you get it back? 😔
I was the same as you. The truth is, it was only until I realized that it was a lack of the fear of the lord causing me to do it. If a doctor told you that you were going to die in 3 days, you wouldn't be thinking about porn,parties or anything. You would be scared straight thinking about what is coming. That is my point. It isn't a will problem because clearly you would stop in that scenario. It is a lack of the fear of the Lord.
I feel you, man. Sometimes I feel like I need to be born again a second time. I know that's not how it works, but that's how it feels. Anyway, I said a prayer for you. Try to stay in the Word, man, even when you wanna do anything else but that. God will help us. He rewards those that seek Him. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
If you confess out loud that Jesus is your savior, you're saved. It's not something that comes and goes. As long as you ask for forgiveness of your sin and you're trying to turn away from it, then you're on the right track. I wouldn't be discouraged cause you're struggling with it though as long as you're trying to quit it
I feel the same or in a similar way many times. I given in so many times but I cant and wont give up because he never gives up on me. I stress a lot and worry regarding my faith and the actions I make but always remember that God will never forsake you or leave you Deuteronomy 31:8. He will continue the good work he started in you Philippians 1:6. God loves you John 3:16. Keep on praying and reading the word of God and let him change and work in your life. I also have to take my own advice and remember the word of God. I hope and pray this helps you in any way and have a good rest of your day when you read this and grow strong in Jesus Christ.
God lord jesus help deliver me of 🚬 addiction and help hubble me lord I like smoke 🚬 its part of my 90s personality that I'm still trying to hold on to I just need three days in bed to quit but I don't know if ever get that opportunity please deliver me of strong holds
Me ,too I need deliverance from smoking, I also live in Vegas I need deliverance from gambling it is destroying my life. Dear Lord Jesus I need deliverance from my addictions thank You Jesus, Amen.❤❤❤❤
Amen 🙏🏾 You have given us mercy! Please remember guys that it’s not what we do that saves us, but it’s WHO we believe in that saves us! Jesus is our SAVIOR
We need to be in Gods word and pray without ceasing …. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness…. If we are truly saved this is something we want to do , Repent & Believe…. Thankful for Gods Grace & Mercy ….. 🙏🙏🙏
Such a good message. You eloquently explained salvation. I was saved at a young age, but spent much of my early adulthood years in sin. Now at 30, I feel that the intimacy with Christ has grown deeper, his love is truly amazing and like no other. His word is true 💯
Wow, this is exactly me. I got saved at 14 but after that I sinned all through adulthood. It is now at 38, that I have a good relationship with the Lord and serving in my church. I wonder why it happened like that?
Your videos have definitely been a great blessing to my life and have helped me and encouraged me a lot! For so long I have worried,doubted and wondered about my salvation. I know down deep in my heart for a fact I am saved and that I truly have accepted Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior, it’s the way I was living my life and how I was willfully sinning against him and breaking his heart. It truly breaks me now every time I think about anything I have done to hurt him or those around me. I have recently started to truly decide to live for Jesus! I’m now starting to understand the trueness of Jesus love for me! Your videos have helped me a lot with coming to that truth, so thank you
If you consistently feel unsaved, then you’re probably not saved. I was lukewarm for 7 years and consistently felt unsaved during that time. In 2020 I fully handed my life over Jesus and I became a sealed, redeemed, born-again, New Creature In Christ, and I have not had a serious doubt about my salvation since. If you want to be saved, you need to go ALL IN; God will spue the lukewarm out of His mouth. 🙏❤️✝️
One side is true what you write. But on the other side not. When you are saved, then you were it from the first day of your life on. Cause God knows in your birth, whether you are chosen or not. Maybe cause of sin or lukewarmness you didnt feel saved, but know God gave you the strength to overcome. But our deeds never save us, it is the grace of God.
@@douglaspinsak1246This is a contradiction what you write. When God was chosing you from the beginning of the world, then He knows that one day you will go all in. Cause we all have to grow in Christ like a tree. It takes time. But dont ever think that your "all going in" can save you, this is alone the power and the grace of God who did that in you. And so, cause from the beginning on God choose people, you were saved from the day on you were taking Jesus in your heart. Or, even before in your birth. Other wise Grace would not be Grace. That means not, that we have not to take right decisions and that we have not to leave all things which are against Gods will. But who is saved, will do that sooner or later by the grace and power of our Lord Jesus.
It’s not a contradiction-it’s a paradox. The sacrifice of Jesus brought about the Covenant of grace. I must enter into the New Covenant in order to actually be in it. It was foreknown before the foundations of the world that I would use my free will to enter into the Covenant and thus be born-again. I was not in the Covenant until I went all in.
@@douglaspinsak1246a small baby who shit in his pants and later grow up, which is chosen from God - was it born again when it grew up or when it was shitting in his pants? The biblical answer is clear. Yes, we have a free will, and yes we have to take right decisions cause they show whether we are chosen or not, but this will never ever change the fact, that your "all in decision" never saves you. She only shows that your are saved from the beginning on. Cause God knows since your birth that you will take this decision. This is grace. Other wise we could be proud of our decision and this is the beginnig of our fall. For this Paul said, that it is grace alone who saved us. Not our decisions. This is what Gods word tells us.
I needed to hear this message and Jesus knows it, because it popped up after I was doubting my own faith and salvation in him because it seemed like no matter how hard I tried to walk in the narrow path, I keep falling back into sin! Praise God and thank you for your videos! I can truly feel my faith in Jesus and God growing! 🙏❤✝️
Thank you for clarifying what faith is. i always thought you had to feel a certain feeling, i just started this journey not to long ago so I'm still learning a lot.
This helped so much. A thought for those who are wondering if continuing to put your faith in Jesus in enough, for example towards the end of the video I was thinking “What about walking in the Spirit, what about obedience?” But then I realized that putting your faith in Jesus, giving Him your life, He will change you and cause you to walk in the Spirit and that by drawing us to Himself will make us long more and more to be obedient.
Bro, you just blew my mind, i think EVERYONE needs to hear this because its never been explained in the way you have described it, im a recording artist, and im at the moment making secular music, but i want to reach the DEBTS of lost, sinful, wicked, un saved, non believing people that gospel music does not penetrate, i got saved in the midst of my career and getting signed to a label, so im looking for all the information and TRUTHS, in scripture so im not inaccurate or being blasphemous, i attend Bible study and all my church has to offer, so thank you for your works here they are truly fruitful, GOD just spoke to me and countless others through you! Thank you brother
I was baptized in a Mormon church approximately 12-14 years ago and was born again. I have since fallen into sin over the years however since last August I found my way back and am eager to understand the scripture and live by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have repented this as I now fully understand repentance now and have once again dedicated my life to Jesus. Can you please advise?
Thank you so much for your teaching. It gives me clarity I sometimes get consumed in my feelings and emotions, and it sometimes holds me back in a place of dwelling on that sin
Everyday since sometimes I fall to sin.... Despite workin myself ALOT past years and all sins that I happen to fall are almost alla gone, but Im not perfect
i believe God is talking to me through this video i have been struggling for a while with this and now i finally know even though i dont feel i am saved becuz of the lies of devil i still at saved by the Almighty Jesus Christ who always loves me
Man imma tell u now I have hit everything in my life Ive been struggling with and I’m a grown man like fr im over here breaking down and im just so glad god has guided me to your channel GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL FOR THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART MAY YOU WILL ALWAYS BE BLESSED AND HAVE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD ON YOUR SIDE my brother amen in Jesus Christ’s name and thank you soo much 😊 have a blessed day
Thats so Good,God will not be Mocked he started you in him, he will finish building you in him. WoW i have never seen it that way before. Unlimited resources to finish you, woot.
When he says in the beginning that we are saved by faith and not our feelings was a sort of eye opener and helped to remember that my faith isn’t the same as my feelings.
Myself confess and absolutely know that I have accepted JESUS CHRIST as my Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST is LORD of LORDS and KING of KINGS BLESSED BE the name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN.
Wow, thank you so much for explaining this. and also, in your lots of other videos you're explaining the way I can understand. I really appreciate everything. God Bless you and your family. 🙏✝️
Jesus has been working through me. Gave up drugs, alcohol and working on completely giving up lust. now I feel disgusted if I even think about looking at porn. Glory to God
Bro ngl I have been trying to get rid of feelings of lust as well. I am proud of you dude
@slimjamin393 If you pray enough, God will help you overcome that. I used to watch porn like 3 times a day every day and slowly went to once a day to once every other week till over time the urges started going away. Don't get me wrong, the temptation will never go away, but that's why prayer is important. It's your weapon
Amen, been going through the same thing.
A-men. Congrats brother!
I’m proud of you brother keep on doing what your doing God bless
I always picture my salvation as this:
I'm sitting in court and im damned to eternity of hell for all the sins i have commited, then one person stands up and says "No, let them be forgiven, I will take their place." I fall to my knees and cry asking, "Why?" And the person replies,"because I love you. " That person is Jesus, for each one of us.
wow 🥹
God bless you and your family and friends and all the people reading this, Jesus loves you more than you can ever imagine!!💗
Amen to that 🙏🙏🙏
@@katanakiss2605 we are saved by faith and grace and Mercy, which he gives us mercy every morning, I wake up sometimes 1 o’clock in the morning to 34 and five to get God’s grace and God’s mercy,,
"You must be born again." "Few there be that find it." Being born again is not an emotional thing. It's a supernatural spiritual experience with God through Jesus alone.
God bless you and your family and friends and all the people reading this, Jesus loves you more than you can ever imagine!!💗
I won’t lie, for the first time in my Christian walk, I did not feel saved at all. For the past few weeks I’ve been getting hammered with reminders with my struggles with porn and lust. The enemy will shame me and condemn me because I’ve been battling with porn since I came to Christ last year. Sometimes I would even wonder if the Holy Spirit left me cause I’ve went back to it too many times. I pray that anyone else who’s in a similar situation knows that all we need to do is get back up (proverbs 24:16) and look ahead towards Christ and not at our past mistakes (Philippians 3:13).❤ God bless all of you
I don’t get it. How every time I try to get back up I get know he’s backed down and give up. I’m a liar, I’m always angry. How should I be let in to heaven.
You only feel that conviction because of the holy spirit he never left you
@@NylahWhitfield-g2di prayed for you! We don’t need to be good to go to Christ, only He can transform us definitely. We can’t be saved by ourself, because we are sinners. By His grace, He saves us❤️ Mathew 14:28-31
Many times I have asked myself this question, lol. Watching this, It came to my mind Yeshua saying if I profess Him to others, He will profess me to the Father. I may not do it perfectly, but I do it.
That rascal satan will ALWAYS try to mess with our heads and make us think we're unworthy...Yeshua tells us otherwise. ALL PRAISES TO YESHUA!!!
Thank God ( Yahweh ) through Jesus . This video is worth its weight in gold🥇. The less you sin the more you win . But never beat yourself up if you should fall ( sin) .
That beats the devil's lies knowing Jesus paid the debt for my sins this was really messing with my mind thanks brother ❤
Hey everyone. Can you please pray for a friend of mine? He’s only 15, and yet he has to pay the bills for his family, who are kinda just hunched up in one home, it’s a really awful situation. He also have to get food for himself most of the time, but he rarely has money left over and has to ask me and the rest of our friend group for money, but he hates doing so and his blaming himself for everything. I’m really worried for him, and I’ve already been praying for him, but the extra help from you guys could be appreciated!
May you give an address and a phone number and I can call this fellow
I'll keep you in my prayers. A 15 year old should focus on being a 15 year old. Your friend is just a baby yet has to act as an adult.
Hey brother, do you have a Venmo account? I’d like to bless him through you if possible 🙏🏽
Prayer goes up for your friend
Thank you God help me to restore everything that the enemy stoled from me and died in me I ask for my faith and holy Spirit be restored in Jesus mighty name Amen
Yes i feel saved , but i will always feel i dont deserve it.
To God the glory !!
I can hardly believe that Jesus would do that for us so that we can all be saved. Trust me, I do believe it. I do believe he lived, died, and rose again to free us from sin and the debt of our sins. But it's almost unimaginable what he went through for us. It's hard to understand once you really start trying to imagine it. Praise our perfect LORD Jesus! We're going to live with him forever!!
I have an issue with Lust..Please Pray for me.
Thank you!
Praying for you bro. In Jesus name you will be free. Who the son sets free is free indeed.
We all have an issue with lust since it's an innate and integral part of human nature. So we're "created" to have a nature we're then "commanded" to constantly battle?! I see it that lust becomes a problem when we act it out in a way that harms others, e.g. by raping people or hurting our spouse by adultery, but as long as no-one is harmed by our lust I quite frankly don't see the sin in it. The religious obsession with "sins of the flesh", mostly meaning masturbat1on or premarital s3x, has psychologically damaged countless millions of young people over the course of hundreds of years. If there's an almighty God, creator of the universe, Lord of all beings and things, he couldn't care less whether teenagers touch themselves or an amorous couple consummates their relationship before marriage. Oh, of course I might be wrong, there's always the possibilty of being wrong as we just don't know everything, but if I'm actually wrong then God is not a "loving father" but quite a dubious entity to say the least.
Thats why you need to feel saved bro. This guy just throwing you off.
Ian, God warns us of things that hurt us. God knows what's best for us.
You are not alone...
I didn't feel saved but after watching this video I understand now. From God's grace and forgiveness, thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for our sins.❤❤🖐🙏🙏🙏😁😁
I, Gary Hall surrender my soul, life and salvation to our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit. I truly repent of all my sinful thoughts and sins and beg Your forgiveness and have mercy on my soul 😢😢😢. Forever and ever amen
Hey, the bible tells us not to prey on the streets or the synagogues like the Pharisees do. For surely I tell you they have already received their rewards. But go into your room or closet, shut the door and whatever you pray to your Father in secret he will hear you. No need to pray in the comments, I have been guilty of this myself. Just go to God and pour your heart out to him and surrender all.
Love ya brother God bless
Amen and Blessings to you 🙏🙏🙏
He is seriously making sure that our salvation is by having faith in Jesus.❤❤❤❤❤
I do admit I have a drug addiction and I feel like losing my mind when I’m sober. Only thing that keeps me going is faith in the LORD Jesus Christ. Pray for me, I need help.
Just continue trusting in God because He can help you just pray to Him for help. Here is a prayer if u need help:
Heavenly Father, I pray that you may help me with my drug addiction. I pray that you may help me whenever I feel like I'm losing my mind when I'm sober. In Jesus name, Amen
Hope this helps
Thank you so much for your teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ !
The unsaved don't feel lost.
We don't need to feel saved.
Great point!!!
That has honestly been a reassurance to me on some of my worst days. The fact that I am so bothered by my own sin is actually a good sign. If I wasn't saved then I wouldn't care at all when I sinned.
I'm super thankful for this word. GOD bless you.😊
For this is the will of my Father that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in him has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day John 6:40
Such a good verse❤
Thank you, this scripture was perfect for me to read today ❤
Thanks be to God! and God alone.
... I feel like God is speaking to me in these videos. Whenever I'm curious about something he makes a video on it!! ❤
I just want to say that your faith starts as a tiny seed and grows into a big tree if you let God plant your seed
Thank you Jesus all glory and praise to Jesus❤️🙌🙏🏾✝️
This video popped up at the right time😭
Here is what I ponder about alot. I was saved at 14, I honestly just mumbled the words that I repeated from the pastor (I couldnt hear him). During my adulthood, I sinned all the time. It wasnt until I reached 38 that I now how have a close relationship with the Lord and serving in my local church. I often look back and wonder if I was even saved in the first place.
I wouldn't worry too much about it. I don't remember the book or the author but I remember they said something to the effect of "Knowing when you were saved is less important than knowing that you are now currently saved." I had a similar experience in that I spent many years wondering "Did I mean what I said? Was I actually saved during that time?" It led to a lot of fear in my life and 'getting saved' multiple times over the years. It took years and some wise mentors to help me work through that finally.
I actually think for those of us who grew up in Christian homes it is sometimes harder to pinpoint the moment it happened. You don't always have a super dramatic experience the way some people do who were engaged in horrible sins before their conversion. If you've been in that culture your whole life the change may not be noticeable right away. I found mine to be a more gradual shift where I slowly came to terms with my own faith.
The Glory belongs to Father God forever!God bless all!stay strong in Jesus!
i LITERALLY had a relationship with Him, for as little as six months. but i’ve grown so far, im scared of him hardening my heart, i don’t want to be banned from heaven. my worst fear ever. recently more than ever i’ve been trying to look at things that are in the Bible why ppl have faith, etc. can someone please help.
If you fear God with a righteous heart he will never leave you nor forsake you. For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future. Jesus died for you too, you need to believe and if you do you shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Eternal life is a gift, and you just need to claim it and try your best to repent from your sin (Not wallowing in sin, a righteous man falls 7 times and gets back up). Jesus loves you, and wants a relationship with you, and has the gift of eternal life waiting for you. It's not through our works but it's through our faith.
I, Gary Hall accept the free gift from Our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit.I truely repent of all my sinful thoughts and sins and beg Your mercy on my soul 👍😀🐝🎄🙌😘💌💖🥰💞😊💐🎈👌💕🌞👑💓🙏😇🔥🎶
John 8:36 ESV
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Yes l do not always feel saved, l am loving God and his Son always
I've been living in sin for so long that I don't know if I'm still saved. But I've been reading the Bible for the past two days. Trying to read through Mark. I hope it still matters. Going to try to avoid porn throughout the week and see how far I get.
I already caved. If you lose the Holy Spirit, can you get it back? 😔
I was the same as you. The truth is, it was only until I realized that it was a lack of the fear of the lord causing me to do it. If a doctor told you that you were going to die in 3 days, you wouldn't be thinking about porn,parties or anything. You would be scared straight thinking about what is coming. That is my point. It isn't a will problem because clearly you would stop in that scenario. It is a lack of the fear of the Lord.
I feel you, man. Sometimes I feel like I need to be born again a second time. I know that's not how it works, but that's how it feels.
Anyway, I said a prayer for you. Try to stay in the Word, man, even when you wanna do anything else but that. God will help us. He rewards those that seek Him. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
If you confess out loud that Jesus is your savior, you're saved. It's not something that comes and goes. As long as you ask for forgiveness of your sin and you're trying to turn away from it, then you're on the right track. I wouldn't be discouraged cause you're struggling with it though as long as you're trying to quit it
@@NicholasTheodore-o7j I'm only working on porn and vaping right now. I'm afraid to come to God because I kept going back to sin willfully.
I feel the same or in a similar way many times. I given in so many times but I cant and wont give up because he never gives up on me. I stress a lot and worry regarding my faith and the actions I make but always remember that God will never forsake you or leave you Deuteronomy 31:8. He will continue the good work he started in you Philippians 1:6. God loves you John 3:16. Keep on praying and reading the word of God and let him change and work in your life. I also have to take my own advice and remember the word of God. I hope and pray this helps you in any way and have a good rest of your day when you read this and grow strong in Jesus Christ.
Thankyou God for forgiving me❤😊
God lord jesus help deliver me of 🚬 addiction and help hubble me lord I like smoke 🚬 its part of my 90s personality that I'm still trying to hold on to I just need three days in bed to quit but I don't know if ever get that opportunity please deliver me of strong holds
Me ,too
I need deliverance from smoking, I also live in Vegas I need deliverance from gambling it is destroying my life.
Dear Lord Jesus I need deliverance from my addictions thank You Jesus, Amen.❤❤❤❤
Great message. God bless brother.
I've fallen back into things that the Lord has brought me out of. Please pray for me. I hate myself.
Jesus loves you
Jesus will never give you up
Repent there is still hope
Trust in the Lord Jesus, and love him with all your might, soul and heart
We all fall short and feel like that sometimes
Amen. My Faith is in Jesus
Amen 🙏🏾 You have given us mercy! Please remember guys that it’s not what we do that saves us, but it’s WHO we believe in that saves us! Jesus is our SAVIOR
Please repent of your sins and give your life to Jesus Christ for He is the Only One who can save you from the fires of hell.
We need to be in Gods word and pray without ceasing …. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness…. If we are truly saved this is something we want to do , Repent & Believe…. Thankful for Gods Grace & Mercy ….. 🙏🙏🙏
I need Jesus to set me free❤
Such a good message. You eloquently explained salvation. I was saved at a young age, but spent much of my early adulthood years in sin. Now at 30, I feel that the intimacy with Christ has grown deeper, his love is truly amazing and like no other. His word is true 💯
Wow, this is exactly me. I got saved at 14 but after that I sinned all through adulthood. It is now at 38, that I have a good relationship with the Lord and serving in my church. I wonder why it happened like that?
Your videos have definitely been a great blessing to my life and have helped me and encouraged me a lot! For so long I have worried,doubted and wondered about my salvation. I know down deep in my heart for a fact I am saved and that I truly have accepted Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord and Savior, it’s the way I was living my life and how I was willfully sinning against him and breaking his heart. It truly breaks me now every time I think about anything I have done to hurt him or those around me. I have recently started to truly decide to live for Jesus! I’m now starting to understand the trueness of Jesus love for me! Your videos have helped me a lot with coming to that truth, so thank you
Jesus is amazing he is working in my life he set me free from pornography amen❤
If you consistently feel unsaved, then you’re probably not saved. I was lukewarm for 7 years and consistently felt unsaved during that time. In 2020 I fully handed my life over Jesus and I became a sealed, redeemed, born-again, New Creature In Christ, and I have not had a serious doubt about my salvation since. If you want to be saved, you need to go ALL IN; God will spue the lukewarm out of His mouth. 🙏❤️✝️
One side is true what you write. But on the other side not. When you are saved, then you were it from the first day of your life on. Cause God knows in your birth, whether you are chosen or not. Maybe cause of sin or lukewarmness you didnt feel saved, but know God gave you the strength to overcome. But our deeds never save us, it is the grace of God.
I wasn’t saved until I went all in; but I was foreknown as one who would be saved before the foundations of the world.
@@douglaspinsak1246This is a contradiction what you write. When God was chosing you from the beginning of the world, then He knows that one day you will go all in. Cause we all have to grow in Christ like a tree. It takes time. But dont ever think that your "all going in" can save you, this is alone the power and the grace of God who did that in you. And so, cause from the beginning on God choose people, you were saved from the day on you were taking Jesus in your heart. Or, even before in your birth. Other wise Grace would not be Grace. That means not, that we have not to take right decisions and that we have not to leave all things which are against Gods will. But who is saved, will do that sooner or later by the grace and power of our Lord Jesus.
It’s not a contradiction-it’s a paradox. The sacrifice of Jesus brought about the Covenant of grace. I must enter into the New Covenant in order to actually be in it. It was foreknown before the foundations of the world that I would use my free will to enter into the Covenant and thus be born-again. I was not in the Covenant until I went all in.
@@douglaspinsak1246a small baby who shit in his pants and later grow up, which is chosen from God - was it born again when it grew up or when it was shitting in his pants? The biblical answer is clear. Yes, we have a free will, and yes we have to take right decisions cause they show whether we are chosen or not, but this will never ever change the fact, that your "all in decision" never saves you. She only shows that your are saved from the beginning on. Cause God knows since your birth that you will take this decision. This is grace. Other wise we could be proud of our decision and this is the beginnig of our fall. For this Paul said, that it is grace alone who saved us. Not our decisions. This is what Gods word tells us.
Only those who endure to the end shall be saved
Thank you, I was never taught this about the righteousness of Christ. This has lifted the burden of sin in my walk with Christ.
God Bless You All Amen ✝️❤️✝️❤️
thank you so much Jesus!!!!!!
I needed to hear this message and Jesus knows it, because it popped up after I was doubting my own faith and salvation in him because it seemed like no matter how hard I tried to walk in the narrow path, I keep falling back into sin! Praise God and thank you for your videos! I can truly feel my faith in Jesus and God growing! 🙏❤✝️
Thank you so much! I really needed that because I get the devil in my head trying to tell me I'm not saved because of whatever reasons
The devil can't cross the blood line. What can wash away my sin nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Thank you for clarifying what faith is. i always thought you had to feel a certain feeling, i just started this journey not to long ago so I'm still learning a lot.
This helped so much. A thought for those who are wondering if continuing to put your faith in Jesus in enough, for example towards the end of the video I was thinking “What about walking in the Spirit, what about obedience?” But then I realized that putting your faith in Jesus, giving Him your life, He will change you and cause you to walk in the Spirit and that by drawing us to Himself will make us long more and more to be obedient.
Put your faith in your lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST ........AMEN.......
Amen praise God Almighty thank you Lord Jesus for loving me first all honor all praises to you Father God praise the Lord Jesus Amen 🙏 🙌 ❤️ 😊
Amen Jesus is good 🙏🙏
Amazing video tyvm
I’ve been struggling believing my sin is to much to be saved.
It literally has nothing to do with me
But our beloved Jesus
Thank you, JESUS CHRIST. I place my faith in you, Lord JESUS CHRIST. I TRUST and know that YOU are working on me. I ❤YOU JESUS CHRIST.
Thank the Lord Jesus Christ for you my brother.
Bro, you just blew my mind, i think EVERYONE needs to hear this because its never been explained in the way you have described it, im a recording artist, and im at the moment making secular music, but i want to reach the DEBTS of lost, sinful, wicked, un saved, non believing people that gospel music does not penetrate, i got saved in the midst of my career and getting signed to a label, so im looking for all the information and TRUTHS, in scripture so im not inaccurate or being blasphemous, i attend Bible study and all my church has to offer, so thank you for your works here they are truly fruitful, GOD just spoke to me and countless others through you! Thank you brother
That's some mighty good preaching.
I was baptized in a Mormon church approximately 12-14 years ago and was born again. I have since fallen into sin over the years however since last August I found my way back and am eager to understand the scripture and live by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I have repented this as I now fully understand repentance now and have once again dedicated my life to Jesus. Can you please advise?
Thank you so much for your teaching. It gives me clarity I sometimes get consumed in my feelings and emotions, and it sometimes holds me back in a place of dwelling on that sin
Amen! Parise the Lord Jesus!
Im late but, Amen !!!
Amen brother 🙏
Everyday since sometimes I fall to sin.... Despite workin myself ALOT past years and all sins that I happen to fall are almost alla gone, but Im not perfect
Thank you and God bless you. Your videos are always right on time! God’s time that is. 😁
Praise be Jesus Christ 🙏❤️
Thank you Jesus❤
I receive this message in Jesus name Amen❤️🙏🏾🙌✝️
The TRUTH ,, has FINNALLY,Set me FREE!!!!!🤗🤣😊☺🤗🙏🙏🙏🙏🍾🥂
God loves us so much,he gave his loving son Jesus Christ,that true love,he definitely awesome all the time Amen
i believe God is talking to me through this video i have been struggling for a while with this and now i finally know even though i dont feel i am saved becuz of the lies of devil i still at saved by the Almighty Jesus Christ who always loves me
Amen. Jesus will always be with us. Thank you for this message. God bless. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Amen to that 🙏🙏🙏
Excellent sermon 🙏🙏🙏
Man imma tell u now I have hit everything in my life Ive been struggling with and I’m a grown man like fr im over here breaking down and im just so glad god has guided me to your channel GOD BLESS YOUR SOUL FOR THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART MAY YOU WILL ALWAYS BE BLESSED AND HAVE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD ON YOUR SIDE my brother amen in Jesus Christ’s name and thank you soo much 😊 have a blessed day
Thank you so much God thank you for this message brother ❤❤❤
I love your channel, you are one of the people that saved me 😊
God Bless ❤
Amen Jesus amidst all i put my faith in You only and invest in You my Lord
God is good.
God bless you too my brother
You are a great blessing. God bless you amen 😊
Thats so Good,God will not be Mocked he started you in him, he will finish building you in him. WoW i have never seen it that way before. Unlimited resources to finish you, woot.
Amen, your videos are amazing, full of the true of God, God bless you 💗🙏💗
I love you so much bro, I love Jesus show much, I’ve tried to follow Gods commands and sometimes fail, and this gave me hope
When he says in the beginning that we are saved by faith and not our feelings was a sort of eye opener and helped to remember that my faith isn’t the same as my feelings.
Pray for me I’m struggling with pride and self righteousness I don’t want to fall again Lord help us 🙏 in Jesus name
Jesus loves so much and is with you forever, no matter what ❤
Myself confess and absolutely know that I have accepted JESUS CHRIST as my Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST is LORD of LORDS and KING of KINGS BLESSED BE the name of JESUS CHRIST AMEN.
AMEN. AMEN ✝️✝️✝️🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕊️☝️☝️☝️
Wow, thank you so much for explaining this. and also, in your lots of other videos you're explaining the way I can understand. I really appreciate everything. God Bless you and your family. 🙏✝️
Such a good word for this time of my life! Praise the LORD
I always have and always had wierd thoughts, sinful ones too but they’ve mostly gone away.